Final Project Journal Article of ICT's

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The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI

Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru

Hayuning Putri (Class: 1.A )

Post Graduate English Education Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher
State Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim of Riau, Indonesia


The aim of this research is to explain the implementation of video in teaching

vocabulary of the first year students of MI AL-JALIIL Pekanbaru, and to know
how is the students vocabulary mastery after implementing video in teaching
vocabulary. This research belongs to qualitative research by giving description.
Instruments applied here were observation and documentation. The first year
students of MI AL-JALIIL Pekanbaru as the sample of this research. The findings
explained that the implementation of video in teaching vocabulary was effective. It
helped the students to improve students’vocabulary. it can be seen from the
fourteen students as the pasticipants of this research can memorize the words or
vocabulary after implementing the video in teaching vocabulary. Since the first
until the third meeting the teacher taught the vocabulary by using video, the
researcher found the student activities in pre teaching, while teaching and post
teaching. The researcher concluded that the students were focus on the learning
process, they were enjoy , enthusiatic and the class atsmosphere was different
than the teacher taught English or Vocabulary to the students in conventional
ways of teaching.

Keyword: Video, Teaching Vocabulary, First Year Students

The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru

INTRODUCTION before that teaching English by using

Now days, teaching English can ICT’s can help the teacher in the
be interested, teacher cannot only classroom. When teaching using
focus on text books. Teacher can ICT’s in the classroom they are so
combine the resources from the book many variation materials and steps in
and others. As foreign language, teaching. When the teacher use ICT’s,
teaching English is not easy as the the things that should be considered
other subjects. Considering English as are the materials must be authentic
a foreign language, English teacher and suitable for the students. The
are forced to provide the innovative examples of the authentic materials
materials to the students. In fact, the are video format, e-tandem, blog and
innovative materials must be podcast. For teaching elementary
authentic. Furthermore, in this school students that they are still the
sophisticated era, the teachers are beginner or young learner, video
easy to find the relevance materials format are suiteable resources for
for the student. ICT can help the them. According to Rebeca 2016,
English teacher to solve the problems videos are believed to be one of the
in teaching English as a foreign best authentic materials available for
language. the EFL teacher, because the videos
There are some problems when allow the students to listen the native
teaching English especially in speaker and also they can look the
Elementary school. First, students are gesture, the picture and the videos are
difficult to pronounce the words. suitable for all levels as long as the
Second, students are difficult to material and tasks are carefully
remember the vocabulary in English. selected.
Third, students are difficult to write The researcher focused this
the English vocabulary even only the research on :
simple a thing or noun. It stated 1) How is the implementation of
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
Video in teaching Vocabulary of the When the learning process, video can
first year students of MI Al-Jaliil be used as the media. Video provides
Pekanbaru? new vocabulary and combining the
2) How far is the students’ audio and visual that can help the
vocabulary mastery after students to understand the material
implementing Video in teaching clearly.
English of the first year students of Video is one of media for teaching
MI Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru? English in the classroom. Not only as
Based on the situation above, the media in teaching English , in this
resercher conducted the research the case video also as a Authentic
title is “The implementation of Video material resources based on ICT’s.
in Teaching Vocabulary of the First One of some authentic material is
year students of MI Al-Jaliil Audio-video that provide the students
Pekanbaru”. with the important aspect such as the
sound that can help improve the
students listening, students
a. Video as Media and
pronunciation and also the visual
Authentic-Material Resouces
Based on ICT’s in Teaching effect that can help the student to
English guess the meaning when they dont
know the meaning clearly (Adam
Media is one thing that can be used to, 2010:434 ).
support the teaching process. It will
help the teachers in presenting the It stated before that in this
materials clearly. By using media, sophistaticated era,there are some
the students are expected will be ICT’s resources, those are Television,
understood the materials. According Radio, Video and Multimedia
to Gerlach in akufah (2002), media is computer software that are
a person, materials or event that indispinsible for teaching English in
established condition which enables the clasroom. The teachers can use
the acquire knowledge and attitude. ICT’s to present the material for the
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
students. In this case, Video is also 1. The use of Video makes the
one of ICT’s Resouces for the students active.
teachers (Sharndama 2013:13). 2. Students can get rid off their
Actually, selecting the material of boredom and dullness in the class.
Video in teaching is needed. Video as 3. Provide attentiveness and
a authentic material based on ICT’s enthusiasm.
can be selected by the teacher based 4. They help to nurture the
on the comparation with the students power of surveillance and
background to make sure that it will independent judgment.
give good effect to the students in the 5. They give clarification about
implementation of video in learning the content in the text book.
process (Ortega in Agudo and Martin Moreover, the teachers can select the
2014). suitebale video that can be
According to Harmer in Akufah donwloaded in youtube. As we know
(2012) video can be special media in that youtube is one of the digital
the teaching learning process: technology tools.
1. The students not only hear the b. Vocabulary
native speaker but also they can All the words in a language
see the picture , gesture and will be called as Vocabulary
expression (Barcroft, Sunderman, &
2. Students will look the situation Schmitt:2011). According to
based on the video Hornby 1995, vocabulary is the
3. The power of creation, it means total number of words that
by looking at the video, it helps arranged the language.
the students to think creatively. Vocabulary acquisition is the
first component that will decide
In addition, According to Ammani
someone ability in a language.
and Aparajani 2016, There are some
According to Thornbury in
advantages use the video as media or
Dahlia 2016, there are eight
authentic resource based on ICT’s:
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
different words classes as components in a language,
follows: vocabulary play a big role to arrange
1. Noun the sentences.
2. Pronoun According to Nation 1947, there
3. Verbs are three things that should be
4. Adjectives considered by teacher in teaching
5. Adverbs voacabulary.
6. Preposition 1. Teach the shape or form of
7. Conjunction word
8. Determiner By spelling the letter of the
Words classes are needed to word loudly, the teacher can ask the
be known by the students. students to listen and repeat after the
However the teacher should teacher.
consider the level of the students. 2. Teach the meaning of word
For the young learner they will The teacher can make a clue to
learn about noun, adjective or help the students in understanding
simple sentences. For the meaning of the words.
intermediate or advance they can 3. Teach the use of word
study about the words classes The teacher may provide the
completely. sentences that using the target
Based on theories above, it words, then the students can identify
can be concluded that vocabulary the function or the uses of the word
is words within a language which based on its position in the
play an important role to produce sentences.
a meaningful language as it is According to Allen and Valette,
arranged in right structure the application of better way of
c. Teaching Vocabulary teaching vocabulary can be
Teaching vocabulary is need meaningful and useful, when the
some efforts. As a important students can find it is easier to
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
understand the words which are Where is it? Which continent? Which
taught and they can also increase country? ​( Pre- activity)
them well. It implies that teacher After that the teacher can play the
should consider interesting and video
meaningful teaching vocabulary 2. Freeze Framing Prediction
strategy in order to make students Teacher freezes the picture when he
easier to understand. The use of or she wants to teach words and
media as well as technique have to expression regarding mood and
be considered too. emotions, to ask questions about a
d. The Procedure to use particular scene, or to call students’
Video in Teaching Vocabulary attention to some points.
There are some steps in By freezing the scene the students
implementing Video in teaching can be asked what is going to
Vocabulary that can be used by happen next. So they speculate on
teacher (Cakir, 2006: 69) : what will happen in the next act.
1. Active Viewing (While - activity)
In this step, the teacher do some activities 3. Repetition and Role-Play
such as: write a question on the When the students find difficulties
board material or show the picture about the vocabulary of the video,
related to the materials. Then the the theacher can repeat the word of
students will answer and give the the video. To make sure that all the
response. It will help the students to students understand , in this activity
activate their mind about the can be combined with the role play.
material The other students can be asked by
the teacher to act as the meaning of
Example: the words. ​(While Activity)
Countries and cities (topic)
 Show the picture of Santiago from the
video as a still image. 4. Reproduction Activity
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
After students have seen a section, School by Dahlia Manurung. The
students are asked to pronounce the differences the study with this
vocabulary based on the video study. She tried to find out the
especially for young learners. enggagement of students
(Post-Activity) vocabulary after teaching the
5. Follow up Activity students by using video.
It is important that a video 2. Teaching Vocabulary to Young
presentation should lead to Learners by using Video
follow-up activity as the basis for Animation by Silvia.Lina et al. The
further extended oral practice. differences with this study that
Discussion stimulates their research was Classroom
communication among students, action Research.
and it helps to achieve 3. An investigation of Using Video
communicative practice. With this Vs Audio for teaching Vocabulary
activity students have an by Gezeign. The difference this
opportunity to develop sharing and study with his study, this study
cooperative skills. ​(Post-Activity) only focus on teaching vocabulary
By implementing the Video in as one ICT tool than his study use
the classroom the teacher presented the video and audio in teaching
the meaningfull and interesting vocabulary
activities to the students. Especially 4. The Effect of Viewing Sibtitled
for the young learners that still Videos on Vocabulary learning by
cannot focus in the class. Madhubala. The differences this
PREVIOUS STUDY study with his study is he focused
There are some previous studies on the effect of using subtitled
related to this research, those are video, and the sample of his
1. The Implementation of Video in research were university students.
Teaching Vocabulary at The From all the previous studies
second Grade of Elementary showed that the effective of using
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
video in teachning vocabulary in Observation means that we
the classroom. should always try to note concrete
instances of what people have said
This research was located on MI or done, using verbatim quotations
AL-JALIIL Pekanbaru. The and “flat” (or unadorned)
Researcher took one class of The first descriptions (Silverman, 1993: 93).
primary students as the sample which According to arikunto,
consisted 14 students. The researcher documentation is looking for the
discussed identified the data about events or variables
implementation of video in teaching which contained note, transcript,
vocabulary and the researcher book, news, and magazine
determined how far the students’ (Arikunto, 1996: 236-237).
vocabulary mastery after
implementing the video in the FINDING AND
teaching learning process.
This research is the domain of a. The Implementation of
Video in Teaching
qualitative research. The researcher
observed the usual teaching learning
process by using video in teaching Teaching English in Primary
vocabulary for the students. For school is needed. Learning english
these reasons, this research used since young will give good effect to
descriptive method. In collecting the students. However, based on the
the data, the researcher used several rule of governement in Indonesia
instruments in order to gain much English in Primary shcool has been
information to reach an objective disappeared beacuse in Curriculum
and accurate result. Several 2013 for Primary school there is no
instruments applied during the English subject especially in State
research were observation, and Primary school. However, for Some
documentation. private schools still teach English in
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
the school as additional lesson or 5. Teacher plays the video and
“Muatan Lokal”. In MI AL-JALIIL asked the students to repeat
as one of private schools in the words
Pekanbaru, English is a additional 6. Teacher gives exercise about
lesson or “Muatan Lokal”. words use.
The implementation of video in In implementing of Video in
teaching English of the first MI Teaching Vocabulary in 3 meetings,
AL-JALIIL PEKANBARU that the researcher found:
suitable with the theory that has re- Teaching Activity​:
been explained before. The activities ● The students smiling when
that had been done by the teacher in look at the picture of the video.
MI AL-JALIIL as follows: Because all of the students are
1. Teacher gives some young learners All of them are
brainstorming question enthusisatic.
related to the topic.
2. Teacher plays the video While Teaching Activity:
without pausing (Active ● Students smiled and laughing
Viewing activity) look at the video. It showed
3. Teacher plays the video to their enjoyment while
introduce the words and studying in the classroom
pause each picture to teach ● When the teacher paused the
the meaning of the words video and asked them the
(Freeze Framing and word, some of them can
Prediction activity). pronounce correctly and the
4. Teacher plays the video rest still need guidance from
again and pause each picture the teacher.
to teach the spelling of the ● When the teacher played the
words (Freeze Framing and video in the classroom they
Prediction activity). sit nicely and focus on
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
watching and listening the After the teacher implemented
words of vocabulary of the the video in Teaching Vocabulary​.
video the researcher found:
● After using the video, the teacher
Post Teaching activity: asked the students to memorize
● The students were asked the word or vocabulary of the
to repeat and pronounce video. The material of the video
the word or vocabulary by for each meeting is different.
the teacher ● Because the background of this
● Students answered the school, English as a foreign
question by the teachers. language. The students still need
Since the first until the third Teacher help to pronounce the
meeting the teacher taught the word.
vocabulary by using video, the ● The words were given by the
researcher found the student teacher related to family, house
activities in pre teaching, while and things in the classroom.
teaching and post teaching. The ● Some of students were difficult to
researcher concluded that the memorize the words and they
students were focus on the learning were still confused to write the
process, they were enjoy , name of thing in English. Those
enthusiatic and the class students were still confused to
atsmosphere was different than the write are Syabil, Dafa, Suci.(See
teacher taught English or Appendix)
Vocabulary to the students in ● Some students were able to
conventional ways of teaching. memorize and write the
b. The Students’ Vocabulary vocabulary, those students are
Mastery Aqila, Alief, Athiva, Vallen, Ica,
Prima keisha, Mela, Fachri, Aura
and Vivi.(see Appendix)
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
It can be concluded that some were the first year students in primary
students still have problem in school.
memorizing the vocabulary and it In vocabulary mastery after
reflect with their ability in implementing the video in the
writing the word or vocabulary. classroom, the video help them to
Fortunately only three of fourten memorize pronounce it well.
students that have this problem.
In addition, the researcher found
that of three students still had
weakness in writing word even in Ammamani.S & Aparjani.D,
2016.​The Role of ICT in
Bahasa Indonesia, they were not
language learning and
mastery yet. It happened because Teaching.​ International Journal
of Scientific & Engineering
the sample of this research were Research, Volume 7
the first year students For the Allen, 1997. ​Classroom
Technique Foreign Language
other students they got good and English as a second
effect of implemeting video in Language​. New York: Harcout
Bracejavanovich Inc.
teaching vocabulary in the
classroom. Akufah.2006. ​Teaching Listening on
News Item text using Video.​
CONCLUSION Semarang: IAIN Press.

Video is one of part in ICT’s. In Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006.

this new era, there many variations Dasar–Dasar Evaluasi
Pendidikan.​ 2​nd ed. Jakarta:
that teacher can use in the classroom Bumi Aksara
for teaching the students.
Barchofht, J. Et al. 2011​. Lexis : In
By implementing the Video in the the Routledge Handbook of
applied Linguistics : oxfords
classroom for teaching vocabulary,
University Press
we know that it gave the good
Cakir. I. 2006. ​The use of Video as An
response from the students. It reduced
Audio Visual Material in Foreign
their boredom in the classroom Langauge Teaching Classroom ,
Turkish Jounal online of
because the sample of this research
Educational Technology , vol 5,
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru
issue 4 available online at
http://PARE.Pnline net. Accesed
on July 10 2018
Egudo . al. 2012. ​Learning
Through Using and Reusing
Authentics Material.​ Universiity
of Extremdaura
Manurung.Dahlia. 2016. The
Implementation of Video in
Teaching Vocabulary at The
second Grade of Elementary
School. Thesis. Published.

Hornby, A.S.1995. ​Oxford

Advanced learner’s Dictionary
of current English (5th Edition).
Oxford University press.

Nation, I.S.P. 1974. ​Technique For

Teaching Vocabulary. English
Teaching Forum Vol 12. No 3.​
Available online at www. accessed on July
3 2018

Sharndarma.C.Emmanuel. 2013.
Application of ICTs in Teaching
and Learning English (ELT) in
​ rticle Info.
Large Classes. A

Sorena Lucia Adam, et al. 2010. ​The

Role of Authentic Materials in
Foreign Language Teaching .
Journal article. University of
Agricultural Sciences and
Veterinary Medicine.

Silverman D (1993). ​Interpreting

Qualitative Data: Methods for
analyzing Talk, Text and
Interaction.​ London: SAGE
The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru


The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru

Some of Students answer sheet

The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary of the first year students of MI
Al-Jaliil Pekanbaru

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