Syllabi: Diploma in Chinese
Syllabi: Diploma in Chinese
Syllabi: Diploma in Chinese
Diploma in Chinese
(Two year part- time course)
Two year U.G. Diploma course in Chinese shall be of four semesters with two papers in each
semester. Each paper consisting of 3 credits of 100 marks shall be divided into (a) 70 marks
for End Semester written examination and (b) 30 marks for attendance/ class performance/
The Viva-Voce shall be conducted at the end of II & IV semester. It shall be of 3 credits each
and conducted by the internal examiner together with an external examiner.
Semester – I
Recommended Book:
The paper shall introduce the language, land and people of China
Recommended Book:
Suggested Book:
Semester – II
Recommended Book:
Elementary Chinese Reader, Book I Revised Edition, Foreign Language Press, Beijing
Lesson 12 to 22.
Recommended Book:
Suggested Book:
This paper shall consist of (i) Viva Examination of 50 marks to be conducted by the internal
examiner together with an external examiner and (ii) independent assignment of 50 marks.
Semester – III
Recommended Book:
Elementary Chinese Reader, Book II (Revised Edition) Foreign Language Press. (From
Lesson 23 to 33)
Recommended Book:
Suggested Book:
Modern Chinese: Beginners Course Vol. I and Vol. II, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing.
Semester IV
Recommended Book:
Elementary Chinese Reader Book II (Revised Edition), Foreign Language Press, Beijing.
(Lesson 34 to 44)
Recommended Book:
Suggested Book:
Modern Chinese: Beginners Course Vol. I and Vol. II, Beijing Language Institute,
This paper shall consist of (i) Viva Examination of 50 marks to be conducted by the internal
examiner together with an external examiner and (ii) independent assignment of 50 marks.
(Two year part-time course)
Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 1 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 1. Nueva Edicion. Ed. Difusion.
Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel intermedio. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 2 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Borolio V. Palencia R. Nuevo ELE Intermedio. Ed. SM ELE.
Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 1. Nueva Edicion.A1+A2 Ed. Difusion.
Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
Collins Spanish-English-Spanish pocket dictionary
Imperative forms to explain orders and others forms. Affirmative and negative
Plot of movie with direct and Indirect Object pronouns. The use of connectors,
creating therefore, relationships between ideas and to combine sentences in
descriptions, narrations,….
VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel intermedio. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Borolio V. Palencia R. Nuevo ELE Avanzodo. Ed. SM ELE.
Plot of movie with direct and Indirect Object pronouns. The use of connectors,
creating therefore, relationships between ideas and to combine sentences in
descriptions, narrations,….
To write a piece of news and express opinion, express agree or disagree and to
discuss it using vocabulary specific.
Revision of the First Conditional and introduce the second conditional to evoke
imaginary situations and to give opinions about actions and behaviours.
VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion.B2. Ed. Difusion.
Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
To make hippothese and conjectures and to describe imagined events, using the
simple future and compound future. Sentences in Indicativo and Subjuntivo to
express different levels of confidence.
Conditionals sentences: review the first conditional and learning second and third
VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion.B2. Ed. Difusion.
Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
To know write informal and formal letters using all the structures.
Unidad 1
Contenidos Funcionales: presentacion, habitos en el presente, relater expriencias
pasadas, nablar deo inicio y duracion de una accion, localizr una accion el el tiempo,
inventar la biografia del candidate ideal para un puesto de trabajo.
Contenidos Gramaticales: usos de los tiempos del pasado: P. Perfecto, P. Indefinido
y P. Imperfecto, perifrasis: empezar a + Infinitivo, acabar de + Infinitivo, volver a +
Infinitivo, dejar de + Indinitivo, llevar + gerundio, seguir + gerundio.
Unidad 2
Contenidos Functionales: diferencias culturales y costumbres espanolas.
Establecer las normas de la clase.
Contenidos Gramaticales: expresar prohibicion, obligatoriedad, hablar de
habitos, cuantificadores, expresar impersonalidad.
Unidad 3
Contenidos Functionales: habkar por telefono. Transmitir mensajes y desarrollar
estrategias de comunicacion. Tomar y dejar recados por telefono
Contenidos Gramaticales: me ha dicho que…/ me ha preguntado si…, algunas
estrategias de comunicacion, verbos que resumen la intencion de un mensaje
(preguntar, recomendar, etc.)
Unidad 4
Contenidos Functionales: reltar en presete, resumir un argumento, hablar de
generos, contra chistes.
Contenidos Gramaticales: pronombres de Objecto Directo y Objecto Indirecto,
Uso de conectores para relater.
Unidad 5
Unidad 6
Contenidos Functionales: contra anecdotas y experiencias vividas, mostrar
interres al escuchar un relato, hablar de causas y consecuencias.
Contenidos Gramaticales: pretrito pluscumperfecto de indicativo, recursos para
contar anecdotas y mostrar interes al escuchar un relato. Combinar los tiempos del
pasado en un relato
Unidad 7
Contenidos Functionales: expresar intereses, sentimientos, mostrar desacuerdo
en diversos registros, contraaergumentar.
Contenidos Gramaticales: Verbos como encantar, molestar, interesar, fascinar,
horrorizar,…+ sustantivo, infinitive o que+subjuntivo.
Unidad 8
Contenidos Functionales: describer las caractersticas y el funcionamiento de
algo, opinar sobre objectos y valorar.
Contenidos Gramaticales: superlativos, modificadores del adjetivo, frases
exclamtiva, frases relativas con o sin preposicion + indicative/subjuntivo.
Unidad 9
Contenidos Functionales: hacer hipotesis y conjucturas. Relatar sucesos
misteriosos. Expresar diferenties grados de seguridad.
Contenidos Gramaticales: Usos del Futuro Simple y del Futuro Compuesto.
Contrucciones en Indicativo en Subjuntivo para expresar diferentes grados de
Unidad 10
Contenidos Functionales: redactor una noticia, referirnos a una noticia y
comentarla, vocabulario relacionado con los medios de comunicacion.
Contenidos Gramaticales: el uso de la voz pasiva, verbos de transmission de la
informacion: manifestar, declarer, referirse a un tema ya conocido.
Unidad 11
VV.AA(2006), Aula 3 Internacional, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona: Difusion.
Collins Spanish-English-Spanish pocket Dictionary.
Francisca Castro. Uso de la grammatica espanola. Nivel Avanzado. Ed. Edelsa.
Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion. B1 Ed. Difusion.
Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
Diploma in Japanese
(Two year part-time course)
I Semester
Course Contents:
a) Basic structure: Basic sentence pattern to be applied in self introduction, time of the
day, calendar, identifying things, nouns, adjectives, verbs, simple present tense, past
tense, talking of daily activities, giving and receiving, talking of one’s likes and
dislikes, reasons etc.
b) Script: Introduction of the Japanese writing system, i.e. Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji
(approximate 30), writing foreign names in Katakana
Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials
Paper II: (Social Environment of Japan) DIPJAP 002 3 Credits
Course Contents:
An introduction to some aspects of Japanese culture such as festivals, Japanese
seasons, Japanese people and their love for nature, Japanese food, sports, society and
geography (Medium: English/ Hindi)
Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan
II Semester
Course Contents:
a) Basic structure: describing things, counting using Japanese numerical classifiers,
comparisons, desires, making request, denying request, continuous tense, seeking
permission, denying permission, expressions of duty, hobby, talking of one’s
capabilities, purpose, talking of illness etc.
Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials
Course Contents:
Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese and writing of composition in
Japanese applying lower intermediate (simple) grammatical patterns.
Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials
Course Contents:
Simple conversation in situations such as describing things, making comparison,
talking of daily activities, giving and receiving of gifts, making requests, talking of
one’s likes and dislikes, talking of telephone etc.
III Semester
Course Contents:
a) Sentence Patterns: Situations/functions such as narrating one’s experience, potential
form, plain/abrupt style of verbs and adjectives, giving and receiving things, act of
giving and receiving etc.
Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1-2, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials
Course Contents:
Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese and writing of composition in
Japanese applying simple grammatical patterns.
Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials
IV Semester
Course Contents:
Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 2, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials
Course Contents:
a) Comprehension and Composition: Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese
and writing of composition in Japanese applying simple grammatical patterns
b) Translation: Practice in translation from Japanese into English and English into
Japanese on simple sentences and passages
Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials
Course Contents:
Roll play on everyday topics, simple conversation in situations such as narrating
one’s experiences, desires, capabilities and future plans, extending invitation, act of
giving and receiving etc.
Level -I
I Semester
a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language
II Semester
a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language
III Semester
a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language
IV Semester
a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language
B) Recommended Books
I Semester
Language Theory
1. Grammar
2. Composition
3. Reading Comprehension
II Semester
Language Application
1. Composition
2. Translation
3. Reading Comprehension
III Semester
Language Theory
1. Grammar
2. Composition
3. Reading Comprehension
IV Semester
Books Prescribed:
Level I:
I Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 1-9)
2. B. Bartnicka, We Learn Polish (Part I & II) (Lesson 1-5)
II Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 10-12)
2. B. Bartnicka, We Learn Polish (Part I & II) (Lesson 6-12)
Level II:
III Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 13-25)
2. Selection of Polish Prose and Poetry
IV Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 1-7)
2. Selection of Polish Prose and Poetry
Books Recommended:
(Two year part-time course)
Ist year
Ist Semester
b. Translation (60
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 1-11)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
(Two year part-time course)
Ist year
IInd. Semester
01. My family
02. How starts my day
03. Dining hall of our university
b. Translation
(60 marks)
DipRus005. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 1-11)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
(Two year part-time course)
IInd year
IIIrd Semester
b. Translation (60
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 21-30)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
(Two year part-time course)
IInd year
IVth. Semester
b. Translation (60
DipRus010. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 31-40)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
Ist. Semester
(200-300 words)
b. Translation (60
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 40-50)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
3. Bitekhtina G.A. 26 Urokov po razvitiu rechi, Russky yazyk, Moscow, 1983.
IInd. Semester
(300 words)
01. Museum
02. Holiday
03. Who I am ?
b. Translation
(60 marks)
PDipRus015. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks
Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 51-60)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
3. Bitekhtina G.A. 26 Urokov po razvitiu rechi, Russky yazyk, Moscow, 1983.
IIIrd Semester
Total 6 credits/200 marks
Prescribed book
IVth. Semester
a. V.Dragunski
Story: Drug Destva
b. A.Platonov
Story: Neizvestnyi Tsvetok
Anna Akhamatova
Boris Pasternak
M. Gorki
PDipRus020. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks
Prescribed book
The paper will introduce the elementary aspects of the language including structure, sound,
phonetics, character writing. It would emphasize on text, grammar and translation (Chinese-
English/ English-Chinese) and focus on reading, writing and listening comprehension of
The course will focus on the introduction of China’s geography, history, early philosophical
schools and salient features of Chinese language.
Recommended Books:
China Handbook Series, History, Foreign Languages Press, China.
China Handbook Series, Geography, Foreign Languages Press, China.
Chin Ka Bhugole, Vedeshi Bhasha Prakashan, Beijing, China
Chin Ka Samkshipta Itihas, Videshi Bhasha Prakashan Vibhag, Beijing, China.
Lu Yuan and Kamal Sheel: Huanghe Yu Henghe, Zhong- Ying Wenhua Yu Jianyi
jieshao duwen, Varanasi.
Reference Books:
Bai Shou-yi, An Outline History of China, Foreign Languages Press, China.
Modern China, A Topical History, Foreign Languages Press, China
Dun J. Li, Ageless Chinese, New York, U.S.A.
Recommended Books:
Elementary Chinese Readers, Vol. II, (Revised ed.), Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China ( Selected
Reference Book:
A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
Everyday Chinese for Beginners, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing 1986
The course shall consist of Chinese history (Song and Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty, Xinhai
Revolution &Republic of China, the Communist Revolution) and Culture.
BLOCK- I: Song and Yuan
Unit-1. Northern Song
Unit-2. Southern Song
Unit-3. Neo-Confucianism
Unit-4. Yuan period
Suggested Readings:
Recommended Books:
This course will teach the advanced level of language with emphasis on text, grammar,
translation, idioms & phrases and oral practice.
UNIT – 1: Grammar
UNIT – 2: Phonetics
UNIT – 3: Idioms and Phrase
UNIT – 4: Oral practice
Recommended readings:
Jichu Hanyu Keben (Revised ed.) Vol: 4, Sinolingua, Beijing, 1994
Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
Reference Book:
A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
V Semester
The paper shall introduce major modern Chinese writers and their works in Chinese.
Block I- Yi Jian Xiaoshi, Li lun
Block II- Kuang Ren Riji
Block III- Goddess (selected portion)
Block IV- Ziye (selected portion)
Recommended Books:
Gaoji Hanyu Keben, Vol. I & 2 (selected portions), Beijing Language Institute, China.
Readings from Chinese writers, Vol. I & II Huayu Jiaoxue chubanshe, Beijing
(selected portion)
Reading for Elementary Chinese Reader, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China
(selected portions)
Gaoji Hanyu yu jiaocheng, Vol. I & II, Beijing, Foreign Language Institute, China
(selected portion).
Shi Yong Hanyu Keben,Vol. IV, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1986
Zhongshi Yuwen, Vol. I, Beijing Jiaoyu Xueyuan, 1982
Recommended Reading:
Harold Shaddick: A First Course in Literary Chinese (3 Vols.), Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York.
Reference Book:
Mathew’s Chinese-English Dictionary, Harvard University Press, U.S.A.
Raymond Dawson: A New Introduction to Classical Chinese, Oxford University
Press, U.K.
Everyday Chinese: Brighter Readings in Classical Chinese, New World Press, China
Recommended Reading:
Recommended Reading:
Zhongguo Wenxe Shi (3 Vols.) Renmin daxue chuban she, Beijing.
Liu Wuchi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature.
Lu Xun, A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.
John Defrancis, The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, University of Hawaii
Press, U.S.A.
Hsu Kaiyu, Literature of the People’s Republic of China, Indian University Press,
Zhu Sai, ed. Zhongguo Dangdai Wenxue sichao shi, Renminwenxue Chuban She,
Beijing, China.
Recommended Reading:
Recommended Books:
Huang Weizhi, Business Chinese Intermediate Vol. I (Book 1&2)& II(Book
1&2),Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,2004.
Huang Weizhi,Business Chinese Advance Vol. I & II , Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,
Li Yimin, International Business Chinese, vol. I&II, Beijing Language University
Recommended Reading:
George Kao and Stephen C. Soong, eds. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation
Magazine. Centre for Translation projects, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Spoken Chinese, Vol. I & II, Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
Hua Shuo zhongguo Vol. I, Hua Yu Jiao xue Chuban she, Beijing Zhongguo, 2002
Reference Books:
Communicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing.
Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language Institute, China
VI Semester
Recommended Books:
Gaoji Hanyu Keben, Vol. I & 2 (selected portions), Beijing Language Institute, China.
Readings from Chinese writers, Vol. I & II Huayu Jiaoxue chubanshe, Beijing
(selected portion)
Reading for Elementary Chinese Reader, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China
(selected portions)
Gaoji Hanyyujiao cheng, Vol. I & II, Beijing, Foreign Language Institute, China
(selected portion).
Shiyong Hanyu Keben, Vol.IV, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1986
Recommended Reading:
Harold Shaddick: A First Course in Literary Chinese (3 Vols.), Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York.
Reference Book:
Mathew’s Chinese-English Dictionary, Harvard University Press, U.S.A.
Raymond Dawson: A New Introduction to Classical Chinese, Oxford University
Press, U.K.
Everyday Chinese: Brighter Readings in Classical Chinese, New World Press, China
The course will focus on readings from selected Chinese Newspapers and Documents of
relevance with the aim to introduce the newspaper style of writing and specialized
Recommended Readings:
Kamal K. Dutta, India in Chinese Newspapers: Selected Readings (Zhong guo
Baokanshang Youguan Yindu Fangmiande Baodao Xuandu) Varanasi.
New Chinese Press Terms, Sinolingua, Beijing.
Hanyu Hanfa Baokan Cidian, Beijing Foreign Language Institute, Beijing, China.
Selected teaching materials to be provided by the course teacher.
Recommended Reading:
Recommended Books:
Yan fang and Qinhai Chen, Advance Chinese Intention, Strategy and Communication,
Yale University Press, 2005
Selected materials to be compiled by the teacher.
Recommended Reading:
Yan fang and Qinhai Chen, Advance Chinese Intention, Strategy and Communication,
Yale University Press, 2005
Huang Weizhi, Business Chinese Intermediate Vol. I (Book 1&2)& II(Book
1&2),Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,2004.
Huang Weizhi,Business Chinese Advance Vol. I & II , Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,
Li Yimin, International Business Chinese, vol. I&II, Beijing Language University
The course will have two sections; each section will carry 50 marks
a) The first section will be based on Chinese to English translation of a document selected by
the course teacher to be submitted before the oral examination.
b) Viva-Voce (Interpretation) Chinese-English & English-Chinese
The Viva-Voce will be conducted jointly by the internal and external examiners.
Recommended Reading:
George Kao and Stephen C. Soong, eds. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation
Magazine. Centre for Translation projects, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Spoken Chinese, Vol. I & II, Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
Hua Shuo zhongguo Vol. I, Hua Yu Jiao xue Chuban she, Beijing Zhongguo, 2002
Reference Books:
Cummunicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing
Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language Institute, China
Speaking Chinese, 300 grammatical points, New World Press, 2000.
Suggested Readings:
- L.S. HSu, Sun Yat-Sen: His Political and Social Ideals, University of Southern
California Press, Los Angeles, 1933.
- Rong Dong Jin, Li Dazhao, Zhe Xue Yan jiu, Huadong Shifan daxue Churbanshe, 2000.
- Robisto Payane, Mao Tse-tung: Rules of Red China, New York, 1950
- Richard J. Evans, Deng Xiaoping and the Making of Modern China, Penguine, 1995
Block I Confucianism
Block II Daoism
Suggested Books:
- Feng Yulan, History of Chinese Philosophy, Princeton University Press, Latest Edition.
The course shall focus on status of women in traditional China, role assigned in Confucian
classics, growth of awareness in the May Fourth period and in the PRC.
Suggested Readings:
Croll Elisabeth J., Feminism and Socialism in China, New York: Routledge, 1978.
The course will deal with origin and development of myths and fables in China from pre-Qin
period to the Republican period.
Suggested Readings:
The paper will introduce the elementary aspects of the language including structure, sound,
phonetics, character writing. It would emphasize on text, grammar and translation (Chinese-
English/ English-Chinese) and focus on reading, writing and listening comprehension of
Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Grammar
Unit-4. Drilling
Recommended Books:
Jichu Hanyu Keben (Elementary Chinese Readers) ,(revised ed.)Vol. I, Sinolingua,
Beijing, China ,1994
Introductory Chinese (3 vol.) Sinolingua, Beijing China
Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) vol. I & II Sinolingua, Beijing Language
Reference Books:
Communicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing
Conversational Chinese 301; Beijing Language Institute, China
Shiyong Hanyu Keben (Practical Chinese Reader) Vol. I. The Commercial Press,
Beijing, 1986
Recommended Books:
Elementary Chinese Readers, Vol. II, (Revised ed.), Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China ( Selected
Reference Book:
A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
Everyday Chinese for Beginners, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing 1986
Recommended Books:
This course will teach the advanced level of language with emphasis on text, grammar,
translation, idioms & phrases and oral practice.
UNIT – 1: Grammar
UNIT – 2: Phonetics
UNIT – 3: Idioms and Phrase
UNIT – 4: Oral practice
Recommended readings:
Jichu Hanyu Keben (Revised ed.) Vol: 4, Sinolingua, Beijing, 1994
Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
Reference Book:
A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
BAu-211 Russian Language-Grammar-III
Unit 1: Lessons 21-23
Unit 2: Lessons 24-26
Unit 3: Lessons 27-28
Unit 4: Lessons 29-30
BAu-315 Translation
Unit 1: Translation Russian to English (Seen)
Unit 2: Translation Russian to English (Unseen)
Unit 3: Translation English to Russian (Seen)
Unit 4: Translation English to Russian (Unseen)
Note: One passage each (15-20 lines) from the lessons 1-40 from the book Russian by
V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New Delhi and one unseen passage
(15-20 lines) each (Unit 2 & 4)
BAu-322 Poetry
Unit 1: “Ocen” & “Ya vac lubil…” A.S.Pushkin
Unit 2: “Anchar” A.S.Pushkin
Unit 3: “Smert poeta”& “Parus” M.U.Lermontov
Unit 4: “Vixozhu odin ya na dorogu” M.U.Lermontov
Unit 1: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 2: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 3: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 4: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Note: Analysis of stories in general or any one story in particular in detail.
(Material will be supplied by the Department)
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Japanese Greetings; Basic sentence patterns to be applied in self
introduction, identifying things; time of the day; calendar; counting using Japanese numerical
classifiers; describing things; making comparisons; talking of daily activities; kinship terms
used for address and reference; seasons; giving and receiving; shopping; making requests;
talking of one’s likes and dislikes
Objective: To introduce Japanese Greetings; Basic level, to enable students to read and write
simple sentences in Japanese to teach some aspects of Japanese society and culture.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Text book-Nihongo I, Kokusaigakuyukai, Exercise book 1of Nihongo I
and other supplementary material
Course No: BAJ 121
Course Title: Speaking Japanese
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Simple conversation in situations such as describing things, making
comparisons, talking of daily activities, giving and receiving of gifts, talking of illness and
visit to a doctor, shopping, making requests, talking of one’s likes and dislikes, talking on
telephone etc. Drills based on sentence patterns of Japanese at lower intermediate level and
on keigo, the polite Japanese.
Objective: To enable students to comprehend and make simple conversation in different
situations using basic sentence patterns.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Audio visual aids; picture cards etc.
Course No: BAJ 211
Course No: BAJ 221
Course Title: Text and Kanji
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Diverse texts based on Japanese culture, customs, history, food habits, and
science etc, for the development of communicative competence of students; skimming,
scanning of texts with emphasis on advanced sentence patterns, grammatical structures and
idiomatic phrases, reading and writing of approximately 300 Kanji
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: The chapters are compiled from the following books: Chukyu Nihongo, Tokyo
Gaikokugo Daigaku; Nihongo II, Kokusaigakuyukai, and other supplementary material
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 221)
Course No: BAJ 311
Course Title: Text and Kanji
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (Continuation of Course no. BAJ 221) Diverse texts based on Japanese
culture, customs, history, food habits, and science etc, for the development of communicative
competence of students; skimming, scanning of texts with emphasis on advanced sentence
patterns, grammatical structures and idiomatic phrases, reading and writing of approximately
400 Kanji
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: The chapters are compiled from the following books: Chyukyu Nihongo, Tokyo
Gaikokugo Daigaku, Nihongo II, Kokusaigakuyukai, Bunka chyukyu Nihongo I and others
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Conversation practice in Japanese at advance level, on social and cultural
life of India and Japan, politics, economy, usage of idioms and phrases, practice in use of
keigo, the Japanese polite language and colloquial Japanese
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Audio-visual aids, newspapers, magazines, internet and other
supplementary material
John K, Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer and Albert M. Craig, East Asia: The Great Tradition,
Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1964
Sansom, George B., A History of Japan, 3 Vols. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1974
Kennedy, Malcalm, A History of Japan, London, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1963.
Reischauer,Edwin O, Japan-Past and Present, London, Duckworth, 1964
Storry, Richard, A History of Modern Japan, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd. 1973
Hane, Mikiso, Japan, New York, Scribners’ Sons, 1972
Course No: BAJ 321
Course Title: Text, Kanji and Advance Grammar-I
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Reading and analyzing text such as short stories, essay, poems by
skimming, and scanning with emphasis on advanced sentence patterns and grammatical
structures, idiomatic phrases essential for the comprehension of Japanese texts
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three/one Sessional test and
one assignment (25%), in the class (25%), in the End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: Ryugakusei no tame no nihongo kyokasho, Waseda University Ryugakusei Centre
and other supplementary material
Course Contents: Theories and strategies of Interpretation, interpretation from Japanese into
English and English into Japanese on various topics such as culture, society, politics,
economy etc. seminars/ presentations
Evaluation: Performance in two Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class performance
(25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Audio-visual aids, films, newspapers, magazines, internet, books
Suggested Readings:
Hall, John Whitney, Japan- from Pre-history to Modern Times, Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle,
John K, Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer and Albert M, Craig, East Asia: The Great Tradition,
Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1964
Sansom, George B., A History of Japan, 3 Vols. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1974
Kennedy, Malcalm, A History of Japan, London, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1963.
Reischauer,Edwin O, Japan-Past and Present, London, Duckworth, 1964
Story, Richard, A History of Modern Japan, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd. 1973
Hane, Mikiso, Japan, New York, Scribners’ Sons, 1972
Semesterwise List of Courses offered in B.A.(Hons.) Japanese