Syllabi: Diploma in Chinese

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Diploma in Chinese
(Two year part- time course)

Two year U.G. Diploma course in Chinese shall be of four semesters with two papers in each
semester. Each paper consisting of 3 credits of 100 marks shall be divided into (a) 70 marks
for End Semester written examination and (b) 30 marks for attendance/ class performance/

The Viva-Voce shall be conducted at the end of II & IV semester. It shall be of 3 credits each
and conducted by the internal examiner together with an external examiner.


Semester – I

Paper – I ( Chinese Language I ) DIPCHIN001 3 Credits

Phonetics, Grammar & Character writings

Recommended Book:

Jichu Hanyu Keben (Elementary Chinese Reader) Book - I

Revised Edition, Foreign Language Press, Beijing. From Lesson – 1 to 11

Paper – II ( Introduction to China – I ) DIPCHIN002 3Credits

The paper shall introduce the language, land and people of China

Recommended Book:

Necessary reading material shall be provided by the concerned teacher.

Suggested Book:

China: A General Survey, Foreign Language press, Beijing (Latest edition)


Semester – II

Paper III ( Chinese Language – II ) DIPCHIN003 3 Credits

Phonetics, Grammar & Character writing, Text & Translation

Recommended Book:

Elementary Chinese Reader, Book I Revised Edition, Foreign Language Press, Beijing
Lesson 12 to 22.

Paper IV ( Introduction to China – II ) DIPCHIN004 3Credits

The paper shall introduce history and Culture of China.

Recommended Book:

Necessary materials will be provided by the teacher concerned.

Suggested Book:

China: A General Survey, Foreign Language Press, Beijing (Latest Edition)

Paper V (Viva-voce) DIPCHIN005 3 Credits

This paper shall consist of (i) Viva Examination of 50 marks to be conducted by the internal
examiner together with an external examiner and (ii) independent assignment of 50 marks.


Semester – III

Paper – VI ( Chinese Language – III ) DIPCHIN006 3 Credits

Text, Translation & Grammar

Recommended Book:

Elementary Chinese Reader, Book II (Revised Edition) Foreign Language Press. (From
Lesson 23 to 33)

Paper – VII ( Composition & Translation I ) DIPCHIN007 3 Credits

Recommended Book:

Relevant material shall be provided by the concerned teacher.

Suggested Book:

Modern Chinese: Beginners Course Vol. I and Vol. II, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing.

Semester IV

Paper VIII ( Chinese Language IV ) DIPCHIN008 3 Credits

Text, Grammar & Translation

Recommended Book:

Elementary Chinese Reader Book II (Revised Edition), Foreign Language Press, Beijing.
(Lesson 34 to 44)

Paper IX ( Composition & Translation II ) DIPCHIN009 3 Credits

Recommended Book:

Relevant material shall be provided by the concerned teacher.

Suggested Book:

Modern Chinese: Beginners Course Vol. I and Vol. II, Beijing Language Institute,

Paper X (Viva – Voce) DIPCHIN010 3 Credits

This paper shall consist of (i) Viva Examination of 50 marks to be conducted by the internal
examiner together with an external examiner and (ii) independent assignment of 50 marks.

(Two year part-time course)


PAPER I: (DIPSPNOO1) 3credits

o The Vocabulary Shall be around 800-1000 words. School, house, family,
restaurants and foods, body, family, physical and character description, days,
months, seasons, colours, cardinal and ordinal numbers, differents professions and
will include elementary verbals pheriprasis like: “querer + INF.” “poder+ INF”
“hay que+ INF”,hace falta+ INF”, ir+a+INF.”


o Alphabet: Vowels and consonants: Pronounciation, and ortographics rules
concerting the write.
o Personal pronouns and Interrogative pronouns

o Nouns-gender and numbers. Determiners-articles, demonstratives, and

o Explain There is and there are in Spanish: “HAY” and quantitive adjective:
“Mucho-s/ mucha-s+ Sustantive/ muy + Adjective and explain also locations
o Comparative and superlatives forms of adjectives “Ser” and “Estar” to describe
and location with the form “hay”.
o To express hours in Spanish and the structures like “a las…” “desde las… hasta
las…” or “de…a…”.
o Present Indicative. Conjutations of regulars verbs and frequenty adverbs to
express habits. Reflexives verbs: “llamarse, levantarse, acostarse, afeitarse,
ducharse, lavarse, …”
o Present Indicative: Irregulars verbs and prepositions like a en/a/de/ and practices
again Expressions of frecuenty.
o More uses of “SER” and “ESTAR” to explain the differences.

PAPER II: (DIPSPN002) 3credits

 Composition about descriptions of family, University, phisical or character
description, city….)
 Understanding of Spanish listening about aspects learnings.

 Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 1 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
 Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 1. Nueva Edicion. Ed. Difusion.
 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.



PAPER III: (DIPSPN003) 3Credits

o The Vocabulary shall be around 1000-1500 words, (In addition to the earlier
vocabulary acquired at paper I and paper II).
o The Vocabulary shall include commonly used idiomatic expressions.


o Revision of grammatical aspect covered in the paper I and paper II
o Imperative forms to explain only directions. Locations adverbs and vocabulary of
the city.
o Present Continuous Tense and the adverbs.
o Stress. When we need to use stress in Spanish language.
o Preterito perfecto simple (Present perfect): to talk about past that is relation with
present and also to talk about experiences. Ya/ todavia no. Participle(regulars
verbs and irregulars verbs)
o Past Tense: In this course will learn all the past tenses: Pret. Perfecto, Pret.
Imperfecto and preterito Indefinido regulars and irregulars verbs, with all the uses
and we will learn use together. And we learn to use all the frecuency adverbs.
o Future: Tense to express plans in the future. Regulars and irregulars verbs.
o Pronouns: Objecto directo y Objecto indirecto.

PAPER IV: (DIPSPN004) 3credits

 Composition about descriptions of family, University, phisical or character
description, city, etc in the past.
 Composition about advice and suggestions in Conditional tense or Imperative.

PAPER V: (DIPSPN005) 3 credits

 About aspect learning in the class

 Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel intermedio. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 2 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Borolio V. Palencia R. Nuevo ELE Intermedio. Ed. SM ELE.
 Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 1. Nueva Edicion.A1+A2 Ed. Difusion.
 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.
 Collins Spanish-English-Spanish pocket dictionary



PAPER VI: (DIPSPN006) 3Credits

 The Vocabulary Shall be around 1.500-2.200 words (in addition to the vocabulary
acquired at UG diploma second year level)
-Vocabulary of differents sports to describe the beginning and duration of
an action
-Vocabulary to express prohibition and obligation.
-Vocabulary of the television and programs.
-Vocabulary of illness and health
-Vocabulary of the newspaper and news.


 Revision of grammatical verbs in the past and review about all the thing view in
semester II

 Verb DOLER and Conditional Tense to give advices and recommendations.

 Opinions: Pienso que/opino que/ me parece que/…Agree and disagree and

different forms in polite and colloquial structures.

 Imperative forms to explain orders and others forms. Affirmative and negative

 Phone conversations. To convey messages and to develop communication

strategies. Indirect Style: “me han dicho que/me han preguntado que…. Verbs that
summarize the intention of a message (preguntar, pedir, recomendar….)

 Plot of movie with direct and Indirect Object pronouns. The use of connectors,
creating therefore, relationships between ideas and to combine sentences in
descriptions, narrations,….

 Por | para to know the difference and uses more basics.

PAPER VII: (DIPSPN007) 3Credits

 Expresion escrita: Compositions about the grammar and functional contents view in
class (plot of movie, book, culture customs in India , to retell anecdotes using
idomatics phrases to show interest about hearing a narration, invent a phone

 VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
 Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel intermedio. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Borolio V. Palencia R. Nuevo ELE Avanzodo. Ed. SM ELE.

 Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion. B2 Ed. Difusion.

 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.



PAPER VIII: (DIPSPN008) 3Credits

 The Vocabulary include commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish:
- Customs Culture
- To retell anecdotes and to show interest about hearing a narration.
- To express interest and feeling and different verbs of feelings.


 Revision of grammatical verbs in the past of Semester III. Use all the past
sentences using differentstips of past and also using conectors
 Introduce verbalsperipherals: “empezar + inf”,acabar de + inf”, “llevar +
gerundio”, “dejar de + inf”, “iievar sin + inf”.
 Pronouns Direct Object and Indirect object (II part)
 To retell anecdotes is very important to use different verbs in the past tense:
preteritoindefinido and preteritoimperfecto.
 To expressinterest and feelings verbs like “verbo gustar” : encantar, me vuelve loc
@, me molesta, me indigna,…..”

PAPER IX: (DIPSPN009) 3Credits

 Expresionescrita: Compositions about the grammar and functional contents view in
class (to retell anecdotes using idomatics phrases to show interest about hearing a

PAPER X: (DIPSPN010) 3 credits


 Comprension Oral: Understanding of a text with different questions about it.


(Two year part-time course)

PAPER I: (ADVDIPSPN001) 3Credits

 The Vocabulary Shall be around 1.500-2.200 words (in addition to the vocabulary
acquired at UG diploma second year level)
-Vocabulary of differents sports to describe the beginning and duration of
an action
-Vocabulary to express prohibition and obligation.
-Vocabulary of the television and programs.
-Vocabulary of the newspaper and news.
 The Vocabulary include commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish.
- Customs Culture
 Revision of grammatical.

 Talk about culture with colloquial phrases

 Relatives pronouns, “que, dondequien

 To express desires, complaints and requirements and to evaluate situations and to

suggest solutions using “Presente del subjuntivo”

 Plot of movie with direct and Indirect Object pronouns. The use of connectors,
creating therefore, relationships between ideas and to combine sentences in
descriptions, narrations,….

 To describe the characteristics and the performance of something with

“Preposicion+articulo+nexoque” and Ol, and OD.

 To write a piece of news and express opinion, express agree or disagree and to
discuss it using vocabulary specific.

 Revision of the First Conditional and introduce the second conditional to evoke
imaginary situations and to give opinions about actions and behaviours.

PAPER II: (ADVDIPSPN002) 3credits

 Expresionescrita: Compositions about the grammar and functional contents view in
class (plot of movie, book, culture customs in India, to using idomatics phrases to
show interest about hearing a narration, or another questions always relationated with
knowledge in our class).

 Comprension Oral: Understanding of a text with different questions about it.

 VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
 Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
 Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion.B2. Ed. Difusion.
 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.



PAPER III: (ADVDIPSPN003) 3credits

 The Vocabulary shall be around 1.500-2.200 words (in addition to the vocabulary
acquired at UG diploma second year level)
-Vocabulary to express different feelings
-Vocabulary to express opinion.
-Vocabulary to valour situations
 The Vocabulary include commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish.
- Customs Culture
 Revision of semester I of level III.

 Express wishes, claims and needs. Using presentedelSubjuntivo:

 To be able to valourdiffents situations using Presente del subjuntivo:

Me parecefantastico, genial, bien/ mal, fatal,…+ Presente del subjuntivo.

 To use “Cuando” in past, present and future tenses.

 To make hippothese and conjectures and to describe imagined events, using the
simple future and compound future. Sentences in Indicativo and Subjuntivo to
express different levels of confidence.

 Conditionals sentences: review the first conditional and learning second and third

PAPER IV: (ADVDIPSPN004) 3credits

 Expresion escrita: Compositions about the grammar and functional contents view in
class (questions always relationated with knowledge in our class).

PAPER V: (ADVDIPSPN005) 3credits



 About aspect learning in the class

 VV.AA(2006), Aula International, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona. Ed Difusion
 Francisca Castro. Uso de la gramatica espanola. Nivel elemental. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Borolio V. Palancia R. Nuevo ELE Elemental. Ed. SM ELE.
 Martin Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion.B2. Ed. Difusion.
 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.




 The Vocabulary shall be around 2.500-3000 words (in addition to the vocabulary
acquired at UG diploma LEVEL III)
-Vocabulary of different aspect view in the class always by the context.
 The Vocabulary include commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish.
- Customs Culture
 Revision of aspect view in semester I.

 To able to give an personal opinion in formal way using differentsconectors

 Future simple and future compuesto to talk about hipotese or misteriusevents

 Review about Present del Subjuntivo with all the uses


 Pret. Imperfecto del subjuntivo to give advices and hipotetics situations

 To know write informal and formal letters using all the structures.


 Expresionescrita: Compositions about the grammar and functional contents view in
class, or another questions always relationated with knowledge in our class and




a) El vocabulario que se aprendera en la clase estrara siemre relacionado con las
materias estudiadas en la clase, dentro del contexto de la misma.
 Vocabulario relacionado con el deporte, para la introduccion de las
deferentes perifrasis que vamos a estudiar relacionand el pasado con el
 Vocabulario especifico para exapresar prohibicion y obligacion,
 Vocabulario relacionado con los medios de comunicacion, television, cine,
 Vocabulario relacionado con los diferentes enfermedades asi como la
 Vocabulario especifico sobre las p[artes de una noticia y el periodico.

b) En el apartado de vobulario tambien se incluran expresiones idiomaticas

propias de la lengua Espanola:
 Expresiones especificas sobre la cultura espanols.

 Vocabulario especifico del telefono asi como expresiones utilizadas para

 Sabar contra anecdotas con expresiones tipicas del espanol y saber
reaccionar ante el que cuenta esa anecdota.
 Sabar expresar intereses y sentimientos con los diferentes verbos del
espanol, com Indicativo y con subjuntivo

PAPER IX: (ADVDIPSPN009) 3 Credits

gramaticales de la lengua).

Unidad 1
 Contenidos Funcionales: presentacion, habitos en el presente, relater expriencias
pasadas, nablar deo inicio y duracion de una accion, localizr una accion el el tiempo,
inventar la biografia del candidate ideal para un puesto de trabajo.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: usos de los tiempos del pasado: P. Perfecto, P. Indefinido
y P. Imperfecto, perifrasis: empezar a + Infinitivo, acabar de + Infinitivo, volver a +
Infinitivo, dejar de + Indinitivo, llevar + gerundio, seguir + gerundio.

Unidad 2
 Contenidos Functionales: diferencias culturales y costumbres espanolas.
Establecer las normas de la clase.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: expresar prohibicion, obligatoriedad, hablar de
habitos, cuantificadores, expresar impersonalidad.

Unidad 3
 Contenidos Functionales: habkar por telefono. Transmitir mensajes y desarrollar
estrategias de comunicacion. Tomar y dejar recados por telefono
 Contenidos Gramaticales: me ha dicho que…/ me ha preguntado si…, algunas
estrategias de comunicacion, verbos que resumen la intencion de un mensaje
(preguntar, recomendar, etc.)

Unidad 4
 Contenidos Functionales: reltar en presete, resumir un argumento, hablar de
generos, contra chistes.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: pronombres de Objecto Directo y Objecto Indirecto,
Uso de conectores para relater.

Unidad 5

 Contenidos Functionales: expresar deseos, reclamaciones y necesidad. Valorar

situaciones y hechos, propener soluciones y reivindicar
 Contenidos Gramaticales: presente de Subjuntivo, me parece muy bien/mal…
que+ Subjuntivo, querer/ pedir/exgir/necesitar+Infinitivo y
querer/pedir/exigir/necesitar que+ Subjuntivo, deberian/ se deberia/habria que,

Unidad 6
 Contenidos Functionales: contra anecdotas y experiencias vividas, mostrar
interres al escuchar un relato, hablar de causas y consecuencias.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: pretrito pluscumperfecto de indicativo, recursos para
contar anecdotas y mostrar interes al escuchar un relato. Combinar los tiempos del
pasado en un relato

Unidad 7
 Contenidos Functionales: expresar intereses, sentimientos, mostrar desacuerdo
en diversos registros, contraaergumentar.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: Verbos como encantar, molestar, interesar, fascinar,
horrorizar,…+ sustantivo, infinitive o que+subjuntivo.

Unidad 8
 Contenidos Functionales: describer las caractersticas y el funcionamiento de
algo, opinar sobre objectos y valorar.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: superlativos, modificadores del adjetivo, frases
exclamtiva, frases relativas con o sin preposicion + indicative/subjuntivo.

Unidad 9
 Contenidos Functionales: hacer hipotesis y conjucturas. Relatar sucesos
misteriosos. Expresar diferenties grados de seguridad.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: Usos del Futuro Simple y del Futuro Compuesto.
Contrucciones en Indicativo en Subjuntivo para expresar diferentes grados de

Unidad 10
 Contenidos Functionales: redactor una noticia, referirnos a una noticia y
comentarla, vocabulario relacionado con los medios de comunicacion.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: el uso de la voz pasiva, verbos de transmission de la
informacion: manifestar, declarer, referirse a un tema ya conocido.

Unidad 11

 Contenidos Functionales: dar consejos, evocar situaciones imaginarias, expresar

desconocimeento, deseos, opinar sobre acciones y conductas.
 Contenidos Gramaticales: forma y usos del Condicional, si + Imperfecto de
subjuntivo, verbos como recomendar, sugerir, aconsejar + que + Subjuntivo.

PAPER X: (ADVDIPSPN010) 3 Credits

El objectivo principal del curso es usar las destrezas adquiridas en el nivel intermedio
para incrementar las habilidades orales y escritas del estudiante. El proposito es que el
alumno adquiera:
EXPRESION ESCRITA: Sobre todo como trabajo individual a traves de
tareas usando ejercicios del libro de texto, fotocopias entregadas en clase de
otros libros y escribir redacciones donde Habra que estudiados en clase.
COMPRENSION ORAL: que le capacite para interpreter textos autenticos
relacionados com temas de actualidad.
COMPRENSION AUDITIVA que le permita entender mensajes de diversa
dificultad relacionadas con los ambitos conocidos y sea capaz de
identificar las intenciones comunicativas.
EXPRESION ORAL que le sirva para interactuar com fluidez en situaciones

 VV.AA(2006), Aula 3 Internacional, Curso de espanol, B1, Barcelona: Difusion.
 Collins Spanish-English-Spanish pocket Dictionary.
 Francisca Castro. Uso de la grammatica espanola. Nivel Avanzado. Ed. Edelsa.
 Corpas, A. Garmendia, A. Soriano, C. Aula 3 International. Ed. Difusion.
 Pinilla R. Acquaroni, R, iBien dicho!. Espanol por destrezas. Ed. SGEL.
 Peris, E. Sans Bauleans, N. Gente 2. Nueva Edicion. B1 Ed. Difusion.
 Palomino Ma Angeles. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Ed. Edelsa.

Diploma in Japanese
(Two year part-time course)


I Semester

Paper I: (Text, Kanji and Grammar) DIPJAP 001 3 Credits

Course Contents:
a) Basic structure: Basic sentence pattern to be applied in self introduction, time of the
day, calendar, identifying things, nouns, adjectives, verbs, simple present tense, past
tense, talking of daily activities, giving and receiving, talking of one’s likes and
dislikes, reasons etc.

b) Script: Introduction of the Japanese writing system, i.e. Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji
(approximate 30), writing foreign names in Katakana

Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials
Paper II: (Social Environment of Japan) DIPJAP 002 3 Credits

Course Contents:
An introduction to some aspects of Japanese culture such as festivals, Japanese
seasons, Japanese people and their love for nature, Japanese food, sports, society and
geography (Medium: English/ Hindi)

Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan

II Semester

Paper III: (Text, Kanji and Grammar) DIPJAP 003 3 Credits

Course Contents:
a) Basic structure: describing things, counting using Japanese numerical classifiers,
comparisons, desires, making request, denying request, continuous tense, seeking
permission, denying permission, expressions of duty, hobby, talking of one’s
capabilities, purpose, talking of illness etc.

b) Script: Kanji (approximate 70)

Teaching Materials:

Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials

Paper IV: (Comprehension and Composition) DIPJAP 004 3 Credits

Course Contents:
Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese and writing of composition in
Japanese applying lower intermediate (simple) grammatical patterns.

Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials

Paper V: (Viva-Voce / Assignment / Project) DIPJAP 005 3 Credits

Course Contents:
Simple conversation in situations such as describing things, making comparison,
talking of daily activities, giving and receiving of gifts, making requests, talking of
one’s likes and dislikes, talking of telephone etc.
III Semester

Paper VI: (Text, Kanji and Grammar) DIPJAP 006 Credit: 3

Course Contents:
a) Sentence Patterns: Situations/functions such as narrating one’s experience, potential
form, plain/abrupt style of verbs and adjectives, giving and receiving things, act of
giving and receiving etc.

b) Script: Kanji (approcimate 100-110)

Teaching Materials:

Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1-2, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials

Paper VII: (Comprehension and Composition) DIPJAP 007 Credit: 3

Course Contents:
Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese and writing of composition in
Japanese applying simple grammatical patterns.

Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials
IV Semester

Paper VIII: (Text, Kanji and Grammar) DIPJAP 008 Credit: 3

Course Contents:

c) Sentence Patterns: Volitional form, probability form, prohibit/imperative form,

passive/causative form, conditional form, talking of one’s future plans, expressions of
hearsay, conjecture, reason and purpose etc.

d) Script: Kanji (approximate 70-80)

Teaching Materials:
Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 2, Leaning 300 Kanji thorough Stories and other
supplementary materials

Paper IX: (Comprehension, Composition and Translation) DIPJAP 009

Credit: 3

Course Contents:
a) Comprehension and Composition: Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese
and writing of composition in Japanese applying simple grammatical patterns

b) Translation: Practice in translation from Japanese into English and English into
Japanese on simple sentences and passages

Teaching Materials:
Materials from books and magazines on Japan and other supplementary materials

Paper X: (Viva-Voce / Assignment / Project) DIPJAP 010 3 Credits

Course Contents:
Roll play on everyday topics, simple conversation in situations such as narrating
one’s experiences, desires, capabilities and future plans, extending invitation, act of
giving and receiving etc.


(Two year Part-time Course)

Level -I
I Semester

Paper I (DIPITL 001) 3 Credits

a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language

Paper II (DIPITL 002) 3 Credits

Introduction to Italian Culture

Geography and History
History of Italian Language

II Semester

Paper III (DIPITL 003) 3 Credits

a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language

Paper IV (DIPITL 004) 3 Credits


Paper V (DIPITL 005) 3 Credits

Viva Voce/ Project/ Assignment


III Semester

Paper VI (DIPITL 006) 3 Credits

a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language

Paper VII (DIPITL 007) 3 Credits


IV Semester

Paper VIII (DIPITL 008) 3 Credits

a) Grammar
b) Vocabulary, use of the Language

Paper IX (DIPITL 009) 3 Credits


Paper X (DIPITL 010) 3 Credits

Viva Voce/ Project/ Assignment

A) Prescribed Text Books

Level I: Gruppo Italia Idea I Semester: Lesson 1-4

“Italian Espresso 1”
Alma Edizioni 2006 II Semester: Lesson 5-8

Level II: Gruppo Italia Idea


“Italian Espresso 2” III Semester: Lesson 9-11

Alma Edizioni 2006 IV Semester: Lesson 12-14

B) Recommended Books

Level I: “Grammatica Pratica Della Lingua Italiana”

A Cura Di Massimo Naddeo
Alma Edizioni
Firenze 2005
“Certificato Di Lingua Italiana Vol 1

Level II: “Grammatica Pratica Della Lingua Italiana”

A Cura Di Massimo Naddeo
Alma Edizioni
Firenze 2005
“Certificato Di Lingua Italiana Vol 2


(Two year Part-time Course)


I Semester

Paper I- (DIPPOL 001) 3 Credits

Language Theory
1. Grammar
2. Composition
3. Reading Comprehension

Paper II- (DIPPOL 002) 3 Credits

Introduction to Poland: Geography, History and Culture

(in English/ Hindi)

II Semester

Paper III- (DIPPOL 003) 3 Credits


Paper IV- (DIPPOL 004) 3 Credits

Language Application
1. Composition
2. Translation
3. Reading Comprehension

Paper V- (DIPPOL 005) 3 Credits

Viva voce/ Project/ Assignment


III Semester

Paper VI- (DIPPOL 006) 3 Credits

Language Theory
1. Grammar
2. Composition
3. Reading Comprehension

Paper VII- (DIPPOL 007) 3 Credits

Introduction to Polish Literature and Language Application

1. Translation
2. Reading Comprehension

IV Semester

Paper VIII- (DIPPOL 008) 3 Credits

Grammar and Composition

Paper IX- (DIPPOL 009) 3 Credits

Polish Literature and Language application

1. Translation
2. Reading Comprehension

Paper X- (DIPPOL 010) 3 Credits

Viva voce/ Project/ Assignment

Books Prescribed:

Level I:

I Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 1-9)
2. B. Bartnicka, We Learn Polish (Part I & II) (Lesson 1-5)

II Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 10-12)
2. B. Bartnicka, We Learn Polish (Part I & II) (Lesson 6-12)

Level II:

III Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 13-25)
2. Selection of Polish Prose and Poetry

IV Semester
1. J. Kucharczyk, Zaczynam Mowic Po Polsku (Lesson 1-7)
2. Selection of Polish Prose and Poetry

Books Recommended:

W. Miodunka, Czesc, Jak sie masz.


(Two year part-time course)
Ist year

Ist Semester

DipRus001. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 01-11)

DipRus002. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(20 simple sentences on the following topics)

01. Our University

02. Our class room

b. Translation (60

01. English to Russian (30 marks)

02. Russian to English (30 marks)
Total 6 credits/200 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 1-11)

Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.

(Two year part-time course)
Ist year

IInd. Semester

DipRus003. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 11-20)

DipRus004. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(20 simple sentences on the following topics)

01. My family
02. How starts my day
03. Dining hall of our university

b. Translation
(60 marks)

03. English to Russian (30 marks)

04. Russian to English (30 marks)

DipRus005. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 1-11)

Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.

(Two year part-time course)
IInd year

IIIrd Semester

DipRus006. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 21-30)

DipRus007. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(20-30 simple sentences on the following topics)

01. A letter to father

02. A visit to a friend

b. Translation (60

05. English to Russian (30 marks)

06. Russian to English (30 marks)
Total 6 credits/200 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 21-30)

Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.

2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,

Moscow, 1968.

(Two year part-time course)
IInd year

IVth. Semester

DipRus008. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 31-40)

DipRus009. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(20-30 simple sentences on the following topics)

01. My favorite writer

02. My city
03. My country

b. Translation (60

07. English to Russian (30 marks)

08. Russian to English (30 marks)

DipRus010. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 31-40)

Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.


(Two year part-time course)
Ist year

Ist. Semester

PDipRus011. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 40-50)

PDipRus012. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(200-300 words)

01. Historical monument

02. Moscow
03. Letter to a friend

b. Translation (60

01. English to Russian (30 marks)

02. Russian to English (30 marks)
Total 6 credits/200 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 40-50)
Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
3. Bitekhtina G.A. 26 Urokov po razvitiu rechi, Russky yazyk, Moscow, 1983.


(Two year part-time course)
Ist year

IInd. Semester

PDipRus013. Theory-Grammar 3 credits/ 100

Question from prescribed book
(Lesson 51-60)

PDipRus014. Theory-Composition & Translation 3

credits/ 100 marks
(From prescribed book)

a. Composition (40 marks)

(300 words)

01. Museum
02. Holiday
03. Who I am ?

b. Translation
(60 marks)

03. English to Russian (30 marks)

04. Russian to English (30 marks)

PDipRus015. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks

Total 9 credits/300 marks

Prescribed book
Wagner V.N. and Ovsienko Y.G.Russian, People’s Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.
(Lesson 51-60)

Recommended books
1. Khavronina S. Russian as we speak it. Russian language Publishing, Moscow, 1976.
2. Khavronina S.A. & Shirochenskaya A.I. Russian in Exercise, Progress Publisher,
Moscow, 1968.
3. Bitekhtina G.A. 26 Urokov po razvitiu rechi, Russky yazyk, Moscow, 1983.


(Two year part-time course)
IInd year

IIIrd Semester

PDipRus016. Introduction to Literature: 3

credits/ 100 marks
Genesis and aspects.
Importance and meaning of “Slovo o Polku Igoreve

PDipRus017. Life and work of following writers’ 3

credits/ 100 marks


Total 6 credits/200 marks

Prescribed book

1. Gramova N.E. Russkaya literature. Vol. 8. Prosvesheniya.Moscow. 1978.

2. Konopelkina A.F.Khrestomatia Po russlomu. Visshaya shkola ,Moscow, 1978


(Two year part-time course)
IInd year

IVth. Semester

PDipRus018. Reading and discussion: 3

credits/ 100 marks

a. V.Dragunski
Story: Drug Destva
b. A.Platonov
Story: Neizvestnyi Tsvetok

Short biography of the following writers

Anna Akhamatova
Boris Pasternak
M. Gorki

PDipRus019. Culture and Civilization of Russia: 3

credits/ 100 marks
Customs & Translations of Russian people
How Russian celebrate New Year
How came the name Moscow

PDipRus020. Viva-voce 3
credits/ 100 marks
Total 9 credits/300 marks

Prescribed book

01. Belinski G.E. Rodnaya Literatura. Prosvesheniye, Moscow. 1974.

02. Dragunski B. & Platono A. Dorogi. Russki Yazik. Moscow. 1983.
03. Pluzhinkiva S.E. Chestye Prudy Russki yazik. Moscow. 1988.
04. Konopelkena A.K.Khrestonatia Po russkomu yaziku. Visshaya Shkola. Moscow. 1978
05. Vasilieva T. & Rudenko O. Skolko Prazdnikov v Godu. Russki Yazik. Moscow. 1989.
06. Bitcktina G.A. 26 Urokow Porazvechiyu rechi. Russki yazik. Moscow. 1984.
07. Solovev V.M. slovo o rossi Russki yazik. Moscow. 2003.

Choice Based Credit Semester System

B.A.(Hons.) Programme in CHINESE


BAC 111 - Chinese Language-I

The paper will introduce the elementary aspects of the language including structure, sound,
phonetics, character writing. It would emphasize on text, grammar and translation (Chinese-
English/ English-Chinese) and focus on reading, writing and listening comprehension of

BLOCK: I: Introduction to Chinese- (1-6 lessons)

Unit-1. Phonetics
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Syntax
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: II: Introduction to Chinese- (6-11 lessons)

Unit-1. Phonetics
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Syntax
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: III: Introduction to Chinese- (12-17 lessons)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Grammar
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: IV: Introduction to Chinese- (18-22 lessons)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Grammar
Unit-4. Drilling
Recommended Books:
 Jichu Hanyu Keben (Elementary Chinese Readers) ,(revised ed.)Vol. I, Sinolingua,
Beijing, China ,1994
 Introductory Chinese (3 vol.) Sinolingua, Beijing China
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) vol. I & II Sinolingua, Beijing Language
Reference Books:
 Communicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing
 Conversational Chinese 301; Beijing Language Institute, China
 Shiyong Hanyu Keben (Practical Chinese Reader) Vol. I. The Commercial Press,
Beijing, 1986
BAC 112 - Introduction to China-I

The course will focus on the introduction of China’s geography, history, early philosophical
schools and salient features of Chinese language.

BLOCK-I: Chinese Geography

Unit-1. Chinese land
Unit-2. Chinese people/ population
Unit-3. Chinese climate
Unit-4. Chinese flora-fauna

BLOCK-II: Chinese History

Unit-1. Prehistoric/ Pre-Qin period
Unit-2. Qin & Han period
Unit-3. Tang period
Unit-4. Song & Yuan dynasty

BLOCK –III: Early Philosophical Schools

Unit-1. Confucianism
Unit-2. Daoism
Unit-3. Moism
Unit-4. Legalism

BLOCK-IV: Salient features of Chinese language

Unit-1. Origin of writing System & Sound
Unit-2. Non- alphabetical features
Unit-3. Tonal features
Unit-4. Aspectual features

Recommended Books:
 China Handbook Series, History, Foreign Languages Press, China.
 China Handbook Series, Geography, Foreign Languages Press, China.
 Chin Ka Bhugole, Vedeshi Bhasha Prakashan, Beijing, China
 Chin Ka Samkshipta Itihas, Videshi Bhasha Prakashan Vibhag, Beijing, China.
 Lu Yuan and Kamal Sheel: Huanghe Yu Henghe, Zhong- Ying Wenhua Yu Jianyi
jieshao duwen, Varanasi.

Reference Books:
 Bai Shou-yi, An Outline History of China, Foreign Languages Press, China.
 Modern China, A Topical History, Foreign Languages Press, China
 Dun J. Li, Ageless Chinese, New York, U.S.A.


BAC 121 – Chinese Language-II

The course will focus on the text, grammar & translation with special reference to Chinese
syntax, Character writing, phonetics & oral practice/drilling.

BLOCK- I: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 23-27)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK- II: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 28-32)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK-III: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 33-38)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK-IV: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 39-44)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

Recommended Books:
 Elementary Chinese Readers, Vol. II, (Revised ed.), Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China ( Selected

Reference Book:
 A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
 Everyday Chinese for Beginners, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing 1986

BAC 122 – Introduction to China II

The course shall consist of Chinese history (Song and Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty, Xinhai
Revolution &Republic of China, the Communist Revolution) and Culture.
BLOCK- I: Song and Yuan
Unit-1. Northern Song
Unit-2. Southern Song
Unit-3. Neo-Confucianism
Unit-4. Yuan period

BLOCK- II: Ming & Qing Dynasty

Unit-1. Rise & fall of Ming.
Unit-2. Wang Yangming
Unit-3. Establishment of Qing
Unit-4. Internal & External Crisis.

BLOCK-III: Xinhai Revolution & Republic of China.

Unit-1. Sun Yatsen & the growth of Tong Meng hui
Unit-2. Xinhai Revolution-nature & characteristics
Unit-3. May 4, 1919 and the United Front
Unit-4. Jiang Jieshi & the Establishment of Republic of China

BLOCK-IV: The Communist Revolution

Unit-1. Growth of the CCP 1921-1927
Unit-2. Jiang xi Period Long Month 1927-1935
Unit-3. Yen’an Period & Maoism
Unit-4. Civil War & the Establishment of PRC

BLOCK-V: Chinese Culture

Unit-1. Traditional Festival
Unit-2. Custom & Practices
Unit-3. Food Habit
Unit-4. Minority Culture

Suggested Readings:

 Conrod Schirokauer, A Brief History of Chinese Civilization, Harcourt, New York,

 Bai Shouyi: An Outlline History of China, Foreign Language Press, China.
 Lu Yuan and Kamal Sheel : Huang heYu Heng He, Zhongyin Wenhua yu guanxi
jianyi jieshao duwen, Varanasi
 Ranbir Vohra : China’s Path to Modernization: A Historical Review from 1800 to
Present III Edition, U.S.A.
 Merk Goddman, China: A New History, Harvard University Press, 2005


BAC 211 –Chinese Language III

In continuation of the earlier courses on introduction of Chinese language this course would
delve into advance level of language with focus on text, grammar, translation
& oral exercise.

BLOCK- I: Chinese language (Lessons 45-48)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-II: Chinese language (Lessons 49-52)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-III: Chinese language (Lessons 53-55)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-IV: Chinese language (Lessons 56-58)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

Recommended Books:

 Elementary Chinese Readers, (Revised Edition),1994 Vol. III, Foreign Language

Press, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
 Shiyong Hanyu Keben (Practical Chinese Reader) Vol. III, The Commercial Press,
Beijing, 1986

BAC 212 – Chinese Composition I

The course shall focus on developing writing skill of students through various types of
composition writing in Chinese such as essay, paragraph and letter writing etc. Essays would
include topics such as My Friend, My Family; I study Chinese, My Country and China etc.
The teaching material will be provided by concerned teacher.


BAC 221 - Chinese Language IV

This course will teach the advanced level of language with emphasis on text, grammar,
translation, idioms & phrases and oral practice.

BLOCK I: Text (Lessons 59 –61)

UNIT – 1: Grammar
UNIT – 2: Phonetics
UNIT – 3: Idioms and Phrase
UNIT – 4: Oral practice

BLOCK II: Text (Lessons 62-64)

UNIT- 1: Grammar
UNIT- 2: Phonetics
UNIT- 3: Translation
UNIT- 4: 0ral practice

BLOCK III: Text (Lessons 65-66)

UNIT- 1: Grammar
UNIT- 2: Phonetics
UNIT- 3: Translation
UNIT- 4: Oral practice

BLOCK IV: Text (Lessons 67-68)

UNIT-1: Grammar
UNIT-2: Phonetics
UNIT-3: Translation

UNIT-4: Oral practice

Recommended readings:
 Jichu Hanyu Keben (Revised ed.) Vol: 4, Sinolingua, Beijing, 1994
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
Reference Book:
 A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing

BAC 222 – Chinese Composition II

In continuation to Course no.202, with a view to develop writing skill this course would
include composition writing including essay, paragraph, and letter writing etc. Tentative
topics would be Chinese major cities, historical monuments, important personalities, writers
Teaching material would be provided by the course teacher.

V Semester

BAC 311 - Chinese Literature I

The paper shall introduce major modern Chinese writers and their works in Chinese.
Block I- Yi Jian Xiaoshi, Li lun
Block II- Kuang Ren Riji
Block III- Goddess (selected portion)
Block IV- Ziye (selected portion)

Recommended Books:
 Gaoji Hanyu Keben, Vol. I & 2 (selected portions), Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Readings from Chinese writers, Vol. I & II Huayu Jiaoxue chubanshe, Beijing
(selected portion)
 Reading for Elementary Chinese Reader, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China
(selected portions)
 Gaoji Hanyu yu jiaocheng, Vol. I & II, Beijing, Foreign Language Institute, China
(selected portion).
 Shi Yong Hanyu Keben,Vol. IV, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1986
 Zhongshi Yuwen, Vol. I, Beijing Jiaoyu Xueyuan, 1982

BAC 312 - Selected Readings from Classical Chinese I

The paper will introduce essays and poetry from ancient Chinese writers and will focus on
translation, grammar and vocabulary of classical Chinese.

Block I: Chapter 1 to 4 Selection from Simple Classical Texts

Block II: Chapter 5 to 7 Selection from Mencius
Block III: Chapter 8 to 9 Selection from Tang Poetry
Block IV: Chapter 10 to15 Selection from Later Classical Text (Song, Ming& Qing)

Recommended Reading:
 Harold Shaddick: A First Course in Literary Chinese (3 Vols.), Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York.

Reference Book:
 Mathew’s Chinese-English Dictionary, Harvard University Press, U.S.A.
 Raymond Dawson: A New Introduction to Classical Chinese, Oxford University
Press, U.K.
 Everyday Chinese: Brighter Readings in Classical Chinese, New World Press, China

BAC 313 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese

(News Papers and Documents) – I
The course will focus on reading from selected Chinese News papers and Documents of
relevance with the aim to introduce the news paper style of writing and specialized

Block I - Visit of Foreign delegates

Block II - Sino-Indian relation related news
Block III - Domestic News of China
Block IV - Indian News in Chinese Press.

Recommended Reading:

 Kamal K. Dutta, India in Chinese Newspapers: Selected Readings (Zhong guo

Baokanshang Youguan Yindu Fangmiande Baodao Xuandu) Varanasi.
 New Chinese Press Terms, Sinolingua, Beijing.
 Hanyu Hanfa Baokan Cidian, Beijing Foreign Language Institute, Beijing, China.

BAC 314 - Introduction to Chinese Literature I

The paper shall focus on major trends and developments of Chinese literature from Pre-Qin
to Song period. Students may opt to answer questions in Chinese/English/Hindi.

Block I - Pre-Qin Literature (Poems)

Block II - Pre-Qin Literature (Prose)
Block III - Tang Literature
Unit IV - Song Literature

Recommended Reading:
 Zhongguo Wenxe Shi (3 Vols.) Renmin daxue chuban she, Beijing.
 Liu Wuchi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature.
 Lu Xun, A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.
 John Defrancis, The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, University of Hawaii
Press, U.S.A.
 Hsu Kaiyu, Literature of the People’s Republic of China, Indian University Press,
 Zhu Sai, ed. Zhongguo Dangdai Wenxue sichao shi, Renminwenxue Chuban She,
Beijing, China.

BAC 315 –Chinese Composition-III

The course shall attempt to further develop writing skill of students through introduction of
various style of Chinese composition (Xie- Zuo), Topics would include general issues and
India- China relation, socio- economic development of China and India.
Teaching material would be provided by the course teacher.

Recommended Reading:

 Zhao Jianhua etc. (ed.) Hanyu Xiezuo Jiaocheng,Beijing Language University,2003.

BAC.E 316 –Business Chinese- I (ELECTIVE)

The course will introduce trade/ business terminologies and expressions. It will also provide
glimpse of growing trade relation between India and China since 1980s.Selected teaching
materials to be provided by the course teacher.

Recommended Books:
 Huang Weizhi, Business Chinese Intermediate Vol. I (Book 1&2)& II(Book
1&2),Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,2004.
 Huang Weizhi,Business Chinese Advance Vol. I & II , Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,
 Li Yimin, International Business Chinese, vol. I&II, Beijing Language University

BAC.E 317 –Theory of Translation (ELECTIVE)

The course shall focus on the history of translation and development of translation theory in
China. It will be of 100 marks and will have two sections:
a) The first section will be of 30 marks and will be based on Chinese to English translation of
a document selected by the course teacher, to be submitted before the written examination.
b) Second section will be of 70 marks for which written examination will be conducted.

Recommended Reading:
 George Kao and Stephen C. Soong, eds. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation
Magazine. Centre for Translation projects, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
 Spoken Chinese, Vol. I & II, Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
 Hua Shuo zhongguo Vol. I, Hua Yu Jiao xue Chuban she, Beijing Zhongguo, 2002

Reference Books:
 Communicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing.
 Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language Institute, China

VI Semester

BAC 321 – Chinese Literature II

The paper shall introduce more modern Chinese writers and their works.

Block I: Jia (Selected portion)

Block II: Luotuo Xiangzi (selected portion)
Block III: Ri chu(Selected portion)
Block IV: Bei ying

Recommended Books:
 Gaoji Hanyu Keben, Vol. I & 2 (selected portions), Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Readings from Chinese writers, Vol. I & II Huayu Jiaoxue chubanshe, Beijing
(selected portion)
 Reading for Elementary Chinese Reader, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China
(selected portions)
 Gaoji Hanyyujiao cheng, Vol. I & II, Beijing, Foreign Language Institute, China
(selected portion).
 Shiyong Hanyu Keben, Vol.IV, The Commercial Press, Beijing, 1986

BAC 322 – Selected Readings from Classical Chinese II

The course will introduce essays and poetry from ancient Chinese writers and will focus on
translation, grammar and vocabulary of Classical Chinese.

Block I: Chapter 11 to 14 Selection from Mozi, Zhang Zi

Block II: Chapter 16 Selection from Han & Tang Poetry
Block III: Chapter 17 Selection from Shi Jing ?
Block IV: Chapter 22 to23 Selection from Zhan Guo Ce

Recommended Reading:
 Harold Shaddick: A First Course in Literary Chinese (3 Vols.), Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York.

Reference Book:
 Mathew’s Chinese-English Dictionary, Harvard University Press, U.S.A.
 Raymond Dawson: A New Introduction to Classical Chinese, Oxford University
Press, U.K.
 Everyday Chinese: Brighter Readings in Classical Chinese, New World Press, China

BAC 323 – Readings in Contemporary Chinese

(Newspapers and Documents)-II

The course will focus on readings from selected Chinese Newspapers and Documents of
relevance with the aim to introduce the newspaper style of writing and specialized

Block I - News on Sino-Indian Interaction

Block II - News on China’s Eco. Development
Block III - News on China’s Social and Political Development
Block IV - News on China is international affairs

Recommended Readings:
 Kamal K. Dutta, India in Chinese Newspapers: Selected Readings (Zhong guo
Baokanshang Youguan Yindu Fangmiande Baodao Xuandu) Varanasi.
 New Chinese Press Terms, Sinolingua, Beijing.
 Hanyu Hanfa Baokan Cidian, Beijing Foreign Language Institute, Beijing, China.
 Selected teaching materials to be provided by the course teacher.

BAC 324 –Introduction to Chinese Literature II

The paper shall focus on major trends and developments of Chinese Literature from Yuan
period to May Fourth Literature.

Block I - Yuan Literature

Block II - Ming-Qing Popular Fiction
Block III - May Fourth Literature
Block IV- Literature of the 1930s

Recommended Reading:

 Zhongguo Wenxe Shi (3 Vols.) Renmin daxue chuban she, Beijing.

 Liu Wuchi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature.
 Lu Xun, A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.
 John Defrancis, The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, University of Hawaii
Press, U.S.A.
 Hsu Kaiyu, Literature of the People’s Republic of China, Indian University Press,
 Zhu Sai, ed. Zhongguo Dangdai Wenxue sichao shi, Renminwenxue Chuban She,
Beijing, China.

BAC 325 – Selected Readings in Chinese Essays

The paper will introduce selected modern essays.

Recommended Books:
 Yan fang and Qinhai Chen, Advance Chinese Intention, Strategy and Communication,
Yale University Press, 2005
 Selected materials to be compiled by the teacher.

BAC.E 326 – Business Chinese-II (ELECTIVE)

The course will further deal with topics related to current trade/business communication with
China. Teaching materials to be compiled by the course teacher.

Recommended Reading:
 Yan fang and Qinhai Chen, Advance Chinese Intention, Strategy and Communication,
Yale University Press, 2005
 Huang Weizhi, Business Chinese Intermediate Vol. I (Book 1&2)& II(Book
1&2),Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,2004.
 Huang Weizhi,Business Chinese Advance Vol. I & II , Huayu Daxue Chubanshe,
 Li Yimin, International Business Chinese, vol. I&II, Beijing Language University

BAC.E 327 – Translation and Interpretation (ELECTIVE)

The course will have two sections; each section will carry 50 marks
a) The first section will be based on Chinese to English translation of a document selected by
the course teacher to be submitted before the oral examination.
b) Viva-Voce (Interpretation) Chinese-English & English-Chinese

The Viva-Voce will be conducted jointly by the internal and external examiners.

Recommended Reading:
 George Kao and Stephen C. Soong, eds. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation
Magazine. Centre for Translation projects, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
 Spoken Chinese, Vol. I & II, Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
 Hua Shuo zhongguo Vol. I, Hua Yu Jiao xue Chuban she, Beijing Zhongguo, 2002

Reference Books:
 Cummunicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing
 Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language Institute, China
 Speaking Chinese, 300 grammatical points, New World Press, 2000.


BAC.E 111 - Modern Chinese Political Thought

(from Kang Yuwei to Deng Xiaoping)

Block I Kang Yuwei

Block II Sun Zhongshan
Block III Li Dazhao
Block IV Mao Zedong
Block V Deng Xiaoping

Suggested Readings:

-Li Chien – Nung, etc., The Political History of China, 1840-1928

(Two Reform Leaders- Sun Yan-Sen and K’ang Yu-wei), Indiana University, 1956.

- L.S. HSu, Sun Yat-Sen: His Political and Social Ideals, University of Southern
California Press, Los Angeles, 1933.

- Rong Dong Jin, Li Dazhao, Zhe Xue Yan jiu, Huadong Shifan daxue Churbanshe, 2000.

- Robisto Payane, Mao Tse-tung: Rules of Red China, New York, 1950

- Richard J. Evans, Deng Xiaoping and the Making of Modern China, Penguine, 1995

BAC.E 121 - Essentials of Chinese Philosophy and Culture

Block I Confucianism
Block II Daoism

Block III Legalism

Block IV Moism
Block V Buddhism
Block VI Neo-Confucianism

Suggested Books:

- Feng Yulan, History of Chinese Philosophy, Princeton University Press, Latest Edition.

- Theodore DeBary, Sources of Chinese Tradition Vol. I, Columbia University Press,

Revised Edition, 2003

BAC.E 211 - Women in China

The course shall focus on status of women in traditional China, role assigned in Confucian
classics, growth of awareness in the May Fourth period and in the PRC.

Block I Women in traditional China

Block II Confucianism and Chinese women
Block III Chinese women during the May fourth period
Block IV PRC and Chinese Women

Suggested Readings:

Croll Elisabeth J., Feminism and Socialism in China, New York: Routledge, 1978.

Ono Kazuko, Chinese women in a Century of Revolution 1850-1950, Stanford University

Press, Stanford, 1989.

BAC.E 221 - Chinese Myths and Fables

The course will deal with origin and development of myths and fables in China from pre-Qin
period to the Republican period.

Block I Pre-Qin period

Block II Han, Sui, Tang, Song period
Block III Yuan, Ming, Qing period
Block IV Republic of China

Suggested Readings:

Cyril Birch, Tales from China, Oxford University Press, 1961.

Werner, E.T.C., Myths and Legends of China, New York, 1922.

Iren Deacollier, Chinese Mythology, Berkeley, 2000.

Choice Based Credit Semester System

B.A.(Hons.) Compulsory Programme in CHINESE


BAC.L 111 - Chinese Language-I

The paper will introduce the elementary aspects of the language including structure, sound,
phonetics, character writing. It would emphasize on text, grammar and translation (Chinese-
English/ English-Chinese) and focus on reading, writing and listening comprehension of

BLOCK: I: Introduction to Chinese- (1-6 lessons)

Unit-1. Phonetics
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Syntax
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: II: Introduction to Chinese- (6-11 lessons)

Unit-1. Phonetics
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Syntax
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: III: Introduction to Chinese- (12-17 lessons)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Grammar
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK: IV: Introduction to Chinese- (18-22 lessons)


Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Character writing
Unit-3. Grammar
Unit-4. Drilling
Recommended Books:
 Jichu Hanyu Keben (Elementary Chinese Readers) ,(revised ed.)Vol. I, Sinolingua,
Beijing, China ,1994
 Introductory Chinese (3 vol.) Sinolingua, Beijing China
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) vol. I & II Sinolingua, Beijing Language
Reference Books:
 Communicative Chinese, Sinolingua, Beijing
 Conversational Chinese 301; Beijing Language Institute, China
 Shiyong Hanyu Keben (Practical Chinese Reader) Vol. I. The Commercial Press,
Beijing, 1986

BAC.L 121 – Chinese Language-II

The course will focus on the text, grammar & translation with special reference to Chinese
syntax, Character writing, phonetics & oral practice/drilling.

BLOCK- I: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 23-27)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK- II: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 28-32)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK-III: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 33-38)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

BLOCK-IV: Introduction to the Chinese language (Lessons 39-44)

Unit-1. Text
Unit-2. Grammar
Unit-3. Phonetics
Unit-4. Drilling

Recommended Books:

 Elementary Chinese Readers, Vol. II, (Revised ed.), Sinolingua, Beijing, China.
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China ( Selected

Reference Book:
 A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing
 Everyday Chinese for Beginners, Beijing Language Institute, Beijing 1986


BAC.L 211 –Chinese Language III

In continuation of the earlier courses on introduction of Chinese language this course would
delve into advance level of language with focus on text, grammar, translation
& oral exercise.

BLOCK- I: Chinese language (Lessons 45-48)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-II: Chinese language (Lessons 49-52)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-III: Chinese language (Lessons 53-55)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

BLOCK-IV: Chinese language (Lessons 56-58)

Unit-1. Character writing
Unit-2. Grammar & translation
Unit-3. Phrases & Idioms
Unit-4. Oral practice

Recommended Books:

 Elementary Chinese Readers, (Revised Edition),1994 Vol. III, Foreign Language

Press, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
 Shiyong Hanyu Keben (Practical Chinese Reader) Vol. III, The Commercial Press,
Beijing, 1986


BAC.L 221 - Chinese Language IV

This course will teach the advanced level of language with emphasis on text, grammar,
translation, idioms & phrases and oral practice.

BLOCK I: Text (Lessons 59 –61)

UNIT – 1: Grammar
UNIT – 2: Phonetics
UNIT – 3: Idioms and Phrase
UNIT – 4: Oral practice

BLOCK II: Text (Lessons 62-64)

UNIT- 1: Grammar
UNIT- 2: Phonetics
UNIT- 3: Translation
UNIT- 4: 0ral practice

BLOCK III: Text (Lessons 65-66)

UNIT- 1: Grammar
UNIT- 2: Phonetics
UNIT- 3: Translation
UNIT- 4: Oral practice

BLOCK IV: Text (Lessons 67-68)

UNIT-1: Grammar
UNIT-2: Phonetics
UNIT-3: Translation
UNIT-4: Oral practice

Recommended readings:
 Jichu Hanyu Keben (Revised ed.) Vol: 4, Sinolingua, Beijing, 1994
 Modern Chinese (Beginner’s Course) Vol. III, Beijing Language Institute, China.
 Everyday Chinese: 60 Fables and Anecdotes. New World Press, China (Selected
Reference Book:
 A Chinese English Dictionary, Beijing Language Institute, Commercial Press, Beijing

Semesterwise List of Courses offered in B.A.(Hons.) Chinese

Course Code I Semester: Course Title Nature of Course Credit

BAC 111 Chinese Language- I Core 3
BAC 112 Introduction to China-I Core 3
BAC.L 111 Chinese Language- I Compulsory 3
BAC.E 111 Modern Chinese Political Thought Elective 3

II Semester: Course Title

BAC 121 Chinese Language- II Core 3
BAC 122 Introduction to China-II Core 3
BAC.L 121 Chinese Language- II Compulsory 3
BAC.E 121 Essentials of Chinese Philosophy and Culture Elective 3

III Semester: Course Title

BAC 211 Chinese Language- III Core 3
BAC 212 Chinese Composition I Core 3
BAC.L 211 Chinese Language- III Compulsory 3
BAC.E 211 Women in China Elective 3

IV Semester: Course Title

BAC 221 Chinese Language- IV Core 3
BAC 222 Chinese Composition II Core 3
BAC.L 221 Chinese Language- IV Compulsory 3
BAC.E 221 Chinese Myths and Fables Elective 3

V Semester: Course Title

BAC 311 Chinese Literature I Core 3
BAC 312 Selected Readings from Classical Chinese I Core 3
BAC 313 Readings in Contemporary Chinese I Core 3
BAC 314 Introduction to Chinese Literature I Core 3
BAC 315 Chinese Composition-III Core 3
BAC.E 316 Business Chinese-I Elective 3

BAC.E 317 Theory of Translation Elective 3

VI Semester: Course Title

BAC 321 Chinese Literature II Core 3
BAC 322 Selected Readings from Classical Chinese II Core 3
BAC 323 Readings in Contemporary Chinese II Core 3
BAC 324 Introduction to Chinese Literature II Core 3
BAC 325 Selected Readings in Chinese Essays Core 3
BAC.E 326 Business Chinese-II Elective 3
BAC.E 327 Translation and Interpretation II Elective 3

Syllabus for Choice Based Credit Semester System of B.A.(Hons) Russian

B.A. (Hons.) Russian I st Year


BAu-111 Russian Language-Grammar-I

Unit 1: Lessons 1-3
Unit 2: Lessons 4-6
Unit 3: Lessons 7-8
Unit 4: Lessons 9-10

Suggested Reading: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New


BAu-112 Russia: General information-I

Unit 1: Geography of Russia (Part-I)
Unit 2: Geography of Russia (Part-II)
Unit 3: Early History of Russia (Part-I)
Unit 4: Early History of Russia (Part-II)

Suggested Readings: The material will be supplied by the department


BAu-121 Russian Language-Grammar-II

Unit 1: Lessons 11-13
Unit 2: Lessons 14-16
Unit 3: Lessons 17-18
Unit 4: Lessons 19-20

Suggested Reading: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New


BAu-122 Russia: General information (Formation of State)-II

Unit 1: Slave colonization of Russian territory (Part-I)
Unit 2: Slave colonization of Russian territory (Part-II)
Unit 3: The Kievan state (Part-I)
Unit 4: The Kievan state (Part-II)

Suggested Readings: The material will be supplied by the department

B.A. (Hons.) Russian II nd Year

BAu-211 Russian Language-Grammar-III
Unit 1: Lessons 21-23
Unit 2: Lessons 24-26
Unit 3: Lessons 27-28
Unit 4: Lessons 29-30

Suggested Reading: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New


BAu-212 Russia: General information (Invesion)-III

Unit 1: Mongol conquest and domination
Unit 2: The rise of Moscow
Unit 3: Ivan-I
Unit 4: Dissolution of Golden Horde and collapse of Byzantium

Suggested Readings: The material will be supplied by the department


BAu-221 Russian Language-Grammar-IV

Unit 1: Lessons 31-33
Unit 2: Lessons 34-36
Unit 3: Lessons 37-38
Unit 4: Lessons 39-40

Suggested Reading: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New


BAu-222 Russia: General information (Russian Rule)-IV

Unit 1: The expansion of Moscow
Unit 2: Ivan_III
Unit 3: Peter-I
Unit 4: Reforms of Peter the great

Suggested Readings: The material will be supplied by the department

B.A. (Hons.) Russian III rd Year


BAu-311 Russian Language-Grammar-V

Unit 1: Verbal Adverb (Formation-1)
Unit 2: Verbal Adverb (Formation-2)
Unit 3: Verbal Adverb (Use-1)
Unit 4: Verbal Adverb (Use-2)
Suggested Reading: Russian by I. Pulkina, E..Zakhava-Nekrasova

BAu-312 Russian Language-Grammar-VI

Unit 1: Participle Active
Unit 2: Participle Passive
Unit 3: Formation of Particle Active
Unit 4: Formation of Particle Passive
Suggested Readings: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House,
New Delhi (Lesson 42 & 45) and Russian by I. Pulkina
E..Zakhava-Nekrasova (Page 367-370)

BAu-313 Russian Language-Grammar-VII

Unit 1: Participle construction
Unit 2: Declension of Participle
Unit 3: Short-Form Participles Formation
Unit 4: Short-Form participles
Suggested Reading: Russian by V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New
Delhi (Lesson 41-42) and Russian by I. Pulkina
E..Zakhava-Nekrasova (Page 366 and 376-380)

BAu-314 Russian Language-Grammar-VIII

Unit 1: The Adverb:Adverbs of Manner ending in-O The Degrees of comparison of Adverbs
Unit 2: Predicative Adverbs:Relative and Demonstrative Adverbs:Negative Adverbs.
Unit 3: Indefinite Adverbs, Adverbs of Place
Unit 4: Adverbs of Time:Adverbs of Measure or Degree
Suggested Readings: Russian by I. Pulkina,E..Zakhava-Nekrasova (Page 413-428)

BAu-315 Translation
Unit 1: Translation Russian to English (Seen)
Unit 2: Translation Russian to English (Unseen)
Unit 3: Translation English to Russian (Seen)
Unit 4: Translation English to Russian (Unseen)

Note: One passage each (15-20 lines) from the lessons 1-40 from the book Russian by
V.N.Wagner, Y.G.Ovsienko Peoples Publishing House, New Delhi and one unseen passage
(15-20 lines) each (Unit 2 & 4)

BAu-316 Essay Writing

Unit 1: Russian festivals (New Year)
Unit 2: Russian festivals (Other than New Year)
Unit 3: Indian festivals (New Year)
Unit 4: Indian festivals (Other than New Year)

Note: Two out of four topics (200-250 words)


BAu-321 Letter Writing

Unit 1: Personal Letter (Type-I)
Unit 2: Personal Letter (Type-II)
Unit 3: Official Letter (Type-I)
Unit 4: Official Letter (Type-II)

Note: Two out of four topics

BAu-322 Poetry
Unit 1: “Ocen” & “Ya vac lubil…” A.S.Pushkin
Unit 2: “Anchar” A.S.Pushkin
Unit 3: “Smert poeta”& “Parus” M.U.Lermontov
Unit 4: “Vixozhu odin ya na dorogu” M.U.Lermontov

Note: Analysis of any three poems

(Material will be supplied by the Department)

BAu-323 Short Stories

Unit 1: M.U.Lermontov “Geroi Nashevoa vremeni”
Unit 2: M.U.Lermontov “Geroi Nashevoa vremeni”
Unit 3: M.U.Lermontov “Geroi Nashevoa vremeni”
Unit 4: M.U.Lermontov “Geroi Nashevoa vremeni”

Unit 1: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 2: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 3: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Unit 4: A.S.Pushkin “Poveschi Belkina”
Note: Analysis of stories in general or any one story in particular in detail.
(Material will be supplied by the Department)

BAu-324 Life and work of Pre-revolution writers

Unit 1: A. S. Pushkin
Unit 2: M.U. Lermontov
Unit 3: L. Tolstoy
Unit 4: N.V. Gogal

Note: Life and work of any two writers

BAu-325 Life and work of Post-revolution writers

Unit 1: M. Gorky, V.V.Mayakovsky
Unit 2: Chingiz Aitmatov, Anna Akhamatova
Unit 3: K. Simanov
Unit 4: A.T. Twardovsky

Note: Life and work of any two writers

BAu-326 Project Assignment & Viva-voce


Semesterwise List of Courses offered in B.A.(Hons.) Russian Studies

Course Code I Semester: Course Title Nature of Course Credit

BAu 111 Russian Language-Grammar I Core 3
BAu 112 Russia: General Information I Core 3
II Semester: Course Title
BAu 121 Russian Language-Grammar II Core 3
BAu 122 Russia: General Information (Formation of State) II Core 3
III Semester: Course Title
BAu 211 Russian Language-Grammar III Core 3
BAu 212 Russia: General Information (Invasion) III Core 3
IV Semester: Course Title
BAu 221 Russian Language-Grammar IV Core 3
BAu 222 Russia: General Information (Russian Rule) IV Core 3
V Semester: Course Title
BAu 311 Russian Language-Grammar V Core 3
BAu 312 Russian Language-Grammar VI Core 3
BAu 313 Russian Language-Grammar VII Core 3
BAu 314 Russian Language-Grammar VIII Core 3
BAu 315 Translatiion Core 3
BAu 316 Essay Writing Core 3
VI Semester: Course Title
BAu 321 Letter Writing Core 3
BAu 322 Poetry Core 3
BAu 323 Short Stories Core 3
BAu 324 Life and work of Pre-revolution writers Core 3
BAu 325 Life and work of Post-revolution writers Core 3
BAu 326 Viva-voce Core 3

B.A. (Hons.) Japanese

Course No: BAJ 111
Course Title: Kana, Kanji and Oral Expression
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Introduction of the Japanese writing system, i.e. Hiragana, Katakana and
Kanji (100-120), word-building, writing foreign names and loan words in katakana. Oral
practice of pronunciation and intonation of Japanese sounds, Japanese greetings, self
introduction, identifying things, time of the day, calendar; counting using Japanese numerical
classifiers; describing things; making comparisons; talking of daily activities, kinship terms
used for address and reference, seasons, giving and receiving, shopping; making requests,
talking of one’s likes and dislikes
Objective: To teach pronunciation and intonation of Japanese sounds and to enable students
to comprehend and speak simple sentences in Japanese
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%)
Teaching material: Kana Nyumon, Kanji Nyumon, Kana cards and Kanji cards and Audio-
visual aids; picture cards etc.

Course No: BAJ 112

Course Title: Basic Structure and Comprehension

Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Japanese Greetings; Basic sentence patterns to be applied in self
introduction, identifying things; time of the day; calendar; counting using Japanese numerical
classifiers; describing things; making comparisons; talking of daily activities; kinship terms
used for address and reference; seasons; giving and receiving; shopping; making requests;
talking of one’s likes and dislikes
Objective: To introduce Japanese Greetings; Basic level, to enable students to read and write
simple sentences in Japanese to teach some aspects of Japanese society and culture.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Text book-Nihongo I, Kokusaigakuyukai, Exercise book 1of Nihongo I
and other supplementary material

Course No: BAJL 111 (Compulsory)

Course Title: Kana, Kanji and Oral Expression
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 111)

Course No: BAJ 121
Course Title: Speaking Japanese
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Simple conversation in situations such as describing things, making
comparisons, talking of daily activities, giving and receiving of gifts, talking of illness and
visit to a doctor, shopping, making requests, talking of one’s likes and dislikes, talking on
telephone etc. Drills based on sentence patterns of Japanese at lower intermediate level and
on keigo, the polite Japanese.
Objective: To enable students to comprehend and make simple conversation in different
situations using basic sentence patterns.

Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Audio visual aids; picture cards etc.

Course No: BAJ 122

Course Title: Social Environment of East Asia: Japan
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: The course is an introduction to some aspects of Japanese culture such as
festivals, Japanese seasons, Japanese people and their love for nature; Japanese food, sports;
society; geography; education system; Japan and the world etc. The objective is to create
general awareness in students about life in Japan.
Evaluation: Performance in Mid-Semester examination, one term paper, End Semester
Teaching Material: Nippon, the Land and its People
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture
Japani Sanskrit –Ek Parichay, by Manjushree Chauhan, Anubhav Prakashan
Japan, the living culture, by Sushma Jain, Har Anand Publication

Course No: BAJL 121(Compulsory)

Course Title: Speaking Japanese
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 121)

Course No: BAJE 122 (Elective)

Course Title: Social Environment of East Asia: Japan
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 122)

Course No: BAJ 211

Course Title: Text, Kanji and Grammar

Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Introduction of situations/ functions such as narrating one’s experiences,
desires; talking of one’s capabilities; giving and receiving things; extending an invitation;
talking of one’s future plans, asking for permission; expressions of duty, obligations, hearsay,
conjecture, reasons, purpose; talking about illnesses; passivised and causativised actions; use
of Keigo, writing and reading of approximately 180 Kanji
Objective: To introduce Japanese language at the lower intermediate level, to enable students
to read and write approx. 180 Kanji, to comprehend passages written in Japanese at lower
intermediate level and answer questions based on it, to introduce Keigo, the polite Japanese,
to teach additional aspects of Japanese society and culture
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Text book; Nihongo I, Exercise book II of Nihongo I Japanese
Conversation for Improving Spoken Proficiency, By P.A. George, Inoue Soriko and Itsuko
Nandi, Books Plus

Course No: BAJ 212

Course Title: Comprehension and Composition
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Comprehension of passages in simple Japanese and writing of
composition in Japanese applying lower intermediate grammatical patterns
Objective: To enable students to read passages or stories in Japanese based on the grammar,
vocabulary, and sentence patterns at the lower intermediate level and to enable them to
express their ideas on simple topics, and write short compositions
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching Material: Text from book written for basic level learners, short stories, fables and
children’s folktales etc.

Course No: BAJL 211(Compulsory)


Course Title: Text, Kanji and Grammar

Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 211)

Course No: BAJ 221
Course Title: Text and Kanji
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Diverse texts based on Japanese culture, customs, history, food habits, and
science etc, for the development of communicative competence of students; skimming,
scanning of texts with emphasis on advanced sentence patterns, grammatical structures and
idiomatic phrases, reading and writing of approximately 300 Kanji
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: The chapters are compiled from the following books: Chukyu Nihongo, Tokyo
Gaikokugo Daigaku; Nihongo II, Kokusaigakuyukai, and other supplementary material

Course No: BAJ 222

Course Title: Applied Grammar and Composition
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Grammatical patterns at the intermediate level and some grammatical
terms in Japanese, extensive practice through drills and exercises, compositions on simple
topics. Practice in translation from Japanese into English and vice versa of simple
sentences/passages, some translation techniques
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Nihongo II, Exercise books I and II, and other supplementary material

Course No: BAJL 221(Compulsory)

Course Title: Text and Kanji

Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (As Course No. BAJ 221)

Course No: BAJ 311
Course Title: Text and Kanji
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (Continuation of Course no. BAJ 221) Diverse texts based on Japanese
culture, customs, history, food habits, and science etc, for the development of communicative
competence of students; skimming, scanning of texts with emphasis on advanced sentence
patterns, grammatical structures and idiomatic phrases, reading and writing of approximately
400 Kanji
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: The chapters are compiled from the following books: Chyukyu Nihongo, Tokyo
Gaikokugo Daigaku, Nihongo II, Kokusaigakuyukai, Bunka chyukyu Nihongo I and others

Course No: BAJ 312

Course Title: Applied Grammar and Composition
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Grammatical categories and cases of Japanese, grammatical patterns at
the intermediate level, extensive practice through drills and exercises, compositions on
various topics.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Exercise book I and II of Nihongo II, Nihongo no Sakubun, Nihongo no
Sakubun II, Nihon Jijou, Shinbun de Manabu Nihongo other supplementary material

Course No: BAJ 313

Course Title: Conversation

Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Conversation practice in Japanese at advance level, on social and cultural
life of India and Japan, politics, economy, usage of idioms and phrases, practice in use of
keigo, the Japanese polite language and colloquial Japanese
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Audio-visual aids, newspapers, magazines, internet and other
supplementary material

Course No. BAJ 314

Course Title: Translation
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Practice in English to Japanese and Japanese into English translation of
short passages on various topics such as culture, society, religion and life style taken from
books, newspapers, magazines, internet etc.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Newspapers and magazines, internet downloads, Nihon Jijou, Shinbun
de Manabu Nihongo and other supplementary material

Course No: BAJ 315

Course Title: Japanese Culture
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: History of Japanese language, literary trends, religions, spread of Chinese
influence, development of art and culture in Japan
Evaluation: Performance in mid-semester examination, one term paper, End Semester
Suggested Readings:
Hall, John Whitney, Japan- from Pre-history to Modern Times, Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle,

John K, Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer and Albert M. Craig, East Asia: The Great Tradition,
Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1964
Sansom, George B., A History of Japan, 3 Vols. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1974
Kennedy, Malcalm, A History of Japan, London, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1963.
Reischauer,Edwin O, Japan-Past and Present, London, Duckworth, 1964
Storry, Richard, A History of Modern Japan, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd. 1973
Hane, Mikiso, Japan, New York, Scribners’ Sons, 1972

Course No: BAJE 316

Course Title: Introduction to Japanese Literature-I (Elective)
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: An overview of Japanese Literature from the ancient to early modern
(Kinsei) period, development of Japanese classics such as Kojiki, Nihonshoki, Fudoki,
Manyoshu etc. and the socio political conditions in Nara, Heian, Kamakura and Muromachi
periods facilitating the literary development; major literary trends, authors, works literary
trends, authors, works of each period are covered with special emphasis to familiarize the key
words related to each period in vernacular script.
Evaluation: Performance in two Sessionals out of three, i.e. two tests and one assignment
(25%), class performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Reference books: Nihonbungakushi by Hamakawa
Ancient Japanese Literature: A Critical Survey by Anita Khanna
Traditional Japanese Literature by Haruo Shirane
Excepts from related works for background reading

Course No: BAJ 321
Course Title: Text, Kanji and Advance Grammar-I
Course Credits: 3

Course Contents: Reading and analyzing text such as short stories, essay, poems by
skimming, and scanning with emphasis on advanced sentence patterns and grammatical
structures, idiomatic phrases essential for the comprehension of Japanese texts
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three/one Sessional test and
one assignment (25%), in the class (25%), in the End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: Ryugakusei no tame no nihongo kyokasho, Waseda University Ryugakusei Centre
and other supplementary material

Course No: BAJ 322

Course Title: Text, Kanji and Advance Grammar-II
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: (Continuation of Course No. BAJ 321) Reading and analyzing texts such
as short stories, poems, essay on subjects such as literature, science philosophy, criticism by
skimming, and scanning with emphasis on advanced sentence patterns and grammatical
structures, idiomatic phrases essential for the comprehension of Japanese texts
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three/one Sessional test and
one assignment (25%), class performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Text book: Ryugakusei no tame no nihongo kyokasho, Waseda University
Ryugakusei Centre, other supplementary material

Course No: BAJ 323

Course Title: Translation
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Techniques of translation, translation of texts based on culture, society,
current affairs, politics, Japanese economy, science and technology.
Evaluation: Performance in two written Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class
performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Selected texts/passages from books, newspapers, magazines and internet

Course No. BAJ 324

Course Title: Interpretation
Course Credits: 3

Course Contents: Theories and strategies of Interpretation, interpretation from Japanese into
English and English into Japanese on various topics such as culture, society, politics,
economy etc. seminars/ presentations
Evaluation: Performance in two Sessional Tests out of three (25%), class performance
(25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Teaching material: Audio-visual aids, films, newspapers, magazines, internet, books

Course No: BAJ 325

Course Title: Introduction to Japanese Literature-II
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: An overview of Japanese Literature from early modern (Kinsei) to Showa
period, western ideological influences, socio political movements that influenced the literary
trends of Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods, major literary trends, authors and their works
with special emphasis on introducing the key words related to each period in Japanese script
Evaluation: Evaluation: Performance in two Sessionals out of three, i.e. two tests and one
assignment (25%), class performance (25%), End Semester examination (50%).
Reference books:
Nihonbungakushi by Hamakawa
History of Japanese Literature, by Kato Shuichi
Dawn to the West, by Donald Keene
Excepts from related literary texts

Course No: BAJE 326

Course Title: Socio-economic and Political Development (Elective)
Course Credits: 3
Course Contents: Socio-economic and political developments from earliest times to postwar
Japan, development of art and culture during Tokugawa period; Neo Confucianism;
Commodor Mathew C. Perry’s visit and the fall of Shogunate, World War II, rise of Japan as
a world power
Evaluation: Performance in mid-semester examination, one term paper, End Semester

Suggested Readings:
Hall, John Whitney, Japan- from Pre-history to Modern Times, Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle,
John K, Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer and Albert M, Craig, East Asia: The Great Tradition,
Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1964
Sansom, George B., A History of Japan, 3 Vols. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1974
Kennedy, Malcalm, A History of Japan, London, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1963.
Reischauer,Edwin O, Japan-Past and Present, London, Duckworth, 1964
Story, Richard, A History of Modern Japan, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd. 1973
Hane, Mikiso, Japan, New York, Scribners’ Sons, 1972
Semesterwise List of Courses offered in B.A.(Hons.) Japanese

Course Code I Semester: Course Title Nature of Course Credit

BAJ 111 Kana, Kanji and Oral Expressions Core 3
BAJ 112 Basic Structure and Comprehension Core 3
BAJ.L 111 Kana, Kanji and Oral Expressions Compulsory 3

II Semester: Course Title

BAJ 121 Speaking Japanese Core 3
BAJ 122 Social Environment of East Asia: Japan Core 3
BAJ.L 121 Speaking Japanese Compulsory 3
BAJ.E 121 Social Environment of East Asia: Japan Elective 3

III Semester: Course Title

BAJ 211 Text, Kanji and Grammar Core 3
BAJ 212 Comprehension and Composition Core 3
BAJ.L 211 Text, Kanji and Grammar Compulsory 3

IV Semester: Course Title

BAJ 221 Text and Kanji Core 3
BAJ 222 Applied Grammar and Composition Core 3
BAJ.L 221 Text and Kanji Compulsory 3

V Semester: Course Title

BAJ 311 Text and Kanji Core 3
BAJ 312 Applied Grammar and Composition Core 3
BAJ 313 Conversation Core 3
BAJ 314 Translation Core 3
BAJ 315 Japanese Culture Core 3
BAJ.E 316 Introduction to Japanese Literature-I Elective 3

VI Semester: Course Title

BAJ 321 Text, Kanji and Advance Grammar-I Core 3
BAJ 322 Text, Kanji and Advance Grammar-II Core 3
BAJ 323 Translation Core 3
BAJ 324 Interpretation Core 3
BAJ 325 Introduction to Japanese Literature-II Core 3
BAJ.E 326 Socio-economic and Political Development Elective 3

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