Photosynthesis Lesson Plan
Photosynthesis Lesson Plan
Photosynthesis Lesson Plan
Title: Photosynthesis – Shed A Little Light on Me
Authors: LaRhonda Brown, Angela Day, Tiffany Goldsmith, Raven McDonald, Sandra McKell,
Mary Moss, Pam Weaver
Grade/Subject: 7/ Life Science, 9th/ PreAP Biology Date: September 2010
I. Need for this Lesson
There is a distinct need for lessons and laboratory experiences covering cellular processes within the science
curriculum. Based on state test data, many students cannot identify the overall chemical processes for both
photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It is evident students are having difficulty making the connection between
the following two relationships: chloroplast with photosynthesis and the mitochondria with cellular respiration.
Prior to this lesson, students should know the difference between plant and animal cells and be familiar with the
structure and function of plant and animal cell organelles.
This lesson should give students multiple opportunities to relate the chloroplast with photosynthesis. During this
lab students will perform a photosynthesis activity with manipulatives, a wet photosynthesis lab activity, view a
short photosynthesis video, and view the chloroplasts within an elodea leaf. This lab should reinforce prior
knowledge of chloroplast function.
II. Unit Information
A. Name of the Unit: The Cell and Cell Processes
B. Goal(s) of the Unit:
1. Recognize that cells are the basic units of structure and function.
2. Identify organelles of animal and plant cells.
3. Compare and contrast the organelles involved in the processes of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration.
4. Write the overall reactions, list the reactants and the products, and explain the
reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
C. Relationship of the Unit to the Curriculum
Prerequisite Knowledge Concepts for this Unit Concepts in Future Units
Students Should Know: ←Bridge from Bridge to → Prepare Students to Learn:
1. Students should know the 1. Relate plant and animal cellular 1. In high school biology
differences between plant structure with cellular function. students will analyze the
and animal cells. overall chemical pathway of
2. Students should know how 2. Give examples of photosynthesis and cellular
to use the microscope. photosynthetic organisms, respiration.
3. Students should recognize photosynthetic organs, and 2. View and learn about
the differences between photosynthetic cells. photosynthetic protists.
prokaryotic cells and 3. Relate the structure of the (euglena)
eukaryotic cells. chloroplast with
4. Students should know and photosynthesis.
recognize the organelles 4. Perform an experiment that
common to plant and will test the effect of light on
animal cells. chloroplast function during
5. Students should be able to photosynthesis.
differentiate between 5. Construct the overall reaction
autotrophs and of photosynthesis by listing the
heterotrophs. reactants and products.
D. Possible Student Misconceptions
1. Students do not realize that cellular respiration takes place in both animal and plant cells.
2. Photosynthesis takes place in plants, regardless of color. Ex. Green, Purple, red, orange, yellow,
3. Students are often confused about the purpose of indicators in science.
4. 4. Photosynthesis is much more than the simple reaction that students often memorize. It is a complex
chemical reaction composed of 80 – 100 chemical reactions.
E. Unit Instructional Plan:
Unit Concept/Topic # of Lessons
1. Relate plant and animal cell organelle structures with functions. 3
2. Relate plant cell structure with photosynthesis. 1*
3. Write the equation for photosynthesis, list the reactants and products, and explain how a 2*
change in light, water, and carbon dioxide can affect the results of photosynthesis.
* concept(s) covered in this Study Lesson Plan
III. Study Lesson Information
A. Title of the Study Lesson: Photosynthesis – Shed A Little Light on Me
B. Standards Addressed (national, state/local):
Grades 68 Structure and function in living systems.
Grades 912 The cell
Interdependence of organisms, matter, energy, and organization in living systems.
ACOS 7.1 Describe characteristics common to living things, including growth and development,
reproduction (sexual and asexual), cellular organization, use of energy, exchange of gases
(oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen), and response to the environment.
7.2 Identify and give functions of organelles found in eukaryotic cells, including the nucleus,
chromosomes, cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, chloroplast, and vacuoles.
Biology Core
3. Identify reactants and products associated with photosynthesis and cellular respiration and the
purposes of these two processes.
4. Describe similarities and differences of cell organelles, using diagrams and tables.
5. Identify cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, and
ecosystems as levels of organization in the biosphere.
10. Distinguish and monocots and dicots, angiosperms and gymnosperms, vascular and
nonvascular plants.
14. Trace biogeochemical cycles through the environment, including water, carbon, oxygen, and
C. Lesson Overview: Students will use a microscope to observe chloroplasts then conduct an activity to
demonstrate the necessity for light and the use of CO2 during photosynthesis. This lesson teaches students that CO2
is used and O2 is produced during photosynthesis.
D. Performance Objective(s):
The student will:
1. Use a microscope to observe parts of a cell.
2. Perform an activity to demonstrate photosynthesis.
3. Use scientific reasoning to draw conclusions from an experiment.
4. List the reactants and products of photosynthesis.
E. Assessment Timeline
Diagnostic Formative During lesson. Summative After lesson is
Before student work begins. Assessment strategies, possible feedback, completed.
Assessment strategies, possible scaffolding techniques: Assessment strategies, possible
feedback, scaffolding techniques: feedback, remediation:
Student lab reports
Informal assessment of students’ Teacher’s observation of students’ Photosynthesis exit slip: Relate the
misconceptions. The teacher will accuracy of laboratory procedures. process of photosynthesis and plant
hold up a bean seed in one hand and Teacher will also use formative cell structure to what is happening
a bean plant in the other hand and assessment during the photosynthesis when leaves change color in the fall.
ask the students, “What was needed manipulative activity. Student roleplay of photosynthesis
to get from this seed to this plant?” Ongoing questions and answers (later date).
The students will be expected to Photosynthesis test (later)
name the materials needed and the
process required.
F. Materials/Resources
LCD projector, computer, computer, microscope, lab materials listed in handout, photosynthesis manipulative
pictures that are in PowerPoint, tape, one lab handout per student, slides, cover slips, elodea
G. Teaching/Learning Process for the Study Lesson
Step Handouts, equipment, Evaluate:
and time Teaching/Learning Activities supplies. Points to Assessment
allocation remember. techniques for each
(min) activity.
Teacher will hold a bean seed in one hand and a Students earlier grew Teacher will look for
Engage bean plant in the other hand and then ask the some bean seeds in a such answers as:
(10 min) students, “What was required to get from this seed plastic bag (one with soil water, light, pigment,
to this plant?” and one without soil) CO2
Teacher will address
the misconception that
soil is needed (Plants
can be grown without
Explore Students will perform the lab “Shine a Little Light Students will need lab Formative assessment
(40 min) on Me” see attachment procedure and handout. during lab and
All supplies are listed on summative assessment
Students will observe chloroplasts in living elodea lab sheet. See handout. with lab report.
cells under the microscope
Explain Photosynthesis manipulative activity Each student The pictures will Students will place
(during 30 group will select pictures that represent either be laminated and placed their selections on the
minute wait photosynthetic: organisms, organs, cells, organelles, in a separate envelope – large poster displayed
time) reactants, or products. one per group on the front board.
Exit slip – The leaves on the trees are beginning to Exit slip – Relate
Extend change to red, orange, or yellow. Eventually, the photosynthesis to the
(10 min) leaves will fall off the trees. Using the information color change in
you have learned about plant cells, organelles, and leaves.
photosynthesis, describe what is happening in the
IV. Attachments (worksheets, labs, project guides, tests, rubrics, etc.)
Photosynthesis Shine a Light Lab.doc Laboratory directions and lab sheet
photosynthesis exit slip.docx
Photosynthesis Test.doc