Lesson Plan On Photosynthesis
Lesson Plan On Photosynthesis
Lesson Plan On Photosynthesis
How do plants get energy?
Developed by Chantier 7 project team members
Instructional goals:
Grade level: Grade 7, 8
Instructional Materials: Whiteboard (or smart board, black board) for creating public
record for students’ thinking. For the materials needed for specific activities, please see
500ml or 1L beaker
Desk Lamp
Bromothymol blue solution (acid-base indicator available for purchase online. Yellow
pH less than 6.0, blue pH above 7.6)
Test tubes (one for each color and two additional as controls)
Plastic wrap
Aluminum foil
Elementary school:
Students explain the essential needs of living organisms (e.g. food, respiration) and describe
metabolic activity (transformation of energy, growth, maintenance of systems and body
temperature). They describe the function of photosynthesis, which they distinguish from
Secondary cycle 1:
Lighting a candle in a sealed jar with water proves that air is 21% oxygen (the water
moves up the jar because the 21 % oxygen is consumed).
All essential components for plants are absorbed from the soil via rots.
Plants breath. They inhale carbon dioxide, and they exhale oxygen.
(Adapted from: https://scienceinquirer.wikispaces.com/file/view/RespirationCorr.pdf )
Question 1. Which of the following is TRUE about the sugar molecules in plants?
A. The sugar molecules come from the soil.
B. The sugar molecules are the result of a chemical reaction.
C. The sugar molecules are one of many sources of food for plants.
D. The sugar molecules are made from molecules of water and minerals.
Question 2. Where does the food that a plant needs come from?
A. The food comes in from the soil through the plant’s roots.
B. The food comes in from the air through the plant’s leaves.
C. The plant makes its food from carbon dioxide and water.
D. The plant makes its food from minerals and water.
Step 1: Introduction – Engage Students in Learning : In this step, teacher introduces the
driving question of this lesson: “Plants need energy to stay alive and grow. How do you
think plants get energy?”
Step 2: Background Knowledge Probes (BKPs) : In this step, teacher use the assessments
listed above to elicit students’ prior understanding and ideas of photosynthesis.
Step 3: Collecting and Making Sense of Data : In this step, teacher will conduct the Activity #1
– An Oxygen Factory. Teachers will then choose one of the option activities (i.e., Activity
Option #2 – Light! Light! or Activity Option #3 – Role of Carbon Dioxide and Light) to
provide students with more evidences for the upcoming discussion at the end of the lesson.
While students are engaging in these activities, teacher can ask discussion questions to track
students’ understanding of the concept. Students are also invited to record their observation
on the worksheet given.
Step 5: Evaluation : Teacher can assess students’ learning outcomes by choosing one of the
post-assessment strategies: (1) Question and Answer/Exit Cards; (2) Create a multimedia
poster; (3) Using the assessment questions listed above.
Details and procedures of each step are explained as follow:
(1) Introduction of the topic by saying: “Hello, we are going to learn about
photosynthesis today. Before starting the lesson, does there anyone know where
plants get their energy from?”
(2) Teacher can prepare a feed-web (see Figure 1.) on transparency, doc cam,
computer screen, or draw the figure on the board. Teacher can than ask the following
questions to guide the discussion:
All living things need energy to survive. How do us, human get energy?
From this food-web figure (Figure 1), how do fox and rabbits gain their energy
From this food-web figure (Figure 1), how do grass and trees gain their energy
from? Do grass and trees ‘eat’ any other organisms?
Figure 1. Food-web
(Figure retrieved from MOSART Life Science Survey Test, Item form # 921, Q8)
(3) Based on students’ response, teacher can re-voice students’ responses and write
the responses on the board.
(4) After students sharing their ideas about food-web, teacher can begin the class by
introducing the driving question of this lesson: “Plants need energy to stay alive and
grow. How do you think plants get energy?”
Teacher can use clickers to obtain students’ responses. If the school does not have
clickers, teacher can ask the questions to the whole class and ask students to raise
their hands for the answer. If there is no answer from students, teachers can also ask
students to write their answer on a piece of paper and put them in a box. Teacher will
then write some response on a board (or a chart paper) for discussion.
(2) Pressing for explanations: After administering the test, teacher can share the
data with students and ask students for the explanations. You may re-voice their
explanations and write their response on a board. For example, teacher can ask: “We
see that many of you choose option C as an answer. Does anybody want to share
why they chose option C? What is your evidence for saying that?”
(3) Introducing the term: Teacher can use the term “photosynthesis” to further
probe students’ prior understanding. Teacher will then start the lesson by asking
students what they think “photosynthesis” means and write down their responses on
the board (or a chart paper).
Teacher will first conduct the Activity #1 – An Oxygen Factory. Afterward, teachers can
choose one of the option activities (i.e., Activity Option #2 – Light! Light! or Activity Option
#3 – Role of Carbon Dioxide and Light) to provide students with more evidences for the
upcoming discussion at the end of the lesson. These optional activities could help teacher to
engage in ongoing, formative assessments to track students’ learning (e.g., walking around
class to listen to their ideas, recording and displaying their ideas, observations, worksheets,
student journals, students’ work products, etc.).
Part 1: Preparation: Teacher will have two different demo stations (i.e., Demo Station #1–
Photosynthesis of an aquatic plant and Demo Station #2–Growth factors of a plant)
prepared at least three days prior to the activity. Both teachers and students can create the
demo stations.
(1) Place a submersed aquatic plant (e.g., Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis) or
coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum) in a flask.
(2) Fill a 500mL or 1L beaker with water.
(3) Place the flask (with aquatic plants) into the beaker. Make sure that the aquatic plants are
submerged in water.
(4) Place a light source (e.g., desk lamp) near the beaker.
(1) Prepare 3 different pots of plants that are the same size (relevantly same size).
(2) Prepare 3 terrariums (or 2 Liter soft drink bottles with the top cut off and saved for lid)
with soil and 1 plant.
(3) Terrarium 1: Add some oxygen gas, and seal the terrarium (or bottle lid). Label the
Note: If you do not have access to oxygen gas, just seal the terrarium. Make sure the plant
had been in a closed system at least for 3 days.
(4) Terrarium 2: Add some carbon dioxide gas, and seal the terrarium (or lid for the bottle.)
Label the terrarium.
Note: If you do not have access to carbon dioxide gas, place alkalizer in water, in an
erlenmyer flask with a one-hole stopper, an elbow tube and glass tubing. Insert the tubing
into the lid of the terrarium as the carbon dioxide is being produced).
(5) Terrarium 3: The third terrarium is a control. Leave the plant in an unsealed terrarium.
Part 2: Observation: Students observe the plants at the two demo stations (i.e., Demo
Station #1–Photosynthesis of an aquatic plant and Demo Station #2–Growth factors of a
plant). Teacher can ask questions to elicit students’ ideas.
For example, for the Demo Station #1, teacher can ask the follow questions:
For the Demo Station #2, teacher can ask the follow questions:
Where do you think the bubble comes from in the second terrarium?
What differences do you see between the first and second terrarium?”
Part 3: Recording observation: Teacher will ask students to observe the three different
terrariums and write down their observation on their worksheet (Appendix A).
Note: The following Activity #2 and #3 are optional. These optional activities would allow
teachers to help students collect more evidence/data for the final discussions at the end of
the lesson.
The goal of this activity is to illustrate the causal relationship between light and photosynthesis (i.e., more light, more photosynthetic
Part 1: Preparation:
(1) Label 2 test tubes as either a treatment group or a control group. An hour or more before class, place a 5-cm segme
of an aquatic plant into each treatment test tube.
Note: Control test tubes are necessary to demonstrate that, with the combination of light and associated heat, bubbles may
form at the surrogate’s surface, but few, if any, of those bubbles will be released from the surrogate and rise to the surface
the water.
(2) In separate test tubes, place an inert object similar in dimension to the plant segments (e.g., a 5-cm section of a
drinking straw). The test tubes with these plant surrogates act as controls. If multiple plant species are available, add an
additional test tube for each additional species and place 5-cm cuttings of those species into their own test tubes. Teachers
should attempt to have all plant clippings be as similar as possible (i.e., taken from the same location on the stem of multiple
(3) Fill all test tubes with the same amount of tap water, to within 2 cm of the top.
Note: If multiple lamps and test tube racks are available, this experiment can be replicated by splitting the class into groups
three or four and carrying out the same measurements at each station.
Part 2: Activity:
(1) Pass out the test tubes with plant segments to students. Students may work in a pair or groups.
(2) Lead a discussion to allow students to understand that the rate of bubble formation is a measure of the rate of
photosynthesis. Teacher may ask:
What do you think the bubbles are made of? Are they oxygen? Carbon dioxide?
(3) Place all tubes at a specified distance from a light source and allow 15 minutes for the plant to acclimate to the new
environment. Make sure to plan for enough test tubes to carry out this experiment using multiple distances. (e.g., 15, 30, and
cm from the light source).
(4) After the test tubes containing plants or plant surrogates (e.g., straws) have been exposed to the light for at least 15 min,
students to count the number of bubbles that emerge from the plant and float to the surface and measure the temperature
all tubes at the same time they count the number of bubbles.
Note: Because the control tubes will collect bubbles, it is important for students to count only the number of bubbles that co
from the plant or plant surrogate that rise to the surface. On the basis of the rate of bubble production observed, students
should determine over what period of time (e.g., 15, 30, or 60 s) bubble production should be measured; the greater the bub
production, the less time necessary.
Note: Increases in temperature can influence rates of photosynthesis and have been implicated in the spontaneous generatio
of bubbles from nonphotosynthetic materials.
(5) Ask students to construct a graph based on their data and write down their observation and explanation.
(1) Set up the lamps at least several feet apart and away from windows.
(2) Pour equal amounts of bromothymol blue into the test tubes or glasses (about 2/3 of the test tube or ½ cup in a small
Note: If you do not have enough solution, you may dilute it with a little water. Just be sure to use distilled water and dilute t
entire supply only slightly.
(3) Cut equal-sized pieces of elodea for each test tube or glass (about 3 inches in length). Place a piece of elodea in each te
tube or glass. Record the initial color of the bromothymol blue solution. Have students to label three test tubes (e.g., #1,
and 3).
Talk about the role of bromothymol blue (pH indicator) by saying: “If the solution is blue, it is alkaline (basic). If the solutio
is yellow, it is acidic. If there is photosynthesis occurring, the indicator changes its colour from blue to yellow (Base–blue,
neutral (pH range 6.0-7.6)–green, Acid–yellow). The reason for this colour change is that the carbon dioxide released durin
photosynthesis reacts with the water to form carbonic acid.”
(4) Have students to blow through a straw into the test tube #1; Cover the test tube (aluminum foil works well). Be sure t
completely seal the vessel to keep gas from entering or leaving.
Note: As they add Carbon dioxide into the tube, the bromothymol blue solution will change its colour to yellow (acidic).
(5) Have students to cover the test tube #2 completely with aluminum foil to block out any light. Test tube #3 is a control,
it should be left uncovered.
(6) Have students to write a hypothesis to explain which test-tube the solution will change colour, and to what colour.
Teacher can ask: “Which test tube will have most photosynthetic activity? and Why?”
(7) Place the test tubes under the lamp. The plants should all be 12 inches (30 cm) away from their lamp.
(8) Let the test tubes sit for a one-hour to 24 hours. Record the final color of the solution for each test tube.
(9) Ask students to create a bar graph to illustrate their results. Ask students to compare their results with their hypothe
Note: Teacher can have a class discussion to share their data.
(1) Divide students into groups. (Groups of 2-3). Ask students to answer the questions
on the worksheet (Appendix B). For example:
Where does the water that appears on the side of the terrariums (Activity 1 – An
Oxygen Factory) come from?
Which conditions are necessary for bubbles to appear in the water (Activity 2 –
Light! Light!)?
(2) Once students are finished with the worksheet, facilitate a class discussion.
Teacher can lead a discussion about the similarities and differences in the group
Note: Teacher may go over the questions with students and have them present their
answers and explanations. Or, teacher may ask students to present their data to the
rest of class while teacher write down similarities and differences emerging from
different groups’ data.
(3) Go back to the driving question on the board: “Plants need energy to stay alive
and grow. How do you think plants get energy?” Ask students if their view have
changed and ask why. Again, encourage students to draw their explanations from the
evidence/data from the activities. Teacher can use the following strategies:
Note: If time allows, you can show your students “photosynthesis song”: this video
summarizes the process of photosynthesis, offering visual and musical
sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Option #1: Question and Answer/Exit Cards: Have students to fill out the worksheet
page individually (see Appendix). After students fill out most part of the worksheet, ask them
to discuss in a small group (3-4 students). Teacher can facilitate the group discussion while
walking around the classroom by asking questions such as: “With regards to Input and its
origin: Why do you think so? What evidence do you have from the activities we have done
in class?” After going of worksheet page. 100 together, teacher may give the assessment items
tested in the beginning and/or have them write exit cards (i.e., write a short reflection on
what they learned and what they still unsure about).
(1) In a group of 3-4, students will make a multi-media poster. The poster should
represent their understanding of photosynthesis using multi-media of their choice
(e.g., podcast, songs, YouTube, visual arts etc.). Students can draw from already
existing sources (e.g., song from YouTube, pictures from encyclopedia).
(2) Ask students to connect what they observe in their daily life to the concept of
(3) In their everyday life (e.g., home, school garden, or on the way to school), students
can take a photo, make a collage, or draw a painting to connect the concept of
photosynthesis to a moment in their daily life.
(4) With the photo/collage/drawing, students are instructed to write a short essay or
record a podcast that explains how their photo/collage/drawing (e.g., photos of
flowers, collages of cows eating grass, cooking meals) relates to the concept of
For example, a group of students may write: “The meals we eat are the products of
photosynthesis. Vegetables grow because of photosynthesis. Meat is a product of
animals eating producers or other consumers. Energy from photosynthesis is
transferred to the consumer. Humans eat both vegetables and meat which are both
products of photosynthesis.”
(5) Teachers give specific guidelines and rubrics for students to follow. It is important
for students to include the following key points in their short essays:
Factors influencing the photosynthesis and the connection with their daily life
(6) After the completion of the multimedia posters, class can have a symposium,
where students will have an opportunity to present their multimedia posters to other
students in the classroom.
Option #3: Assessment question: administer the same question and to see if students’
responses had been change. Teacher can use the clickers to obtain students’ responses. If the
school does not have clickers, teacher can ask the questions to the whole class and ask
students to raise their hands for the answer. If there is no answer from students, teachers can
also ask students to write their answer on a piece of paper and put them in a box. Teacher will
then write some response on a board (or a chart paper) for discussion.
Note: You may re-voice their explanations and write their response on a board.