Metal Wall Systems Design Guide: Revised Edition
Metal Wall Systems Design Guide: Revised Edition
Metal Wall Systems Design Guide: Revised Edition
(4-) Rh2
1.0 Introduction 1
3.0 Systems 7
3.1 Built-up systems 7
3.2 Composite panels 13
3.3 Façade systems 14
7.0 Acoustics 19
7.1 Sound reduction 19
7.2 Sound absorption 19
10.0 References 21
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© The Metal Cladding & Roofing Manufacturers Association Limited. October 2004
Introduction Design considerations
Metal wall systems offer an advanced, attractive Wall cladding is the most visible element of any
and durable form of wall construction which building and most specification decisions will start
maintain high levels of thermal performance, with the aesthetic. This decision will probably be
weather resistance and also, when required, based on existing examples and photographic
acoustic and fire resistance. evidence supplied by manufacturers however; a
brief outline of what is available together with their
The specifier is offered a wide choice of systems visual implications is given below.
– the aim of this guide is to simplify the selection
process and ensure that the right choice is made 2.1 Coatings and colours
according to the needs of the client. 2.1.1 Colours
When metal wall cladding became popular in
Robust details for wall cladding systems are
the 1970s, it brought with it the great advantage
available from each of the full members of the
of colour choice across the spectrum. Despite
this, grey and brown industrial and commercial
buildings predominate, resulting in generally dull
commercial estates.
Manufacturers of coated metal offer guidance require a very high standard of product and
on colour design of wall systems. One useful installation, whereas plastisol-coated cladding
computer graphic design tool is ‘Repertoire’ requires good workmanship, but is more tolerant to
which enables designers to try different colours small inconsistencies.
and profiles on typical buildings. This service is
available from the full members of the MCRMA. 2.2 Profiles
A variety of profiles is offered from very low
2.1.2 Coatings emphasis simple trapezoids, to striking half round
Different coatings offer varying functional and deep trapezoidal shapes.
performance. Aesthetically too, there are
considerable variations ranging from hard shiny
metallic to softer matt plastisol. Metallic coatings Typical profile shapes
Asymmetric trapezoidal
Half round
2.2.1 Vertical cladding expression of shape and colour to add interest to
The profiles provide vertical lines on the wall face. large building with simple overall geometric shape.
These lines are less emphasised if the cladding Much closer tolerances in product and construction
is placed with the broad face out as is usually the are required than for vertical cladding however,
case. The appearance of vertical profiled cladding because the eye easily picks up any slight variations
varies considerably with the way that the light falls in line or flatness when viewing a long horizontal
on it because of shadowing which can also lead to surface, especially if it also has horizontal lines in it.
pleasing textural effects on the wall. This effect is considerably reduced by breaking the
flat surface in every bay with a vertical line; another
reason for the popularity of top hat end joins.
Vertical profile
flat appearance without visible fixings however, the and other junctions. The inner face is usually
profile lines are still apparent in other words, it is a provided with a very slight profile.
cross between a profiled sheet and a flat panel.
The points made above about horizontal cladding
Plank is treated in the same way as a profiled sheet apply even more so to flat panels as even the
and is very popular probably because it provides a most microscopic deformation will show, especially
comparatively economic flat appearance. For large if metallic finishes are used. A very high (and
unbroken areas, plank is aesthetically better fixed therefore costly) standard of material, manufacture
vertically rather than horizontally. and construction is required. For these reasons,
many manufacturers prefer to offer micro-rib finish
2.2.4 Flat composite panel panels as described below.
Composite panels consist of two skins of metal
with an insulation core, manufactured in a factory, 2.2.5 Micro-rib composite panel
usually in an automated process. This type of Exactly as flat panel described above however, the
panel is manufactured with an intrinsic side joint, outer face has a micro-rib shape roll-formed into it
but not end joint – so the end join details are usually no more than 1 or 2 mm deep. The surface
assembled on site. This has aesthetic implications looks flat but diffused which makes these panels
and it is why this type of panel is differentiated much less susceptible to any appearance of being
from the bi-modular panel described further on. ‘out of flat’. Micro-rib panels are aesthetically pleasing,
less susceptible to damage and weathering, and are
thus an extremely popular choice.
Modular panels are manufactured either as sealed is, limiting the amount of noise getting in or out
systems or as rainscreen systems. They are of a building. Some systems can be designed to
formed as sandwich panels with insulation being provide sound absorption, to damp reverberation
bonded to metal skins or single skin (much thicker) or echoing inside the building. Specialised
metal. These differences are important functionally, systems are also available for specific acoustic
but are not visually apparent. requirements.
2.3.3 Cost 2.3.5 Flexibility
There is a great variation in the installed cost of Cladding systems vary as to the ease of repairing
metal wall cladding systems which is largely a and replacing elements in the event of damage or
question of “horses for courses”. However, cost if future change such as new openings, upgrading
should always be considered on a whole life basis. or repair are required. This is not usually a highly
The choice of wall cladding system can have a influential factor in system choice but may be a
significant effect on operating costs and a dramatic consideration for particular building types
effect on the value of the business conducted inside
the building, vastly outweighing the initial cost. 2.3.6 Speed and ease of erection
All metal wall cladding is fast track construction
especially when compared to the other
construction processes. It remains vital however,
to give sufficient lead-time to manufacturers and
contractors, especially where non-standard finishes
are specified.
2.3.4 Durability
Performance varies according to location, building
exposure and climate however, in most conditions,
good quality coated steel cladding provides a more
than adequate lifespan. Aluminium systems can
offer increased longevity. Manufacturers will provide
detailed information on coating performance and
many offer system guarantees.
• Metal profiled liner fixed
vertically outside rails.
• Insulation – usually mineral wool
• Spacer system – to hold
sheets apart and support outer
• Metal profiled outer sheet.
• Site assembled by cladding sub
• Fire walls. Special tested
constructions can be used as
fire resting walls.
• Inside rail construction.
3.1.2. Horizontal
Built up system with horizontal
cladding profiles
• Metal profiled liner fixed
vertically outside rails.
• Insulation – usually mineral wool
• Spacer system running vertically
– to hold sheets apart and
support outer cladding.
• Metal profiled outer sheet
running horizontally.
• Site assembled by cladding sub
• Fire walls. Special tested
constructions can be used as
fire resting walls.
• Inside rail construction.
3.1.3 Structural liner tray
Built up system with structural liner
• Steel structural liner tray
spanning between main
• Insulation – usually mineral wool
placed within troughs of liner
tray, plus as a sheet over the
ribs of the tray.
• Metal profiled outer sheet
running vertically.
• Site assembled by cladding sub
• Fire walls. Special tested
constructions can be used as
fire resting walls.
• Site assembled by cladding sub
• Fire walls. Special tested
constructions can be used as
fire resting walls.
Photograph courtesy of Corus Kalzip
All photographs courtesy of Corus Colors
Photograph courtesy of Euro Clad Limited
3.2 Panel systems
3.2.1. Foam core composite panel
• Metal inner face, lightly profiled.
• PIR or similar foam insulation core, injected
foamed and cured between the metal sheets
during manufacture. Core is fully bonded to
inner and outer metal sheets.
• Metal outer face, flat, micro-rib or profiled.
• Side joints are formed into the panel, the ends
are left plain
• Complete panels are delivered to site and
then fitted by cladding sub contractor.
• Panels may be fitted horizontally or vertically.
• End joins may be recessed top hat as shown,
protruding top hat, gasket joint or other.
• Panels may be secret fix (no screw heads
visible) or through fix by stand off type screws.
• Complete panels are delivered to site and
then fitted by cladding sub contractor
• Tested panels can be used as fire resting
• Panels may be fitted horizontally or vertically.
• End joins may be recessed top hat as shown,
protruding top hat, gasket joint or other.
• Panels may be secret fix (no screw heads
visible) or through fix by stand off type screws.
3.3 Façade systems
3.3.1 Modular composite panel
• Metal inner face, lightly profiled or flat.
• Board insulation core, consisting of either,
foam (PIR or polystyrene), or stone wool,
bonded to inner and outer metal faces during
• Metal outer face, flat or micro-rib.
• Side joints and end joints are formed into the
panel, during manufacture.
• Panels are retained by secret fixing method.
• Complete panels are delivered to site and
then fitted by a specialist sub contractor. All
joining componentry is included with the
• Tested panels (with stone wool cores) can be
used as fire resting walls.
• Modular systems may include louvres,
windows, doors and other opening types.
3.3.2 Rainscreen
• Insulation – usually mineral wool
roll or board
• Spacer system – to hold rainscreen
façade away from inner wall.
• Breather membrane.
• Ventilated airspace
• Metal outer face, not airtight but
providing drainage from airspace
behind to outside.
• Complete panels are delivered
to site and then fitted by a
specialist sub contractor. All joining
componentry is included with the
• Rainscreen façade systems may comprise complete self supporting walls (as shown) or be designed
to attach to the outer face of an inner wall (such as blockwork or an existing outer wall in the case of
• Modular systems may include louvres, windows, doors and other opening types.
Coatings and materials
A high durability coating with good handling
characteristics achieved through its
tough construction based on polyester or
polyurethane resin reinforced with polyamide.
Thermal performance Fire performance
addition to providing a satisfactory performance and is necessary for the CE marking of building
in reaction to fire, must show a fire resistance products. Euroclasses also measure smoke
performance in terms of integrity and insulation production and flaming droplets, however for wall
measured in minutes. Examples of these are cladding Approved Document B currently sets
external walls constructed on or near boundaries, these at the minimum requirements - s3, d2.
or walls used as partitions. These constructions
have to be tested to BS 476 Part 22: Methods for Transpositions to Euroclasses (England & Wales)
the determination of the fire resistance of non-load British Standard Transpositions to
bearing elements of construction. Euroclasses
Non-combustible A1
6.2.5 Difference between Scotland and England
& Wales Limited combustibility A2
This technical paper cannot analyse all the Class 0 B
variations between the different Regulations Class 1 C
however, one is of particular importance to fire Class 3 D
resisting wall construction that for walls 1000mm or
more from boundary the insulation requirement in
England & Wales is 15 minutes and in Scotland it Transpositions to Euroclasses (Scotland)
is 30 minutes. Load bearing capacity and integrity Performance British Transpositions to
requirements also vary up to two hours however; Risk Standard Euroclasses
the insulation figure is of particular significance Non- Non- A1
because most current fire walls offered in the UK combustible combustible
only have 15 minutes insulation. Low Limited A2
6.2.6 Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations combustibility
1997 (Amended 1999) Medium Class 0 B
This legislation places a duty on employers to High Class 1 C
minimize or eliminate fire hazards in the workplace. Very High Class 3 D
For some building uses the specification of wall
cladding will have an influence on fire hazards and
6.4. Insurance requirements
thus on the employer’s duty of care.
Insurance requirements are primarily concerned
6.3 Euroclasses and EU fire tests with the preservation of property. They can be
A common system of fire testing and classification more severe than statutory requirements; therefore
of the resulting test data for construction products it is essential that they are seriously considered at
across the EU member states is being introduced the time of specification.
over a period of many years.
Class O complying wall cladding systems will
BS EN 13501 Fire classification of construction not contribute to starting a fire (reaction to fire),
products and building elements is being published however there is a considerable variation across
in five parts. Part 1 – Classification using test the available systems as to how much they
data from reaction to fire tests and Part 2 - contribute to the spread of a fire (resistance to fire).
Classification using test data from fire resistance
Where wall cladding is concerned, insurance
tests are relevant to wall cladding systems.
company interest is currently mostly focused on
6.3.1 Euroclasses reaction to fire composite or sandwich panels. Built-up systems
Building materials are classified in 7 classes, A1, using non-combustible mineral wool insulation
A2, B, C, D, E, F with A1 showing the best (least are not normally an insurance problem, although
combustible) performance. This system is in place compliance with the requirements of the Loss
Prevention Council, Design guide for the fire 6.4.1. Specifying metal wall systems to meet
protection of buildings, 2000, may be demanded. fire requirements
FM (Factory Mutual) highlight their preference There are wall cladding systems available to suit
for non-combustible materials and indeed, only every level of fire requirement. However, it is vital
constructions containing combustibles have to be to establish that requirement at specification stage
FM approved. as not all composite panel systems are LPCB
Where sandwich panels are specified, the attitude
of the insurers should depend on risk assessment If in any doubt, it is best to use completely non-
based on building use, amongst other things. As combustible materials in the wall construction.
a result, the insurance requirement may vary This most commonly means using mineral wool
from at the minimum, compliance with statutory insulation, such as in rock fibre core composite
requirements, to a higher requirement of being panels or alternatively a built up system with rock
LPCB or FM approved, or ultimately complete or glass wool insulation.
avoidance of combustible materials
6.4.2 Façades and rainscreen
• LPCB Approval These may be treated as curtain wall systems, for
Panels with LPCB (Loss Prevention which the relevant test standards are:
Certification Board) approval have to be
Pr EN 1364 – 3 Curtain walls – full configuration
successfully tested to LPS 1181: 2003
Pr EN 1364 – 4 Curtain walls – part configuration
Requirements and Tests for LPCB Approval
Pr EN 1364 – 5 Semi-natural fire test for facades
of Wall and Ceiling Lining Products and
and curtain walls
Composite Cladding Products. Part 1 applies
to external envelopes and systems may attain Where an open air space is created behind
EXT-A or EXT-B ratings. a façade and in front of a lining, the Building
Regulations demand fire breaks at every floor and
• FM Approval
at every 20m laterally.
FM Global (Factory Mutual) approval is to
test standard FMRC 4880 (1994) Approval
requirements for Class 1 fire classification with
no height restriction. Achievement of class
1 is dependent on the performance of the
panel system in a number of tests including
a 50ft corner test, a room test, oxygen bomb
test, ignition residue test and surface burning
Acoustic performance Sealants and fixings
For detailed information on acoustic performance For detailed information on the use of sealants
refer to MCRMA technical paper No 8 Acoustic refer to MCRMA technical paper No.16 Guidance
design guide for metal roof and wall cladding. for the effective sealing of end lap details in metal
roofing constructions.
Acoustic requirements are defined in Approved
Document E, Resistance to the passage of Where wall cladding is supplied as a system,
sound. However, as this is mostly concerned with the manufacturer will specify the sealants and
residential construction, it is not relevant for the fixings that are required. Generally, the use of the
majority of applications for metal wall systems. specified items is necessary to gain the warranty
on the system.
Many commercial and industrial projects however
do have acoustic performance requirements, due In any event, the correct specification of these
to either their position or the nature of use within items is essential as they are vital to both the
the building. performance and life expectancy of the metal wall
Metal systems can be designed to offer a good
performance both in sound reduction and sound
absorption and sometimes both at once.
Flashings and architectural
For detailed information on the use of flashings Simple flashing details provide the connections
refer to MCRMA technical paper No.11 Flashings necessary at junctions in wall cladding systems
for metal roof and wall cladding: design, detailing and at junctions with other elements.
and installation guide.
Increasingly sophisticated architectural fabrications
The quality of detailing defines the success of a are also available, which create interesting features
metal wall system. It is essential that all details are in their own right and can be an important part of
well designed, manufactured and installed. the aesthetic concept. Some examples of what is
available are illustrated
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MCRMA technical papers
incl. P&P