UK & Ireland Coating Selector: A Guide To The Kingspan Range of Coatings
UK & Ireland Coating Selector: A Guide To The Kingspan Range of Coatings
UK & Ireland Coating Selector: A Guide To The Kingspan Range of Coatings
Coating Selector
Introduction Selection
Kingspan Insulated Panels uses prepainted Selecting the right coating can be a challenging task.
coloured metals in the manufacture of highly The requirements for a prepainted coloured metal product are
efficient insulated panels. defined by the end use to which it will be put, so before choosing
a product it is worthwhile to answer a number of questions:
The panels are made up of Kingspan’s unique FIREsafe PIR
Which environment is the insulated panel destined for;
(Polyisocyanurate) insulation core which is sandwiched between
external or internal?
two layers of metal – the external weather side and the pre-finished
How long is the insulated panel required to last?
internal liner.
What elements will it be exposed to throughout its lifetime;
UV radiation, rain, sea salt spray, pollutants, chemicals?
Are there any specific temperature / humidity / chemical
Exterior metal skin
corrosion resistance requirements?
Will the insulated panel need to demonstrate superior
Interior metal skin resistance to scratching or indentation either in the
manufacturing process or in the final application?
What finish is required; smoothness, gloss, texture and
High performance insulation –
low U-Values, FIREsafe Answering as many of these questions as possible will determine
and FIBREfree
what coating properties are important and what prepainted
coloured metals are suitable.
The choice of prepainted coloured metal is fundamental as both Kingspan CLEANsafe 120
the exterior and the interior metal skins play a critical role in defining Kingspan CLEANsafe 304*
the insulated panel performance, durability and appearance.
Special Applications
Kingspan AQUAsafe
Kingspan AQUAsafe 55
The Coil
Introduction Coating Process
Coil coating is a continuous and highly The following steps take place on a modern coating line:
automated industrial process for efficiently Cleaning the strip
coating coils of metal before fabrication into Power brushing
end products (such as insulated panels).
Pre-treating with chemicals
The coil coating is a high-speed process, reaching the speed Drying the strip
of up to 200 metres per minute.
Applying primer on one or both sides
The metal substrate (steel or aluminium) is delivered in coil form Curing (often only 15 to 60 seconds)
from the rolling mills. The metal coil is positioned at the beginning
Cooling the strip
of the coating line, and in one continuous process, the coil is
Top coating on one or both sides
unwound at a constant speed, passing through the various
pre-treatment and coating processes before being recoiled on Second curing
the other end and packaged for shipment. Cooling down to room temperature
Rewinding of the coated coil
Prime coater
Decoiler Finish
Top oven
(cleaning and
conversion coating)
Coating Types &
Introduction Metal Substrates
The coil coating process allows for different coatings to be applied, The nature of the coating is usually the main consideration in
so the possibilities for creating complex prepainted metal products choosing a prepainted coloured metal. However, the substrate
with unique properites are virtually unlimited. The combination is also a fundamental part of the product.
of applied layers provides final properties of the precoated
The choice of metal substrate is usually determined by the
metal product.
requirements of the final product and its manufacturer; in most
The top coat plays a critical role in defining the product cases it is either steel or aluminium. Kingspan uses S220GD steel
performance, durability and appearance, which is why prepainted coil substrate in 0.4-0.63mm thicknesses as standard.
coloured metals are generally referred to by their top coat.
To improve corrosion resistance when using steel as substrate,
The back-side top coat can also be selected, depending on a thin metallic coating is applied to the steel surface. This acts
the end use requirements, to give improved appearance or as a sacrificial protective layer, corroding slowly in preference
performance, additional functionality or reduced cost. However, to the steel.
most often the back-side has a simple, low-cost top coat.
The most common metallic coating for steel is hot dip galvanising,
The coating’s thickness is usually quoted in μm for the top coat and which gives a thin zinc layer on the steel. Kingspan uses a more
primer combined. In the majority of cases, the primer is a thin layer, advanced metallic protection with superior corrosion resistance.
of the order of 4μm, the majority of the coating being the top coat.
Liquid paints account for more than 90% of the coatings used
for prepainted metal. Liquid paints are made up of four main
1. Solvents
Solvents are used as a delivery mechanism, allowing the paint
to flow-out and give a smooth wet film before drying and curing.
Solvents are not incorporated into the finished product.
2. Binders
Binders are polymeric materials that give structure to the paint,
which is why coatings are usually categorised by the type of
binding polymer used. The main types of binders are:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), e.g. Kingspan XL Forté
Polyurethane (PU), e.g. Kingspan Spectrum
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), e.g. Kingspan Altaris
Polyester (PE), e.g. Kingspan Destral
3. Pigments
Pigments used in coil coatings are generally inorganic. They
provide colour and certain physical properties such as corrosion
4. Additives
Additives are included in the paint formulation to modify aspects
such as paint flow, speed of curing, UV absorption and gloss.
Storagebase Self Storage, Wednesbury, UK.
Applications Overview
Applications Overview
External Kingspan
Applications XL Forté
Few materials are as colourful and durable as Kingspan XL Forté, a world class protective coating,
that is available in a range of colours and provides a barrier against the elements when used in
architectural roof and wall applications.
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Although the coating is very thick, the thermoplastic nature means Resistance to cracking on
bending (T-bend) ≤1.5T
that stress forming is very low, making Kingspan XL Forté highly
Corrosion resistance:
flexible with little thinning in formed areas, ideal for use when sharp
Salt spray test 1000 hours
bending and fabrication are required.
Category RC5
Kingspan XL Forté is offered in three distinct colour ranges, is Condensation resistance (QCT test) 1500 hours
highly durable and is guaranteed for up to 40 years. Temperature resistance Maximum 60ºC
Applications UV resistance (QUV-A test 2000 hours):
Colour change ΔE≤2
The Kingspan XL Forté range has been specially developed for
Gloss retention ≥80%
roof and wall cladding applications that require long-term corrosion
Category (EN 10169-1/2) RUV4
resistance and durability. It is particularly recommended for roofing
Resistance to acids and bases Good to very good
where rainwater run-off can promote corrosion.
Resistance to solvents:
It is also favoured due to its robustness, making damage during the Aliphatics and alcohols Very good
construction phase less likely than with other thinner coatings. Ketones Low
Aromatics Good to very good
It is most suited for temperate weather conditions, such as in
Resistance to mineral oils Very good
the UK and Ireland and is not recommended for hot climates.
Fire classification (EN 13501-1) Cs2,d0
External Kingspan
Applications XL Forté
External Kingspan
Applications Spectrum
Kingspan Spectrum is a proven coating that delivers aesthetic brilliance and guaranteed performance
in a variety of applications. Kingspan Spectrum provides a robust barrier against the elements when
used on façades or in architectural roof and wall systems.
PU coating
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Kingspan Spectrum is a high-build smooth material, which is Another important feature of Kingspan Spectrum is its improved
finding increasing use in applications where durability is important, flexibility / scratch-resistance balance, making it easier to transport
due to its thicker 55μm coating, comparing to standard polyesters. and install.
External Kingspan
Applications Spectrum
Technical Properties
Kingspan Spectrum
Solid Metallic Diamond
Nominal thickness 55μm 55μm 35-45μm
Gloss (Gardner 60ºC) 30-50GU 30-50GU 30-35GU
Appearance Smooth Smooth Smooth
Adhesion of the coating (T-bend) ≤0.5T ≤0.5T ≤1T
Impact resistance 18J 18J ≥7.5Nm/mm
Surface pencil hardness F to H F to H F
Resistance to cracking on
bending (T-bend) ≤1.5T ≤1.5T ≤1.5T
Corrosion resistance:
Salt spray test 700 hours 700 hours 1000 hours
Category RC5 RC5 RC4
Condensation resistance (QCT test) 1500 hours 1500 hours 1000 hours
Temperature resistance Maximum 80ºC Maximum 80ºC Maximum 60ºC
UV resistance:
Colour change ΔE≤2 ΔE≤2 –
Gloss retention ≥80% ≥80% >50%
Category (EN 10169-1/2) RUV4 RUV4 RUV4
Resistance to acids and bases Good to very good Good to very good Good
Resistance to solvents:
Aliphatics and alcohols Very good Very good Good
Ketones Low Low Poor
Aromatics Good to very good Good to very good Good
Resistance to mineral oils Very good Very good Good
Fire classification (EN 13501-1) A1 A2 A1
External Kingspan
Applications Altaris
Kingspan Altaris is the finest-looking exterior coating in our range, featuring colour purity,
strength, resistance and stability. It provides unparalleled protection against environmental
weathering and is perfectly suited for high-end applications. It is available in a wide range of
highly polished and two-tone colours.
Top coat
Base coat
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
External Kingspan
Applications Altaris
Technical Properties
Kingspan Altaris
2L 3L 4L
Nominal thickness 25μm 35-45μm 55-65μm
Gloss (Gardner 60ºC) 30GU 30GU* 30GU*
Appearance Smooth matt Smooth matt Smooth matt
/ gloss with Lumiflon top layer / gloss with Lumiflon top layer
Adhesion of the coating (T-bend) ≤1T ≤1T ≤1T
Impact resistance ≤7.5Nm/mm ≤7.5Nm/mm ≤7.5Nm/mm
Surface pencil hardness HB HB HB
Resistance to cracking on
bending (T-bend) ≤1.5T ≤1.5T ≤2T / ≤1.5T with Lumiflon top layer
Corrosion resistance:
Salt spray test 1000 hours 1000 hours 1000 hours
Corrosion category RC4 RC4 RC4
Condensation resistance (QCT test) 1000 hours 1000 hours 1000 hours
Temperature resistance Minimum 60ºC / 1 hour Minimum 60ºC / 1 hour Minimum 60ºC / 1 hour
UV resistance (QUV-B test 1000 hours):
Colour change ΔE<1 ΔE<1 ΔE<1
Chalking <10% <10% <10%
Gloss retention >90% >90% >90%
Category (EN 10169-1/2) RUV4 RUV4 RUV4
Resistance to acids and bases Very good Very good Very good
Resistance to solvents:
Aliphatics and alcohols Good Good Good
Ketones Poor Poor Poor
Aromatics Fair Fair Fair
Resistance to mineral oils Very good Very good Very good
* Higher gloss levels (30-90 GU) are possible for 3L and 4L systems with Lumiflon top layer.
External Kingspan
Applications Destral
Kingspan Destral is a versatile organic polyester coating proven to satisfy the universal
requirements for solidity, flexibility, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
Top coat
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
External Kingspan
Applications Destral
Applications Overview
Applications Overview
Kingspan CLEANsafe coatings are designed specifically for internal controlled environments.
Each coating has specific properties, suited to different The table below shows examples of types of facilities,
environments, and it is therefore important to choose the right recommended inspection periods and the suitability of the
coating to meet the appropriate classification of environment coating for each corrosive environment classification.
and type of activities.
Kingspan CLEANsafe
Corrosiveness Inspection Period Type of Application 15 25 55 120 304
Storage of dry packaged products,
freezers (except unpacked fish), canteens,
C1 Very low Annually locker rooms, toilets, offices, shops, schools, a a a a a
hotels, airport terminals
Controlled atmosphere storage, chill stores,
sorting and packing of fruit and vegetables,
C2 Low Annually - a a a a
storage of packed meat and dairy products,
exhibition halls, sports halls, vehicle depots
Food production and preparation areas,
refrigeration of meat products, laundries,
breweries, dairies, wine cellars, processing -
C3 Medium Bi-annually - - a a
of meat (cold cuts), bread-making labs
Waterparks, swimming halls, communal
showers, dish-washing areas, industrial
C4 High Quarterly kitchens, abattoirs, meat cutting, mushroom - - - a a
industry, cheese maturing rooms, storage
of unpacked fish, scalding and evisceration
Preparation of tripe, tanneries, dye or
C5 Very high Quarterly paper mills, pickling, coking, preparation - - - - a
of marine produce
Internal Kingspan
Applications CLEANsafe 15
Top coat
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Internal Kingspan
Applications CLEANsafe 25
Top coat
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Internal Kingspan
Applications CLEANsafe 55
Kingspan CLEANsafe 55 is a chemically inert polyester coating and film, applied to pre-
treated metal, suitable for humid and chemically aggressive internal environments.
PET film
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Internal Kingspan
Applications CLEANsafe 120
PVC film
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Internal Kingspan
Applications CLEANsafe 304
Kingspan CLEANsafe 304 is chemically inert, crevice free austenitic stainless steel,
suitable for highly corrosive internal environments.
Stainless Steel
2B unpolished
Applications Overview
Special Kingspan
Applications AQUAsafe
Kingspan AQUAsafe is a durable polyvinyl chloride coating specifically designed for applications
in facilities with high humidity, that require long-term corrosion resistance and durability.
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Special Kingspan
Applications AQUAsafe 55
PU coating
Metallic protection
Metal substrate
Metallic protection
Back coat
Guide Inspection
The areas marked with asterisks (*) below should be checked, not
only at every inspection, but also soon after the building is erected.
Maintenance Cleaning
Guide Procedures
Rainfall alone is often sufficient to keep exterior surfaces looking clean and bright. However, to achieve
maximum life from the insulated panels, it is important that accumulations of dirt and debris, which are
not removed by normal rain washing, are removed regularly by cleaning.
Maintenance Panel
Guide Repair
Before performing any panel repair, the surface must be cleaned as described under the “Cleaning
Procedures” section and allowed to dry properly. Surface preparation is important and should be
carried out by specialist contractors using recommended methods and approved maintenance paints.
Dents Scratches
Where the external steel sheet of the panel has been dented Where the coating has been scratched down to the substrate,
and the coating has not been scratched or damaged, it is not the affected area should be treated with suitable touch-up paint
necessary to treat the affected area. For aesthetic reasons, it may in accordance with the paint company’s recommendations. It is
be a requirement to have the affected areas repaired as described important to ensure that the applied paint is no wider than the
in the “Indentations” section. original scratch. To achieve this, the paint should be applied with an
artist’s or child’s medium to fine paint brush. Touch-up paints are
Heavy Dents or Punctures by definition air drying, therefore, over the years they will change
The affected areas can be repaired as described in the colour differently from the original stoved coating. For this reason,
“Indentations” section. This work should be carried out by specialist it is good practice to keep the applied area as small as possible.
repair companies who are approved over-paint applicators and
provide guarantees for the repair work.
External Sheets: Surface preparation and over-painting of
Indentations cladding should be carried out by specialist contractors using
1. Mask-off and protect all adjacent areas not to be treated. approved maintenance paints.
2. Clean the surface to be treated with high strength degreaser Kingspan CLEANsafe 15 (internal liner): It has been designed
to remove contaminates. for easy over-painting. When over-painting is deemed necessary,
3. Scuff repair area prior to filling. the panels or trays should be cleaned as explained under
“Cleaning Procedures” and painted with brush, roller or spray
4. Fill and repair damaged area and repeat process until dent
using a standard household undercoat and finish system.
is fully filled and rubbed down.
Cellulose-based paints should not be used.
5. Clean the surface to be treated with high strength degreaser
to remove contaminates before panel spraying. Treatment of Edge Corrosion
6. Apply suitable primer to exposed metal and repair area Corrosion at the edges of the profiled steel cladding should be
to fill minor surface defects. rectified as described below.
7. Rub down repair area to insure sound surface for top coat. 1. Cut and remove, or abrade, any loose organic coating back
8. Apply external top coat. to a firm point.
9. Leave to dry; length of time will be determined by the 2. Remove all white and red rust by sand blasting or by abrading
local temperature. to bright, firm metal, ensuring that the surface is not polished.
Thoroughly clean and dry these surfaces before applying the
10. De-mask and commission.
specified materials as directed by the recommended paint
Minor Scuffs system manufacturer.
Occasionally sheets are damaged during handling, erection or 3. Coat the prepared areas with the relevant anti-corrosive primer
in use. It is not necessary to treat the affected area unless the recommended by the paint system manufacturer.
paint surface is visibly damaged. 4. When the first primer coat has dried, apply a further primer
coating so that it extends beyond the prepared area covering
the original surface.
5. Apply a top coat to the dry, primed area.
Maintenance Special
Guide Care
Ultimate Panel
Guarantee Overview
In recognition of the many different demands Kingspan Ultimate Panel Guarantee Benefits
that are placed on construction professionals Available directly to the property owner and fully transferable,
today, Kingspan Insulated Panels guarantees within the period of the Guarantee.
not just one aspect of its products, but all of the
All coatings guaranteed are maintenance-free under the terms
key performance areas under its Ultimate Panel
of the Ultimate Panel Guarantee for up to 40 years.
Guarantee package.
Cut edge protection for the period of the Guarantee.
No restrictions applied to the area of surface affected.
No requirement for annual inspection of the coating.
Applicable to most Kingspan insulated panels and ancillaries
down to a minimum roof pitch of 4° with the exception of
Topdek (minimum installed roof pitch of 0.72°), Lo-Pitch,
Trapezoidal Secret-Fix, KingZip IP (minimum installed roof
pitch of 1.5°) & Roof Tile (minimum installed roof pitch of 12°).
Kingspan Ultimate Panel Guarantee is the only guarantee
that covers the coating, durability, structural, fire and thermal Simple and uncomplicated administration through our online
performance of the product in a single, unique package. customer service portal.
No notice requirement for end of Guarantee period.
Kingspan Insulated Panels sources its colour coated metal from
several world class coating suppliers and the Ultimate Panel Geographic Coverage
Guarantee includes a coating guarantee against corrosion, Kingspan Ultimate Panel Guarantee is available in most countries,
chemical attack, ultra-violet rays, humidity and abrasion for up to however, the present document covers the UK & Ireland only. For
40 years (in nominated geographic zones), so the building owner more information on guarantee periods in other countries, please
can be sure his building will continue to look good year on year. contact your local Kingspan sales representative.
We don’t just manufacture and supply sustainable products, we also aim to operate within a
sustainable business.
Kingspan’s sustainability vision is “to be a global leader in Kingspan Insulated Panels has attained ISO 14001 for its sites
sustainable business and establish a leading position in providing in the UK and Ireland. All manufacturing sites have achieved
sustainable, renewable and affordable best practice solutions for ISO 9001, ISO 50001 and the majority also have OHSAS 18001.
the construction sector.”
All our key suppliers are either working towards ISO 9001 / 14001
Our coloured coating systems have been designed in accordance and OHSAS 18001, or have already achieved it.
with Kingspan’s sustainable development policy. They are
At Kingspan Insulated Panels, we provide both materials and
phthalate-free, contain no heavy metals and are fully recyclable.
services that can help a project to be more cost-effective,
Phthalate-free chemistry contributes to maintaining a safe and
sustainable and gain higher ratings in the different environmental
healthy environment.
assessment methods.
Approximately 20-25% of the prepainted coated steel used by
For more information, see our UK & Ireland Product Selector or
Kingspan Insulated Panels in Europe is recycled. Currently, core
contact Kingspan Technical Services.
waste is recycled back into the manufacturing process at our site
in Ireland, and systems and methodologies for responsibly dealing
with waste insulation are in place at the other manufacturing sites.
All our sites in the UK are zero waste to landfill.
Kingspan Limited
Greenfield Business Park No. 2, Greenfield, Holywell, Flintshire, North Wales CH8 7GJ
t: +44 (0) 1352 716100 f: +44 (0) 1352 710161
Carrickmacross Road, Kingscourt, Co Cavan, Ireland
t: +353 (0) 42 96 98500 f: +353 (0) 42 96 98572
For the product offering in other markets please contact your local sales representative or visit
Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this publication are accurate, but Kingspan Limited and its subsidiary companies do not accept responsibility for errors
or for information that is found to be misleading. Suggestions for, or description of, the end use or application of products or methods of working are for information only
and Kingspan Limited and its subsidiaries accept no liability in respect thereof.