Khazina e Ruhaniyaat (August'2019)

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SbF encite iL ur inline. CRUE nth ne SEF KCK ont bh ebb he lO, Cee BENNY -L AS Ge Abe Ma et pfox MDA Spi, CL ve we F Ae Sun SS SSP Seite 24 oF tise be Mou thet LANG Lab Li ePre wiks sbacduel u- De Gs Pc i Keen Me Week Go Gl peli PgWesdy Lalo slat Jeol PIF Lag ie GICTLIASGF 125 ML Eiko Soetete EL. 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TPm UPASHN Ay VA (GO SOA VSI rmiantaieat) iL, ‘Fuhanillajgan@ oan om SELL by en Ae -unsmpi aid Coy ||aorme CD nEbA. ae Mba c sz L8 btw) ete ttuedey Ade GMb IL IW SL IUWL Gi Pin Side He Apo tl Adina tl be Wiech ULE bine 9 0346-4312272, 042-354105 == ZA, oo Ts8. tm ESAS SI, ruhanishop@ SBOSC 0324-7772772] GES runanitiajgany6 (BOSC 314312272] runant shop fj \ruhant-shop] Goo.glfi3Koj J Sei, ye BL Lents tL £61 Eur obese Ue aoe besoin ein f ese Sa A360. Huse aeeo Se RIL OA oli fo Ue Pte be Pe nati Some ce wb eto Leper be WAL odab dl Bethe Paice Pulver -uZé, MT GILEGL WT. i wer hie Pine ch. Ups Pi Nia-e re ba bienBy? SRM oe Mut Eirias Sap BINGE Pe Wape yea elite WII S Sl iiie by Ceres Uren nti Ui Lhe JIL FousrectnE eelSL & Sole Ser uss hg ae aoe, Tihaakshopeogal com [SHOBGC F714312272/@ ruhan|. shop fy ruhanl-shop) Cuidebe26 Abe Mee Lb, FZL be, FONE NACE dhe Mile Aen dies 143 ay fie stip Meltkle ptidbwene ¢y a IAL Cel ee ogy St, BIA Le Lie Pe Le bie BLOKE Sos usu’ b er Be? 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fez KL), ruhanishop@ (SWOSS #3 4312272|@ ruhani. shop ( ruhani-shon| (SBOGS $314312272 © runani shop i rukant-shop| khazinaeruhaniyaat. Mitesh oe WL, te Ure FUL Sagi fSe AML brute ud agdiitun te Seen GS e Ueber vo SL fe tut NSE Late hve Eicon Sor tule eo Uy Peikeyy in Bul oe -<-Uned -eBreclJLS ee PRL Gete Se ebe utd SEAM ee ie te eh UP Wid Se eB se USGiAcst ales UE Lin on SOK Gea OF Un Bb BINA, oles eBise tell oe BF Se LU PL Bie efi Lyei iu wie iuwcy utet Sire Seck ig ee nzot Wo nshJek Aue we iAa Sarl otro APO gd net " UA Be Woe siic teste APE ter vidtnd Se tl BELA Pee BPS Te teites ae bret bet PCT GE aladdle Dawei wf hot Seinpe ek SIs ere Sa PV EEL I Lett beer Pepe Hii Sota yie tn pret VF ECE Seyi SLttobL Vie Vos @‘(Neurasthenia) li as z ete ww” (Psyehoneurosis) 2 1ds(Psychopathia) 573,3((Psychastheniayy™ # Gi bau LT he 2 Bp Poli ~Utd_x GL (Neurosis) Leah behe Ben al Si CK Ie WABI PSE debt 2 E Epo Mla be dha re SL Soy Prte eoS Ee Spies WN Me ye pt bese SL nih? by Keak Su 7a4s he tue (compulsion) ae VEIL AM a SUyile ob Ss Ferber UL ww Gre SFT OPL iit bn oe oF bu hei tebe ethan Arie CSI te vb 2x (Neurotic) Moreton ed nk tute it Lake Us Cleb dS ovcduize Leb b()-< Usbiol se Py v(r+) fob L fo ob oe PN) et PS eg Sie r) 2 Pais ernie Se (ro) a ti, IIIS Pete Pb WES ON PLES BF Bea we LE WHE Sb es o(ra)e ti UPI TO) < wtb EF Se(ra) Cut wment Sr).c We Livge Por. 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Kaiser dee 15: Ay ited Sel Me tuticie bbe Men fi Sul UL ne KLE- dine Rue eZ Nir WOUE Botton ie SEC cA Ayal AL bE Se Ur dr Bema tut & Jit < (70 BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL MODEL Hur bile a SIE dein Anse tet a swt EIOLOGICAL RACTORS Aue nkeiidurdee tures ve Ae CREPES WN, UE UR SES Ia Bhi UL bile ULE rT Oe Stier EE PLO Bai abd tie S 2A Sod LE Wi Iabyot Fishel or Sel oi lee & sort Rliusewst vet Ue f Boi dey ssHIPPOCRATESSI2, SNP aod Soi LGU 500L 2: (SUPERNATURAL CAUSES 2425 = }44 til vie = NATURAL CAUSES Lig si ~UtLb& FATHER OF MEDICINE (1 EZ GoiGALEN es, tbh ae te bP F Eire LAVICENNA te We Fs Use & CANON OF MEDICINE ~GBe dbx ctl Uootudady PMNe SSL ei stb unk eS ousiug Eze RE dei Apis Use CIE Fa Sg Ce Ui Abi te ui? 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