CFD Analysis of Solar Hot Water Heater With Integrated Storage System
CFD Analysis of Solar Hot Water Heater With Integrated Storage System
CFD Analysis of Solar Hot Water Heater With Integrated Storage System
Abstract:-This paper outlines a research project about fluid flow and computational investigations of
flow patterns in a solar water store. Investigations have shown the flow patterns in solar water stores
strongly influences the hot spot position of solar heating system. Mixing caused by water entering the
solar water store will destroy stratification. For increasing the system tilted at 10o from the horizontal
plane the thermal performance increasing. In order to describe the fluid flow behaviour of the water
inside the solar water store, a finite element based on model was generated for the system and was
simulated using the FEMLAB programmed. The goal of the project is to gather knowledge about flow
phenomena occurring in solar hot water stores with different tilted and time. The result of the
simulation could be used as guidance to locate the suitable position of appropriate components such as
helical coils as well as the size of the solar hot water heater system to be built.
Key-Words: CFD Analysis, FEMLAB programmed, solar hot water heater, thermal performance.
tubes [8]. They assumed a parabolic profile for water system consists of the following main
axial velocity and the properties are considered components:
to be independent on temperature. The The solar collector has half elliptical
developed a method combining the finite shape geometry (absorber plate), which
element method with the superposition is made of glass fiber reinforced
principle to solve simultaneously the polyester (GFRP) using special resin
momentum and energy equations in order to composition. The collector has
analyses axial conduction at the walls was consisted of 19 tubes with of 0.12 m2
conducted by [9]. The properties are also surface area each and has thickness of 3
assumed to be constant in this case. A mm. The absorptivity of the collector
numerical model of the inclined open tubes is about 0.95. The absorber plate
thermosyphon has been developed using a finite can be inserted into the body without
difference algorithm to solve the vorticity any additional fixing or sealing. The
vector potential form of the Navier-Stokes absorber is connected to the storage tank
equations [10]. Fluid flow and heat transfer through two inlet tubes in the lower
inside channels with simple geometry at header and two outlet tubes in the upper
different boundary conditions is one of the header.
fundamental researches in engineering [11]. The storage tank is the bottom part of
Analyses of simpler systems are often useful to the system. Heat is transferred into the
understand some important features of complex store from the collector loop. The
pattern forming processes in various fields of storage tank has a capacity of 329 liters
science and technology. These types of and with 50 mm thickness of
geometry appear in many engineering polyurethane foam as insulation a round
applications as single unit or as a combination. the casing to prevent heat loss. Back up
Theoretical and numerical analysis of second water can be also introduced in the tank
law for flow and heat transfer inside rectangular at the upper section of the tank. A small
duct was developed by [12] outlet at the bottom section of the tank
In the present paper we give the results of can be used for drainage purposes.
a new design of solar hot water system (SHWS) The rise of the water temperature inside the
with integrated storage system, which the fluid absorber due to the absorption of incident solar
flow behaviour of the water inside the system radiation gives rise to water uprising motion
was simulated by the FEMLAB programmed into the storage tank and generates a circulation
[13]. This system operates without a pump, loop through the whole collector.
which makes the system work free from C ollector Pipe
C onnecting pipe
electrical power source. The compact system 18
W ater Storage
Figure 3: The number of nodes of an inlet water
into solar water store Figure 4: Flow profile of water in solar water
4 Result and Discussion store for 1 hr operations (a) θ = 5o; (b) θ = 10o;
Tilted dependence (c) θ = 15o
The typical water flow pattern in solar water
store obtained previously from simulation with Time dependence
certain data, which is given as function of the The flow profile in solar water store for 10o
time for a difference tilted is shown in Fig. 4. It titled at difference time is shown in Fig. 5. At
was clear that at difference tilted were certain times with sufficient solar radiation
performed which showed qualitatively the same absorbed on collectors, the water temperature
behaviour of the fluid flow during the heating out of the collector more high than before.
up process at one hour operation. The hot spot During the first hour (see fig.5a) only in a thin
position at tilted of 10o was slightly better than layer near the wall a remarkable upward
other one. movement of the fluid is observed. In contrast
in the water bulk of the storage tank only a
respective slow downward movement is found.
Heated fluid is transported to the upper surface
and a quite stable flow stratification is
established, continuing the heating up, this
gives buoyancy driven flow along the walls in
the inner store, mainly space above the store.
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