Thermal Modeling of PCM-Based Solar Integrated Collector Storage Water Heating System
Thermal Modeling of PCM-Based Solar Integrated Collector Storage Water Heating System
Thermal Modeling of PCM-Based Solar Integrated Collector Storage Water Heating System
458 / Vol. 129, NOVEMBER 2007 Copyright © 2007 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
冉 冊
+ + =0 共1兲
t x y 3.14t
G共t兲 = Igmax sin when 0 艋 t 艋 39,600
Navier–Stokes equation X-momentum 39,600.0
u u
+u +v =v
x y
2u 2u
x2 y 2
冉 冊
− g共T − T0兲cos 共2兲
The ambient temperature is a function of time t. The diurnal varia-
tion of the ambient temperature on a typical winter day at Chennai
共80.18 deg E, 13.05 deg N兲 is shown in Fig. 2. Based on the
Energy equation experimental data, the ambient temperature is represented by a
+u +v =␣
x y
+ 冉
2T 2T
x2 y 2
冊 共3兲
polynomial 共R2 = 0.9957兲 with different time intervals and is given
in non dimensional form as
The net heat flux and ambient temperature are given as boundary amb共兲 = − 16.7393 + 8.31332 + 0.4219 − 0.0121
conditions for top surface, whereas the bottom and side surfaces
are adiabatic conditions. The variable heat flux condition 共Fig. 2兲
⬍ 0.375共9 h兲 共5兲
is chosen as a boundary condition at the absorber plate, which is
amb共兲 = − 1.36123 + 4.11312 − 4.4092 + 1.6895
written as a user-defined function to interpret and compile in FLU-
ENT. In the heat flux condition, solar radiation has been considered
⬎ 0.375共9 h兲 共6兲
as a sinusoidal function and heat loss is a function of temperature
difference for a given geometry. The ambient temperature data are where amb共兲 = 关Tamb共t兲 − Ti兴 / Ti and the nondimensional time
used directly as a polynomial function. The boundary conditions = t / tmax
冉 冊
the following parameters: initial ambient temperature 共Ti兲
= 293.15 K, global solar radiation 共Igmax兲 = 900 W / m2, effective c p + vជ · ⵜT = ⵜ共k ⵜ T兲 共10兲
absorptance-transmittance product 共␣兲eff = 0.89, collector/ t
absorber area 共Ac兲 = 1.0 m2, and maximum time period for the For the solid PCM and the enclosure, the continuity and momen-
ambient temperature data 共tmax兲 = 86,400 s 共24 h兲. The heat losses tum equations can be ignored because there is no convection ef-
from the system include conduction, convection, and radiation fect on the materials. The energy equation is given as
losses from the top TIM cover. The overall heat loss coefficient
for the system is taken as Uloss = 2.03 W / 共m2 K兲. The boundary
conditions of the sides and bottom surfaces are assumed perfectly
sc ps 冉 冊 Ts
= ⵜ共ks ⵜ Ts兲 共11兲
insulated, are taken as T / x = 0 and T / y = 0. The energy avail- The subscript s denotes the solid PCM or the enclosure. The en-
able at the absorber plane Q共t兲 can be estimated by substituting ergy balance for the solid-liquid interface in the melting process is
the values of G共t兲 and Tamb共t兲 in Eq. 共4兲. A user-defined program expressed as
is generated to give sinusoidal heat flux input on absorber plate
accounting for heat losses. The useful heat gain is expressed as ks 冏 冏 冏 冏
n S
− kl
n S
= sL
Qu = Qin − Qloss 共7兲
where S is the solid-liquid phase-change interface; n is the normal
of the solid-liquid interface and L the latent heat of the PCM
Governing Equations for PCM Enclosure: Melting and fusion. In the solidification process, the subscripts l and s are
Solidification Model interchanged and the latent heat of fusion L is replaced with −L in
The governing equations for transient analysis of the melting of Eq. 共12兲.
the phase-change material include the Navier–Stokes 共momen-
tum兲 equations, the continuity equation and the energy equation. Numerical Solution
Boussinesq approximation is used to model the buoyancy forces. The numerical modeling and analysis of the solar integrated
The equations are given in tensor notation as: collector storage system has been carried out using the commer-
Continuity equation: cial CFD software FLUENT. The geometry modeling and mesh
were generated in GAMBIT. An enthalpy porosity technique is used
ⵜ · vជ = 0 共8兲
Momentum equation:
Fig. 8 Temperature contours for the different configurations at 6.00 h next day „after 24 h…
vection in the molten PCM causes a higher rate of melting near other configurations 共Fig. 4兲. The diurnal variation of the liquid
the top of the enclosure. In the early stage of melting, the velocity fraction of PCM during melting is shown in Fig. 5. There is al-
of liquid PCM due to buoyancy force is small. It increases, and most a complete melting 共95%兲 of the wax with the nine fins
convection in the melt becomes dominant until the magnitude of configuration, whereas for the other configurations it is lower. The
the velocity begins to decrease due to the temperature difference configuration without fins shows only 65% melting.
in the liquid PCM becoming uniform. The diurnal variation of 共Tmax − Tmin兲 for different configura-
The thermal performance of the water heater is depicted by its
temperature increase and its ability to retain that temperature dur-
ing nocturnal hours. The diurnal average water temperature in ICS
system along with ambient temperature and solar radiation, with-
out and with 4, 9, and 19 fins is shown in Fig. 2. The configuration
with nine fins shows the maximum heat retention in comparison to
other configurations. The average water temperature increases
during daytime and reached to maximum of about 48– 51° C
around 19.00– 20.00 h, then drops slightly because of nocturnal
heat losses. The diurnal variation of maximum temperature for
different configuration is shown in Fig. 3. It shows that in the
configuration without fins, the maximum temperature is high com-
pared to other configurations having fins. In the configuration
without fins, the solar radiation absorbed by the top plate in-
creases the temperature in the top portion of the wax enclosure,
rather than transmitting heat to the remaining portion. Because of
this, the temperature of the water at the top corner increases. The
minimum water temperature continues to increase during the
whole night reaching its highest in the next day morning. For nine Fig. 10 Comparison of the average water temperature without
fins, the minimum water temperature is higher, in comparison to fins with experimental results from Ahmet et al. †22‡
At 6 h
Tmax At 19 h 共next day morning兲 Temperature
Solar ICS in 24 h drop during
system 共at 19– 20 h兲 Tmax Tmin Tavg Tmax Tmin Tavg night
configuration 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲 共°C兲
Without fins 42.6 92.6 23.7 42.0 57.0 23.6 40.5 2.1
With 4 fins 48.2 82.1 27.2 47.8 53.7 38.6 46.6 1.6
With 9 fins 50.5 82.6 31.3 49.7 53.8 42.8 49.1 1.4
With 19 fins 48.4 81.4 29.3 47.8 53.5 40.7 46.6 1.8
tions is shown in Fig. 6. The configuration with nine fins shows reached its maximum average water temperature between 19.00 h
low stratification, which implies more uniform water temperature, and 20.00 h. The water was collected at 6 h 共next day morning兲
in comparison to the 4 and 19-fin configurations. The configura- with a final average temperature of 40.5° C, 46.6° C, 49.1° C, and
tion without fins shows the highest stratification, having a more 46.6° C, respectively, for without and with the 4-, 9-, and 19-fin
nonuniform water temperature in the enclosure. Comparison of configurations. The nocturnal heat losses reduce the performance
the different configurations in terms of the heat transfer coefficient considerably. Among all the configurations, nine fins showed
for water is shown in Fig. 7. The configuration with nine fins has higher maximum average water temperature of 50.5° C with only
better heat transfer coefficient than the other configurations. The about 1.4° C nighttime temperature drop. The system configura-
temperature contours after 24 h 共one day兲 in the PCM-based solar tion with nine fins seems the optimum.
ICS water heating system are shown Fig. 8. In this type of passive
water heating system, the thermally stratified liquid is obtained Conclusions
due to natural circulation. The temperature of the contained liquid
varies from bottom to top, being lower at the bottom and higher at The thermal modeling of a PCM-based solar ICS water-heating
the top. Therefore, the heat losses are maximum at the top and system was carried out for optimization of solar gain and heat loss
minimum at the bottom. The liquid fraction contours in the system characteristics. A novel type of solar collector combining PCM
24 h 共one day兲 are shown in Fig. 9. It can be observed that the top and water might be an alternative to the conventional hot water
portion wax melts first, then the solid-liquid interface moves solar collectors, if the absorption and insulation characteristic of
slowly to the bottom corner. the collector are improved. The solar ICS system with nine fins
The simulations were carried out on diurnal basis. The configu- showed the best performance because the wax was melted com-
ration with nine fins shows the maximum rise in temperature dur- pletely. The latent energy stored in this configuration was higher
ing heating and lower drop in temperature during cooling com- than that of other configurations. The system attained high heat
pared other configurations. In the nine-fins configuration, the heat retention with 1.4° C nocturnal temperature drop. The PCM-based
available at the absorber can easily be penetrated into the PCM solar TIM integrated collector storage system was found to be
and converting it to liquid quickly. Comparatively, the heat is to advantageous over conventional solar water heating systems in
transmit longer distances to liquefy the PCM in the 4-fin configu- terms of solar gain and heat loss characteristics.
ration. In contrast, in the 19-fin configuration, more time is re-
quired to heat the absorber material 共fins兲. The nine-fin configu- Nomenclature
ration seems the optimum and has to be validated by a new Ac ⫽ collector/absorber area, m2
experiment. C p ⫽ specific heat of water, J/共kg K兲
The present model has been validated with experimental data
g ⫽ acceleration due to gravity, m / s2
available in the literature. The solar integrated collector storage
Ig max ⫽ global solar radiation, W / m2
system 共1.8 m ⫻ 1.8 m兲 with single glass cover and without fins
ks ⫽ thermal conductivity of solid PCM, W/共m K兲
was compared to experimental data given by Ahmet et al. 关22兴.
kl ⫽ thermal conductivity of liquid PCM, W/共m K兲
The simulation model is in reasonable agreement with the experi-
L ⫽ latent heat, J/kg
mental data 共Fig. 10兲. The overall heat loss coefficient 共Uloss兲
m ⫽ water mass, kg
= 8.15 W / m2 ° C was considered in simulation model to predict
p ⫽ pressure of liquid PCM, Pa
the heat losses. For a practical system, the heat losses are involved
Q共t兲 ⫽ heat absorbed by the collector at time t, W
in edges and corners apart from other surfaces 共top, bottom, and
side兲. The heat losses from edges and corners were unaccounted in Qin ⫽ heat available at the absorber surface, W
the model. The performance of the system considerably influenced Qloss ⫽ heat loss from the system, W
by night cooling. Therefore, the deviation in the water temperature Qu ⫽ useful heat collected by water in the collector,
is higher 共⬃5 ° C兲 during the nighttime. The bottom corner does W
not receive enough heat to melt 共only 65%兲 the wax; therefore, the S ⫽ solid liquid interface
enclosure surface area has been increased and the side surface is Tab ⫽ absorber temperature, K
leaned down by 45 deg. The configurations with fins have higher Tamb ⫽ ambient temperature, K
melting rate than the configuration without fin. During nighttime, Tavg ⫽ average water temperature, K
wax starts solidifying because of the nocturnal heat losses. The T f ⫽ final temperature of water, K
water temperatures for different configuration during the evening Ti ⫽ initial temperature, K
and next morning after night cooling are illustrated in Table 2. The Tl ⫽ temperature of liquid PCM, K
vertical temperature distribution in the water storage section of the Tmax ⫽ maximum water temperature, K
system was resulted in stratification. The maximum temperature Tmin ⫽ minimum water temperature, K
was attained in the top of water storage section, whereas mini- To ⫽ reference temperature, K
mum at the bottom. Even though the configuration without fins Ts ⫽ temperature of solid PCM, K
attended highest maximum temperatures, but there was no signifi- t ⫽ time, s
cant change in the bottom part of the water section. The water Uloss ⫽ overall heat loss coefficient, W / 共m2 K兲