Surge Tanks Boiler Book
Surge Tanks Boiler Book
Surge Tanks Boiler Book
Boiler Book
The Cleaver-Brooks Surge Tank products provide additional storage time and a means to handle vol-
ume swings in condensate returns. By collecting intermittent condensate returns and supply water at
a relatively constant volume while limiting discharge to drain, a surge tank compensates for the
unpredictability of condensate return volume. Contact your local Cleaver-Brooks authorized represen-
tative for component sizing information.
By collecting condensate for re-use in the boiler, surge tanks can reduce dependence on cold,
untreated raw water to replace boiler system losses. Dedicated surge tanks are required when
intermittent peak loads of condensate can exceed the surge capacity of the deaerator.
The surge tank receives returning condensate and is supplemented by raw make-up water to
maintain the desired operating level. Condensate and make-up water mix into a blend temperature as
determined by the percentage of each. The surge tank is vented to atmosphere.
Surge tanks are designed to work with the deaerator. They can be packaged with transfer pumps,
stand and controls of the same sturdy construction as the deaerator. Custom arrangements are also
available. Contact local Cleaver-Brooks authorized representative for component and sizing
Surge tanks are used when gravity or pumped condensate returns do not have enough pressure to
enter the deaerator on their own. Water and treatment costs are reduced by recycling condensate
that has already been treated.
Integrated control automatically introduces cold water makeup to supplement condensate only when
necessary to meet boiler demand. This translates into reduced fuel costs for heating boiler feedwater.