Brochure Visores Liquido
Brochure Visores Liquido
Brochure Visores Liquido
Table of Contents
What Is A Water Gauge? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
How To Select A Water Guage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4
Do’s and Don’t’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Archon Water Gauges And Liquid Level Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7
Water Gauges Liquid Level Gauges Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9
Rough Bronze Water Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Rough Bronze Water Gauges with Extended Shank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Stainless Steel Liquid Level Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Rough Bronze Liquid Level Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Polished Bronze Water Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Gauge Glass Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Repair Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
WHAT IS A WATER GAUGE? packings for special applications may be ordered in
our WATER GAUGE REPAIR KITS. See the “Compass
A water gauge is a device that allows the liquid level in a ves- Corrosion Guide” or equivalent for additional information.
sel to be visually inspected. Water gauges are required by the • Elevated temperatures and pressures accelerate corrosion
ASME Boiler and Pressure Code on steam boilers, and are (you may need a stainless steel water gauge instead of
also useful in many other applications, such as monitoring the bronze, or high pressure glass instead of standard, to
amount of oil in an oil tank. achieve an acceptable service life).
• Operation and maintenance - check gauges daily for leaks,
THINGS TO REMEMBER corrosion, and gauge glass clarity. Water gauges should be
well illuminated and kept clean. Leaks may result in false
Care must be given to ensure the proper selection of a water
waterline readings, may damage the gauge, and accelerate
gauge. Special attention must be given to temperature/pres-
corrosion. The appearance of rust in the gauge glass is an
sure requirements and to the service media (i.e. water, steam,
indication of improper water treatment. See the ARCHON
oils, chemical agents, etc.). Some items to keep in mind:
00) or the appropriate sections of the ASME Boiler and
• PRESSURE RATINGS may be influenced by limitations Pressure Vessel Code for additional information.
of the valve body, gauge glass, and gauge glass gasket. • Gauge Glass Corrosion - Gauge glass is attacked and dis-
As temperatures increase, pressure ratings decrease. solved in service by the fluid media, resulting in thinning of
The larger the glass diameter and the longer the glass the wall and premature failure or replacement. Two factors
length, the lower the pressure rating. Refer to the GAUGE determine the rate of attack: alkalinity and temperature.
GLASS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE TABLE for High alkalinity (high pH values) increases the rate of attack
detailed information. (a pH of 11.5 attacks glass at a rate of 30 times greater
• TEMPERATURE RATINGS may also be influenced by than a pH of 8.5). High temperatures increase the rate of
limitations of the valve body, gauge glass, & gauge glass gasket. attack (5000°F water attacks glass 100 times faster than
• Use GUARD RODS and TUBULAR GAUGE GLASS PRO- 2650°F water). There is nothing that may be done to reduce
TECTORS to help protect glass from accidental breakage. the effects of temperature, but the effects of pH may be
Some applications require glass protectors. reduced by maintaining proper pH balance in the boiler
• Use REDLINE gauge glass where pressures permit to water with chemical agents. Glass corrosion may also be
allow for easy reading of the gauge. Use large diameter decreased by avoiding exposure to water spray and drafts.
(3/4”) glass for increased visibility.
of property damage or personal injury. Vertically rising
automatic ball checks conforming to ASME requirements 1.Select a valve series based upon the application:
are available. • use 20-400 or 20-410 series for 90° handles or when
• Boilers operating above 400 psig require two water gauges. working in close quarters,
• All water gauges on all steam boilers must be 1/2” NPT • use 20-600, 24-600, or 25-600 series (chain levers) where
or larger. the water gauge is located beyond reach from the floor,
• use 20-604/605 (bronze) or 23-650 (stainless steel) series
expansion tank gauges when a shut-off is not required in
• use 20-800 (bronze) or 23-450 (stainless steel) series
expansion tank gauges to mount a pressure gauge or
other instrument directly to the water gauge,
• use 20-700 series expansion tank gauge for easier gauge
glass replacement,
• use 23-450 series stainless steel for superior corrosion
• use polished gauges for a more elegant appearance,
• use heavy pattern water gauges (such as 20-200/250,
24-300/350) for higher pressures. Be sure to verify
Most problems with water gauge performance are associated gauge glass will withstand pressure by consulting the
with corrosion. Excessive corrosion may result in leakage, “Gauge Glass Service Rating Table”.
glass breakage, and premature valve failure. There are sever- • use longer shank on NPT end when extra shank length is
al things to watch for: needed to penetrate an outer jacket or insulation (avail-
able on 21 series). Otherwise use a standard water gauge.
• Be sure all components (valve body, seals and packings,
etc.) of the water gauge are constructed with materials
compatible with the service medium. Non-standard
2. Select Non-Automatic, Automatic, or ASME Automatic: 8. Select drain type:
• use automatic (horizontally seating) or ASME automatic • Plug drain is standard on 20-400 and 23-600 series. Ball
(vertically rising to seat in lower valve body) ball checks valve drain is standard on 23-400/450 and 24-300/350
where available to minimize the risk of personal injury series. Needle drain is standard on all others. Ball valve
and/or property damage in the event of gauge glass drain or pet cock drain available on most models upon
breakage. The sudden rush of steam and water seats the request.
balls, thereby shutting off the escape of steam and water.
There will however be slight leakage as required by 9. Select a gauge glass packing material:
certain codes. • use EPDM for most general applications, including steam
service, for temperatures -20°F to 350°F.
3. Select a handwheel style: Recommended for water, steam, silicone oils, ketones
• use aluminum handwheels for durability. (MEK, acetone, etc...), alcohol, and brake fluid.
• use plastic (composition) handwheels for reduced Unsuitable for petroleum oils. Comes standard on most
heat transfer. models. EPDM is most economical.
• use chain levers (not available on all models) when the • use Viton® for superior resistance at elevated
water gauge is located beyond reach from the floor. temperatures -15°F to 400°F (up to 600°F for short
periods.) Recommended for petroleum oils, silicone oils,
4. Select a gauge glass size (diameter): halogenated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride,
• use larger (3/4") diameter gauge glass where available trichloroethylene), acids. Unsuitable for ketones (MEK,
for increased visibility. acetone), amines, anhydrous ammonia, hot hydrofluoric
or chlorosulfonic acid. Viton® is about ten times more
5. Select a gauge glass type (based on pressure expensive than EPDM.
requirements): • use Hypalon® for superior acid resistance at tempera-
• use Redline glass for increased fluid level visibility. tures -20°F to 450°F. Has a shorter service life than
• use high pressure glass for high pressure applications. EPDM and Viton® in standard, non-acid applications.
• for economy use standard glass for low pressure More difficult to seal than softer EPDM or Viton®.
applications. Comes standard on 23 and 24 series. Hypalon® is
• replace the two digit suffix in the part number of the water equivalent to EPDM in cost.
gauge with -10 when selecting Redline or high pressure • use Teflon® for best chemical resistance, for tempera-
gauge glass (23 and 24 series have high pressure glass tures up to 450°F. More difficult to seal than Hypalon®,
as standard). Viton®, or EPDM. Use only when needed for more
chemical resistance than Viton® at elevated tempera-
6. Select gauge glass length: tures. Not recommended for hot fluorine, oxygen diflu-
• select a standard gauge glass length when possible. ride, or chlorine triflouride. Teflon® is about three times
• select a non-standard gauge glass length as needed, and as expensive as EPDM.
replace the two digit suffix in the part number of the • use Graphite for superior service at elevated tempera-
water gauge with -10. The longer the gauge glass, the tures. More difficult to seal than EPDM or Viton® but has
lower the allowable pressure and temperature. Be sure more universal application. Graphite is about ten times
to consult the “Gauge Glass Service Rating Table” for more expensive than EPDM.
pressure and temperature limits. When selecting non- • Remember, chemical resistance decreases as tempera-
standard gauge glass lengths, the gauge glass length is ture increases. Consult “Compass Corrosion Guide”
determined by the center to center distance and the valve or equivalent.
series number according to the tables on pages 8 and 9. • To order non-standard gauge glass packing, order the
• for gauge glass longer than 72" it is necessary to use two water gauge normally, then also order a “Water Gauge
or more water gauges of shorter length in an overlapped Repair Kit” (“Standard All” for EPDM, Hypalon® and
staggered tandem (i.e. for 100" of needed coverage, use Teflon®; “Viton® Gaskets Only” for Viton®, and “Graphite
two gauges of about 55" and install them parallel and Gaskets Only” for graphite). Remove the pre-installed
staggered so as to overlap their individual coverage of packing, and install the desired packing material.
55" to get 100" total coverage).
DO NOT use glass if it contains any scratches, chips, or any Only properly trained personnel should install and maintain
other visible signs of damage. water gauge glass and connections. Remember to wear
DO NOT reuse any tubular glass or glass packings. safety gloves and glasses during installation. Before
DO NOT subject gauge glass to bending or torsional installing, make sure all parts are free of chips and debris.
DO NOT over tighten glass packing nuts. 1. Apply Teflon® tape or pipe dope to pipe threads. Install top
DO NOT allow glass to touch any metal parts. gauge fitting (fitting without a drain valve) into the upper
DO NOT exceed the recommended pressure of the gauge or most tapping. Wrench tighten the fitting until it is snug and
gauge glass. the glass outlet is pointing at five o’clock (about 1/8 turn
DO NOT clean the gauge or gauge glass while pressurized or from its final, downward vertical, position).
in operation.
2. Install the bottom gauge fitting (the fitting with a drain
DO’s valve) until it is snug and the glass outlet is pointing
DO verify proper gauge has been supplied. directly upward. Verify top and bottom fittings are
DO examine gauge glass and packings carefully for damage threaded into the tappings the same number of turns
before installation. (distance A= distance B).
DO install protective guards and utilize automatic ball checks
where necessary to help prevent injury in case of glass 3. Remove glass packing nut, friction washer (or packing
breakage. gland and retaining ring, depending upon the model),
DO inspect the gauge glass daily, keep maintenance records, and glass packing from the fittings, and place them, in the
and conduct routine replacements. same order, on to both ends of the gauge glass. Push both
DO protect glass from sudden changes in temperatures such packings about an inch up the gauge glass.
as drafts, water spray, etc.
4. Gently insert one end
MAINTENANCE of the glass into the
Examine the gauge glass regularly for any signs of clouding, top gauge fitting.
scratching, erosion, or corrosion. The glass should be Keeping the glass
inspected daily until the need for replacement becomes inside the top fitting,
apparent. This will help establish the routine inspection and gently rotate the top
routine replacement schedules. gauge fitting clocwise,
using wrench on valve
CLEANING wrench flats, until
Use commercial non-abrasive glass cleaners to keep glass vertically aligned with
clean. Use diluted acids such as Hydrochloric (muriatic) acid the bottom gauge
when regular cleaners do not seem to work. Do not use wire fitting, then insert
brushes or any other abrasive materials which could scratch glass into bottom
the glass. fiting until glass
bottoms out on the
INSPECTION shoulder inside the
Examine the surface of the glass for scratches, corrosion, bottom fitting.
chips, cracks, surface flaws, or nicks. To do this, aim a very
bright concentrated light at an angle of about 45 degrees. A 5. Carefully raise glass
defective glass will glisten as the light strikes imperfections. about 1/16" and slide
Glass which appears cloudy or roughened, and will not lower glass packing
respond to cleaning, should be replaced. down until the glass
packing contacts the
STORING lower gauge fitting. DO NOT
Keep gauge glass in original packaging until ready to install. allow the glass to remain in contact with any metal!
7. Hand tighten both glass packing nuts, then tighten 1/2 turn
more by wrench. Tighten only enough to prevent leakage.
DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN! If any leakage should occur,
tighten slightly, a quarter turn at a time, checking for
leakage after each turn.
Archon Water Gauges And Liquid Level Gauges
Archon Water Gauges And Liquid Level Gauges
Water Gauge And Liquid Level Gauge Dimensions
A = Overall length is found by adding this to dimension “L”
B = Valve open total depth
C = Valve closed total depth
D = Handle diameter
E = Maximum extension below lower arm centerline
F = Maximum extension above upper arm centerline
G = End of arm NPT to centerline of glass
H = End of arm NPT to hex shoulder
Glass Length is “L” minus GL code
Rod Length is glass length plus RL code
Valve Pipe Size A B C D E F G H GL code RL code
20-101 3/8 2.315 4.09 3.84 2.13 1.25 1.065 1.5 0.56 1.25 2
20-102 3/8 2.25 4.31 4.06 2 1.25 1 1.5 0.56 1.25 2
20-104 1/2 2.315 4.19 3.94 2.13 1.25 1.065 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-105 1/2 2.25 4.43 4.18 2 1.25 1 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-150* 1/2 2.315 4.19 3.94 2.13 1.25 1.065 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-151* 1/2 2.25 4.43 4.18 2 1.25 1 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-201 3/8 2.445 4.44 4.19 2.13 1.38 1.065 1.69 0.56 1.25 2
20-202 3/8 2.38 4.38 4.13 2 1.38 1 1.69 0.56 1.25 2
20-204 1/2 2.445 4.56 4.31 2.13 1.38 1.065 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-205 1/2 2.38 4.5 4.25 2 1.38 1 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-207 3/4 2.445 4.88 4.63 2.13 1.38 1.065 2.05 0.75 1.50 2.25
20-208 3/4 2.38 5.06 4.81 2 1.38 1 2.05 0.75 1.50 2.25
20-250 1/2 2.445 4.56 4.31 2.13 1.38 1.065 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-251* 1/2 2.38 4.5 4.25 2 1.38 1 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-253* 3/4 2.445 4.88 4.63 2.13 1.38 1.065 2.05 0.75 1.50 2.25
20-254* 3/4 2.38 5.06 4.81 2 1.38 1 2.05 0.75 1.50 2.25
20-304 1/2 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-305 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-307 3/4 2.315 5 5.38 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-308 3/4 2.25 5.38 5 2 1.25 1 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-350* 1/2 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-351* 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-353* 3/4 2.315 5 5.38 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-354* 3/4 2.25 5.38 5 2 1.25 1 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-405 1/2 2 1.88 1.63 1.75 1.14 0.86 1.63 0.69 1.25 NA
20-406 1/2 2 1.88 1.63 1.75 1.14 0.86 1.63 0.69 1.25 NA
20-407 1/2 2 1.88 1.63 1.75 1.14 0.86 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-408 1/2 2 1.88 1.63 1.75 1.14 0.86 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-410 1/2 2.28 2.13 1.88 1.75 1.42 0.86 2.09 1.25 1.25 NA
20-601 1/2 4.19 5.25 4.75 5.88 1.25 2.94 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-602 3/4 4.19 5.25 4.75 5.88 1.25 2.94 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
20-604* 1/2 2.07 4.56 4.31 2.13 1.38 0.69 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-605* 1/2 2.07 4.5 4.25 2 1.38 0.69 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-703 3/8 1.78 NA NA NA 1.25 0.53 1.5 0.56 1.25 2
20-704 1/2 1.78 NA NA NA 1.25 0.53 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
20-713 3/8 2.61 NA NA NA 1.25 1.36 1.5 0.56 1.25 2
20-714 1/2 2.61 NA NA NA 1.25 1.36 1.63 0.69 1.25 2
Water Gauge And Liquid Level Gauge Dimensions
Valve Pipe size A B C D E F G H GL code RL code
20-804* 1/2 2.13 4.56 4.31 2.13 1.38 0.75 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
20-805* 1/2 2.13 4.5 4.25 2 1.38 0.75 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
21-101 3/8 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-102 3/8 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-104 1/2 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-105 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-150* 1/2 2.315 5 4.75 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-151* 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.69 1.75 1.25 2
21-204 1/2 2.445 5.63 5.38 2.13 1.38 1.065 2.88 1.75 1.25 2
21-205 1/2 2.38 5.56 5.31 2 1.38 1 2.88 1.75 1.25 2
21-250* 1/2 2.445 5.63 5.38 2.13 1.38 1.065 2.88 1.75 1.25 2
21-251* 1/2 2.38 5.63 5.38 2 1.38 1 2.88 1.75 1.25 2
23-401 1/2 4.065 5.56 5.56 2.13 3 1.065 2.13 0.69 2.00 3.25
23-402 1/2 4 5.56 5.56 2 3 1 2.13 0.69 2.00 3.25
23-404 3/4 4.065 5.56 5.06 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.75 2.00 3.25
23-405 3/4 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.09 0.75 2.00 3.25
23-450** 1/2 4.065 5.56 5.06 2.13 3 1.065 2.13 0.69 2.00 3.25
23-451** 1/2 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.13 0.69 2.00 3.25
23-453** 3/4 4.065 5.56 5.06 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.75 2.00 3.25
23-454** 3/4 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.09 0.75 2.00 3.25
23-651 1/2 1.755 4.63 4.38 2.13 1.065 0.69 2.5 0.69 2.00 1.25
23-654 3/4 1.755 4.63 4.38 2.13 1.065 0.69 2.5 0.75 2.00 1.25
24-301 1/2 4.065 5.75 5.25 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-302 1/2 4 5.75 5.25 2 3 1 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-304 3/4 4.065 5.75 5.25 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-305 3/4 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-350** 1/2 4.065 5.75 5.25 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-351** 1/2 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-353** 3/4 4.065 5.75 5.25 2.13 3 1.065 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-354** 3/4 4 5.56 5.06 2 3 1 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
24-601 1/2 5.875 5.25 4.75 5.75 3 2.875 2.09 0.69 2.00 .875
24-602 3/4 5.875 5.25 4.75 5.75 3 2.875 2.09 0.69 2.00 .875
24-651** 1/2 5.875 5.25 4.75 5.75 3 2.875 2.09 0.69 2.00 .875
24-652** 3/4 5.875 5.25 4.75 5.75 3 2.875 2.09 0.69 2.00 .875
25-201 3/8 2.445 4.44 4.19 2.13 1.38 1.065 1.69 0.56 1.25 2
25-202 3/8 2.38 4.38 4.13 2 1.38 1 1.69 0.56 1.25 2
25-204 1/2 2.445 4.56 4.31 2.13 1.38 1.065 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
25-205 1/2 2.38 4.5 4.25 2 1.38 1 1.81 0.69 1.25 2
25-207 3/4 2.445 4.88 4.63 2.13 1.38 1.065 2.05 0.75 1.25 2
25-208 3/4 2.38 5.06 4.81 2 1.38 1 2.05 0.75 1.25 2
25-404 1/2 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-405 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-407 3/4 2.315 5.38 5 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-408 3/4 2.25 5.38 5 2 1.25 1 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-501* 1/2 2.315 5.31 5.06 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-502* 1/2 2.25 5.5 5.25 2 1.25 1 2.2 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-504* 3/4 2.315 5.38 5 2.13 1.25 1.065 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-505* 3/4 2.25 5.38 5 2 1.25 1 2.06 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-601 1/2 5.88 5.25 4.75 5.88 2.94 2.94 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
25-602 3/4 5.88 5.25 4.75 5.88 2.94 2.94 2.09 0.69 2.00 1.25
Rough Bronze Water Gauges
Series Rating (subject to limitation of gauge glass)
20-100 125 psig @ 3500F, 300 psig @ 1000F
20-150 125 psig @ 3500F, 300 psig @ 1000F
20-200 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
20-250 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
20-300 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
20-350 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
20-400 125 psig @ 3500F, 300 psig @ 1000F
20-601, 602 250 psig @ 4000F, 500 psig @ 1000F
20-604, 605 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
20-700 125 psig @ 3500F, 300 psig @ 1000F
20-100 200 psig @ 4000F, 400 psig @ 1000F
Rough Bronze Water Gauges With Extended Shank
** ASME Automatic
Teflon® andHypalon® are registered trademarks of DuPont.
Rough Bronze Liquid Level Gauge
Gauge Glass Service Rating, Pressure-Temperature Ratings
Maximum Recommended Working Pressure, psi
OD to 150°F, no Steam boiler
Type Size tol. Wall tol. Length corrosion service to 425°F
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 8 210 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 10 210 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 12 205 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 14 200 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 16 195 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 18 190 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 24 180 100
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 30 175 **
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 36 165 **
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 48 140 **
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 60 120 **
Standard 5/8 +0, -3/64 5/64 +1/64 72 100 **
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 8 210 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 10 210 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 12 205 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 14 200 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 16 195 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 18 190 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 24 180 100
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 30 175 **
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 36 165 **
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 48 140 **
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 60 120 **
Standard 3/4 +0, -3/64 3/32 +1/64 72 100 **
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 8 435 320
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 10 420 315
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 12 410 305
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 14 390 295
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 16 375 285
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 18 360 280
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 20 350 270
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 24 320 255
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 30 280 **
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 36 245 **
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 48 195 **
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 60 150 **
High Pressure 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 72 100 **
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 8 425 315
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 10 410 310
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 12 400 300
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 14 385 290
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 16 370 280
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 18 355 275
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 20 345 265
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 24 315 250
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 30 275 **
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 36 240 **
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 48 190 **
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 60 145 **
High Pressure 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 72 100 **
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 8 370 285
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 10 345 280
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 12 335 280
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 14 325 275
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 16 315 270
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 18 305 265
+0, -1/32
+0, -1/32
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 30 235 **
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 36 205 **
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 48 165 **
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 60 125 **
Redline 5/8 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 72 90 **
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 8 360 280
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 10 340 275
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 12 330 275
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 14 320 270
NUT BOTTOM LOCK NUT Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 16 310 265
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 18 300 260
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 20 285 260
BRASS GUARD TUBE GLASS NUT TOP Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 24 260 250
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 30 230 **
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 36 200 **
Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 48 160 **
• Reduces the risk of injury and damage from broken Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 60 125 **
exploding glass. Redline 3/4 +0, -1/32 3/32 +1/64 72 90 **
• Made to fit most water gauges. **Maximum recommended length in this service is 24.”
Water Gauge Repair Kits Repair Kit Selection Instructions
The standard repair kits contain glass packing, stem packing, fric- It is helpful to determine the following information when ordering a
tion washers, seat washers, and drain washer applicable to the repair kit.
particular valve. Three types of glass packing, EPDM rubber, • Model number (if not available describe gauge, i.e. material,
Hypalon®, and Virgin Teflon®, are included in the standard repair # guard rods, NPT size, etc.)
kit. For oil related service, Fluorelastomer (Viton®) glass gasket • Glass O.D. and type
sets are available. For severe applications, graphite glass gaskets • Handle type
and stem packing sets are • Service media, temperature, and pressure
available for each model.
If you know the model number just examine the “Repair Kit
Repair Kit Ordering Information Applications” chart to select kit number for your valve. To order the
Example: 20-001 - 01
standard kit, or Viton®, or graphite gaskets, assemble the ordering
matrix for the desired kit number.
20-00 = Water gauge repair kit 1 = Standard All 01 08
2 = Viton gaskets only 02 09 If you are unable to determine model number please determine
3 = Graphite Gaskets Only 03 10 the above information and call customer service for assistance.
04 11
05 12
06 13 For replacement glass please determine the above information in
07 14 addition to the “L” dimension and call customer service.
“L” dimension (center to center height of water gauge inlets).
21-101, 21-102, 21-104, 21-105, 21-150, 21-151,
20-201, 20-202, 20-204, 20-205, 20-250, 20-251, 20-304, 20-305, 20-350, 20-351
Water Gauge & Gauge Glass
20-003-02 20-604, 20-605, 20-804, 20-805, 21-204, 21-205, 21-250, 21-251, 25-201, 25-202,
25-204, 25-205, 25-404, 25-405, 25-501, 25-502
Repair Kit Instructions
20-001-03 20-207, 20-208, 20-253, 20-254, 20-307, 20-308, 20-353, 20-354
20-003-03 25-207, 25-208, 25-407, 25-408, 25-504, 25-505 Only properly trained personnel should install, maintain and repair
20-001-04 20-601, 25-601 water gauge glass and connections. Remember to wear safety
20-003-04 gloves and glasses during installation/repair. Before installing,
20-001-05 20-602, 25-602 make sure all parts are free of chips and debris.
20-001-06 20-703, 20-704, 20-713, 20-714
20-001-07 23-401, 23-402, 23-450, 23-451
20-001-08 20-405, 20-406, 20-407, 20-408
20-001-09 23-404, 23-405, 23-453, 23-454
20-001-10 23-651, 23-654
20-001-11 24-301, 24-302, 24-350, 24-351, 24-450, 24-451
20-001-12 24-304, 24-305, 24-353, 24-354, 24-453, 24-454
20-001-13 24-601, 24-651, 24-751, 24-851
20-001-14 24-602, 24-652, 24-752, 24-852
20-002-01 20-101, 20-102, 20-104, 20-105, 20-150, 20-151, 20-201, 20-202, 20-204, 20-205,
20-250, 20-251, 20-304, 20-305, 20-350, 20-351, 20-405, 20-406, 20-407, 20-408,
20-410, 20-601, 20-604, 20-605, 20-703, 20-704, 20-713, 20-714, 20-804, 20-805,
21-101, 21-102, 21-104, 21-105, 21-150, 21-151, 21-204, 21-205, 21-250, 21-251,
23-651, 23-654, 25-201, 25-202, 25-204, 25-205, 25-404, 25-405, 25-501, 25-502,
20-002-02 20-207, 20-208, 20-253, 20-254, 20-307, 20-308, 20-353, 20-354, 25-207, 25-208,
25-407, 25-408, 25-504, 25-505, 20-602, 25-602
20-002-03 23-401, 23-402, 23-450, 23-451, 24-301, 24-302, 24-350, 24-351, 24-450, 24-451,
24-601, 24-651, 24-751, 24-851
20-002-04 23-404, 23-405, 23-453, 23-454, 24-304, 24-305, 24-353, 24-354, 24-453, 24-454,
24-602, 24-652, 24-752, 24-852
1. Close water gauge valves. If necessary drain vessel to eliminate GLOSSARY
leakage during repair. Drain gauge glass using drain valve or plug. AUTOMATIC / ASME AUTOMATIC / NON-AUTOMATIC WATER GAUGES: An auto-
matic water gauge is one that is equipped with ball checks in the valve body. In the
event of glass breakage, these ball checks move horizontally, automatically seat to close
2. Completely loosen both glass packing nuts. the valves, shut off the flow of fluid, and help reduce the risk of property damage and/or
personal injury from released fluid. An ASME automatic water gauge has a ball check in
the bottom valve body that rises vertically to seat, and has a ball check in the top valve
3. Gently raise gauge glass until bottom of gauge glass clears lower fit- body that moves horizontally to seat.
ting. BALL VALVE: A bronze or stainless steel on-off valve utilizing a cored chrome-plated
brass or stainless steel ball and Teflon seals. Easier to use than plug drains, pet cocks,
4. Using a wrench attached to the hex flats on the upper fitting, lift or needle drains.
glass and packing nut then rotate the fitting and glass 1/8 turn coun- CENTER TO CENTER: The distance between the centers of the two N.P.T. tapped
holes in the vessel where the water gauge is to be attached.
CHAIN LEVER: A lever handle activated by pulling a chain. Use for high, hard to reach
5. Carefully remove the gauge glass from the upper fitting. Remove all
EPDM: Ethylene propylene rubber gauge glass packing, for temperatures -20°F to
glass packing, packing nuts, washers and packing glands, noting their 350°F. Recommended for water, steam, silicone oils, ketones (MEK, acetone, etc...),
positions on the glass. alcohol, and brake fluid. Unsuitable for petroleum oils.
FRICTION WASHER: The thin metal washer used to separate a packing from a metal
surface to reduce friction. This in turn reduces the risk of inducing damaging torsional
6. Clean and inspect gauge glass and fittings for any wear, erosion, stress in the packing or gauge glass (torsional stress may reduce the useful life of the
packing and gauge glass.)
cracks or debris. Any damaged components must be replaced.
GAUGE GLASS: The transparent part of a water gauge assembly connected directly to
a boiler, below and above the waterline, to indicate the level of water in the boiler.
7. If it is desired, the stem packing can be replaced by removing the han- GLASS PACKING: The larger soft rubber-like or plastic ring, when compressed, pro-
vides a seal between the gauge glass and the valve body.
dle(s) then the stem packing nut. Remove old packing and stem packing
GLASS PACKING NUT: The metal nut that the tubular gauge glass passes through.
washer if applicable. Install new packing in stem packing nut and reuse Tighten this nut to effect a seal between the glass packing and the gauge glass.
stem packing washer as applicable. GRAPHITE: Gaskets formed using graphite yarn. Suitable for temperatures up to
1200°F. Use when necessary for extended service at elevated temperatures.
GUARD RODS: Guard rods are metal rods, mounted to the valve bodies or guard rod
8. To replace seat washers (where applicable) the system must be
flange, that rise vertically to help protect the gauge glass from accidental breakage.
drained. After removing the stem packing nut reinstall handle and HANDWHEEL: The aluminum or plastic (composition) handle. Also see chain lever.
remove stem by opening valve. Cut off old seat washer and install new HYPALON®: TFE (an endless Tetrofluorethylene Aramid) gauge glass packing ring
seat washer using appropriate size tube driver. w/Hypalon as a binder, suitable for temperatures from -20°F to 450°F. More difficult to
seal than softer EPDM or VitonTM Rubbers. Use only when needed for superior acid
9. Install stem until it seats. Remove handle and install stem packing nut NEEDLE DRAIN: A two piece drain (requires a wrench) that allows fluid to flow through
an axial outlet.
with packing inside. Tighten stem packing nut until snug using wrench.
PACKING GLAND: The shouldered metal ring used in some models to supply extra
compression to the gauge glass packing.
10. Place glass packing nut, friction washer (or packing gland and retain- PET COCK: A brass or bronze tapered plug, metal seated on-off valve.
ing ring, depending upon the model), and new glass packing, in the PLUG DRAIN: A tapped opening (together with a threaded plug and drain seal) in the
bottom of the lower valve body, to allow fluid to drain from the water gauge. This type
same order as found, on to both ends of the gauge glass. Push both drain requires a wrench for installation/removal. This type drain is not recommended for
packings about an inch up the gauge glass. hazardous fluids (the fluid may come into contact with the operator).
SEAT WASHER: The small white TeflonTM plastic ring sometimes used to seal the metal
valve seat.
11. Gently insert one end of the glass into the top gauge STEM PACKING: The smaller soft rubber-like or plastic ring, when compressed, pro-
fitting. Keeping the glass inside the top fitting, gently rotate the top vides a seal between the valve stem and the valve body.
gauge fitting clockwise, using wrench on valve hex flats, until vertically STEM PACKING NUT: The metal nut that the valve stem passes through. Tighten this
nut to effect a seal between the stem packing and the stem.
aligned with the bottom gauge fitting. Insert glass into bottom fitting until
STEM PACKING WASHER: The thin metal washer on the stem that serves as a fric-
glass bottoms out on the shoulder inside the bottom fitting. tion washer and protects against extrusion of the packing.
TEFLON®: Virgin PTFE fluoropolymer gauge glass packing or seat washer, for temper-
atures up to 450°F. More difficult to seal than HypalonTM. Use only when needed for
12. Carefully raise glass about 1/16" and slide lower glass packing down more chemical resistance than VitonTM at elevated temperatures. Not recommended for
hot fluorine, oxygen difluoride, or chlorine triflouride.
until the glass packing bottoms out. DO NOT allow the glass to remain in
TUBULAR GAUGE GLASS PROTECTOR: A metal or impact-resistant plastic tube
contact with any metal! that fits over the gauge glass, to protect the glass from accidental breakage, and to help
minimize the risk of personal injury and/or property damage. The use of a glass protec-
tor, where available, is recommended for all water gauge applications.
13. Carefully slide upper glass packing up as far as possible.
VITON®: Fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) gauge glass packing, for temperatures
-15°F to 400°F (up to 600°F for short periods.) Use for superior resistance at elevated
temperatures. Recommended for petroleum oils, silicone oils, halogenated hydrocar-
14. Hand tighten both glass packing nuts, then tighten 1/2 turn more by bons (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene), acids. Unsuitable for ketones (MEK, ace-
wrench. Tighten only enough to prevent leakage. DO NOT OVER tone), amines, anhydrous ammonia, hot hydrofluoric or chlorosulfonic acid.
TIGHTEN! If any leakage should occur, tighten slightly, a quarter turn at WATER GAUGE: The gauge glass and its fittings for attachment.
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