14 Car Care PDF

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Car, care

Thevowelsoundsls'^(t)land lea(t)l
places, the R
In many accents in England, the letter R is not pronounced aftet a vowel. In other
America. But in both cases' the letter R
rs pronâ.r.rced, for exÀple in most parts of North
is A, we usually get the vowel sounds in
-àk., the vowel before ii sound different. If the vowel
car ls'^l or care leel'
a.f',,9' Listen to the sound /o/. Look at the mouth diagram to seehow to make this long vowel sound'
df4!.. Lisren to rhe target sound /q/ in the words below and compare it with the words on each side'

$!a". Then listen and repeat the examplesof the target sound'
'', Examples
fur . ,,f,ar, . . four calm card cart
bore bar .:, , bear star stafve staft
hurt heart hate harm halve half

much march match " l t ' sh a r dt o p a r ka c a ri n a d a r kc a rp a r k . "

lA wegetthesound/or/ beforeL too'

*oa.t Sometimes


;i:-_1_ :j;
$sget /gt,
beer Examples
sure where

Ç*-m dead dared died fak {airly

stars stairs stays andMarysharetheirpears

"Sarah fairly."


frequently sometimes
l(lil AR(cor) EAR,(heort)
AL(hotfl accent
A (osk,poth, aunt):SouthEastEnglish
leel AIR(foir)

36 in Use(lntermediate)
Se ction A Lettersond sounds


-1 andendings
Makewordswiththesebeginnings partof thetable.
andwritethemin thecorrect

beginnings ba fa ra da sta squa ca ha cha

endings r re lf ir rd rt lm

words with the vowel /or/ words with the vowel /ee/

bar bare

"- z comprete usingthewordsin thebox. :i..!i

thisconversation *.,!! rlif:
{56 Thenlistenand check.

SID: This is a greatlife, with no worries ot .......9.419.Ê.......
Jor: It would be nice if we had though, Sid.
SrD:I didn'tsay.... - .......,I said.............................'.!
as in traffic,but ...............
Jon: Oh, I see.Not --...........--............'
with an ES at the end!
Sro: That'sright. I've alwayslovedsleepingunderthe .............
JoE: But why? There'shardly âny spaceunderthe .......................
You know, little lightsin the sky'
Sn: No, not .............................,,
that peoplewalk up!
I thoughtyou said ........--..........-......'
JoE: Oh, ..........................!
i:Ï",î,1î;îil:lî:;iJ1 i"';,ï ::,îfffi:î:'
+,3 to thesesentences.
Listen the R afterthe vowel)
ls the accentfrom NorthAmerica
\67 WriteAm or Eng'
or SouthEastEngland?
Exeupre He askedher to dance. 9*q
1 \7e started in March. 5 It stopsand starts.
2 It's a fast car. 6 A glassof beer.
3 My heart'sstrong. 7 Washis hair dark or fair?
4 \7here'sthe bar?
4.4 Listenandcirclethe wordyou hear.lf youfind anyof thesedifficult,go to SectionD4Soundpoirs
468 for furtherpractice.
L Heart.or hat? Sheput her hand on her heart I hat. (-sound pair 3)
2 Nowhere or no way? There'snowhereI no way to go. (-sound pair 5)
3 Fair or far? It isn't fair I far. (-sound pair 6)
4 Part or port? This is the main part I port of Athens' (=+soundpair 7)
5, Bearor beer? That's a strong bearI beer. (+sound pair B)
6 Comeor calm? She told meto comeI calm down. (-sound paft 9)

EnglishPronunciationin Use (lntermediote) 37

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