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Victorias City, Negros Occidental

The Pros and Cons of Educational Technology as tools for enhancing learning

abilities among College student


Background of the Study

Technology has originally come from the Greek word technogia. The word

techno logia became technology and it comes into existence. The word was used

in the seventeenth century for the first time. Many people think that the word

technology only means that the mobile, internet computer, laptop etc. (Baytak et.

al., 2014)According to Bull and Ma (2013), technology provides offers unlimited

resources to language learners. Harmer (2013) and Genç lter (2015) emphasized

and teachers should encourage learners to find appropriate activities through using

computer technology in order to be successful in language learning. Clements and

Sarama (2013) declare that the use of suitable technological materials can be useful

for learners. According to Harmer (2016), using computer-based language activities

improve cooperative learning in learners. Furthermore, Tomlison (20013) and Genç

lter (2015) say that computer-based activities provide learners rapid information

and appropriate materials. They continue that internet materials motivate learners

to learn more. In addition, Larsen- Freeman and Anderson (2011) supported the view

that technology provides teaching resources and brings learning experience to the

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learners’ world. Through using technology, many authentic materials can be

provided to learners and they can be motivated in learning language.

Technology has always been an important part of teaching and learning

environment. It is an essential part of the teachers’ profession through which they

can use it to facilitate learners’ learning. That is to say, technology becomes an

integral part of the learning experience and a significant issue for teachers, from the

beginning of preparing learning experiences through to teaching and learning process

(Eady & Lockyer, 2013). Solanki and Shyamlee1 (2012) and Pourhosein Gilakjani

(2017) supported the view that language teaching method has been changed due to

technology. The researchers continued that the application of technology helps

learners learn on the basis of their interests. It also satisfies both visual and auditory

senses of the learners. According to Lam and Lawrence (2002) and Pourhosein Gilakjani

(2017), technology assists learners in adjusting their own learning process and they can

have access to a lot of information that their teachers are not able to provide. According

to Pourhosein Gilakjani (2013), the use of technologies has the great potential to change

the existing language teaching methods. Pourhosein Gilakjani and Sabouri (2014)When

we talk about technology in teaching and learning, the word ‘integration’ is used. With

technology being part of our everyday lives, it is time to rethink the idea of integrating

technology into the curriculum and aim to embed technology into teaching to support the

learning process.

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In today’s schools and classrooms learning with technology is of utmost

importance. The worldwide educational systems, researchers, parents, governments,

leaders, and teachers considered the technology to be a dire need of the

child’s .Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology as a

significant part of their learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology to

support the curriculum so that learners can increase the true use of technology in learning

their language skills (Costley, 2014; Murphy, DePasquale, & McNamara, 2003).

Learners’ cooperation can be increased through technology. Cooperation is one of the

important tools for learning. Learners cooperatively work together to create tasks and

learn from each other through reading their peers’ work (Keser, Huseyin, &

Ozdamli, 2011 ) In today's society, there is a strong rationale for making technological

literacy, the ability to understand and use technology, a national priority. Technology

may beviewed as the sum of man made means to satisfy human need sand desires and to

solve specific problems in a given situation (Oaks, Gantman, & Pedras, 2000).

Statement of the Problem

The study aim to determine what are the pros and cons of technology as tools

for enhancing learning abilities among college students.

1. How will be the respondents describe their socio demographic profile:

a. Sex

b. Age

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c. Course

2. What are the effects and impacts of technology in education?

a. Effect of the amount and quality of digital technology use

b. Effects of specific digital tools and resource

3. Is there a significance relationship between socioeconomic status and effects of

educational technology for enhancing learning abilities?

Significance of the Study

Significant point of this study is to identify the pros and cons of educational

technology as tools for enhancing learning abilities of students .

This study investigates how technology enhance the learning abilities of

students . This study will be beneficial to the future students to identify the pros and cons

of technology to enhance learning abilities.

This study will also benefits teachers on how technology can affect their

teaching style.

To the future researchers , this study will help them to have an idea and

understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of technology for enhancing

learning ability among college students. In addition this study will be reference for their

expected study and guide them about their topics.

Scope of the Study

The study determines the pros and cons of of educational technology as tools for

enhancing learning abilities among college students , would involve an examination of

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the use of technology , and education its benefits and limitations and the impact it has on

students learning outcomes.

The respondents of the study where the students of Cpsu Victorias Campus. This

study focused on how educational technology can affect the learning abilities of every

students and Cpsu Victorias. This utilized research made

survey questionnaire for the quantitative analysis of the pros and cons of educational

technology as tools for enhancing learning abilities among college students , it will help

generate future opportunities , to future researchers to answer the future questions about

related to this topic .

The finding of the study formulated ideas on how educational technology could help to

enhance the learning abilities of college students . Educational technology has become

increasingly prevalent in classrooms around the world, also it could serve as a basis for

developing new plan and projects that could answer the issue about technology of tools

for enhancing the learning abilities among college students .

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In this chapter, reviewing literature provides knowledge that is used in completion of

this study and know some perspective related to the use of technology as tools for

enhancing learning of students being studied.


Peregoy and Boyle (2012) carried a study on using technology in improving learners’

reading and writing skills. The results of this study indicated that technology tools

enhanced learners’ reading and writing skills because they are user-friendly, and

learners can learn at a faster and more effective way. The other finding of this study

was that learners learn more effectively when they use technology tools instead of

traditional teaching method because the Internet provided a favorable learning

environment for learners’ learning, facilitated a new platform for learners who can have

a convenient access to learning lessons.

Technology is a powerful contributor to learning if it is used to deepen students’

engagement in meaningful and intellectually authentic curriculum. Technology is a tool.

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It should be selected when it is the best tool for students to learn. Technology can be a

particularly effective tool for English language learners and can enhance the participation

of children with disabilities. Children in elementary schools should begin to use familiar

technology tools as a part of their academic program. Teachers should model the use of

technology in support of the curriculum so that children can see the appropriate use of

technology and benefit from exposure to more advanced applications that they will use

independently when they are older (DePasquale, McNamara, & Murphy, 2003)

The internet is being used as a source for teaching material. Providing information and

communication technologies for teaching and learning will have some advantages. First,

the students will play a more active role, which will help them retain more information.

Next, follow-up discussions will contain more detail where students will become more

independent. Last, the students will easily process new student-based educational

material and their skills will increase (Tutkun, 2011)

Computer Use

Using computers and the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives.

Therefore, one of the greatest vehicles for the 21st century is using technology for

effective and permanent learning. The internet affects peoples’ lives by increasing

communication, expanding educational services, and increasing quality along with

personal interaction. More emphasis has been placed on seeking, evaluating, organizing

using and sharing information with others. The internet is the greatest source for

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information and the best way to quickly share and exchange information with others, The

internet sharpens one’s ability to search and analyze information (Tutkun, 2011)

Güven and Sülün (2012) considered the effects of computer-enhanced teaching in

science and technology courses on the structure and properties of matter, such as the

periodical table, chemical bonding, and chemical reactions. Their proposition was that

computer-enhanced teaching can instil a greater sense of interest in scientific and

technological developments, make abstract concepts concrete through simulation and

modelling, and help to carry out some dangerous experiments in the classroom setting.

They found a significant difference in achievement tests between the mean scores of the

group of learners who were taught with the computer-enhanced teaching method and the

control group who were taught with traditional teaching methods

Effect of the amount and quality of digital technology use

The uses of digital technology and access to it appear to be critical factors. Lee et al

(2009) analyzed how in the US 15-16 year-old learners' school behaviour and

standardized test scores in literacy are related to computer use. Learners were asked how

many hours a day they typically used a computer for school work and for other activities.

The results indicated that the learners who used the computer for one hour a day for both

school work and other activities had significantly better reading test scores and more

positive teacher evaluations for their classroom behaviors than any other groups[5]. This

was found while controlling for socioeconomic status, which has been shown to be a

predictor of test scores in other research. The analysis used data from a national 2002

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longitudinal study, and it is likely that learners' usage of computers has increased and

changed since that time.

Effects of specific digital tools and resources

Digital tools and resources generally have a positive effect on learners' science

learning. This can be seen from a number of studies assessing outcomes for learners in

different stages of education.Hung et al (2012) explored the effect of using multi-media

tools in science learning in an elementary school's science course in Taiwan. Learners

were asked to complete a digital storytelling project by taking pictures with digital

cameras, developing the story based on the pictures taken, producing a film based on the

pictures by adding subtitles and a background, and presenting the story. From the

experimental results, the authors found that this approach improved the learners'

motivation to learn science, their attitude, problem-solving capability and learning

achievements. In addition, interviews found that the learners in the experimental group

enjoyed the project-based learning activity and thought it helpful because of the digital

storytelling aspect.

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Victorias City, Negros Occidental

The Benefits of Seminars to the Performance of Elementary Teachers in

Salvacion Elementary School


Background of the Study

Elementary teachers play a crucial role in shaping the academic and personal

development of young learners. To ensure that they are equipped with the necessary

knowledge and skills to carry out their responsibilities effectively, continuous

professional development is essential. One of the ways that elementary teachers can

enhance their professional skills and knowledge is through attending seminars.

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In a study conducted by J. L. Miller and C. L. Jolly in 2017, it was found that

attending seminars had a significant positive impact on the performance of elementary

teachers. The study suggested that seminars provided teachers with new knowledge and

skills, which they could apply in their classrooms to enhance student learning outcomes.

A study by E. R. Alegre and A. C. Salonga in 2018 examined the effects of attending

seminars on the professional development and performance of elementary teachers in the

Philippines. The study found that attending seminars increased the teachers' confidence,

motivation, and job satisfaction, which in turn led to improved classroom performance

and student outcomes.

In 2019, R. D. Guevarra and E. B. Rivera conducted a study on the impact of

attending seminars on the teaching effectiveness of elementary teachers in rural areas of

the Philippines. The study found that attending seminars improved the teachers'

pedagogical knowledge, classroom management skills, and communication abilities,

resulting in better student engagement and academic performance. A study by C. C. Lim

and K. H. Chua in 2020 investigated the effects of attending seminars on the professional

growth and development of elementary teachers in Singapore. The study found that

attending seminars enhanced the teachers' understanding of new teaching methodologies,

assessment strategies, and curriculum design, which improved their ability to meet the

diverse needs of their students. In a study by M. A. Yusof and S. S. Ismail in 2021, the

authors examined the impact of attending seminars on the performance of

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elementary teachers in Malaysia. The study found that attending seminars led to

improvements in teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, classroom management, and

student assessment practices, which resulted in higher student achievement levels.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the benefits of seminars to the performances of elementary

teachers in Salvacion Elementary school.

1. What is the level of the respondents in terms of;

a. age

b. sex

c. Educational attainment

d. length of service

2. What is the Benefits of attending Seminars on the performance of Elementary

teachers in their aspect of:

a. Knowledge and skills

b. Motivation to Teach

c. Strategies and Classroom Management skills

3. Are there any significant demographic or professional characteristics of elementary

teachers that influence the effectiveness of attending seminars in enhancing their


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Significance of the Study

This study aims to investigate the benefits of seminars to the performance of

elementary teachers in Salvacion Elementary School.

Students. This study will help the students academic performance

Teachers. This study can encourage teachers to participate in more such programs and

develop their skill and knowledge, leading to improve teaching quality and job


Future Researchers. Future Researchers can cite this study as a reference and compare

its findings with other studies to identify trends, gaps, and areas for further research.

Scope of the Study

This study focus on the benefits of seminars to the performance of elementary teacher

in Salvacion Elementary School. This study conducted in salvacion elementary school.

The respondents of the study are the teachers of Salvacion Elementary School in the

school year 2023-2024. This study use survey questionnaire to investigate the potential

benefits of attending seminars for elementary teacher's performance.

Review of Related Literature

One study by M. E. Ramo and R. M. Gerdel (2015) found that seminars can improve

teachers' knowledge and skills, leading to increased student achievement. The study

surveyed 150 elementary teachers who participated in seminars and found that they felt

more confident and effective in their teaching after attending seminars. Similarly, a study

by K. S. Chua, S. M. Wong, and W. K. Looi (2017) found that seminars can improve

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teachers' pedagogical practices and increase their motivation to teach. The study involved

300 elementary teachers who participated in seminars, and the results showed that the

teachers' teaching practices were more student-centered after attending seminars. Another

study by A. R. Awotunde and J. T. Akinpelu (2017) examined the impact of seminars on

the performance of elementary teachers in Nigeria. The study found that seminars can

improve teachers' knowledge and skills, leading to increased student achievement. The

study involved 150 elementary teachers who participated in seminars and found that the

teachers' performance improved significantly after attending seminars. In addition, a

study by M. A. Reyes and E. R. Natividad (2018) found that seminars can enhance

teachers' teaching strategies and classroom management skills. The study involved 50

elementary teachers who participated in seminars and found that they were able to apply

the strategies learned in the seminars effectively in their classrooms.

The Impact of Teacher Professional Development Programs on Student

Achievement: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Indonesia" by Ariane

Willems and Menno Pradhan (2018). This study examines the impact of teacher

professional development programs on student achievement in Indonesia and finds that

participation in professional development activities, including seminars, significantly

improves student learning outcomes.

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The extent of challenges encountered by older generations in computer-based



Background of the Study

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The increasing prevalence of computer-based education has created new

opportunities for learning, but but it has also presented challenges for older generations

who may not be as familiar with technology. These challenges can include difficulties

with navigating software, understanding computer terminology, and accessing online

resources. Older learners may also experience physical challenges, which can further

complicate their use of technology for education. Evidence shows that older adults are

still more likely to use the same internet more 'narrowly' than younger generations, with

older adults predominantly using the internet for information finding or sending emails

( Office for National Statistics, 2018 ). As technology continues to advance, the use of

computers and other digital devices is becoming increasingly common in education and

other aspects of daily life. Particularly for older adults, self-stereotyping may become

self-fulfilling prophecy which can have an impact on internet use ( Pennington et al.,

2016 ). However, many older individuals may not have had the opportunity to learn how

to use these devices, which can create barriers to their participation in computer-based

education. The older adult with more severe physical disabilities, which required them to

access help for performing activities of daily living or mobility outside the home, used

technology for communication at a significantly lower rate. The study of the challenges

faced by older generations in computer-based education aims to identify these barriers

and develop strategies to overcome them. Physically factors, such as dexterity or eyesight

problem, can also overall specially when using smaller tablets or mobile phones ( Neves

et al., 2013; Olphet & Damodavan, 2013 ). The challenges that have been identified

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include age related declines in cognitive function, physical limitations that make it

difficult to use digital devices, and lack of familiarity with technology. This field use

variety of methods to study these challenges, including surveys, interviews, and

observational studies. They may also develop and test new educational programs and

tools designed specifically to help older individuals learn how to use computers and other

digital devise more effectively. The purpose of this research is to examine the extent of

challenges encountered by older generations in computer-based education at Central

Philippine State University-Victorias Campus.

Statement of the Problem

This study is aim to determine of how the extent of challenges encountered by the older

generations in computer-based education?

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of the respondents in terms of

a. age

a. sex

b. grade level

2. What is the factors of the challenges encountered by older generations in computer-

based education?

3. Is their a significant in terms of challenges encountered by older generations in

computer-based education?

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Significance of the Study

Students. This study will help to understand the specific challenges faced by older

learners, students can develop strategies to help them overcome these learners and

achieve better learning outcomes.

Parents. This study, parents can improved communication with children to become

more familiar with digital technology and use it more frequently.

Teachers. This study can provide enhanced professional development, that teachers

who are more familiar with digital technology and the challenges faced by older learners

can develop new skills and knowledge that can be useful in their professional


Future Researchers. This study help future researchers by studying the challenges faced

by older learners in computer-based education, they can identify gaps in existing research

and areas where further study is needed. This can help to guide future research efforts and

ensure that resources are directed to areas where they will have the most impact.

Scope of the Study

The respondent of this study are the students of Central Philippine State University of

Victorias City under of Education Department. This study focused on how the extent of

challenges encountered by older generations in computer-based education.

The study may aim to understand how students typically involve examining the various

obstacles and difficulties faced by older learners when using digital technologies and

online learning platforms.

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The study may might include factors such as age-related declines in cognitive function,

physical impairments that affect computer use ( such as vision or motor impairments ),

lack of familiarity with digital tools and technology, or other cultural or social barriers to

participation in computer-based education.

The study aims to shed light on the extent of challenges encountered by older

generations in computer-based education to target population of older learners and the

particular contexts in which they are engaging with computer-based education.

Review of Related Literature

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Age-related physical limitations, such as poor eyesight or hearing, arthritis, and other

mobility issues, can make it difficult for older adults to use computers and related devices

effectively ( Czaja et al., 2013 ). Some older adults may experience cognitive declines,

including memory and attention problems, that can make it challenging to learn and

retain new information in computer-based educational programs ( Czaja et al., 2013 ).

The instructional design of computer-based educational programs may not be suitable

for older learners, particularly if it does not take into account their unique learning needs

and preferences ( Czaja et al., 2013 ). This particularly difficult for older adults who lack

experience with technology or who have physical, cognitive, or motivational limitations.

However, there is also evidence to suggest that with proper instructional design and

support, older adults can successfully engage with and benefit from computer-based

educational programs.

Older learners may have limited experience with technology and may struggle to

navigate new digital tools used in computer-based education. This lack of proficiency can

make it difficult for older learners to access and engage with course materials ( Czaja et

al., 2013 ). Age-related physical limitations such as poor eyesight, hearing loss, arthritis,

and mobility issues can make it challenging for older adults to use computers and related

devices effectively. For instance, small font sizes, low contrast text, and poor auditory

quality can be barriers to effective learning ( Morris et al., 2014 ).

Some older adults may experience cognitive declines such as memory loss, difficulty

with attention, and other cognitive impairments. These challenges can make it

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challenging to learn and retain new information in computer-based educational programs

(Czaja et al., 2013).Older adults may have different learning preferences and motivations

for engaging with computer-based education. Some may lack the motivation to learn new

technology, while others may prefer a more traditional classroom setting (Morris et al.,


Older learners may experience social isolation due to a lack of opportunities for social

interaction in online courses. This isolation can negatively impact their motivation and

engagement in the course (Xie, Bugg, & Williams, 2017).The design of computer-based

educational programs may not be suited to the needs of older learners. Instructional

materials may be presented in a way that is confusing or difficult to navigate for older

adults. Additionally, the lack of feedback and support may be a barrier to learning (Czaja

et al., 2013).relate to technological proficiency, physical limitations, cognitive

challenges, motivation and learning preferences, social isolation, and instructional design.

These challenges highlight the importance of designing and developing computer-based

educational programs that are accessible and engaging for older adults.

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