Nptel: Design of Offshore Structures - Web Course

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NPTEL Syllabus

Design of Offshore Structures - Web



Loads on Offshore Structures
Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base
Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral
Definition; Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Marine growth; Fatigue Load
Definition and Joint Probability distribution; Seismic Loads.

Concepts of Fixed Platform Jacket and Deck

Jacket concepts, redundant framing arrangement; Launch and Lift jackets; Ocean Engineering
Simple Deck configurations for Lift and float-over installations; In-service and
Pre-service Loads and analysis.

Steel Tubular Member Design

Principles of WSD and LRFD; Allowable stresses and Partial Safety Factors; Pre-requisites:
Tubular Members, Slenderness effects; Column Buckling, Design for
Hydrostatic pressure; Design for combined axial and bending stresses (API RP 1. Basic structural mechanics.
2A guidelines).
2. Basic hydrodynamics.
Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic Loads
Simple tubular joints, design using allowable loads; stress concentration Coordinators:
factors; S-N curves and fatigue damage calculations.
Dr. S. Nallayarasu
Submarine Pipelines and Risers Department of Ocean EngineeringIIT
Route selection and Diameter / wall thickness calculations; Pipeline stability, Madras
free span calculations; Concrete coated pipelines and pipe-in-pipe insulated
pipelines; Design using DNV 81 code.

Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast and Collision)

Behavior of steel at elevated temperature; Fire Rating for Hydrocarbon fire;
Design of structures for high temperature; Blast Mitigation-Blast walls;
Collision of Boats and energy absorption; Platform survival capacity and
Plastic design methods.


S.No Topics No.of


1 Loads on Offshore Structures 8

2 Concepts of Fixed Platform Jacket and Deck 6

3 Steel Tubular Member Design 6

4 Tubular Joint Design for Static and Cyclic 6


5 Submarine Pipelines and Risers 8

6 Design against Accidental Loads (Fire, Blast 8

and Collision)

Total 42


Text Books:

1. Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures by S.K. Chakrabarti, Springer-


2. Handbook of Offshore Engineering by S.K. Chakrabarti, Elseviers, 2005.

3. Offshore pipelines by B. Gou, S. Song, J. Chacko and A. Ghalambor, GPP


4. Structural Stability - Theory and Implementation by W.F.Chen and E.M.Lui

by Elsevier


1. Interim Guidance Notes for the design of and protection of topside

structures agains explosion and fire, Joint Industry Research, UK.

A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD, Govt of India

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