HWW Parent Letter 19-20

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Transdisciplinary Learning

Who We Are Reading

We are Readers:
*reading identity
Communities create a *habits of strong readers (stamina, word
solving strategies, paying attention to schema)
sense of purpose, identity, *reading routines
*talk about self as reader

and belonging. Writing We are Writers:

Workshop *identity as a writer
*writing routines
*develop independence as a writer
Lines of Inquiry: *basic mechanics (spaces between words,
*How our bodies and minds work. (function *talk about self as writer
and connection)
*An awareness of self and the choices we Data *collect and record information in a variety of
can make. (function and connection) Handling graphs
*make statements about graphs using
*What contributes to well-being in our mathematical language
community. (function and connection)
Measure- *understand the calendar structure
ment *days of the week vocabulary
• Well-being
• Self-awareness *sequence events
• Mindful
Unit Vocabulary

• Mindfulness Pattern & *conservation of numbers

Function *use and understand mathematical symbols
• Group Plan
*find simple more or less rules
• Community

• Values
• Emotions
• Self-talk Stand-Alone Learning
• Brain Hurters
• Brain Helpers Math: *Knowledge: number identification, forwards
• Optimism Number and backwards numbers, basic facts
• Perseverance *Strategy: addition and subtraction
• Empathy
• Resilience Literacy *handwriting and fine motor
• Flexibility *word inquiry

How you can help at home: Important Dates:

*Tell your child about times when something was hard for you and what you did to Sept. 2: ECAs begin
Sept.19: Wai Khru
*Tell your child about times you’ve made mistakes and what they taught you.
*Sportscast your child’s physiological responses when experiencing emotions. (“Your Sept. 20: ISE Day (no
fists are in balls and you are yelling. You are angry because you want the iPad and I school for students)
won’t let you use it.”) Sept. 23: No classes
*Become familiar with the Zones of Regulation. Sept. 27: Parent-
*Tell your child stories from your childhood. With your child, tell stories from your
Teacher Conferences
child’s life. (“Let’s tell the story of the time we found a turtle on the beach.”)
*Discuss the connections between actions and their effects on our bodies. For
example, eating a healthy breakfast helps our brains to work hard. Getting 10+
hours of sleep makes it easier to control our impulses and learn.
*Cook with your child. Children are more likely to try new foods if they have helped
make them.
*Practice counting forwards and backwards from a random number between 1
and 100. (Count on or back for a bit. You don’t have to go all the way to 0 or 100.)
*Talk about learning in your home language. All of these suggestions can be done
in your home language.
*Pre-teach some of the vocabulary from above using your home language.
*Do you use positive self-talk? Show your child how to do it.

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