HWOO Letter 17-18
HWOO Letter 17-18
HWOO Letter 17-18
Data Handling: Pictographs, Bar Graphs, Collec2ng and
Organizing Data, Analyzing Data
Humans roles in systems Language Arts
Reading: Poetry and Visualizing (Readers use mental images or
allow communi2es to work. movies in their head to organize informa2on or stories they
Wri2ng: Personal Narra2ves (organizing stories to include a
beginning, middle, and end)
Lines of Inquiry Viewing and Crea2ng: Viewing and crea2ng personal narra2ves
Listening and Speaking: Sharing personal narra2ves, listening
1. Types of systems (Form) to and sharing poems
2. Roles people play (Connec2on)
3. Responsible group membership (Responsibility)
Disciplinary Learning
Language Arts
Knowledge: Word Study:
Place Value Students con2nue to
Basic Facts learn word pa_erns to
Order and develop their spelling
Sequence skills.
Pa_erns Addi2onally, they will
Strategy: con2nue to grow their
Addi2on and bank of high frequency
Job Subtrac2on words (snap words).
Role System Mul2plica2on and
Unit Vocabulary
Transport Trust
Equipment Work
Important Dates
Commit Teacher Oct. 13: HM King Rama IX Memorial Day
Workers Friend No School
Boss Buddy Oct. 21-29: Mid-Semester BreakNo School
Community Class member Nov. 10: Session 1 ECAs end
Nov. 17: In-service DayNo School
Nov. 20: Session 2 ECAs begin
Essential Elements
Learner Profile
Communica'on: and Attitudes
Students will increase Listening to direc2ons, listening to others, speaking clearly, comprehending what
their knowledge of *Communicator
has been read, wri2ng personal narra2ve texts, interpre2ng and analyzing visuals
systems and their *Principled
purposes. Students Social: *Open-minded
will develop an Taking on and comple2ng tasks in an appropriate manner, being willing to assume *Apprecia2on
understanding of how a share of the responsibility, making decisions based on fairness and equity, *Coopera2on
humans must work working coopera2vely in a group, being courteous to others, sharing materials, *Tolerance
together for the taking turns, reac2ng reasonably to the situa2on, understanding what behavior is *Respect
system to be appropriate in a give situa2on and ac2ng accordingly, being a leader in some
circumstances and a follower in others Students will assume a
Self-management: role in a team.
Knowing and applying appropriate rules or opera2ng procedures of groups of