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Dl.l. Given points M(-1, 2, 1), N (3, -3, 0), and P(-2, -3, -4), D1.3.

D1.3. The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6, -1,

find (a) RMN ; (b)RMN + RMP ; (c) |rM |; (d) aMP ; (e) |2rP - 2), B(-2, 3, -4), and C(-3, 1, 5). Find: (a) RAB ; (b) RAC ; (c)
3rN |. the angle ϴBAC at vertex A; (d) the (vector) projection of
RAB on RAC .

DI.4. The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6, -1,

D1.2. A vector field S is expressed in cartesian coordinates as
2), B(-2, 3, -4) and C(-3, 1, 5). Find (a) RAB x RAC ; (b) the
S ={125/[(x - 1) 2+ (y - 2)2+ (z + 1) ]}{(x - 1)ax + (y - 2)ay + area of the triangle; (c) a unit vector perpen- dicular to the plane
(z+1)az }. (a) Evaluate S at P(2, 4, 3). (b) Determine a unit vector in which the triangle is located.
that gives the direction of S at P. (c) Specify the surface f (x, y, z) on
which |S| = 1.
D1.5. (a) Give the cartesian coordinates of the point D1.7. Given the two points, C(-3,2,1) and D(r=5, ϴ=20°,Φ =-70°),
C(ρ=.4, Φ=-115°, z = 2). (b) Give the cylindrical coordinates of find: (a) the spherical coordinates of C; (b) the cartesian coordinates
the point D(x = -3.1, y = 2.6, z = -3). (c) Specify the distance of D; (c) the distance from C to D.
from C to D.

Dl.6. Transform to cylindrical coordinates: (a) F = lOax Dl.8. Transform the following vectors to spherical coordinates at
the points given (a) lOax at P(x = -3, y = 2, z = 4); (b) lOay
- 8ay + 6az at point P(lO, -8, 6); (b) G = (2x + y)ax - (y -
at Q(ρ = 5, Φ = 3O , z = 4); (c) lOaz at M(r = 4, ϴ=1lO,Φ = l2O )
4x)ay at point Q(ρ, Φ, z). (c) Give the cartesian components of
the vector H = 2Oaρ - lOaΦ + 3az at P(x = 5, y = 2, z = -l).
D2.1. A charge QA = -20 µC is located at A(-6, 4, 7), and a D2.3. Evaluate the sums:
charge QB = 50µC is at B(5, 8, -2) in free space. If distances ( )
( )∑
are given in meters, find: (a) RAB ; (b) RAB . Determine the
vector force exerted on QA by QB if ε0 = : (c) 10-9 /(36π) ( )
( )∑
F/m; (d)8.854 x 10-12 F/m. ( )

D2.2. A charge of -0.3μC is located at A(25, -30, 15) (in cm), and a D2.4. Calculate the total charge within each of the
second charge of 0.5μC is at B(-10, 8, 12) cm. Find E at: (a) the
indicated volumes: (a) | || || |
origin; (b) P(15, 20, 50) cm.
(b) π, 2 ≤ z ≤ 4;
(c) universe:
D2.5. Infinite uniform line charges of 5 nC/m lie along the (positive D2.7. Find the equation of that streamline that passes through the
and negative) x and y axes in free space. Find E at: (a) PA (O, O, 4); point P(l, 4, -2) in the field E=: (a)
(b) PB (O, 3, 4).
( ) [ ( ) ]

D2.6. Three infinite uniform sheets of charge are located in free

D3.1. Given a 60-μC point charge located at the origin, find the
space as follows: 3 nC/m2 at z=-4, 6 nC/m2 at z = 1, and -8 total electric flux passing through: (a) that portion of the sphere
nC/m2 at z = 4. Find E at the point: (a) PA (2, 5, -5); (b) PB (4, 2, r = 26 cm bounded by 0 < ϴ<π/2 and 0 < Φ<π/2; (b) the closed
-3); surface defined by ρ = 26 cm and z = ±26 cm; (c) the plane
(c) PC (-1, -5, 2); (d ) PD (-2, 4, 5). z = 26 cm.
D3.2. Calculate D in rectangular coordinates at point P(2, -3, 6) D3.4. Calculate the total electric flux leavingthe cubical surface
produced by: (a) a point charge QA = 55 mC at Q(-2, 3, -6); (b) formed by the six planes x, y, z = ±5 if the charge distribution
a uniform line charge ρLB = 20 mC/m on the x axis; is: (a) two point charges, 0.1μC at (1, -2, 3) and 1 / 7 μ C at
(-1, 2, -2); (b) a uniform line charge of πμC/m at x = -2,y=3;
(c) a uniform surface charge density ρSC = 120 μC/m2 on the
(c) a uniform surface charge of 0.1μC/m2 on the plane y = 3x.
plane z = -5 m.

D3.3. Given the electric flux density, D = 0 3r2 ar nC/m2 in D3.5. A point charge of 0 25 !-C is located at r = 0, and
free space (a) find E at point P(r =2, ϴ = 25°, Φ = 90°); (b) uniform surface charge densities are located as follows:
find the total charge within the sphere r = 3; (c) find the total 2 mC/m2 at r = 1 cm, and -0.6 mC/m2 at r =1.8 cm.
electric flux leaving the sphere r = 4. Calculate D at : (a) r = 0.5 cm; (b) r = 1.5 cm; (c) r = 2.5 cm (d )
What uniform surface charge density should be established at r
= 3 cm to cause D = 0 at r = 3.5 cm?
D3.6. In free space, let D= 8xyz4 ax + 4x2 z4 ay + 16x2 yz3 D3.8. Determine an expression for the volume charge density
associated with each D field following :
pC/m2 . (a) Find the total electric flux passing through the
rectangular surface z = 2, 0 < x < 2, 1 < y < 3, in the az (a)
direction. (b) Find E at P(2, -1, 3). (c) Find an approximate (b) D=z sinϕ aϕ +z cos ϕaϕ+ρ sinϕ az;
value for the total charge contained in an incremental sphere (c) D= sinϴsinϕar + cosϴsinϕaϕ + cosϕaϕ.
located at P(2, -1, 3) and havinga volume of 10-12 m3 .

D3.7. In each of the following parts, find a numerical value D3.9. Given the field D = 6ρ sin1/2 Φ ap + 1.5 ρ cos1/2Φ aΦ C/m2 ,
for div D at the point specified: (a) D=(2xyz - y2 )ax + (x2 z - evaluate both sides of the divergence theorem for the region
bounded by ρ = 2, Φ = 0, Φ = π, z = 0, and z = 5.
2xy)ay + x2 yaz C/m2 at PA (2, 3, -1); (b) D = 2ρz2 sin2 Φ
aρ + ρz2 sin 2ΦaΦ + 2ρ2 z sin2 Φ az C/m2 at PB (ρ =
2, Φ=110°,z = -1) (c) D = 2r sin ϴcos Φ ar + r cos ϴcos Φ aϴ - r
sin Φ aΦ at PC (r = 1.5, ϴ = 30°, Φ= 50°).
D4.1. Given the electric field E=1/z 2 (8xyzax+ 4x2 zay - D4.3. We shall see later that a time-varying E field need not be
4x2yaz )V/m, find the differential amount of work done in moving a conservative. (If it is not conservative, the work expressed by Eq.
(3) may be a function of the path used.) Let E = yax V/m at a
6-nC charge a distance of 2μm, starting at P(2,-2,3) and proceeding in
certain instant of time, and calculate the work required to move
the direction aL=: (a) -6/7 ax + 3/7 ay +2/7 az; (b) -6/7 ax -3/7 ay -2/7 a 3-C charge from (1, 3, 5) to (2, 0, 3) along the straight line
az; (c)3/7 ax + 6/7 ay . segments joining: (a) (1, 3, 5) to (2, 3, 5) to (2, 0, 5) to (2, 0, 3); (b)
(1, 3, 5) to (1, 3, 3) to (1, 0, 3) to (2, 0, 3).

D4.2. Calculate the work done in moving a 4-C charge from D4.4. An electricfield is expressed in cartesian
B(l, 0, 0) to A(0, 2, 0) along the path y = 2 - 2x, z = 0 in the coordinates by E =6x2 ax + 6yay + 4az V/m Find: (a)
field E = : (a) 5ax V/m; (b) 5xax V/m; (c) 5xax + 5yay V/m. VMN if points M and N are specified by M(2, 6, -1)
and N(-3, -3, 2); (b) VM if V = O at Q(4, -2, -35); (c) VN if
V = 2 at P(1, 2, -4).
D4.5. A 15-nC point charge is at the origin in free space. D4.7. A portion of a two-dimensional (Ez = 0) potential field is
Calculate V1 if point P1 is located at P1 (-2, 3, -1) and: (a) V = shown in Fig. 4.8. The grid lines are 1mm apart in the actual field.
0 at (6, 5, 4); (b) V = 0 at infinity; (c) V = 5 V at (2, 0, 4) Determine approximate values for E in cartesian coordinates at: (a)
a; (b) b; (c) c.

D4.8. Given the potential field in the cylindrical coordinates,

D4.6. If we take the zero reference for potential at infinity, find the
and point P at ρ=3m, ϕ=60°, z= 2m, find the
potential at (0, 0, 2)caused by this charge configuration in free
space (a) 12 nCjm on the line ρ = 2.5 m,z = 0; (b) point charge of values at P for: (a) V; (b) E; (c) E; (d) dV/dN; (e) an (f) ρv in free
18 nC at (1, 2, -1); (c) 12 nCjm on the line y = 2.5, z = 0. space.
D4.9. An electric dipole located at the origin in free D4.11. Find the energy stored in free space for the region 2mm < r<
space has a moment p = 3ax - 2ay + az nC · m. (a) Find V at 3mm, 0< ϴ<90°, 0<ϕ <90°, given the potential field V=: (a) (b)
PA (2, 3, 4). (b) Find V at r = 2.5, ϴ= 30°, Φ= 40°.

D5.l. Given the vector current density J = l0p2 zap - 4ρcos2 Φ aΦ

D4.10. A dipole of moment p = 6az nC · m is located at the origin in A/m2 : (a) find the current density at P(ρ = 3, Φ= 30°, z = 2); (b)
free space. (a) Find V at P(r = 4, ϴ = 20°, ϕ = 0°). (b) Find Eat P. determine the total current flowing outward through the circular
band ρ= 3, 0 < Φ < 2π, 2 < z < 2.8.
D5.2. Current density is given in cylindrical coordinates as J = - D5.4. A copper conductor has a diameter of 0.6 in and it is 1200 ft
106 z1.5 az A/m2 in the region 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 20 μm; for ρ ≥20 μ, J = 0. (a) long. Assume that it carries a total dc current of 50 A. (a) Find the
Find the total current crossing the surface z = 0.1 min the az total resistance of the conductor. (b) What current density exists in
direction. (b) If the charge velocity is 2 x 106 m/s at z = 0.1 m, it? (c) What is the dc voltage between the conductor ends?
find pv there. (c) If the volume charge density at z = 0.15 (d )How much power is dissipated in the wire?
m is -2000 C/m3 , find the charge velocity there.

D5.3. Find the magnitude of the current density in a sample D5.5. Given the potential field in free space, V = 100 sinh x
of silver for which σ= 6.17 x 107 S/m and μ e = 0.0056 m2 /V · s sin5y V , and a point P(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), find at P: (a) V ; (b) E; (c)
if: (a) the drift velocity is 1.5μ m / s ; (b) the electric field |E|; (d ) |pS | if it is known that P lies on a conductor surface.
i n t ensity is 1 mV/m; (c) the sample is a cube 2.5 mm on a side
having a voltage of 0.4 mV between opposite faces; (d ) the sample
is a cube 2.5 mm on a side carrying a total current of 0.5 A.
D5.7. Using the values given in this section for the electron and hole D5.9. Let the region z < 0 be composed of a uniform dielectric
mobilities in silicon at 300 K, and assuming hole and electron material for which ER = 3.2, while the region z > 0 is
charge densities are 0.0029 C/m3 and -0.0029 C/m3 , respectively, characterized by ER = 2. Let Dl =-30ax + 50ay + 70az
find: (a) the component of the conductivity due to holes;(b) the nC/m2 and find: (a) DN l ; (b) Dtl ; (c) Dtl ; (d ) Dl ; (e) ϴl ; (f ) Pl .
component of the conductivity due to electrons; (c) the

D5.8. A slab of dielectric material has a relative dielectric constant of D5.10. Continue Prob. D5.9 by finding: (a) DN 2 ; (b) Dt2 ; (c) D2 ; (d )
3.8 and contains a uniform electric flux density of 8 nC/m2 . If the P2 ; (e) ϴ 2
material is lossless; find: (a) E; (b) P; (c) the average number of
dipoles per cubic meter if the average dipole moment is
10-29 C ·m
D5.ll. Find the relative permittivity of the dielectric material D5.13. A conducting cylinder with a radius of 1 cm and at a
present in a parallel-plate capacitor if: (a) S = 0.12 m2 , d =80 μm, potential of 20 V is parallel to a conducting plane which is at
V0 = 12 V, and the capacitor contains 1μJ of energy; (b) the zero potential. The plane is 5 cm distant from the cylinder axis.
stored energy density is 100 J/m3 , V0 = 200 V, and d = 4 5 μ m ; If the conductors are embedded in a perfect dielectric for which
(c) E = 200 kV/m, pS = 20 μC/m2 , and d= 100μm. εR = 4.5, find: (a) the capacitance per unit length between
cylinder and plane; (b) ρS,max on the cylinder.

D8.1. Given the following values for Pl , P2 , and 1l Δl , calculate

D5.12. Determine the capacitance of: (a) a 1-ft length of 35B/U ΔH2 : (a) Pl (0, 0, 2), P2 (4, 2, 0), 2πaz μA · m; (b) Pl (0, 2, 0), P2 (4,
coaxial cable, which has an inner conductor 0.1045 in in 2, 0), 2πaz μA · m; (c) Pl (l, 2, 3), P2 (-3, -l, 2), 2π(-ax + ay +
diameter, a polyethylene dielectric (εR = 2.26 from Table C.1),
2az ) μA · m.
and an outer conductor which has an inner diameter of 0.680
in; (b) a conducting sphere of radius 2.5 mm, covered with a
polyethylene layer 2 mm thick, surrounded by a conducting
sphere of radius 4.5 mm; (c) two rectangular conducting plates, 1
cm by 4 cm, with negligible thickness, between which are three
sheets of dielectric, each 1 cm by 4 cm, and 0.1 mm thick, having
dielectric constants of 1.5, 2.5, and 6.
D8.2. A current filament carrying 15 A in the az direction lies D8.4. (a) Evaluate the closed line integral of H about the
along the entire z axis. Find H in cartesian coordinates at: (a) rectangular path Pl (2, 3, 4) to P2 (4, 3, 4) to P3 (4, 3, l) to P4 (2, 3, l) to
PA (√20, 0, 4); (b) PB (2, -4, 4). Pl , given H = 3zax - 2x3 az A/m. (b) Determine the quotient of the
closed line integral and the area enclosed by the path as an approx-
imation to (∇x H)y . (c) Determine (∇ x H)y at the center of the

D8.3. Express the value of H in cartesian components at P(0, 0.2, 0) D8.5. Calculate the value of the vector current density: (a) in
in the field of: (a) a current filament, 2.5 A in the az direction at x = cartesian coordinates at PA (2, 3, 4) if H = x2 zay - y2 xaz ; (b) in
0.1, y = 0.3; (b) a coax, centered on the z axis, with a = 0.3, b = 0.5, cylindrical coordinates at PB (l.5, 90°, 0.5) if ;
c = 0.6, I = 2.5 A in az direction in center conductor; (c) three
current sheets, 2.7ax A/m at y = 0.1, -1.4ax A/m at y = 0.15, and
-1.3ax A/m at y = 0.25.
D8.8. A current sheet, K = 2.4az A/m, is present at the surface
D8.6. Evaluate both sides of Stokes theorem for the field H =
6xyax - 3y2 ay A/m and the rectangular path around the region, ρ = 1.2 in free space. (a) Find H for ρ > 1.2. Find Vm at P(ρ =
2 ≤ x ≤ 5, -1 ≤ y ≤ 1, z = 0. Let the positive direction of d S be az . 1.5, ϕ = 0.6π, z = 1) if: (b) Vm = 0 at ϕ = 0 and there is a barrier
at ϕ = π; (c) Vm = 0 at ϕ = 0 and there is a barrier at ϕ = π/2;
(d) Vm = 0 at ϕ = π and there is a barrier at ϕ = 0; (e) Vm =
5 V at ϕ = π and there is a barrier at ϕ = 0.8π.

D8.7. A solid conductor of circular cross section is made of a

homogeneous nonmagnetic material. If the radius a = 1 mm, the D8.9. The value of A within a solid nonmagnetic conductor of
conductor axis lies on the z axis, and the total current in the az radius a carrying a total current I in the az direction may be found
direction is 20 A, find: (a) Hϕ at ρ = 0.5 mm; (b) Bϕ at ρ =0.8mm; easily. Using the known value of H or B for ρ < a, then (46) may
(c) the total magnetic flux per unit length inside the be solved for A. Select A = (μI ln 5)/2π at ρ = a (to correspond
conductor; (d) the total flux for ρ < 0.5 mm; (e) the total with an example in the next section) and find A at ρ: (a) O; (b)
magnetic flux outside the conductor. O.25a; (c) O.75a; (d ) a.
D8.10. Equation (66) is obviously also applicable to the D9.2. The field B = -2ax + 3ay + 4az mT is present in free space.
exterior of any conductor of circular cross section carrying a Find the vector force exerted on a straight wire carrying 12 A in
current I in the az direction in free space. The zero reference the aAB direction, given A(1, 1, 1) and: (a) B(2, 1, 1); (b) B(3, 5, 6).
is arbitrarily set at ρ = b. Now consider two conductors, each of
1-cm radius, parallel to the z axis with their axes lying in the x =
0 plane. One conductor whose axis is at (0, 4 cm, z) carries 12 A
in the az direction; the other axis is at (0, -4 cm, z) and carries
12 A in the -az direction. Each current has its zero reference for
A located 4 cm from its axis. Find the total A field at: (0, 0, z);
(b) (0, 8 cm, z); (c) (4 cm, 4 cm, z); (d ) (2 cm, 4 cm, z).

D9.1. The point charge Q = 18 nC has a velocity of 5x 106 D9.3. The semiconductor sample shown in Fig. 9.1 is n-type
m/s in the direction av = 0.04ax - 0.05ay + 0.2az . Calculate the silicon, having a rectangular cross section of 0.9 mm by 1.1 cm,
and a length of 1.3 cm. Assume the electron and hole mobilities
magnitude of the force exerted on the charge by the field: (a) B =
-3ax + 4ay + 6az mT; (b) E = -3ax + 4ay + 6az kV/m; (c) B and are 0.13 and 0.03 m2/V·s, respectively, at the operating
temperature. Let B = 0.07 T and the electric field intensity in the
E acting together.
direction of the current flow be 800 V/m. Find the magnitude of:
(a) the voltage across the sample length; (b) the drift velocity;
(c) the transverse force per coulomb of moving charge caused
by B; (d ) the transverse electric field intensity; (e) the Hall
D9.4. Two differential current elements, Il ΔLl = 3 x l0-6 ay A · m D9.6. Find the magnetization in a magnetic material where:
at Pl (l, 0, 0) and I2 ΔL2 = 3 x l0 (-0.5ax + 0.4ay + 0.3az ) A · m
-6 (a) μ= 1.8 x 10-5 H/m and H = 120 A/m; (b) μ R = 22, there
at P2 (2, 2, 2), are located in free space. Find the vector force are 8.3 x 1028 atoms/m3, and each atom has a dipole
exerted on: (a) I2 ΔL2 by Il ΔLl ; (b) Il ΔLl by I2 ΔL2 . moment of 4.5 x 10-27 A-m2 ; (c) B = 300 μ T and xm = 15 .

D9.5. A conducting filamentary triangle joins points A(3, l, l),

D9.7. The magnetization in a magnetic material for which xm = 8
B(S, 4, 2), and C(l, 2, 4).The segment AB carries a current of
is given in a certain region as l50z2 ax A/m. At z = 4 cm, find the
0.2 A in the aAB direction. There is present a magnetic field
magnitude of: (a) JT ; (b) J; (c) Jb .
B = 0.2ax - 0.lay + 0.3az T. Find: (a) the force on segment BC;
(b) the force on the triangular loop; (c) the torque on the loop
about an origin at A; (d ) the torque on the loop about an
origin at C.
D9.8. Let the permittivity be 5 μH/m in region A where x < 0, and D9.10. The magnetization curve for material X under
20 μH/m in region B where x > 0 If there is a surface current normal operating conditions may be approximated by the
density K = 150ay - 200az A/m at x = 0, and if HA = 300ax - expression B = (H/160)(0 25 + e-H /320 ), where H is in A/m
400ay + 500az A/m, find: (a) |HtA |; (b) |HNA |; (c) |HtB |; (d ) |HNB | and B is in T . If a magnetic circuit contains a 12-cm length
of material X , as well as a 0.25- mm air gap, assume a
uniform cross section of 2.5 cm2 and find the total mmf
required to produce a flux of: (a) 10 μWb; (b) 100 μWb.

D9.9. Given the magnetic circuit of Fig 9 13, assume B = 0 6 T at D9.11. (a) What force is being exerted on the pole faces of the
the midpoint of the left leg and find: (a) Vm,air ; (b) Vm,steel ; (c) the circuit described in Prob D9.9 and Figure 9 13? (b) Is the force
current required in a 1300-turn coil linking the left leg trying to open or close the air gap?
D9.12. Calculate the self-inductance of: (a) 3.5 m of coaxial cable DlO.l. Within a certain region, E = 10-11 Fjm and J-
with a = 0.8 mm and b = 4 mm, filled with a material for which = 10-5 H/m. If Bx =2 x 10-4 cos 105 t sin 10-3 y T:
μ R= 50; (b) a toroidal coil of 500 turns, wound on a fiberglass
form having a 2.5 x 2.5 cm square cross section and an inner (a) use ∇ to find E; (b) find the total magnetic flux
radius of 2 cm; (c) a solenoid having 500 turns about a cylindrical passing through the surface x = 0, 0 < y < 40 m, 0 < z < 2 m, at
core of 2-cm radius in which μ R = 50 for 0 < ρ < 0.5 cm and t = 1μs; (c) find the value of the closed line integral of E around
μ R=1 for 0.5 < ρ < 2 cm; the length of the solenoid is 50 cm. the perimeter of the given surface.

D9.13. A solenoid is 50-cm long, 2 cm in diameter, and D10.2. With reference to the sliding bar shown in Figure
contains 1500 turns. The cylindrical core has a diameter of 2 l0.l, let d = 7 cm,B = 0.3az T, and v = 0.lay e20y m/s. Let y =
cm and a relative permeability of 75. This coil is coaxial with a 0 at t = 0. Find: (a) v(t = 0); (b) y(t = 0.l); (c) v(t = 0.l);
second solenoid, also 50 cm long, but with a 3-cm diameter and (d ) Vl2 at t = 0.l.
1200 turns. Calculate: (a) L for the inner solenoid; (b) L for the
outer solenoid; (c) M between the two solenoids.
Dl0.3. Find the amplitude of the displacement current density: DI0.5. The unit vector 0.64ax + 0.6ay - 0.48az is directed
(a) adjacent to an automobile antenna where the magnetic field from region 2 (εR =2, μR = 3, σ2 = 0) toward region l (εRl =
4,μRl = 2, σl = 0) If Bl = (ax - 2ay +3az ) sin 300t T at point P in
intensity of an FM signal is Hx =0.15 cos[3.12(3 x 108 t - y)]
region l adjacent to the boundary, find the amplitude at P of: (a)
A/m; (b) in the air space at a point within a large power BN l ; (b) Btl ; (c) BN 2 ; (d ) B2
distribution transformer where B = 0.8 cos[1.257 x 10-6 (3 x 108 t
- x)]ay T; (c) within a large oil-filled power capacitor where
εR= 5 and E = 0.9 cos[1.257 x 10-6 (3 x 108t -z√5)]ax MV/m;
(d ) in a metallic conductor at 60 Hz, if ε= ε0 , μ= μ 0 ,
σ =5.8 x 107 S/m, and J = sin(377t - 117.1z)ax MA/m2

DI0.6. The surface y = 0 is a perfectly conducting plane, while

D10.4. Let μ= 10-5 H/m, ε= 4 x 10-9 F/m, σ = 0, and ρv = 0. the region y > 0 has ε R = 5, μ R = 3, and σ = 0. Let E = 20
Find k (including units) so that each of the following pairs of cos(2 x 108 t - 2.58z)ay V/m for y > 0, and find at t = 6 ns; (a)
fields satisfies Maxwell's equations: (a)D = 6ax - 2yay + 2zaz ρS at P(2, 0, 0.3); (b) H at P; (c) K at P.
nC/m2 , H = kxax + 10yay - 25zaz A/m; (b) E = (20y -kt)ax
V/m, H = (y + 2 x 106 t)az A/m.
D10.7. A point charge of 4 cos 108 πtμC is located at
P+(0, 0, 1.5), while -4 cos 108 πtμC is at P_(0, 0, -1.5), both in free
space Find V at P(r = 450,ϴ,ϕ = 0) at t = 15ns for ϴ=: (a) 0°; (b)
90°; (c) 45°.

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