Fiberglass Vs Synthetic Air Filtration Media
Fiberglass Vs Synthetic Air Filtration Media
Fiberglass Vs Synthetic Air Filtration Media
(7) Figure 5
Thus, 1 square meter of synthetic media, with a weight of CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW OF 4DGTM FIBERS
77.5027 grams has a surface area of 62.1178 square meters. (COURTESY OF FIBER INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY)
Defining specific surface area as the surface area per
weight of the media, enhance particle capture and compensate for smaller surface
For the glass media, area. But within a few weeks of service, as electrostatic
charges are neutralized, the smaller surface area of synthetic
media yields lesser efficient performance, as compared to the
(8) glass media.
Fiber Geometry: Fiber geometry as well as surface area can
significantly affect the filtration capability of the media.
For the synthetic media, These characteristics have not been fully utilized by the fil-
tration industry. Figure 5. illustrates a fiber, designated
4DGTM , with both an unusual geometry and high surface
area. This fiber was introduced by the Eastman Chemical
Company a few years ago.
Earlier studies indicate that existing crenulated fibers had
The above analysis is summarized in Table 3. limitations with respect to surface geometry and had insuffi-
The ratio of specific surface areas of glass and synthetic cient channels for trapping and holding particulates. To
media is respond to this challenge, the Eastman Chemical Company
developed a deep-grooved polyester fiber with a very novel
eight-legged cross-sectional shape. Expansion of the fiber
perimeter results into high surface area of the fiber. The
This shows that surface area per gram of glass media is grooves in 4DG™ fibers are large enough to hold many types
more than two times that of synthetic media. of substances, whether they accumulate in use or are inten-
Glass fiber has a higher specific gravity than synthetic tionally placed there for release while being used.
fiber, but its smaller diameter more than compensates for this The photomicrograph in Figure 6. shows that in addition to
and results in a greater surface area. High surface area particulate matter being deposited in the interstices between
enhances the filtration capability of the media. the fibers, it also collects between the grooves. The grooves
Initially, for the synthetic media, electrostatic charges provide areas where eddy currents will preferentially deposit
particles without blocking the
pore of the fabric. This results in
Table 3 longer life and reduced weight of
CALCULATED SURFACE AREA VALUES FOR GLASS the filter [10]. Figure 7 shows
AND SYNTHETIC MEDIA carbon particles placed in the
Denier Total Filament Surface Area) Specific grooves for odor absorbency.
Lenngth in 1m2 m2 Surface Surface Area: Specific surface
of media (m) (m2/g) area of a fiber has a direct impact
Glass 0.01437 31,011,858.04 87. 6395 1. 7699 on the filtration performance of a
Synthetic 0.1904 3,663,467.962 62.1178 0.8015 filter. The cross-section illustra-
tions in Figure 8. show the 4DG
geometry compared to that of
Glossary of Terms
Absolute Rating (14): A term used to describe or define the The carbon or charcoal is produced by destructive distillation
degree of filtration. Various methods are used to determine of wood, peat, lignite, nut shells, bones, vegetable or other
absolute ratings, which are not necessarily interchangeable. carbonaceous matter, but must be activated by high tempera-
Generally absolute means 100% removal of solids above a ture steam or carbon dioxide, which creates a porous partic-
specified micron size ulate structure.
Absorption (15): The taking up of bulk material by another Adsorption (14): A natural phenomenon of a gas, liquid,
matter. Absorbent material extracts one or more substances vapor or fine particles being attracted and held on to the mol-
for which it has an affinity, and is altered physically or chem- ecular surface structure of a material. Not normally a
ically throughout the process. During absorbency one sub- reversible phenomena as absorption is.
stance penetrates into another.
Aerosol (15): A quasi-stable dispersion of small solid or liq-
Activated Carbon (14): Any form of carbon characterized by uid particles in air.
high absorptive capacity for gases, vapors or colloidal solids.
Brownian Movement (14): A natural phenomenon caused by Extractables (14): Substances that can and will leak out of a
small particles of similar mass to fluid molecules that are cartridge during filtration.
being bombarded by these molecules. In a liquid stream this
causes a random spiraling motion thus enhancing the filter's Fiber shedding (9): Particulate matter, which is flushed from
chances of removing the particle. the filter during the filtration process, which contaminates
the filtered fluid.
Capillary (14): A very thin tube. In filtration, the term is to
describe pores in a membrane. Filter (14): A term generally applied to a device used to
remove solid contaminate from a liquid or gas, or separate
CEN (14): European Committee for Normalization one liquid from another liquid or gas. A filter, as referred to
in the industry today, is limited to a device which removes
Chemical filters (9): Chemical filters are mainly adsorption solid contaminates only. A filter may be one of a number of
filters based on activated carbon, which, by means of chem- such types as replaceable cartridge, cyclone, edge, leaf, baf-
ical reaction, adsorb and retain gases, which are very diffi- fle, plate and frame, precoat, centrifuge. The term filter is
cult to separate. sometimes erroneously used to describe the media used
inside the vessel or filter case, but the correct use should be
Coarse filters (9): Filters made out of glass or synthetic plas- filter element, cartridge etc.
tic fibers like polyester, acrylic and polyamide and used for
separating mainly particles 5mm or larger in size with very Filtration (14): Removal of particles, normally solids, from
less influence of outdoor air. a fluid. These can be contaminants or valuable products.
Depth Filtration (14): Filtration of a fluid by passing it Fine Filter (9): Filters that are made mainly from glass fibers
through a deep filter material, providing a tortuous path with with an average diameter of 0.5-5.0 µm or of coarse plastic
many points for impingement of particles to occur. fibers, often in combination with an electrostatic charge.
Traditionally used in 'Packed Tower' type filters. Fine filters are defined according to the EN 779 as filters
which, when new, have a dust spot efficiency greater than
Diatomaceous Earth (14): Pre-historic sedimentary deposits 20%.
of fossilized diatoms. Used as a pre-coat material because
diatoms are non-compressible. Fractional Efficiency (15): The ability of a filter to remove
particles of a specified size, expressed as a percentage.
Differential Pressure (14): See Pressure Drop. The differ- Fractional efficiency is expressed as EFi = [(C1i-
ence in pressure between the upstream and downstream sides C2i)/C1i)]*100, where C1i = number of particles of the speci-
of a filter. fied size i in the upstream and C2i = the number of particles
of the specified size i in the downstream.
Diffusion (14): A natural phenomena of gas passing through
a liquid film in a membrane from the high pressure to the HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter (15): High effi-
low-pressure side. ciency normally refers to air filters that will remove more
HVACR (14): Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Pores (14): A term used to describe the openings in a filter
Refrigeration. material normally a membrane.
IAQ (4): Indoor Air Quality. Pore size distribution (15): This is a measure of number of
pores in various groups of sizes.
IARC (12): International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Porosity (14), (15): A term used to describe a filter material’s
Inertial Impaction (14): The capture of medium sized parti- structure - sometimes known as a void volume. The ratio of
cles within the structure of a filter material. The particles col- voids to the total volume of material, for example, the ratio of
lide with the filter structure because they fail to negotiate the void volume to total cake volume. Also given as the ratio of
tortuous path and move out of laminar flow. the apparent to the true density and expressed as a percentage.
Interception (15): Dust particle deposition on a fiber or other Pressure Drop (14): Loss in applied pressure across a filter
collecting surface due to the size of the particles. This filtra- system or process.
tion mechanism is characterized by a dimensionless parame-
ter: particle size/fiber diameter. Re-entrainment (15): The process of rendering particles air-
borne again after they have been deposited from an air
IPCS (12): International Program on Chemical Safety. stream. For example, particles captured in a filter may be re-
entrained if the velocity through the filter is increased slight-
Isokinetic Sampling (15): Any technique for collecting air- ly or if the filter is subjected to increased vibration.
borne particulate matter in which the velocity of the air
stream entering the sampling probe is equal to that of the air Retention (15): The ability of a filter medium to retain parti-
passing around and outside that sampling probe. cles of a given size.
LCA (9): An LCA of a filter analyses the environmental effect Surface Filtration (14): Removal of particles on the outside
with reference to ecological effects, health effects and con- surface of a filter material.
sumption of resources.
SVF: Synthetic Vitreous Fiber.
Mechanisms of Filtration (14): The physical methods of
removing particles from a fluid. They are Direct Interception, ULPA (ultra efficiency particulate) (15): HEPA filters with an
Inertial Impaction and Diffusion. efficiency greater than 99.997% are termed as ULPA (ultra
efficiency particulate) or UHESPA (ultra high efficiency sub-
Medium (14): A term used to generally describe a filter mate- micron particulate air) filters
Ultrafiltration – UF (14): A pressure driven membrane fil-
Microfiltration (14): Filtration of particles between approxi- tration system operating in crossflow mode. Used to sepa-
mately 10 and 0.1 micron. rate macromolecules such as proteins and organic com-
pounds of molecular weight of 300 and over. UF operates at
MPPS (9): Most Penetrating Particle Size. This statistic is pressures between 1 and 8 atmospheres and generally sepa-
used as a measure of filtration efficiency in the CEN EN rates coarser materials than those removed by a Reverse
1822:1998 test method. MPPS is the particle that most fre- Osmosis system. — INJ
quently penetrates a filter medium.