Composites Part C: Open Access: Chiara Zarna, Mihaela Tanase Opedal, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Composites Part C: Open Access: Chiara Zarna, Mihaela Tanase Opedal, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Composites Part C: Open Access: Chiara Zarna, Mihaela Tanase Opedal, Andreas T. Echtermeyer, Gary Chinga-Carrasco
Keywords: Biocomposites based on lignocellulosic components (e.g. pulp fibers, nanocellulose and lignin) are of interest as
Cellulose sustainable replacements for thermoplastic fossil-based materials, which find their application in household
Nano-cellulose items, construction, automotive, 3D-printing, etc. Nanocellulose, a nano-structural component of pulp fibers, is
3D Printing
considered having potential as a high-performance reinforcement for bioplastics, due to its high aspect ratio and
potentially strong mechanical properties. Lignin, a biodegradable polymer isolated from pulp fibers, can be
Biocomposites considered as an essential bioresource for the production of biocomposites, due to the aromatic structure and
Nanocellulose functional groups. In this review the reinforcing ability of selected lignocellulosic components and their appli
cability in 3D printing is presented, considering their mechanical properties. At this point, there are challenges in
processing nanocellulose that may reduce its attractiveness as a reinforcement in thermoplastic biocomposites.
The objective of the review is to identify current challenges and opportunities for the application of 3D printed
lignocellulosic biocomposites. Optimization of 3D printing process parameters are considered to be a key to
further improve the mechanical properties of the end-product. Importantly, this review revealed that greater
efforts in mechanical fatigue research may contribute to assess and improve the potential of lignocellulosic re
inforcements for structural applications.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Chinga-Carrasco).
Received 22 January 2021; Received in revised form 6 July 2021; Accepted 8 July 2021
Available online 12 July 2021
2666-6820/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
Three-dimensional (3D) printing as an application for biocomposites ratio (aspect ratio). Since lignocellulosic fibers have a higher aspect ratio
has been in focus for some years. Reviews have been written about than lignocellulosic particles, these fibers have been extensively studied
several techniques for 3D printing, including fused deposition model for their utility as biocomposite components [1,3,31]. They are well
ling, selective laser sintering, stereo-lithography and bio-plotting implemented as a reinforcement for bioplastics and contribute some
[17–20]. Some of the commercially available technologies that seem beneficial properties, e.g. higher stiffness, strength increment, weight
adequate for biocomposites containing short fibers, nanocelluloses and reduction and cost reduction [32–34]. Lignocellulosic fibers can be of
lignin are briefly described in Table 1. This includes the technology various origins including flax, hemp, jute, sisal, bamboo, wood, etc
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), which will be focused on in the [35–38]. In this review the focus is placed on lignocellulosic wood fi
present review. In addition to Table 1, direct ink writing (DIW), inkjet bers, as these have been widely used as reinforcement in biocomposite
printing, digital light processing (DLP) and laminated object materials for several years. Wood is also the main source of lignin and
manufacturing (LOM) can also be used to 3D print bio-derived materials nanocellulose [39,40].
[21]. These methods are not considered in this review, since the focus is There are various lignocellulosic pulp fibers that can be used to
placed on thermoplastic biocomposites for structural applications. reinforce thermoplastics, e.g. Thermo-Mechanical Pulp (TMP), Chemi-
However, further information on several 3D printing techniques, suit thermo-mechanical pulp and chemical pulp fibers [1,3,41]. Depending
able for biocomposites, can be found in [11,20,21]. on the pulping process, the pulp fibers differ greatly with respect to the
The present work reviews the latest advances in research and fiber morphology and chemistry (Fig. 1).
development of biocomposites containing lignocellulosic fibers, lignin TMP fibers are shorter, stiffer, have a lower aspect ratio and contain
and nanocelluloses with a special focus on 3D printing of the corre more lignin compared to chemical pulp fibers [41]. Peltola et al. [41]
sponding biocomposites. Firstly, a general overview of lignocellulosic demonstrated that TMP fibers can offer a greater reinforcing potential
pulp fibers, nanocelluloses and lignin will be given. Secondly, the po for PLA than chemical pulp, due to lignin on the TMP fibers surface that
tential of analytical modelling for predicting the mechanical tensile might act as a compatibilizer. For PP and PE matrixes, the addition of
properties of biocomposites will be discussed. Thirdly, the applicability TMP or chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp fibers together with maleic an
of lignocellulosic materials for reinforcing bioplastics will be explored, hydride compatibilizers showed promising results regarding the rein
with a critical focus on the potential of nanocellulose as reinforcement forcement of polyolefins [1,43]. The polymeric matrix of biocomposites
for bioplastics, compared to lignocellulosic pulp fibers. Finally, me typically contains about 0–8 wt.% of coupling agent and 10–50 wt.% of
chanical fatigue characteristics of biocomposites will be discussed, fibers [43-45].
considering its importance on structural applications.
2.2. Nanocelluloses
2. Lignocellulosic components in biocomposites
Cellulose is a structural component in plants, embedded in a poly
Exploitation of the full potential of lignocellulosic fibers as rein meric matrix of lignin and complex sugars. Cellulose appears as a hier
forcement of bioplastics depends on uniform fiber distribution and suf archical structure of cellulose molecules which are linked to form
ficient stress transfer between fibers and matrix. These aspects are elementary fibrils (Fig. 2). Fibrils in nanofiber size are named as cellu
addressed by modification of the fiber surface, modification of the ma lose nanofibrils (CNF, Fig. 3A and B). CNF are a composition of highly
trix and development of adequate processing methods. The strength of a ordered cellulose nanocrystals (CNC, Fig. 3C) and amorphous parts [46].
biocomposite will always be limited by its weakest point. Hence, care Chemical pulping includes several processes to extract cellulose fi
has to be taken not to weaken or damage the reinforcing fibers during bers by dissolving the lignocellulosic matrix [48]. Chemical pulp fibers
modification and processing, as may be the case during thermoplastic have been one of the most used raw materials for production of nano
processing, such as e.g. melt blending, extruding, pelleting [30]. cellulose, mainly based on two types of chemical pulping, i.e. sulphite
and kraft pulping. For details on the chemical pulping see [49]. For more
2.1. Lignocellulosic fibers information about various methods applied to obtain different nano
celluloses see [50].
The interest for lignocellulosic-based biocomposites has increased To obtain CNFs, a cellulose suspension can be treated mechanically
over the last years due to environmental concerns. In addition, bio through high-pressure homogenization, microfluidizers [51], grinding
composites could potentially obtain better mechanical strength and [52], ball milling, ultra-sonication [53] and cryocrushing [54, 55].
stiffness properties if the reinforcement has a greater length-to-diameter Producing mechanical CNFs (Fig. 3A) requires high amounts of energy
Table 1
3D printing techniques for biocomposites
3D printing Materials Principle Advantages Disadvantages
Fused deposition Lignocellulosic fibers and fillers in Melted filament is extruded through a - Affordable - Poor quality/ warping and shrinking
modelling (FDM) thermoplastic filaments (10–40 wt.%) nozzle and deposited layer-wise on a - Accessible/ simple - Relatively slow
[22] heated table [22] - Rapid prototyping - Limited for large unsupported
- Multi material capability sections or sharp external corners
[23,24] [20,24,25]
Selective laser Lignocellulosic fillers blended with Laser fuses powder particles to impose a - Complex geometries - Expensive (high machine costs and
sintering (SLS) thermoplastic powder (5–10 wt.%) [26, selective fused pattern on a powdered possible (no support requires special knowledge)
27] surface [26] required) - Requires large amount of material
- Ability to process - Slow (long cooling time and
multiple materials in one cleaning process) [20,24,25]
- High accuracy [20,24]
Stereolitho- UV-resin filled with nanoclay, - Resin is cured layer by layer via UV-light - Smooth surface finish - Supports are required
graphy nanocellulose crystals [28] [28] - High accuracy - Post-processing to remove supports
(SLA) - Wide range of materials - Eventually post curing required
[24,29] - Poor mechanical properties
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
Fig. 1. Transversal (upper panel) and longitudinal (lower panel) SEM images of lignocellulosic pulp fibers. A) and D) thermo-mechanical pulp fibers. B) and E)
chemi-thermomechanical pulp fibers. C) and F) chemical pulp fibers. Reproduced with permission from Jhon Wiley and Sons [[42], P.212], license number:
5006530754958. Copyright (2009) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fig. 2. Hierarchical structure from lignocellulose to crystalline nanocellulose. Reproduced and modified from Springer-Verlag ([47], P.450), no permission required.
Copyright (2013) The Japan Wood Research Society.
Fig. 3. Transmission electron microscopy images of some typical nanocelluloses. (A) Mechanical grade CNF. (B) TEMPO mediated oxidized CNF. (C) CNC.
Reproduced and modified with permission from American Chemical Society [65]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society.
(over 25 000 kWh per ton of CNFs obtained from high-pressure ho hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis or ion liquid methods to remove the
mogenization) [56,57]. Therefore, enzymatic [51] and chemical [58] amorphous zones and obtain highly crystalline nano-objects (Fig. 3C)
pre-treatments (e.g. TEMPO mediated oxidation, (Fig. 3B)) have been [55–57].
implemented to reduce energy consumption. However, the TEMPO CNFs have typical diameters in the nanometre scale (<100 nm) and
process involves chemicals which may be harmful to the environment, if lengths in the micrometre scale [58–61]. CNFs produced without
not treated adequately [56,57]. The result after TEMPO mediated chemical pre-treatment are relatively coarse (Fig. 3A). Chemical
oxidation is highly homogeneous CNF (widths of 3.5 nm), which is pre-treatments facilitate the production of structurally homogeneous
composed of crystalline and amorphous zones [58]. Alternatively, cel nanofibrils (Fig. 3B). The morphology and surface chemistry can be
lulose fibers can directly be the source of CNC by applying acid widely tailored with chemical and enzymatic pre-treatments, as well as
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
compounding and the pretreatment of the raw materials can be varied in additional reinforcement (e.g. lignocellulosic fibers) may be adequate
order to achieve a given biocomposite quality. Different mixing ele for tailoring the mechanical performance [102–104].
ments e.g. kneading blocks, conveying elements or tooth mixing ele
ments are connected in series to accomplish certain objectives [89]. 4. Compatibilizers and fiber surface treatments
Lignocellulosic fibers start degrading above 200◦ C, whereas lignin has a
broader degradation temperature range (200–500◦ C) [90]. Therefore, it The well-known poor interaction between lignocellulosic fibers and
is recommended to maintain a melting temperature that does not exceed e.g. polyolefins, is related to the highly different polarities of the matrix
this temperature range [88]. In general, the fibers orient according to (hydrophobic) and the lignocellulosic fibers (hydrophilic). Therefore, it
the flow direction when extruding the biocomposite into a mold. The is important to include coupling agents and/or fiber sizing, which
mold flow can be influenced by temperature, speed and mold geometry compensates the polarity difference between fiber and matrix to
[91]. improve the adhesive strength between the two phases and contribute to
In [86] the authors investigated different dispersion processes for an even distribution of the fibers in the matrix.
lignocellulosic fibers and polyethylene (PE). Drying the lignocellulosic Fibers can be modified physically to change their surface properties
fibers makes them brittle and fragile. That leads to fiber damage and and enhance mechanical adhesion, or chemically to improve adhesion
shortening during the extrusion process. Wet lignocellulosic fibers are through chemical reactions. Physical treatments include corona, plasma
not that susceptible to damage development during extrusion, but they and ultraviolet (UV). Chemical modifications include alkaline, silane
agglomerate and cannot be compounded properly. As shown in [86], the [105–109], acetylation, oxidation, maleated coupling agents [110,111],
agglomeration of wet fibers provides the least increase of the flexural grafting and others. More detailed information on fiber treatments can
strength and modulus compared to neat PE. The greatest improvement be found in [15].
of flexural strength was gained with dried and pelleted fibers. Thus, Widely used coupling agents for lignocellulosic fibers and thermo
agglomeration of the fibers affects the mechanical properties of the plastic polymers are maleated coupling agents, for example maleated
biocomposite more negatively than fiber shortening. polypropylene (MAPP) or maleated polyethylene (MAPE) [112,113]. It
Boran et al. [92] investigated the effect of different mixing strategies is worth to mention that in most cases MAPE and MAPP are based on
on the mechanical properties of cellulose and high-density polyethylene polyolefins derived from petroleum. However, recent developments
(HDPE). The authors concluded that the master batch method and have also introduced maleated polyolefins where the PE fraction was
extensional flow mixing provided reasonable dispersion [92]. derived from biomass resources [114]. In addition, maleic anhydride
Blending and dispersion of nanocelluloses in a bioplastic matrix is can also be obtained from carbohydrates, e.g. from 5-hydroxymethylfur
more demanding than for lignocellulosic pulp fibers. That is because the fural [115], which makes it possible to produce 100% bio-based
resulting product after deconstructing lignocellulose fibers to nano compatibilizers.
cellulose is usually a translucent and highly viscous dispersion of more As an alternative to chemical modifications, Filgueira et al. [116]
than 95% water and nanocellulose fibrils [42,54]. The nanocellulose focused on the enzymatic modification of thermo-mechanical pulp
fibrils must be separated from water before mixing them with bioplastic (TMP) fibers by grafting phenolic compounds, which rendered the TMP
polymer, which causes the nanocellulose fibrils to agglomerate, thus fibers hydrophobic and with better compatibility with the used PLA
forming strong structures that are difficult to disperse in a bioplastic matrix. The authors demonstrated that the compatibilization with octyl
matrix. Dried lignocellulosic pulp fibers on the other side are relatively gallate by enzymatic grafting improved the tensile strength and simul
easy to disperse during melt-compounding in e.g. twin-screw extruders. taneously reduced the water uptake of the biocomposite. Although a
Water affects a given biocomposite by i) causing fiber swelling, ii) clear, positive fiber-reinforcing effect was demonstrated, the tensile
affecting the dimensional stability, iii) disabling the strength of the 3D printed specimens with reinforcement was low. This
fiber-matrix-interaction and iv) causing voids in the matrix [93–95]. In was most probably due to the processing parameters selected for 3D
addition, some polymers (e.g. PLA) degrade in the presence of water printing.
[96–98]. Approaches to reduce hydrophilicity of lignocellulosic fiber and
Igarashi et al. [99] reported about a process the authors termed the CNFs surfaces include the use of relatively simple methods that are
“Pulp Direct-Kneading Method”. The process simultaneously fibrillates usually applied to paper sizing, e.g. hydro-phobization with ASA or alkyl
dried pulp into nanoscale fibers with a diameter of 10–100 nm and ketene dimers (AKD). Sato et al. (2016) [117] applied ASA to modify the
uniformly disperses the resulting CNFs in HDPE. The pulp fibers were surface of mechanically produced CNFs in order to improve the rein
previously modified by alkenyl succinic anhydride (ASA), which sup forcement potential of HDPE. The use of unmodified CNFs increased the
presses the hydrogen bonding between dried CNFs and afterwards tensile strength and modulus and the hydrophobized CNFs (18.8 wt.%)
kneaded in a melt extruder to fibrillate the fibers and disperse them in potentiated this effect, achieving strength and modulus levels of 43.4
HDPE. The authors aim was to increase the attractiveness of CNFs for MPa and 1.97 GPa, respectively. Lepetit et al. (2017) [118] confirmed
commercialization by the “Pulp Direct-Kneading Method” [99]. this approach by modifying mechanically produced CNFs with ASA and
However, Wang et al. [100] pointed out that screw designs still need testing the modified CNFs as reinforcement of low-density PE. The effect
to be optimized to generate higher shear forces to obtain CNFs that are of the surface modification led to a significant increase of the tensile
homogeneously dispersed in thermoplastic matrix and suitable for strength and modulus. Three main aspects can be drawn from this
large-scale production. In addition, better understanding of the relations approach, i) the CNFs grade was a relatively coarse quality which avoid
between extrusion parameters, such as e.g. temperature settings, screw chemical pre-treatment and reduces production costs, ii) the modifica
speed, residence time, and dispersion of CNFs is required [100]. Bour tion can be performed in the wet state of the CNFs which may ease part
maud et al. [101] investigated the property changes of plant fibers of the processing and iii) mechanically produced CNFs (Fig.3A) seem to
(including lignocellulosic fibers) during processing of biocomposites provide an acceptable level of mechanical improvement. However, it
and presented the importance of selecting suitable processing parame remains an open question whether the additional processing steps and
ters to take full advantage of lignocellulosic fiber reinforcements. energy, to produce the CNFs and compound with PE, are necessary
Tanase et al. (2019) [79] demonstrated that PLA can be compounded considering that the reported levels of mechanical improvement can be
with lignin and the biocomposites performed well in 3D printing oper achieved with more reasonable and abundant lignocellulosic pulp fibers,
ations. No sign of phase separation was observed and X-ray analysis such as thermo-mechanical pulp fibers (see e.g. [119]).
revealed that lignin increased the crystallization, indicating that lignin Surface modification through acetylation of CNCs contributed to
acted as nucleating agent. However, lignin did not improve the me better dispersion of CNCs in PLA for low fiber loadings up to 0.5 wt.% - 5
chanical properties of the biocomposite which suggests that an wt.% [120]. However, no increment in tensile strength or modulus could
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C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
In equation (5.2) and (5.3) the longitudinal fiber tensile modulus and consumption during production of nanofibers and the potential nano
strength are described by Ef and σf. The matrix tensile modulus and fiber agglomeration during compounding are taken into account.
strength are described by Em and σ m. Vf describes the fiber volume Since lignocellulosic fibers exhibit high variations of properties
fraction in the biocomposite. The length-and-interface factor x2 is given related to disturbances during plant growth, climatic conditions, soil
by x2 = l/(2 • lc) for fiber lengths l less than the critical fiber length lc. If l types, etc., the idea is to eliminate the fiber defects by deconstruction
is equal or greater than lc, x2 = 1 − lc/(2 • l) [147]. The orientation factor [69]. Various grinding and homogenization methods from sectors such
x1 is assumed to be 0.167 for randomly aligned fibers in three di as food processing, cosmetics or the pharmaceutical industry were used
mensions, 0.334 for a random alignment in plane and 1.0 for unidirec for the preparation of nanocellulose. The main issues with these
tional aligned fibers [148]. However, Sanadi [147] reported difficulties methods are still that the fibers tend to entangle which can cause fiber
in determining an orientation factor due to the difference between the damage, plugging of the processing equipment and a high energy con
core- and skin-fiber-orientation, according to the melt flow. Further sumption during production [47,69].
more, the topography of lignocellulosic fibers is quite uneven (Fig. 1) As described in Section 2.2, chemical pretreatments are necessary to
and also the fiber length and strength vary greatly. facilitate the deconstruction of the fibers into homogeneous CNFs
Furthermore, equation (5.3) is only valid if the fiber strain is similar (Fig. 3B). When considering lignocellulosic pulp fibers in their largest
to the matrix strain. The biocomposites, considered in this review, scale as reinforcement for bioplastics, the previous mentioned chemical
consist of brittle reinforcing fibers and ductile matrixes. In that case the pretreatments are omitted. Obviously, this saves time, energy, equip
biocomposite strength σf should be lower than the strength of the neat ment capacity and human resources.
biopolymer, if the fiber volume fraction is below a critical fiber volume Lignocellulosic pulp fibers also have a lower outer surface area per
fraction Vf ,crit = σf +(σm − σm ) [31,149]:
σm − σm
unit mass compared to nanocellulose. It thus seems more reasonable to
{ ( ) consider surface modification on lignocellulosic pulp fibers than on
( )
σ 1 Vf =
σ m 1 − V(f for )0 < Vf < Vf , min
(5.4) nanocellulose. Less surface area requires less compatibilizer [13,155].
σf Vf + σm 1 − Vf for Vf < Vf ,min An extensive overview on how the size of cellulose-based reinforcements
In Equation (5.4), σ’m is the matrix strength at the fiber failure strain affects the mechanical properties of a given biocomposite has been
and Vf,min = (σσmf −− σσmm) is the fiber volume fraction, at which the bio provided by Hubbe and Grigsby [13]. The authors compared multiple
recent studies dealing with the mechanical performance of cellulose
composite should result in its minimum strength. At a volume fraction
reinforced HDPE to analyze the effect of fiber size on tensile stiffness and
below Vf,crit the biocomposite can be regarded as a porous matrix, cor
strength. They could not find a statistically significant relation between
responding to the fiber fraction [149]. According to the Kelly-Tyson
mechanical strength and fiber size, when considering all their collected
equation [150] the fiber strength σ f is given by σf = (l • τ)/d for fibers
data. In contrast they found a statistically significant increase of tensile
shorter than lc and σf′ = σuf(1 − (σuf • d)/(4 • l • τ)) for fibers equal or
modulus with increasing fiber length from 0.1 to 10 000 µm. It was also
longer than lc, with σuf is the ultimate tensile strength of the reinforcing
shown that the compatibility between fiber and matrix tend to be a
fiber [150].
much more important factor, regarding tensile strength, than fiber size.
Since σuf and the orientation factor x1 are unknown, Bowyer and
The use of CNFs in thermoplastic bionanocomposites requires to
Bader proposed to assume that σuf equals the elastic modulus of the fi
overcome various limitations. One specific challenge is to dry a CNF
bers times the strain of the composite [148]. They further assume that
dispersion (commonly 1-5% in water) without causing agglomeration of
the orientation factor x1 is not strain-dependent and equal for all fibers
the nanofibrils. Although, the relatively high temperatures applied in
compounding and injection molding processes are adequate for ligno
[∑ ]
li ⋅τ ∑ ( Ef ⋅εc ⋅d) ( ) cellulosic fibers (< 210◦ C), some CNF grades (e.g. TEMPO CNF) may be
σ 1 = x1 ⋅ ⋅Vfi + Ef ⋅εc 1 − Vfj + Em ⋅εc 1 − Vf (5.5) more exposed to thermal degradation [64], which may potentially limit
d 4⋅lj ⋅τ
the mechanical properties of biocomposites containing CNFs. These
In equation (5.5) the indices i are used for fiber fractions with a conditions lead to significant decrease of tensile strength and stiffness in
length less than lc and j for fiber fractions with a length equal or greater the resulting bionanocomposite [47]. Such limitations should be a main
than lc. The values required to solve equation (5.4) must be obtained driver in the development of new compounding processes which may
from a tensile test and by determining the fiber lengths experimentally. facilitate the potential utilization of nanocellulose in relevant
The detailed procedure is described in [148]. bionanocomposites.
Several studies [112,151–153] show good agreements between One approach to improve the fiber alignment of CNFs is the so called
analytical and experimental results by using the Bowyer-Bader wet-stretching method [14,156]. The wet-stretching method was
assumption [148]. However, one must be aware of the effect of fiber developed for wet-spun CNFs for biomedical applications. After spinning
agglomeration, which is still not considered and can increase the error of a specific wet stretching device is used to increase the fiber alignment
the equation (5.4), especially for higher fiber loadings. [156]. The stretching method was also successfully applied on melt spun
Applying analytical models to CNF- or CNC-reinforced thermoplastic poly(butylene succinate) and microfibrillated cellulose [157]. Stretch
polymers turns out to be insufficient for predicting tensile strength and ing is generally adopted from classic polymer filament spinning
modulus due to inadequate dispersion, poor fiber matrix bonding and methods, such as wet-, dry- or melt spinning. The filament is stretched
fiber agglomeration [4,154]. Further research on how to adjust the by down-drawing to enable orientation of the polymer chains along the
known micromechanical models to be applicable for CNF/CNC bio fiber axis [158].
composites is required. An advantage for nanocellulose-based reinforcement may be offered
by the use of relatively hydrophilic matrixes like epoxy resin or starch,
6. Bionanocomposites – challenges and opportunities since there is no need of any coupling agents or surface treatments to
gain solid adhesion [13]. Hervy et al. [159] performed a
Biocomposites containing nanocellulose are commonly referred to as life-cycle-analysis (LCA) for nanocellulose reinforced epoxy resin, neat
bionanocomposites. There are several articles and reports about the PLA and 30 wt.% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene (GF/PP). The
potential of nanocellulose as a reinforcement for bionanocomposites [4, authors concluded that the production and biocomposite manufacturing
12,47,155], stating their potentially high tensile stiffness and strength of CNFs has a higher global warming potential (GWP) and a higher
[57,67]. However, there are also some growing concerns as to whether abiotic depletion potential of fossil fuels (ADf) than producing PLA or
nanocellulose is adequate as thermoplastic reinforcement in large GF/PP composites. In terms of use phase and end-of-life it was found
quantities [13], which is understandable when aspects such as energy that only with a fiber loading of > 60 vol.% the GWP and ADf of
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
CNF/epoxy can be lower than that of neat PLA [159]. However, it is choosing a relatively high nozzle temperature (220◦ C) and printing
particular that Hervy et al. [159] compared thermoplastics (PLA, speed (15 mm/s) [167]. It was further observed, that it is beneficial to
GF/PP) and thermosets (CNF-reinforced epoxy), which are expected to choose a smoother corner geometry over sharp corners [168], a lower
cover different application areas. A relevant study would be to compare length to width ratio of the overall 3D printed part [169] and a greater
e.g. PLA, fiber-reinforced PLA and CNF-reinforced PLA and thus reveal layer thickness [170,171]. Warpage is also correlated with the thermal
the LCA performance of timely biocomposite materials. Additionally, expansion coefficient, the difference between glass transition and heat
studies that only take into account the production of CNFs and CNCs chamber temperature [169]. Lignocellulosic fillers have also been re
have shown that the use of chemicals during the pre-treatment process is ported to reduce warping [172]. This was attributed to an increase in
the main contributing factor to the environmental impact [160,161]. viscosity [22,66,173,174]. In Fig. 5 an example of lignocellulosic-filled
FDM-filament, tensile test specimens and printed structures are shown.
7. 3D printing of lignocellulosic short-fiber reinforced An FDM-part is generally a layup of melted filament strands, which is
bioplastics comparable to a composite made of lamina ply stocks. Due to imperfect
bonding between the strands, the material strength is reduced in both
Biocomposites can be produced with several methods, depending on building planes, in contrast to an injection or compression molded part
quantity, size, design, application and the material to be processed. In [119]. For simple modelling purpose, the filament-material itself can be
addition to the material composition, the production process also affects roughly described as isotropic, assuming fiber lengths less than the
the biocomposite properties. Biocomposite products are mainly manu critical fiber length. The fibers are mainly oriented according to the
factured through injection molding, compression molding, extrusion or extrusion direction [177]. However, the effect of porosity has a greater
3D printing. The latter is the main focus of this review and will be impact on tensile properties than fiber orientation [178]. The actual
explored further in the following. FDM-part can then be regarded as orthotropic [179].
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
Table 4
Modelling approaches for analytical estimation of the elastic modulus of FDM printed parts
Elastic modulus Nomenclature Deviation to Filament
experiment material
Longitudinal printing direction, E1,P = (1 − ρ1)EF [181] - EF: Elastic modulus of filament 4%–16% ABS
applicable for unidirectional printing - ρ1: area void density, depended on gap size g, calculated
[0] form experimental measurements (Fig. 6)
Elong = E01 (e[(1− ρvoids ) ] − ρvoids ) + - E01,02: Elastic modulus of filament material in < 14% ABS
E02 ⋅(1 − ρvoids ); longitudinal and transverse direction
for an infinite number of layers: - ρvoids: area void density
ρvoids )CE ⋅Z ] - CE: Sensitivity parameter, needs to be calibrated from
e[(1− = 1 [182]
experimental results
- Z: Number of layers
Transverse printing direction, applicable E2,P = ξ(1 − ρ2)EF - ξ: Empirical factor between 0 and 1 which takes into ~ 5% ABS
for unidirectional printing [90] [181] account the bonding strength between the filaments
- ρ2: Linear void fraction, ρ2=1-((2y)/(2b-δ)), compare
Fig. 6
Etrans = ξElong [182] - ξ: Empirical factor between 0 and 1 < 14 % ABS
Applicable for multiple printing lay-ups: A11 ⋅A22 − A212 - Aji: Stiffness coefficient of extensional stiffens matrix [0]: 9%–15% PLA, PLA +
EEffective = [183]
[0], [0/90], [±45] A22 [183], material parameter obtained from tensile tests [0/90]: 6% - carbon black
on 3D printed parts 11%
[±45]: 1%–20%
Applicable for multiple printing lay-ups: 1 - A: Extensional stiffness matrix [124] ~ 3–7 %, ABS
E1,θ = [181]
[0], [0/90], [15/-75], [30/-60] and [A− 1 ]11 ⋅h - h: Thickness of FDM printed part compare Fig. 7
[45/-45] - θ: printing angle (considered by stiffness matrix)
Fig. 6. Schematic illustration of an FDM-printed biocomposite part. Reprinted and modified from MDPI [163], P.3], no permission required. Copyright (2020) by
the authors.
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
Δσ is the stress amplitude and Δσ0 and α are fit parameters. This Fig. 8. S-N curve of 95% confidence band of experimental data of neat PP and
presentation of fatigue data is used also today in many design codes. PP/lignocellulosic flour composites (A-G), prepared under different mixing
However, polymer and composite fatigue material data are often pub conditions. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier [[208], P.140], under
lished as in the linear-log scale. A widely used model in composite fa creative commons license:
tigue is the following fatigue-life-relation [207]: -nd/4.0/. Copyright (2019), Kingfa SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD.
C. Zarna et al. Composites Part C: Open Access 6 (2021) 100171
of FDM-3D printed polymeric composites. The authors aim was to attention to the deviation between theoretical estimations and physical
evaluate 3D printed polymeric materials’ fatigue properties and they test results, mainly caused by the poor consideration of fiber-matrix-
emphasize that mechanical fatigue investigations play a major role for interaction and strong impact through biocomposite processing on the
enabling the use of FDM-printed products in various structural and resulting mechanical properties of the end-product.
load-bearing applications. They further concluded that a +45◦ /-45◦ Concluding, this review indicates that presently lignocellulosic pulp
print layup yields to longer fatigue life for PLA-based materials and that fibers may be more adequate as component of thermoplastic bio
process parameter optimizations (regarding void reduction and ink composites than the corresponding cellulose nanofibers. In addition to
material characteristics) are of high importance for fatigue properties. their reinforcing properties, they require less production efforts and may
When it comes to fiber reinforcements the authors indicated the fiber perform better in LCA analysis compared to the corresponding nano
wettability, fiber fraction in the matrix, fiber dimension and properties fibers. This is expected to extend their applicability in a wide variety of
as crucial factors for determining fatigue life. But also mentioned the industries such as construction, household items, interior design, and
lack of such investigations in literature [214]. This seems to apply to automotive. Further, investigations on durability and fatigue of ligno
biocomposites in general [215]. cellulosic biocomposites are required. Understanding of production
Studies on the fatigue properties of CNF bionanocomposite materials processes and their influence on the mechanical properties of bio
also lack in literature, so far. Nonetheless, analyzing the fatigue prop composites, appear to be of high importance to apply biocomposites in
erties are important to evaluate if there are feasible applications for conversion processes such as extrusion, injection molding and 3D
thermoplastic CNF-based bionanocomposites. Since the fatigue proper printing. In addition, a stronger focus on the development of energy-
ties of biocomposite are strongly dependent on the water absorbing saving production processes could support the attractiveness of bio
ability of the lignocellulosic reinforcements [210,212] and the interfa composites for large-scale productions.
cial coupling between fiber and matrix, these dependencies might apply
for CNF-based bionanocomposites as well. Declaration of Competing Interests
An investigation of lignocellulosic fiber/PP biocomposites with
different aspect ratios of fibers [216] showed, that a higher aspect ratio The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
can lead to a slight improvement of the fatigue performance of the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
biocomposite. But the effect of aspect ratio on fatigue strength appeared the work reported in this paper.
to be quite low (< 5% increased strength with ~ 44% increased aspect
ratio) [216]. However, water absorption of lignocellulosic fibers is a
known issue regarding to their fatigue performance due to swelling and
fiber-matrix de-bonding [212,217].
The Research Council of Norway and the companies supporting the
A deeper understanding of failure mechanism behind the static and
ALLOC project (Grant no. 282310) are thanked for financial support.
dynamic loading condition of 3D printed lignocellulosic biocomposites
can help to improve the durability and reliability of such products [214,
Supplementary materials
215]. Greater research effort is required in this field to drive forward the
implementation of (3D printed) lignocellulosic biocomposites in struc
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
tural applications. Liber-Kneć et al. [218] found accelerated fatigue
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jcomc.2021.100171.
testing to be a useful tool to recognize basics of fatigue behavior of
lignocellulosic fiber reinforced thermoplastic biocomposites or for
comparative studies. References
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