29.LPCP - Jul 25, 2013

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Chilled Water
Air Handling Unit
1,000 - 25,000 CFM 50/60 Hz
Feature and Benefit
Economical design to suite for Suitable for retrofit, renovation and
commercial application replacement
The fully assembled LPCP air handler offers a LPCP is designed to have compact casing to
large selection of configuration to meet a wide suite the need for retrofit, renovation and
range of cooling and ventilating requirements. replacement market. Small footprint also
LPCP is ideally suite for stores, office buildings, ensures economical use of building space.
schools or other commercial establishments.
Excellent condensate management
High efficiency performance Sloping drainpan allows for total condensate
Trane engineered fan and heat transfer system removal. A unique feature developed to prevent
provides maximum cooling and airflow while stagnant water in air handling unit.
minimizing vibration, acoustic level and power
consumption. Sturdy construction
LPCP is sturdily constructed based on a
Complete product selection program specially designed rigid frame and
LPCP is furnished with complete product reinforcement. This means modules can be
selection program to ease the product selection stacked in a vertical air handler configuration,
process and also generates performance data but also allows removal of panel for unlimited
in professional format for project submission. access.

Minimum installation cost

The modular casing concept creates an easy
way for installation, which will help to minimize
field labor cost.

Casing Fan Module

Single wall skin, Each unit fully tested &
light-weighted, quiet and balanced at the factory,
superior thermal resistance. ensures quality & reliability.

Coil Module
High efficient aluminium fin
available in 2, 4, 6 & 8 rows Drain Pan
with 108, 144 & 168 fin Sloped, insulated and coated
per foot. for proper condensate
removal, thermal isolation
and corrosion protection.

General Construction
Bolted frame & panel with
modular and compact

LPCP Quick Select Guide
The LPCP air handling unit is easy to select by using quick selection guide table below.


Unit Coil Air flow Total Cooling External Dimension Shipping Water Water
Model Face at 500 Capacity Static Weight Pressure Flow
Area fpm Pressure Unit L W H Drop Rate
Unit Size ft 2
cfm MBH Tons in.wg. Arr. mm mm mm Kg ft.wg. GPM
LPCP02 2.08 1,040 33.3 2.8 1.2 HDT 866 870 508 133 1.2 6.6
VDT 508 1016 137
LPCP03 3.00 1,500 47.1 3.9 1.2 HDT 1031 810 673 136 0.8 9.4
VDT 674 1348 171
LPCP04 4.00 2,000 66.1 5.5 1.2 HDT 1031 990 673 185 2.1 13.2
VDT 674 1348 192
LPCP06 5.99 2,995 102.2 8.5 1.2 HDT 1133 1135 775 253 3.7 20.4
VDT 774 1548 269
LPCP08 8.00 4,000 106.4 8.9 1.2 HDT 1133 1430 775 311 1.4 21.3
VDT 774 1548 335
LPCP10 10.00 5,000 138.3 11.5 1.2 HDT 1220 1500 963 372 1.5 27.7
VDT 720 1924 412
LPCP12 11.67 5,835 162.5 13.5 1.2 HDT 1220 1500 1095 449 1.5 32.5
VDT 720 2190 486
LPCP14 13.61 6,805 205.5 17.1 1.2 HDT 1220 1700 1095 487 2.5 41.1
VDT 720 2280 526
LPCP17 16.53 8,265 267.5 22.3 1.2 HDT 1300 2007 1140 577 4.6 53.5
VDT 800 2280 627
LPCP21 20.42 10,210 348.0 29.0 2.0 HDT 1300 2413 1140 672 8.5 69.6
VDT 800 2280 722
LPCP25 25.00 12,500 440.9 36.7 2.0 HDT 1549 2770 1130 834 12.3 88.2
VDT 850 2260 895
LPCP31 30.00 15,000 521.6 43.5 2.0 HDT 1580 2770 1350 1016 11.5 104.3
VDT 880 2700 1030
LPCP35 35.00 17,500 610.5 50.9 2.0 HDT 1700 2770 1514 1119 11.8 122.1
VDT 1000 2845 1182
LPCP40 40.00 20,000 701.3 58.4 2.0 HDT 1700 2770 1704 1220 12.9 140.3
VDT 1000 3034 1284
LPCP45 45.40 22,500 829.6 69.1 2.0 HDT 2500 2770 2047 1600 21.0 165.9
VDT - - - -
LPCP50 50.40 25,000 887.7 74.0 2.0 HDT 2500 2770 2207 1727 12.5 177.5
VDT - - - -
1. Above cooling capacities based on standard air flow rate and following conditions:
o o
Chilled water temperature: Entering 45 F and Leaving 55 F.
o o
Entering air condition: 80 FDB / 67 FWB.
2. Above unit weight shall include forward curved fan section, 4 row 144 fin/foot cooling coil section (1/2” copper tube/aluminium fin),
flat filter section (include media).
3. LPCP02-06 are based on coils with turbulators.
4. Product design and specification are subject to change without notice.

Fan Arrangement

Mechanical Specifications
Casing Construction Option
LPCP product line consists of horizontal and Trane Proportional Thermostat monitors the
vertical configuration. Both configurations have adjustable control valve by 0-10 vdc signal,
the option of either horizontal or vertical discharge. 15oC - 30oC temperature setting and connectable
Proportional Thermostat All sections are insulated with Polyethylene foam with the external sensor
(Option) insulation. Access panels are available on both
sides of casing for fan and mixing box section “TPICCV” Trane Pressure Independent
(optional). Characterized Control Valves ZOption - 5 Years
Warranty) combines a differential pressure
Fan Module regulator with a 2-way control valve which
TPICCV Valve The vibration levels of the complete fan assembly supplies a specific constant flow each degree of
(fan wheel, motor and drives assembled as a valve opening regardless of pressure variation in
whole system) had checked and dynamically the system. Recommend to use with Trane
balanced in the factory as per ISO 1940. Thermostat for precise temperature control.

Fan is double-width, double-inlet, and multiblade Trane Control Valve controls the opening and
Trane Control Valve
(Option) type. Fan is forward curved (FC) as required for closing of the pipe in the HVAC system for room
stable operation, low noise and optimum energy temperature monitor. Recommend to use with
efficiency. Fan had equipped with bearings with Trane Thermostat for precise temperature control.
an L-50 life (average life) of 200,000 hours. The *Control valve option cannot be factory installed inside unit. It
will be provided separately.
fan had designed in accordance to AMCA
AHU Starter Panel Trane AHU Starter Panel particularly controls the
HVAC system. Integrated with motor and com-
Motor is TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled),
Aeriscoat R (Option) pressor protection system, reliable according to
3-phase induction motor, 50 or 60 Hz, IP55 and
UL/IEC/NEMA standard and easy to install.
class F insulation. Motor had mounted integral to
a fan assembly furnished by the unit manufacturer.
Before Coated Aeriscoat R removes and protects all micro
Motor had mounted inside the unit casing on a
organisms, biofilm & corrosion in one step
slide base to permit adjustment of drive belt
certified by CSIRO & approved by USEPA. the
effectiveness lasts 5 years and reduces
After Coated & Curing maintenance. Applicable to coil in heat exchanger
Coil Module
& evaporator especially for use in humid climate,
All coils are highly efficient aluminum fins, which
seaside, factories, hotels, etc.
are mechanically bonded to 1/2 inch seamless
copper tubing. Capacity, pressure drop and
Mixing Section
Electric Heater (Option) selection procedure had designed in accordance
The mixing sections are constructed of heavy
with ARI Standard 410. Coil casing is galvanized
gauge galvanized steel with two opposed blade
steel. Coils had leak tested at 380 psig. The
dampers. A drive shaft is provided on the damper
header had constructed of round steel pipe with
that can be used with an actuator.
BSPT external threaded. All headers had fitted
with air venting and water drainable plug.
Drip Eliminator (Option) Other options are also available as listed:
• Painted Casing
Drain Pan
• Drip Eliminator
Coil had provided with an insulated galvanized
• Electric Heater
sloping drain pan to allow for proper condensate
• Elastometric Close Cell Insulation
removal. The galvanized drain pan is light gray
Aluminium Filter (Option) • Backward Curved fan
powder-painted for corrosion protection.
• 2 inch Synthetic Filter
• 2 inch Throwaway Filter
• 15 or 21 inch Bag Filter
Filters are available with 2 inch aluminium
• 4 or 12 inch cartridge Filter
washable filter.
Synthetic Filter (Option)

Trane optimizes the performance of home and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand, the leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable,
and energy efficient environments, Trane offers a broad portfolio of advance controls and HVAC systems, comprehensive building services, and parts.
For more information, visit www.tranethailand.com

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@2013 Trane All rights reserved
CFH-SB-5T July 25, 2013

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