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Electronic Workshop 2 Course

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K L E F Deemed to be University

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Handout for Y18 Admitted Batches
A.Y.2019-20, Odd Semester


Course Code : 18EC3110
L-T-P-S structure : 1-0-2-2
Course Credits : 2.5
Pre-requisite : Nil
Course Coordinator : Dr Joshitha C
Team of Instructors : Mr.R.Ramesh Kumar, Mr Biswajit Jena, Mr Rahul Shahane,
Dr.Joshitha C, Dr.Aswin Kumer S.V, Mr.K.N.Mohan,
Mr.P.Kanakaraja, Dr.Susant Kumar Panigrahi, Mr.L.S.P.Sairam
Nadipalli, Mr.Vaibhav Nema
Teaching Associates : Nil

The objective of this course is to provide basic knowledge to students about the fundamentals of
electronic system design with the help of PCB fabrication technology and latest microcontroller -
Raspberry Pi. The excellence of the course is ensured by teaching and providing real time practical
exposure to the students in both PCB fabrication and advanced microcontroller applications. This
course aims to familiarize the students with electronic product making as well as the designs for noise

This course will give understanding of design, development and PCB fabrication of basic electronic
circuits. At the end of the course, students will have thorough hands on experience with Raspberry Pi
microcontroller. Upon gaining the fundamentals of PCB fabrication steps and Raspberry Pi
microcontroller programming, the students will be able to develop prototype models for real time and
IoT applications. The program educates/motivates the students to take active participation in electronic
product implementation in academic as well as industrial level to satisfy the society needs.
Course Outcomes (CO):

CO. Course Outcome (CO) Mapped BTL

CO1 Capable to understand the electronic system design process, PO1,PO5 2
analyze the heat management system and understand the soldering
CO2 Able to understand PCB fabrication process, PCB artwork and PO1, PO3 2
various protection methods for electronic systems. PO5,PO7
CO3 Able to understand Raspberry Pi microcontroller and its PO1,PO3, 4
applications PO5,PO7
CO4 Able to understand product making steps, the noise reduction PO1, PO5 2
designs in components & circuits, high frequency designs and
CAD packages
CO5 Recognizing the software tool and PCB fabrication steps to PO11 4
implement an electronic system.
Recognizing the software tool and Raspberry Pi microcontroller
board to implement a few specific applications.


CO Highest COI-1 COI-2 COI-3 COI-4

No BTL (BTL-1) (BTL-2) (BTL-3) (BTL-4)
CO1 2 Describing the design Summarize electronic
process, technical system classification,
drawings, product life examples and case
cycle, electronic system studies
introduction; Understand
heat management and
cooling by heat sinks;
Recognize soldering
CO2 2 Describing the PCB Discussing the PCB
artwork using PCB artwork using PCB
software Design of software Design of
Multilayer PCBs, SMDs Multilayer PCBs,
and mounting technique; SMDs and mounting
Enumerating the techniques
Grounding And
Shielding; Balancing
and Filtering;
Understand the EMI /
EMC/ESD Protections;
Cabling and Connectors;
Panel Layout
CO3 4 State and relate the Discussing the Demonstrate the Examine the hardware
features of Raspberry Pi applications using interfacing of Raspberry interfaces with
microcontroller Raspberry Pi Pi with peripherals with Raspberry Pi
microcontroller . Python programming microcontroller
CO4 2 Enumerating the product
making process; Discussing Electronic
Describing design for System Design
Low noise, EMI/EMC implementations
compatibility, high Demonstrate Opto
frequency designs, PTH isolators, Relays and
and CAD packages Displays, A to D and
D to A converters,
RAM Data Storage
and retrieval, data
Summarizing the
noise reduction
designs in
Components, circuits
and Assemblies;
Grounding And
Shielding; Balancing
and Filtering; EMI /
Protections; Cabling
and Connectors;
Panel Layout

CO5 4 Analyze the software tool and PCB fabrication steps to implement an electronic system.
Analyze the software tools and Raspberry Pi microcontroller board to implement a few specific

Program Outcomes (POs):

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
PO3 components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including
PO4 design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT
tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and
environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects
and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs):

PSO1 An ability to Understand the theoretical and mathematical concepts to analyze real time problems.
PSO2 An Ability to Design and Analyze systems based on the theoretical and Practical Knowledge.

CO1: Introduction: 2Hrs
(a) Design Process and Its Fundamentals; Product Life Cycle; Technical Drawings, Circuit Diagrams; Protection
Requirements; Electronic Systems and Classifications: Examples and case studies; (b) Heat Management and Cooling by
using Heat Sinks, Soldering Techniques.
CO2: Introduction to PCB Fabrication and design: 3Hrs
(a)PCB Making: PCB Artwork using PC software, Design and of Multilayer PCBs, SMDs and mounting techniques.
(b)Protection: Grounding, Shielding; Balancing and Filtering; EMI / EMC/ ESD Protections; Cabling and Connectors;
Panel Layout Ergonomics.
CO3: Introduction to Raspberry Pi: 3Hrs
(a) Introduction to Raspberry Pi microcontroller board
(b) Developing applications using Raspberry Pi microcontroller board
CO4: Electronic System designs: 4Hrs
(a)Electronic System Design implementations analog, digital (TTL/ CMOS) and Microcontroller systems; Opto isolators,
Relays and Displays, A to D and D to A converters, RAM Data Storage and retrieval, Data Generators
(b)Applications and Product making
Testing, Packaging, manufacturing, Recycling and Environmental Compliance, Design for: Low noise, EMI/EMC
compatibility, High frequency designs, PTH, CAD Packages
1. Fundamentals of Electronic Systems Design by Jens Lienig, Hans Bruemmer ISBN 978-3-319-55839-4
ISBN 978-3-319-55840-0 (eBook), © Springer International Publishing AG 2017
2. Learning the Art of Electronics – A hands-on lab course Thomas C Hayes with the assistance of Paul
3. Electronic Instrument Design, 1st edition; by: Kim R.Fowler; Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2015.
4. ELECTRONICS- A systems Approach 4th Edition by Neil Storey ISBN: 978-0-273-71918
5. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS - Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Testing by Dr R S Khandpur
6. Raspberry Pi Cookbook by Simon Monk, Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway
North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
7. Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems by Henry W Ott
1. Printed Circuit Boards - Design & Technology, 1st edition; by: Walter Bosshart; Tata McGraw Hill
2. David a. Bell electronic devices and circuits 5th edition.
3. Karl. T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger, “ Product design & development”, Mc Graw Hill Companier 5th
4. Electronic Product Design, R.G.Kaduskar, V.B.Baru, Wiley India 2nd edition


Session 1
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWy4UgbzCBU
Session 2
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqV2xU1fee8&t=244s
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA7OGkpCC5c
Session 3
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6iu8Fe8UOY
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZgAooUkbEY
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3djya8q9Hto
Session 4
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67WhV0EDqCA
Session 5
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krk4_89em48
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKoCaZBp5s4
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0_jzlnmLS8
Session 6
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpseX2ylEuw
12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCwTJHUE3Z0
13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLtsXwdM4n0
14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smlO3mUkTJg
15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCxzA9_kg6s&list=PLA567CE235D39FA84
Session 7.
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izceGfkUtZU
Session 8
17. https://devopedia.org/raspberry-pi
18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_vYnq1UfPQ
19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-te4qkbh28
20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpseX2ylEuw
Session 9
21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upYECwnlX0Q
22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdMJvFT-Afc
23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA3sYzn1BaY
24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84YUQu8tE4w
25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Kr9Fdcl_0
Session 10
26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI2KtuW0qOw
27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_YfuH_AcxQ
28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4OuxIwLgHw
29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrFAvaPM_cs
30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDxq0qlChTs
Session 11
31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERuvdzTtrzE
32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdf2uY5gG7w
33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGR_NQbaaPI
34. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_c2QA04rwE
35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dgpuIOhNRk
36. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChdVukvMuLH6GcE3iNxudLg
Session 12
37. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwOVNTOStjiAVvjouAYPIz2WGoxBJsE5O
38. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqOkL2ZZ7wM
39. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viGy0YDAJ8g
40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jrVZu7eqiw
41. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxMV6wGS3NY


Sessi CO COI Topic (s) Book No Teaching- Evaluation
on [CH no] Learning Components
No. [Page No] Methods

TB-1,PG NO-5
Discussion on course out comes,
TB-1,PG NO 39-42 Discussion
1 1 Introduction to electronic product design
1 TB-1,PG NO-17 to 24 Lecturing
process and fundamentals
TB-4,PG NO-193
Electronic system Classifications
2 TB-1,PG NO-75
1 2 Heat management Lecturing Test-1 & SEE
RB-1, PG NO 453
Soldering techniques
RB-1, PG NO-16
3 Discussion
2 2 Introduction to PCB fabrication design. RB-1, PG NO 88-92
LCT-Case Test-1 & SEE
Practice on PCB Wizard WR-4,WR-5
RB-1, PG NO-16 Discussion
Design of multilayer PCB
2 2 RB-1, PG NO 88-92 LCT-Case Test-1 & SEE
SMD and mounting techniques
WR-7 based

TB-5, PG NO 73,159
5 Discussion on methods of protection TB-5, PG NO 116
2 1 Cabling and connectors TB-5, PG NO 29 Test-1 & SEE
Panel Layout Ergonomics WR-8,WR-9
6 Introduction to Raspberry Pi board Lecturing
3 2 WR-13,WR-14 Test-2 & SEE
Reviewing existing microcontrollers Reviewing
TB-6, PG NO 1-25
7 Discussion on Raspberry Pi board TB-6, PG NO 27-51, Discussion
3 3 Test-2 & SEE
55-93 Lecturing
TB-6, PG NO 269-297
8 TB-6, PG NO 303-310
Applications of Raspberry Pi Lecturing
3 4 TB-6, PG NO 337-403 Test-2 & SEE
microcontroller board Discussion
Electronic system design
9 implementations Lecturing
4 2 WR-23,WR-24 Test-2 & SEE
Analog, Digital(TTL/CMOS), Reviewing
Microcontroller systems
Optoisolators, TB-4, PG NO-226, Lecturing
4 2 Test-2 & SEE
10 Relays & Displays 470, 515, 668, 672 Discussion
A to D & D to A converters TB-4, PG NO-671 Reviewing
RAM storage & retrieval TB-4, PG NO-737
Data generators TB-4, PG NO-741, 748
WR-26, WR-27
WR-28, WR-28
WR-29, WR-30
Testing, Packaging, Manufacturing TB-5, PG NO-580
11 Recycling and Environmental TB-1,PG NO-193
4 2 Compliance. WR-31,WR-32 Test-2 & SEE
RB-1, PG NO 190
12 Design for Low noise RB-1, PG NO 169
EMI/EMC compatibility RB-1, PG NO 6
4 2 High frequency designs RB-1, PG NO 220 Test-2 & SEE
PTH WR-37, WR-38
CAD packages WR-39, WR-40

Session wise Teaching – Learning Plan

Session Number: 1
Session Outcome: Brief overview of the Course & conceptual awareness on electronic
system design
Able to understand basic concepts of the Electronic System Design

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
15 Interactive Session on course outcomes 1
Introduction to electronic product design
25 1 Lecturing
process and fundamentals
05 Conclusion & Summary 1 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 2
Session Outcome: Able to recognize Electronic system Classifications,
Able to understand Heat management in electronic systems
Able to understand the soldering techniques

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing Video synthesis
05 Electronic system Classifications 2 Lecturing
10 Heat management 2 Lecturing
10 Soldering techniques 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 2 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Evaluation 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes
Session Number: 3
Session Outcome: Able to understand PCB fabrication design process

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
Introduction to PCB fabrication design.
10 1 Lecturing

10 1 Lecturing
Demonstration of PCB Wizard
15 Practice on PCB Wizard 1 Lecturing
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes
Session Number: 4
Session Outcome: Able to understand the Design of multilayer PCB, SMD and mounting techniques

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
Design of multilayer PCB
15 2 Lecturing
15 SMD and mounting techniques 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 2 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 5
Session Outcome: Understand the methods of protection. cabling & connectors and panel layout

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
Discussion on methods of protection
10 2 Lecturing
Cabling and connectors One minute paper
10 2 Lecturing
10 Panel Layout Ergonomics 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 2 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 6
Session Outcome: Illustrate the Raspberry Pi microcontroller board
Teaching – Active Learning
Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
10 Introduction to Raspberry Pi board 1 Lecturing
10 Reviewing existing microcontrollers 2 Lecturing
10 Internal connections 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 3 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 3 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 7
Session Outcome: Understand the Raspberry Pi microcontroller board and its performance

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
15 Discussion on Raspberry Pi board 2 Lecturing
10 Simple programs examples 2 Lecturing
10 How it works? 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 3 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 3 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 8
Session Outcome: Recognize the applications of Raspberry Pi microcontroller board and its

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
Applications of Raspberry Pi Video synthesis
15 4 Lecturing
microcontroller board
10 Examples 3 Lecturing
10 Importance of Raspberry Pi 3 Lecturing
05 Conclusion & Summary 4 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 9
Session Outcome: Understand Electronic system design Implementation for analog, digital and
microcontroller systems.

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
Electronic system design Lecturing
10 2
10 Analog, Digital(TTL/CMOS) 2 Lecturing
10 Microcontroller systems 2 Lecturing
05 Interactive session 2 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 10
Session Outcome: Recognize the hardware parts - Different kinds of Electronic system components

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
10 Optoisolators, 2 Lecturing
10 Relays & Displays 2 Lecturing
05 A to D & D to A converters 2 Lecturing
RAM storage & retrieval Lecturing
10 2
Data generators
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 11
Session Outcome: Understand the concept of product making, Recycling and Environmental

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
15 Testing, Packaging, Manufacturing 2 Lecturing One minute paper
Recycling and Environmental Lecturing
15 2
05 Interactive session 2 Discussion
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

Session Number: 12
Session Outcome: Understand the concept of low noise designs, EMI/EMC compatibility, high
frequency designs PTH and CAD packages

Teaching – Active Learning

Time(min) Topic BTL Learning method
05 Revise previous class contents 1 Reviewing
10 Design for Low noise 2 Lecturing
10 EMI/EMC compatibility 2 Lecturing
10 High frequency designs 2 Lecturing
05 2 Discussion
CAD packages
05 Conclusion & Summary 2 Reviewing
45 minutes Total Contact Session + 5 minutes for Attendance and Transition activities = 50 Minutes

List of Experiments supposed to finish in Open Lab Sessions:
Lab session no List of Experiments
1 Introduction to PCB Layout design for any small project CO2
PCB Design artwork using PCB Wizard( for an electronic circuit such
2 CO2
as comparator)
3 Etching and Drilling after artwork of the PCB designed CO2
Soldering, wiring and testing of an electronic circuit on PCB designed
4 CO2
and made
5 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with Switch relay and Light control CO3
6 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with DC motor to control a linear motor/fan CO3
Interfacing Raspberry Pi with IR sensor to detect obstacle or make a
7 CO3
line following robot
Interfacing Raspberry Pi with Ultrasonic sensor(SR04) to control the
8 CO3
DAM gate
9 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with LCD and Ultrasonic sensor( SR04) CO3

10 Interfacing Raspberry Pi with alcohol sensor(MQ135) with ADC CO3



session Topics discussed in Tool based Activities Sessions
a) Introduction to Proteus Software CO2
1 b) Introduction to PCB Wizard
a) Simulation of half adder, half subtractor, full adder and CO2
2 full subtractor
b) Layout preparation in PCB Wizard
a) Simulation of Divide by 4 counter using J K FF CO2
b) Simulation of Divide by 2 counter using D FF
a) Simulation of LM393 comparator CO2
b) PCB layout preparation
a) Introduction to Raspberry Pi CO3
5 b) OS Installation Process , Introduction to embedded
Python basics, inbuilt libraries and Linux commands
a) Interfacing of Raspberry Pi with Relay Module CO3
6 b) Interfacing of Raspberry Pi with DC motor
c) Interfacing of Raspberry Pi with IR sensor
d) Interfacing of Raspberry Pi with ultrasonic sensor
7 a) Interfacing Raspberry Pi with LCD display CO3
a) Interfacing Raspberry Pi with MQ135 sensor CO3
8 b) Interfacing Raspberry Pi with soil sensor, PIR sensor,
Magnetic sensor, Fire sensor
a) Implementation of one of the minor Project using PCB CO2
10 a) Evaluation of mini project CO2
a) Implementation of one of the minor Project using CO3
Raspberry Pi
12 a) Evaluation of mini project CO3



Week Assignment Topic Details CO

2 A01 Electronic Systems and Analog, Digital, Microcontroller CO1
4 A02 PCB artwork Circuit, Layout CO2
7 A03 Sensors Interfacing IR sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Alcohol CO3
10 A04 Electronic systems Relays & Displays, Optocouplers, CO4


Course Conduct

Theory Lecture 10 Sections | 72 Students each | Class Room | 1 Lectures per week
Course Coordinator: Dr Joshitha C
Practical 10 Sections | 72 Students each | 4 Batches | 4 1 P per week | each 2 hrs.
Instructors | Computers 70 minutes Experiment |
30 minutes Evaluation for 18 students per

9.00- 9.55- 11.05- 12.00- 12.55- 1.40- 3.30- 4.25-

Day Component 9.50 10.45 11.55 12.50 1.40 2.30 4.20 5.15
Theory S5,S6,S7,S8 S2,S4 S6,S8,S9
Mon Lab S4 S9 S8
Theory S5,S10 S1,S2,S3.S4
Tue Lab S3 S7
Wed Lab S2 S10 S6
Thu Lab
Theory S1,S3 S9,S10
Fri Lab S1
Theory S7
Sat Lab S5
Supplement course handout, which may perhaps include special lectures and discussions that would be planned, and
schedule notified accordingly.

Assignments to promote self-learning, survey of contents from multiple sources.

S.No Topics CO ALM References/MOOCS


Content beyond syllabus covered (if any) should be delivered to all students that would be planned, and schedule notified

S.No Advanced Topics, Additional Reading, CO POs & PSOs ALM References/MOOCS
Research papers and any

Evaluation Evaluation Assessmen Duration

Weightage/Marks CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5
Type Component t Dates (Hours)

Blooms Taxonomy Level

Sem-In Weightage 5 27/08/19 to 2.5 2.5
Exam-I Max Marks 30M 30/08/19 15 15
Sem-In Exam Weightage 5 30/10/19 to 2.5 2.5
In-Semester -II Max Marks 30M 02/11/19 15 15
Summative Weightage 5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Evaluation Surprise Quiz 20 Min
Total = 30 % Max Marks 20M 5 5 5 5
Weightage 15
Lab Sem-In 14/10/19 to
2 Equal Weightage
Exam 19/10/19
Max Marks 50M

Weightage 0
Max Marks 100M Continuous Evaluation 25 25 25 25
Weightage 2.5
ALMs Continuous Evaluation Equal Weightage
Max Marks 100M
Home Weightage 2.5
Assignment + Continuous Evaluation Equal Weightage
Textbook Max Marks 40M
Lab Weightage 15 --- 6 9 ---
Total = 30 % ---
Continuous Continuous evaluation
Evaluation Max Marks 100M 100

Weightage 5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

Project/Skill Continuous evaluation
Max Marks 100M 25 25 25 25
Weightage 5
Attendance Continuous evaluation
Max Marks 5M
Weightage 15 25/11/19 to --- 6 9 --- ---
SE Lab Expt. 2
End- Max Marks 40M 30/11/19 to 25
Semester Weightage 15 25/11/19 to
Summative SE Lab Proj. 2 Equal Weightage
Max Marks 40M 30/11/19 to
Total = 40 % Semester End Weightage 20 11/11/19 to 5 5 5 5
Exam Max Marks 100M 23/11/19 to 25 25 25 25

Type of the Course INTERNAL 60% EXTERNAL 40%

Components Weightage Components Weightage
Semester in Exam-I Exam Viva
Purely Laboratory Semester in Exam-II Exercise
Based Course Report
Lab Weekly exercise External Review
Mini /Capstone Project Paper National
Attendance International
Purely Theory Based Semester in Exam-I End Semester Exam
Course Semester in Exam-II
Surprise Quiz (min 2)
Home Assignment and
Textbook. (Min. 5
Assignments etc.)
Theory Lab Part In Semester Exam 15 Exam Viva 5
Course Lab Weekly exercise 15 Exercise 15
Embedded Theory Semester in Exam-I 5
with Part Semester in Exam-II 5 End Semester Exam 20
Laboratory ALM (LTC, in- 5+5
classQuiz, etc.)
Home Assignment and 5
Textbook. (Min. 3
Assignments etc.)
Both Attendance 5
Skill based course (8hrs / Semester in Exam-I Review for Project
week) Semester in Exam-II Report
Continuous Lab Presentation
Evaluation Exercise Exercise
Project Questions &Answers
Technical Proficiency Semester in Exam-I End Semester Exam
Course Semester in Exam-II (online MCQ)
Continuous(weekly) Viva
Test (40 MCQ)
Every student is expected to be responsible for regularity of his/her attendance in class rooms and laboratories, to appear in
scheduled tests and examinations and fulfill all other tasks assigned to him/her in every course. For Promotion, a Minimum
of 50% of internal marks must be obtained. In every course, student has to maintain a minimum of 85% attendance to be
eligible for appearing in Semester end examination of the course, for cases of medical issues and other unavoidable
circumstances the students will be condoned if their attendance is between 75% to 85% in every course, subjected to
submission of medical certificates, medical case file and other needful documental proof to the concerned departments.

In any course, a student has to maintain a minimum of 85% attendance and must secure a minimum of 50% marks in In-
Semester Examinations to be eligible for appearing to the Semester End Examination, failing to fulfill these conditions will
deem such student to have been detained in that course.

Use of unfair means in any of the evaluation components will be dealt with strictly, and the case will be reported to the
examination committee.

Each instructor will specify his / her chamber consultation hours during which the student can contact him / her in his / her
chamber for consultation.

S.No. Name of Faculty Chamber Chamber Chamber Signature

Consultation Consultation Consultation of Course
Day(s) Timings for Room No: faculty
each day
1 Dr.Aswin Kumer S.V. Saturday 9:30-12:30PM 4th Floor 4A21
2 Mr.Rahul Bose Friday 2:00-5:00PM 3rdFloor 3C20
3 Mr.Biswajit Jena Friday 2:00-5:00PM 1st Floor 1C20
4 Dr.Joshitha C - CC Friday 2:00-5:00PM 1st Floor Cabin 3
5 Mr.R.Ramesh Kumar Friday 2:00-5:00PM 4th Floor 4C20
6 Mr.K.N.Mohan Friday 2:00-5:00PM 4th Floor 4C25
7 Mr.P.Kanakaraja Saturday 9:30-12:30PM 2nd Floor R211
8 Dr.Susant Kumar Friday 2:00-5:00PM 4th Floor 4A11
9 Mr.Vaibhav Nema Monday 1:40-4:20PM 2nd Floor R211
10 Mr.L.S.P.Sairam Tuesday 2:00-5:00PM 4th Floor 4C48

Signature of Department Prof. Incharge Academics & Vetting Team Member:


Approval from: DEAN-ACADEMICS

(Sign with Office Seal)

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