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UCSP GRD 11 Week 11 - 20

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UCSP-111 / ►Week 11 - 20

Banks and Corporations are irrelevant to the economic structure of the

The correct answer is: false
Both state and non-state institutions are essential to the development of the
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions help regulate the working relationship between the unions
and the employers.
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save
excess cash, known as deposit.
The correct answer is: true
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Trade unions and cooperatives are established to maintain the welfare of
the workers and the consumers.
The correct answer is: true
An institution that is not under the control of the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state institution
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate
a profit.
The correct answer is: corporation

UCSP-111 / ►Week 11: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 8
An institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: state institution
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to
The correct answer is: true
The main duty of a bank it so provide a safe place for people to save
excess cash, known as
The correct answer is: deposit
Corporations are an essential driving force for the economy of a state.
The correct answer is: true
Non-state institutions are not essential to the development of the society.
The correct answer is: false
Refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or by
the State.
The correct answer is: Non-state Institution
Banks and Corporations are important to the economic structure of the
The correct answer is: true
Banks are only for storing money and assets.
The correct answer is: false
The separation of Church and State allowed people in many different
countries to practice religious freedom without government interference.
The correct answer is: true
These provide a safe place to save excess cash, known as deposits.
The correct answer is: Banks
These are legal entities which are established under state law that are
designed to generate a profit.
The correct answer is: corporations
UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and
Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 9
Education begins in grade school.
The correct answer is: false
With non-formal education, there is generally no control over the performed
activities nor does it necessarily regard the providing of degrees or
The correct answer is: false
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that
the student is at a distance from the teacher for much, most or even all the
time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Non-formal education comes with a rigid curriculum.
The correct answer is: false
Non-formal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the
The correct answer is: true
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning

UCSP-111 / ►Week 12: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 9
A type of education that is systematized and classroom-based, provided by
trained teachers.
The correct answer is: formal education
One of the global issues which are affecting the progress of the society.
The correct answer is: Mass illiteracy
Refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and
systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
A planned, systematized, and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: correspondence learning
With informal education, there is generally no control over the performed
activities nor does it necessarily regard the providing of degrees or
The correct answer is: true
Informal education tends to adapt to the interest and work pace of the
The correct answer is: false
Education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
The correct answer is: informal education
Refers to an education process which has a more flexible curricula and
methodology compared to formal education.
The correct answer is: non-formal education
Non-formal education comes with a more flexible curricula and
methodology compared to formal education.
The correct answer is: true
Distance learning is different from correspondence learning, in a way that
the student is at a distance from the teacher for much, most or even all the
time, during the teaching-learning process.
The correct answer is: true
Learning as those which offer students a measure of flexibility and
autonomy, to study the programmes of their choice when and where they
wish, and at a pace to suit their circumatances.
The correct answer is: Open Systems
It is the need for personal growth and development that exists
throughout a the life of a person.
The correct answer is: self-actualization

UCSP-111 / ►Week 13: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 3

Correspondence learning is a planned, systematized, and individualized
learning system that allows students to proceed at their own pace,
according to their interests.
The correct answer is: True
Realization is the need for personal growth and development that exists
throughout a the life of a person.
The correct answer is: False
According to the sociologist Karl Marx, religion is something that the elites
of the society use in order to keep a hold on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: True
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition.
The correct answer is: Animism
The smallest type of political organization, it is usually a small group
connected by family ties and is politically independent.
The correct answer is: band
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
The correct answer is: divine kingship
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of
The correct answer is: Monotheism
The concept of right to issue and force a command by means of coercive
The correct answer is: authority
The belief in multiple gods or goddesses.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
According to Holmberg, it refers to learning supported by those teaching
methods in which, because of the physical separateness of learners and
teachers, the interactive, as well as the preactive phase of teaching is
conducted through print, mechanical or electronic devices.
The correct answer is: Distance Learning
According to Durkheim, a religion is a conviction or ideal that an individual
or groups accepts as real or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable
The correct answer is: False
It refers to the popular acceptance of a government, or any system of
The correct answer is: Legitimacy
The following societies follow Polytheist beliefs except for one.
The correct answer is: Islamic nations
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical
The correct answer is: theocracy
It is an institution that is within the control of the State.
The correct answer is: State institution
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human
religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Taylor
The rising literacy rate is of the global issues which are affecting the
progress of the society.
The correct answer is: False
A type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken away from
a larger organization, usually a church .
The correct answer is: Sect
According to him, the dominance of religion is part of the theological phase
of the development of society.
The correct answer is: August Comte
refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
The correct answer is: political organization
It refers to authority made legitimate by a leader whose mission and vision
inspires others.
The correct answer is: Charismatic authority
It is an institution is defined as a unified system of beliefs and practices
related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden-
beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community.
The correct answer is: religion
Formal education is classroom-based and provided by trained teachers.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to an institution that is not under the control of the government or
by the State.
The correct answer is: Non-State institution
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an
explanation of a phenomena.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to education that does not correspond to an organized and
systematic view.
The correct answer is: Informal education
The religious doctrine held by the Catholics brought about specific
economic behaviior that created early merchant capitalism.
The correct answer is: False
Legal entities which are established under state law that are designed to
generate a profit.
The correct answer is: Corporations
Latin word meaning to declare, or lawful.
The correct answer is: legitimare
He believes that religion is essential for economic development, as
observed among predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
The correct answer is: Max Weber

UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and

Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 10
According to Weber, religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices
related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden,
beliefs and practices which unite into one single morel community.
The correct answer is: false
According to Marx, abolition of religion is a part of the socialist revolution
which would pave way to communism.
The correct answer is: true
Karl Marx believes that religion is something that the elite of the society use
in order to keep a hold on the working and lower classes.
The correct answer is: true
proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
It is an institution that involves a set of beliefs and practice of a particular
social group.
The correct answer is: religion
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the
The correct answer is: true
A conviction or ideal accepted as real or true, regardless of the lack of
verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
Accodring to Durkheim, religion is essential to social cohesion and
The correct answer is: true

UCSP-111 / ►Week 14: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 10
It refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having broken
away from a larger organization, usually a church.
The correct answer is: sect
The sociologist who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: August Comte
Gives the citizens the freedom to worship without interference from the
The correct answer is: First Amendment
The belief in multiple gods or divinities.
The correct answer is: Polytheism
It refers to a conviction or ideal of an individual or groups accepts as real
or true, regardless of the lack of verifiable evidence.
The correct answer is: belief
A belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition.
The correct answer is: Animism
A form of government in which a country is ruled by ecclesiastical
The correct answer is: theocracy
An institution is defined by Durkheim as a unified system of beliefs and
practices related to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and
forbidden - beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral
The correct answer is: religion
According to him, animist thought serves as a starting point for human
religious development.
The correct answer is: Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
It refers to religious groups that seek to establish a systm for actively
believing in and engaging God.
The correct answer is: Institutionalized religion
It refers to religious belief in the existence of one god, or the oneness of
The correct answer is: Monotheism

UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and

Political Institutio... / ►Learning Activity 11
It is a health system that is beyond the scope of conventional science.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
The correct answer is: health
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being regardless of race,
religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health is an human right exclusive to those who can afford to
pay hospital bills.
The correct answer is: false
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
Also called folk illness, it is a combination of symptoms that are considered
to be a recognizable disease only within a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It is a health system that is based on science and the skills of health
workers standardized and learned from health sciences schools.
The correct answer is: Western health system

UCSP-111 / ►Week 15: Cultural, Social and Political Institutio... / ►Short

Quiz 11
The right to health is an inclusive human right.
The correct answer is: true
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of humans who are financially superior to others.
The correct answer is: false
It is defined as a number of practices which are beyond the scope of
conventional medicine.
The correct answer is: alternative health system
Culture-specific syndrome is also known as
The correct answer is: folk illness
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
Folk illnesses affect a specific ethnic group or society.
The correct answer is: true
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific society or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
It refers to healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: Traditional health system
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
The correct answer is: health
Traditional health systems often makes use of herbs.
The correct answer is: true
Neuropathy is an example of an alternative health system.
The correct answer is: true
The right to health includes the right to be free from non-consensual
medical treatment such as medical experiments or forced sterilization.
The correct answer is: true

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Learning Activity 12

This theoretical perspective examines stratification from a micro level
The correct answer is: symbolic interactionism
The division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories
determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
The proletariat are the ones that experience more hardships.
The correct answer is: true
Social stratification is not related to social standing.
The correct answer is: false
An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned
by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
The society is a hierarchy of individuals with varying access to or control
over basic economic resources.
The correct answer is: true
It refers to the upper class, who gain wealth through the profits from their
The correct answer is: bourgeois

UCSP-111 / ►Week 16: Social Stratification / ►Short Quiz 12

An extreme form of social inequality in which some individuals are owned
by others as their property.
The correct answer is: slavery system
A theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
Focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
A theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and
semi-peripheral countries in the global economy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
A system that promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher
spiritual power rather than the promotion of ofindividual freedom,
socializing people to accept their social standing.
The correct answer is: Caste system
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
The respect or admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or
other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
Theories that claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of poor
countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
A system of stratification that was associated with Feudalism.
The correct answer is: estate system
These are social mobility systems that impose rigid boundaries between
social groups and limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups or occupy different levels in the social hierarchy.
The correct answer is: closed systems
characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social
classes in a society.
The correct answer is: social inequality
A theoretical perspective that examines stratification from a micro level
The correct answer is: Symbolic Interactionism
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, increased social mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems

UCSP-111 / ►Week 17: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 4

The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank,
or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having
broken away from a larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, inc reasedsocial mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein
individuals can be owned by others as their property.
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as
the occupation or profession of an individual.
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
Functionalism is a theoretical perspective that examines how various
aspects of society contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity
or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living
beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation 143
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True

UCSP-111 / ►Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political

Changes / ►Learning Activity 13
The process of introducing new ideas, things and methods in society.
The correct answer is: innovation
Innovation leads to social changes when new ideas begin to spread
throughout a society through diffusion.
The correct answer is: true
The process in which individuals and groups learn aspects of a culture that
is not their own.
The correct answer is: acculturation
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
Defined by Robert MacIver and Charles Page as the transformations that
alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
Political change takes place when there is no significant disruption that
leads to the alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a
The correct answer is: false
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture
that is not their own.
The correct answer is: assimilation

UCSP-111 / ►Week 18: Social, Cultural, and Political Changes / ►Short

Quiz 13
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be
empowered and included in the political process.
The correct answer is: inclusive citizenship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
According to Theda Skocpol, it is a rapid and basic transformation of the
State, as well as the class structures, that are accompanies and in part
carried through by class-based revolts from below.
The correct answer is: revolution
The movement of people into a country.
The correct answer is: Immigration
Refers to the dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world
change and adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: Cultural change
Defined as the legal state of being vested with he rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It results in the change of government, but does not alter other aspects of
The correct answer is: political revolution
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of
temporary or permanent residence.
The correct answer is: migration
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to
The correct answer is: Internal migration
It results in the change of government, but does not alter other aspects of

The correct answer is: political revolution

It leads to a large scale change in the society.
The correct answer is: social revolution
Refers to the process in which individuals and groups learn aspects of a
culture that is not their own.

UCSP-111 / ►Week 19: Long Test / ►Long Quiz 5

The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their nati ve culture.
The correct answer is: assimilation
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
The theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It is the belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with
reason, intelligence, and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living
beings and govern their existences.
The correct answer is: animism
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
Are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, inc reasedsocial mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation 143
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: citizenship
Which of the following is true about slavery system?
The correct answer is: It is an extreme form of social inequality wherein
individuals can be owned by others as their property.
This term refers to a type of religious group that is distinguished by having
broken away from a larger organization.
The correct answer is: Sect
Which of the following is true about estate system?
The correct answer is: It is associated with Feudalism.
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True
Caste system is an example of
The correct answer is: closed system
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
August Comte was the one who proposed the secularization theory.
The correct answer is: True
Sex refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity
or femininity.
The correct answer is: false
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
Which of the following is true about class system?
The correct answer is: It is based on the ownership of resources as well as
the occupation or profession of an individual.
Closed mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: True
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
The respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank,
or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort
and merit.
The correct answer is: Meritocracy

UCSP-111 / ►Week 20: Second Quarter Exam / ►Second Quarter Exam

It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on
categories determined by economics.
The correct answer is: social stratification
An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are
distributed according to the value of thepurchases.s
The correct answer is: Cooperative organization
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic
transformation of the State, as well as the class structures, that are
accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from
The correct answer is: true
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the
theological phase of the development of society.
The correct answer is: false
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of
temporary or permanent residence.
The correct answer is: Migration
A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health
The correct answer is: Western health system
The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the
upper class of the society use in order to a hold on the working and lower
The correct answer is: false
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture,
often leading to the loss of their native culture.
The correct answer is: Assimilation
It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success,
achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
The correct answer is: prestige
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
The correct answer is: divine kingship
Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define
masculinity or femininity.
The correct answer is: true
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and
duties of a citizen.
The correct answer is: Citizenship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well
as the structure and organization of society and its institutions.
The correct answer is: social change
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
The correct answer is: diffusion
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and
adapt to external or internal forces.
The correct answer is: cultural change
It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society
The correct answer is: Social organization
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have
been established by indigenous people in developing nations.
The correct answer is: True
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a specific soc iety or culture.
The correct answer is: culture-specific syndrome
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic
The correct answer is: state-centered theories
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so
different that a compromise between them is impossible.
The correct answer is: social contradiction
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a
The correct answer is: Corporation
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______
The correct answer is: is a continual process that occurs throughout our
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the
The correct answer is: true
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic
systems of production and distribution in the society.
The correct answer is: true
Slavery system is an extreme form of social inequality wherein individuals
can be owned by others as their property.
The correct answer is: true
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be
empowered and included in the political process.
The correct answer is: inclusive citizenship
Refers to the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing
inequalities in income.
The correct answer is: Redistribution
It refers to the process of introducing new ideas, things, and methods in
society leading to social change.
The correct answer is: innovation
It is defined by Burgess and Lock as a group of persons united by ties of
marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting with
each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and
father, brother and sister creating a common culture.
The correct answer is: family
It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic
The correct answer is: Informal education
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which
inequalities brought about by social stratific ationlead to conflict among
social classes.
The correct answer is: conflict theory
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to
The correct answer is: true
Refers to the act of coordinating various factors of production---land, labor,
and capital.
The correct answer is: Economic organization
Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher
spiritual power rather than promoton of individual freedom.
The correct answer is: false
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?
The correct answer is: Sociologists do not recognize the significance of
families in providing their memberswith valuable resources, both economic
and noneconomic.
Refers to a transaction in which an order is placed by an insider, after filing
all appropriate documentation, to buy or sell restricted securities openly on
an exchange.
The correct answer is: open-market transaction
It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale
The correct answer is: sole proprietorship
Takes place when there is an order placed by an insider to buy or sell
restricted securities from within a the own treasury of the company.
The correct answer is: close-market transaction
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and
The correct answer is: Meritocracy
These theories claim that global poverty is caused by the exploitation of
poor countries by the wealthy ones.
The correct answer is: Dependency theories
Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
The correct answer is: false
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows
students to proceed at their own pace, according to their interests.
The correct answer is: Correspondence learning
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the
alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a state.
The correct answer is: political change
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral,
and semi-peripheral countries in the g lobaleconomy.
The correct answer is: world-systems theory
Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as
observed among predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
The correct answer is: true
Caste system is an example of a closed system.
The correct answer is: true
Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to
different social groups.
The correct answer is: false
To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an
explanation of a phenomena.
The correct answer is: True
Estate system is associated with Feudalism.
The correct answer is: true
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to
The correct answer is: Internal migration
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural
group, or territorial area.
The correct answer is: ethnicity
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for
different social classes in a society.
The correct answer is: false
The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific
economic behavior that created early merchant capitalism.
The correct answer is: true
These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement,
allowing more flexibility in social roles, increased social mobility, and better
interaction among social groups and classes.
The correct answer is: open systems
It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society
contribute to ensuring its stability and continued function.
The correct answer is: Functionalism


A type of health system that is based on science and the skills of health workers.
Western health system
Traditional health systems are healthcare beliefs and practices that have been established by
indigenous people in developing nations.
It refers to the interdependence of parts in groups within in our society today.
Social organization
The sociologist Max Weber believes that religion is something that the upper class of the society use
in order to a hold on the working and lower classes.
It refers to a combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within
a specific soc iety or culture.
culture-specific syndrome
According to August Comte, the dominance of religion is not a part of the theological phase of the
development of society.
The idea in which the king was the divine representative of a god on earth.
It refers to the division of large social groups into smaller groups based on categories determined by
social stratification
A theoretical perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx, in which inequalities brought about by
social stratific ation lead to conflict among social classes.
conflict theory
It is the feeling of affinity or loyalty towards a particular population, cultural group, or territorial area.
The religious doctrine held by the Calvinists brought about specific economic behavior that created
early merchant capitalism.
Theories that focus on the role of governments in fostering economic development.
state-centered theories
Defined as the legal state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about family?
Sociologists do not recognize the significance of families in providing their memberswith
valuable resources, both economic and noneconomic.
Caste system is an example of a closed system.
Class system promotes belief in fate, destiny, and the will of a higher spiritual power rather than
promoton of individual freedom.
Refers to the act of coordinating various factors of production---land, labor, and capital.
Economic Organization
Social conflict is characterized by unequal opportunities and rewards for different social classes in a
It takes place when there is a significant disruption that leads to the alteration in the way power and
authority are exercised in a state.
Political change
It is a theoretical perspective that examines how various aspects of society contribute to ensuring its
stability and continued function.
It refers to the stratification system that is determined by personal effort and merit.
Banks primarily create profit by lending a portion of the deposited money to corporations.
The church of a particular religion may be supported by the majority of the society.
An organization similar with Joint Stock Company, except that its profits are distributed according to
the value of the purchases.s
Cooperative Organization
Accodring to Marx, religion is essential to social cohesion and solidarity.
A planned, systematized and individualized learning system that allows students to proceed at their
own pace, according to their interests.
Correspondence learning
A view believing that marginalized groups and individuals should be empowered and included in the
political process.
inclusive citizenship
A process that takes place when two social groups or classes are so different that a compromise
between them is im possible.
social contradiction
Revolution, according to Theda Skocpol, is a rapid and basic transformation of the State, as well as
the class structures, that are accompanies and in part carried through by class-based revolts from
The movement of people from one place to another for the purposes of temporary or permanent
These are systems of social stratification that are based on achievement, allowing more flexibility in
social roles, inc reased social mobility, and better interaction among social groups and classes.
open systems
It refers to the respect and admiration that comes from success, achievement, rank, or other
favorable attributes
Gender refers to the culturally-imposed characteristics which define masculinity or femininity.
The process in which the individual or group fully adopts another culture, often leading to the loss of
their native culture.
The spread of certain elements from one group to another in society.
Refers to the theory, policy, or practice of lessening or reducing inequalities in income.
Movement of people wihtin their country, such as moving from one city to another
Internal migration
Takes place when there is an order placed by an insider to buy or sell restricted securities from
within a the own treasury of the company.
Close-Market Transactions

To most thinkers, Animism is not a form of religion, but rather an explanation of a phenomena
The dynamic process in which the living cultures of the world change and adapt to external or
internal forces.
cultural change
Estate system is associated with Feudalism.
Max Weber believes that religion is essential for economic development, as observed among
predominantly Protestant Christian societies.
Open mobility systems limit interactions among members who belong to different social groups.
It is the oldest form of business organization. Examples are small-scale businesses.
Sole Proprietorship
It refers to transformations that alter the roles and status of people as well as the structure and
organization of society and its institutions.
social change
It is a theory that focuses on the relationship among the core, peripheral, and semi-peripheral
countries in the g lobal economy.
world-systems theory
A legal entity established under the state law and is designed to generate a profit.
It is education that does not correspond to an organized and systematic view.
Informal education
Cooperatives and Trade Unions are directly involved with economic systems of production and
distribution in the society.
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the moral development _______
is a continual process that occurs throughout our lifespan.

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