Cortes Et Al 2006 Struc Tecto Central Eastern Colomb
Cortes Et Al 2006 Struc Tecto Central Eastern Colomb
Cortes Et Al 2006 Struc Tecto Central Eastern Colomb
Laboratoire de Tectonique, Université P and M. Curie Case 129, T56-E2, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Institut Français du Pétrole, 1 et 4 Avenue de Bois-Préau 92852, Rueil-Malmaison, Cedex, France
In the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, a new structural model constrained by field data, paleontologic determinations, and interpre-
tations of seismic reflection profiles is proposed. The model implies 70 km of shortening, including reactivation of basement structures as
inverse faults in both flanks of the chain. These faults propagated within the lower Cretaceous strata, inducing passively rooted and
transported thrust sheets as the successive basement faults were reactivated. Two structural styles are identified in the western flank:
(1) positive flower structures in a transpressive regime, which affected rocks older than upper Paleocene and were unconformably covered
by post–late Paleocene sediments, and (2) compressive structures during the late Miocene–Recent Andean phase. Presently, WNW-ESE
compression reactivates Late Paleocene structures, which locally affect Andean trends. In the western margin of the Eastern Cordillera,
the Cambao thrust takes up most displacement, whereas the Bituima fault takes only a minor part. To the south, this relationship revers-
es, suggesting complementary behavior by the Bituima and Cambao faults, as well as a transfer zone. This suggestion explains the south-
ward termination of the Guaduas syncline as a structure related to the Cambao fault, whereas the Bituima fault increases its displacement
southward, generating the Girardot foldbelt that takes over the structural position of the Guaduas syncline.
En la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia, se propone un nuevo modelo estructural basado en datos de campo, dataciones paleontológicas e
interpretación de lı́neas sı́smicas. El modelo implica 70 km de acortamiento, incluyendo estructuras del basamento reactivadas como fallas
inversas en ambos flancos de la cadena. Estas fallas se propagaron dentro de la secuencia del Cretácico Inferior, induciendo escamas de
cabalgamiento que fueron pasivamente rotadas y transportadas cuando se reactivaban las fallas de basamento. En el flanco occidental
de la Cordillera Oriental se identificaron dos estilos estructurales: (1) estructuras transpresivas en flor positiva afectaron rocas anteriores
al Paleoceno Superior y están cubiertas por sedimentos posteriores, y (2) estructuras compresivas de la fase Andina del Mioceno al Reciente.
El régimen actual en compresión WNW-ESE reactivó las estructuras Paleocenas, las cuales cortan las estructuras de la fase Andina. En la
margen oeste de la Cordillera Oriental, la falla de Cambao acomoda la mayor parte del desplazamiento mientras que la falla de Bituima solo
una parte menor. Hacia el sur esta relación se invierte, sugiriendo la presencia de una zona de transferencia. Esto explica porque el Sinclinal
de Guaduas desaparece al sur, ya que es una estructura asociada a la falla de Cambao, mientras que la falla de Bituima aumenta su desp-
lazamiento, generando el Cinturón plegado de Girardot, que toma la posición estructural del Sinclinal de Guaduas.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Present address: Corporación Geológica Ares,
Bogotá, Colombia. Fax: +571 3101736.
E-mail address: (M. Cortés).
0895-9811/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
2 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 1. Major tectonic and structural features around the northern Andes. PCB, Panama-Choco block; CC, Central Cordillera; WC, Western Cordillera;
EC, Eastern Cordillera; RF, Romeral fault; BR, Baudo range; SN, Santa Marta range; PR, Perija range; SM, Santander, MA, Merida Andes; BF, Boconó
fault; GF, Guaicaramo fault; SMF, Santa Maria fault; AG, Algeciras fault; MR, Macarena range. Plate velocity vectors in mm/yr with respect to South
America after Trenkamp et al. (2002).
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 3
Fig. 2. Study area in the central segment of the EC of Colombia. Modified after Cediel and Cáceres (1988), Raasveldt (1956), and Raasveldt and Carvajal
(1957). GS, Guaduas syncline; SB, Sabana de Bogota; GFB, Giradot foldbelt.
beneath the NW border of South America during the Late phase attained 2b for the Late Cretaceous (Hébrard, 1985;
Paleozoic–Early Cretaceous was accompanied by large, Fabre, 1987; Sarmiento, 2001) and allowed deposition of a
granite-type intrusions in the modern Central Cordillera, 6 km thick shallow marine sequence in the EC basin (Coo-
Magdalena Valley, and EC (Resprepo-Pace, 1995). During per et al., 1995; Sarmiento, 2001).
the Early Cretaceous, a backarc tectonic setting dominated During the Maastrichtian–Early Paleocene, a new tec-
the area of the EC, accounting for crustal thinning of tonic pulse related to accretion of oceanic terranes of the
approximately 1.3b and subcrustal thinning of 2b, mainly Western Cordillera along the Romeral fault system (Barre-
related to tectonic subsidence (Hébrard, 1985; Fabre, ro, 1979). As a consequence, uplifting in the Central Cor-
1987; Sarmiento, 2001). This phase of extension probably dillera (Gomez et al., 2003) and generation of positive
was enhanced by the opening of the Atlantic and Paleo- flower structures in the Magdalena Valley occurred, due
Caribbean oceans during the Early Cretaceous (Pindell to the reactivation of basement structures in a transpressive
and Dewey, 1982; Pindell, 1985; Jaillard et al., 1990). A setting (Montes, 2001; Cortés, 2004). This phase induced a
first period of accretion occurred in the Early Aptian when change in the settings and basin mechanisms of the EC,
the Amaime terrain was accreted, inducing deformation in which became mainly of continental affinity and related
the area of the Central Cordillera (Alvarez, 1983). This tec- to the flexural response of the lithosphere, as well as rem-
tonic pulse preceded a period of thermal subsidence in the nant thermal subsidence (Sarmiento, 2001). From the Early
EC during the Late Cretaceous and was concomitant with Eocene to the present, a change in the regional tectonic set-
continuous subduction of the Farallon plate in the western ting of the South Caribbean region also occurred, related
margin of Colombia. The total crustal stretching after this to a shifting from relative divergence to convergence
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
4 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
between the Americas, which induced a compressive regime mechanisms of the chain in terms of the geodynamics of
in the EC (Cortés et al., 2005). This new tectonic regime the northern Andes. As a result, two kinds of models have
allowed inversion of ancient basement faults in both flanks been proposed to explain the present-day structure and
of the EC during the Andean tectonic phase, producing geodynamic setting of the EC. Colletta et al. (1990) suggest
most of the present-day relief of the northern Andes (Col- a continental subduction below the axial zone of the EC to
letta et al., 1990; Cooper et al., 1995). The Late Miocene explain the double vergence of the chain. According to this
collision of the Panama arch in western Colombia has been model, the bending of the continental slab below the axial
correlated with the main Andean tectonic phase (Duque- zone of the EC produced a mechanical anisotropy that
Caro, 1990; Taboada et al., 2000). induced a double-verging system (Fig. 3A). Significant
We present a structural model of the western flank of the changes in the stratigraphic thickness of the Lower Creta-
EC based on field data, paleontologic determinations, and ceous units around most of the major faults of the EC
subsurface data. In addition, we propose a regional bal- prompt Colletta et al. (1990) to propose a model of inver-
anced cross-section of the central segment of the EC. Final- sion of ancient normal faults. This balanced cross-section
ly, we discuss some implications of this model for the deep implies a tectonic shortening of 105 km. The inversion
structure of the EC and the present geodynamic architec- model also has been adopted by Sarmiento (2001) and
ture of the northern Andes. Cooper et al. (1995) and modified by Taboada et al.
(2000), who calculated 120 km of shortening in the same
1.3. Structure of the EC section. In addition, Sarmiento (2001), in constructing a
palinpastic model of the EC, notes a general southward
Early works pertaining to the regional structure of the decrease in the amount of regional shortening.
EC consider the chain a relatively simple, double-verging In contrast, Dengo and Covey (1993) propose that the
belt bounded at both flanks by high-angle, thick-skinned EC is essentially an east-verging structure formed during
inverse faults (Campbell, 1965; Campbell and Bürgl, two main tectonic phases. The first tectonic phase induced
1965; Julivert, 1970; Irving, 1975). Later geological models a thin-skinned style that created large, east-verging thrust
of the EC were constrained by new geological information faults, detached into Lower and Upper Cretaceous and
and the construction of regional balanced cross-sections, Paleogene sequences. In this model, the low-angle faults
which enabled models that accounted for deep structural are rooted in the Central Cordillera and in the western sub-
Fig. 3. Two geodynamic models accounting for structural mechanisms of the EC (A) Colletta et al. (1990), intracontinental subduction beneath the axial
zone of the EC. (B) Dengo and Covey (1993), mid-crustal, low-angle detachment rooted in the western subduction complex of Colombia.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 5
duction zone through a mid-crustal detachment that decap- superimposed on the previous low-angle faults, led to
itated Jurassic graben structures (Fig. 3B). A second tec- new, thick-skinned inverse faults that produced the pres-
tonic pulse during the late Miocene Andean phase, ent-day structural relief of the EC. As a result, Dengo
Fig. 4. Generalized stratigraphic scheme of the central segment of the EC (see Fig. 2 for location).
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
6 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 6. Examples of small-scale structures that allow reconstruction of paleostress regimes in EC.
and Covey (1993) calculate 140 km of shortening in the Jones (1995) proposes that the thrust faults in the western
northern segment of the EC (Fig. 3b). Their geodynamic flank of the EC are rooted in a major, listric, normal fault
model, which includes a mid-crustal detachment linked to located in the eastern flank.
the western subduction zone of Colombia, has been adopt- However, in the northern and central segments of the
ed by Cooper et al. (1995), who find 68 km of shortening EC, there is no evidence of major shear zones or normal
for the northern segment of the EC. Roeder and Chamber- faults. In addition, evidence from present-day fault kine-
lain (1995) propose a structural style of low-angle basement matics (Taboada et al., 2000; Cortés et al., 2005), seismicity
faults with dominant east-verging tectonic transport, distributions, and present-day kinematics derived from
implying 190 km of tectonic shortening. The crustal struc- focal mechanism of earthquakes (Corredor, 2003; Dimate
ture of the EC in this model is constrained according to the et al., 2003; Cortés and Angelier, 2005) suggest compressive
Moho root. behavior by the major faults bounding the EC, though
Alternative models also have been proposed to explain some degree of stress partitioning prior to the main
the kinematics of the EC. Some postulate a transpressive Andean phase has been observed (Taboada et al., 2000;
origin of the chain, suggesting that the geometry of the Sarmiento, 2001; Branquet et al., 2002; Cortés, 2004).
EC resembles that of a positive flower structure, related This study focuses on two regions of the EC: the Sabana
to a major central shear zone (Montes, 2001), or is bound de Bogotá, in the axial segment of the chain, and the Gua-
by major transpressive systems in both flanks, generating duas syncline and the Girardot fold belt in the western
en echelon–type structures (Kammer, 1999). In contrast, flank (Fig. 2). In these areas, geological field mapping
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 7. Geologic map of Guaduas syncline and Sabana de Bogotá region. SRF, San Juan de Rio Seco fault.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
8 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 8. (Left) Radar image with location of seismic lines used herein and regions of detailed field mapping: I, Guaduas syncline; II, Sabana de Bogota.
(Right) Interpretation of main structural features of the central segment of EC. SB, Sabana de Bogotá; GS, Guaduas syncline; IF, Ibagué fault; HF,
Honda fault; CF, Cambao fault; BF, Bituima fault; FS, Fusagasugá syncline.
kinematic indicators, particularly the inversion of fault- this region of Sabana de Bogota, Cortés (2004) and Montes
striated plains, indicate small-scale structures related to a et al. (1994) present field evidence suggesting relationships
pre-Eocene, WSW-ENE to E-W compression and post- between salt domic structures and the set of NW-SE
Middle Eocene to present-day, NW-SE to WNW-ESE wrench faults.
compression (Cortés et al., 2005). Such structures were In these models, the diapiric process seems triggered by
measured in rock formations ranging in age from Early lateral transtensional displacements associated with the set
Cretaceous to Miocene (Fig. 6). of faults. In addition, Ujueta (1993a,b,c), through remote-
The geologic map (Fig. 7) shows the most relevant struc- sensing analyses, suggests these lineaments and faults are
tures for the western flank of the EC and suggests two main pervasive along most of the EC and Merida Andes.
structural trends. The Guaduas syncline and major west- Finally, such faults (NW-SE) seem to have controlled
verging thrust faults (i.e., Bituima, Cambao, and Honda) the southern extent of Early Cretaceous sediments in the
show roughly a NNE-SSW trend. southern extreme of the study area, as noted by Fabre
In contrast, a SW-NE trend appears in structures of the (1987) and Sarmiento (2001). Similar cases of deflection
Girardot fold belt and Sabana de Bogotá, which is also the of structural trends and plunging fold axes have been asso-
structural grain of the Ibague fault and other similar faults ciated with the presence of major lateral ramps (Macedo
affecting the axis of the Guaduas syncline locally (i.e., San and Marshak, 1999; Wilkerson et al., 2002). These structur-
Juan de Rio Seco, Fig. 7). The Ibague fault disappears al and stratigraphic relationships suggest that the NW-SE–
below the Cambao thrust in the area where the Guaduas trending faults may have been basement-inherited struc-
syncline deflects its trend to a NE-SW direction and disap- tures, possibly transfer faults, that behaved as traverse-
pears (Fig. 7). lateral ramps during the Andean orogeny (Fig. 8). Addi-
In this same region, the Girardot fold belt takes the tional fieldwork and geophysical evidence in conjunction
place of the Guaduas syncline, which suggests that the Iba- with structural modeling are necessary to support this idea.
gue fault acted as a barrier that locally separates two struc-
tural domains with remarkable differences in their trends 2.2. Structural cross-sections
and folding styles.
In Sabana de Bogota, a set of faults trending NW-SE is In Fig. 8, we present the positions of seismic reflection
identified, most corresponding to left-lateral strike-slip profiles used in the structural interpretation. In addition,
faults. Locally, some folds deflect and show plunging axes we use surface structural, stratigraphic, and paleontologic
around the NW-SE left-lateral faults (Figs. 7 and 8). For data from our geologic map and those in the literature
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 9
Fig. 9. Geologic map of the central segment of EC (modified after Cediel and Cáceres, 1988; Raasveldt, 1956; Raasveldt and Carvajal, 1957) and location
of local and regional balanced cross-sections (see Fig. 2 for location). Other geologic maps used in this study: 1. Ulloa and Acosta (1978); 2. Ulloa et al.
(1993); 3. McLaughlin and Arce (1975); 4. Renzoni (1965); 5. Ulloa et al. (1975); 6. Segovia and Renzoni (1999). Other structural cross-sections: (C)
Casero et al. (1997); (D) Rowan and Linares (2000).
(Fig. 7). This database supports the construction of eight Cretaceous succession (Restrepo, 1989). In addition, in
partial and one complete balanced cross-section in the cen- the Medina anticline region (Fig. 9), the presence of
tral segment of the EC (Fig. 9). sheared evaporite beds interbedded with Early Cretaceous
shales (Branquet et al., 2002) seems to confirm that region-
2.2.1. Sabana de Bogotá ally, the base of the Cretaceous behaved as a major
The structural interpretation of the eastern margin of detachment.
the Sabana de Bogotá is constrained with seismic line 1 In seismic line 1 (Fig. 10), the base of the Cretaceous and
and structural data from geologic maps 2 and 3 (Fig. 9). even the Jurassic fits the position of a opaque level, located
From a regional point of view, the structure of Sabana at approximately 3–3.5 s (TWT), well, which we consider
de Bogota is characterized by large symmetric synclines, induced by the low acoustic impedance of the salt-rich stra-
ranging in amplitude 15–25 km and associated with tighter ta. The balanced cross-section based on this seismic line
overturned anticlines. Locally, the folds show plunging axi- shows a local shortening of 8 km. To balance the sedimen-
al surfaces, which deflect its trend around NW-SE traverse tary cover shortening and basement strain, in this section,
faults. Previous works considering structural models of the major thrust faults merge in depth with basement faults
folds in Sabana de Bogotá have been carried out by Julivert (Fig. 11).
(1963), McLaughlin and Arce (1975), Camargo (1995), and The structural cross-section of the western margin of
Ortiz (1996). In these studies, the presence of evaporate- Sabana de Bogotá was constrained by seismic line 2, struc-
bearing beds seems to determine the position of major tural and stratigraphic data from well Chitasuga-1 (Fig. 8),
decollements within the lower Cretaceous strata (Kicaf and data from geologic map 2 (Fig. 9). This structure seems
and Kich, Fig. 4). In this same area, salt domic structures quite simple, with a SE-verging hangingwall anticline
seem associated with NW-SE lateral ramps (Montes involving the Lower Cretaceous units (Kicaf) and second-
et al., 1994; Cortés, 2004). Dating of parental rock xeno- ary SE-verging thrust faults detached into the Upper Cre-
liths involved in the salt body reveals an Early Cretaceous taceous shales (Ksch) (Fig. 12).
age of the evaporite beds (Briceño et al., 1990). However, in The balanced cross-section constructed with the seismic
the Quetame massif area (Fig. 9), detailed field data suggest line in Fig. 12 suggests at least 8.5 km of shortening related
the presence of a major detachment along the base of the to NW-verging structures (Fig. 13). This cross-section is at
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
10 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 10. Seismic line 1 and interpretation. Note seismic opaque reflector at 3–3.5 s (TWT), matching the position of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous salt-rich
strata, a potential decollement (see Figs. 8 and 9 for location; same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6).
the western boundary of Sabana de Bogota, near the thrust pervasive as mechanisms that accommodate internal strain
front of La Vega (Figs. 7 and 9). La Vega thrust front is a near the main detachments (Fig. 14).
complex of predominantly west-verging thrust belts, In this section, both the slaty cleavage and fabric dia-
detached within the Lower Cretaceous strata. Around this grams of small-scale folds reveal a NW direction of tecton-
area, a marked change in facies and thickness of the Lower ic transport and structural vergence, which confirms the
Cretaceous units occurs. In effect, west of the Subachoque tectonic origin of small-scale folding (Fig. 15). The bal-
syncline, the Lower Cretaceous sequences are similar to anced cross-section was accomplished by area-balance
units of the Apulo and Guaduas syncline areas (Fig. 9). methods, assuming 0.9 km of constant thickness of the bas-
In contrast, west of the Subachoque syncline, the Lower al unit (Kin). This section implies a minimum tectonic
Cretaceous sequences are thicker and could be described shortening of 17 km (30%). However, previous works show
as typical sequences of Sabana de Bogota (Fig. 4). This that slaty cleavage and associated layer parallel shortening
sharp stratigraphic and structural boundary could be probably imply an additional 15% of shortening in the
explained by the presence of a normal fault that induced plane of the section (Hossack, 1979).
facies changes during the Early Cretaceous (see Section Field data and age assignments of fossils (Appendix A)
1.2). If so, the Subachoque syncline resulted from tectonic reveal the presence of three main detachments, labeled 1–3
inversion of the normal fault. This kind of structure and its in Fig. 15. These detachments, deeper westward, are locat-
subsequent inversion has been observed in the northern ed on the upper segment of the Berramian Trincheras For-
segment of the EC (Julivert, 1970; Colletta et al., 1990). mation (Kit) and on top and at the base of the Naveta
Formation (Kin, see also Figs. 4, 5).
2.2.2. La Vega thrust front and Villeta anticline At the northern tip of the Villeta anticline, cross-section
West of Sabana de Bogota is La Vega thrust front IV (Fig. 9) confirms the presence of three regional detach-
(Fig. 9), an area structurally characterized by the presence ments. Fault N 1 (Fig. 16) is located along the base of the
of imbricated, west-verging thrust sheets involving the Naveta Formation in the Villeta anticline. The presence of
Lower Cretaceous strata. Given the facial similarities of penetrative folding and slaty cleavage confirms the pres-
units in this area, mostly composed of monotonous, sili- ence of a major detachment at this level. Farther west,
ceous, black shales, and its structural complexity, the col- the fault takes up the base of the Trincheras Formation
lection and age assignments of ammonites identify and outcrops as a set of imbricated, west-verging thrust
tectonic repetitions (Figs. 5and 15). In this section, meso- sheets in Villeta. Locally, this fault also involves the base
scopic-scale disharmonic folding and slaty cleavage are of the Aptian (Kiv). In this model, the Bituima (fault 2.2,
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 11
Fig. 11. Balanced cross-section I, based on seismic line 1 of Fig. 10. Eastern segment of the Sabana de Bogota (see Fig. 9 for location). Same stratigraphic
units as in Figs. 4–6.
Fig. 16) and Cambao (fault 2.1, Fig. 16) faults merge at tion of the Guaduas syncline as the Girardot fold belt occu-
depth. To balance sedimentary cover shortening and pies its structural position (Fig. 9).
basement strain, the major faults were rooted in In this area, coarse-grained strata of Upper Cretaceous
basement-involved structures (fault 2, Fig. 16). age (Cimarrona Formation, Fig. 4) and growing strata in
The structural geometry in the area suggests that early the Cenozoic sequences account for the syntectonic nature
thrust sheets were passively folded and transported as of the Guaduas syncline as a piggy-back basin (Cortés,
new basement structures were reactivated in a breaking- 2004). This basin was active from Maastrichtian to Paleo-
forward sequence. Such structures, including reactivation cene times, when early uplifting of the Central Cordillera
of basement-inherited faults that folded and passively began, and continued its eastward displacement during
transported the prior thin-skinned structures, have been the Cenozoic (Gomez et al., 2003). Fission-track data and
observed in other folded chains, such as the Apennines, facies changes suggest that this early tectonic pulse also
Alps, and Pyrenees (Roure et al., 1990). This model also activated the western flank of the EC (Gomez and Pedraza,
explains the occurrence of thick-skinned structures offset- 1994; Gomez et al., 2003).
ting previous thin-skin structures, as observed by Dengo In the western thrust front of the EC, the Guaduas syn-
and Covey (1993) in the northern segment of the EC. cline is transported along the hangingwall block of the
west-verging Cambao fault (Figs. 7 and 9). This structure
2.2.3. Guaduas syncline and Girardot fold belt preserves most of the Cenozoic strata, reaching locally a
In the region of the Guaduas syncline and Girardot fold thickness of more than 3 km of syntectonic sediments
belt, four balanced cross-sections can be constructed (Figs. (Fig. 17). In the hangingwall block of the Cambao fault,
8 and 9, sections IV–VIII). These sections clarify the lateral the Guaduas syncline involves upper Cretaceous units,
variations of the major faults of the western thrust front of which in the axial segment of the syncline reach a hanging-
the EC, enabling an explanation of the southward termina- wall flat at the base of the Aptian beds. In contrast, in the
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
12 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 12. Seismic line 2 (see Fig. 8 for location) and interpretation of the western margin of the Sabana de Bogota. Labels correspond to same stratigraphic
units as in Figs. 4–6.
western flank, the Upper Cretaceous units are involved in a Also in the eastern flank, the Bituima fault places Lower
hangingwall ramp and, farther west, a hangingwall flat at Cretaceous strata on Upper Cretaceous units (Figs. 17A
the base of the upper Cretaceous (Umir shale, Fig. 4). In and B). This fault branches, and its westernmost segment
the northern segment, the Cambao fault outcrops as a set merges at depth with the Cambao thrust in the axial zone
of west-verging thrust faults, whereas in the southern seg- of the Guaduas syncline. As a consequence, the Bituima
ment, it is a single fault. Therefore, the amount of shorten- fault partially translates displacement on the Cambao
ing in the Cambao fault tends to decrease southward. thrust front along a hangingwall flat located at the base
In contrast, in the eastern flank of the Guaduas syn- of the Aptian (Hilo Formation fault 2’, Fig. 18a). In addi-
cline, the structural relief of the hangingwall block of tion, a branch of the Bituima fault outcrops as a west-verg-
the Cambao fault, which exceeds 4 km, suggests that the ing thrust, whereas a minor part of the displacement is
fault involves the whole Cretaceous sequence and the translated on the El Trigo fault (Figs. 17A and B).
basement. The lowermost Cretaceous unit (Kin, Fig. 4) Farther west, Cambao leading translates some of its dis-
crops out east of the Guaduas syncline in the Apulo anti- placement on the foreland basin throughout the Honda
cline (Fig. 7). fault, which merges with the Cambao thrust at the axial
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 13
Fig. 13. Balanced cross-section II, constrained with seismic line 2 (Fig. 8) and surface data from geologic map 2 (Fig. 9). Inverted normal fault beneath
Subachoque syncline accounts for facies changes in the Lower Cretaceous and contrasting structural styles on each side of the syncline. Same stratigraphic
units as in Figs. 4–6.
zone of the Guaduas syncline at approximately 2.5 s (twt) as normal faults that controlled the western extent for
(Fig. 17A). According to data from wells Chiripa-1, Men- the lower Cretaceous sedimentation.
dez-1, and Beltran-1, this fault in its eastern extreme places In almost all seismic profiles, a set of positive flower struc-
a hangingwall flat on a footwall flat along the basal Upper tures locally offset the thrust faults. Some of these faults crop
Eocene unit (Hoyón Formation, Figs. 17A and 18a). In out, as is the case of the San Juan de Rio Seco fault (Fig. 7), a
contrast, in its western extreme, the Honda fault crosses WSW-ENE–trending, right-lateral wrench fault (Ibague-
up-section through a hangingwall ramp and outcrops. type) that offsets by more than 1 km the axis of the Guaduas
The northernmost section of the Guaduas syncline is syncline (Figs. 7 and 17b). This offset suggests that reactiva-
constrained with seismic lines 3 and 4 (Fig. 8) and sub- tion of the SW-NE basement-involved structures, as right-
surface data from wells Chiripa-1, Mendez-1, and Madri- lateral wrench faults, is the latest tectonic event.
gal-1 (Fig. 17a-A). In this area, the Chiripa-1 and In the southernmost section, seismic line 9 (Fig. 17B-D)
Mendez-1 wells drilled Miocene–Oligocene strata in the shows the area where the Ibague fault joins the western flank
hangingwall block of the Honda fault and the Oligo- of the Guaduas syncline and Cambao thrust. The Ibagué
cene–Paleocene sequence in the footwall. The metamor- fault appears associated with an anticline structure uncon-
phic basement occurs at approximately 3000 m. South formably buried below the late Paleocene sediments of the
of this section, the Beltran-1 well shows roughly the Hoyón Formation. In the axial zone of the anticline, some
same sequences but with a thin sequence of Upper Cre- subvertical faults delineate a positive flower structure. In this
taceous strata overlying the basement as well. This addi- area, Cortés et al. (2005) and Montes (2001) find field evi-
tion shows a general southward and eastward increasing dence of a WSW-ENE to E-W direction of compression dur-
thickness of the Upper Cretaceous strata overlying the ing the Coniacian–Early Paleocene. Such a state of stress,
basement. However, the Cretaceous thickness changes oblique with respect to SW-NE–trending faults, would allow
from less than 200 m in the Beltran-1 well to a sequence the reactivation of this type of fault as right-lateral wrench
of more that 3000 m in the hangingwall block of the faults, as supported by field data. This possibility argues in
Cambao fault in a horizontal distance of less than favor of pre-Late-Paleocene (or pre-Andean) activity of the
30 km (calculated in the balanced section). Thus, the Ibague fault as a wrench fault and suggests a minor, recent
frontal ramps of the Cambao and Bituima faults behaved reactivation of this structure as a right-lateral shear.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
14 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 14. Small-scale structures accommodating internal strain in the lower Cretaceous sequence of the western flank of the EC (La Vega thrust front). Stop
425, Small-scale thrust fault locally repeating turbidite sandstone with flexural flow fold as a mechanism of folding in the footwall. Stop 427, NW-verging
disharmonic kink fold associated with small-scale thrust fault. Stop 426, Small-scale fault-propagation fold with overturned frontal limb. Stop 423,
Mesoscopic-scale box fold with internal disharmonic folds in turbidite sandstone of lower Cretaceous age. Stop 431, Penetrative slate cleavage in
Barremian shales.
Additional evidence of Paleocene activity appears in imately 3.5–4 s (twt). In the western flank, the Paleocene
seismic line 3 (Fig. 17A), which shows a positive structure strata onlaps, suggesting pre- and syn-Early Paleocene
below the eastern flank of the Guaduas syncline at approx- development of structural relief.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 15
Fig. 15. Balanced cross-section III. La Vega thrust front, western flank of EC (see Fig. 9 for location; see the Appendix A for details about fossils
constraining age and location of thrust sheets 1). Same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
2.3. Balanced cross-sections of Guaduas syncline and shortening (approximately 20 km total shortening on aver-
Girardot fold belt age) for sections VI and VIII.
To constrain the behavior of each fault in the western
The analyses of seismic profiles (Figs. 17A and B), well thrust front of the EC better, we calculate for each fault
data, and field mapping imply four balanced cross-sections on the balanced cross-sections the amount of displacement,
(sections V–VIII) of the western margin of the EC (Figs. as well as the total displacement for the ensemble of faults,
18a and b). In this area, there are basically two kinds of presented as vectors (Fig. 19). In the northern segment of
faults. The first (Ibagué-type) are traverse faults that trend the Guaduas syncline, the largest displacement is accom-
SW-NE and are oblique with respect to the plane of the modated on the Cambao fault, which shows approximately
structural sections. These faults (e.g., fault 1 in Fig. 18) 12 km of shortening. In contrast, the Bituima fault trans-
are associated with pre-Late Paleocene positive structures lates to only 4 km of displacement on the Cambao thrust
in the footwall block of the Cambao fault. front through the deep branch and less than 2 km on the
The amount of shortening in the transverse faults was outcropping branch. To the south, this relationship is
considered in the total displacement vector. The amount inverse, and the Cambao fault decreases its displacement
of displacement out of the plane of the section on the obli- as the Bituima fault increases. This decreasing displace-
que faults of sections V and VII was neglected because of ment on the Cambao fault is particularly marked between
the small amount of lateral displacement (<0.5 km on aver- section VI and VII (Fig. 19). In the southernmost section,
age). However, on the San Juan de Rio Seco and Ibague the Bituima fault translates to more that 9 km on the Cam-
faults (sections VI and VIII, respectively), the amount of abao thrust front and began to translate part of its dis-
lateral displacement was on the order of 1 km, which would placement to the Girardot fold belt (Fig. 18b, section VII).
imply a maximum displacement of 0.7 km out of the plane The Bituima fault translates a larger amount of displace-
of the section (1 km · COS 45). This result suggests an ment between sections VI and VII, compensating for the
average maximum error of 3.5% in the estimated total abrupt loss of displacement on the Cambao fault in this
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
16 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 16. Structural cross-section IV; northern extreme of the Villeta anticline, western flank of EC (see Fig. 9 for location). Same stratigraphic units as in
Figs. 4–6.
area. This action allows the total displacement vector to Bogota. Immediately to the east and west of Sabana de
behave homogeneously, with a constant tendency to Bogotá, two strips of west- and east-verging imbricated
decrease southward (Fig. 19). This compensatory behavior thrust faults, respectively, are associated with major
suggests that the Bituima and Cambao faults merge in a decollement surfaces on the Lower Cretaceous strata. In
sole thrust. In addition, the southward tendency of the both flanks of the chain, associated with major thrust
Cambao thrust to disappear as the Bituima fault becomes faults, large synclinal structures preserve and transport
predominant can be explained with a model of transfer Cenozoic syntectonic strata. These major faults are the
zone (Dahlstrom, 1969). This model also explains the Cambao and Bituima in the western flank and the Lengupa
southward termination of the Guaduas syncline as a struc- and Aguaclara in the eastern flank (Fig. 9).
ture associated with the Cambao fault, while the Girardot In the eastern flank of the EC, the Medina anticline is a
fold belt takes its place as a structure associated with the hangingwall ramp anticline (Casero et al., 1997; Rowan
Bituima fault (Fig. 20). and Linares, 2000; Branquet et al., 2002). The ramp seems
to fit a large pre-Cretaceous normal fault, which acted as
3. Regional structure of the EC the eastern boundary for Early Cretaceous sediments.
The entire sequence is detached in the lower Cretaceous
To estimate the regional shortening of the EC, we use shales. Immediately to the west of the Medina anticline,
local balanced cross-sections I–V, as presented in the previ- the Nazareth syncline shows a western flank overturned
ous sections, and we project these profiles in a regional and affected by an east-verging fault (Fig. 9)—the Lengupa
cross-section through the entire EC (Fig. 9, AB). Because fault, perhaps the most important fault of the EC in its cen-
our field data and local sections are mainly for the western tral segment. This fault has exhumed metamorphic and
flank of the EC and Sabana de Bogotá, we use structural crystalline basement in the area of the Quetame Massif
data and cross-sections of the eastern flank of the EC from (Fig. 9).
the literature (Fig. 9). The regional balanced cross-section of the EC was
According to geologic maps (Fig. 9), the EC is a sym- restored at the top of the Maastrichtian (Guadalupe and
metrical structure whose center is occupied by Sabana de Cimarrona formations) as a reference line (Fig. 4). The
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 17
Fig. 17. Seismic lines of the western thrust belt of the EC. (A) Seismic lines 3 and 4 of structural cross-section V. (B) Seismic lines 5 and 6 of balanced
cross-section VI (see Figs. 8 and 9 for location). (C) Seismic lines 7 and 8 used in structural cross-section VII. (D) Seismic lines 9 and 10 used in balanced
cross section VIII (see Figs. 8 and 9 for location). Labels correspond to same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
total regional shortening is estimated at 70 km, 40 km on ment at 14 km below the basement top. In our case,
the west-verging structures and 30 km on the east-verging according to the regional restored sections of Fig. 21, the
ones (Fig. 21). regional structural relief is approximately 1040 km2. In
To estimate the depth of the basal decollement associat- conjunction with a regional tectonic shortening of 70 km,
ed with the EC, we apply the depth-to-detachment method this location implies a basal detachment located 15 km
(Hossack, 1979), previously used by Colletta et al. (1990) in below the top of the basement or 23 km below the top of
the northern segment of the EC to estimate a basal decolle- the sedimentary cover in the axial zone of the EC
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
18 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
(Fig. 22). The limit between the lower and the upper crust in the axial zone of the EC (Hébrard, 1985; Fabre, 1987;
thus may have behaved as a surface with appropriate rhe- Sarmiento, 2001), which fits the position of the restored
ological contras to allow the development of such a region- basal detachment estimated herein (curve 1 in restored sec-
al detachment. The depth of this major decollement is tion of Fig. 23). Therefore, a misfit of approximately 15 km
similar to the thickness of the Maastrichtian crust, as esti- occurs between the structurally restored Moho and the pre-
mated by back-stripping methods (Hébrard, 1985; Fabre, dicted Moho from stratigraphic data (shadow area in
1987; Sarmiento, 2001), which suggests a Late Cretaceous restored section of Fig. 23).
inheritance of the basal decollement of the EC. There are several possible explanations for this discrep-
Finally, in the place between the basal decollement and ancy. We may have underestimated the amount of shorten-
the top of the basement, we draw and restore, with a listric ing of the EC, in which case a model with an original
geometry, the possible architecture of basement faults crustal thickness of 15–20 km and 170 km of shortening
(Fig. 23). could explain the present crustal thickness of 48 km of
In Fig. 23, we add the Moho root, according to gravi- the axial region of the EC. A similar solution was proposed
metric data of Salvador (1991) (curve 2 in the deformed by Roeder and Chamberlain (1995) in the northern seg-
state section of Fig. 23). In the restored crustal model, ment of the EC. Perhaps the Lengupá-Guaicaramó fault
the restored Moho root implies a crustal thickness of would experience greater shortening, which may explain
approximately 35 km for the Maastrichtian. However, this some important stratigraphic changes in the Cretaceous
estimated crustal thickness is estimated in less than 20 km and Cenozoic sequences on both sides of this fault.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 19
Fig. 18. (a) Balanced cross-sections of the northern and central segments of the Guaduas syncline. (b) Balanced cross-sections of the southern segments of
the Guaduas syncline and northern extreme of the Girardot foldbelt. (1) Pre-Late Paleocene wrench fault; (2) Bituima fault; (2’) Bituima fault merged with
Cambao thrust front; (3) Cambao fault; (3’) Cambao thrust front; (4) Honda fault; (5) S.J. de Rio Seco fault (see Fig. 9 for location). Labels correspond to
same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
Another possible explanation for this problem is that would be shallower. However, it is also possible that the
the present-day thickness of the crust was overestimated back-stripping models of the EC include erroneous
in the gravimetric model; therefore, the present Moho root assumptions, and the Maastrichtian crust may have been
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
20 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
thicker than the predictions made by these models. In this Maybe the explanation is simply the result of all these
case, an initial non-thermally equilibrated or thicker origi- factors and assumptions in the models (i.e., structural,
nal crust could explain misfits. Finally, magmatic additions gravimetric, and tectosedimentary). The answer to this
of the mantle and asthenosphere or a deep ductile mecha- question is beyond the scope of this article, but we know
nism incorporating mass on the plane of the section could that continued work is needed to understand the crustal
explain such abnormal crustal thickness. structure and depth mechanisms that have affected the EC.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 21
Fig. 20. Structural scheme of a transfer zone, explaining southward-decreasing displacement on the Cambao fault and consequent termination of the
associated Guaduas syncline. The Bituima fault increases its displacement southward, generating the Girardot foldbelt, which takes the structural position
of the Guaduas syncline.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
22 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Fig. 21. Regional balanced cross-section of the central segment of EC of Colombia (see Fig. 9 for location). The Moho’s root for Maastrichtian times after
Sarmiento (2001). Labels correspond to same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
Fig. 22. Method used to estimate depth to detachment (Hossack, 1979) applied in EC of Colombia, implying a 23 km decollement below the axial zone of
the EC. Labels correspond to same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
Fig. 23. Model of the crustal structure of the EC, implying basement faults with listric geometry that merge in a major detachment at 23 km depth.
Restoration for late Maastrichtian. Labels correspond to same stratigraphic units as in Figs. 4–6.
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 23
Fig. 24. Schema of the geodynamics of the northern Andes accounting for the structure of the EC of Colombia. Subduction of the Caribbean plate
beneath the axial zone of the EC. The Nazca plate interacts with the western oceanic complex, whereas the Caribbean plate influences the EC. PCB,
Panama-Choco block; WC, Western Cordillera; CC, Central Cordillera; EC, Eastern Cordillera; EP, Eastern plains; RF, Romeral fault; OF, Oca fault.
Adapted from McCourt et al. (1984), Colletta et al. (1990), Taboada et al. (2000), and Cortés (2004).
deformation of the western oceanic complex with the EC Lengupá and Aguaclara. All these data suggest a structural
(Fig. 3b). Fig. 24 shows a schematic model of the geody- symmetry of the EC.
namics of the northern Andes, in particular of the EC, that In the western thrust front of the EC, two main structur-
fits the field data, seismic models, and seismologic informa- al styles are identified. Positive flower structures and asso-
tion well. ciated anticlines involve pre-upper Paleocene rocks. These
structures formed when E-W compressional stress regimes
4. Discussion and conclusions acted on SW-NE–trending subvertical faults that were
reactivated as right-lateral wrench faults (i.e., Ibague fault).
In the EC, it is possible to identify three main structural These structures were later unconformably covered by
regions whose deformation patterns differ. In Sabana de post-Upper Paleocene sediments. Subsequently, during
Bogotá, large syncline structures are separated by narrow, the Miocene–recent Andean phase, the entire sedimentary
overturned anticlines. The presence of salt-rich strata in sequence was involved in major thrust faults in both flanks
the Lower Cretaceous strata provides a major decollement of the EC in a compressive NW-SE stress regime. Finally,
that highly influenced the structural style. In the region west the present-day WNW-ESE state of stress reactivated the
of Sabana de Bogotá, which we call La Vega thrust front, the Paleocene structures, which offset and modify the compres-
structural style is characterized by imbricated, west-verging sive Andean trends.
thrust sheets with penetrative, mesoscopic-scale folding In the western thrust front of the EC, complementary
and slaty cleavage, accommodating approximately 17 km behavior by the Bituima and Cambao faults is identified.
of shortening. This thrust belt is detached within the lower In the northern segment of the Guaduas syncline, the Cam-
Cretaceous fine-grained sequences. In the hinterland area, bao fault takes up most of the displacement (12 km),
near Sabana de Bogota, these faults merge in basement struc- whereas the Bituima fault takes only a minor part
tures that passively folded and transported successive thrust (4 km). This relationship is inverse in the southern
sheets. Similarly, in the eastern flank of the EC, east of extreme of the Guaduas syncline, where the Cambao fault
Sabana de Bogotá, a region shows the same structural style tends to disappear and the Bituima assumes most of the
and detachment levels as observed in La Vega thrust front. displacement. In the central segment of the Guaduas syn-
In the western thrust front of the EC, the Guaduas cline, the Cambao fault lost most of its displacement,
syncline, bounded by the Cambao and Bituima faults, whereas the Bituima Fault increases considerably. This
preserved and transported syntectonic sediments of the complementary behavior defines a transfer zone between
western foreland basin. In the eastern flank, the same kind the Cambao and Bituima faults and allows the western
of structures are found (i.e., Medina anticline, Nazareth thrust front to have homogeneous behavior, characterized
syncline), involving and transporting syntectonic sequences by a general tendency to southward-decreasing displace-
of the Llanos foothills. The major faults in this area are the ment. The northernmost section shows more than 20 km
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
24 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Appendix A
Paleontologic data
Stop N W Unit Fossils Age
0 00 0 00
88 0440 13 7434 14 Kih Oxytropidoceras sp., Lower-Late Albian
venezolanum Stieler,
multicostatum Renz
99 0437 0 4700 7434 0 5100 Kih? Venezoliceras sp., Lower-Late Albian
Hysteroceras cf. bucklandi
100 0437 0 4400 7434 0 5200 Kih? Mortoniceras Lower-Late Albian
(Mortoniceras) cf.
arietiforme Spath
122 0432 0 0900 7433 0 3600 Kis?? Eodouvillieceras horridum Upper- Late Aptian
(Riedel), Corteziceras
latecostata (Riedel)
124 0432 0 2600 7433 0 4100 Kis?? Colombiceras cf. foreroi Late Aptian
Etayo Serna
125 0432 0 3000 7433 0 4600 Kic? Acanthohopilites Late Aptian
eleganteante Etayo Serna,
Parahoplites hubachi
Etayo Serna
126 0432 0 3600 7433 0 5200 Kic? Roiometra columbiana Early Albian
Clark, Douvilleiceras cf.
Tarapacaence Etayo serna
127 0432 0 5100 7434 0 0500 Kic? Cupressinocladus Early Albian
pompeckji (Salfeld),
Douvilleiceras cf.
columbianus (Riedel)
130 0432 0 1100 7433 0 3900 Kis? Acanthohopilites Late Aptian
eleganteante Etayo Serna
(continued on next page)
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 25
Table 1 (continued)
Stop N W Unit Fossils Age
0 00 0 00
131 0432 09 7433 49 Stoyanowiceras Late Aptian
treffryanus (Karsten).
Acanthohoplites triston
Etayo Serna, Crassatella
aequalis Gerhardt,
Cupressinocladus cf.
pompeckji (Salfeld)
132A 0432 0 0100 7433 0 4500 Acanthohopilites Late Aptian
eleganteante Etayo Serna
135 0431 0 4300 7433 0 4800 Kic? Eodouvillieceras horridum Late Aptian
Juandurhamiceras cf.
juandurhammi Etayo
138A 0431 0 2800 7433 0 4000 Kit? Corbis (Sphaera)
corrugata Sowerby
139 0431 0 5100 7433 0 3400 Kit Corbis (Sphaera) Barremian (?)
corrugata Sowerby,
bellisculptata Jaworsky,
Pterotrigonia tocaimaana
(Lea) Ptychomia
robinaldina buchiana
Karsten, Mesoglauconia
152 0431 0 2100 7434 0 4400 Kic Desmoceras (Desmoceras) Early Albian (?)
cf. latidorsatum (Michilin)
156 0436 0 1100 7429 0 0100 Gagasiceras interiectum Late Aptian
156A 0436 0 1100 7429 0 0100 Podozamites sp.,
183A 0433 0 0700 7434 0 5600 Kih Oxytropidoceras hubbardi Middle Albian (?)
Oxytropidoceras aff.
Douglasi Knechtel
183b Sergipia scheibei Heinz,
183c Benavidesites sp?, Upper-Middle Albian-
Dipoloceras aff. Lower-Late Albian
(d 0 Orbygny)
208 Coilopoceras sp. Upper- Middle Turonian
278 0510 0 4600 07428 0 3300 Kin Buchotrigonia cf. Etayoi Valanginian (?)
Villamil, Mesoglauconia
studeri peruana
281 0512 0 1100 07430 0 2400 Kic? Kih Crassatella aequalis Late Aptian
Gerhardt, Epicheloniceras
cf. amazonarum
291 0512 0 1600 07429 0 5400 Kit Heinzia (Gerhardtia) Lower- Middle Barremian
galeatoides (Karsten),
Emericiceras sp.
293 0512 0 1600 07430 0 0300 Kic? Kih Gargasiceras interiectum Late Aptian
(Gr.Villeta) (Riedel), Gargasiceras
acutecostum (Riedel)
(continued on next page)
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
26 M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Table 1 (continued)
Stop N W Unit Fossils Age
0 00 0 00
294 0512 56 07430 24 Above Kih Sergipia sp., Upper- Middle Albian-
Ralphimlayites cf. Lower-Late Albian
299 0511 0 3500 07431 0 3300 Kic Dufrenoyia sp. Late Aptian
302 0511 0 2500 07432 0 0200 Kih Hysteroceras sp. Upper- Middle Albian-
Lower-Late Albian
312 0501 0 4600 07430 0 3800 Kit Pulchellia aff. galeata (von Upper-Early Barremian
316 0501 0 3100 07431 0 1200 Kis? Pseudoaustraliceras Late Aptian
columbiae (Basse)?,
treffryanus (Karsten)?
Crassatella aequalis
317 0501 0 3600 07431 0 2200 Kis? Stoyanowiceras Late Aptian
treffryanus (Karsten),
Crassatella aequalis
columbiae (Basse)?,
wiedmanni Etayo Serna,
bigouretiforme Etayo
319A 0501 0 1700 07431 0 1500 Kis? top Crassatella aequalis Late Aptian
Acanthohoplites sp.,
Gargasiceras sp.
319B 0501 0 1700 07431 0 1500 Kic Riedelites obliquum Late Aptian
(Riedel), Epicheloniceras
sp., Crassatella aequalis
319C 0501 0 1700 07431 0 1500 Kic ? Base Crassatella aequalis Early Albian
Gerhardt?, Trochleiceras
322A 0501 0 3900 07431 0 4300 Kih Oxytropidoceras Upper-Middle Albian-
carbonarium (Gabb), Lower-Late Albian
Stramentum alvaradoi
(Royo y Gomez),
Protanisoceras cf.
nodosum (J. Sowerby),
Mortoniceras sp.
384a 0426 0 4900 07435 0 1800 Kih Oxytropidoceras Lower-Late Albian
carbonarium (Gabb),
Hysteroceras cf. orbigny
384B 0426 0 4900 07435 0 1800 Kih Venezoliceras aff. acostae Lower-Late Albian
(d’Orbygny), Stramentum
cf. Alvaradoi Royo y
Gomez, Hysteroceras cf.
Carinatum Spatt
(continued on next page)
Please cite this article as: Martı́n Cortés et al., Structure and tectonics of the central segment of the Eastern ..., Journal of South
American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.
M. Cortés et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 27
Table 1 (continued)
Stop N W Unit Fossils Age
0 00 0 00
385 0426 53 07434 14 Kih ? Hysteroceras cf. andinum Lower-Late Albian
394 0426 0 4000 07432 0 0800 Kis? Acanthohoplites sp. Ind. Late Aptian
395 0452 0 3400 07431 0 4300 Kih Stoyanowiceras Late Aptian
treffryanus (Karsten),
Hamiticeras cf. Pilsbryi
396 0452 0 2700 07431 0 4800 Kic? Kih Melchiorites palmeri Late Aptian
Etayo Serna?,
Epicheloniceras pardoi
Etayo Serna?
423 0504 0 18,700 07426 0 13,700 Kin Mexicanoceras hermelini Valanginian
Etayo Serna?
426 0504 0 05,900 07425 0 44,700 Kin Pseudoosterella ubalaensis Valanginian
Haas, Berriasella
colombiana Haas?
428b 0504 0 0,5600 07425 0 30,900 Kin Olcostephanus Late Valanginian
(Jeannoticeras) sp.,
Leptoceras ubalaence
428a 0504 0 0,5600 07425 0 30,900 Kin Berriasella colombiana Valanginian
430 0504 0 00,800 07424 0 51,700 Kit ? Nicklesia pulchella Lower-Early Barremian
Karsteniceras aff. beyrichi
431a 0503 0 54,900 07424 0 41,100 Kit Nicklesia pulchella Lower-Early Barremian
(d’Orbygny), Crioceratites
aff. emerici Leveille
433 0503 0 26,600 07424 0 10,300 Kit Nicklesia cf. pulchella Upper-Middle Barremian
(d’Orbygny) (?)
440 0503 0 26,600 07424 0 10,300 Kit Pedioceras sp?, Middle-Early Barremian
Pseudocrioceras sp? (?)
441 0502 0 0,6100 07422 0 23,500 Kis Epicheloniceras sp., Late Aptian (?)
Colombiceras foreroi
Etayo Serna, Riedelites
obliquum (Riedel)
442 0502 0 0,6100 07422 0 23,500 Kih ? Hysteroceras sp?,
Prohysteroceras sp?
444a 0501 0 55,800 07422 0 11,900 Kic ? Sergipia scheibei Heinz, Upper- Middle Albian-
Lower-Late Albian
533 0507 0 31.400 07359 0 27.700 Ksg Peroniceras (Zuluiceras) Late Coniacian
cf. bajuvaricum
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American Earth Sciences (2006), doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2006.07.004.