Arriagada Et Al., 2006
Arriagada Et Al., 2006
Arriagada Et Al., 2006
[1] The Salar de Atacama basin lies in the inner fore [3] Under the central Andes the crust is exceptionally up
arc of northern Chile. Topographically and to 70 km thick [James, 1971]. The crustal root is thought to
structurally, it is a first-order feature of the central be primarily a result of tectonic shortening and thickening
Andes. The sedimentary fill of the basin constrains the [Isacks, 1988; Sheffels, 1990; Schmitz, 1994; Lamb and
timing and extent of crustal deformation since the Hoke, 1997]. Most authors have considered that shortening
mid- Cretaceous. We have studied good exposures along in the central Andes is dominantly of Neogene age, espe-
the western edge of the basin and have correlated them cially in the Eastern Cordillera and Sub-Andean Zone
with seismic reflection sections and data from an [Isacks, 1988; Sempere´ et al., 1990; Gubbels et al., 1993;
Schmitz, 1994; Allmendinger et al., 1997; Baby et al.,
exploration well. Throughout most of its history, the 1997; Lamb and Hoke, 1997; Kley, 1999]. However, there
basin developed in a foreland setting, during periods is evidence that shortening started as early as the Late
of thin-skinned and thick-skinned thrusting. Growth Creta- ceous or early Paleocene [Coney and Evenchick,
strata provide evidence for coeval sedimentation and 1994; Sempere´, 1995; Sempere´ et al., 1997; Horton and
thrust motions during mid-Cretaceous, Paleogene, DeCelles, 1997; Horton et al., 2001; Coutand et al., 2001;
and Neogene times. Pre-Neogene deformation was McQuarrie and DeCelles, 2001; Mu¨ller et al., 2002;
significant in the basin and in surounding areas of Cobbold et al., 2006].
the early central Andes. Models that attempt to [4] On the western side of the central Andes, the low-
explain the current thickness of the central Andes lying fore arc is still poorly understood. Little deformation
should consider Late Cretaceous and Paleogene seems to have occurred there since 10 Ma, although recent
work in the outer fore arc of northern Chile has demon-
shortening, as well as the more obvious Neogene strated late Miocene to Quaternary shortening parallel to
and Quaternary shortening. Citation: Arriagada, C., P. R. the plate boundary and perpendicular extension [Gonza
Cobbold, and P. Roperch (2006), Salar de Atacama basin: A
record of compressional tectonics in the central Andes since
´lez et al., 2003; Allmendinger et al., 2005]. In contrast,
the mid-Cretaceous, Tectonics, 25, TC1008, doi:10.1029/ there is structural, stratigraphic and paleomagnetic
2004TC001770. evidence for more intense deformation and mountain
building in the inner fore arc of northern Chile between the
Late Creta- ceous and the Neogene [Chong and Reutter,
1985; Hammerschmidt et al., 1992; Hartley et al., 1992;
1. Introduction Scheuber and Reutter, 1992; Charrier and Reutter,
[2] The Andean Cordillera extends for some 8000 km 1994; Somoza et al., 1999; Arriagada et al., 2000;
along the western margin of South America and is the Randall et al., 2001; Somoza and Tomlinson, 2002;
longest subaerial mountain chain on Earth. Since the early Arriagada et al., 2003; C. Arriagada et al., Paleomagnetism
days of plate tectonics, the Andes have been cited as the and tectonics of the southern Atacama Desert (25°– 28°S),
typical products of an active continental margin, between northern Chile, submitted to Tectonics, 2005, hereinafter
oceanic and continental plates [Dewey and Bird, 1970]. referred to as Arriagada et al., submitted manuscript, 2005].
The most striking features of the mountain belt are the What was the style of this deformation? What was its
Altiplano-Puna, a high continental plateau second only to timing?
the Tibetan plateau in its area and average elevation [5] In an attempt to answer these questions, we have
[Allmendinger et al., 1997], and a 55° bend known as focused attention on the intermontane Salar de Atacama
the Bolivian Orocline or Arica elbow (Figure 1). basin, which contains an unusually complete record of
sedimentation and coeval deformation (Figures 1, 2a and
2b). The basin belongs to the present-day inner fore arc, but
originally formed in a foreland position. At an average
Ge´osciences-Rennes, UMR6118 du CNRS, Rennes, France.
Now at Departamento de Geolog´ıa, Universidad de Chile, Santiago,
elevation of 2300 m, the basin is much lower than the Puna
Chile. (~4400 m) or the Western Cordillera (up to 6500 m).
Institut de Recherche pour le De´veloppement, UR154, Ge Topographically, the Salar de Atacama stands out as a
´osciences Rennes, Rennes, France. major depression on the generally smooth western slope of
the central Andes [Isacks, 1988; Gephart, 1994; Go¨tze
Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union. and Krause, 2002; Yuan et al., 2002]. It is some 200 km
long and 100 km wide. Seismic reflection profiling has
TC1008 1 of 19
TC1008 1 of 19
Figure 1. Relief and structure of southern central Andes. From west to east, continental margin at about
15 – 27°S consists of Peru-Chile trench and continental slope; Coastal Cordillera, a remnant of a
Mesozoic magmatic arc; Central Depression or Pampa del Tamarugal, an inner fore-arc basin;
Precordillera (including Cordillera Domeyko) and Pre-Andean Depression (including Salar de Atacama
basin); Western Cordillera, an active volcanic arc along eastern border of Chile; Altiplano-Puna plateau,
a high-elevation hinterland plateau; Eastern Cordillera, a rugged internal fold-and-thrust belt; Sub-
Andean Zone and Santa Barbara Zone, frontal active parts of eastern fold-and-thrust belt; and Beni
Plain and Chaco Plain, parts of a low-elevation foreland basin underlain by Brazilian shield. A, Salar de
Atacama; U, Salar de Uyuni. Arrows represent convergence between Nazca and South America
(NUVEL-1A vector of DeMets et al. [1994], GPS vector of Norabuena et al. [1997]).
that it contains as much as 8 km of sediment [Macellari et cannot rule them out. Thus the debate continues, as to the
al., 1991]. On the basis of seismic tomography and residual importance of extension in controlling the development of
gravity data, it has been suggested that the underlying the Salar de Atacama basin in particular, and of the central
lithosphere is abnormally cold and has dynamically sub- Andes in general.
sided, possibly in conjunction with the subducting Nazca [7] Over the last few years, detailed mapping at the
plate [Go¨tze and Krause, 2002; Yuan et al., 2002; western edge of the Salar de Atacama basin [Arriagada,
Schurr and Rietbrock, 2004]. 1999; Arriagada et al., 2000, 2002; Mpodozis et al., 2005]
[6] Although there have been several geological studies has resulted in an improved knowledge of sedimentary
around the Salar de Atacama, its structure and tectonic strata at outcrop and their structural setting. Surrounding
setting are still not properly understood. Many authors have the basin are excellent exposures of Paleozoic to Tertiary
assumed that Cretaceous to Paleogene deposition occurred strata and igneous rocks. In particular, a steep escarpment,
in an arc or back-arc setting, during a period of extensional 120 km long and 900 m high, forms the western margin of
tectonics [Hartley et al., 1992; Flint et al., 1993; Charrier the basin. Here, the total stratigraphic thickness of outcrop-
and Reutter, 1994]. Other authors have suggested that the ping Cretaceous to Paleogene rocks is almost 5 km
basin is due to compressional inversion of a Cretaceous rift (Figures 2a, 2b, and 3). Because these deposits contain
basin [Macellari et al., 1991; Mun˜oz et al., 1997, growth strata, which accumulated during deformation, they
2002]. Development of the basin in the Oligocene to early provide a means of determining whether the tectonic
Miocene has been attributed to a stage of relaxation, context was one of horizontal extension, shortening, or
following late Eocene compressional tectonics [Go¨tze and strike slip, at least at the basin margin.
Krause, 2002]. In a recent paper, Pananont et al. [2004] [8] In order to give our surface interpretations a more
have interpreted a seismic section across the northwestern regional significance, we have compared them with a
edge of the basin, in such a way as to show that a large comprehensive set of two-dimensional (2-D) seismic
normal fault (6 ± 1 km of vertical separation) controlled the reflec- tion sections, covering much of the Salar de
accumulation of Oligo- cene to lower Miocene strata. On Atacama, and with data from an exploration well
this basis, the authors infer a period of localized extension. (Toconao-1), located in the center of the basin (Figures 2a,
We have found no evidence for such extension at the and 2b). Some of these data have been illustrated and
surface, either there or anywhere else in the basin. Instead, discussed before [Macellari et al., 1991; Mun˜oz et al.,
we have found abundant evidence for shortening. Also, in 1997, 2002; Pananont et al., 2004]. In what follows we
our view, the evidence for normal faults on seismic consider a wider range of individual seismic sections,
sections is not convincing. However, we composite sections, and fence diagrams, in
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Figure 2a. Landsat image of Salar de Atacama basin, showing main topographic and geologic units,
location of seismic lines available for this study, and position of Toconao-1 exploration well (full white
circle in center of basin). Boxes show locations of Figures 3 and 4. F7 – F14 indicate locations of
seismic sections (Figures 7 to 14). A-A0-A00, B-B0-B00, and C-C0 indicate locations of synthetic sections
(Figure 15).
order to show how major reflectors may be traced across 2b). The range went through a major period of uplift and
the basin. Such correlation is important for proper dating of erosion in the Eocene, probably as a result of the ‘‘Incaic’’
sequences and for inferring the tectonic history of the tectonic event [Ram´ırez and Gardeweg, 1982; Charrier
basin. and Reutter, 1994; Maksaev and Zentilli, 1999]. At its
eastern edge, the Salar de Atacama rises gently toward the
2. Geological Setting Western Cordillera, which is currently the main volcanic
arc. On its slopes are Miocene and Pliocene ignimbrites
[9] The Salar de Atacama basin forms part of the and a few Late Paleozoic rocks (the Peine Group of
present- day inner fore arc of northern Chile. At the Breitkreuz and Zeil [1994]). At its southern edge, the basin
western edge of the basin, the Cordillera de Domeyko abuts the Western Cordillera (which here retreats some 60
(Precordillera) has an average altitude of 3000 m above sea km westward, adopting a NE-SW trend), and the Cordo
level and is made of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks ´n de Lila range
(Figures 1, Figures 2a, and
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Figure 2b. Simplified geological map and stratigraphic column for western edge of Salar de Atacama
(Figures 1, Figures 2a, and 2b), which comprises Ordovi- depth of 3 – 4 km during the late Eocene [Andriessen and
cian to Carboniferous sedimentary and igneous rocks Reutter, 1994].
[Niemeyer, 1984; Damm et al., 1991]. Apatite fission track [10] Cross cutting the basin near its western edge is the
ages (38.6 ± 5.6 Ma) indicate that this basement was at a Cordillera de la Sal, a ridge 5 – 10 km wide that strikes
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1963; Ram´ırez and Gardeweg, 1982; Naranjo et al., 1994;
Flint et al., 1993; Charrier and Reutter, 1994; Mpodozis et
al., 2005]. To the east, these sequences continue in
Figure 3. Geological map draped over Landsat image of subsurface beneath the Llano de la Paciencia and the
northern El Bordo escarpment. For location, see Figure 1. Atacama basin proper [Macellari et al., 1991; Mun˜oz
F5a, F5b, F5c, F6b, and F6c indicate locations of photos in et al., 1997, 2002].
Figures 5 and 6.
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Figure 5. Structures at selected localities. For locations, see Figures 3 and 4. (a) Smooth angular
unconformity between Tonel Formation and Triassic lacustrine sediments (El Bordo strata). (b) Large
angular unconformity between Purilactis Group (red beds of Tonel Formation dipping at 70° to 80°E,
white lines) and upper Loma Amarilla Formation (gently dipping to the west). (c) Purilactis Formation
detached on evaporite beds of the Tonel Formation. (d) Growth strata in lower Tonel Formation [see
also Mpodozis et al., 2005, Figure 6]. (e) Footwall syncline in lower Tonel Formation (see Figure 5f for
location). (f) Thrust front at eastern edge of Cordillera de Domeyko.
describe the stratigraphy of the western edge, for better ited during Late Cretaceous time (Figure 3). Finally, 800 m
correlation with Toconao-1 well. of basaltic to rhyolitic lava flows with minor limestone
[13] At the base of the Purilactis Group, the Tonel beds of the Cerro Totola Formation form the upper part of
Formation is a finely bedded sequence of red sandstones the Purilactis Group. The Cerro Totola Formation is Late
and evaporites, 400 to 1000 m thick, which accumulated in Cretaceous to early Paleocene (66 Ma to 61 Ma), accord-
a continental playa-lake environment (Figures 2a, 2b, 3, 4, ing to 11 K/Ar ages on lava flows and related intrusions,
and 5). The Tonel Formation is slightly unconformable on including the Cerro Quimal pluton [Mpodozis et al., 2005].
Triassic lacustrine and volcanic rocks (Figures 5a and 5b), A strong angular unconformity separates the Purilactis
which in turn overlie late Paleozoic volcanic and intrusive Group from the overlying Naranja and Loma Amarilla
rocks of the Cordillera de Domeyko. formations (Figures 2a, 2b, 3, 4, and 5b).
[14] Overlying the Tonel Formation are almost 3000 m [16] The Naranja Formation consists of 900 m of
of fluvial, alluvial, and lacustrine red sandstones and conglomerate, passing up into sandstone and evaporite
mudstones of the Purilactis Formation (Figure 5c). Paleo- beds. Overlying them are a tuff layer and up to 1000 m
magnetic data suggest that deposition and magnetization of coarse conglomerate of the Loma Amarilla Formation.
of the Tonel Formation and the lower part of the Purilactis A volcanic rock at the base of the Loma Amarilla
Formation occurred during the mid-Cretaceous normal Formation has yielded late Eocene ages, both by K/Ar
polarity superchron (119 – 84 Ma [Arriagada et al., on plagioclase (39.9 ± 3 Ma [Ram´ırez and Gardeweg,
2000]). 1982]) and by 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages on biotite (43.8 ±
[15] Overlying the Purilactis Formation, 500 m of 0.5 and 42.2 ± 0.9 [Hammerschmidt et al., 1992]). The
alluvial fanglomerates of the Barros Arana Formation upper part of the sequence, poorly dated, probably
were depos-
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Figure 6. Evidence for compressional setting during sedimentation. (a) Growth anticline overturned to
east in Triassic El Bordo strata and lower Tonel Formation. (b) Growth syncline in red beds of lower
Tonel Formation. (c) Line drawing of Figures 6a and 6b. (d) Enlargement of Figure 6b. Deeper strata
form a syncline, whereas shallower strata do not. (e) Geological map draped on ASTER image and E-W
section of transition zone between Barros Arana and Loma Amarilla synclines (see Figure 4).
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accumulated during early Oligocene time [Mpodozis et al., relatively common at outcrop, but we have no constraints on
Figure 7. Seismic section of Salar de Atacama basin (see Figure 2a for location). Vertical scales are
in seconds of two-way traveltime (TWT). (a) E-W section through Toconao-1 well (column with depth
in km.). Box locates enlargement in Figure 7b. (b) Enlargement of E-W section (Figure 7a), showing
Toconao anticline. (c) N-S section through Toconao-1 well. Boxes locate enlargements in Figures 7d
and 7e. (d) Enlargement of N-S section (Figure 7c), showing southern anticline. (e) Enlargement of N-S
section (Figure 7c), showing northern (Toconao) anticline. In Figures 7a and 7c, dotted lines follow
main stratigraphic boundaries, and grey vertical lines mark intersection of N-S and E-W sections.
Detachments (dashed lines) have been inferred under both anticlines (Figures 7a and 7c). Note domical
geometry of Toconao anticline (Figures 7a and 7c), related growth strata in Naranja and Loma Amarilla
formations, detachment in Cerro Totola Formation, and underlying syncline (Figures 7a and 7c).
may be a distal equivalent of the Eocene to Oligocene (Figures 2a and 2b). This database is essentially the same
Loma Amarilla Formation. Neogene to Recent continental as the one available to Pananont et al. [2004]. However, in
deposits, mainly of claystone, sandstone, evaporites and contrast to Pananont et al. [2004], we did not process any
interbedded ignimbrite, complete the basin fill [Mun˜oz of the data ourselves. As received, the seismic sections
et al., 1997, 2002; Jordan et al., 2002; Pananont et al., were already time-migrated, but not depth-converted. Thus
2004]. the vertical scale is in seconds of two-way traveltime
(TWT), rather than true depth. The Toconao-1 well
5.2. Seismic Database and Interpretation provides the only reliable control on true depth and this is
valid locally. Thus, in the seismic sections that follow, the
[24] Empresa Nacional de Petro´leos (ENAP) made main vertical scale is in time, although an approximate
avail- able to us in digital form a set of regional 2-D scale in km also figures.
seismic reflection sections, covering much of the Salar de
10 of 19
Figure 8. (top) E-W seismic section to south of Toconao anticline (see Figures 2a and 2b for location).
Vertical scales are in seconds of two-way traveltime (TWT). (bottom) Interpreted version. Black bars
perpendicular to bedding in Cerro Totola Formation are of equal lengths and show that beds do not vary
in thickness across Salar Fault System, whereas black bars in Naranja Formation shows large variations
in thickness across fault. Growth strata in Naranja Formation are best seen in footwall of Salar Fault
System, whereas hanging wall sequence is more condensed. Note progressive unconformities in Naranja
Formation, above hanging wall of Salar Fault System.
[25] In all examples, for clarity of interpretation, we high-angle eastward verging reverse fault (the Salar Fault
show both noninterpreted and interpreted sections. System of Mun˜oz et al. [2002] (Figures 2a and 2b)) and
Interpretation involved identifying seismic reflections and two anticlines on its eastern side (Figures 7a and 7c). The
following them where possible along each section, from northern Toconao anticline is domical (doubly plunging)
one section to the next, and as far as neighboring outcrops, and the Toconao-1 exploration well targeted a four-way
to form a self-consistent set. Growth strata and progressive anticlinal closure (Figures 7a and 7c). The anticline is in
uncon- formities, especially next to folds and faults, were the hanging wall of an eastward verging thrust, which
the main features that we took as evidence for detaches within the Cerro Totola Formation. To the south,
synsedimentary deformation. the anticline terminates against a right-lateral ramp
(Figures 7c and 7e). Mun˜oz et al. [1997, 2002] have
suggested that the Toconao anticline has resulted from
5.3. Subsurface Structure to the East of the
compressional reactiva- tion of an extensional fault, which
Cordillera de la Sal
roots into basement. According to their interpretation,
[26] According to our seismic interpretation, the main displacement on the fault was of normal (extensional) sense
structural features to the east of the Cordillera de la Sal are during accumulation of the Cerro Totola Formation.
a Despite the poor quality of the
11 of 19
Figure 9. Fence diagram for northern anticline to east of Cordo´n de Lila, showing N-S
variation in structural style (see Figures 2a and 2b for location). Vertical scales are in seconds of two-
way traveltime (TWT).
seismic data between 3 and 6 seconds of two-way are visible above an eastward verging thin-skinned detach-
traveltime (TWT, Figures 7a and 7c), in other words ment in the Cerro Totola Formation (Figures 7 and 8).
around 5 km depth in Toconao 1 well (Figure 7a), the Thus there is good evidence here for an episode of
Toconao anticline and its detachment appear to be Paleocene to Eocene shortening and thickening.
underlain by a syncline. The lateral ramp does not offset the [28] The southern anticline (Figures 7c and 7d) lies to
Peine Group and we see no evidence of thickness variations the east of the Cordon de Lila basement range. Again, it
in strata of the Cerro Totola Forma- tion (Figures 7c and is domical. The maximal fold amplitudes are in the
7e). Thus we argue that the Toconao anticline is thin- Naranja Formation, which also shows large variations in
skinned and postdates the Cerro Totola Formation. thickness across the anticline (Figures 7c, 8, and 9). The
[27] Between the two anticlines, a large depocenter lies Cerro Totola Formation can be traced all along a N-S
next to the Salar Fault System (Figures 7c and 8). In its seismic section and is flat-lying under the anticline. Thus,
hanging wall, the Cerro Totola Formation forms an anti- whereas the more northern Toconao anticline has maximal
cline-syncline pair (Figure 8). The Salar Fault System amplitudes in the Cerro Totola Formation, the southern
clearly offsets the anticline. Whereas the thickness of the anticline is visible in the Naranja and Loma Amarilla
Cerro Totola Formation is invariant across the fault and formations, but not in the Cerro Totola Formation. We
folds, Paleogene and Neogene strata show large variations infer a detachment between the Naranja and Cerro Totola
in thickness. In the footwall of the Salar Fault System, the formations.
Naranja Formation occupies a major depocenter, whereas [29] A seismic section near the southern edge of the
in the hanging wall it forms a more condensed sequence. basin reveals a wedge of seismically more transparent
Here, stratigraphic onlap and progressive unconformities basement of the Cordo´n de Lila range, between
12 of 19
Figure 10. E-W seismic section near southern edge of Salar de Atacama basin. Vertical scales are in
seconds of two-way traveltime (TWT). For location, see Figures 2a and 2b. Cordo´n de Lila
basement appears to overthrust Cerro Totola Formation.
subbasins (Figure 10). At the eastern edge of the basement them, the Neogene sequences have characteristic growth
is the Salar Fault System. The displacement on it is strata (Figure 11). At outcrop, detailed structural mapping
smaller than in the central area (compare Figures 8 and has revealed an eastward verging thin-skinned fold-and-
10). However, in its footwall there may be as many as three thrust belt in strata of Oligocene to Pleistocene age [Ram
imbricate eastward verging thrust sheets. Across two of ´ırez and Gardeweg, 1982; Kuhn, 2002].
Figure 11. E-W seismic section at southeastern edge of Salar de Atacama basin. Vertical scale is in
seconds of two-way traveltime (TWT). For location, see Figures 2a and 2b. At least three eastward
verging imbricate sheets account for Neogene to recent compressional tectonics. Detachment is in
Naranja Formation.
13 of 19
Figure 12. Block diagram, showing reflectors that appear to continue under Cordo´n de Lila
basement. Vertical scales are in seconds of two-way traveltime (TWT). Block is at intersection of N-S
(Figure 7c) and E-W (Figure 10) sections. For location, see Figures 2a and 2b.
[30] Despite the poor quality of the seismic data ening is more significant and deep seated than previously
(Figure 10), gently dipping seismic reflections can be thought.
traced under the Cordo´n de Lila (Figure 12). Even
though the shapes of reflection events probably reflect
some velocity pull-up, due to shorter traveltimes through 5.4. Subsurface Structure to the West of the
basement rocks of higher velocity, the Cerro Totola Cordillera de la Sal
Formation and the Peine Group appear to be overthrust by [31] Mun˜oz et al. [1997, 2002] have indicated that
the Cordo´n de Lila basement. If our interpretation is the fold-and-thrust belt of the Cordillera de la Sal, in the
correct, horizontal short-
Figure 13. (a) Composite seismic section (U-shaped, perspective view), showing depth to detachment
at top of Naranja Formation. (b) Interpreted version of Figure 13a. (c) Enlargement of box in Figure
13b. For location of sections, see Figures 2a and 2b.
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Figure 14. Composite seismic section of Barros Arana syncline. (a) Location of seismic sections.
(b) Raw data. (c) Interpreted section showing Purilactis Group (and perhaps lacustrine Triassic strata)
thrust eastward over Paleogene and Neogene sequences (see text for details). Identified reflectors are
also shown in Figures 13a and 13b. (d, e, and g) Enlargements are of boxes in Figure 14b. (f)
Enlargement of deformation at eastern edge of Cordillera de la Sal taken from another seismic section,
parallel to this one, but several kilometers to the south. Vertical scales are in seconds of two-way
traveltime (TWT). This seismic section is the same as one illustrated by Pananont et al. [2004, Figures
6 and 8]. However, their interpretation is different from ours. In particular, they infer a single large
extensional fault with 6 ± 1 km of vertical separation, active during the Oligocene to early Miocene
(see text for details).
southern Atacama basin, is thin-skinned. This is indeed 6, and 14). Between 2.5 and 3 s, another strong reflection
apparent on the seismic sections (Figure 13). The detach- also forms an anticlinal hinge. This marker we interpret as
ment can be traced along seismic sections around most of the boundary between the lower Tonel Formation and the
the basin and is in the upper Naranja Formation. This is not top of lacustrine Triassic sedimentary rocks. In the upper
surprising, because at outcrop, on the western edge of the part of the Purilactis Group, a clear unconformity in the
basin, the upper Naranja Formation is evaporitic. Toward core of the Barros Arana syncline marks the base of
the north, the detachment becomes deeper, reaching 3 Oligocene- Miocene gravels (Figures 3 and 14). Thus the
seconds TWT. Here, in contrast with the southern zone, structure of the northern Barros Arana syncline appears to
there are two prominent reflectors under the Cordillera de be similar to that of the Cerro Quimal area (see Figures 3,
la Sal (Figure 13, see below). 4, 5, 6, and 14), although possibly it has undergone less
[32] At the western edge of the Salar de Atacama, the shortening.
Barros Arana syncline is clearly visible on the seismic data [33] The Barros Arana syncline and the Tonel Formation
(Figure 14), as it is at the surface. Beneath the western limb lie above the continuous strong reflector that marks a
of the syncline, a strong reflection at about 1.5 s TWT regional detachment (Figures 13 and 14). Hence the Barros
forms an anticlinal hinge. From good exposures in the Arana syncline, the Tonel Formation, and perhaps the
Cerro Quimal area, the lower Tonel Formation is in the Triassic sediments, all overthrust the Paleocene to Neogene
core of this anticline. Thus the Barros Arana syncline sequence. Indeed, Jolley et al. [1990] have already sug-
detaches on evaporitic beds of the upper Tonel Formation gested that an eastward verging Frontal Domeyko Thrust
(see Figures 5, has put the Purilactis Group over Neogene strata in the
15 of 19
15 of 19
Figure 15. Synthetic E-W sections, based on our field observations and our interpretations of seismic sections. For
locations, see Figures 2a and 2b. Data for southeastern edge of basin are after Ram´ırez and Gardeweg [1982] and Kuhn
Barros Arana area. This eastward verging thrust system eastern side of the basin, and (4) the edge of the Western
probably links into the thrust system to the south of Cerro Cordillera [Ram´ırez and Gardeweg, 1982; Kuhn, 2002].
Totola, where the Barros Arana syncline overthrusts the
Loma Amarilla syncline (Figure 4).
6. Discussion
[34] From our outcrop data and seismic interpretations,
we have constructed three structural sections across the
Salar de Atacama basin (Figure 15). The main structures
are eastward verging thrust sheets. These involve base-
ment in the west and become thin skinned in the east.
The intensity of the deformation increases where the
basement is directly involved. If the Cordo´n de
Lila basement indeed overthrusts the Cerro Totola
Formation, the amount of shortening increases toward the
south. However, because of the large tectonic rotations that
have been revealed by paleomagnetic studies in this
region of the fore arc [Arriagada et al., 2000, 2003],
standard methods of section balancing and restoration may
not provide good estimates of the amount of shortening.
[35] According to outcrop data at the western edge of the
basin, published records for the exploratory well Toconao-
1 [Mun˜oz et al., 1997, 2002] and seismic interpretation,
Late Cretaceous to Neogene sequences appear to be
continuous across the basin. However, there is no clear
evidence that the Purilactis Group (Tonel and Purilactis
formations) underlies central parts of the basin. Structural
styles and growth strata in the Tonel Formation suggest
that at least the lower section of the Purilactis Group
accumulated in a compressional setting, next to an
eastward verging thrust system. Further work is needed to
define the tectonic setting for upper parts of the Purilactis
[36] The thickness of the Paleogene sequence varies
strongly, reaching a maximum between the Toconao-1 well
and the Cordo´n de Lila range (Figure 8). Fission track
ages for the Cerro Quimal pluton indicate rapid cooling at
about 63 Ma, probably as a result of exhumation
[Andriessen and Reutter, 1994]. Thus the Cordillera
Domeyko was a likely source for Paleocene alluvial facies
of the Naranja Forma- tion, which accumulated all along
the western edge of the basin. On the eastern side of the
basin, the Salar Fault System has growth strata of the
same age.
[37] An important tectonic event in the area was
probably the late Eocene Incaic phase. In our view it
accounted for
(1) more than 1000 m of proximal alluvial facies (Loma
Amarilla Formation), including growth strata, (2) a
regional unconformity, (3) large clockwise tectonic
rotations, and
(4) uplift and eastward overthrusting of the Cordillera de
Domeyko and the Cordo´n de Lila [Charrier and
Reutter, 1994; Andriessen and Reutter, 1994; Maksaev and
Zentilli, 1999; Arriagada et al., 2000, 2003].
[38] In contrast with Pananont et al. [2004], we have
found no evidence for Oligocene to early Miocene exten-
sion. Instead, as discussed above, there is good evidence
for Neogene shortening against (1) the western edge of the
Salar de Atacama basin, (2) the Salar Fault System, (3) the
16 of 19
[39] Thus we argue that the Salar de Atacama basin is a westward verging structures probably contributed to uplift
long-lived basin, which developed in a foreland tectonic of the Altiplano. In contrast,
setting, from the mid-Cretaceous onward. This begs the
question as to what happened in surrounding areas. At the
scale of continental South America, Cobbold et al. [2006]
have summarized evidence for compressional deformation
since the mid-Cretaceous all across the continent, from the
Andes to the Atlantic margin. However, it is uncommon to
find a nearly complete record at any one locality. The two
most notable examples are the Salar de Atacama basin,
and the Neuque´n basin of Argentina. The latter developed
in the Andean foreland of northern Patagonia (35° to
40°S). The two basins have remarkably similar histories
of sedimenta- tion and deformation. In the Neuque´n
basin [Cobbold and Rossello, 2003], as in the Salar de
Atacama basin, the first signs of shortening are growth
strata in Aptian evaporites and red sandstones. Subsequent
compressional phases, from the Late Cretaceous to the
Neogene, were responsible for growth strata in
continental clastic sediment.
[40] Within the central Andes, evidence for Late Creta-
ceous shortening is tenuous, outside the Salar de Atacama
basin (see review by Mpodozis et al. [2005]). However,
evidence for Paleogene deformation is strong. Within a
few hundred kilometers of the Salar de Atacama basin, the
presently intramontane basins of the Puna of NW
Argentina contain late Eocene to early Oligocene
compressional growth strata, which accumulated in a
continental foreland setting [Coutand et al., 2001]. In the
southern Altiplano basin of Bolivia, shortening peaked in
the Oligocene (33 – 27 Ma) and Middle to late Miocene (19
– 8 Ma), after starting on the margins of the plateau in the
Eocene [Lamb and Hoke, 1997; Lamb et al., 1997; Elger et
al., 2005]. Apparently there was an extensional stage
before the early Oligocene, but visible extensional faults
show displacements of no more than a few meters [Elger
et al., 2005]. In the adjacent Cordillera Oriental of
Bolivia, shortening was ongoing from the middle Eocene
to the early or middle Miocene [Lamb and Hoke, 1997;
Lamb et al., 1997; Mu¨ller et al., 2002] and Horton [2005]
has identified a formerly widespread fore- deep, in which
middle Eocene to Oligocene strata accumu- lated during a
period of significant shortening. Overlying the foredeep
deposits, late Oligocene to early Miocene strata
accumulated in intermontane basins, during a period of
less intense shortening. Thus there does not appear to be
any clear evidence for deep-seated Cenozoic extension
[Lamb and Hoke, 1997; Lamb et al., 1997; Mu¨ller et al.,
[41] In the northern part of the present-day outer fore
arc of northern Chile, there is good evidence for compres-
sional deformation. In the Arica region (18°300S),
westward verging thick-skinned thrusts underpin a
monoclinal flexure at the western edge of the Altiplano
[Isacks, 1988; Mun˜oz and Charrier, 1996]. In the Aroma
region (19°300S), several such flexures were active
between 26 Ma (late Oligocene) and 8 Ma, accounting for
growth strata at outcrop [Far´ıas et al., 2005]. In the Pica
region (20° to 21°S), westward verging thrusts were active
between about 30 Ma (middle Oligocene) and 10 – 5 Ma,
with maximal rates at 17 Ma [Victor et al., 2004]. All these
17 of 19
the structures in the Cordillera de Domeyko and the Salar
de Atacama basin have an eastward vergence and so may 7. Conclusions
be anomalous in the present-day fore arc. [45] 1. The Salar de Atacama basin is an anomaly in the
[42] Although Pananont et al. [2004] have argued for a present-day fore arc of northern Chile. It contains up to 8
late Oligocene to early Miocene phase of extension in the km of sediment, which accumulated mostly in a foreland
Salar de Atacama Basin, it is clear from the above review setting, next to eastward verging thrusts of the Cordillera
that several neighboring areas were undergoing shortening de Domeyko.
during that same period. Similarly, much further south [46] 2. At the western margin of the basin, incised
(between 33° and 45°S) and in a different context, several valleys reveal a thrust wedge, containing a total
authors [e.g., Mun˜oz et al., 2000; Jordan et al., 2001] stratigraphic thickness of up to 5 km of mid-Cretaceous to
have argued for an extensional phase during the late Miocene continental sediment. The wedge is thick skinned
Oligocene to early Miocene, whereas others [e.g., Cobbold in the west and thin skinned in the east. Growth strata
and Rossello, 2003] have argued for shortening since the provide evidence for coeval sedimentation and thrust
middle Creta- ceous. Thus the importance and timing of motions dur- ing mid-Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene
extensional phases in the building of the Andes remain times.
enigmatic. [47] 3. We have correlated outcrop data at the margins of
[43] The Salar de Atacama basin belongs to a large part the basin with subsurface data from 2-D seismic reflection
of the north Chilean fore arc (between 22° and 28°S) where surveys and one exploration well (Toconao-1). Paleogene
clockwise block rotations of as much as 35° to 40° and Neogene sequences appear to be continuous across the
occurred mainly during the Eocene to early Oligocene (40 – basin, even though they vary in thickness. Late Cretaceous
30 Ma), continued to some extent until at least the late clastic sediment of the Purilactis Group may not be so
Oligocene ( 25 Ma) and terminated before 18 Ma (C. continuous.
Arriagada et al., submitted manuscript, 2005). Deformation [48] 4. From the seismic data, we infer that
of the Precordil- lera and clockwise block rotations in the compressional deformation was coeval with Paleogene and
fore arc of northern Chile were coeval with Neogene sedimentation across most of the basin. Thus the
counterclockwise rotations of the fore arc of southern Peru Salar de Atacama basin appears to have developed in a
(P. Roperch et al., Counterclock- wise rotation of late foreland setting.
Eocene– Oligocene forearc deposits in southern Peru and its [49] 5. Although our own field observations and inter-
significance for oroclinal bending in the central Andes, pretation of the seismic lines of the Salar de Atacama basin
submitted to Tectonics, 2005). The rotations were closely indicate compressional tectonics, the quality of the seismic
linked to the onset of deformation in the Eastern data below the complex structure of Cordillera de la Sal is
Cordillera, which led to the building of the central Andes such, that we cannot rule out a possible phase of Oligocene
and the formation of the oroclinal bend. On this basis, to early Miocene extension, as recently proposed by
Paleogene deformation was a major component of Andean Pananont et al. [2004]. Thus the current debate about the
orogenesis. importance of such a phase in the building of the Andes
[44] Although in structural style the Salar de Atacama remains open.
basin resembles a typical foreland basin, it is relatively [50] 6. Our results are compatible with those from other
narrow, deep and long-lived. Loading by the Cordillera de areas of the central Andes, including the intramontane
Domeyko and consequent flexural subsidence cannot basins of the Puna (NW Argentina), the Altiplano basin
readily explain such features. Recent geophysical surveys and Cordillera Oriental of southern Bolivia, and the fore
have revealed positive anomalies in the isostatic residual arc of northernmost Chile.
gravity field [Go¨tze and Krause, 2002], which correlate [51] 7. Models that attempt to explain the current thick-
well with the topographic depressions of the Salar de ness of the central Andes should consider Late Cretaceous
Atacama basin and the Pipanaco basin of northwestern and Paleogene shortening, as well as the more obvious
Argentina. Moreover, tomographic data show that the Salar Neogene and Quaternary shortening.
de Atacama is underlain by (1) abnormally dense
lithospheric mantle, which may be mechanically coupled [52] Acknowledgments. We are particularly grateful to Empresa
with the top of the subducting Nazca plate [Yuan et al., Nacional del Petro´leo – Chile (ENAP) for providing seismic and well
2002], and (2) a thick and rheologically strong crust, which data and for permission to publish this paper. Salvador Harambour of ENAP
was instrumental in setting up the project. Ce´sar Arriagada acknowledges
may have served as a resistant block, around which funds from CONICYT, FONDECYT (project 3030050) and the Institut de
compressional deformation has nucleated [Schurr and Recherche pour le De´veloppement (IRD), during his bilateral
Rietbrock, 2004]. Any of these anomalies could have Ph.D. program at Geosciences-Rennes and Universidad de Chile. IRD also
funded fieldwork by Peter Cobbold and Pierrick Roperch. The paper has
contributed dynamically to subsidence of the Salar de benefited from reviews by Jose´ Cembrano.
Atacama basin, so helping to preserve a remnant of the
original Andean foreland.
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