Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
Earth Science Reviewer
- In 1543, Copernicus proposed that: III. A planet’s orbital period squared is
proportional to its average distance from the
o The sun, not the Earth, is the center of the
sun cubed.
solar system.
- Such a model is called a heliocentric system.
- Ordering of planets known to Copernicus in
this new system is illustrated in the figure.
- Represents modern ordering of planets.
TWO STAR HYPOTHESIS / CAPTURE 2. Orbits of the planets are elliptical
THEORY and are on the same plane.
3. All planets revolve around the sun.
• One star passed by a protostar of lesser 4. The periods of revolution of the
mass planets increase with increasing
• Attraction between the two star pulling distance from the Sun; the innermost
each other due to planet moves fastest, the outermost,
the slowest;
gravity 5. All planets are located at regular
intervals from the Sun.
• This attraction flattened the stars
• The flattened protostar disintegrated and 1. Mass
broke into pieces - Much of the mass of the Solar
System is concentrated at the
• The pieces contracted into discs of center(Sun).
different sizes and cooled to form the planets 2. Orbits
- Orbits of the planets are elliptical
• The moons are captured asteroids and are on the same plane.
3. Revolution
- All planets revolve around the sun.
- The periods of revolution of the
planets increase with increasing
PLANETESIMAL THEORY distance from the sun; the innermost
being the fastest, and the outermost;
• By Thomas Chrowder Chamberlain and the slowest.
Forest Ray Moulton - All planets are located at regular
intervals from the sun.
• A passing star caused the sun to eject
filaments of material that condensed into Small Scale Features
planetesimals from which planets form by 1. Most planets rotate prograde
accretion 2. Inner terrestrial planets are made of
materials with high melting points
• The oceans and the atmosphere were such as silicates, iron , and nickel.
formed by volcanic eruptions They rotate slower, have thin or no
atmosphere, higher densities, and
Planet Earth – Could There be Life? lower contents of volatiles -
- Between Mars and Jupiter there is a hydrogen, helium, and noble gases.
large number of rocks orbiting the 3. The outer four planets - Jupiter,
sun. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are
- Each rock is known as an asteroid. called "gas giants" because of the
- The ring of rocks is called the dominance of gases and their larger
Asteroid Belt. size. They rotate faster, have thick
- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are atmosphere, lower densities, and
the inner planets and are also known fluid interiors rich in hydrogen,
as Terrestrial planets. helium and ices (water, ammonia,
- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto are methane).
outer planets and are also known as
Jovian or gas giants.
- Pluto is a big ball of ice. Galactic Neighborhood
- Galactic environment impacts
The Solar System habitability.
Large Scale Characteristics - Milky Way galaxy’s edge is a life-
1. Much of the mass of the Solar favorable spot.
System is concentrated at the center - Not near active gamma ray source.
(Sun) - Not near galactic center with high
star density and ionizing radiation.
- Loneliness in galaxy is helpful for - HZ range should not vary over time
life. o Stars increase luminosity as
they age
Spectral Class of Star Needed for Life: o If this happens too quickly
- Spectral class indicates photospheric (super-massive star), planets
temperature are only in window for life
o 4000K to 7000K for short amount of time
- Emit high-frequency UV radiation to o Lowers time to develop life
trigger atmospheric ozone formation - Stars increase luminosity as they age.
- Emits not so much that ionization - If this happens too quickly(super-
destroys life massive star), planets are only in
window for life in a short amount of
Spectral Class of “Sun” time.
- Earth rotates around the star, the - Lowers time to develop life.
“Sun.” - Theorized that HZ can move.
- Sun - Mars might be habitable.
o G2 V star
o ~6,000K
Is Earth Located in Habitable Zone?
- Yes!
- Earth is located within the expected
shell of distance in which liquid
water can be on the surface of the
- Pictures of the planet show liquid
water covering a large portion of the
Earth’s surface!
- The relative position of Earth
appears capable of supporting life…
- Sun is in “Habstar” range! so let’s look at the planet itself!
- Ozone can form in atmosphere.
- Ionization is not deadly for life. Planet Characteristics that Support Life
*Blue Flame(non-luminous) - Terrestrial
- less visible. o Silicate rocks
*Main Sequence Stars o Rocks not accreted to
- 4000-7000K. gaseous outer layers
Low Stellar Variation? - Gas Giants = no life
- All stars change luminosity o No surface
- Stars vary in stability… stars that o Enormous Gravity
fluctuate luminosity violently are o Satellites are good candidates
poor candidates for hosting life
Composition of Earth?
SUN - Earth is a terrestrial planet, not a gas
- Is relatively stable giant
o Star variation is
approximately .1% over an Mass of Planets need to be Just Right for
11-year cycle. Life
o Slight variations dramatically - Low Mass
impact Earth. - Bad news for life
- Can burn its Hydrogen for 10 billion - Lesser gravity – difficult for
years. atmosphere retention
- AGE: 4.8 Billion Years old - Smaller planets lose energy from
formation quickly geologically dead
Habitable Zone - Approximately 0.3 Earth masses
- Theoretical shell around a star where needed to sustain life
any planet present would have liquid
water on its surface
Mass of Earth o Argon (.93%)
- High Mass o Carbon Dioxide (.0390%)
o Earth is largest by mass and - This composition could support life
density of terrestrial bodies in - Atmosphere absorbs/reflects harmful
the Solar System radiation
o Large enough for molten core o Visible and Radio reach
(heat engine) surface
o Large enough for atmosphere - Reflect of Radiation
through gravity o Presence of life(Albedo
o Large enough for liquid outer Effect)
core and metal inner core
(magnetic field) Composition of Planets
- Four elements vital for life
- Can hold its atmosphere o Carbon
- Protected from Solar Flare(Magnetic o Hydrogen
Field) o Oxygen
- Last reversal of the poles was o Nitrogen
780,000 years ago.
Earth’s Composition?
Magnetic Fields and Life - Element oxygen alone found in
- Planets need protection from solar Earth’s crust…
wind - However, other life elements are
- Solar wind- stream of charged found in atmosphere and water
particles from stars consisting of - Make amino acids (building blocks
electrons and protons of protein)
- Planet must have molten metal - Comets(gave us H2O) and
interior outgassing from volcanoes brought
these elements
IF THE POLES SHIFT: - Life can be seen on the crust,
- Magnetic field is not complete atmosphere and water.
- Harmful radiation can penetrate
- Organisms that rely on direction Tectonic Activity of Planet
might get confused. - Supply surface with life-sustaining
- material
Does Earth have a Magnetic Field? - Supply atmosphere with temperature
- Yes! moderators (CO2)
- Earth has solid metal core with liquid - Recycles important
outer core, causing magnetic field chemicals/materials
- Protects the Earth from solar wind - Earth is tectonically active!!
and solar flares.
Atmosphere and Life - Spontaneous combustion
- Atmosphere – layer of gases that - CO2 acts as a temperature
surround a material body of moderator.
sufficient mass *Lessen the emission.
- Held by gravity
- Helps regulate temperature Life-Supporting Orbits
- Protects planet from meteors and - Stability is critical
radiation - Eccentricity
- Composition favors life (oxygen and o Greater (ellipse)e, greater
carbon dioxide) temperature fluctuation
o Living organisms can only
Does Earth have an Atmosphere? withstand certain fluctuations
- Yes! o Is the deviation from a
- Earth’s atmosphere is made up of circular path.
o Nitrogen (78%)
o Oxygen (20.9%)
Is Earth’s Orbit Suitable?
- Earth’s Orbit
o Almost circular “Earth is a complex system of
o E < .02 interacting physical, chemical and
biological processes running since
Life-Supporting Rotation the beginning of time.”
- Rotation around axis at tilt as a set of interconnected
o Planet should have moderate components that are interacting to
seasons or biospheric form a unified whole.
dynamism will disappear
o Without tilt, planet would be Earth As A Closed System
colder (warm weather could
not move poleward)
o Should not be radically tilted
because seasons would be
- Speed of Rotation
o Should be relatively quick so
day-night cycle is not too
- Inertia is the tendency of an object to
resist change. Closed system: exchange of energy but
- Inertia & Gravity, but gravity is negligible exchange of mass with
greater. surroundings.
Earth’s Rotation? Earth System Science
- Earth’s tilt varies between 21.5 and Earth is a dynamic body
24.5 degrees every 41,000 years
with many separate, but
- Day is only 24 hours
highly interacting parts or
- Moon plays crucial role
o Moderates Earth’s climate by
stabilizing axial tilt Earth system science
studies Earth as a system
Earth COULD have life! composed of numerous
- Galactic Neighborhood parts, or subsystems.
o Arm of Milky Way galaxy
- Star
o Spectral class G2 The Earth’s Four Spheres
o Low stellar variation
- Distance from Star
o Earth is located in Habitable
o Liquid Water
- Composition/Size
o Terrestrial planet, relative
high mass
o Magnetic Field
o Atmosphere
- Orbit
o Nearly circular
- Rotation
o Tilt allows seasons
o Short night/day
The Earth is a system consisting of four and oxygen (about 21%). Other(1%)
major interacting components: components exist in small quantities.
Igneous Rocks
• Felsic: light colored rocks that are
rich in elements such as aluminum,
potassium, silicon, and sodium
• Mafic: dark colored rocks that are
rich in calcium, iron, and
magnesium, poor in silicon
• Coarse-grained: takes longer to cool,
giving mineral crystals more time to
• Fine-grained: cools quickly with
little to no crystals