Bioluminescent Bacteria Culture

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Isolation and Culture of Bioluminescent Bacteria

by Cathal Garvey
Released under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution, Sharealike License.
Details on the license are here: Enquire for exceptions.
Email: - Twitter: @onetruecathal, @labsfromfabs

Before You Continue..

This guide assumes that you are able to make sterile culture media in which to grow your target bacteria. If
you have not yet made your own sterile media, it's not that hard. For instructions and recipes on homebrew
culture media, see here:

A Note on Equipment
This experiment, and others like it, can be done without equipment. Particularly as the bacteria involved grow
comfortably without incubation. However, to take microbiology on as a serious hobby, you may need to buy
specialised equipment.
Although this will hopefully soon change, science is expensive, and not for fair reasons. Patents, monopolies,
price fixing and a lack of consumer effort on the part of labs worldwide has led to a situation where even the
simplest of lab equipment items costs thousands and does even less than a microwave.
With the advent of DIYbio and microbiology-as-a-hobby, small suppliers are appearing that cater to the needs
of individuals and hobby groups at reasonable prices. Some suppliers or sources of equipment are listed at the
end of the document. However, where possible in this document, I will attempt to work around the need for
specialised equipment so that you can do this without a big investment.

Microbiology as a Hobby
Microbiology is the study of living things at a scale smaller than the human eye can see. This includes almost
all bacteria, yeasts and molds, most of a fungus' life cycle, and many unique and strange organisms besides. The
skills of a microbiologist can also be adapted and turned toward the study of larger organisms at a cellular level,
for example the culture of animal or plant tissues.

Microbiology is not traditionally seen as a hobby, and in some respects this is justified. After all, the best
known microbes are disease-causing pathogens or food poisoning agents. However, thesed microbes are by far
the minority, and responsible behaviour and practise can make microbiology a very rewarding, stimulating and
safe activity. Microbiology can be used to culture bacteria from the kitchen, workplace or bedroom so as to
better understand the unseen aspect of the world you inhabit. It can be used to culture bacteria that dwell on the
skin, to show how many bacteria live peacefully with us, and how others lie waiting for an opportunity to infect
or poison us. It can even be used to culture natural curiosities, such as bacteria that glow softly in the dark. It is
this latter exercise that this guide will demonstrate, but the key skills involved are easily adapted to other

“Citizen Science” is increasingly recognised as a requirement for the stable advancement of knowledge in our
society. Citizen Science is not merely public awareness, but public involvement; a Citizen Scientist doesn't
passively wait for answers, but actively seeks them and shares them to help advance our understanding of the
world. When science becomes a field only for specialists, and public awareness of the key skills and facts fade,
then scientific advancement may well come to a standstill. Science was, at the outset, a hobby for the curious. It
is high time the curious returned to science, as it becomes more and more important to our daily lives!

This guide to culturing bacteria will illustrate several key skills in microbiology. Streaking agar to isolate
colonies can allow you to take a “mixed bag” of unknown bacteria from the wild and select only one species to
grow and study. Identifying species by their appearance on an agar plate is the most basic way to tell them apart,
though further tests are always needed to determine for certain what species you have found. Perhaps most
importantly, developing a respect for the potential hazards, and a habit of keeping things sterile and tidy, will go
a long way towards making your hobby safer.
With some practise and further study, Microbiology may become a much loved and useful skill as well as a
hobby for you. If not, then it is hoped this guide will at least entertain. Enjoy!
Your First Project: Culturing Bioluminescent Bacteria
Bioluminescence is a property of some naturally occurring bacteria found in the benthic depths of the Oceans
worldwide. It is a natural ability to produce visible levels of light, which benefits bacteria or their symbiotes in a
variety of ways, from camoflage to warning to predation.

While individual bacteria do not produce enough light to be seen on their own, when grown in high densities
they can put out enough to illuminate a small area; enough to see by or even read by with effort. If grown
creatively on a solid or semisolid substrate and with enough oxygen, they can maintain a sustained glow for
quite some time without care or maintainance.

Bioluminescence makes a great curio with which to demonstrate micriobiology, as well as presenting a few
interesting applications to try out. As a dim night light, a culture of bioluminescent bacteria is inexpensive, long
lasting and indifferent to power-cuts or brownouts. As a pure curio, a culture could be placed in a bubbling “lava
lamp” instead of water. As part of an art project, they present an interesting live medium and provide a sustained
glow as long as they have air and medium. They are under study as a potential source of light for rural areas in
developing countries, where electricity is not available.

Culturing these bacteria is also pretty easy in comparison to some alternative projects centered on bacteria
encountered in daily life. Because bioluminescent bacteria usually are found in the ocean, they grow comfortably
in medium with a high salt content, which helps to keep down contamination by other bacteria accustomed to the
land or freshwater. Finding the bacteria is as simple as leaving some fresh shrimp or squid in a bucket of salty
water or clear brine in a cool room, and waiting for them to grow and start glowing. They are comfortable with
cold temperatures and grow at only a little below room temperature (most grow at 18-20 degrees Celsius). They
don't tend to exhaust their medium too quickly, so they can be kept stably without too much work for a while. In
short, they make a great first project.

General Hygiene and Caution

Bacteria live everywhere, and can colonise almost anything. They can be pathogenic (disease causing), food
spoiling or totally harmless. They can also be beneficial for agriculture (root bacteria, for example), digestion,
protection from pathogens and a host of other things. In a way, they are just like anything else living; either a
friend or a foe, and either helpful, useful or best avoided.

However, unlike most things you encounter daily, you are unable to see or identify by the normal range of
your senses which bacteria you are dealing with. It is important to protect whatever species you are working with
from contaminating strains found on your skin. It is more important to take precautions to protect your health
and the health of others. Thankfully, these precautions are common sense measures that shouldn't be any
different from what you are used to from cooking or cleaning a house.

Always wear gloves when working with microbiology. These can be disposable latex gloves, or re-usable
rubber gloves, but what is important is that your hands be covered from the objects and materials you are using. I
recommend buying a comfortably fitted pair of thin rubber gloves, and keeping them in good condition. Not only
does this save money and the environment, but it cuts down on the number of waste items you may have to
sterilise if you start experimenting with riskier strains later on. Remember to always wash your gloves while they
are still on with an antibacterial detergent, before removing them and putting them away.

Never perform your microbiology experiments, transfers or cultures in a kitchen or near where food is
prepared. Many bacteria that are generally considered safe because they do not cause disease can still be harmful
if they grow to large numbers in food and are consumed. This is because of the way that the immune system
reacts to some components of the bacterial cell membrane, and accounts for many cases of food poisoning
yearly. Keep your bacteria out of the kitchen, and wash your gloves, and then your hands after every session of
bacterial care!

Clearly label what you are working with, so you know which strains you put where, and if they present any
hazards be sure to write these clearly on the outside to remind yourself and warn others. For that matter, good
labelling, book-keeping and records are critical skills in any field; keep a little journal where you record your
work and update it with your results.
Sterilise everything before you work with it, so that you can discount your tools or vessels as sources of
contamination. Sterilisation is usually accomplished with an “autoclave”, which is a fancy form of pressure
cooker. For a home lab, it is most sensible to learn how to use a pressure cooker safely, and to sterilise your
equipment and culture materials with a 15-20 minute sterilisation cycle once full steam pressure is reached in the
cooker. Remember to add enough water to prevent boil-off in the vessel, try to keep your equipment raised from
the floor of the vessel, and remember to let steam force out the air in the cooker before allowing it to come to
pressure. If liquid is to be sterilised, let it come down as slowly as possible from the heat and pressures of the
sterilisation cycle, or the liquid will boil over and make a mess (see Boyle's Law on wikipedia for why this

To sterilise your gloves, and for sterilisation of surfaces, you can use a mild bleach, an alcohol wipe/spray/gel
or a surface cleaner with ample antibacterial action. Bleach and alcohol are staples of lab sterility, and are best
used in combination, perhaps bleach first and alcohol after. Isopropyl (“rubbing”) alcohol or ethanol are
appropriate for this task at about 70% concentration in deionised water. If you haven't anything special on hand,
use one of the hand sterilising creams or gels that became ubiquitous around the advent of Swine Flu.

Finally, when you are finished with a strain, a culture vessel or if your strains die off, you must make sure to
dispose of the bacteria responsibly. This means sterilising them before disposal! Put all of your vessels and
culture media back in the cooker, and sterilise them for 20 minutes. Assuming no hazardous chemicals were in
the vessels as well, they should be safe to dispose of normally afterwards. Throw away your agar, pour away
your liquid medium, wash your hands and scrub the vessels with detergent. Don't mix agar and liquid or you'll
have a mess that can't be thrown in the bin, and might clog your sink! If you do this by accident, you could try
filtering the agar out of the mix with a sieve.

Growth on Seafood and Isolation

You will need several things, and some other things are preferable extras.
Needed tools and consumables:
• Fresh, unwashed, unfrozen squid or shrimp. As fresh as possible, kept on ice.
• Artificial “Brine”: 30g Sea Salt or Table Salt dissolved in bottled or deionised water.
• Luminescence Agar Medium: Sterilised artificial brine with added nutrients and antacid buffer.
◦ Detailed fully in another document:
◦ It may also be helpful to have Luminescent broth
• Wood Toothpicks, or a metal wire loop
• A Craft Knife

Bioluminescent bacteria of several types are found living freely in the water at benthic depths, and also live
either as harmless commensals on the skin of marine wildlife, or instead may actually form a full symbiotic
partnership with a fish or arthropod.
As many or most squid species that are commonly found at market will have lived their truncated lives at or
about the benthic depths, they make an ideal source of bioluminescent bacteria. All you need to do is let the
bacteria grow!

This part requires a container big enough for your squid carcass. After placing the squid carefully inside with
minimal disruption or contact with the open areas of the skin, add the artificial “brine” to the container. Drop the
liquid from a slight height so that it bubbles on impact with the surface; this helps to aerate the artificial
seawater, which improves the visibility of glowing colonies.

Because many bioluminescent bacteria are able to grow at 4C, we can start selecting for our target species
right away by keeping the squid (covered for hygiene!) in a fridge or cold room for 24-36 hours. However, some
species will not glow effectively at these cold temperatures. Therefore after this, leave the carcass in a cool room
(between 15-20C is ok) to encourage faster growth and visible glowing. You will need to check the carcass
hourly, and to prepare a clean and tidy way to dispose of the squid once finished.

Each hour, darken the room as much as you can and let your eyes adjust for a few minutes, then scrutinise the
carcass for spots of brightness. Bear in mind that the fovea of the eye, where the center of vision is focused,
cannot see in the dark. Therefore if you look directly at something, you won't see it. Instead, focus slightly to the
left or right to observe something close-up.
If you can buy or build a red lamp, flashlight or bulb then it may help at this stage. Deep shades of red light
do not interfere with night vision, so it can be used to see what you are doing without hindering your ability to
see glowing colonies develop. You can often find red LED headlamps in DIY or camping shops.

It may take between six and ten hours before you start to see glowing colonies forming. The colonies glow in
response to oxygen remember, so you may have to pour away the artificial brine and add freshly shaken and
oxygenated medium now and then. Don't pour it right on the carcass in case it smears your bacteria. Cycling this
liquid medium will incidentally help to rinse away squid ink, which can obviously interfere with seeing your
colonies also. It is possible that colonies will be more abundant on the underside of the squid; some species use
softly glowing bacteria to obscure their shadow from predators underneath.

When colonies start to grow, resist the urge to work right away. If you leave them grow for another hour or
two, they will become even larger and brighter; not only does this present an interesting natural light show, but it
makes it easier to pick your bacteria.

Picking and Streaking Colonies

Isolating a single species or even a single bacterium from a mix of cells is actually fairly simple. “Streaking”
cells across a plate, so that they are spread out progressively thinner and thinner, is the normal way to spread
cells so sparsely that any given colony can be assumed to have developed from a single cell.

When you feel ready, take a fresh pick, wire loop or craft knife. Turn it under a lighter for a second or two to
sterilise it, and let it cool for a while so you don't burn your cells. Use the tip of the tool to scrape gently at the
surface of the glowing colony you want to isolate.

Then, open a sterile plate/dish/ramekin/shallow jar of Luminescent Agar (detailed in the document linked
above), and gently rub the tip across the surface of only one quarter of the plate. This inoculates that quarter with
whatever bacteria were on the tip, which almost certainly contains more than just your desired bacteria.

To spread them more thinly, dry your pick and sterilise it again with the lighter. Give it a little while to cool
down. Then drag it through one or three of the streaks you placed at first and drag from there into another
quarter. Zigzag streak it in this other quarter also. Sterilise the tool and repeat for the other two quarters, each
time dragging from the previous quarter. You should then have four quarters that will have progressively fewer
cells in each; at least one of these should be suitable for isolating a pure strain later. If not, you can streak a likely
colony from the plate on a fresh plate to further purify your strains until you can get a single colony.

Repeat this whole procedure of picking a colony, streaking it and thinning it over a plate, for at least three and
preferably more agar plates. It is best to have wide, shallow containers like the petri dishes used in labs (and
available from ebay), but if only small containers are available (jam jar lids, perhaps) you may want to streak a
larger number to be sure.

You migh want to pick a colony or even excise a little glowing patch of the squid carcass and immerse it in
liquid medium as an alternate method of growing your cells. If you can keep the liquid medium agitated as the
bacteria grow, then the liquid will remain fairly aerated and the bacteria will grow happily in suspension. You
will still have a mixed culture, and it is possible that non-target species will grow in the medium faster than your
desired cells. If the medium starts to glow even slightly, then it's a good time to take a small liquid sample from
the medium and streak that on agar to isolate cells.

When you have finished picking colonies, dispose of the carcass immediately and safely. It might be best to
skip the bin in your house and place it straight in an outdoor bin for collection, bagged by itself. It is, after all,
spoiled meat. Wash your gloves and hands after handling it.

Keep your cells at between 15C and 20C for optimum growth; most bioluminescent bacteria will grow at
these temperatures. Some bacteria that grow at lower temperatures will not glow much until they have spent an
hour or so growing at 15C-20C. You could consider incubating your bacteria at 4C to favour these
“psychrophilic” (cold-loving) bacteria; they include Vibrio phosphoreum, the most vigourously glowing
bacterium commonly isolated. Remove the bacteria for an hour before checking them for glowing in the dark.

Depending on the species and the temperature, it could be between 24 and 48 hours before you see evidence
of growth. You will be able to see bacteria growing on a culture vessel with your eyes; single colonies are
usually circular or dome-shaped, but some bacteria form flattened smudges and some fungi will spread hyphae
across the medium and form furry patches. Some will grow as a slowly spreading slime or crust on the medium.
They may be coloured or uncoloured. When you take the plates into the dark, it shouldn't require outstanding
nightsight to see a pure colony of bioluminescent bacteria growing, as long as they are aerated.

To isolate the single colony, simply take a sterile toothpick, metal pick, loop or craft knife and “pick up” the
colony, being careful not to touch anything else on the plate that might be growing. You could streak it again just
to be really sure you've separated it from possible contaminants.

Once isolated, you can start to study the bacteria themselves to determine what species or family you have.
The methods that can be employed to study your bacteria are sometimes a matter of trial and error, with cross-
referencing against a set of traits known to be possessed by a family or species. For example, it is known that
Vibrio phosphoreum grows at 4C whereas many other bioluminescent bacteria do not. To further determine
which of these 4C-growing bacteria you have, you might look up which “carbon sources” they can use (i.e.
Molecules can they break down for energy and raw building material, whether a sugar, glycerol, or something
more exotic), and try making up some batches of alternate medium offering these carbon sources instead of
glycerol. If your bacteria grow well on a medium with an alternate carbon source then you can take that as a clue
based on what is known of the species it might be. Recall that you can find more information on making
homebrew bacterial media here:

If you can determine your species through these clues, or if you can at least determine what it is not, you may
be able to comfortably say whether your species is a hazard. It is moderately unlikely that it is; marine bacteria
tend not to pose a health risk (however, many or most are “gram negative” bacteria, so beware of allowing them
to grow on your food or you may get ill). This can then open the door to more entertaining experimentation.

Further Play and Study

Bacteria make a great experimental test bed. They grow quickly, they tend to respond predictably to the same
stimuli if applied repeatedly (essential for scientific merit) and their conditions of growth and culture can be
adapted with ease.

The enzyme used by these bacteria to glow is known as a “luciferase”, and it generates light by digesting a
substrate molecule known as a “luciferin”. These systems are highly sensitive to contamination with heavy metal
ions such as lead or mercury. In fact, a team in Korea developed a system using Vibrio phosphoreum in a system
of continuous, circulating culture to test water purity for this reason! You can perhaps attempt something similar,
or discover whether certain forms of toxin are less effective at inhibiting bioluminescence:
• You could try making up a culture medium containing the pour-off from some canned foods or fish, to
see if metal ions have leached into the food. Try this with a dented can and an undented one, see if you can
notice any differences. Remember to have a “control” culture of bacterial in otherwise normal medium, to
compare against.
• Liquidise and filter a small piece of oceanic fish to get a clear fluid. Grow up some glowing bacteria, and
then add a little bit of this liquid to see how it impacts their glowing strength: results should be pretty fast if
something happens. Many fish, particularly predators such as swordfish, accumulate toxic levels of mercury due
to pollution and bioaccumulation.
• If you know someone who smokes, spare them the damage of a cigarette and use it for science! Drop a
cigarette into your medium before sterilising, so that toxins can leach into the medium. Then see if your cells
glow any differently.

You can use the bacteria as part of a light producing project or art project as well, provided people don't touch
• Try making a culture vessel with a small amount of liquid medium and some kitchen paper or card
inside, so that the medium soaks up into the paper/card to make a large growth surface with a lot of air exposure.
Results can be very satisfying! Can you create an even denser growth surface, perhaps even a clear or translucent
• If you have an old aquarium with bubble-stone, you could fill it with sterile medium and inoculate with
bacteria. The Bubble-Stone will oxygenate the medium constantly, possibly providing you with a brightly
glowing container!

Can you find or induce mutant strains? Remember that streaking your cells on a plate of agar will let you
isolate individual cells for observation. Perhaps by exposing cells to mutagenic substances, you can encourage
brighter colonies to develop! Beware with this project area; many of the substances that induce mutagenesis in
bacteria can be carcinogenic in humans, and vice versa.
• “Carcinogenic” often means “mutagenic”. Pick something that can't harm you as a side effect of
handling it, such as barbecue ash, a cigarette or a lump of cling film and let it leach into the medium. Remember,
your cells will probably not glow well while growing in this medium due to toxic side effects, but streaking them
may reveal mutants. “Dark” mutants are likely to be a more common occurrance than bright ones.
• If you can find a UV lamp, try exposing a culture to UV for a little while. Beware: too long and you'll
kill them all and sterilise the culture! Just the right amount, and you'll induce all sorts of mutations. Most won't
be visible, and most won't be useful or beneficial. If you are very lucky, one might affect glowing in an
interesting way.

Culture Maintainance
Keeping your cells alive and happy is the only recurring difficulty that this hobby imposes. Without access to
very expensive equipment, you mightn't be able to store your cells long-term without constantly changing their
medium and moving them to new culture vessels. However, some methods of maintaining your bacteria are
fairly long-lasting:

• Agar Stab: Add some luminescent agar to a thin jar or test tube, and then use a sterile pipette tip, pencil
or other conical method to take a sample of your culture or a healthy colony and drive it down through the agar.
These “stabs” have large surface area for growth, and if kept in a cold environment (perhaps 4C in a fridge) the
bacteria should remain viable for some time. Check it now and then at room temperature for glowing (keep it a
little aerated to prevent oxygen from being depleted)
• Cold broth: For many lab bacteria, growth at 4C is so slow as to be negligable for weeks or months.
E.coli can be stored for a long time as a 4C broth culture, because it is so used to growth at 37C only. For the
bioluminescent bacteria you may have isolated, it is possible that C presents a comfortable growth environment.
Some, however, will not grow at 4C and may be stocked simply by keeping them in the fridge and reculturing
• Frozen Stock: Although unlikely to work very well in a home -20C freezer (labs typically use -80C), you
could try making a frozen stock of cells. This requires adding glycerol as a cryoprotectant, usually about 20%
but sometimes as high as 40%. To do this, sterilise some glycerol of as high a concentration as you can find, and
then simply add some bacteria grown in liquid medium until you have about 25% glycerol in the final mix. Put
them directly in the coldest part of the freezer, and do not defrost thereafter. If you need to remove cells later for
culture, scrape some cells from the surface of the frozen medium to inoculate your culture, then put the stocks
immediately back in the freezer. If your glycerol stock has remained liquid, you may need to try adding less
glycerol for a -20C freezer.
• Continuous Culture: This is very much more involved than the other options, really here more as an
academic exercise. Still, if you want to establish continuous culture, it would make a great project to document
online! Continuous culture is the creation of a vessel that has a certain volume of cells in suspension at all times,
but slowly adds fresh medium constantly, displacing a like quantity into a drainage system or overflow container.
Continuous culture must be carefully balanced to the growth rate of the cells, or they will be diluted out of the
culture by an overly active feed or allowed to overgrow by an anaemic feed.
• Lyophilisation: Similar to the above, this is more a suggestion for an excellent DIY project.
Lyophilisation is the process of freeze-drying a sample by keeping it frozen while applying a strong vacuum. The
ice sublimes directly into water vapour and is removed. While most cells will not survive dessication, or drying
by traditional evaporation, it is usually possible to lyophilise cells if an appropriate lyoprotectant chemical is

As a final note on care of bioluminescent bacteria, it may occasionally be necessary to re-streak your cells to
isolate a brightly glowing colony if you notice that your cultures are getting darker. The so called “dark mutants”
can emerge in liquid culture easily, because by removing the costs of producing luciferin and spending oxygen
on luciferase, they can increase their growth rate and out-compete the glowing “wild-type” bacteria. Pay
attention to the brightness of your cultures and do not ignore an inability to glow as vigorously as before.

Suppliers of Affordable Labware

Although you can perform experiments using ware found or available for kitchens, it is best to have a set of
glassware specially for your lab to make things easier.
• Glass test tubes with caps, erlenmyer (conical) flasks and glass petri dishes are great culture vessels.
• Lab equipment such as incubators, centrifuges and sterile airflow cabinets are generally quite expensive
but are essential for a professional lab. A cheap centrifuge is available from LabsFromFabs, and great gloved
sterile inflatable bag is available from Applied Micro Science. They also stock an agitating incubator but it is not
◦ Centrifuges can be used to “spin down” bacteria growing in a liquid broth for transfer to a fresh
culture or for use in other experiments. They are also used for a host of other lab protocols.
◦ Sterile flow hoods or gloved inflated bags allow you to work in a sterile space, preventing
contamination of your media and cultures.
◦ Incubators are essential to grow most bacteria effectively.
• Manual equipment like micropipettes can be found on ebay; search for “eppendorf pipette”, or
“pipetman” and work from there. You should be able to get second hand tools for £30 or less if you shop around,
and new for about £50-70 depending on brand and quality.
• Lab consumables like pipettes, micropipettes tips, plastic ware and special tapes or films can make life
easier. Re-usable glass pipettes can cut down on waste but are difficult to sterilise.

Suppliers besides those on ebay include:

• LabsFromFabs - – Supplier of lab equipment produced
by rapid prototyping machines. Particularly in this case for an inexpensive centrifuge rotor that attaches to a
Dremel rotary tool. Sold as an ornament, as it carries some risks in use compared to a commercial centrifuge.
Disclosure: this shop belongs to the author of this document.
• Applied Micro Labs - – Supplier of equipment, media and culture seeds
for fungal culture (edible mushrooms, for example) and plant tissue culture. Also supplies equipment needed to
culture most microbes, and supplies ready-made media for many applications.
• Lab In A Box - – Will soon be supplying kits and instructions for many home
biology or school project experiments.

References and Further Information

• - The excellent Indiana biolab disknet archive contains
a host of information on bacterial culture, and contained the article that largely informed and inspired
this work. It is very worth reading through the available pages on disknet.
• - Mackenzie Cowell's success in
getting glowing bacteria to grow on a piece of seafood, and his subsequent linking of the original disknet
article, was the original inspiration to perform this experiment and document it.
• - The Microbewiki article on
Photobacterium phosphoreum (old name for Vibrio phosphoreum) is highly informative, and links to
several interesting articles on potential applications and significances of the bacterium. This wiki also
contains information on other bacteria that can be of use in identifying your culture strains.

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