Pe 2
Pe 2
Pe 2
1. Course Outcomes
2. Course Contents[Syllabus]
3. List of Reference Books
4. List of Experiments
5. Major Equipment required for Experiments
6. List of Open source software and learning websites required for
7. Active Learning Assignments and Tutorial.
Instructionsfor Assignment/Tutorial:
[1] This set of Assignment-Tutorial consist the collection of questions of past GTU Question
[2] Attend those questions which are bold marked and/or frequently asked in GTU exam.
[3] Students should make a separate Chapter wise Files[write on File Pages] to solve these
[4] Students must solve these given set of Assignments by themselves only.
[5] Assessment of given assignment should be done regularly after completion of each
chapter by Students from the respective faculty members.
[1] Course Outcomes:
After the completion of this course, the student shall able to do
NO. Hrs
Performance parameters of Inverters; Classification of Inverters: 15 38
Voltage source inverters and Current source inverters; Single
phase inverters: series, parallel and bridge type (Half wave and
Full wave) inverters; Forced Commutated, Line commutated and
Self-Controlled Switches based Inverters; Three phase bridge
inverters: 180 degree conduction, 120 degree conduction and
their comparison
PWM Inverters: Principle of PWM control, PWM techniques
classifications, Unipolar and Bipolar PWM, Effect of Switching
1 frequency on Harmonic Spectrum, Sinusoidal PWM, Third
harmonic PWM, Selective Harmonic Elimination, Hysteresis band
current control PWM, Space vector pulse width modulation
technique, Comparison of PWM techniques,
Voltage and frequency control of single phase and three-phase
inverters, Harmonic Cancellation techniques
Gating circuits for switches of inverter, Gate driver ICs having
high side and low side reference output for driving switches of
legs of inverters (like IR25604)
Current Source Inverters: single phase and three phase ASCI and
self-controlled switch based inverters; Comparison of Voltage
and Current source Inverters.
Concept of On-Off or integral cycle control and Phase control; 08 20
Various single phase full wave ac-ac controllers with R, L and RL
load; Analysis for phase control and integral cycle control; Gating
2 requirements; Sequence Control of AC regulators; 3-phase full
wave converter configurations with Y and Δ connected loads and
their analysis with R load; AC Voltage controller with PWM
control; Basic principle of matrix converter
Introduction; Basic Principle; Single to single-phase 06 16
cycloconverters; Three-phase half-wave cycloconverters;
3 Cycloconverters for three phase output; Output voltage equation;
Output harmonics in cycloconverter; Comparison between
cycloconverter and DC link Converter; Load Commutated
Induction Motor Drives
Comparison of ac & dc drive; their selection for particular
application; Review of Induction Motor fundamentals: Equivalent 09 18
circuit, Characteristics, Basic Equations and speed control
methods; motoring and braking
4 Soft starting: Stator voltage control with AC voltage controller;
Six-step VSI inverter based drives; PWM-VSI drives; Braking and
multi-quadrant operation of VSI drives; Cycloconverter based
induction motor drive; Variable frequency control from a current
source; Slip power control using Rotor resistance along-with
chopper; Closed loop control schemes; Effect of non-sinusoidal
wave form on AC machine performance;
Synchronous Motor Drives
Three phase synchronous motors; variable speed drives; variable 03 08
5 frequency control; self-controlled synchronous motor drive
employing load commutated thyristor inverter, self controlled
synchronous motor drive employing a cycloconverter.
1. M D Singh and K B Khanchandani, “Power electronics”, TMH, New Delhi, 2nd ed.,
2. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Prentice
Hall of India, 3rd ed., 2003.
3. VedamSubramanyam, “Power Electronics – Devices, Converters and Applications”, New
Age International Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2nd ed. 2006.
4. P.S. Bimbhra, “Power Electronics”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2012..
5. Ned Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, “Power Electronics – Converters, Applications
and Design”, John Willey & sons, Inc., 3rd ed., 2003.
6. V.R.Moorthi, “Power Electronics”, Oxford University press, 2005.
7. G..K. Dubey, S.R. Doradla, A. Joshi, and R.M.K. Sinha, “Thyristorised Power Controllers”,
New Age International Ltd. Publishers, 1986 (Reprint 2008).
8. P.T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics”, Oxford University Press, 1998.
9. G..K. Dubey, “ Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2nd ed. 2001.
[4] List of Experiments:
[7]Learning Assignments /Tutorial:
Performance parameters of Inverters; Classification of Inverters: Voltage
source inverters and Current source inverters; Single phase inverters: series,
parallel and bridge type (Half wave and Full wave) inverters; Forced
Commutated, Line commutated and Self-Controlled Switches based Inverters;
Three phase bridge inverters: 180 degree conduction, 120 degree conduction
and their comparison PWM Inverters: Principle of PWM control, PWM
techniques classifications, Unipolar and Bipolar PWM, Effect of Switching
Chapter-1 frequency on Harmonic Spectrum, Sinusoidal PWM, Third harmonic PWM,
Selective Harmonic Elimination, Hysteresis band current control PWM, Space
vector pulse width modulation technique, Comparison of PWM techniques,
Voltage and frequency control of single phase and three-phase inverters,
Harmonic Cancellation techniques Gating circuits for switches of inverter,
Gate driver ICs having high side and low side reference output for driving
switches of legs of inverters (like IR25604) Current Source Inverters: single
phase and three phase ASCI and self-controlled switch based inverters;
Comparison of Voltage and Current source Inverters.
1 May-11 07
Explain half bride and full bridge topology of inverter.
2 Explain 3 phase inverter operation for 180 0 Dec-15 07
3 Give comparison between current source inverter and 07
voltage source inverter.
4 What is PWM? Explain SPWM techniques. Jan-13 07
5 Explain space vector pulse modulation techniques. May-11 07
6 May-11 07
Explain inverter operation for 120
7 Explain McMurray inverter with each mode of operation. May-11 07
Give its limitation. May-12
Draw and explain the series Inverter circuit employing
8 Dec-11
Class-A type commutation. Draw and discuss the important 07
Design a series Inverter circuit for operation in the
9 frequency range 1 to 5 kHz. The load resistance may vary
Dec-11 07
from 25% to 100%.The peak load current is limited to 3A
and the supply voltage is 100 V.
A parallel capacitor commutated inverter with an Ideal
10 transformer issupplying a resistive load and has a very large
Dec-11 07
smoothening reactor inthed.c. line. Draw a circuit diagram,
sketch the relevant wave formsand explain the operation.
Describe with neat circuit diagram a 1 phase Mac-Murray
11 Dec-11
Inverter employing auxiliary thyristor commutation 07
A three phase bridge inverter has 120° conduction interval
12 for itsSCRs. Draw its power circuit and state the conduction
Dec-11 07
sequences ofthe SCRs. How is commutation achieved here
without any auxiliary thyristors.
13 Describe in brief about various methods of voltage control of
Dec-11 07
single phase Inverter.
15 Explain Third harmonic PWM in detail with output
May-12 07
16 Explain Space Vector switching and Space Vector
May-13 07
sequence used for Space Vector Modulation (SVM)
A single phase-bridge inverter delivers power to a series
connected load with R=3 Ohms and Xl=12 Ohms. The
periodic T=0.2 ms. What value of C should the load have in
17 order to obtain load commutation for the SCRs. The Jan-13 07
thyristor turn-off time is 12 micro-sec. Assume the circuit
turn off time as 1.5 tq. Assume load current contains only
fundamental component.
Draw waveforms of line voltage, phase voltage and load
current for 1200 and 1800 conduction mode of 3-phase
18 bridge inverter with Y connected resistive load. Compare
May-13 07
them and make comment on output voltage and harmonics
present in the load current.
19 Discuss parallel inverter in brief. May-14 07
Explain PWM principle. Discuss selected harmonic
elimination PWM technique to eliminate 5th and 7th
20 harmonics from the output voltage waveform.
May-13 07
List various PWM methods used in inverters for Harmonic
reduction and explain Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation with
necessary waveforms
Draw the power circuit of a parallel inverter and discuss its
21 Nov-13
operation. Also explain how voltage control can be obtained 07
with this inverter..
Describe using a neat circuit diagram, waveform and
22 operation of PWM inverter and also explain how the output Nov-13 07
voltage can be controlled in this scheme.
A three phase bridge inverter has 180° conduction interval
23 for it’s SCRs. Draw it’s power circuit and state the
Nov-13 07
conduction sequences of the SCRs with necessary
Describe using a neat circuit diagram, waveform and
24 operation of PWM inverter and also explain how the output May-14 07
voltage can be controlled in this scheme.
25 State the merits & demerits of current source inverter &
Nov-14 07
voltage source inverter.
What are the methods for harmonic reduction in inverter?
Explain SPWM method in brief.
26 Nov-14
List various PWM methods used in inverters for Harmonic 07
reduction and explain Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation with
necessary waveforms.
27 Give comparison between series and parallel inverter. Dec-15 07
28 Derive Fourier Analysis of load voltage wave-form of Half
Dec-15 07
wave Inverter topology.
29 What is the third harmonic injection method for PWM
Dec-15 07
techniques? What are merits of it over sine wave PWM?
What are line commutated inverters? How do they operate?
30 Explain the difference between line commutated and force May-16 07
commutated inverters.
32 Explain series single phase inverter with ckt. Diagram and Dec-15 07
wave-form. What are the merits and demerits of it?
Concept of On-Off or integral cycle control and Phase control; Various single
phase full wave ac-ac controllers with R, L and RL load; Analysis for phase
Chapter-2 control and integral cycle control; Gating requirements; Sequence Control of
AC regulators; 3-phase full wave converter configurations with Y and Δ
connected loads and their analysis with R load; AC Voltage controller with
PWM control; Basic principle of matrix converter.
1 Explain the basics of Matrix converter. Nov-13 07
2 Give the comparison between On/Off control and phase May -11 07
control of A.C voltage controller. Nov-14
3 Explain full wave controller with R-L load. Draw the 07
May -11
necessary wave-form.
Explain the operation of single phase A C voltage Dec-11
controller using two anti parallel SCR’s with R-L load for May-13
4 firing angle α equal to and less than load phase angle O. May-14 07
derive relevant equation and draw the waveforms with May-15
neat circuit diagram. May-16
A single phase A C voltage controller with R-L load has
the followingdetails:
a. The control range of firing angle,
b. The maximum value of RMS load current,
c. The maximum power and power factor,
5 Dec-11 07
d The maximum values of average and RMS thyristor
e. The maximum possible value of di/dt that may occur
inthe SCR and
f. The conduction angle α = 0 and α = 120° assuming
agate pulse of duration Π radian.
6 Explain Single phase transformer connection changers in 07
7 For a single phase full wave AC controller, the input rms May-12 07
voltage is Vs=120V,60Hz. The load is L=6.5 mH and
R=2.5Ω.The delay angles of thyristorsareequal i.e. α1=
α2=π/2. Determine (a) the conduction angle δ of the
thyristor,which conducts for positive half cycle (b) the rms
output voltage Vo (c) the rmsthyristor current IR (d) the
rms output current Io (e) the average current of athyristor
IA and (f) the input PF.
8 Explain AC voltage controllers with PWM control 13Nov- 07
14 May-
An a.c. voltage controller operating in integral cycle mode
feeds a resistive load of 10 ohm from a single phase a.c.
voltage source at 230 V, 50 Hz. The Thyristor switch is on
9 for 25 cycles followed by 75 cycles of extinction period. Jan-13 07
Determine (a) the r.m.s. value of load voltage and load
current. (b) The input power factor (c) the average value of
Thyristor current.
10 Draw different configurations of three phase AC-AC Voltage
Jan-13 07
controller. Write the difference between them.
A single phase full wave ac controller has a resistive load of
R=10 Ω and the input voltage is 120 V (rms), 60 Hz. The
11 delay angle of thyristor T1 and T2 are equal: α1=α2=α=π/2. May-13 07
Find (a) rms value of output voltage, (b) the input PF, (c)
average current of thyristor and (d) rms current of thyristor.
12 Discuss 3-phase full wave AC voltage controller with Y and Δ
May-13 07
connected load.
Explain the operation of a single phase voltage controller
13 supplying R-L load when the firing angle “α” is
Nov-13 07
(1) less than the load angle ф (2) equal to load angle ф (3)
greater than load angle ф
14 Write a brief note on 1 phase AC voltage controller with
Nov-13 07
PWM control with necessary waveforms
Describe the principle of working of a single phase to
15 Nov-13
single phase bridge type step down cyclo converter 07
feeding R-L load.
16 Derive equation for Average & RMS value of voltage for
Nov-14 07
single phase AC controller with RL load.
17 Explain principle of integral cycle control for AC voltage
Dec-15 07
A single phase full wave ac controller has R=10Ω, input
18 voltage=120V(rms), 60Hz. Delay angle α1=α2=л/2.
May-15 07
Determine (a)Output Voltage (b)Average Thyristor current,
(c) Input PF.
19 Describe the working of a two stage sequence control of
May-16 07
voltage controller for both R and RL load
A singe phase voltage controller has input voltage of
230V,50Hz and a load of R=15Ω. For 6 cycle on and 4cycle
20 off, determine (a) rms output voltage, May-16 07
(b) input power factor, (c) average and rmsthyristor
Introduction; Basic Principle; Single to single-phase cycloconverters; Three-
Chapter-3 phase half-wave cycloconverters; Cycloconverters for three phase output;
Output voltage equation; Output harmonics in cycloconverter; Comparison
between cycloconverter and DC link Converter; Load Commutated
May -11
1 Explain basic principle of cyclo-converter with circuit 07
diagram and wave from?
2 Explain three phase to single phase cycloconvrter May -11 07
Describe the operating principle of single phase to single
phase step up bridge type cyclo converter. Illustrate your
3 Dec-11 07
answer with appropriate circuit and waveforms. The
conduction of various thyristors must also be indicated in
the waveforms.
In a single phase to single phase cycloconverter, the input
voltage is 120V(rms),60 Hz. The load resistance is 5Ω and
the load inductance is L=40 mH. Thefrequency of the
4 output voltage is 20Hz. If the converters are operated as 07
semiconverters such that0 ≤ α ≤ π and the delay angle is
αp =2π/3, determine (a) therms value of output voltage
Vo, (b) the rms current of each thyristor IR, and (c)the
input PF.
5 Explain three phase Cycloconverter. May-14 07
How load commutated cycloconverter is different than
6 line commutated cycloconverter? Explain with suitable May-13 07
load example.
Describe the principle of working of a single phase to
7 Nov-13
single phase bridge type step down cycloconverter 07
feeding R-L load.
Explain the operation of a self-controlled (closed loop)
8 synchronous motor drive fed from a cycloconverter to
May-14 07
control the speed of synchronous motor with necessary
schematic diagram.
9 What is load commutated cycloconverter? How does it
May-16 07
differ from line commutated cycloconverter?
10 Give the comparison between a cycloconverter and a dc
May-16 07
link converter
A three pulse cycloconverter feeds a single phase load of
11 190V,45A at a power factor of 0.7 lagging. Determine: (a)
May-16 07
the required supply voltage, (b) thyristor RMS current and
PIV (c) power factor of the supply current.
Induction Motor Drives Comparison of ac & dc drive; their selection for particular
application; Review of Induction Motor fundamentals: Equivalent circuit,
Characteristics, Basic Equations and speed control methods; motoring and braking
Chapter-4 ( 3 Hrs) Soft starting: Stator voltage control with AC voltage controller; Six-step
VSI inverter based drives; PWM-VSI drives; Braking and multi-quadrant
operation of VSI drives; Cycloconverter based induction motor drive; Variable
frequency control from a current source; Slip power control using Rotor resistance
along-with chopper; Closed loop control schemes; Effect of non-sinusoidal wave
form on AC machine performance; ( 6 Hrs)