Test and Measurenment
Test and Measurenment
Test and Measurenment
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Elec 13-01 to Elec 13-04
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road Test & Measurement
Multiple Choice: A. the amount of current needed in the resistance of the shunt required to
the moving-coil to produce full convert the instrument to give full-
1. As the current range of an analog scale deflection of the meter’s scale deflection when the circuit
meter is increased, the overall meter pointer. current is 5 A.
resistance, RM ____. B. the value of current flowing in the
moving-coil for any amount for A. 0.02004 C. 0.20004
A. decreases pointer deflection. B. 1 D. 2.04
B. increases C. the amount of current required in
C. stays the same. the moving-coil to produce half- 12. The milli-ammeter is converted into a
D. None of the above. scale deflection of the meter’s voltmeter by connecting a high value
pointer. resistance in series with it. This is
2. When set to any of the voltage D. None of the above. called _____.
ranges, a typical DMM has an input
resistance of _____. 8. Which of the following statements is A. series C. shunt
false? B. multiplier D. bypass
A. about 0 C. 20 k
B. 10 M D. 1 k A. The Schering bridge is normally 13. As the voltage range of an analog
used on measuring unknown VOM is increased, the total voltmeter
3. Defined as the controlling force acts capacitances resistance, Rv,
in opposition to the deflecting force B. A.C. electronic measuring
and ensures that the deflection shown instruments can handle a much A. decreases.
on the meter is always the same for a wider range of frequency than the B. increases.
given measured quantity. moving coil instrument C. stays the same.
C. A complex waveform is one D. None of the above
A. Operating device which is sinusoidal
B. Controlling device D. A square wave normally contains 14. An ammeter shunt is useful because:
C. Damping device the fundamental and even
D. Linear device harmonics A. It increases meter sensitivity
B. It makes a meter more physically
4. What is the method of damping for a 9. A 20,000 /V VOM indicated a rugged
moving-coil instrument? reading of 250 volts on its 300 volts C. It allows for measurement of a
scale when used to measure an wide range of currents.
A. Linear unknown DC voltage. If a 500 k D. It prevents overheating of the
B. Air resistor was connected in series with meter.
C. Eddy current the VOM when the test was made,
D. Hairspring determine the value of the unknown 15. To use an analogue oscilloscope,
voltage. three basic settings to accommodate
5. The change in the direction of a an incoming signal need to be
compass needle, when a current- A. 271 V C. 350 V adjusted. To adjust the attenuation or
carrying wire is brought near, is: B. 250 V D. 550 V amplification of the signal:
A. Electromagnetic deflection. 10. When using an ohmmeter to measure A. use the time/division control to
B. Electrostatic force. resistance in a circuit. set the amount of time per
C. Magnetic force. division represented horizontally
D. Electroscopic force. A. the power in the circuit being across the screen.
tested must be off. B. use the volts/division control to
6. The _______ is basically a graph- B. the power in the circuit being adjust the amplitude of the signal
displaying device. tested must be on. before it is applied to the vertical
C. the power in the circuit being deflection plates.
A. oscilloscope tested may be on or off C. use the trigger level to stabilize a
B. universal meter D. the power in the circuit being repeating signal, as well as
C. sweep generator tested should be turned on the triggering on a single event.
D. probe after the leads are connected. D. none of the choices
7. For a moving-coil meter movement, 11. The resistance of a moving-coil 16. Suppose a certain current in a
IM is instrument is 10 and gives full- galvanometer causes the needle to
scale deflection at 10 mA. Calculate deflect 20 degrees, and then this
Website: www.excelreviewcenter.com.ph Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Elec 13-01 to Elec 13-04
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road Test & Measurement
current is doubled. The needle A. the pointer deflection will be 27. Determine the AC sensitivity of full
deflection will _____. magnified by the mirror when wave AC voltmeter with a full-scale
measuring small values of current of 100 μA.
A. decrease voltage, current, and resistance.
B. stay the same B. the meter should always be read A. 4500 C. 9000
C. increase by looking at the meter from the B. 10000 D. 1000
D. reverse direction side.
C. the meter is read when the pointer 28. What is the method of damping for a
17. Which meter has a higher resistance, and its mirror reflection appear as moving-iron instrument?
a DMM with 10M of resistance on one.
all dc voltage ranges or an analog D. Both A and B. A. Linear
VOM with a 50 k/V rating set to B. Air
the 250-V range? 22. Which of the following would refer C. Eddy current
to a moving coil rectifier D. Hairspring
A. The DMM. instrument?
B. The analog VDM. 29. To measure power-supply voltage
C. They both have the same A. An uneven scale, measuring dc. being used by a circuit, a voltmeter:
resistance. B. An even scale, measuring a.c.
D. It cannot be determined C. An uneven scale, measuring a.c. A. Is placed in series with the circuit
D. An even scale, measuring d.c. that works from the supply
18. An ammeter with a full- scale B. Is placed between the negative
deflection of 1 mA has a calibration 23. One important advantage of an pole of the supply and the circuit
error of ±3% of the full-scale current. electrostatic meter is that: working from the supply
If the ammeter reads 0.3 mA, what is C. Is placed between the positive
the possible range in the true current A. It measures very small currents. pole of the supply and the circuit
through the ammeter? B. It will handle large currents. working from the supply
C. It can detect ac voltages. D. Is placed in parallel with the
A. 0.27 mA – 0.33 mA D. It draws a large current from the circuit that works from the
B. 0.3 mA – 0.33 mA source. supply.
C. 0.23 mA – 0.37 mA
D. 0.56 mA – 0.73 mA 24. What is the percentage error of 30. Which of the following
reading of a voltmeter due to measurements is usually the most
19. What type of moving iron instrument voltmeter loading if it has 50 kΩ inconvenient and time-consuming
has a current that flows in the internal resistance and a load resistor when troubleshooting?
solenoid, a pivoted soft-iron disc is of 1 kΩ?
attracted towards the solenoid and the A. resistance measurements
movement causes a pointer to move A. 1.96 C. 3.5 B. dc voltage measurements
across a scale? B. 2.76 D. 2.0 C. current measurements
D. ac voltage measurements.
A. Attraction type 25. What type of meter can e used to
B. Repulsion type measure ac currents without breaking 31. A/an _______, which measures p.d.,
C. Pivot type open the circuit? has a high resistance (ideally infinite)
D. Moveable type and must be connected in parallel
A. An analog VOM. with the part of the circuit whose p.d.
20. Calculate the series resistance needed B. An amp-clamp probe is required.
to convert a D’ Arsonval meter with C. A DMM.
a resistance of 1.5 k and full-scale D. There isn’t such a meter. A. voltmeter C. wattmeter
of 150 μA into a voltmeter with 15 V B. ammeter D. ohmmeter
range. 26. A/an_______ works by directly
applying a voltage being measured to 32. Which of the following statements is
A. 1 k C. 25.75 k an electron beam moving across the false?
B. 86.5 k D. 98.5 k oscilloscope screen.
A. A digital computer requires a D/A
21. For an analog VOM with a mirror A. probe converter
along the printed scale. B. analog oscilloscope B. When negative feedback is used
C. digital oscilloscope in an op amp, a constant and
D. CRT predictable voltage gain results
Website: www.excelreviewcenter.com.ph Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Elec 13-01 to Elec 13-04
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road Test & Measurement
Website: www.excelreviewcenter.com.ph Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664
Cebu: JRT Bldg. Imus Ave, Cebu City | Davao: 2nd Fl. MERCO Bldg. Rizal St. cor. Bolton St. Elec 13-01 to Elec 13-04
Manila: CMFFI Bldg. R. Papa St. Sampaloc | Baguio: 4th Fl. De Guzman Bldg., Legarda Road Test & Measurement
A. 84 A C. 5.6 A
B. 14 A D. 8.4 A
A. voltmeter
B. wattmeter
C. ammeter
D. ohmmeter
Website: www.excelreviewcenter.com.ph Facebook: Excel Review Center Cellphones: Smart: 0919 822 5048 Globe: 09173284664