Fkasa - Nurul Masliana BT Khairil Anuar (CD9323) - Chap 1 PDF

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1.0 Background of Study

Clean water is becoming scarce commodity in many populated area of the world.
People still do not realize how’s important to have clean and untreated water to be used.
Untreated means not conserved, altered or upgraded by the use of a physical, chemical
or biological agent. Whereas, untreated water is non-potable water that has been
subjected to any process intended to eradicate infection of bacteria, viruses and parasites.
These organisms common causes illnesses and infect any of the organs of the body. The
enhancement number of human population in the world will cause the high demand of
clean water. Unfortunately, sources of clean water have been contaminated by various
human activities (Marion et al, 2011). Ordinarily, rural communities have high
immunity body system and the body also prepared to facing with any virus or bacteria
that attacks the body. Yet, it is not astute to take all risk for the whole life

All of the usable freshwater in the world, about 97% of it is groundwater.

Groundwater system globally provides 25% to 40% of the world’s drinking water
(Brown, 2002). ( The star, 2010) reported that the rate of groundwater consumption for
Denmark (100%), Austria ( 98%), Thailand (80%), China (78%) and Malaysia (> 2% )
that means, Malaysia need to explore the groundwater sources and not only depending
on surface water sources.

Mostly, rural communities have their own water supply such as well without any
treatment involved. Odour and turbidity are the main causes faced by the rural area
communities. Thus, the water treatment is a method to purify the water from dangerous
organism. The most effective with the low cost is slow sand filter. However, the
knowledge about filtration mechanism still remains limited (Ellis 1 K., 1987). Filtration

is one of the processes to ensure our clean water is safe from physically contamination.
Filtration is the mechanical elimination of turbidity particles by passing the water
through a porous medium. The purpose of filtration is to reduce all the turbidity
particles carried over from the sedimentation phase, hence producing shimmering clear
water with almost zero turbidity. Therefore, this study is to analyze the potential of slow
sand filtration by adding natural material coconut fibers, bagasse and oil palm fibers as a
medium to filter treated water as to characterize the water quality of tube well water and
to determine the percent efficiency of slow sand filter to remove E. coli & to reduce
selected parameter which is harmful for the rural communities.

1.1 Problem Statement

Lately, the fresh water supply quality become scarce due to the population
growth rapidly and pressure on water resources. Besides, the phenomenon on water
pollution is getting excessive contributing to scarcity water resources. The main sources
of water supply though their water quality or quantity was increasingly at risk with
pollution from various sources. (The star, 2008) reported about water shortage crisis
looms over Malaysia. It is said that the country’s per capita renewable water was about
5,000 cubic metres. This problem was attributed to unsustainable management of water
resources rather to the quality of water available.

Some of rural communities use a tube well sources to provide abundance of

water. Nonetheless, mostly tube well users in Malaysia may experience the water
quality problems. In 2008, 335 samples were taken from different well and it comes out
with chagrin results. According the results it was found that iron, arsenic, manganese,
phenol and total coliform recorded in the most of number of samples where exceeding
the guidelines value.

Tube well water is an essential resource because we need water to drink. In my

study area, tube well water becomes an option to people when they are having water
crisis. Basically, tube well water is exposed to several of contamination. In some area,
tube well water is close to surface that causes substances and particles easily to access to
the water table. Substances are commonly used around house area such as paint,

cleaning product, automotive fluid and yard product. It may harm well water quality and
risk the well water contaminant. Thus, water filtration is the one of the method to
improve water quality. Filters will work by physically removing infectious agents from

1.2 Objectives of Study

This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of slow sand filter in purifying of
tube well water. This aims can be achieved with the following objectives:

i. To characterizes the water quality of tube well water in study area.

ii. To determine the percent efficiency of slow sand filter to remove E. coli & to reduce
selected parameters.

1.3 Scope of Study

Slow sand filter only can support in a small area that are using tube well in their
life. Therefore, this study more focuses on characteristic of water quality of tube well
water sources. The tube well water samples will be collected from Kg. Fajar, Gambang,
Pahang. The parameters for this study can be divided into physical and chemical
parameters. Hence, the laboratory that will be conducted to increase the water quality of
tube well water and to find out the percent efficiency of slow sand filter to remove E.
coli & to reduce selected parameter.

1.4 Significant of Study

Base on this study, the slow sand filter will construct with several layer of fines,
gravel, natural material and rocks to ensure the filtered water is safe to use and follow
the Drinking Water Quality Standard Malaysia values. Therefore, there are several test
need to be conducted to ensure the analysis of result before and after filtration show
reduces selected parameter & to remove E. coli in water. At once, the effectiveness of
slow sand and characteristic water quality of tube well water can be increased.

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