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Fluid Mechanics 2020

TITLE: “Utilization of Garlic (Allium sativum), Sand, Pebbles and Corn Cob Charcoal for
Greywater Treatment.”

Garlic (Allium sativum), sand, pebbles and activated charcoal from corn cob are

anticipated as useful materials in treating bathroom grey water impurities for the recycling of

bathroom grey water

This study generally aims to analyze the water treating performance of garlic, sand,

pebbles, and corn cob charcoal in terms of water quality.

 To determine the Viscosity, Density, Turbidity, and pH Level of treated and

untreated greywater.

 To identify the effect of garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal in greywater


 To know the possible beneficial uses of household greywater after treatment.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

 Identify the different indicators to measure the quality of water

 Comprehend all principles governs under fluid mechanics specifically in the field of

water quality.

 Acquire thorough knowledge about bathroom greywater treatment in water quality.

 Apply a statistical treatment suitable to interpret the gathered data

 Use different apparatus to measure the quality of water


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Water is an essential life source. Safe and healthy water is a necessity for the

sustenance of life. Greywater is a water that are gently used from bathroom sinks, showers,

and washing machines except from toilets. Specifically, the samples used are from bathroom

greywater. This study generally aims to analyze the water treating performance of garlic,

sand, pebbles, and corn cob charcoal in terms of water quality. The results are taken by the

examinations of greywater which are categorized into 4 namely "control" which is the

conventional variable, "Set A" having pebbles and sand as filtering agents, "Set B" with the

addition of corn cob charcoal for a three-layer filter and lastly, "Set C" having pebbles, sand,

corn cob charcoal and the addition of minced garlic as filtering agents for greywater. The

treatment for greywater that is created are consisted of garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob

charcoal. In every testing of greywater which is a bath water with regards to turbidity, pH

level, viscosity, and density affects in different terms. Where it can remove some particles

that can be lessen the density, turbidity, ph level and viscosity. In other way around, the sand

and pebbles are actually used on regular water filter. The garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob

charcoal is only additive that may help to reduce some particles are actually not effective,

maybe it only lessen the cloudiness of water but not at all. Greywater is suitable for irrigating

lawns, trees, ornamentals, and food crops, though irrigation methods in greenhouses may

differ greatly from outdoor irrigation, several guidelines for use of greywater apply to both


Chapter One:

The Problem and its Background

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Water is one of the fundamentals for every living thing, especially to human beings.

No human being can live without water hence it is vital for everyone to know the importance

of water in life. Water is life and clean water means health. The most abundant ingredient of

the human body is water through all phases of growth and development. There are many

uses of water such as drinking and cleaning to irrigating crops and landscapes.

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is under family Liliacea. It is an erect annual herb with

superficial adventitious roots, bulbs composed of a disk like stem (Abebe D., 2003). It has a

long tradition as medicinal plant, started with a direction of preparing a medicinal remedy

written in a cuneiform character in about 3000 BC. Scientific investigations of various garlic

preparations began in 1939. Garlic is an anti -bacterial agent that can actually inhibit growth of

infectious agents and at the same time protect the body from the pathogens.

Wastewater or effluents are considered as a major contributor to a variety of water

pollution especially in urban areas. It comes from different sources such as domestic

households and industrial. There are many places in the Philippines that do not have access

to proper wastewater treatment systems. In fact, there is only 10% of Philippines’ wastewater

is treated. In addition, 48% of the major sources of water pollution are from inadequately

treated domestic wastewater or sewage (Claudio, 2015).

Water quality is the characteristics of water which define its use in terms of physical,

chemical, biological, bacteriological or radiological characteristics by which the acceptability

of water is evaluated. Some parameters being used to monitor water quality are: pH value is

a numeric scale in chemistry that is used to determine whether the substance is acidic, basic

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or neutral in nature; the primary bases for such characterization are parameters which relate

to potability, safety human contact and for health of ecosystem. The vast majority of surface

water on the planet is neither potable nor toxic. Another general perception of water quality is

that of a simple property that tells subject, in part because water is a complex medium

intrinsically tied to the ecology of our Mother Earth.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) implemented 2

administrative order in accordance to water quality. DENR Administrative Order No.34 Series

of 1990 or the “Water Usage and Classification/Water Quality Criteria” discussed water

classification is the primary component in water quality management for which goals/objectives

of each of the water bodies are met. Three activities are involved namely: establishments of

water bodies beneficial use, identification of water quality indicators (or criteria pollutants) and

water quality suitable for each use. In the Philippines classification is a very important

component of water quality management since the application of effluent standards are

dependent on this classification. This administrative order classifies water bodies into five (5)

classes, ie.e AA, A, A, C for inland fresh waters and four (4) classes for marine and coastal

water, i.e. SA, SB, SC and SD. The 2nd is DENR Administrative Order No.35 Series of 1990 or

the “Revised Effluent Regulations of 1990” discussed the effluent standards in classifying

waterbodies into their respective classes.

One effective way to improve water quality is to recycle wastewater using different

methods and specimens and as of now, there are many instruments and techniques on how

to recycle wastewater. Water filtration is one of the techniques where it filters out particles

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and pollutant from water. Anything that removes any amount of particles, sediment, bacteria

and the chlorine taste can be called water filtration.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to know the performance of Garlic, sand, pebbles and corncob charcoal

as filtering agents of greywater. Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following


 What are the effects of garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal as filtering agent

in greywater with regards to turbidity, pH level, viscosity, and density?

 How effective are garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal in bathroom greywater


 What are the possible beneficial uses of greywater after treatment?

Significance of the study

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The significance of this experiment is for the researchers to be knowledgeable about

the effect of garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal in greywater treatment. Additionally,

the researchers would like to impart with genuine interest how this research will benefit the


Society. This aims to prevent the water crisis in this country by recycling the greywater

into usable one.

Profession. This may serve as a basis for the continuous search of advanced or

alternative greywater treatment systems that requires engineering techniques and skills.

Academe. This research will contribute to the enrichment of the scholarly environment

of the institution of Technological Institute of the Philippines (Manila). Also, if others would

like to seek more ideas from the said institution’s archives, this can support them.

Future Researchers. The outcome of this research may serve as their basis in

conducting experiments of their own, especially if they plan to enhance its concept for their

future undertakings. Overall, this study can serve as their reference.

Conceptual Framework:

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Greywater samples PROCESS OUTPUT
Garlic Test values of
Sand physicochemical
Pebbles Testing parameters
Corn Cob Charcoal

The greywater samples will be collected from Manila. Each of the gathered samples will

be stored in a 1500-ml plastic bottle and will be transported to the Chemical and Hydraulics

laboratory of the Technological Institute of the Philippines (Manila). Greywater samples will

be treated using garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal. The said method will involve

filtering and testing of the input materials to determine their density, pH-value, turbidity, and

viscosity. The output would be the test values of physicochemical parameters.

Scope and Delimitation

This research is only limited to determining the uses of Garlic, sand, pebbles, and corn

cob charcoal for greywater treatment. Specifically, samples of bathroom greywater (control,

treated in set A, set B, and set C) will be examined and compared based on the specified

parameters which are density, pH-value, turbidity, and viscosity. Other types of

physicochemical parameters that are not mentioned will not be involved in this study due to

lack of financial support of the researchers and unavailability of other

instruments/machineries. In addition, 5 trials will be performed and 4 samples of bathroom

greywater will be collected which is enough to provide accurate data.

Chapter Two:

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Review of Literature

This chapter shows the review of literature and studies as fundamental foundation of the

study pertinent to its main objectives.

Review of Related Literature and Studies


Greywater is defined as a used water from the sinks, bathroom or shower room and

washing machines or a wastewater without any contributions from toilet water (Casanova et

al. 2001; Ledin et al. 2001; Ottoson and Stenstrom 2003). It is viewed as high volume, low

quality wastewater with high potential for reuse and application. The composition of greywater

is varied and relies upon the lifestyle, fixtures and climatic conditions (Abedin and Rakib 2013;

do Couto et al. 2013; Katukiza et al. 2014).

Greywater Quantity

Greywater reuse has been considered as a reliable method of guaranteeing water

security as compared to other methods of water gathering which is reliant on hydrological

conditions. The amount of greywater produced in a household can vary greatly ranging from as

low as 15 L for each person per day for poor areas to a few hundred for every person per day.

Factors that account for such huge disparities are mostly attributed to geographical location,

lifestyle, climatic conditions, type of infrastructure, culture and habits, among others. Greywater

represents up to 75% of the wastewater volume produced by households, and this can

increment up to 90% if dry toilets are utilized. (Hernandez Leal et al. 2010).

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Garlic (Allium Sativum)

Garlic processing wastewater was produced by garlic washing and slicing. The

wastewater pollution indicators were mainly composed of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr),

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), suspended substances (SS), and NH3-N. Heavy metal

ions and toxic substances were barely detected. Thus, garlic processing wastewater was

classified as organic wastewater. Alliinase is an enzyme found in garlic, converting alliin to

garlic during garlic processing. Then, garlic was absorbed, forming high bio-activity sulfur

groups, which can damage physiological processes such as protein synthesis (Li et al. 2008b).

As a result, the biochemical treatment method is impaired. For this reason, pretreatment is

necessary before wastewater is discharged into bio-treated units. Ecological treatment and

utilization of garlic processing wastewater are performed according to the following processes

(Luo et al. 2012): (1) through filtration, sedimentation, pH value regulation, anaerobic

treatment, and aeration, allicin molecules in wastewater are destroyed, and a simple

wastewater pretreatment is accomplished; and (2) the pretreated wastewater is then

discharged into the lotus pond wetland for ecological treatment and utilization. (Jun PANG et

al. 2014).

Garlic and onion waste can be used to filter toxic heavy metals from toxic waste. Heavy

metals are hazardous to humans and as contaminates in the environment (Babel and

Kurniawan 2004). Biotechnologists used Allium species (garlic and onion) waste to remove

toxic heavy metals from contaminated materials and industrial waste. Toxic heavy metals

removed by the 'allium biofilter' included arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, mercury and tin.

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Lead is particularly hard to remove from industrial waste. The biological filter was able

to extract lead, a toxic environmental pollutant, from simulated hazardous runoff. It extracted

more than 10 milligrams of lead per gram of Allium waste material from a test solution

containing 5 grams per liter of mixed metal ion solution. Negi et al. (2012) reported that the

filter recovered 71% of the heavy metal ions within 30 minutes. Once collected, the absorbed

toxic metals were released into a collecting vessel using nitric acid and the biomass from the

allium biofilter reused.

Studies were carried out to determine the antibacterial activity of ethanolic and aqueous

extracts of Garlic on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Result obtained revealed

that the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Garlic have antibacterial activity on the test

organisms. Hence their potentials to be used as a template for the development of new class

of antibiotics (Yahaya A. et al. 2017). The antibacterial property of garlic can also be applied to

wastewater hence providing a less harmful product.

A Study carried out an experimental project that deals with treatment of wastewater by

using garlic powder as natural coagulant for coagulation and aeration by using Pvc rings and

coconut shell as two different media. The sample is a high chemical leather tannery effluent

collected from a leather tannery, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Before carrying out the treatment the

important parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chloride are tested. Finally, the

treated wastewater is once again checked for changes in parameters and compared to meet

the norms of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

Garlic has been used as a source of food and medicine for thousands of years. Given

that the garlic contains different biologically active materials and acts as an antibiotic and a

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fungicide, the purpose of this research was to estimate the degree of sensitivity of three

different Gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, methicillinresistent Staphylococcus

aures (MRSA) and Bacillus subtilis; two types of Gram-negative bacteria: Escherichia coli and

Salmonella enteritidis; as well as the fungus Candida albicans. The degree of sensitivity of

tested microbes with regards to the agency of fresh and thermally processed local and

imported garlic was determined using the disc-diffusion method. Examined antimicrobial-test

substances exhibited antibacterial effect on all tested gram-positive bacteria and gram-

negative bacteria, as well as the fungi static agency upon fungus C. albicans. The strongest

antimicrobial effect on all tested species was exhibited by fresh local garlic. Prepares based on

A. sativum could be introduced in clinical practice for the treatment of infections caused by C.

albicans (Halilović, 2016)


Pebbles and gravel are used as a control medium because it is one of the most

commonly used roughing filter media and because it was used in developing the criteria.

Roughing filtration is an important pre-treatment process for wastewater, because it efficiently

separates fine solid particles over prolonged periods, without the addition of chemicals.

(Nkwonta, et al., 2010)

Any filter needs a base support and the material chosen to filter was 20mm sized

gravel. About one kilogram of gravel was weighed, washed completely to remove dirt and left

to dry. The clean 20mm sized gravel was placed in the filter on top of geotextile cloth. The

gravel layer must be uniformly spread. (T. Janani, 2019)

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Fluid Systems Gravel and water filter pebble is composed of sub-angular, hard, durable,

and dense grains of predominately siliceous material. Extracted from a clean glacial deposit,

Fluid Systems Minerals Gravel and Pebble's physical properties make it among the finest

available in the world for water filtration applications. Fluid Systems water filter gravel is

washed, kiln dried, and screened to meet exact in g specifications with strict adherence to

quality control. (Filter Media, 2017)

Sand and pebble filters are able to trap particles within the water through physical

means alone. Therefore, water strained through a sand or pebble filter will still need further

treatment to remove pathogens and other particles small enough to slip through the cracks

between sand grains to make it drinkable. On the contrary, carbon filters work by adsorbing

contaminant particles to the surface of the filter, removing them from the water. This is what

my Brita filter uses. (Ramsay,2018)

Corn Cob Charcoal

A study from India shows that Corn cob was an effectual Biosorbent for the adsorption

of Ni (II) ions from the aqueous solution. From the studies, the consumption of Ni (II) ions by

the biomass was increased with increasing metal ion concentration. The maximum removal

percentage was 70.08 % to 6 g of adsorbent and further addition of adsorbent did not cause

any change in the removal efficiency. The higher percentage removal of Ni (II) at pH 6 was

71.01 % that shows the removal efficiency is minimized due to H+ and OH- ions present in the

solution. The equilibrium agitation time for the percentage removal was 70.9 % at an optimum

time of 90 min that reveals Ni (II) removal increases with an increase in the agitation time. On

varying the concentration of the Ni (II), the maximum and minimum removal percentage of Ni

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(II) on to the adsorbent was 86.08 % for 25 ppm and 67% for 150 ppm which shows up the

percentage removal is maximum at lower concentration. Adsorption Isotherms were studied

using Langmuir and Freundlich model for the adsorption studies. This type of non- Hazardous

Agro-waste materials like Corn cob appears to be low cost, eco- friendly and easy alternative

instead of using chemicals for the removal of Heavy metals to overcome environmental

pollution. (Arunkumar et al.; 2014)

Corn cobs are one of the most plentiful and important agricultural wastes in maize

cultivation. Thus, a matter of primary concern is the economical and efficient utilization of these

corn cobs for a purpose, as they are porous, they can be used as water filtrates. ( Singh A.K. et

al. 2010)

The project used the scientific principle of adsorption – where contaminants are trapped

on the surface of a material, creating an outside coating and purifying the water of the

pollutants – to clean domestic waste water using corn cobs collected from farmers.

The cobs were sun-dried for a month and then cut into long and small pieces, ground to

power and burnt in proper condition to form activated charcoal. The waste water was then

passed through all the different layers, and it was found that most industrial effluents and

chemicals were absent from the treated water.

In her project report, Srisai said a byproduct of man’s action is the severe waste burden

on the earth, while rapid development in lifestyle and technology has accelerated the release

of contaminants into air, water and land, rendering it unsafe for organisms.

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“This study reveals a novel and cheap method of cleaning water waste from domestic and

industrial sources by utilizing one of the most under-utilized agricultural wastes,” it observed.

Corn cob charcoal is a well establish adsorbent without which any water filter is

incomplete. Five hundred grams of corn cob charcoal is placed uniformly over the geotextile

cloth and spread in all directions. (T. Janani, 2019)


In low-tech grey water filters, the wastewater flows through a filter medium - sand or

gravel. The main treatment process encompasses their tension of particles by the filter

material land Cleaning processes due to biological activity in the bio film on the sand or gravel.

(Lukas Huhn, 2015)

Sand filtration is used for the removal of suspended matter, as well as floating and

sinkable particles. The wastewater flows vertically through a fine bed of sand and/or gravel.

Particles are removed by way of absorption or physical encapsulation. If there is excessive

pressure loss on the filter, it must be rinsed.

The yield of a sand filter is determined by two sand filter functions, namely surface

filtration and depth filtration. Surface filtration involves collecting the particles above the filter

bed. These particles jointly form a macro-porous lump, which is able to collect new particles in

a very effective manner. Depth filtration generally involves smaller particles that are more

difficult to collect, and which are bound to the sand particles by adsorption. Dirt from surface

filtration is easier to remove during reverse rinsing compared to dirt from depth filtration.

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The main benefit of a sand filter is the simple system which, in many cases, can be

used to obtain considerable yields. A sand filter can be placed in various phases of water

management - as a pre-treatment, as side-stream filtration and as a polishing filter. A sand

filter often provides an effluent with potential for re-use.

Accuracy of Instruments used in experiment

 Turbidity Meter

The most accurate means of assessing turbidity is with a turbidity meter, called a

Nephelometer. A turbidity meter consists of a light source that illuminates a water sample and

a photoelectric cell that measures the intensity of light scattered at a 90° angle by the particles

in the sample. It measures turbidity in Nephelometric turbidity units or NTUs. Meters can

measure turbidity over a wide range, from 0 to 1,000 NTUs. Measurements can jump into

hundreds of NTUs during runoff events. Therefore, the turbidity meter to be used should be

reliable over the range in which you will be working. Meters of this quality cost about $800.

Many meters in this price range are designed for field or lab use. Although turbidity meters can

be used in the field, volunteers might want to collect samples and take them to a central point

for turbidity measurements. This is because of the expense of the meter and because the

meter includes glass cells that must remain optically clear and free of scratches. At a

reasonable cost, volunteers can also take turbidity samples to a lab for meter analysis

[ CITATION Est06 \l 13321 ].

Turbidity is the measure of how clear a liquid is and how much light is scattered by the

sample (AWWA, 1990). It is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). Turbidity should

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not be confused with suspended solids, which expresses the weight of suspended material in

the sample. There is no direct relationship between suspended solids and turbidity and exact

comparisons between the two are difficult to make. Factors that contribute to turbidity in

surface water are soil particles, organic matter, and pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and

protozoa). The amount of dispersed suspended solids in natural water bodies is an important

indicator of water quality. These solids (such as silt, clay, algae, and organic matter) obstruct

the transmittance of light through water and create a qualitative characteristic known as

turbidity. Turbidity is often closely correlated to climatological or surface water conditions, and

therefore indicates changes in environmental conditions of lakes, rivers and streams.

Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water loses its transparency due to

the presence of suspended particulates. The more total suspended solids in the water, the

murkier it seems and the higher the turbidity. Turbidity is considered as a good measure of the

quality of water. The WHO (World Health Organization), establishes that the turbidity of

drinking water shouldn't be more than 5 NTU, and should ideally be below 1 NTU. A turbidity

measurement could be used to provide an estimation of the TSS (Total Suspended Solids)

concentration, which is otherwise a tedious and difficult parameter to measure.

 Pycnometer

Density determination by pycnometer is a very precise method. It uses a working liquid

with well-known density, such as water. We will use distilled water, for which temperature

dependent values of density (H2O) are shown in Table 1. The pycnometer is a glass flask

with a close-fitting ground glass stopper with a capillary hole through it. This fine hole releases

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a spare liquid after closing a top-filled pycnometer and allows for obtaining a given volume of

measured and/or working liquid with a high accuracy.

Just like a hydrometer, pycnometer measurement is really sensitive to temperature.

Sensitivity goes down as alcohol content increases. For ferments this will be significant, but for

distilled products it will be far less so. This arises because of how the density of water and

ethanol changes across temperatures. For low ABV beverages, a 1930’s Industrial and

Engineering Chemistry article gives the rule of thumb that being inaccurate by a 0.1°C in

temperature is equivalent to being off by 1 milligram (0.001) [CITATION Dan17 \l 13321 ].

If the flask is weighed empty, full of water, and full of a liquid whose specific gravity is

desired, the specific gravity of the liquid can easily be calculated. The particle density of a

powder, to which the usual method of weighing cannot be applied, can also be determined with

a pycnometer. The powder is added to the pycnometer, which is then weighed, giving the

weight of the powder sample. The pycnometer is then filled with a liquid of known density, in

which the powder is completely insoluble. The weight of the displaced liquid can then be

determined, and thence the specific gravity of the powder [ CITATION Hea12 \l 13321 ].

 Ostwald viscometer

The exactness of a viscometer is reliant not just on the building of the instrument itself,

yet in addition on how correctly temperature can be controlled. It isn't unexpected to make

rehashed thickness estimations that are arrived at the midpoint of to accomplish an outcome

with a related exactness.

Thickness guidelines are utilized to check the precision of a viscometer and can be

significant for confirming consistence with industry quality frameworks. Watch that the

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producer gives gauges reasonable to your application. Brookfield Silicone and Mineral Oil

Norms give a liquid consistency esteem that is consistent at 25 °C. The organization

prescribes supplanting consistency benchmarks on a yearly premise [ CITATION Zsi12 \l 13321 ].

The non-Newtonian nature of sewage sludge means that its measured viscosity µs,

referred to as 'apparent viscosity', varies with shear rate due to the shear-dependent

deformation of the flocculant solids (Yang et al, 2009). It stands to reason that the viscosity

affects the shear at the membrane interface, shear being a key parameter in promoting flux,

and that the dependency of apparent viscosity on temperature may then also be significant in

determining flux [ CITATION XuY14 \l 13321 ]

Sewage-source heat pumps could employ either raw sewage or treated sewage as the

heat source. Typically, sewage-source heat pump systems have been placed after the

wastewater treatment plant, utilizing the treated outflow water from the plant as the heat

source. However, sewage-source heat pump systems could also use untreated water. The

advantage of this is that the placement of these heat pump systems would not be restricted to

the locations of wastewater treatment plants; rather, they could be distributed throughout an

urban region. Despite these advantages, the design of such untreated sewage-source heat

pump systems is made difficult as little is known regarding the fluid properties of untreated

sewage. In particular, knowledge regarding raw sewage viscosity and shear-strain relationship

and frictional loss factor during turbulent flow is required to appropriately design such systems,

as they directly affect the technical and economic performance of the system. Raw sewage is

a kind of two-phase fluid with both solid and liquid phases. The solid is composed of various

components, for example, the plastic. In general, raw sewage if used as a heat source in a

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heat pump system would need to be filtered. After filtration by grids with pore size being 3 mm

it may be regarded as a kind of single-phase fluid. The flow characteristics of the heat source

directly affect the technical and economic performance of heat pump systems. Therefore, the

study on flow characteristics of the raw sewage is of a considerable significance to the design

and operation of sewage-source heat pump systems [ CITATION XuY14 \l 13321 ].

Measurements for Water Filtration

Many water pollutants are measured in terms of milligrams of the substance per liter of

water (mg/L). In older publications pollutant concentrations are expressed as parts per million

(ppm), a weight / weight parameter. If the liquid involved is water, ppm is identical with mg/ L,

since one liter (L) of water weighs 1000 grams (g). For pollutants present in very low

concentrations (<10 mg/ L), ppm is approximately equal to mg/ L. However, because of the

possibility that some wastes have specific gravity different from water, mg/L is preferred to

ppm. A third commonly used parameter is percent, a weight/weight relationship. Note that

10,000 ppm = 1% and is equal to 10,000 mg/L only when 1mL=1g. (Muralikrishna, 2017)

Density Measurement

Density is a measure of the “compactness” of matter within a substance and is defined

by the equation:

Density = mass/volume

Density is equal to the mass of an object, m, divided by the volume, v, of that object. An

object that is denser will have a greater mass for a smaller amount of volume compared to an

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object that is less dense.

Turbidity Measurement

Turbidity is a reduction in water clarity because of the presence of suspended matter

absorbing or scattering downwelling light, and water is considered turbid when the presence of

suspended particles becomes conspicuous. (J.U. Grobbelaar,2009)

Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water loses its transparency due to

the presence of suspended particulates. The more total suspended solids in the water, the

murkier it seems and the higher the turbidity.

Turbidity is considered as a good measure of the quality of water. Turbidity is measured

in NTU: Nephelometric Turbidity Units. The instrument used for measuring it is called

nephelometer or turbidimeter, which measures the intensity of light scattered at 90 degrees as

a beam of light passes through a water sample.

Viscosity and Temperature

According to Abraham (2018), With an increase in temperature, there is typically an

increase in the molecular interchange as molecules move faster in higher temperatures. The

gas viscosity will increase with temperature. According to the kinetic theory of gases, viscosity

should be proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature, in practice, it increases

more rapidly. In a liquid there will be molecular interchange similar to those developed in a


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but there are additional substantial attractive, cohesive forces between the molecules of a

liquid (which are much closer together than those of a gas). Both cohesion and molecular

interchange contribute to liquid viscosity. The impact of increasing the temperature of a liquid

is to reduce the cohesive forces while simultaneously increasing the rate of molecular

interchange. The former effect causes a decrease in the shear stress while the latter causes it

to increase. The result is that liquids show a reduction in viscosity with increasing temperature.

With high temperatures, viscosity increases in gases and decreases in liquids, the drag force

will do the same. This only states that if there is an increase in temperature, there will be an

increase in the molecular interchange. Molecules move faster in higher temperatures [ CITATION

Abr18 \l 13321 ].

Water classification based on DENR Administrative Order No. 08 Series of 2016


BOD Mg/L 1 3 5 7 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Chloride Mg/L 250 250 250 350 400 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Color TCU 5 50 50 75 150 5 50 75 150

Mg/L 5 5 5 5 2 6 6 5 2
Fecal Coliform <1.1 <1.1 100 200 400 <1.1 100 200 400
Nitrate mg/L 7 7 7 7 15 10 10 10 15
6.5- 6.5- 6.5- 6.5- 6.0- 7.0- 6.5- 6.0-
pH(Range) -
8.5 8.5 8.5 9.0 9.0 8.5 8.5 9.0
Phosphate mg/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 5 0.1 0.5 0.5 5
26- 26- 25- 25- 26- 26- 25- 25-
Temperature °C 26-30
30 30 31 31 30 31 31 32
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Suspended mg/L 25 50 65 80 110 25 50 80 110
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Chapter Three:


In this chapter, the researchers discussed the experimental design, materials and

methods, treatment of data and the decision criteria. The main objective of this chapter is to

present the research design and procedures of the study.

This research study is a water quality analysis of grey water, wherein the process

consists of integrated tasks such as sampling, treating, testing and analysis, and data

interpretation. The proponents used an experimental method wherein the cause and effect

relationship of a treatments on a variable is determined.

Similar amount of greywater was exposed to different set up and filtered and tested 5

times. The treatment and testing revolve around the actualization of determining in which are

suitable. The methods that will be used in the extraction of water sample can also be applied in

analyzing the data interpretation.

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Technical / Experimental

This research is experimental and is primary focused on determining the

physicochemical characteristics of greywater (untreated and treated) specifically their density,

viscosity, pH-value, and turbidity. The researchers will prepare different set-ups of water

filtering bottles with incrementing number of materials for the filtering of greywater.

Materials and Equipment that will be used in this final experiment:

The researchers are proposing to use the following materials: Garlic, Sand, Pebbles,

and Corn cobs charcoal. Sand and corn cob charcoal are employed for recycling greywater as

a precipitant and absorbent, the minced garlic serves as a natural coagulant agent. Dissolved

colloidal and particulate substances are attracted and attached to the surface of carbon

particles. It is used to remove taste and odor causing compounds as well as organic

chemicals. The bottle is also used as the container for the filtering materials and clean cloth

that will be used to cover the opening of the bottle so the filtering materials will not flow with the



 Pycnometer

 Analytical Balance

 Dropper

Specific Gravity

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 Beaker

 Analytical Balance

 5 500 ml beaker

 Distilled Water

pH level

 pH meter

 Beaker


 Turbidity Meter

 Distilled Water

 Wash bottle

 Tissue papers


 Beaker

 Ostwald Viscometer

 Pipet

 Rubber tubing

Procedures in determining the physicochemical characteristics of treated and untreated


Procedure in determining Density

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 Weigh accurately on an analytical balance a clean and dry pycnometer

 Fill the pycnometer with gas free distilled water. To remove trapped air bubbles at the

exit capillary, tilt the pycnometer so that the bubbles is at the entrance of the

pycnometer then add more liquid into the pycnometer. Level of liquid must be consistent

in all determination.

 Measure the temperature of water with thermometer. Wipe the outside of the

pycnometer, dry and weigh again.

 Repeat procedure

The standard equation for density is;

p = m/v

Weight 1 – Weight 2 = The mass of Liquid.

Determine the volume of the liquid by dividing the mass of the liquid

by the density.

∂ = M/V so V = M/∂

Procedure in determining pH level

 Dip a pH meter in the distilled water. Always clean the pH electrode with distilled water

and then wipe with filter paper or tissue paper before dipping in another sample.

 Record the reading. Make sure it is neutral.

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 Dip the pH meter in the wastewater. Record the value. Wipe the pH meter with tissue


 Repeat the process.

Procedure in determining Turbidity

 Calibrate the meter with standard cuvettes.

 Fill a cuvette with your sample.

 Clean the outside of the cuvette and if working with samples with very low turbidity, use

distilled water on the outside of the cuvette.

 Place the cuvette inside the meter and take your reading.

Procedure in determining Viscosity

 Clean the viscometer with chromic acid solution, rinse with distilled water several times

then dry by passing warm air through it.

 Pipette 6 ml of wastewater into the lower bulb and suspend the viscometer in a

thermostat. Allow 15 minutes to attain thermal equilibrium.

 Using a soft rubber tubing draw the liquid up to point above the upper graduation on the

small arm.

 Allow the liquid to flow down and measure the time necessary for the meniscus to pass

from the upper graduation to the lower. Repeat until at least five measurements. A

stopwatch should be used for timing.

 Repeat with other samples, drying the viscometer carefully between each sample.

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So, to compute the dynamic viscosity;

ρ1 t 1
η1 = xη
ρ2 t 2 2


η1=¿ Viscosity of liquid ρ2=¿ Density of water

ρ1=¿ Density of liquid t 2=¿ Time flow of water

t 1=¿ Time flow of liquid η2=¿ Viscosity of water

Experimental Procedure

A total of 4 samples of greywater will be prepared for the actual experiment.

There will 4 set ups namely control, set A, set B and Set C. The set named control will

be composed of greywater only. The components of set A are pebbles and sand which

is the standard filtration method, while set B are pebbles, sand and corn cobs charcoal

and lastly set C are pebbles, corn cobs charcoal, minced garlic and sand. Greywater will

be filtered once in every set up and to be tested 5 times in each mentioned parameters

for accuracy. The tested sample will be the basis for the quality of water.

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250g of Minced

GREYWATER 500g of Sand
500g of Sand
500g of Corn Cob
500g of Sand Charcoal 500g of Corn Cob

Figure 1. Layout of experiment


The researchers will use One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in the

statistical analysis of the gathered data. This statistical treatment will determine if

there is a statistical significant difference between the data of physicochemical

parameters of the 4 samples of treated and untreated greywater.

The researchers will also use F-Test which is used to find out which pair of

means between the control greywater and treated greywater from different setups are

significant. This is used because ANOVA will only tell that at least two groups have a

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statistically significant difference between their means where the F-Test will tell which

specific pair of group have significant difference between their variance.

Figure 2. Strength of Correlation

The researchers will use Pearson’s correlation coefficient in the statistical

analysis of the gathered data. The figure above will be used as the basis of how strong

the correlation is. The researchers will also test the significance of the correlation

through linear regression by determining the p-value and test if the correlation is less

than the critical value of 0.05.

Chapter Four:
This chapter discuss the data analysis and findings from the 4 samples gathered

from untreated and treated greywater. The samples are tested in selected parameters

which are density, turbidity, viscosity, and pH level.


CONTROL 0.03337 0.08398 0.05062 1012.384

SET A 0.03334 0.08433 0.05099 997.714

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SET B 0.02535 0.07523 0.04989 994.41

SET C 0.02546 0.07518 0.04372 994.41

MEAN 999.545



995 994.41 994.41
1 2 3 4

This table shows the density of the following set ups and control, 1012.384 for

control, 997.714 for set up A, 994.41 for set up B, and 994.41 for set up C. The graph

clearly shows that Set up A is a highest density of the other substances except the

control, followed by Set up B and Set up C that get the same level of density.

Ave. Density




1 15 7.29 15 7.62 15 7.54 15 7.12
2 15 7.04 15 7.43 15 7.35 15 7.26

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3 15 6.98 15 7.23 15 7.08 15 7.23
4 15 6.92 15 7.12 15 6.99 15 7.35
5 15 6.90 15 7.01 15 6.96 15 7.33
Ph Mean 7.026 7.282 7.184 7.258
0.140797727 0.218668699 0.22490887 0.08182909
Total pH Mean 7.1875
Total Standard Deviation 0.203048639

7.4 7.28 7.26
7.3 7.18
Control Set A Set B Set C

Average pH Level



Figure 2 shows the average pH level in each 4 samples of grey wastewater.

From the graph shown, the researchers have observed that there is a great increase in

the pH level of set A which goes up from 7.026 pH to 7.282 pH of average pH level. The

researchers have also observed that as the increase of filtering materials being used,

the pH level of the greywater also increases as seen in the sample of control to set A,

7.026 pH to 7.282 pH, set A to set B showing a decrease in pH level, 7.282 pH to 7.184

pH and lastly, set B to set C showing an increase in

pH level from 7.184 pH to 7.258 pH.

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1 30 101.36 30 97.84 30 101.223 30 98.4894
2 30 101.8173 30 91.3 30 101.508 30 98.2895
3 30 102.42 30 95.65 30 100.769 30 95.6894
4 30 103.7033 30 95.55 30 101.433 30 96.5714
5 30 103.45 30 97.37 30 98.9019 30 97.2098
NTU MEAN 102.55012 95.542 100.76734 97.2499
STANDARD 0.906636654 2.30775562 0.967606549 1.050167503

102 102.55
100 100.77 AVERAGE NTU
98 97.25
96 95.54


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This figure shows the turbidity in 4 samples of untreated and treated of

greywater. The researchers have observed that there is decreasing in turbidity of control

which is 102.55012 to set A that reads 95 .542. The researchers have also observed

that set B has a greater turbidity than set A and lastly the turbidity of set C is less than

set B which reads 97.2499


1 7.696909406x10⁻⁴ 7.845131734x10⁻⁴ 8.162851019x10⁻⁴ 1.04828192x10⁻ᶾ

2 6.73479573x10⁻⁴ 7.327870301x10⁻⁴ 1.005319547x10⁻ᶾ 1.056874395x10⁻ᶾ

3 8.309163563x10⁻⁴ 7.069239584x10⁻⁴ 9.27982738x10⁻⁴ 1.04828192x10⁻ᶾ

4 8.134233804x10⁻⁴ 7.241660662x10⁻⁴ 8.50655001x10⁻⁴ 9.19394799x10⁻⁴

5 8.046768924x10⁻⁴ 7.672711256x10⁻⁴ 9.623571728x10⁻⁴ 9.108023243x10⁻⁴



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Fluid Mechanics 2020


The table shows the viscosity in each sets of samples greywater which are the
control, set A, set B, and set C. From the graph shown, the researchers have done 5
trials in each sets and observed that there are almost the same results of viscosity
except set C. The results of set C is greater than the other sets. Which explains that if
the liquid is have a higher viscosity, it corresponds that it became thicker.

Statistical Analysis 1: One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

pH Level

Groups Count Sum Average e
Control 5 3 7.026 0.02478
SET A 5 1 7.282 0.05977
SET B 5 2 7.184 0.06323
SET C 5 9 7.258 0.00837

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

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0.19997 0.06665 1.70754 0.20558 3.23887

Between Groups 5 3 8 6 7 2
Within Groups 0.6246 16 8
Total 5 19        


H 0=μ 1=μ 2=μ 3=μ 4

H A =atleast one of the meansis different

F 1.707546 > F crit 3.238872¿( Accept H 0 )


(Accept H 0) At 5% level of significance, There is enough evidence to conclude

that the mean pH Level of the control (before treatment) greywater has no difference to

the means of the pH Level treated greywater.



Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CONTROL 5 0.038922 0.007784 3.94E-07

SET A 5 0.037157 0.007431 1.02E-07

SET B 5 0.045626 0.009125 6.11E-07

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SET C 5 0.040402 0.00808 1.59E-05

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 7.99E-06 3 2.66E-06 0.62544 0.608916 3.238872

Within Groups 6.81E-05 16 4.26E-06

Total 7.61E-05 19        


H 0=μ 1=μ 2=μ 3=μ 4

H A =atleast one of the meansis different

F 0.62544 > F crit 3.238872¿( Accept H 0 )


(Accept H 0) At 5% level of significance, There is enough evidence to conclude

that the mean viscosity of the control (before treatment) greywater has no difference to

the means of the viscosity of the treated greywater.



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Groups Count Sum Average Variance

CONTROL 5 512.7506 102.5501 1.027488

SET A 5 477.71 95.542 6.65717

SET B 5 503.8367 100.7673 1.170328

SET C 5 486.2495 97.2499 1.378565

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 153.7223 3 51.24078 20.02854 1.15E-05 3.238872

Within Groups 40.9342 16 2.558388

Total 194.6565 19        


H 0=μ 1=μ 2=μ 3=μ 4

H A =atleast one of the meansis different

F 20.02854 > F crit 3.238872¿( Reject H 0 )


(Reject H 0) At 5% level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that

the mean turbidity are not at all equal. At least one of the means is different.

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Statistical Analysis 2: F-Test

The One-Way ANOVA Test for Turbidity resulted that there is enough evidence that at

least one of the means is statistically significant different, F-test will narrow down which pair of

group has a significant difference between their variances.

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

Mean 95.542 102.5501 Mean 100.7673 102.5501 Mean 97.2499 102.5501
Variance 6.65717 1.027488 Variance 1.170328 1.027488 Variance 1.378565 1.027488
Observations 5 5 Observations 5 5 Observations 5 5
df 4 4 df 4 4 df 4 4
6.47907 1.13901 1.34168
F 6   F 9   F 5  
P(F<=f) one- P(F<=f) one- P(F<=f) one-
tail 0.048852 tail 0.451325 tail 0.391341
F Critical 6.38823 F Critical 6.38823 F Critical 6.38823
one-tail 3   one-tail 3   one-tail 3  

H0: σ12 = σ22

H1: σ12 ≠ σ22


 if F > F Critical one-tail, we reject the null hypothesis. This is the case for the pair

Control and Set A, Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis for this pair. There is enough

evidence that the difference of variances of Control and Set A are statistically significant. This

is not the case for the pair Control and Set B and pair Control and Set C, where there is

enough evidence that their variances are significantly equal.

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Statistical Analysis 3: Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

-0.0584 1

FIGURE 11. Correlation of pH Level of Control and Treated Greywater

Figure 11 shows that the correlation coefficient between the viscosity of the

controlled grey water and the treated grey water. From data shown and using figure 2

(strength of correlation), the correlation coefficient for the viscosity of the controlled and

treated grey water is -0.0584 which indicates that there is no correlation between the

two variables. This means that treatment of grey water does not affect or relate to the

changes in the viscosity of grey water.

-0.0778 1

FIGURE 12. Correlation of Turbidity of Control and Treated Greywater

Figure 12 shows that the correlation coefficient between the turbidity of the

controlled grey water and the treated grey water. From data shown and using figure 2

(strength of correlation), the correlation coefficient for the turbidity of the controlled and

treated grey water is -0.0778 which indicates that there is no correlation between the

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two variables. This means that treatment of grey water does not affect or relate to the

changes in the turbidity of grey water.

0.5953 1

FIGURE 13. Correlation of pH Level of Control and Treated Greywater

Figure 13 shows the correlation coefficient between the pH level of the controlled

greywater and the treated greywater. From the data shown and using figure 2 (strength

of correlation), the correlation coefficient for the viscosity of the control and treated

greywater is 0.5953 which indicates that there is a moderately positive correlation

between the two variables. This means that the pH level of the controlled greywater

increases as it gets treated using the materials sand, pebbles, corn cob charcoal and


Statistical Analysis 4: Linear Regression

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FIGURE 14. Significance of Correlation of pH Level for Control and Treated Greywater

Figure 14 shows that the correlation coefficient is 0.5953 which means that there

is a moderately positive correlation between the pH Level of the control and the

treatment of greywater. The p-value which is 0.01922 is less than the critical value of

0.05. This means that there is enough evidence to support that there is a significant

moderately positive correlation between the pH level of the control and the treatment of


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Chapter Five

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

The following chapter concludes this report. A summary of the research is

presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. Recommendations

for further research end the chapter.

Summary of Findings

This research aimed to determine the effect of garlic, sand, pebbles and corn cob
charcoal in greywater treatment. Also, to know the possible beneficial uses of
household greywater after treatment through testing the sample in terms of its density,
viscosity, turbidity and pH Level.

The researchers used a total of 4 samples which are namely control, set A, set B
and set C. The set named control was composed of greywater only. The components of
set A are pebbles and sand which is the standard filtration method, while set B are
pebbles, sand and corn cobs charcoal and lastly set C are pebbles, corn cobs charcoal,
minced garlic and sand. The researchers used pycnometer, Ph meter, turbidity meter,
and viscometer to test the parameters needed in the research. Each of the sample was
tested 5 times in terms of its density, viscosity, turbidity and pH Level.

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The researchers used One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in the statistical
analysis of the gathered data. It is used to determine if there is a statistical significant
difference between the data of physicochemical parameters of the 4 samples of
treated and untreated greywater.
The researchers also used F-Test which to find out which pair of means
between the control greywater and treated greywater from different setups are
significant. This is used because ANOVA will only tell that at least two groups have a
statistically significant difference between their means where the F-Test will tell which
specific pair of group have significant difference between their variance.

In turbidity, the materials which are pebbles, sand, corn cob charcoal and garlic

can help to lessen the cloudiness or the haziness of a sample fluids which is the

greywater specifically a bath water that are used. Also, in the viscosity, the effects of the

materials did not totally help to reduce the thickness of the greywater. The materials

only help to reduce the cloudiness of a water which is the turbidity of it. Yet, in some

water testing there’s a result that a filtered greywater did not pass, because of some

particles that are not totally removed.

The treatment for greywater that is created are consisted of garlic, sand, pebbles

and corn cob charcoal. In every testing of greywater which is a bath water with regards

to turbidity, pH level, viscosity, and density are affects in different terms. Where it can

remove some particles that can be lessen the density, turbidity, pH level and viscosity.

In other way around, the sand and pebbles are used on regular water filter. The garlic,

sand, pebbles and corn cob charcoal are only additive that may help to reduce some

particles are actually not effective, may be it only lessen the cloudiness of water but not

at all.

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The amount and quality of greywater will in part determine how it can be reused,

Irrigation and toilet flushing are two common uses, but nearly any non-contact use is a


Greywater is suitable for irrigating lawns, trees, ornamentals, and food crops, though

irrigation methods in greenhouses may differ greatly from outdoor irrigation, several guidelines

for use of greywater apply to both situations.

 Apply greywater directly to soil, not through a sprinkler or any method that would allow

contact with the above ground portion of the plants.

 Plants that thrive only in acid soil should not be watered with greywater, which is


 Disperse greywater over a large area, and rotate with fresh water to avoid buildup of

sodium salts


This study has shown that the pebbles, sand, corn cob charcoal and minced garlic

can be designed as a water filtration. Which is the greywater specifically the bath water

may use to filtered by the different sets. Therefore, it will expedient to know the changes

of physical properties of a grey water.

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• The pebbles and sand that are commonly used for filtration are actually helped to filter

grey water and with the; corn cob charcoal and minced garlic may also be used, but

only for clear the physical properties of greywater which is the visibility of greywater.

• Other physical properties of the simulated grey water may also be analyzed. PH level,

Density, turbidity and Viscosity are the only properties analyzed in the study.

• A greywater specifically the bath water may be used other than the simulated greywater

made by the researchers.

• A further study regarding the effectiveness of corn cob charcoal and garlic in filtering

other particles at the greywater is suggested to be conducted. It should be analyzed if it

would be as effective to use as water filter.


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Getting the pH level with pH meter. Pycnometer used to measure the mass of the samples.

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Viscometer used to measure the viscosity of the samples.

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Turbidity meter used to measure the turbidity of the samples.


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City Add.: # 159 Estrella St., Pasay City
Prov’l. Add.: Blk.6 Lt.2 Ph.1-Ext. Greengate Homes,
Malagasang II-A, Imus, Cavite
Email Add.:
Contact #: 09999013838


Age : 20
Date of Birth : January 5, 2000
Place of Birth : Santa Cruz, Manila
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5’5”
Weight : 70 kg
Father’s Name : Edgar U. Billones
Mother’s Name : Jennifer V. Billones
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


TERTIARY: Technological Institute of the

1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila
Course: Bachelor of Science in Civil

SECONDARY: National College of Science and Technology- Senior High

140 Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Sy. 2016-2018
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Manila High School

Victoria-Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila
Sy. 2012-2016

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Fluid Mechanics 2020

PRIMARY: Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School

San Andres St. Malate, Manila
Sy. 2006-2012

SKILLS: Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, Ms Powerpoint)

Basic Photoshop, Basic AutoCAD,
Basic Hospital Operation (actual based on On-the-Job Training)

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Fluid Mechanics 2020


Blk.64 Area I Sto. Nino II City Of San Jose Del Monte,Bulacan


Age : 19
Date of Birth : December 14, 2000
Place of Birth : San Jose Del Monte,Bulacan
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5'2
Weight : 52 kg
Father's Name : Robert P. Erum
Mother's Name : Janette P. Erum
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic

TERTIARY: Technological Institute of the Philippines

1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo,Manila
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
SECONDARY: Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel
(High School & Senior High School)
Sapang Palay,Area E, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
PRIMARY: Lawang Pare Elementary School
Lawang Pare Area I, Sapang Palay, Bulacan

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Fluid Mechanics 2020


Blk. 33 Lot 14, Soldiers Hills, Brgy. Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Age : 19
Date of Birth : May 27, 2000
Place of Birth : Allen, Northern Samar
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5'2
Weight : 54 kg
Father's Name : Judy D. Castro
Mother's Name : Ma.Bella G. Castro
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Technological Institute of the Philippines
1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo,Manila
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Technological Institute of the Philippines
Senior High School
363 P. Casal St. Qiuapo, Manila
Sy. 2017-2018
Novaliches High School
Junior High School
S Cruz Subdivision, 1 Lakandula, Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Sy. 2015-2016
PRIMARY: Nagkaisang Nayon Elementary School
Mayon St. Novaliches, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Sy. 2011-2012

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Fluid Mechanics 2020

City Add.: Bilibid Viejo, Quiapo Manila
Prov’l. Add.: Springville Classic Square Molino III,
Bacoor, Cavite
Email Add.:


Age : 19
Date of Birth : May 22, 2000
Place of Birth : Intramuros, Manila
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 5’2”
Weight : 60 kg
Father’s Name : Francis T. Centeno
Mother’s Name : Marilou L. Centeno
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


TERTIARY: Technological Institute of the

1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila
Course: Bachelor of Science in Civil

SECONDARY: National College of Science and Technology- Senior High

140 Emilio Aguinaldo Hwy, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Sy. 2016-2018
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Queens Row Integrated Science School

Queens Row S, Molino III, Bacoor, Cavite
Sy. 2012-2016

PRIMARY: Gawaran Elementary School

Gawaran, Molino 7, Espeleta, Bacoor, Cavite

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Fluid Mechanics 2020

Isabelo Delos Reyes Elementary School

67e De Vera, Tondo, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila

Holy Child Catholic School

Plaza Amado V. Hernandez, Ilaya St, Tondo, 1012 Metro Manila

SKILLS: Knowledgeable in basic programming and computer literate

Excellent in Social Communication
Knowledge in using Autocad
Knowledge in using Sketch Up

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Fluid Mechanics 2020


City Address: # 118 Central Kalayaan Bo.
Balagbag, Pasay City
Contact #: 09500296315

Age : 20
Date of Birth : APRIL 15, 1999
Place of Birth : PASAY CITY
Sex : MALE
Civil Status : SINGLE
Height : 5’7’’
Weight : 117 LB
Citizenship : FILIPINO

1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


3053 Taft Avenue, Pasay City

1709 Airport Village Paranaque City



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Fluid Mechanics 2020

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