All Glory To The Almighty God: November-2018 Monthly Edition Sparrow-3

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All glory to the Almighty God

November-2018 Monthly Edition Sparrow-3

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
I Corinthians 16:19,20
Part -2
Satan fights against God through different means, which are direct and indirect in nature. The aim of this article
is to expose the indirect war, which Satan is fighting against God. For better understanding this article is
written like a conversation between Satan and his Angel.
Angel: Hello Satan! Last time we spoke about the television and you said there are many tricks in it to make people sin. I was
eagerly waiting to meet you, to know those tricks.
Satan: Hello Angel. I’m glad that you are eager to know the tricks from me. Hope you would have worked in Churches. Before 20
years children in Churches used to recite 13 memory verses without mistakes on the 13th Sabbath. (i.e) Last Saturday of the
quarter. But if you see now some children are unable to tell even 1 memory verse without the help of the adults.
Angel: Yes, Satan. I have watched these incidents in the Church. But is there any connection between these incidents and the
television? I don’t really understand.
Satan: There is a connection Angel! If you fill the drinking water in a container with dirty water the drinking water also will become
dirty water. The same logic applies to the brain also. The children at preset watches the television and stores all the bad things in
the mind and when the good things like Bible verses go into their minds it doesn’t stay long. Because of this reason they unable to
recite the memory verses like the children who were there before 20 years.
Angel: Now I understood the concept Satan. If we have bad things in mind, then the good things cannot stay in the same place.
Satan: You are correct Angel. The memory power of a 5 year old child will be enormous. If we have a get together with 1500
people and ask a 5 year old child to have a look, the child can identify the faces of the 1500 people along with the clothes they
wore. But children who are watching television most of the time will not have such memory power. Because their mind is occupied
with cinema and other bad things due to which there are even backward in studies.
Angel: Oh is it! Satan will a person be able to memorize the whole Bible?
Satan: Yes of course he can. Have you heard about the “Waldenses”? The Christians are having Bible at this time because of
them. During the “dark ages” I was destroying the Bibles through my servants, but the Waldenses lived in the mountains,
memorized the Bible and produced hand written Bibles. They are the ones who brought back the light to this world.
Angel: Then why people are not even trying to memorize the whole Bible?
Satan: Angel that is my conspiracy. One person cannot serve 2 masters. The same way a person can’t travel by keeping both
Bible and television at the same level. My goal is to make this television as a troublesome equipment in the spiritual life of each
and every Christian.
Angel: So, finally you are saying that watching bad things on television is a sin. If so, do you have any evidence from the Bible?
Satan: Yes watching bad things on television is a sin and I have evidence for this in the Bible. Romans 1:29-31 verses lists down
the sins in this world and the 32nd verse says that all those who do such sins are worthy of death and the ones who have pleasure
in watching them also are worthy of death. This verse is clear that watching sinful things with pleasure is also a sin.
Angel: Oh so good Satan. So My understanding on these Bible verses is that whoever is sitting by the television can never go to
Satan: You are right Angel. You understood this clearly, but these people in the world will not. Because, they don’t have time even
to open the Bible and read these verses, but they are busy watching television. From now on, your duty is to get television in EMI
for those who don’t have one in your area. Finish this work and meet me again. Bye...

To be continued...
(Left: John Guru, Right: Peter Madhavan)

My name is Guru and I’m from a Hindu family. My native place is called Tirupur, which is located in Tamilnadu, India. I went to
Chennai for my college studies. At that point of time I don’t know what is Christianity and who is Christ. The days were passing like
that and during our first semester exams, I came to know that Madhavan who is my roommate didn’t write his English exam. I
asked him the reason for not writing the exam and he told that according to the Bible, we should not do any work on the Sabbath
which is the Saturday.
I didn’t understand anything about this and was not convinced. After that, he took me to the Church. Then I started reading the
Bible. But I couldn’t believe in the Bible. Then I started questioning my friends in the Church. They explained me about how the
Bible and the history are in harmony with each other. They proved me through history that the Sabbath day is changed from
Saturday to Sunday. Then they taught me the importance of the Sabbath and blessings we receive from God when we keep the
Sabbath holy.
Then I started reading my Bible again and God revealed to me through the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ is the true God and the
Seventh-day Adventist Church is the true Church.
At that time our second semester exams approached and we had an exam on the Sabbath. That time I was not baptized. But since
I have sensed the greatness of the Sabbath I went to the Church along with Madhavan. That time our professors and friends
thought that we are doing stupid things. But we continually kept every Sabbath holy. Since we didn’t write exams on Sabbath we
both were a way behind other students.
We both didn’t know whether we will be able to complete our studies or not. That time God did a miracle in our life and in the eighth
semester we didn’t get any exams on the Sabbath. We graduated along with the other students who studied with us. Surely this
was God’s pure grace. We received God’s great blessings from heaven for keeping the Sabbath.
At present I’m doing full time ministry for God along with my friend Madhavan. It was the Holy Sabbath, which brought me to the
true God and the true Church. Will you keep the Sabbath holy from today? So that the miracles happened in our life will happen in
your life too.
With regards,
John Guru

If you have gone through a Sabbath miracle in your life, please share it with us so that it can be an inspiration for others.
In this section we are going to have a look on broiler chicken, which is a favorite food from children to adults. Before
going into the subject we should know some background which will be useful for understanding. Each place in this world
will have a different climate. The climate in Kashmir will not be the same in Tamil Nadu and similarly the living creatures,
trees and plants will also be growing depending on the climate. Will the apple tree from Kashmir will grow in Chennai or
the paddy crops from Tanjore grow in Kashmir? As you know, both are impossible. From this we should know one thing
is that whatever we need for our health in accordance with the climate will be available in the nearby places only. If we
consume the food which we get in the nearby places will lead to a good health.
When the species do adjust to the climatic condition in the place of origin how can a broiler chicken, which is originated
in America can live in Indian climate? It can never live in the Indian climate. So the strategy used in this business is to
sell it to the end customer before it dies. But people will not buy it when the chicken is small and skinny. So they induce
12 different kinds of chemicals to the chicken to become fatty within 15 to 40 days. Due to these chemicals, these
chickens grow 65% faster than the normal chicken. They also induce high dosage of antibiotics to prevent these
chickens from diseases.
Since the kids are eating the antibiotic induced chicken the girls are getting matured at the age of 10-11 which is too
early. Gents who are addicted to chicken are getting defects on their sperm. Couples who are consuming more of
chicken are getting trouble in getting kids. There are chances getting affected by diseases like cancer, liver inflammation
and jaundice on consuming broiler chicken. A general research says that 65% of the male who are consuming chicken
more often are affected by the liver inflammation disease.
The result of a research done in the USA says that the hormonal injections induced to these chickens are causing
cancer. How did the people in India accept this broiler chicken? In early 90’s when the broiler chicken was introduced to
India the doctors suggested that this chicken has a high protein and it is good for consumption. That was the reason for
Indians to start having this broiler chicken. But now even after knowing that it is injurious to health people become
slaves for the taste and unable to come back from it.
This is known as business stratagem. A person started this business to gain money but now it is playing with many of
our lives. Parents! It is time for you to think. Will you feed poison for the kids whom you love so much? I’m sure that you
won't. The poison will kill us in a few minutes. But, this broiler chicken is like a slow poison which will kill us day by day.
So from today, let us stop consuming broiler chicken and live a healthy life.

“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.
(Revelation 3:12)
In this section we are going to see the powerful ministry of our Pioneers who stood as Pillars for Christ.
Mrs Ellen G White was a member of the Methodist Church. We are going to have a look on the testimony which will help
us to understand “how she accepted the Sabbath truth and received the Lord’s blessings”.
One day the couple Ellen and James happened to listen to the sermon of Mr Joseph Bates on “Seventh-day Sabbath”.
But James was not able to accept the moral of the sermon. “Bates is trying to put unnecessary pressure on the
Sabbath” he said. He quoted the verse Romans 6:14 from the Bible, which says “ For sin shall not have dominion over
you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace”. With this verse as support James concluded that the Sabbath is only
for Jews and presently we don’t have to keep the Sabbath. Ellen too agreed with the conclusion of James.
But, this topic came up again and again with them even after arriving at a conclusion. Then the couples started reading
the handout written by Joseph Bates entitled “The Seventh Day Sabbath, A perpetual Sign” with 48 pages. Once they
completed reading the handout they realized that there was nothing wrong it and everything in was the truth from the
Bible. Then the accepted the Sabbath and kept their first Sabbath in that year itself.
They continued keeping the Sabbath on the Saturdays on a regular basis. After three months an Adventist group met for
Bible study. They were filled with happiness in their heart like the spring season. It was a mixed group with the Sabbath
keepers like Bates, James, Ellen and the others who haven’t decided on the Sabbath. They realized that they were
excited than the usual. During the prayer the Holy Spirit was poured on them and due to which they were found joyful.
At that time 19 years old Ellen shouted “Glory! Glory!!” on a sudden. The crowd around her felt that she sees a vision
from God.
In the vision An Angel took her to the Heavenly Sanctuary. The Angel took her through the Holy Place. Jesus Christ was
waiting for her over there. She saw a golden ark which was surrounded by Angels. Inside that there were two stone
tablets folded like a book. Christ opened it and showed her.
On which she found the “Ten Commandments” written by God with his own hand. In the first tablet there were 4
commandments written and in the second one the other 6 were written. In which she saw the first tablet with 4
commandments was brighter than the other and the fourth commandment was surrounded by the glorious light.
Why the fourth commandment should be surrounded by a glorious light? It was to show the importance of the Sabbath
commandment. God showed this vision to Ellen in the year 1847. This was the time in which Sabbath was forgotten due
to the effect of the “Dark Ages” and they realized that God had revealed the importance of the Sabbath to his people
through this vision.
What a surprise it is. God has chosen Ellen, who was only 19 to be the Prophet during the last days since she had kept
the Sabbath holy. Her first vision was about the Sabbath. The Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) is the connection
between God and men. God created the whole world in six days and what he asks is just the one day for him. Will you
give the Sabbath day to him from today? Try keeping the Sabbath holy and you may experience the God’s great
blessings. God has chosen Ellen, who was just 19 years old as a Pillar for Christ and did great things through her and
the same way he is willing to chose you for his great work. Are you ready to do his work? And if so, keep the Sabbath
holy. Amen.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All glory to the Almighty God! Firstly, I thank God for making it possible to release the third edition of “The Sparrow”. I
thank each and every loving heart who is continually supporting in our ministry for God. “The Sparrow” is the translated
version of the Tamil Christian magazine “Chittukuruvi”. Currently we are releasing “The sparrow” only in digital mode.
Hence please share it as much as possible. The only motto of this magazine is to guide people into the everlasting
kingdom. We welcome your Prayer requests, suggestions and feedback.
Your brother in Christ,
Allen Anbarasan Yesudass

Chittukuruvi November - 2018 Edition with 12 pages in Tamil


1. Satan’s Conspiracy

2. Pillars for Christ

3. Miraculous Sabbath

4. Question and Answers

5. Editorial

6. Business stratagem

7. How did Satan trap Adam and Eve?

8. The First Angel’s Message

Please contact us for Prayer requests and suggestions through the below means of communications

God is Judge Ministries

8904072759 8310595949 /godisjudgeministries

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