09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
Concept of EVA
Accounting profit versus economic profit
The Calculation for EVA
Steps in computing EVA
Issues relating to calculation of EVA
Adjustment rationale
Usefulness of EVA
Implementation of EVA
EVA and traditional performance measures
EVA and discounting cash flow (DCF) model
Market value added
Relationship between EVA & MVA
Problems with EVA as performance measure
The current demand for adopting EVA is based on a simple i.e. you
cannot know whether your enterprise is creating value for your
shareholders until you subtract cost of the capit~l from income. To the
extent EVA is positive; the firm is adding value for its shareholders. But
if a firm’s EVA is negative, the firm is destroying value even though it
may be reporting a positive or growing earning per share (EPS) or return
on investment (ROI). This means that if a firm wants to have an
attractive investment, it has to have a return that would exceed other
investment options with a similar risk. Though EVA just reiterates the
basic tenet behind any enterprise, it is not just any other metric for the
“When a man is engaged in business, his profits for the year are the
excess of his receipts from his business. The difference between value of
stock of the plant, machinery etc. at the end and beginning of the year is
taken as part of his outlay, accordingly as there has been an increase or
decrease of value. What remains of his profits after deducting interest on
his capital at the current rate ..... is generally called his earnings of the
undertaking or management.”
Table 4.1
Differences between Accounting Profit & Economic Profit
risk.” It is the net operating profit minus the appropriate charge for the
opportunity cost of capital invested in an enterprise (both debt and
equity). The capital charge is the most distinctive and an important
aspect of EVA. Under conventional accounting, most of the companies
appear profitable. However, many are actually destroying shareholder
value because the profits they earn are less than their cost of capital.
EVA corrects this error by explicitly recognizing that when managers
employ capital, they must pay for it. By taking all capital costs into
consideration, including cost of equity, EVA shows the amount of wealth
a business has created or destroyed in each reporting period.
NOPAT : Net Operating Profit After Taxes but before financing costs
WACC : Weighted Average Cost of Capital
CE : Capital Employed
OR equivalently, if rate of return is defined as NOPAT /Capital
Employed, then, it tums into a more revealing formula.
Tax paid
Profit before tax
(d) Research and Development (R&D) expenses is capitalized
as long term asset and depreciated over five years.
(e) Cumulative unusual losses/gains after taxes are considered
to long term investment.
Equity Capital
Solvency ratio =
Total Capital
Cost of debt refers to the average rate of interest the company pays
for its debt obligations. To calculate cost of debt, the company’s interest
payments are measured against the total borrowings and then adjusted
for taxes.
Tax paid
Effective tax rate =
Profit before tax
risk free rat of return for a stock plus premium representing the volatility
of share prices.
= Rf + B (Rm - Rf)
Normally, 364 days Treasury Bill rates are considered risk free.
Treasury securities are highly liquid and free of default risk. Interest
rates on these securities are used to measure the risk free rate. It serves
as a bench mark from which cost of risky security is calculated.
(a) Equity risk premium is the excess return over and above risk
free rate that the investors demand for holding risky security. It is
calculated as the difference of market rate of return and risk free rate
(Rm - Rf).
(b) Beta (B) is the risk free co-efficient which measures the
volatility of a given script of a company with respect to volatility of
market. It is a measure of responsiveness of company’s shares due to
changes in economic factors (micro and macro both) of the economy. It
is calculated by comparing return on a share to return in the stock
market. Mathematically, beta is the statistical measure of volatility. It is
calculated as covariance of daily return on stock market indices and ~he
return on daily share prices of a particular company, divided by variance
of return on daily stock market indices. While considering market index,
broad based index must be considered.
Simply calculated,
Chart : 4.1
The EVA Spectrum
ones are practically carried out to convert GAAP based accounting profit
and capital to economic profit and capital. These are given in Table 4.2 :
Table 4.2
Broad Adjustments to be made to Capital and NOPAT
4. LIFO Reserves
Under the LIFO method, cost of recently acquired and used
raw materials are charged to production while costs of earlier
purchases are accumulated. So, LIFO reporting generally
understates the inventory. During period of rising prices,
companies’ saves taxes by adopting LIFO system of inventory
valuation. Economic reality suggests that inventory should be
valued at replacement cost. Rather, keeping in view the large
number of items in large companies., it is suggested tat
inventory be valued at weighted average cost for EVA
calculations as separately identifying each batch may not be
practically feasible. Hence, for calculating EVA, LIFO system
of valuation is changed to first in first out (FIFO) system by
adding the difference to capital and NOPAT.
6. Other incomes
Ay non finance income or expense not included in operating
The EVA method can be used in areas like valuation, mergers and
acquisitions, capital budgeting, equity research etc. But its best use is in
corporate strategy making and management compensation setting. In
EVA model, total business can be divided in to small units and each
manager is held responsible for unit’s EVA. Based on performance,
management may divest those businesses which have consistently
negative EVA invest in positive EVA projects. As unit manager’s
compensation is related to yearly EVA figure and its growth, it’s
ensuring better management. Each employee’s bonus gets related to EVA
generated by him. Thus, whole company is geared up for shareholder’s
value maximization. EVA, thus, ensures capital allocation efficiency.
Usefulness of EVA is concluded as below.
II) It has higher correlation with the market value of the firm
Problem with free cash flow approach is that, once invested, the
new capital is mixed with all other assets on the balance sheet. After
that, rarely does the management look back to assess whether actual
returns are in line with forecasts used to justify the project. Also free
cash flow as a single period measure cannot be used in post investment
audits, since it mixes profits and investments and forgets about early
investment. As a result accountability is lost.
Table 4.3
Differences between EVA and DCF/NPV Models
DCF/NPV Model EVA Model
1. These are generally employed to This is a measure of past and current
analyze the attractiveness of an performance. EVA for past perform-
acquisition activity or when to ance can be used for trend analysis.
divest from business.
2. These measures do not take into This measure takes into consideration
account opportunity cost of capital opportunity cost of capital irrespec-
i.e. expected return to stakeholders. tive of cash flows.
They consider dividend payment
only when paid.
3. Manager’s compensation cannot be Manager’s compensation can be tied
tied to DCE/NPV because these are to achieve EVA as it is a measure of
measures of future expected current and past performance.
4. These measures do not help in This measure results in coordinated
coordinated working in an working in an enterprise.
5. These measures do not indicate EVA indicates the amount of
whether shareholder value is created shareholders value created or eroded
or not. during a particular period.
Table 4.4
Valuation of Business: EVA and DCF Models
Year 0 1 2 Infinite
FCF (100) 12 12 12
NOPAT 12 12 12
ROIC 12% 12% 12%
WACC 10% 10% 10%
ROIC-WACC 2% 2% 2%
EVA 2 2 2
In DCF model
Value = 12/0.1 = 120
Net Present Value (NPV) = 120 - 100 = 20
In EVA Model
MVA = 2/0.1 = 20
Value = 100 + 20 = 120
Both models give identical results but each has some inherent
advantages over the other. EVA model tells us how much value is added
in better strategic decision making and communication with
shareholders. Moreover, Eva method gives warning signals if major part
of valuation comes from terminal values. This makes EVA a better tool
in capital budgeting and corporate strategy making. On the other hand
DCF model tells about the cash in hand situation. Managers can use this
information to plan the use of excess cash or borrow capital from the
market to meet shortages. This makes DCF a better tool in asset liability
management, financial restructuring and working capital management.
EVA, as pointed out earlier, tells management instantly whether value
has been added or not without discounting it. A growing EVA figure
shows better management.
Table 4.5
Performance Trends : With EPS
Years 2009 2010 2011
Earning for equity 100 lacs 150 lacs 200 lacs
No. of equity shares 100 lacs 100 lacs 100 lacs
EPS Rs. 1.00 Rs. 1.50 Rs. 2.00
Table 4.6
Performance Trend : With EVA
Years 2009 2010 2011
EPS 1.00 1.50 2.00
% Return on Capital 10% 15% 20%
of Rs. 10.0
Opportunity cost of 18.50% 18.50 18.50
EVA -8.50% -3.5% 1.5%
Simply stated,
Market Value Added (MVA)
= Market value of the company – Capital invested in the company
Chart : 4.2
EVA drives MVA
Chart : 4.3
Relationship between EVA and MVA
Total Market
Table 4.7
Some Measurement Issues in EVA
S. Measurement Issues
1. How to measure the capital invested in assets in place:
Many firms use book value of capital invested. To the degree that book values
reflect accounting choice made over time, this may not be true.
In case where firms alter their capital invested through their operating
decisions (for example, by using operating leases), the capital and after tax
operating income have to be adjusted to reflect true capital invested.
2. How to measure return on capital:
Again, the accounting definition of return on capital may not reflect the
economic return on capital.
In particular, the operating income has to be cleansed of any expenses which
are really capital expenses (in the sense that they create future values). One
example would be R&D.
The operating income also has to be cleanse of any cosmetic or temporary
3. How to estimate cost of capital:
DCF valuation assumes that cost of capital is calculated using market values of
debt and equity.
If it is assumed that both assets in place and future growth are financed using
the market value mix, the EV A should also be calculated using the market
Instead, if the entire debt is assumed to be correct by assets in place, the book
value debt ratio will be used to calculate cost of capital. Implicit is then the
assumption that as the firms grow, its debt ratio will come close to book value
debt ratio.
· Bhalla, V.K. 2000: International Financial Management; Text
and Cases; First Edition, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., New
· Ehrbar, A.L. 1998. EVA: Real Key to Creating Wealth, 1st edn.
(New Yourk : John Willey and Sons).