Unsteady State

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102 10 Unsteady State Heat Transfer

Table 10.1 Solutions of the unsteady state heat transfer equation with uniform initial
temperature and constant surface temperature (negligible surface resistance, Bi > 40)
1) Local Temperature
a) Rectangular coordinates
Te T 4X 1
ð1Þn ð2n þ 1Þpx ð2n þ 1Þ2 p2
¼ cos exp  Fo
Te To p n¼0 2n þ 1 2L 4
b) Cylindrical coordinates
Te  T 2X 1
J0 ðrdn Þn  
¼ exp R2 d2n Fo
Te  To R n¼1 dn J1 ðRdn Þ
with dn being roots of the Bessel function Jo(Rdn) = 0.

The first five roots of Jo(x) are: 2.4048, 5.5201, 8.6537, 11.7915 and 14.9309 (see Table
A.1). Consequently,
d1 ¼ 2:4048=R; d2 ¼ 5:5201=R; d3 ¼ 8:6537=R; d4 ¼ 11:7915=R and
d5 ¼ 14:9309=R

c) Spherical coordinates
Te  T 2R X1
ð1Þn npr  2 2 
¼ sin exp n p Fo
Te  To pr n¼1 n R

2) Mean Temperature
a) Rectangular coordinates
Te  Tm 8X 1
1 ð2n þ 1Þ2 p2
¼ exp  Fo ¼
Te  To p2 n¼0 ð2n þ 1Þ2 4
8 1 1
¼ 2 expð  2:47FoÞ þ expð  22:2FoÞ þ expð  61:7FoÞ þ :::
p 9 25
b) Cylindrical coordinates
Te  Tm 4X 1
¼ 2 exp R2 d2n Fo ¼
Te  To p n¼1 R2 d2n
¼ 2 1:7066expð  5:783FoÞ þ 0:324expð  30:5FoÞ
þ 0:132expð  74:9FoÞ þ :::
c) Spherical coordinates
Te  Tm 6X 1
¼ 2 exp n2 p2 Fo ¼
Te  To p n¼1 n 2
6 1 1
¼ 2 expð  p FoÞ þ expð  4p FoÞ þ expð  9p FoÞ þ :::
2 2 2
p 4 9

A = heat transfer surface area,
a = thermal diffusivity, m2 s
Bi = Biot number ð¼ hR=kÞ
cp = heat capacity, J=kg 8C
erf = the error function
Theory 103

Table 10.2 Solutions of the unsteady state heat transfer equation for uniform initial tem-
perature and both resistances, surface and internal, significant ð0:15Bi540Þ
1) Local Temperature
a) Rectangular coordinates
Te  T X1
2Bi cos Lx dn   with
¼ exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d tand ¼ Bi
Te  To n¼1d þ Bi þ Bi cosðdn Þ

b) Cylindrical coordinates
Te  T X1
2 Bi Jo Rr dn   with
¼ exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d J1 ðdÞ ¼ Bi Jo ðdÞ
Te  To n¼1 d2n þ Bi2 Jo ðdn Þ
c) Spherical coordinates
Te  T RX 1
2 Bi sin Rr dn   with
¼ exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d cotd ¼ 1  Bi
Te  To r n¼1 dn þ Bi  Bi sinðdn Þ
2 2

For the center of the sphere (r=0)

Te  T X1
2 Bi dn  
¼ exp d2n Fo
Te  To n¼1 dn þ Bi  Bi sinðdn Þ
2 2

2) Mean Temperature
a) Rectangular coordinates
Te  Tm X 1
2Bi2   with
¼ exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d tand ¼ Bi
Te  To 2 2
n¼1 ðdn þ Bi þ BiÞdn

b) Cylindrical coordinates
Te  Tm X 1
4 Bi2   with
¼  2  2 exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d J1 ðdÞ ¼ Bi Jo ðdÞ
Te  To n¼1 dn þ Bi dn

c) Spherical coordinates
Te  Tm X 1
6 Bi2   with
¼  2  2 exp d2n Fo dn roots of: d cotd ¼ 1  Bi
Te  To n¼1 dn þ Bi  Bi dn

Table 10.3 Unsteady state heat transfer with negligible internal resistance ð0:1 < BiÞ
Te  T hA
¼ exp  t ¼ expð  Bi FoÞ
Te  To cp m

mcp Te  To
t¼ ln
hA Te  T

erfc = the complementary

 function defined as erfc = 1 - erf
Fo = Fourier number ¼ at L2
h = heat transfer coefficient, W m2 8C
Jo = Bessel function of the first kind of order zero
J1 = Bessel function of the first
 kind of order one
k = thermal conductivity, W m C
L = half thickness of the plate, m
m = mass, kg
104 10 Unsteady State Heat Transfer

Table 10.4 Solutions of the unsteady state heat transfer equation for a semi-infinite body with
uniform initial temperature
1) Constant surface temperature
Te  T x
¼ erf p ffiffiffiffi

Te  To 2 at
2) Convection at the surface
Te  T x hx h2 at x h at
¼ erf pffiffiffiffiffi þ exp þ 2 erfc pffiffiffiffiffi þ
Te  To 2 at k k 2 at k

R = radius of cylinder or sphere, m

r = distance of the point from the centerline of the cylinder or center of the
sphere, m
x = distance of the point from the center plane of the plate, or from the
surface in the case of semi-infinite body, m
t = time, s
Te = equilibrium temperature (temperature of the environment or surface
To = initial temperature
T = temperature at time t and point x
Tm = mean temperature
To calculate the temperature as a function of time and position in a solid:
1. Identify the geometry of the system. Determine if the solid can be considered
as plate, infinite cylinder, or sphere.
2. Determine if the surface temperature is constant. If not, calculate the Biot
number and decide the relative importance of internal and external resistance
to heat transfer.
3. Select the appropriate equation.
4. Calculate the Fourier number.
5. Find the temperature by applying the selected equation (if F0 > 0:2, calcu-
late the temperature either using only the first term of the series solution or
using Heisler or Gurnie-Lurie charts).


Which of the following statements are true and which are false?
1. If the temperature at any given point of a body changes with time, unsteady
state heat transfer occurs.
2. Thermal diffusivity is a measure of the ability of a material to transfer
thermal energy by conduction compared to the ability of the material to
store thermal energy.
Heating and Cooling Processes for Foods 415

FIGURE 5.3 Unsteady-state temperature distributions in an infinite slab. (From Foust, A.S., Wenzel, L.A.,
Clump, C.W., Mans, L., and Anderson, L.B., 1960. Principles of Unit Operations. John Wiley and Sons, NY.
With permission.)


0.78r 2 (0.78)(0.04)2
t= = = 11, 382 sec or 3.16 h
α (0.4)/(960)(3800)


The most common type of heat exchanger used in the food industry is a tubular double-pipe heat
exchanger. Typically, liquid food that needs to be heated or cooled is pumped into the inner pipe and
416 Handbook of Food Engineering

FIGURE 5.4 Unsteady-state temperature distributions in an infinite cylinder. (From Foust, A.S., Wenzel,
L.A., Clump, C.W., Mans, L, and Anderson, L.B., 1960. Principles of Unit Operations. John Wiley and Sons,
NY. With permission.)

the heating or cooling medium is pumped into the annular space formed by the concentric pipes. The
fluid flow inside the heat exchanger can be either concurrent or countercurrent.
Typical temperature profiles inside a heat exchanger are shown in Figure 5.6. The rate of heat
transfer between the two fluids is:

q = UA(T )lm (5.56)


(T )2 − (T )1
(T )lm = (5.57)
In(T2 /T1 )


Triple-tube heat exchangers are used in the food industry for both heating and cooling applica-
tions. Typically, heating or cooling medium flows in the inner tube and outermost annular space,
Heating and Cooling Processes for Foods 417

FIGURE 5.5 Unsteady-state temperature distributions in a sphere. (From Foust, A.S., Wenzel, L.A., Clump,
C.W., Mans, L, and Anderson, L.B., 1960. Principles of Unit Operations. John Wiley and Sons, NY. With

whereas product flows in the middle annular space. Expressions for estimating convective heat
transfer coefficient for both inner and outer heat transfer surfaces were suggested by Jacob (1949).

NNu = 0.8
(NGZ )0.45 NGr


Plate heat exchangers are commonly used in heating and cooling applications in the dairy and food
beverage industry. A schematic diagram of a plate heat exchanger is shown in Figure 5.7. The heat
exchanger consists of closely spaced metal plates parallel to each other and held securely in a metal
frame. The plates are often corrugated to induce turbulence in the flowing liquid. The ports and
edges of the plate are sealed with gaskets to prevent intermixing of the liquid streams. Since the food
product flows in a thin film over the heat transfer area, the retention time is small, thus reducing
thermal damage to the product. The fluids can be pumped in concurrent or countercurrent flow with

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