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Campus Movement For Christ (CMC) : Preamble

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September 05, 2019

To: Supreme Student Government

From: Campus Movers for Christ
Re: Organization Proposal


For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a biblical, evangelical Christian ministry on the
campus of Notre Dame of Trece Martires. Through the students and faculty with working faith
that Jesus Christ, our Lord, can only mobilize change and revolutionize the nation from here and


Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be known as “Campus Movement For Christ” (also referred
to in this document as “CMC”), in the campus of Notre Dame of Trece Marties, city of Trece
Martires, in the county of Philippines.

Article II - Prerogatives

Section 1. This organization shall have the right to govern itself according to the teachings and
standards of God’s Word, as contained in the Holy Bible.

Section 2. In connection therewith it shall have the right to create, manage, support and sustain
programs for the enhancement of students’ over persona, leadership, academic and non-
academic performance in all accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws, or as may be
hereafter amended.

Article III - Tenets of Faith

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, and only inerrant authoritative Word of God.

2. We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His
miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection,
in His Ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is
absolutely essential.

5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling, the Christian is
enabled to live a Godly life and to bear witness to Jesus Christ, our only Savior.

6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved, unto the
resurrection of life, and those who are lost, to the resurrection of damnation.

7. We believe in the spiritual unity of the believers in Christ.

8. We belived that this campus is for Christ; belong in Christ, should believe in Christ, and so
they can become like Christ – the keys to transform the campus and beyond.

Article IV - Affiliation

Section 1. The primary affiliation of this organization shall be with Emmanuel World Mission
Church also herein referred as “EWMC” and the Campus’ Supreme Student Government (SSG).
These student organizations on campus shall be in agreement with these Tenets of Faith and
maintain an active ministry on campus in working agreement with this organization.

Section 2. This organization shall provide an “Administrator- internal and external,” who shall
serve as a campus ministry advisers and spiritual advisers, providing the inspiration and
guidance, needed to achieve the objectives of our preamble.

Section 3. This organization may make other affiliations, should it be deemed advantageous by
the Board of Directors, to further their objectives to maintain and promote the above stated

Article V - Membership

Membership in this organization shall be open to all those who give evidence to their faith in
Jesus Christ. Those who are in agreement with these Tenets of Faith, are willing to be governed
by this Constitution and Bylaws, and have demonstrated their spiritual support to CMC, shall be
considered as “Supporting Members,” with a right to vote at the Annual Board of Directors

Article VI - Officers

Section 1. Officers: There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business
Manager, Auditor, Public Information Offiers and 4 Representatives. Other officers may be
added as needed. The term of office shall be for one year.

Section 2. Board: There shall be a Board of Directors also referred to in this document as the
Board, numbering eleven (11) or more, but not exceeding seventeen (17). The Board shall
include all officers, the Administrators-internal and external, two student officers and one
adviser- external (pastor) of the CMC, and other members approved by the existing Board. In
approving other members for the Board of Directors, preference shall be given to
representatives from the supporting churches and organizations in the surrounding

Article VII - Meetings

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly or otherwise as deemed advisable by the
officers to maintain the above mentioned ministry. Officers and memebrs are also encouraged
to hold a personal meeting with co-members called cell group for updates, short fellowship and
encouragement as indicated by the preamble.

Section 2. There shall be an annual meeting of the Supporting Members, prior to the graduation
for the giving of annual reports, the promotion of the ministry and the generation of its prayer
and spiritual support.

Section 3. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board in the first part of the year, prior to the
general annual meeting of the Supporting Members, for the purpose of electing new officers.

Section 4. Special meetings of the Board may be conducted as deemed necessary by the officers
provided that each member receives notice no less than five days in advance of the meeting.

Section 5. Quorum

A. At least one third or more of the members of the Board shall be present at the regular
monthly meetings, to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

B. At least two thirds or more of the members of the Board shall be present at any special board
meeting, to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

C. At least two thirds or more of the members of the Board, along with as many supporting
members as may attend, shall be present at the annual Board meeting to constitute a quorum
for the conduct of business.

Article VIII - Finance

All funds for the operation of this ministry shall be provided through the Supporting Members
and friends of CMC. All finance shall be received and dispersed in a business-like manner, under
the supervision of the Board, with an open accounting at the monthly meetings and a published
financial statement for circulation at the annual business meetings.

Article IX - Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds vote of the members in attendance at any
regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided due notice of such purposed change
shall have been provided to the members at least two weeks prior to such a meeting.


Article I - Duties of Officers

Section 1. President -The President shall preside as chairman of the Board of Directors. He shall
be an ex-officio officer of all committees or departments. He shall carry out the directives of the

Section 2. Vice President -The Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President in his
absence or disability. He shall carry out the directives of the Board.

Section 3. Secretary -The Secretary shall keep a complete and permanent record of all
proceedings of the Board. He shall provide a copy of the minutes of the last meeting, for each
member of the Board, prior to, or at each business meeting. He shall carry out the directives of
the Board.

Section 4. Treasurer -The Treasurer shall be responsible for all contributions and receipts to the
organization. He shall be responsible for the receipt of the bills and the disbursement of funds as
directed by the Board. He shall keep a complete and permanent record of all receipts, cash flow
and assets. He shall prepare a monthly financial statement of all receipts and disbursements,
with the current balance for presentation at each regular meeting of the Board. He shall prepare
an annual financial statement of the receipts, disbursements, assets and balance for the year, for
presentation at the annual meeting of the Board. He shall keep an updated record of the current
(within the past year) Supporting Members. He shall carry out the directives of the Board.

Article II - Duties of Board of Directors

Section 1. The Board shall be responsible for the general supervision and management of this
organization. They shall meet together monthly or as deemed necessary to keep updated on the
ministry, and to conduct the business required to maintain the objectives of this organization.

Section 2. The Board shall be responsible for procuring, retaining and terminating an
Administrator of CMC, according to the current operation policy.

Section 3. The Board shall develop and maintain a current Job Description for the
Administrator- internal and external, and current operation policy for the ministry, to use as a
guide and monitor.

Section 4. The board shall annually review and update the financial support package for the

Article III – Administrator- Internal

Section 1. The Administrator- internal shall be a regular teacher of Notre Dame of Trece

Section 2. He shall be a Christian believer, zealous for the Lord Jesus, well versed in the Word of
God, with leadership ability, able to inspire others, skilled in Christian apologetics and able to
defend the Christian Faith as contained in the Holy Scriptures and briefly stated in our tenets of

Section 3. The Administrator shall be able and willing to provide the leadership and inspiration
for CMC, needed to develop and maintain the afore mentioned ministry.

Section 3. The Administrator shall be able and willing to work with the Board, the current job
description and operation policy.

Section 4. The Administrator shall be able and willing to work with the Christian churches and
organizations of the area in the interest of EWMC, CMC and its ministry.

Article IV – Administrator- External

Section 1. The Administrator- external shall be an pastor or pastor’s wife.

Section 2. He shall be a Christian believer, zealous for the Lord Jesus, well versed in the Word of
God, with leadership ability, able to inspire others, skilled in Christian apologetics and able to
defend the Christian Faith as contained in the Holy Scriptures and briefly stated in our tenets of

Section 3. The Administrator shall be able and willing to provide the leadership and inspiration
for CMC, needed to develop and maintain the afore mentioned ministry.

Section 3. The Administrator shall be able and willing to work with the Board, the current job
description and operation policy.

Section 4. The Administrator shall be able and willing to work with the Christian churches and
organizations of the area in the interest of EWMC, CMC and its ministry.

Article IV - Elections and Vacancies

Section 1. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board, by a two thirds vote.
The term of office shall be for one year. They shall take office immediately following the Annual
meeting of the Supporting Members.

Section 2. Any new member of the Board shall have been a supporting Member, who is
recommended by a current active member on the Board, and ratified by a two thirds majority
vote of the Board Members, who are present at any regular or special meeting. Koinonia Board

members hold a one-year term. Members may serve a consecutive terms.

Section 3. The position of any Board member may be declared vacant by a two thirds majority
vote of the Board Members who are present at any regular or special meeting. Grounds for such
action shall be:

1. Unscriptural conduct.

2. Absent without good cause form half or more of the meetings in a year.

3. Any just or sufficient cause such as legal misconduct and alike.

Article V - Amendments

The Bylaws may be amended by a two thirds majority vote of the members present, at any
regular or special business meeting of the Board, provided that due notice of the proposed
change, has been given to each member at least two weeks in advance of such a meeting.

Prepared by:

Madrona, Chamelynn D.
Incoming CMC President

Noted by:

Mrs. Sheryl Ridao

CMC Adviser

Approved by:

Mr. Paul Andro R. Dela Cruz

School Principal

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