Influence of Hoarding Frame On Response of RC Framed Host Structure
Influence of Hoarding Frame On Response of RC Framed Host Structure
Influence of Hoarding Frame On Response of RC Framed Host Structure
ABSTRACT: In the contemporary time, the storing outlines assume an awesome part in human social orders and in
this manner a great deal more consideration is presently being paid to accumulating outlines than it was previously.
As storing casings are the main method for upgrading the commercial on the parkways more accumulating edges are
introduced now a days. The course and tallness of edge alongside the width is totally administered by the practical
necessities of promotion. The best place for storing casings is on ground however in urban regions the accessibility
of area which would be most perfect is to a great degree constrained giving no option yet to embrace housetop
accumulating outlines with negligible modification as far as position. In this perspective, wind investigation of
rooftop top accumulating outlines has been considered under the impact of wind burden having shifting fundamental
wind pace of 33m/sec, 44m/sec and 50m/sec, according to rules of Seems to be: 875 (section iii) 1987. The
investigation has been performed on accumulating outline situated on top of host structure with using so as to
fluctuate positions of storing casing programming bundle Staadpro. Furthermore, thought about the outcomes (i.e.,
parallel relocations, hub powers and minutes in Mx and Mz of sections) got from the investigation in light of its
positions of storing edges with changing wind speeds.
KEYWORDS:Displacements, axial forces and moments, comparison of displacements, axial forces and moments.
Hoardings can be all around mounted, detached on a plinth or raised on a tower to see from a flyover. (Showcasing)
an expansive board utilized for showing publicizing blurbs, as by a street. Additionally called (esp US and
Canadian): announcement. (Building) a transitory wooden wall raised cycle a building or destruction site. Wind is
air in movement with respect to the surface of the earth. The essential driver of wind istraced to earth's revolution
and contrasts in physical radiation. The radiation impacts are fundamentally in charge of convection either upwards
or downwards. The twist for the most part blows even to the ground at high wind speeds. Since vertical segments of
air movement are generally little, the expression "wind" means only the level wind, vertical winds are constantly
recognized in that capacity. The wind rates are evaluated with the guide of anemometers or anemographs which are
introduced at meteorological observatories at statures by and large shifting from 10 to30 meters over the ground.
Exceptionally solid winds (more prominent than 80 km/h) are by and large connected with cyclonic tempests,
rainstorms, dust storms or enthusiastic storms. A component of the cyclonic tempests over the Indian zone is that
they quickly debilitate in the wake of intersection the coasts and move as despondencies/lows inland. The impact of
a serious tempest in the wake of striking the coast does not; all in all surpass around 60 kilometers, however some of
the time; it might stretch out even up to 120 kilometers. Short span sea tempests of high wind speeds called
KalBaisaki or Norwesters happen decently much of the time amid summer months over North East India. The wind
speeds recorded at any area are greatly variable and notwithstanding enduring wind whenever, there are impacts of
blasts which might keep going for a few moments. These blasts cause increment in pneumatic force however their
impact on steadiness of the building may not be so imperative; regularly, blasts influence just part of the building
and the expanded nearby weights might be more than adjusted by a transient diminishment in the weight somewhere
else. As a result of the inactivity of the building, brief period blasts may not bring on any obvious increment in
anxiety in principle parts of the building in spite of the fact that the dividers, rooftop sheeting and individual
cladding units (glass boards) and their supporting individuals, for example, purlins, sheeting rails and coating bars
might be all the more truly influenced. Blasts can likewise be critical for configuration of structures with high
slimness proportions. The obligation of a working to high wind weights depends not just upon the land area and
closeness of different checks to wind current additionally upon the attributes of the structure itself. The impact of
wind on the structure all in all is controlled by the consolidated activity of outer and interior weights following up on
it. In all cases, the computed wind loads act typical to the surface to which they apply. The solidness figuring’s all in
all should be done considering the joined impact, and also isolate impacts of forced loads and twist loads on vertical
surfaces, rooftops and other part of the working above general rooftop level. Structures might likewise be planned
with due consideration regarding the impacts of wind on the solace of individuals inside and outside the structures.
William H. Greene12 (1985) A system is depicted for mechanized measuring of the individuals and determination
of demand qualities for guyed receiving wire towers. The tower comprises of a triangular cross area, tubular part
pole bolstered by various arrangements of claim folks. The measuring method utilizes a nonlinear limited
component investigation coupled to a nonlinear numerical programming based streamlining agent. Numerical
studies were performed on an average VLF radio wire arrangement to get least weight tower plans. Different
stacking conditions, tower statures, and tower materials were considered.
Reginald T. Nakamoto, Arthur N. L. Chiu10 (1985), Full-scale wind speed and auxiliary reaction information
from a tall guyed tower have been broke down to acquire data concerning wind qualities and element reaction.
Anemometers and accelerometers were introduced at five stations along the stature of the tower, and orthogonal
parts of wind speeds and tower increasing speeds were recorded. Plan rules indicate 1/7 as the force law type for
wind profiles in waterfront locales. Be that as it may, information from this task, however constrained in number of
tests and conditions, show a mean type of 0.287. Computerized connection and ghastly examination are connected to
the tower speeding up information to get evaluations of thunderous frequencies and basic damping proportions
Mehran Keshavarzian8 (2003) Depending on the application, self-bolstered tubular steel post (cantilever)
structures in the United States are intended for amazing wind loadings in view of either ASCE 74 (for electric utility
applications), ANSI/TIA/EIA 222 (for reception apparatus applications), AASHTO (for thruway sign and activity
signal applications), or ASCE 7 (for general applications, for example, stadium announcements). This paper
analyzes the edges of wellbeing of self-upheld tubular steel structures intended for compelling wind loadings taking
into account ASCE 74, TIA/EIA, AASHTO and ASCE 7. Taking into account this examination, a basic survey of
the ASCE productions and their individual configuration prerequisites and security elements are displayed.
Eric James Sullins, Dr. Hani Salim2(2006)TheMoDOT radio correspondence tower system was made in the 1950s
and 1960s. There is a need to evaluate the state of the towers in the system furthermore to figure out whether they
are breakthrough with current codes. A condition indexing (CI) framework is a dependable evaluation device. In any
case, a systematic technique for deciding the information parameters for the CI should be resolved. Thusly, the
target of this exploration is to build up a methodical investigative strategy for foreseeing the reaction of the towers
under regular perils. In this venture, a guyed and an unattached tower were displayed utilizing ERITower and
SAP2000 under wind, ice, and seismic burdens. The impact of decay on the reaction of the towers was assessed
utilizing a parametric study. The slanting bracings controlled the limit of the towers under wind and ice stacking,
while the folks were the most touchy to crumbling under seismic burdens. The consequences of this task show that a
few segments of the towers are basic and could control disappointment. It is suggested that definite investigation of
the towers'critical parts be performed to add to a nitty gritty danger evaluation of the towers.
Amiri G., Massah S.R., A. Boostan1(2007), Telecommunication tower is a vital part of the fundamental
foundation of correspondence frameworks and in this way saving them in occasions of common calamities -, for
example, a serious seismic tremor - is of high need. In past studies, analysts have for the most part considered the
impacts of wind and quake incited loads on 3-legged (triangular cross-area) self-supporting steel telecom towers. In
this study, the seismic affectability of 4-legged telecom towers is explored in light of modular superposition
examination. For this reason, ten of the current 4-legged self-supporting telecom towers in Iran are contemplated
under the impacts of wind and tremor loadings. To consider the wind impacts on the models, the procurements of
the TIA/EIA code are utilized and the wind is dealt with as a static burden all through the investigation.
Furthermore, to consider the tremor consequences for the models, the standard outline range in light of the Iranian
seismic code of practice and the standardized spectra of Manjil, Tabas and Naghan quakes have been connected.
Since Iran is thought to be situated in a high seismic danger area, a base outline increasing speed of A = 0.35 g is
utilized for standardization of the spectra. It was watched that on account of towers with rectangular cross area, the
impact of concurrent tremor stacking in two orthogonal headings is imperative. Toward the end, various
experimental relations are exhibited that can help originators to rough the dynamic reaction of towers under seismic
FarzadFaridafshin, S. Ali GhafariOskoei and GhyslaineMcClure3(2008) Tall telecommunication masts are
slender structures whose lateral resistance is provided by clusters of guycables anchored to the ground at several
support points. The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the importance of considering realistic three-
dimensional ground motion with asynchronous input when evaluating the seismic response of these tall multi-
support structures. Three existing masts with heights of 213, 313 and 607 m and different guy cable arrangements
have been modeled and investigated in detail with three classical historical earthquake records using a commercial
finite element program (ADINA). Both synchronous and asynchronous ground shaking were considered. The effect
of asynchronism in multiple support excitations was studied by varying the shear wave velocity of the surface
traveling wave corresponding to different degrees of soil stiffness. The three towers have shown sensitivity to
asynchronous shaking of their supports. More severe response was obtained for softer soil conditions, and the 607 m
mast was sensitive even for relatively stiff soils.
Siddesha.H11(2010) Open latticed steel towers are used widely in a variety of civil engineering applications.
Theangle sections are commonly used in microwave antenna towers. This paper presentstheanalysis of microwave
antenna tower with Static and Gust Factor Method (GFM). Thecomparison is made between the tower with angle
and square hollow section. Thedisplacement at the top of the tower is considered as the main parameter. The
analysis is alsodone for different configuration by removing one member as present in the regular tower atlower
NitinBhosale, Prabhat Kumar, A K Pandey9 (2012) In the contemporary era, the telecommunication industry
plays a great role in human societies andthus much more attention is now being paid to telecommunication towers
than it was in the past. As telecommunication tower are the only means of enhancing both the coverage area and
network reliability more and more telecommunications tower are installed nowadays. The direction and height of
tower along with the antennas mounted on it is completely governed by the functional requirements of network. The
most ideal place for tower is on ground but in urban areas the availability of land which would be most ideal is
extremely limited giving no alternative but to adopt rooftop tower with marginal adjustment in terms of position. In
this present study, the seismic analysis of 4 legged angled section rooftop telecommunication tower has been studied
under the effect of design spectrum from Indian seismic code of practice for zone-iii along with wind analysis as per
IS 875 (part 3) 1987. The analysis has been performed on tower located on roof of host structure by varying the
positions of tower in Etabs software. The stresses in beam grid of rooftop tower foundation, stresses in host
structure, retrofitting in host structure, axialforces in tower are the main parameters considered for the study. The
host structure also analyzed with flexible base, to see the effect of flexibility of soil on host structure and tower
3.0 GENERAL: In this chapter, discussed about model specifications, modeling of structures, loads and load
combinations. And also to give brief overview of study flow chart was prepared.
Building type : RC frames with and without hoarding frame of regular building.
REGULAR BUILDING : 31.37mX 14.07m
Storey Height : 3m
No. of Stories : G+4.
Comparisons of displacements of both the structures with and without hoarding frame were done by doing
analysis in STAADPRO.
The material used for analysis is reinforced concrete with M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade
reinforcing steel.
The Stress-strain relationship used is as per IS 456-2000. The basic material properties are as follows:
Modulus of Elasticity of steel, Es = 20,000MPaUltimate strain in bending, ∑cu = 0.0035Characteristic strength of
concrete, fck = 20MPaYield stress for steel, fy = 415Mpa
A regular RC framed structure is chosen with and without hoarding frame; theplan of the apartment and 3d views of
R.C framed structure with hoardings at different positions are shown in figure 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 and the structure
was modeled for G+4 storey. All the considered frames are assumed to be fixed at ground level andstorey height are
taken as 3m. All the members of the structure are assumed to be homogenous isotropic and having elastic modulus
same in compression as well as in tension.Constant beam and column sizes were taken at all floor levels for each
considered frame. Sizes of structural members shown in table given below:
Figure 3.1Plan showing R.C. frame structure without hoarding frame with column numbers, 3.2 Plan showing R.C.
frame structure with hoarding frames positions,3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, shows the 3d-view of R.C. frame structure with
hoarding frame at various positions are analyzed in the Staadpro. for varying basic wind speeds of 33m/sec, 44m/sec
and 50m/sec.
Dead load
Live load
Wind load
3.5Loads considered as per IS 875(part V) for limit state of collapse
Wind analysis of roof top hoarding frames has been studied under the effect of wind load having varying basic wind
speed of 33m/sec, 44m/sec and 50m/sec, as per guidelines of IS: 875 (part-iii) 1987. The analysis has been
performed on hoarding frame located on roof of host structure with varying positions of hoarding frame by using
software package Staadpro. And the results (i.e., lateral displacements, axial forces and moments in Mx and Mz of
columns) obtained from the analysis based on its positions of hoarding frames with varying wind speeds are
4.1.1 R.C.FRAME WITHOUT HOARDING FRAME (Position 1) frame of G+4 building without hoarding frame has been considered and graphs were plotted for
Displacements Vs Height at a wind speed of 33m/sec.
Table 4.1: Displacements Vs Height for G+4frame without hoarding frame for columns at 33 m/sec wind speed for a
load combination 1.5(DL+WLX) at 3m interval for 15m height.
Figure 4.1: Displacements Vs Height for G+4frame without hoarding frame for columns at 33m/sec wind speed
From figure 4.1, it was observed that maximum displacement of 8.869 mm occurs at top storey(i.e. 15m level) for
C29 column, which is an interior column. So, it is clear from the values that interior column sharing more load than
the end columns.
4.1.2 R.C.FRAME WITH HOARDING FRAME (Position 1) A frame of G+4 building without hoarding frame has been considered and graphs were plotted for
Displacements Vs Height at a wind speed of 33 m/sec.
Table 4.2: Displacements Vs Height for G+4frame with hoarding frame for columns at 33m/sec wind speedfor a
load combination 1.5(DL+WLX) at 3m interval for 15m height.
Figure 4.2: Displacements Vs Height for G+4frame with hoarding frame for columns at 33m/sec wind speed
From figure 4.2, it was observed that maximum displacement of 9.013 mm occurs at top storey (i.e. 15m level) for
C29 column, which is an interior column. So, it is clear from the values that interior column sharing more load than
the end columns.
Table 4.3: Comparison of moments on x-direction of frames with hoarding frame and without hoarding frame
Figure 4.3 Comparison of moments on x-direction of frames with hoarding frame and without hoarding frame
From the figure 4.3,it was observed that there was a decrease in percentage of moments at columns are 3.14, 1.74,
3.28, 1.80, 3.56, 1.93, 3.26 and 1.72 % for columns C1, C2, C12, C13, C28, C29, C45 and C46 respectively, for
frames with hoarding frame when compared to structure without hoarding frame; therefore observed a maximum
percentage of variation of moment at column C28. Comparison of moments on z-direction of frames with hoarding frame and without hoarding frame
Table 4.4: Comparison of moments on z-direction of frames with hoarding frame and without hoarding frame
Figure 4.4 Comparison of moments on z-direction of frames with hoarding frame and without hoarding frame
From the figure 4.4, it was observed that there was an increase in percentage of moments at columns are 1.11, 1.15,
0.40, 0.89, 1.11, 2.79, 0.98, 1.09 % for columns C1, C2, C12, C13, C28, C29, C45 and C46 respectively, for frames
with hoarding frame when compared to structure without hoarding frame; therefore observed a maximum
percentage of variation of moment at column C29.
Studied the influence of hoarding frames on response of R.C. framed structure for varying basic wind speed (i.e.,
33m/sec, 44m/sec and 50m/sec). Following were the conclusions drawn from the study.
1. The hoarding frame placed on position 1 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for lateral displacement of0.28 % at column C2 and 1.97 % at column C45 for 33m/sec, 0.14 % at
column C1and 0.93 % at column C29 for 44m/sec and 2.27 % at column C29 and 3.14 % at column C45 for
50m/sec when compared to structure without hoarding frame.
2. The hoarding frame placed on position 2 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for lateral displacement of 2.41 % at column C41 and 54.20 % at column C51 for 33m/sec, 4.36 % at
column C42 and 15.67 % at column C51 for 44m/sec and 4.04 % at column C42 and 10.34 % at column C51for
50m/sec when compared to structure without hoarding frame.
3. The hoarding frame placed on position 3 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for lateral displacement of13.92 % at column C16 and 30.94 % at column C19 for 33m/sec, 0.30 % at
column C16 and 7.72 % at column C19 for 44m/sec and 1.89 % at column C16 and 6.15 % at column C19 for
50m/sec when compared to structure without hoarding frame.
4. The hoarding frame placed on position 1 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for axial forces of 1.03 % at column C29 and 26.13 % at column C1 for 33m/sec, 0.93 % at column C29
and 6.60 % at column C1 for 44m/sec and 9.42 % at column C29 and 63.93 % at column C1 for 50m/sec when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
5. The hoarding frame placed on position 2 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for axial forces of 1.24 % at column C50 and 22.46 % at column C42 for 33m/sec, 1.18 % at column
C42 and 9.14 % at column C51 for 44m/sec and 1.21 % at column C42 and 6.18 % at column C51for 50m/sec when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
6. The hoarding frame placed on position 3 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for axial forces of 1.20 % at column C25 and 1.71 % at column C26 for 33m/sec, 1.08 % at column C18
and 1.38 % at column C19 for 44m/sec and 1.10 % at column C18 and 1.35 % at column C19 for 50m/sec when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
7. The hoarding frame placed on position 1 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for moments of 3.56 % at column C28 and 1.72 at column C46 for 33m/sec, 0.53 % at column C12 and
0.28 % at column C46 for 44m/sec and 4.01 % at column C2 and 6.00 % at column C46 for 50m/sec for Mx
moment and 0.40 % at column C12 and 2.79 % at column C29 for 33m/sec, 0.19 % at column C12 and 0.46 % at
column C46 for 44m/sec and 4.83 % at column C45 and 8.26 % at column C29 for 50m/sec for Mz moments when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
8. The hoarding frame placed on position 2 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for moments of 0.16 % at column C48 and 0.65 % at column C50 for 33m/sec, 4.73 % at column C41
and 5.85 % at column C43 for 44m/sec and 4.76 % at column C2 and 6.44 % at column C43 for 50m/sec for Mx
moment and 21.69 % at column C48 and 8.11 % at column C41 for 33m/sec, 1.31 % at column C48 and 4.92 % at
column C41 for 44m/sec and1.71 % at column C51and 4.43 % at column C41 for 50m/sec for Mz moment when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
9. The hoarding frame placed on position 3 of host structure, it was observed a minimum and maximum percentage
of variation for moments of0.09 % at column C17 and 0.54 %at column C26 for 33m/sec, 2.00 % at column C17
and 5.92 % at column C19 for 44m/sec and 4.57 % at column C18 and 5.35 % at column C25 for 50m/sec for Mx
moment and4.03 % at column C19 and 0.33 % at column C24 for 33m/sec, 1.67 % at column C19 and 2.42 % at
column C26 for 44m/sec and3.67 % at column C19and 4.80 % at column C24for 50m/sec for Mz moment when
compared to structure without hoarding frame.
10. The hoarding frame placed on position 3 of host structure shows better performance compared to hoarding frame
placed on the other positions on the hosting structure.
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