As Wind Load On Towers r881

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School of Civil Engineering Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

Research Report No R881

Graeme S Wood BEng PhD

January 2007
ISSN 1833-2781

School of Civil Engineering

Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

Research Report No R881 Graeme S Wood BEng PhD

January 2007

Abstract: The base balance wind tunnel testing technique was used to determine the wind loading on a range of telecommunication antennas and head frames. The crosswind and torsional components of the wind loading were typically small, and the along-wind drag force dominated the response. As more antennas were added to the head frame the peak along-wind drag typically increased. The magnitude of the increase is complex due to significant shielding effects.

Keywords: Telecommunication antennas, wind loading, drag force, interference

Acknowledgements: The experimental work described in this report was undertaken as an undergraduate thesis project. The extensive wind tunnel testing programme was conducted diligently by Ben Hawley and James Prosser. The work was generously funded by Crown Castle.

Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Copyright Notice School of Civil Engineering, Research Report R881 Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames 2007 Graeme S Wood ISSN 1833-2781 This publication may be redistributed freely in its entirety and in its original form without the consent of the copyright owner. Use of material contained in this publication in any other published works must be appropriately referenced, and, if necessary, permission sought from the author.

Published by: School of Civil Engineering The University of Sydney Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA January 2007 This report and other Research Reports published by the School of Civil Engineering are available on the Internet:

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881

Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. Introduction .............................................................................................5 Experimental technique...........................................................................7 Results ...................................................................................................12 3.1. Individual antennas .........................................................................12 3.2. Square head frame...........................................................................14 3.3. Triangular head frame.....................................................................20 3.4. Circular head frame.........................................................................22 3.5. Turret head frame............................................................................24 3.6. Mercedes head frame ......................................................................26 4. Conclusions ...........................................................................................27 5. References .............................................................................................27 Appendix 1: Prototype antenna and head frame specifications......................29

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881

Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881

Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

1. Introduction
The top of typical telecommunication towers consist of a headframe with a number of antennas attached, Fig. 1. The headframe is generally a lightweight steel construction located at the top of the mast and is used for mounting multiple antennas and allowing access for maintenance. Antennas are typically elongated of circular cylindrical elements and mounted on the headframe or directly on the mast. Estimation of the wind induced drag force on these structures is complicated due to both positive and negative interference effects. Current practice is to use proprietary wind tunnel results or use a wind loading standard, which has not been specifically written for such a complex task. (ASCE, 2002, British Standard, 1997, Standards Australia, 2002). When using these standards, designers typically sum the individual member drag force and apply an arbitrary shielding factor.

Fig. 1: Typical communication tower with antennas and headframe Proprietary model and full scale wind tunnel tests have been conducted, but results have not been made freely available. As mentioned above, there are sections in wind loading standards which could be adapted to allow an
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January 2007

estimation of the drag force on these structures, there is little referenced in the literature. The series of model tests described herein provides design information and guidance for estimating the along wind mean drag coefficients for different antenna configurations. Assuming quasi-steady theory, the mean drag coefficients can be scaled to prototype scale. The dynamic nature of communication towers was not investigated in this report, as this is primarily a function of the stiffness of the entire system,

2. Literature review
Literature on wind loading on antennas and head frames is reasonably limited, probably due to the apparent simple nature of the problem. Proprietary work has been conducted in determining the wind loads on specific structures, however little is freely and easily available in the public domain. An in depth review of the wind loading on antennas and frame structures is given by Holmes (2001). The drag force on basic cylindrical shapes can be readily estimated using information contained in most wind loading design standards (Standards Australia, 2002, ASCE, 2002, British Standard, 2002). The drag force on more complex shapes can be found in most fluid mechanic textbooks and ESDU, 1971, 1979. The drag for most antennas will lie somewhere between the values for a sharp-cornered rectangle and circular/elliptical section. Although easy to determine for the case where the wind is blowing orthogonal to an axis of symmetry; this becomes more difficult as the angle of attack changes. It was therefore considered important to test isolated antenna to give directional drag forces for standard antenna cross-sectional profiles. Typical head frames can be divided into two categories; member (turret and Mercedes) and frames (square, triangular, and circular), Fig. 4. It is difficult to calculate the drag force on both types of head frames due to interference effects (both positive and negative) between closely spaced members. Interference has been studied extensively for specific cases including, ESDU, 1984, 1982a, Marchman and Werme, 1982, and can be significant for closely spaced items. ESDU 1982, indicates that for structural members whose spacing is greater than 10 times the width of the member normal to the wind direction, interference effects will be negligible. This would indicate that for the isolated circular, turret, and Mercedes head frames interference may be important, but for the square and triangular there would only be expected to be slight interference for the corner members. Evidently with the antenna attached interference effects will be more significant. Wind loading on lattice frames and towers has been studied in some detail culminating in ESDU 1982b, 1981, Standards Australia, 1994, and British
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January 2007

Standard, 1986. The differences between a lattice tower and a telecommunication head frame include: a lattice tower is limited to a square or triangular plan shape, a lattice tower has an identical member pattern on all faces of the tower, a lattice tower has a significantly larger height:width ratio, and a lattice tower has few internal members. The drag coefficient for a lattice tower is a function of the shape of the structural members (circular, or sharp edged), and the solidity of one face of the tower. The solidity is calculated as the ratio of the projected solid area of the members on one face of the tower to the total enclosed area of the tower section under consideration. Later experimental work by Carril et al., 2003 showed that the code estimations generally yielded a good approximation to the measured wind loads. However, they concluded that the difference between the measured and code calculated predictions were due to the lateral members which increase the wind loading, but are not considered in the code calculation. This has a significant influence when extrapolating to head frames where there are a higher proportion of internal and lateral members in the structure. Interference effects of microwave dish antennas have also been researched by Holmes et al. 1993 and Carrill et al. 2003. Both publications indicate that the wind load could increase by a factor of up to 30%. However, it should be noted that the microwave antenna tested were of a size equivalent to, or in excess of, the width of the tower. Applying the proposed interference factors, which are contained in the various design codes and standards to prismatic antennas mounted on head frames is likely to introduce significant inconsistencies. In summary, there is little available information to aid the designer in determining the wind load on typical head frames with antennas. It is considered that the estimation of the wind loading on an isolated head frame would be best conducted by summing the drag forces on individual members. Interference effects are expected to be significant when antennas are connected to the head frame and an interference factor should be employed. However, the interference factor contained in the current codes and standards are for microwave dish antennas, which are of a similar size to the supporting lattice tower.

3. Experimental technique
Wind tunnel testing was conducted on 1:5 scale models mounted in the centre of the No. 1 boundary layer wind tunnel located in the School of Civil Engineering. The wind tunnel is approximately 2.4 m wide and 2.0 m high. The mean velocity and turbulence profiles are shown in Fig. 2 and show essentially
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January 2007

uniform flow across the centre of the tunnel with a turbulence intensity of approximately 10%. The scale of turbulence is too small for models of this scale, but since the full-scale structures would be embedded in any air stream the quasi-steady assumption is assumed to apply. Testing was conducted on three different antenna types, RFS DPS60, RFS APXV-18, and Argus JPX310D, Fig. 3, tested individually and mounted on five typical head frames: square, triangular, circular, turret and Mercedes, Fig. 4. All head frames were manufactured using circular hollow aluminium sections. Specific antenna layouts will be discussed in the relevant sections. The antennas are generally connected to the head frame via a mount, which consists of a vertical circular element in the order of 2.2 m long. The headframes were all constructed of circular members. The primary prototype dimensions of the antennas and head frames are given in Fig. 6 and Fig. 5, with full-scale drawings in Appendix 1. The models were mounted on a six degree of freedom base balance in the free stream of the No. 1 boundary layer wind tunnel at The University of Sydney with the centre of rotation located in the centre of the support mast. The force and moment signals were recorded at 40 Hz for a period of 20 seconds. In accordance with telecommunication industry practice the mean along and cross wind drag forces have been divided by the mean dynamic pressure in the free stream at mid height of the model to give an equivalent sail area (ESA), Eq. 1. The mean dynamic pressure was measured using a Pitot-static tube situated in the free stream at mid height of the model. Mean torque values have been expressed as an eccentricity based on the along-wind drag force, Eq. 2, which can then be expressed as a percentage of the frontal width of the head frame. Equivalent Sail Area, ESA =

Fd 1 V2 2

(= C

A ref )


Eccentricity, e x =

Mz Fx


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Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007







600 Model height (mm) Model height (mm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5












0 Relative velocities Calibration results AS/NZS1170.2:2002

0 0.00





Turbulemce intensity (%)

Calibration results Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4

Fig. 2: Wind speed and turbulence profile in wind tunnel

a. RFS DPS60

b. RFS APXV-18


Fig. 3: Photos of antennas tested

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January 2007

a. square

b. triangular

c. circular d. turret e. Mercedes Fig. 4: Photos of head frames tested


174 96 116



2260 long

1947 long

1293 long

a. RFS DPS60

b. RFS APXV-18


Fig. 5: Schematic of antennas tested

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January 2007

500 500





a. square

b. triangular


300 300



2000 2250 1000 1500 2200 2000

c. circular

d. turret

e. Mercedes

Fig. 6: Schematic of various head frames tested

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January 2007

4. Results
Reynolds number independence was investigated for individual panels and head frames. Typical results for the JPX310D antenna and the triangular head frame are shown in Fig. 7, where ESA is as defined in Eq. 1, and Reynolds number is defined in Eq. 3. V.D RN = [3] Where V is the mean free stream wind speed, D is a characteristic length taken as the width of the panel (38 mm) or the average diameter of the members (15 mm), and is the kinematic viscosity of air 1.5 x 10-5 m2/s.
2.5 2.0 ESA /m

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1000 10000 Reynolds number JPX310D antenna Tiangular head frame 100000 1000000

Fig. 7: Effective sail area versus Reynolds number It is evident that the results are essentially independent of Reynolds number. It should be noted that these values of Reynolds number for the circular members would be classified as sub-critical according to Standards Australia AS/NZS1170.2:2002 Appendix E. All subsequent results are presented for a model wind speed of approximately 12 m/s. 4.1. Individual antennas Individual antenna were mounted on a stand and tested on a six degree of freedom base balance, Fig. 3. Testing was carried out at 15 intervals, with the stand located to the lee of the panel to reduce interference effects. The axis notation for the tests is shown in Fig. 8. Along- (x) and cross-wind (y) effective sail areas as calculated by equation 1 are given in Fig. 9 for the isolated panels. The form of the graphs is similar for all panel types with the along wind ESA reasonably symmetric about 90, but slightly higher in magnitude when the wind is blowing onto the rear of the panel due to the reduction in roundness of the body. The cross-wind ESA has a peak in the response when the wind is oblique to the curved portion of the antenna. As would be expected for this shape of body, the peak cross-wind ESA is lower than the along wind ESA. Maximum along-wind ESA are given in Table 1.
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Wind direction

Fig. 8: Axis notation for individual panels

1.5 1.0 ESA /m

0.5 0.0 -0.5 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 Azimuth /

x y

a. RFS DPS60
0.6 0.4 ESA /m

0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 Azimuth /

x y

b. RFS APXV-18

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January 2007

0.6 0.4 ESA /m


0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 Azimuth /

x y

c.JPX310D Fig. 9: Along and cross-wind effective sail areas for prototype individual panels
Max ESAx /m2 1.2 0.55 0.46

Panel a large RFS DPS60-16ESX b medium RFS APXV18-206517L c small Argus JPX-310D

Table 1: Prototype max ESA for individual panels 4.2. Square head frame All head frames were tested in isolation and in a number of commonly used antenna arrangements. Model antennas were connected to 400 mm long, 16 mm diameter (2 m long, 80 mm diameter at prototype scale) mounts clamped to the head frame. Dimensional details of the prototype head frame can be found in Appendix 1. Testing on the square head frame was carried out at 30 intervals. The panel layout, labelling system, and axis notation are shown in Fig. 10. The panel configurations tested are detailed in Table 2 and the Panel type (a, b, c) is from Table 1. The notation 30 indicates the panel was rotated clockwise about the vertical axis of the mount by 30, and the notation m indicates a mount was attached without a panel, otherwise nothing was attached to the head frame at the location. Fig. 11 shows the along-wind, cross-wind and torsional response, expressed as a percentage of the head frame width, of the square head frame with one large and one small panel mounted with the rear parallel to the head frame (0) on each of three faces of the head frame. It is evident from Fig. 11 that the cross-wind component of the loading is small in comparison to the along-wind component;
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this is true for all head frames tested and therefore will not be discussed further in this report. The torsional eccentricity is typically below 5% of the head frame width and will not be discussed further in this report.
Wind direction 0

A L y K J I x


Fig. 10: Panel layout and axis notation for the square head frame Directional along wind responses of the square head frame in the various configurations tested are shown in Fig. 12 to Fig. 19. It is unsurprising that an increase in the size or number of antennas increased the total drag force. However, the magnitude of the increase is complex due to the effects of shielding on the head frame members and the size and orientation of the downwind antennas. Flow visualisation showed that the position and offset of the antenna from the frame has a significant influence on the flow patterns and corresponding drag force. The degree of shielding to the elements behind the panels was significant. The direction causing the peak along wind ESA changed depending on the antenna arrangement. Generally if the frame was relatively open the maximum drag occurred when the panels were to the rear of the head frame, when the sharper corners are pointing to the wind. With panels on more than one face the peak drag generally occurs when the wind is blowing normal to a set of panels on the windward face, and/or the panels are on the rear rather than the side. It is evident that the effect of pivoting the panels on the peak ESA measured is generally small.

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Panel Configuration HF Only 2 Mounts 2 Large 1 Face 0 2 Large 1 Face 30 1 Large 1 Small 1 Face 0 1 Large 1 Small 1 Face 30 2 Small 1 Face 0 2 Small 1 Face 30 3 Mounts 3 Large 1 face 0 3 Large 1 face 30 2 Large 1 Small 1 Face 0 2 Large 1 Small 1 Face 30 3 Small 1 face 0 3 Small 1 face 30 4 Mounts 2 Adj. Face 4 Large 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Large 2 Adj. Face 30 2 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 2 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 4 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 4 Mounts 2 Opp. Face 4 Large 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Large 2 Opp. Face 30 2 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 2 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 4 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 6 Mounts 2 Adj. Face 6 Large 2 Adj. Face 0 6 Large 2 Adj. Face 30 4 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 6 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 6 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 6 Mounts 2 Opp. Face 6 Large 2 Opp. Face 0 6 Large 2 Opp. Face 30 4 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 6 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 6 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 6 Mounts 3 Face 6 Large 3 Face 0 6 Large 3 Face 30 3 Large 3 Small 3 face 0 3 Large 3 Small 3 face 30 6 Small 3 Face 0 6 Small 3 Face 30 9 Mounts 9 Large 3 face 0 9 Large 3 face 30 6 Large 3 Small 3 Face 0 6 Large 3 Small 3 Face 30 9 Small 3 face 0 9 Small 3 face 30 A B C D E F G H I J K L

m m a a a30 a30 c a c30 a30 c c a a m m m a a a a30 a30 a30 a c a a30 c30 a30 c c c c30 c30 c30 m m m m a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 c a c a c30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 m m m m a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 c a c a c30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 m m m m m m a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a c a a c a a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 m m m m m m a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a c a a c a a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 m m m m m m a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 c a c a c a c30 a30 c30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 m m m m m m m m m a a a a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a c a a c a a c a a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30

Max ESAx /m2 3.3 3.6 4.5 4.9 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.1 3.9 5.2 5.6 4.7 5.2 4.3 4.3 3.9 5.4 5.2 4.7 4.8 4.2 4.3 4.0 5.6 5.3 4.8 5.0 4.6 4.9 4.1 6.1 6.2 5.6 5.6 4.6 4.8 4.3 6.7 5.9 5.9 5.6 5.2 5.0 4.1 6.2 6.4 5.5 5.6 4.8 5.0 4.5 7.4 8.2 6.7 7.1 5.5 5.4

Table 2: Panel layout and max along-wind ESA for the square head frame
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6 5 ESA /m

8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% 0 30 60 ESAx 90 Azimuth / ESAy eccentricity 120 150 180 % of head frame width

4 3 2 1 0 -1

Fig. 11: Response of square headframe 3 large 3 small 3 face 0

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

HF Only 2 Mounts 2 Large 1 Face 0 2 Large 1 Face 30 1 Large 1 Small 1 Face 0 1 Large 1 Small 1 Face 30 2 Small 1 Face 0 2 Small 1 Face 30

Fig. 12: Along wind response of square head frame with 2 antennas on one face
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

ESAx /m

HF Only 3 Mounts 3 Large 1 face 0 3 Large 1 face 30 2 Large 1 Small 1 Face 0 2 Large 1 Small 1 Face 30 3 Small 1 face 0 3 Small 1 face 30

Fig. 13: Along wind response of square head frame; 3 antennas, one face
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ESAx /m


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HF Only

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

4 Mounts 2 Adj. Face 4 Large 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Large 2 Adj. Face 30 2 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 2 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 4 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Small 2 Adj. Face 30

Fig. 14: Along wind response of square head frame; 4 antennas, 2 adjacent faces
HF Only

ESAx /m

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

4 Mounts 2 Opp. Face 4 Large 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Large 2 Opp. Face 30 2 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 2 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 4 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Small 2 Opp. Face 30

Fig. 15: Along wind response of square head frame; 4 antennas, opposite faces
HF Only

ESAx /m

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

6 Mounts 2 Adj. Face 6 Large 2 Adj. Face 0 6 Large 2 Adj. Face 30 4 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 4 Large 2 Small 2 Adj. Face 30 6 Small 2 Adj. Face 0 6 Small 2 Adj. Face 30

Fig. 16: Along wind response of square head frame; 6 antennas, 2 adjacent faces
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ESAx /m


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HF Only

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

6 Mounts 2 Opp. Face 6 Large 2 Opp. Face 0 6 Large 2 Opp. Face 30 4 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 4 Large 2 Small 2 Opp. Face 30 6 Small 2 Opp. Face 0 6 Small 2 Opp. Face 30

Fig. 17: Along wind response of square head frame; 6 antennas, opposite faces
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

ESAx /m

HF Only 6 Mounts 3 Face 6 Large 3 Face 0 6 Large 3 Face 30 3 Large 3 Small 3 face 0 3 Large 3 Small 3 face 30 6 Small 3 Face 0 6 Small 3 Face 30

ESAx /m

Fig. 18: Along wind response of square head frame; 6 antennas, 3 faces
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 Azimuth / 120 150 180

HF Only 9 Mounts 9 Large 3 face 0 9 Large 3 face 30 6 Large 3 Small 3 Face 0 6 Large 3 Small 3 Face 30 9 Small 3 face 0 9 Small 3 face 30

Fig. 19: Along wind response of square head frame; 9 antennas, 3 adjacent faces
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ESAx /m


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4.3. Triangular head frame Testing on the triangular head frame was carried out at 15 intervals up to 120. The panel layout, labelling system, and axis notation are shown in Fig. 20. The panel configurations tested are detailed in Table 3 and the Panel type (a, b, c) is from Table 1. The notation 30 indicates the panel was rotated clockwise about the vertical axis of the mount by 30, and the notation m indicates a mount was attached without a panel.
Wind direction 0

C B y A I x H


Fig. 20: Panel layout and axis notation for the triangular head frame

Configuration HF Only Kick Plate 9 Mounts 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 6 Small 0 6 Small 30 9 Large 0 9 Large 30 6 Large 3 Small 0 6 Large 3 Small 30 9 Small 0 9 Small 30

Panel D E F

m m m m m m m m m a m a a m a a m a a30 m a30 a30 m a30 a30 m a30 c m c c m c c m c c30 m c30 c30 m c30 c30 m c30 a a a a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a c a a c a a c a a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 a30 c30 a30 c c c c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30

Max ESAx /m2 2.4 2.5 3.6 5.7 5.7 4.5 4.3 6.5 6.5 6.1 6.0 4.8 4.5

Table 3: Panel layout and max along-wind ESA for the triangular head frame

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Directional along wind responses of the triangular head frame in the various configurations tested are shown in Fig. 21 and Fig. 22. It is unsurprising that an increase in the size or number of antennas increased the total drag force. However, the magnitude of the increase is complex due to the effects of shielding on the head frame members and the size and orientation of the downwind antennas. Flow visualisation showed that the position and offset of the antenna from the frame has a significant influence on the flow patterns and corresponding drag force. The degree of shielding to the elements behind the panels was significant. The along-wind ESA was reasonably independent of wind direction, but the peak response generally occurred when the wind was blowing normal to a face of the triangle. Again the effect of pivoting the antennas was minimal.
7 6 ESAx /m

HF Only Simulated Kick Plate 9 Mounts 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 6 Small 0 6 Small 30 0 30 60 Azimuth / 90 120

5 4 3 2 1 0

Fig. 21: Along wind response of the triangular head frame with 6 antennas

7 6 ESAx /m

HF Only 9 Large 0 9 Large 30 6 Large 3 Small 0 6 Large 3 Small 30 9 Small 0 9 Small 30 0 30 60 Azimuth / 90 120

5 4 3 2 1 0

Fig. 22: Along wind response of the triangular head frame with 9 antennas
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4.4. Circular head frame Testing on the circular head frame was carried out at 30 intervals up to 120. The panel layout, labelling system, and axis notation are shown in Fig. 23. The panel configurations tested are detailed in Table 4 and the Panel type (a, b, c) is from Table 1. The notation 30 indicates the panel was rotated clockwise about the vertical axis of the mount by 30, the notation m indicates a mount was attached without a panel, and no entry indicates there was nothing attached to the head frame.
Wind direction 0

A F y E x D C B

Fig. 23: Panel layout and axis notation for the circular head frame
Configuration HF Only 3 Mounts 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30 6 Mounts 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 6 Small 0 6 Small 30 A B Panel C D E F Max ESAx /m2 1.6 2.1 3.2 3.3 2.5 2.4 2.5 4.3 4.5 2.9 3.1

m m m a a a a30 a30 a30 c c c c30 c30 c30 m m m m m m a a a a a a a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 a30 c c c c c c c30 c30 c30 c30 c30 c30

Table 4: Panel layout and max along-wind ESA for the circular head frame Directional along wind responses of the circular head frame in the various configurations tested are shown in Fig. 24. It is unsurprising that an increase in
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January 2007

the size or number of antennas increased the total drag force. However, the magnitude of the increase is complex due to the effects of shielding on the head frame members and the size and orientation of the downwind antennas. The along-wind ESA was reasonably independent of wind direction. Generalisations regarding wind direction are difficult for this head frame as the structural and antenna layouts were not symmetrical. Again the effect of pivoting the antennas was minimal.
5 4 ESAx /m

HF Only 3 Mounts 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30 6 Mounts 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 0 30 60 Azimuth / 90 120 6 Small 0 6 Small 30

3 2 1 0

Fig. 24: Along wind response of the circular head frame

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January 2007

4.5. Turret head frame Testing on the turret head frame was carried out at 15 intervals up to 120. The panel layout, labelling system, and axis notation are shown in Fig. 25. The panel configurations tested are detailed in Table 5 and the Panel type (a, b, c) is from Table 1. The notation 30 indicates the panel was rotated clockwise about the vertical axis of the mount by 30.
Wind direction

A y x

Fig. 25: Panel layout and axis notation for the turret head frame

Configuration HF Only 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30

Panel A B C

a a a a30 a30 a30 c c c c30 c30 c30

Max ESAx /m2 0.73 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.1

Table 5: Panel layout and max along-wind ESA for the turret head frame Directional along wind responses of the turret head frame in the various configurations tested are shown in Fig. 26. It is unsurprising that an increase in the size or number of antennas increased the total drag force. The simple nature of this head frame makes it much more predictable in the wind, but there are still complex shielding issues. The along-wind ESA was reasonably independent of wind direction. The peak ESA occurred when the antennas were symmetric to the wind, and depended on the shape of the antennas.
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January 2007

2.0 1.5 ESAx /m


HF Only 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30

1.0 0.5 0.0 0 30 60 Azimuth / 90 120

Fig. 26: Along wind response of the turret head frame

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January 2007

4.6. Mercedes head frame Testing on the Mercedes head frame was carried out at 15 intervals up to 120. The panel layout, labelling system, and axis notation are shown in Fig. 27. The panel configurations tested are detailed in Table 6 and the Panel type (a, b, c) is from Table 1. The notation 30 indicates the panel was rotated clockwise about the vertical axis of the mount by 30, the notation m indicates a mount was attached without a panel.
Wind direction

B A y x F E


Fig. 27: Panel layout and axis notation for the Mercedes head frame
Panel C D m m m a m a30 c m c30 m a a a30 a30 c a c30 a30 c c c30 c30 Max ESAx /m2 1.9 3.0 3.0 2.4 2.3 4.1 4.2 3.6 3.5 3.0 2.7

Configuration 6 mounts 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 3 Large 3 Small 0 3 Large 3 Small 30 6 Small 0 6 Small 30

A m m m c c30 a a30 c c30 c c30

B m a a30 m m a a30 a a30 c c30

E m m m c c30 a a30 c c30 c c30

F m a a30 m m a a30 a a30 c c30

Table 6: Panel layout and max along-wind ESA for the Mercedes head frame

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Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Directional along wind responses of the Mercedes head frame in the various configurations tested are shown in Fig. 28. It is unsurprising that an increase in the size or number of antennas increased the total drag force. The distribution of ESA with direction is more consistent for this head frame with the peak occurring when the wind is blowing from 60; the wind normal to the front face of a pair of panels on the same mounting frame.
5 4 ESAx /m

6 mounts 3 Large 0 3 Large 30 3 Small 0 3 Small 30 6 Large 0 6 Large 30 3 Large 3 Small 0 3 Large 3 Small 30 0 30 60 Azimuth / 90 120 6 Small 0 6 Small 30

3 2 1 0

Fig. 28: Along wind response of the Mercedes head frame

5. Conclusions
This paper presents the results from simple drag force experiments on a range of standard telecommunication antennas and head frames tested in isolation and in a variety of antenna mounting configurations. The along-wind drag coefficients are reasonably independent of wind direction, but from the directional results and flow visualisation it is evident that shielding effects are complex and significant. The mean cross-wind component is typically about an order of magnitude lower than the along-wind component. The torsional component is generally small and could be estimated by applying the along-wind drag at an eccentricity of about 5% of the frontal width of the head frame.

6. References
ASCE, 2002, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-02. British Standard, 1986, Lattice towers and masts: Code of practice for loading BS 8100-1:1986. British Standard, 2002, Loading for buildings Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads, BS6399.
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Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Carrill, Jr., C.F., Isyumov, N., & Brasil, R., 2003, Experimental study of the wind forces on rectangular latticed communication towers with antennas, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.91, pp.10071022. ESDU 1971, Fluid forces, pressures and moments on rectangular blocks, Engineering Sciences Data Item 71016. ESDU, 1979, Mean fluid forces and moments on cylindrical structures: polygonal sections with rounded corners including elliptical shapes, Engineering Sciences Data Item 79026. ESDU 1981, Lattice structures: Part 2: Mean fluid forces on tower-like space frames, Engineering Sciences Data Item, 81028. ESDU, 1982a, Structural members: mean fluid forces on members of various cross sections, Engineering Sciences Data Item, 82007. ESDU 1982b, Lattice structures: Part 1: Mean fluid forces on single and multiple plane frames, Engineering Sciences Data Item, 81027. ESDU, 1984, Cylinder groups: mean forces on pairs of long circular cylinders, Engineering Sciences Data Item, 84015. Holmes, J.D., Banks, R.W., & Roberts, G., 1993, Drag and aerodynamic interference on microwave dish antennas and their supporting towers, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.50, pp.263-270. Holmes, J.D., 2001, Wind loading of structures, Spon Press. Marchman III, J.F., & Werme, T.D., Mutual interference drag on signs and luminaires, Journal of the Structural Division, Proc. ASCE, Vol. 108, pp22352244. Standards Australia, 1984, Design of steel lattice towers and masts, AS3995. Standards Australia, 2002, Structural design actions, Part 2: Wind actions, AS/NZS1170.2

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Appendix 1: Prototype antenna and head frame specifications

RFS DPS60 Antenna

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

RFS APXV-18 Antenna

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Argus JPX310D Antenna

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Square head frame

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Triangular head frame

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Circular head frame

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Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Turret head frame

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

Mercedes head frame

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


Wind Loading of Telecommunication Antennas and Head Frames

January 2007

School of Civil Engineering Research Report No R881


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