Quick Reference Guide:: Email and Fax Delivery Options in Oracle EBS R12
Quick Reference Guide:: Email and Fax Delivery Options in Oracle EBS R12
Quick Reference Guide:: Email and Fax Delivery Options in Oracle EBS R12
With its new “Submit Request Delivery Options” button, Oracle EBS 12.1.3 brings new
document delivery functionality that sounds good on the surface, but will it meet
Ultimately each EBS customer is going to study and determine for itself whether its
business processes lend themselves to this new functionality. At STR Software, we have
studied the functionality closely and believe it falls short of expectations in many key areas:
The remainder of this guide discusses in detail the pros and cons of the new “Submit
Request Delivery Options” button in Oracle EBS R12.1.3.
The new “Submit Request Delivery Options” button
Inside the Delivery Options Screen
Oracle offers four points of integration with BI Publisher and four corresponding tabs:
1. IPP Print – allows users to select any number of IPP Printers to print the results of a concurrent
2. Email – allows delivery of a report via email.
3. Fax – allows automated delivery of a report via fax.
4. FTP – allows users to transfer Concurrent Request output to a remote host using FTP or SFTP.
IPP Printer Tab:
Users can select IPP printers to print results of a concurrent request
What is IPP Print vs. Regular EBS Printing
IPP stands for Internet Printing Protocol and is
an open standard for printing. CUPS (Common
UNIX Printing System) is the most common
consumer of IPP and is an open source
printing system. Printers are setup within
CUPS and then printed to as normal. The
‘Regular Print’ functionality of EBS is a bit
different, while it can utilize CUPS it does not
typically communicate directly over IPP. EBS
has traditionally used drivers and styles to
setup how to print to the system print spooler.
When using this new functionality, your
current print drivers/styles/types that are
setup in EBS will not be used.
More details: The Lowe Down Blog – R12.1.3 Delivery Options: IPP
Impact of the IPP Printing Tab Functionality
The impact of this tab will prove minimal for most users. This is largely due to the fact that standard
report printing is likely in place wherever printing would be desired.
Email Tab:
Users can deliver a report via email from any application
More details: The Lowe Down Blog – R12.1.3 Delivery Options: Email
Impact of the Email Tab Functionality
This option provides new functionality that was otherwise not available across EBS. There are limitations, but
users should benefit from this addition.
• Sending reports via email is no longer limited to • Not ideal for delivering high volume of documents;
PO Approval and other select modules – reports No bursting functionality is associated with this
can be emailed from any application within EBS. form.
• Users will be able to receive any email bounce • Email formatting isn’t consistent across EBS – it
backs that may have been missed by specifying a depends on the report type.
“from” email address on the form. • The form does not allow for hardcoded information
about the email content or sender – nothing is
configurable on the fly.
• When a non-text based report email is sent, an
attachment is generated (as mentioned in the
previous slide); the attachment names are derived
from Oracle information and not user friendly or
• Setting up the report to email only, without also
printing the report, requires an extra step and a
confusing user experience.
Fax Tab:
Allows delivery of the report via fax
More details: The Lowe Down Blog – R12.1.3 Delivery Options: Fax
Impact of the Fax Tab Functionality
Like email, this tab provides some new functionality, however the benefit will be determined on a case by
case basis. It’s good for delivering a few one-off or ad hoc documents; for higher volume delivery, you’re
better off looking at alternative solutions.
FTP Tab:
Allows users to transfer Concurrent Request output to a remote host
More details: The Lowe Down Blog – R12.1.3 Delivery Options: FTP
Impact of the FTP Tab Functionality
The FTP tab functionality is very straight forward. If delivering data via FTP is currently a business
requirement, it’s worth a look. If not, keep the functionality in mind for future uses.
How does the new functionality rate?
• The Good News: Oracle is recognizing users’ need for multiple transmission
methods. This new ‘Delivery Opts’ button offers a delivery mechanism native within
Oracle EBS for delivering BI Publisher reports.
• But . . . : In order to burst and deliver high volumes of reports or to get robust
delivery options and reporting, a specialized third-party application is your best
• Conclusion: Though Oracle is making moves in the right direction, at this time, the
delivery options aren’t likely to meet the bulk of users’ business needs. Advanced
document delivery (email, fax, print, and archiving) still may still require extensive
coding and personnel resources or the implementation of 3rd party products like the
AventX Oracle Connector from STR Software.
A third-party document delivery engine like AventX significantly
reduces IT time and resources required to meet custom needs
STR Software bridges the gap in Oracle’s delivery manager to meet your specific
business needs.
• Email, fax, and print any report type with one solution
• Deliver single or a batch of documents from any EBS module
• Attach supporting documents to business-critical documents
• Confirm email and fax delivery status inside EBS
• Troubleshoot, fix, and re-queue delivery errors engine without IT support
• & more
Contact STR Software for more information about advanced document delivery from Oracle EBS.
This guide was created from information posted on the STR Software blog.
Visit for more details on the new functionality and other
BI Publisher-related news and tips.
Questions or comments? Email: brent.lowe@strsoftware.com or leave your thoughts on the blog.