1st Quarter COT - Math

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DAILY LESSON LOG Date/ Time JUNE 26, 2019 Quarter 1st Quarter
School head WILMA S. ABAN Checked

A. Content Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000, ordinal numbers
Standard up to 100th, and money up to PhP1000.
B. Performance Is able to recognize, represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 10
Standard 000, and money up to PhP1000 in various forms and contexts.
C. Learning Order 4- to 5-digit numbers in increasing or decreasing order.
Competency/s: M3NS-Ib-13.3
II. CONTENT Ordering Numbers up to 10 000
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide p. 24-27
2. Learner’s p. 30-34
Materials pages
3. Text book pages CG p. 30
4. Additional number cards, clothesline, improvised white board, markers, work sheets,
Materials from and slides presentation
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing  We will have a group activity.
previous lesson or  What are the standards or rules to  Choose a leader.
presenting the follow in doing group activity?  Cooperate with the group.
new lesson  Avoid going around.
 Recite yell when the group is
 Get ready to explain the

 Very Good!

 Each group will have a white board

and a marker.
 You are going to compare the pairs of
numbers presented in the slide. Use
the symbols greater than, less than,
and equal to, to compare the
numbers. You write your answer on
the white board that I gave to you
 The group who got the most number
of correct answer wins the game.
1. 3 860 _____ 5 487 1. <
2. 5 863 _____ 7 634 2. <
3. 7 737 _____ 7 321 3. >
4. >
4. 7 876 _____ 6 787
5. =
5. 2 346 _____ 2 346

 Congratulations to the winner group.

B. Establishing a  I will need pupil volunteers to stand in
purpose for the front of the class then you are going
lesson to arrange them from tallest to
 How many pupils are there?  There are five pupils.

 Yes, very good!

 What do you notice about their  They are arranged from tallest
arrangement? How are they to shortest.

 That’s correct!

 Who can come up front and arrange

all your classmates in order from tallest
to shortest/ shortest to tallest?

C. Presenting  I have here a clothesline with two

Examples/instance numbers (6 392 and 4 354) pinned on
s of new lesson it.
 Please read the numbers.  6 392 and 4 354

 What if there is another number like  It should be place between 6

5 253? Where should it be placed so 392 and
that the numbers are arranged from 4 354.
greatest to least?

 Very good!

D. Discussing new  Why it should be placed in that  It should be placed in that

concepts and position? position because 5 253 is less
practicing new than 6 392, but greater than 4
skills #1 354 and we are following the
decreasing order.

 You explained it very well, Very Good!

 What if there is another number like

2 998? Where should it be placed?  It should be placed after 4
354 because 2 998 is less than
4 354.

 Correct!

 Remember class that when the

numbers are arranged in decreasing
order, the arrangement starts with the
greatest number and ends with the
least number.

 If the number were arranged from

least to greatest or in increasing order,  When the numbers were
how will the arrangement be done? arranged in increasing order,
Which number should come first? the arrangement starts with
Second? Third? And last? the least number and ends
with the greatest number.

 Very nice answer!

 Remember class that when the

numbers are arranged in increasing
order, the arrangement starts with the
least number and ends with the
greatest number.

E. Discussing new  I will group you again into two. You

concepts and are going to hang all the numbers in
practicing new the clothesline.
skills #2  The first group will hang the numbers
in increasing order by comparing first
the digits with the highest value.
(3 427 5 564 2 976 1 632)

 The second group will do the hanging

of another set of numbers on a
clothesline in decreasing order.
(1 463 5 678 3 975 7 123)

 Again, what are the standards or rules  Choose a leader.

to follow in doing group activity?  Cooperate with the group.
 Avoid going around.
 Recite yell when the group is
 Get ready to explain the

 Very Good!

 Post your work on the board.

Group 1: 1 632 2 976
3 427 5 564

Group 2: 7 123 5 678

3 975 1 463

 Congratulations to each group for a

job well done.

 We will have another group activity. I

will give each group the two sets of
number cards. The first group will
arrange the first set of number cards in
increasing order and the second
group will arranged their cards in
decreasing order. I will give you 5
minutes to finish the activity.

Set 1: 4 163 3 985 5 421

2 134 3 154
Set 2: 6 789 1 567 4 678
1 987 5 234

 Please, post your work on the board. Group 1: 2 134 3 154

3 985 4 163 5 421

Group 2: 6 789 5 234

4 678 1 987 1 567

 Good job to all of you.

 How can you say that the number

were arranged in increasing order? In  The number were arranged in
decreasing order? increasing order when the
number starts with the least
number and ends with the
greatest number.
 The number were arranged in
decreasing order when the
number starts with the
greatest number and ends
with the least number.

 Excellent answer.

 If I have another number like 6 835,  It should be place after 5 421.

where would I place it in the first set?

 Very good!

 If I have another blank card and  5 432

wanted to place it after the second
number in the second set, what
number should be written on the

 Awesome!

 Can we write the number in a  Yes, we can arranged the

column? If yes, how will they be numbers in increasing order or
arranged? in decreasing order.

 Very good!

 Which way of arranging numbers do  Vertical, so I can easily

you prefer, vertical or horizontal? compare and arrange the
Why? numbers.

 Nice answer.
F. Developing Write the following numbers in the ladder
mastery box.
(Leads to
Formative 1) 6 327 4 327 8 543 3 258 1 765
Starts here
Assessment) 8 543
6 237

4 327


1 765

2) 4 452 9 778 7 675 4 231 5 189

9 778

7 675

5 189
4 452

4 231
Starts here
G. Finding Guided activity:
applications of A. Study the data on the collection of cash
concepts and skills donations, then answer the questions that

Two civic-organizations wanted to help the

flood victims in Luzon. They asked their
friends and relatives for cash donations to
raise funds.

Study the table.

Amount of Cash Donations Collected (in
Day Organization A Organization B
1 PHP 8 000 PHP 5 800
2 PHP 7 500 PHP 7 900
3 PHP 8 600 PHP 8 500
4 PHP 10 000 PHP 9 000
5 PHP 6 800 PHP 6 600

 Order the amount of their collections

in ascending and descending order.

Group I: Organization A’s Collection Group I: Organization A’s Collection

Ascending Descending Ascending Descending

__________ ___________ PHP 6 800 PHP 10 000

__________ ___________ PHP 7 500 PHP 8 600
__________ ___________ PHP 8 000 PHP 8 000
__________ ___________ PHP 8 600 PHP 7 500
__________ ___________ PHP 10 000 PHP 6 800

Group II: Organization B’s Collection Group II: Organization B’s Collection

Ascending Descending Ascending Descending

__________ ___________ PHP 5 800 PHP 9 000

__________ ___________ PHP 6 600 PHP 8 500
__________ ___________ PHP 7 900 PHP 7 900
__________ ___________ PHP 8 500 PHP 6 600
__________ ___________ PHP 9 000 PHP 5 800

 How will you encourage the people in  I will encourage them to give
your community to be helpful and money or cash as much as
generous especially to the needy and they can or to give something
victims of calamity? like clothes and canned
goods for the victims of
H. Making  How do we arrange numbers in  To arrange numbers in
generalizations decreasing order? In increasing increasing order or
and abstractions order? decreasing order, compare
about the lesson two numbers at a time,
starting from left to right. Find
out which is greater or lesser,
then put them in the right
 Very Good!

I. Evaluating 1) These are the school population of five

Learning elementary schools. Arrange them in
increasing order.

3 427 2 564 1 976 2 839 3 243 1 976 2 564 2 839 3 243 3

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 427

2) These are the number of people in four

barangays. Write the numbers in decreasing

4 745 6 983 9 357 7 450 8 576

______ ______ _______ _______ _____ 9 357 8 576 7 450 6 983 4
J. Additional Using the digits 1, 4, 6, and 7, repetitions
activities for allowed, form five 4-digit numbers and write
application or them in order from greatest to least.
remediation ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of Learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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