1st Quarter COT - Math
1st Quarter COT - Math
1st Quarter COT - Math
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000, ordinal numbers
Standard up to 100th, and money up to PhP1000.
B. Performance Is able to recognize, represent, compare, and order whole numbers up to 10
Standard 000, and money up to PhP1000 in various forms and contexts.
C. Learning Order 4- to 5-digit numbers in increasing or decreasing order.
Competency/s: M3NS-Ib-13.3
II. CONTENT Ordering Numbers up to 10 000
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide p. 24-27
2. Learner’s p. 30-34
Materials pages
3. Text book pages CG p. 30
4. Additional number cards, clothesline, improvised white board, markers, work sheets,
Materials from and slides presentation
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing We will have a group activity.
previous lesson or What are the standards or rules to Choose a leader.
presenting the follow in doing group activity? Cooperate with the group.
new lesson Avoid going around.
Recite yell when the group is
Get ready to explain the
Very Good!
What do you notice about their They are arranged from tallest
arrangement? How are they to shortest.
That’s correct!
Very good!
Very Good!
Excellent answer.
Very good!
Very good!
Nice answer.
F. Developing Write the following numbers in the ladder
mastery box.
(Leads to
Formative 1) 6 327 4 327 8 543 3 258 1 765
Starts here
Assessment) 8 543
6 237
4 327
1 765
9 778
7 675
5 189
4 452
4 231
Starts here
G. Finding Guided activity:
applications of A. Study the data on the collection of cash
concepts and skills donations, then answer the questions that
Group II: Organization B’s Collection Group II: Organization B’s Collection
How will you encourage the people in I will encourage them to give
your community to be helpful and money or cash as much as
generous especially to the needy and they can or to give something
victims of calamity? like clothes and canned
goods for the victims of
H. Making How do we arrange numbers in To arrange numbers in
generalizations decreasing order? In increasing increasing order or
and abstractions order? decreasing order, compare
about the lesson two numbers at a time,
starting from left to right. Find
out which is greater or lesser,
then put them in the right
Very Good!