Global Governance
Global Governance
Global Governance
Global Governance
In-class discussion
Backed by shared goals
Backed by formal that may or may not derive
authority, by police from legal and formally
powers to insure the Goal-oriented prescribed responsibilities
implementation of duly and that do not necessarily
constituted policies rely on police powers to
System of rule overcome defiance and
attain compliance
Defining Global Governance
1995 Commission on Global Governance:
4) International Regimes
1. IGOs
Sub/Regional Organizations
Why join?
Kenneth Abbot & Duncan Snidal (1998):
b) Forum
providing place for exchange of views and decision-making
c) Normative
defining standards of behavior
IGO Functions
d) Rule creation
drafting legally binding treaties
e) Rule supervision
compliance monitoring, rue adjudication, enforcement
f) Operational
resource allocation, provision of technical assistance and
relief, deployment of forces
NGOs are "private organizations that
pursue activities to relieve suffering,
promote the interests of the poor,
protect the environment, provide basic
social services, or undertake
community development".
2. NGOs
INGOs have the same mission as
NGOs but it is international in scope
and has outposts around the world to
deal with specific issues in many
Kaldor: NGOs enable individuals to act publicly
Customary practice
3. International
Writings of legal scholars
Rules and Law
Judicial decisions
*non-binding legal
conventions are in fact
norms = soft law
a fundamental
principle of
international law that
is accepted by the
community of states
as a norm from
which no derogation Non-refoulement
is permitted. forbids the rendering of a true victim of
persecution to his or her persecutor
Krasner, 1982:
“Implicit or explicit
5. International principles, norms, rules
and decision-making
Regimes procedures around which
actors’ expectations
converge in a given area
of international relations.”
Key characteristics of
international regimes
are their association
with a specific issue
area and the links
among constituent
6. Ad Hoc Groups/ Arrangements,
Global Conferences
Lack a formal legal basis
1) States
2) IGOs
3) NGOs
4) Experts
5) Multi-stakeholder Actors
6) MNCs