Book 1

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Silo Base Empty

Qty Legs Mount Gross
Frame Weight

(m) (m) (Tons) (Tons)

Bulk Silo#1 26 3.5 x 2.9 15 225
2.7 x 2.7
Bulk Silo#2 4 3.57 x 3.57 17 292
3.72 x 3.72
1.677 X 1.677
Hummer Bin#1 4 2.44 x 2.44 3.6 55
Cross Beam
1.9 x 1.91
Hummer Bin#2 16 2.6 x 1.92 4.5 55

Wind Velocity 45 m/s

Bulk Silo#1
Wind Force Calculation
h 10.78 Height m
d 3.678 Diameter m
v 45 Air velocity of wind m/s
F 40,144.45 Force generated by the win N
40.14 KN
4,092.20 KG
4.01 ton

a 2.7 distance between load cells
b 5.39 half the height of the vessel
F 40,144.45 Calculated Wind Force N
Fw 80,140.22 Force caused by wind force
80.14 KN
8.17 ton

Hummer Bin#1
Wind Force Calculation
h 7.36 Height m
d 2.4 Diameter m
v 45 Air velocity of wind m/s
F 17,884.80 Force generated by the win N
17.88 KN
1,823.12 KG
1.79 ton

a 1.677 distance between load cells
b 3.68 half the height of the vessel
F 17,884.80 Calculated Wind Force N
Fw 39,246.31 Force caused by wind force
39.25 KN
4.00 ton
Height of
Rated Distance Height of
Load Cell Total Silo
Gross Between Height new base
mounting Height Diameter
Weight Load Cells frame
(Tons) (m) (m) HEB (m) (m) (m)

215 2.7 10.78 HEB200 0.3 11.28 3.678

217 3.727 12.81 HEB300 0.3 13.31 3.75

40 1.677 7.36 HEB200 0.3 7.86 2.4

40 1.91 7.36 HEB200 0.3 7.86 2.4

Bulk Silo#2
Wind Force Calculation
h 12.81 Height m
d 3.75 Diameter m
v 45 Air velocity of wind m/s
F 48,637.97 Force generated by the win N
48.64 KN
4,958.00 KG
4.86 ton

a 3.727 distance between load cells
b 6.405 half the height of the vessel
F 48,637.97 Calculated Wind Force N
Fw 83,586.31 Force caused by wind force
83.59 KN
8.52 ton

Hummer Bin#2
Wind Force Calculation
h 7.36 Height m
d 2.4 Diameter m
v 45 Air velocity of wind m/s
F 17,884.80 Force generated by the win N
17.88 KN
1,823.12 KG
1.79 ton

a 1.91 distance between load cells
b 3.68 half the height of the vessel
F 17,884.80 Calculated Wind Force N
Fw 34,458.67 Force caused by wind force
34.46 KN
3.51 ton
FW: Wind
F: Wind
Vertical Force on
(KN) (KN)

40.14 80.14

48.64 83.59

17.88 39.25

17.88 34.46

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