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PTC – developer of creo

Parametric technology co-operation.

Earlier version – Pro-ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0

Starting with sketch

New – sketch – name – ok

Note. Name should not contain spaces.

Sketch extension is “.SEC”

Line chain – this option is used for creating chain of lines.

We can press center mouse button anytime during the
creation of line to discontinue the current chain.

Note: - we can press center mouse button single time to

discontinue various command but in some commands we
need to click twice.



1. Corner
2. Center
3. Slanted
4. Parallelogram

Constraints locking: - When we have a constraint visible

while creating any object we can press right click to lock it.



1. Center and point

2. Concentric
3. 3 points
4. 3 tangents



1. 3 points / tangent ends

2. Center and ends
3. 3 tangents
4. Concentric
5. Conic (value range from 0.05 rho to 0.95 rho)



1. Axis end point

2. Center and axis end

Note: - when the mouse color changes to black in creo,

means we need to select the object to continue the
command. We can understand the selection by looking the
status bar.


1. Circular
2. Circular trim
3. Elliptical
4. Elliptical trim

Note. Circular and elliptical option will maintain the corner



1. Chamfer
2. Chamfer trim

Offset. To create parallel copies or concentric copies

We have 3 types of selection to execute this command

1. Single – only one object at a time
2. Chain – we need to select the 1st object defining the
chain then the last object of the chain
3. Loop – use for selecting objects creating an open or a
close loop directly

Note. If we select the objects in the chain which can create 2

chains then we will get an additional option to decide any
one chain.

Setting up working directory

1. Copy the original icon – right click on creo parametric

3.0 in the start menu then right click and select open
file location.
2. Create a folder “A” and a subfolder “B”
3. Paste the creo icon as a shortcut in folder “A”
4. Right click on the recent icon and go to properties
5. Delete the current value or path for start in and add the
path of folder “B”. click on ok to save the changes
6. Now use this icon to start creo.


To add the object from the palette – double click on the

object and then click on the screen to add
To add the object into the palette – create a sketch using the
sketch enviourment and save it in the working directory

Modify – this command is used for making advance changes

to dimension, text and splines

We can also relate the dimension using the modify command

in sketch.

To relate dimension we need to know the name of dimension

and which object of the sketch they control.

Example. We have a rectangle on screen. We have length as

sd01 and width as sd02.

To provide relations – type “sd01*0.5”or “sd01/2”in place of

value of sd02 and press enter to accept the relation

Mirror – to mirror the object select the object and activate

mirror and select the centreline to mirror about

Divide – to divide one segment into multiple segments

Delete segments – trims the selected part of the object with

respect to the overlapping object. We can click on the area
to trim or click and drag the mouse over the object to trim.

Make corner – this command is use to create a corner out of

2 selected object by trimming or extending the object

1. Horizontal – line or 2 points

2. Vertical – line or 2 points
3. Perpendicular – 2 lines or circle and a line
4. Tangent – circular and any object
5. Midpoint – point and an open segment (line/Arc)
6. Coincident – point and object or 2 points
7. Symmetry – 2 points and 1 line
8. Equal – any similar object
9. Parallel – 2 lines

Importing autocad file to creo

1. Save the file in dxf/dwg format in autocad

2. Start sketcher in creo
3. Click on “file system” command and browse for file and
click ok


1. Normal – this option will add multiple type of dimension

based on the selection
2. Perimeter – to use this command, activate the
command and select all the set of objects by pressing
“ctrl key”, then click ok to accept the selection, then
click on the dimension to be variable and press center
mouse button to accept.
3. Baseline – this option will add ordinate dimensions in
combination with the normal command
4. Reference – this will add reference dimensions only for

Types of dimensions

1. Weak dimensions – light blue in color, these dimensions

are created directly by the software
2. Strong dimension – dark blue in color, these dimensions
are those which are created by user by normal or any
other command. When weak dimensions are edited it
automatically becomes strong dimension
3. Locked dimension – the dimension which cannot be
changed by dragging the object and can be only edit by
double click. We can convert strong and weak to lock
dimensions. Select the dimension – right click – lock.
These dimensions are RED in color.

Initial settings for dimensions

Go to file – options – sketcher and check “Show weak
dimension”, “lock modified dims”& “lock user defined dims”

Solid Modelling

Start creo in the part module.

Starting sketch – to start a sketch

1. Select the plane on which you need to sketch and click

on sketch command
2. Activate the sketch command and select the face or the
plane on which we need to sketch and click on sketch.

Note. After completing sketch and before starting with any

command outside the sketch area, click on OK to complete
the sketch

Extrude: - this command will add height to the sketch

1. Blind – Value
2. Symmetry – Value in both sides divided equally
3. To next – until the next face of the solid body
4. Through all – up till the last face of the body
5. Through Until – to the selected face
6. To selected – up to the selected edge, vertex or face

Add taper – it will allow to taper the sides created in the

extrude command
Remove material – this will cut the object

Thicken sketch – this option will create extrude with the wall
thickness. This is specially used for open sketches.

Revolve: - this option will create a 3D model by revolving a

sketch to a specific angle with respect to a centreline of

For centreline of revolution we can use existing axis or we

can create datum centreline in the sketch.

Sketch reference option – this option will allow us to make

selected edges or vertex as reference (snap able) in the
current sketch.

Sketch setup – this option is use for changing the orientation

of the sketch.

Internal Sketch – the sketch which is created by the

command is the internal sketch. We can use feature
requirements command when we use internal sketch. The
internal sketch is not listed separately in the Model tree

External sketch – the sketch created using the sketch

command is external sketch. It is listed separately in the tree
and because of this we can use the same sketch for multiple


1. Edit – this will allow the dynamic edit for dimensions.

2. Edit definition – this will roll back to the command and
reactivate it for editing all the parameters.
3. Edit reference – this will edit the reference on which the
command is based.

Sweep – constant section – for this option we need a sketch

containing the path of the sweep -> activate sweep
command -> select the sketch (path) -> click on “create or
edit sweep section”-> create the sketch at proper location
according to the requirement -> click ok.

Options – merge ends – this option will extend the sweep to

match the face of the adjacent body if possible

Sweep – variable section – for this we need to have more

than one path for sweep -> create a sketch -> activate
sweep -> select the main path -> click on reference ->
details -> add -> select the second path and then follow the
same process as the sweep command -> we need to create
a sketch which is properly associated with all the input

Helical sweep – this command need a sketch containing a

datum centreline and open object at any side of the datum
line -> active sweep -> select the sketch -> click on “create
or edit sweep section”-> create the sketch ok

We can work with constant pitch or also with variable pitch

values, Example.

Sr no. Pitch Location

1 30 start point
2 30 100
3 60 120
4 60 480
5 30 500
6 30 end point

Blend – Connecting multiple sketch section to create a solid

Blend options – we have ways to provide the blend
1. Sketched section – the section is created in the blend
command. To change the start point we need to be in
the sketch of the section, then we need to select the
vertex and right click and choose start point. For this
option we don’t need to create extra plane or sketch
before the command
2. Selected section – the section are created before
activating blend with the help of sketch and plane

Note. We can define tangency only to the first and the last

We can also choose between straight blend and smooth

Note. We need to have same number of vertex for all the
section there in the blend. We can do this with the help of
divide command.

Rotational Blend – this command provides the angular

difference rather than linear difference according to the
centreline defined in the 1st section. This option is similar to
blend and all the rules and specification are applied here

Connect end to start section – this option can connect the

end section (last section) of the rotational blend with the
first section to create close blend
This option is only available when we have created at least 3
Maximum angle possible between the sections is 120 deg.

Swept blend – this work in the combination of sweep and the

blend command. We need to follow the steps of sweep to
begin with the command. Then insert a section at the start
and also at the end of the path minimum and the swept
blend will be function able.

Changing Units – Go to file -> prepare -> model properties -

> click on change in front of the unit
Changing units by default – open
C drive – program files – PTC – creo – m060 – common files –
template – open “inlbs_part_solid”in creo – change only the
units – click save and close.

Hole – this is used for adding a hole on the selected face. We

can place the hole in 3 ways
1. Linear – by providing 2 faces as the reference.
2. Radial – An axis and a face/plane as a reference
3. Diameter – Same as radial
We can create a simple hole or a standard hole which
ISO, UNC and UNF standard

Round – to add fillet to a 3d part

If we press “ctrl” key and select the edge for round then all
the edges will be controlled by same radius. If we select
edges without ctrl key they all will be a part of different
“sets” automatically and all will have different radius.
Full Round – to create a full round, select the start face then
press “ctrl” and select the end face, then select the common
Creating fillet/round with variable radius
1. Add radius option – while in the Round command we
can right click on the handle and choose add radius to
provide different values at different location of the edge
2. Using through curve – for this option we need to have a
curve which is on the face which is adjacent to the edge
we are going to fillet. Create round and activate through
curve and select the curve.

Auto Round – this option will round all the edges in the part
without selecting. If we select the edge in this option then
the selected edge will not have the round.
Convex – the round which removes the material
Concave – The round which add the material

Chamfer – to add chamfer to the selected edge

Corner chamfer – to add chamfer to a selected vertex (we
can add only one vertex at a time)
Draft – this feature will add taper to the selected face. We
need to define
1. Faces to draft (we can select multiple by pressing ctrl)
2. Draft hinge – the face from where the draft will be
3. Direction – which is automatically perpendicular to the
draft hinge
We can add multiple angle to the draft face by doing the
same process as round command.
Splitting draft – we can split the draft face using a hinge or
an object. Object can be a surface or a sketch. Splitting by
draft hinge will only work if the hinge is intersecting the face
of draft.
Shell – this command will make the solid object hollow by
defining wall thickness. We can click on “non-default
thickness “option in the reference tab to add different
thickness to the selected face.
Rib – there are 2 rib commands 1. Profile rib and 2.
Trajectory rib.
Profile Rib – this works only with the open sketch and create
a rib parallel to the sketch plane. We need to connect the
sketch properly in order to create a rib.
Trajectory rib – this will create a rib using a close or an open
sketch and the direction of the rib will be perpendicular to
the sketch plane. We can use sketch which is not connected
to the body correctly as rib command will automatically
detect the possible extension.
Mirror – we can mirror a single or multiple feature about the
plane or planar surface. We can also mirror the entire part by
selecting the name of the part in the model tree and then
activating the mirror command.
Copy and paste a feature – this option will copy the feature
from the model tree and paste it by defining the
requirements. Normal paste will create independent features
and paste special will create dependent feature.

To pattern a feature we need to select the feature from the
tree and select pattern. If we want to pattern multiple
features we need to create a group of those feature for
To delete a pattern we need to right click on the pattern
feature and select delete pattern.
Types of pattern.
1. Dimension
2. Direction
3. Axis
4. Curve
5. Point
6. Reference
7. Fill
Note. We can also pattern a pattern

Assigning Material
Go to – file – prepare – model property – click on change in
front of material – select the material and click ok
For Checking mass properties – repeat the same process
and click on “I”icon in front of the mass property.

Renaming a part.
Go to – file – manage – rename.

Family table
This option is used for creating multiple sizes of the same
To use family table create the part with proper dimensions
and specify name to those dimensions if required.
Click on model indent – family table
Click on add column – select the dimensions of the part
Click ok – click on add rows – specify new name and values
and click ok – save the part.

Assembly modelling
To start an assembly – new – assembly – ok
To add the parts in the assembly – click on assemble
command and browse for the required parts
If we browse for part file – it will represent a single
component in the assembly.
If we browse an assembly file – it will represent a sub
assembly in the main assembly.

Note. We need to use default constraint to place the 1 st

component in the assembly, this constraint will fix the part
and make it fully constraint using the part and assembly co-
ordinate system automatically.

To edit the placement of any part – we can right click on the

assembled part and click on edit definition

We can click on exploded view option to automatically

explode all the assembly and sub assembly. After this
command we can also use edit position option to update the
location of the parts.

Replacing a part using a family table in the assembly.

To replace any part in the assembly – select the part from
the model tree and right click and choose replace option – in
replace dialog box select replace using family table – click on
open and browse for alternate part and click on apply
Note. This option will only work for the parts which have the
family table defined in it.

Motion skeleton assembly.

Create and save a blank part and assembly file in order to
use it as template.
Start a new assembly and click on create command
Choose – skeleton model – motion – ok – browse for the
blank assembly file saved in the 1st step and ok
Right click on the newly created motion skeleton part in the
model tree (Motion_ske_0001.asm) and click on activate.
Click on create – skeleton – standard – ok – browse for blank
part file – click ok
Right click on the new standard model in the model tree and
click on activate.
Create an appropriate sketch on any of the visible planes
Click ok for the sketch – right click again on motion skeleton
part in the model tree (Motion_ske_0001.asm) and click on
Click on create – skeleton model – body – provide name –
select blank part template – ok – select the segment of the
sketch – click ok
Note. The 1st part will be fixed and it will not be allowed to
do any motion.
We need to repeat the same process for rest of the part but
we need click on update after selecting the segments in
order to update the links.
Once all the body and links are defined – right click and
activate the main assembly – click on drag component
command – select the proper axis and drag the mouse to
check the motion.

Creo session on surfacing.

Surface – it’s a zero thickness geometry created by the
software which is not practically possible.
In creo surface are also called as “Quilts”

We can use open sketch in Extrude, revolve and all other

basic command to create a sketch
In shaded mode the color of the surface is Purple
In wireframe mode it changes to Orange

We need to convert a surface into a solid after the model is

done or once the surfacing part is completed
We can use thicken command in order to convert surface to
solid by providing thickness.
Boundary blend command – this command create a surface
using the wire frame model (model created using sketch on
different plane which generates a enclose geometry) this
option requires minimum of 2 curves. We can also use it for
creating solids. In this blend command we don’t need to
think about the number of vertex unlike blend, rotational
blend & swept blend

Fill – this will create surface using a close planar sketch

Project – this command will project the selected sketch on

the desired surface

Intersect – this command will create a curve using the

intersection of multiple solid or surface geometry.

Trim – This command will trim the select surface using a

plane, sketch & another surface.

Note. We can copy and paste a face to create an overlapping

surface geometry

Merge command – this command is use to merge 2 adjacent

surfaces. If we select 2 intersecting surface we can also trim
inside the merge command.
Extend – This option will be only available when we select
the edge of the surface body
We can decide to make it tangent or follow the same surface
curvature in the options tab.

Offset – this command is applied on surface and as well as

solid body
1. Standard offset – this option is used to create a simple
offset. In option we can also use the option of “create
side surface” if required.
2. Offset with expand feature – this option will only offset
certain part of the surface which is defined using a
sketch. We need to use a close sketch to define the
region. We can make the offset sides to follow the
sketch or the surface also
3. Offset with draft feature – this option work similar like
offset with expand feature but we have extra options
like defining draft & offset side tangency
4. Offset replace to face feature – this option will only
work if we select the face of the solid body. This option
will increase or decrease the solid body face depending
on the location of the surface.
Solidify – this option will only work if we have a closed
surface body and merge together. This command will convert
the surface body to completely filled solid body.

Sketcher can be used for create title blocks and base
We can use the format env to create the title block

To start drafting
Click on new – drawing – ok – select the source type and
sheet size – click ok
1. Click on drawing model command to a model in to the
drawing list
2. Double click on the name of the model below the sheet
to change the current model
3. Click on general view command – default all – ok – click
on screen – to show the model on the screen. This
command will add the 1st independent view on the
drawing sheet.
4. To take a projection of the view – click on projected
view command and place the view
5. To take a detail view – activate the detailed view
command and click to set the centre – click and create
a spline to define the region – press center mouse
button once the spline is closed – click on the screen to
place the view.
6. To add the section view – create the section view in the
part or the assembly – double on the view to convert to
section – go to section category – click on 2d cross
section – click on add – select the section view – ok
7. To change the scale of the hatch – double click on
hatch – click on spacing – click on value – specify value
– press center button.
8. To add dimensions automatically to the drawing – go to
annotate tab – click on show model annotation – select
the view – select the dimension to keep – click ok
9. Exploding the assembly – double click on the assembly
view – go to view state – click on explode view in
10. To add BOM – go to the table tab – click on table –
quick table – BOM description down – click on the
screen to add
11. To add Balloons – click on create balloons all
12. To delete the row or column – highlight the cell –
right click multiple time to highlight the row or column –
left click to select – long right click and delete.


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