1. Corner
2. Center
3. Slanted
4. Parallelogram
1. Circular
2. Circular trim
3. Elliptical
4. Elliptical trim
1. Chamfer
2. Chamfer trim
Types of dimensions
Solid Modelling
1. Blind – Value
2. Symmetry – Value in both sides divided equally
3. To next – until the next face of the solid body
4. Through all – up till the last face of the body
5. Through Until – to the selected face
6. To selected – up to the selected edge, vertex or face
Thicken sketch – this option will create extrude with the wall
thickness. This is specially used for open sketches.
Note. We can define tangency only to the first and the last
Auto Round – this option will round all the edges in the part
without selecting. If we select the edge in this option then
the selected edge will not have the round.
Convex – the round which removes the material
Concave – The round which add the material
To pattern a feature we need to select the feature from the
tree and select pattern. If we want to pattern multiple
features we need to create a group of those feature for
To delete a pattern we need to right click on the pattern
feature and select delete pattern.
Types of pattern.
1. Dimension
2. Direction
3. Axis
4. Curve
5. Point
6. Reference
7. Fill
Note. We can also pattern a pattern
Assigning Material
Go to – file – prepare – model property – click on change in
front of material – select the material and click ok
For Checking mass properties – repeat the same process
and click on “I”icon in front of the mass property.
Renaming a part.
Go to – file – manage – rename.
Family table
This option is used for creating multiple sizes of the same
To use family table create the part with proper dimensions
and specify name to those dimensions if required.
Click on model indent – family table
Click on add column – select the dimensions of the part
Click ok – click on add rows – specify new name and values
and click ok – save the part.
Assembly modelling
To start an assembly – new – assembly – ok
To add the parts in the assembly – click on assemble
command and browse for the required parts
If we browse for part file – it will represent a single
component in the assembly.
If we browse an assembly file – it will represent a sub
assembly in the main assembly.
Sketcher can be used for create title blocks and base
We can use the format env to create the title block
To start drafting
Click on new – drawing – ok – select the source type and
sheet size – click ok
1. Click on drawing model command to a model in to the
drawing list
2. Double click on the name of the model below the sheet
to change the current model
3. Click on general view command – default all – ok – click
on screen – to show the model on the screen. This
command will add the 1st independent view on the
drawing sheet.
4. To take a projection of the view – click on projected
view command and place the view
5. To take a detail view – activate the detailed view
command and click to set the centre – click and create
a spline to define the region – press center mouse
button once the spline is closed – click on the screen to
place the view.
6. To add the section view – create the section view in the
part or the assembly – double on the view to convert to
section – go to section category – click on 2d cross
section – click on add – select the section view – ok
7. To change the scale of the hatch – double click on
hatch – click on spacing – click on value – specify value
– press center button.
8. To add dimensions automatically to the drawing – go to
annotate tab – click on show model annotation – select
the view – select the dimension to keep – click ok
9. Exploding the assembly – double click on the assembly
view – go to view state – click on explode view in
10. To add BOM – go to the table tab – click on table –
quick table – BOM description down – click on the
screen to add
11. To add Balloons – click on create balloons all
12. To delete the row or column – highlight the cell –
right click multiple time to highlight the row or column –
left click to select – long right click and delete.