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Hydraulic transients can cause damage to water distribution systems if not properly mitigated. Common surge control methods include careful system design, selecting durable pipes and fittings, developing proper operating procedures, and using control devices like tanks and valves.

Common surge control methods mentioned include careful design of pumping stations and pipelines, selecting pipes to withstand pressures, identifying proper operating procedures, and selecting and placing control devices appropriately.

The typical phases are modeling, design, and construction. During modeling, problems are identified and alternatives evaluated. Design finalizes plans based on modeling and other factors. Construction can require re-evaluation if field conditions differ from design.


Surge Protections:
Modeling vs. Design vs. Construction
Jinsheng Huo

ydraulic transients, also known as pres- strategies will provide adequate surge protec-
sure surge or water hammer, are the time- tions to the pumping and pipe systems. Jinsheng Huo, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, is capital
varying phenomena that occur when the Common methods of surge control in- projects manager with City of Sunrise and is
equilibrium of steady flow in a system is disturbed clude: careful design of the plan and profile of president and chief engineer of JINSHENG
by a change of flow that occurs over a relatively the pumping station and pipeline system; selec- HUO in Fort Lauderdale.
short time period, such as rapidly closing a valve or tion of pipes and fittings to withstand the an-
loss of power on a pump. Hydraulic transients can ticipated pressures; identification of proper
introduce large pressures and rapid fluid accelera- start-up, operation, and shutdown procedures 300 m (1000 ft).
tions into a water distribution system, which can for the system; and selection and location of the  Any system where column separations can
result in pump and device failures, system fatigue proper control devices to mitigate the adverse occur, such as systems with knees (points
or pipe ruptures, and dirty water backflow and in- effects of surge events. The advantages and dis- where gradient reduces) or high points, or
trusion. Thus, surge control is extremely impor- advantages of the control devices, such as hy- pressurized pipelines with a more than 100-
tant for the design of hydraulic systems and for dropneumatic tanks, air vacuum or release m (300-ft) steep gradient followed by a long,
water system operation and protection. valves, surge anticipation or relief valves, and shallow gradient.
To complete surge protection systems, en- pump control valves, are also discussed. Fur-
gineering projects typically have three phases thermore, analysis of a surge protection system There is no simple way to perform reliable
(modeling, design, and construction) that might for a large pumping system is presented. transient analyses due to many complicated fac-
lead to changes in a system. During the model- tors. Computer modeling is available to analyze
ing phase, the surge problems are identified by Methods surge events; however, it might not always be
the surge modeling programs and alternatives practical to conduct surge analysis due to the
are evaluated and recommended based on the Surge Review high cost of proprietary surge programs. There-
modeling results. Although modeling results The primary cause of hydraulic transients fore, the extent of the analysis should be related
provide a good reference on what to do to mit- is start-up or shutdown of pumps, or rapid to the size and cost of specific project require-
igate potential surge damage, it is sometimes opening or closing of valves. The analyses of ments. It is suggested that designers use more
impractical to apply all of these methods. As a pressures, velocities, and other abnormal be- than one program to compare results as a check
result, during the design phase, sound engi- haviors caused by hydraulic transients make it on the surge simulations. Experience shows that
neering judgments are needed to finalize the en- possible to effectively choose various control different programs might provide significantly
gineering design, as well as the consideration of strategies, such as: 1) selection of pipes and fit- different simulation results, although these pro-
other factors, such as tradeoff between risk and tings to withstand the anticipated upsurge and grams are based on the same or similar princi-
cost, client preferences, etc. The last phase is the downsurge pressures, 2) selection and location pal theories. Two principal equations are:
construction phase, where uncertainties could of the proper control devices to mitigate adverse
be anywhere and anytime. Therefore, it is not effects of pressure transients, and 3) control of
uncommon that some engineering design may start-up, operation, and shutdown procedures (1)
need to be re-evaluated and revised based on the to avoid rapid flow changes.
real field conditions and other factors, such as Pumping and piping systems are subject to
unavailability or unreliability of specified or al- potential surge problems. However, in practice,
ternative equipment, which may be changed sometimes it is impossible to analyze them all (2)
during the value engineering or bidding phase. due to time and budget constraints. Therefore,
The surge analysis might be needed to re- empirical guidelines can be used to determine
evaluate the new conditions and confirm that whether a complete transient analysis is re- Where, a is elastic wave speed in water con-
the revised surge protections can meet the des- quired (Jones, G.M.; Sanks, R.L.; tained in a pipe (m/s, or ft/s), K is the bulk mod-
ignated requirements. To elaborate why and Tchobanoglous, G.; and Bosserman, B.E., 2006). ulus of elasticity of water in (N/m2, or lb/ft2), E
how the surge protection systems changed dur- Generally speaking, a surge analysis is recom- is modulus of elasticity of pipe material (N/m2,
ing these three phases, the regional Peace River mended if a system has one of following cases: or lb/ft2), D is inside pipe diameter in meters (m,
Water Treatment Facility expansion project is  Pumping system with a total dynamic head or ft), e is the pipe wall thickness (m, or ft), C is
presented. Its final surge protection systems in- (TDH) larger than 14 meters (m) or 50 ft, a correction factor for type of pipe restraint, r
clude hydropneumatic tanks, bypass valves, and a flow greater than 115 cu meters per is the density of water (kg/m3, or slugs/ft3), Dh is
surge valves, air valves, etc., as well as operations hour (m3/h) or 500 gal per minute (gpm). the change in pressure head (m, or ft), is the
and maintenance guidelines. The final simula-  Any pressurized pipe with a diameter greater change in velocity of water caused by the event
tion results indicate that the surge control than 200 mm (8 in.) and a length longer than (m/s, or ft/s), and g is the acceleration due to

42 December 2014 • Florida Water Resources Journal

gravity (m/s2, or ft/s2); Jones, G.M., et al, 2006. Table 1. Typical Wave Speed in Pipe for Water Containing Dissolved Air
Table 1 shows the typical values for wave
speed for water in pipes.
Program developers provide designers a
“black box” solution. Designers generally do
not exactly know how the computer analysis
program solves the complicated surge events.
Therefore, designers should not depend solely
on computer results; instead, they should use
their own judgment to make the reasonable de-
cisions, with help from computer simulations.

Surge Control Methods

Table 2. Commonly Used Surge Control Devices
Three key elements should be considered
when designing a surge protection: 1) identify
events that result in surge conditions, 2) evaluate
system vulnerability to surges, and 3) consider
susceptibility to infiltrations under low pressure
(down surge) transients. Surge control strategies
are developed according to operational practices
that can cause transients, engineering practices
that will minimize the impact of transients, and
maintenance practices to reduce the likelihood
of intrusion when surge occurs.
The commonly used surge control devices
and their advantages and disadvantages are
shown in Table 2; surge control strategies are
shown in Table 3.
From a review of the plan and profile of
the pumping station and pipeline system, as
well as the operation and maintenance proce-
dures, it is possible to determine where poten-
tial hydraulic transient problems may exist and
what methods might be taken to control them
with the help of computer simulations.
Designers can reduce transient pressure by
avoiding knees, high spots, and steep gradients Table 3. Commonly Used Surge Control Strategies
near the pump or along the pipelines (i.e., flatten
grade lines). If any of these conditions cannot be
avoided, a combination of piping/fitting strength
and control strategies can be used to provide ad-
equate protection at reasonable cost. It is recom-
mended to design the surge protections based on
advanced surge analyses and simulations.

Surge Analysis Programs

These programs have their advantages and
disadvantages. There is no easy way to choose
one program over another; ideally, a designer
should have access to at least two programs so
that the results can be compared and evaluated.

Surge Analysis
sultant will design and expand the Regional sq in. (psi)
Project Description Peace River Water Treatment Facility from 24 mil  South Regional High-Service Pumping Sta-
The Peace River/Manasota Regional Water gal per day (mgd) to 51 mgd. This expansion tion – The South System: Design Flow = 45
Supply Authority (Authority) is an independent program included three major pumping stations: mgd, Head = 80 psi
regional water supply company providing drink-  North Regional High-Service Pumping Sta-  River Pumping Station – Design Flow = 90
ing water to Charlotte, DeSoto, Manatee, and tions (NRHSPS) – The North System: De- mgd, Head = 40 psi
Sarasota counties in southwest Florida. A con- sign Flow = 21 mgd, Head = 80 pounds per Continued on page 44

Florida Water Resources Journal • December 2014 43

Continued from page 43
The North System is reviewed as an exam-
ple; the South System will also be discussed
briefly because it changed to an integrated sys-
tem with the North System during the con-
struction/operation phase.
Figure 1. Pipe Length (ft) and Junc- The North System consists of four variable
tion Elevation (ft) of the North System speed pumps with a firm capacity of 21 mgd
and discharge head of 80 psi. The design condi-
tion of each pump is 7 mgd, 80 psi, or about
5840 gpm, 185 ft. The main transmission line is
23 mi of 42-in. thin-wall (3/16-in.) steel pipe. It
conveys finished potable water at the plant to
the North Regional Transmission System, pri-
marily pumping to ground storage located at
Sarasota County’s T. Mabry Carlton Jr. Water
Treatment Plant (Carlton WTP). This pump
was designed to pump 21 mgd flow with a min-
imum of 20 psi residual pressure at the end of
the 42-in. diameter pipeline, in accordance with
the Authority’s water supply contract.

Hydraulic Modeling
It is necessary to run the hydraulic model-
ing first to determine the starting point before a
surge event happens. As shown, the hydraulic
Figure 2. Profile of the North Regional System Transmission Main modeling of the NRHSPS system is completed

44 December 2014 • Florida Water Resources Journal

to: 1) confirm the design of pumping and pip-
ing systems, and 2) determine the starting
point for the following surge analysis:
1. Discharge pressure for Sarasota County at
the Carlton WTP is set at 20 psi (about 47
ft). The pipeline terminates at a future
ground storage reservoir.
2. The North Regional Transmission Line is a
122,000-ft (38.71-km), 42-in. steel pipe. A
roughness factor of C = 120 was used.
3. With three pumps running and one
standby, the simulated operating condition
for each pump running is 5,758 gpm, 189 ft,
according to the simulation results. The hy-
draulic system is shown in Figure 1.

For hydraulic modeling, a lower C-value

needs to be selected to be conservative. How-
ever, for surge analysis, it is opposite—the
higher the C-valve is, the more conservative the
modeling result is.

Surge Analysis: Settings

1. Pressure Wave Speed – The wave speed varies Figure 3. Surge Analysis of the North System Without Surge Protections
from 340 m/s (1,115 ft/s) to 1,438 m/s
(4,718 ft/s) for thin-wall plastic pipes to
thick steel pipes. The North Regional Trans-
mission System has thin steel pipes. A pres-
sure wave speed of 1,000 m/s (3,280 ft/s) is
calculated using Equation (1).
2. Critical Time Period – The equation (tc =
2*L/a = 2*122,000 ft / 3,280 ft/s ≈ 75 s)
means a valve closed in any shorter time pro-
duces the maximum pressure head rise at the
valve, where pressure rise is reduced if the
valve is closed in a longer time interval.
3. Liquid Properties – Because the pumped
fluid in the system is drinking water, a tem-
perature of 20 ºC (68 ºF) and a specific grav-
ity of 1.0 are assumed.
4. Vapor Pressure – For drinking water systems
at typical temperatures and pressures, an
approximate vapor pressure of –10.0 m (–
14.2 psi, –32.8 ft) is used. If the system’s el-
evation is significantly different from sea
level, the vapor pressure should be adjusted
according to published references.
5. Elevations – Extremely important in hy- Figure 4. Surge Analysis of the North System with Recommend Protections
draulic transient modeling. Therefore,
defining the profile of a pipeline is a key re-
quirement prior to undertaking any hy-
draulic transient analysis. The piping modeling results. The surge analysis of the ex- must always be avoided. Column separation
profile, as shown in Figure 2, is built based isting system without surge protections is il- occurs if water is boiling and forming large
on the record drawings. lustrated in Figure 3. air pockets when external air pressure drops
below the saturated vapor pressure at a cer-
Modeling of Surge Protection Systems Figure 3 shows that: tain temperature.
The hydraulic modeling and surge analy-  There are serious downsurge problems, as  There are also air pocket problems, which is
sis of the North System is completed and cor- highlighted with the gray color under the also likely to occur at knees. When air pock-
responding surge control strategies and pipelines. The most serious consequence of ets collapse, two or more liquid columns can
equipment are recommended based on the downsurge is column separation, which Continued on page 46

Florida Water Resources Journal • December 2014 45

Continued from page 45 to: 1) adding flywheels to the pumps sized to of potential adverse effects on the pump per-
collide at extremely high speed, which can prevent the column separation, 2) installing formance (for example, reduced efficiency).
cause enormous forces and damages; the first pneumatic tanks (air chambers), and 3) A hydropneumatic tank is selected to pro-
and second highest point and the discharge adding air vacuum or release valves. vide the required surge protection, especially for
point from pumps will be considered. It downsurge, which is modeled at Junction J28
should be noted that air pocket problems Theoretically, adding flywheels to the (pump discharge point). According to record
commonly are the key reasons for down- pumps is an option to prevent column separa- drawings, a 6-in. air combination valve is also
surge/upsurge problems. The corresponding tion and downsurge pressures by extending the installed at Junction 60 (flow meter), which has
control strategies and equipment are similar pump shut-off time, especially when there is a the highest elevation (25 ft). Figure 4 shows the
as previously discussed. power outage; however, the mechanical flywheel results of the surge analysis without proposed
 Various control methods for preventing col- might not be practical in reality. Some pump surge protections.
umn separation include, but are not limited manufacturers hesitate to use flywheels because From the simulation results, it can be con-
cluded that:
 The selected hydropneumatic tank is a 3600-
ft^3 bladder tank with an inlet diameter of
24 in. and a preset pressure of 50-ft H2O.
 With recommended surge protections, it will
reduce upsurge and downsurge pressures sig-

Ideally, negative pressure should be elimi-

nated under any condition; however, modeling
results indicate that the theoretical size of a hy-
dropneumatic tank to eliminate native down-
surge is impractically large. The allowable
negative pressure will be discussed.
During the modeling phase, the North and
South systems are designed to operate separately.
These two systems have two interconnections,
but both connections are defaulted as “closed.”

Design of Surge Protection Systems

Figure 5. Surge Analysis of the North Regional High-Service Although modeling results provide a good
Pumping Stations System With Recommend Surge Protections guidance to designers on the selection of surge
control devices, the indicated selections and
sizes of devices may be impractical to construct.
As a result, during the design phase, sound en-
gineering judgment is needed.
A document provided by a manufacturer
of surge tanks shows that pipe systems will be
tested and qualified in terms of their ability to
withstand a certain “negative pressure.” If there
is no further explanation, it means that it is an
atmospheric test: atmospheric pressure air out-
side the pipe, with cyclical pressure drop inside.
In practice, pipes are usually buried, and the ex-
ternal pressure is different from atmospheric
pressure. The North Regional Transmission
Main is a 42-in. steel pipe with a 3/16-in. wall
thickness. The theoretical design standard to
prevent buckling of this pipe is a negative pres-
sure of -5 psi. For selection of the surge control
system, a design goal of -2 psi is used, with a
safety factor of 2.5.
To do this, use of hydropneumatic tanks
could be avoided by considering that the exist-
ing 42-in. transmission has roughly one 6-in. air
valve every half mi and adding one 18-in. pump
Figure 6. Recommended Surge Protections for the bypass line. The results indicate that the pres-
North and South System During the Design Phase sure in the pipeline will not fall below –2 psi (-

46 December 2014 • Florida Water Resources Journal

4.62 ft) if 6-in. fast-acting air valves are in-
stalled every mi (not even every half mi). The
modeling results are shown in Figure 5.
After evaluation of the surge simulation
results, the recommended surge protections for
the NRHSPS are: 1) add four 6-in. quick-re-
sponse combination air valves at four pump
discharge lines, 2) upgrade the combination air
valve next to the flow meters to a 6-in. air valve,
3) use pump control valves instead of regular
weighted check valves, 4) add one 18-in. surge
anticipation and relief valve, and 5) add a 18-
in. pump bypass line.
For the South System, the recommended
surge protections are: 1) add five 6-in. quick re-
sponse combination air valves at pump dis-
charge lines, 2) upgrade the air valves next to
the flow meters to 6-in. combination air valves,
3) use pump control valves instead of regular
weighted check valves, 4) add one 18-in. surge
relief valve, 5) add a 18-in. pump bypass line,
and 6) use two hydropneumatic tanks at Node
116 at the pump discharge manifold, with a
total volume of 2500 ft^3.
For the River Pumping Station, the rec-
ommended surge protections are: 1) add 6-in.
quick-response combination air valve at pump Figure 7. Recommended Surge Protections for the
discharge line, 2) add or replace the 6-in. com- North and South System During the Construction Phase
bination air valves next to where the flow meter
is, at the local high point, 3) use pump control
valves instead of regular weighted check valves, Two major changes occurred during the Figures 6 and 7 compare the as-designed
and 4) add one 24-in. surge anticipation and construction phase: versus as-constructed configuration of the
relief valve to release high-pressure backflow  It was decided to interconnect the North North and South pumping system.
water to the Peace River. and South system discharge piping to func-
For the Recycle Pumping Station, the rec- tion as one system to improve reliability and Conclusions
ommended surge protections are: 1) add 6-in. provide backup systems. This change was
quick-response combination air valve at pump made in consideration of existing piping, Commonly used surge control strategies
discharge line, 2) add or replace the 6-in. air system reliability, compatibility of North were presented, including: 1) redesign of the
combination valves next to where the flow and South system operating pressures, com- plan and profile of the pumping station and
meter is, at the local high point, 3) use pump mon ground storage tanks, and proximity. pipeline system, 2) selection of pipes and fit-
control valves instead of regular weighted  Due to indoor space limitation and con- tings to withstand the anticipated pressures,
check valves, and 4) add one 18-in. surge an- struction feasibility, the two indoor smaller 3) identification of proper start-up, opera-
ticipation and relief valve to release high-pres- hydropneumatic tanks established in the de- tion, and shutdown procedures for the sys-
sure backflow water to the wet well. sign phase were revised to one large tank tem, and 4) selection and location of the
and moved out to the closest location out- proper control devices to mitigate the adverse
Construction of Surge Protection Systems side the pump building. effects of surge events. The advantages and
The last phase of implementation is the disadvantages of the control devices, such as
construction phase, where various details and The revised configuration was re-evalu- hydropneumatic tanks, air valves, surge
needs to coordinate with related construction ated and confirmed by the modeling results. valves, and pump control valves, were also
will become apparent. Therefore, it is not un- Other minor changes are mainly to origi- discussed.
common that some engineering designs may nally specified equipment: To complete the surge protection systems,
need to be re-evaluated and revised based on  The surge valve manufacturer was changed typical engineering projects have three phases:
field conditions and other factors, such as un- during value engineering. These surge valves modeling, design, and construction. During
availability or unreliability of specified or al- require positive pressurized water source to the modeling phase, the surge problems are
ternative equipment. Based on final close the valves. identified by the surge modeling programs
adjustment or constraints on equipment, the  The hydropneumatic tank was changed and several alternatives are evaluated and rec-
surge analysis may need to be updated to re- from a bladder to nonbladder tank using an ommended based on the modeling results. To
evaluate the new conditions and verify that the air compressor due to vender experience avoid overdependence on “black box” soft-
finalized surge protections can meet the desig- and cost concerns. ware, independent analyses using three differ-
nated requirements. Continued on page 48

Florida Water Resources Journal • December 2014 47

Continued from page 47
ent programs were conducted to verify the sim-
ulation results.
Although modeling results provide a good
guidance of selecting a surge control device and
strategy, it is sometimes impractical to apply all
of these methods. As a result, during the design
phase, sound engineering judgment is needed
to finalize design details.
The last phase is the construction phase,
where various details and the need to coordinate
with related construction will become apparent.
Therefore, it is not uncommon that the design
details will need to be re-evaluated and revised
based on field conditions and other factors, such
as unavailability or unreliability of specified or
alternative equipment. The surge analysis might
be needed to re-evaluate the new conditions and
confirm that the revised surge protections can
meet the designated requirements.
To illustrate why and how the surge pro-
tection systems changed during these three
phases, the 51-mgd Regional Peace River Water
Treatment Facility expansion project was pre-
sented. Obviously, the pipelines and pumping
systems serving public water supplies are criti-
cal and no failures are acceptable; plus, effec-
tiveness of surge control cannot be tested.
Therefore, reliable surge analysis and protection
system are needed and redundant surge control
systems are also recommended. The final surge
protection systems as constructed include hy-
dropneumatic tanks, bypass valves, surge valves,
air valves, etc., as well as operations and main-
tenance guidelines. The final simulation results
indicate that the surge control strategies will
provide adequate surge protections to various
pumping systems and large-capacity transmis-
sion mains.

• American Water Works Association (1989),
Manual of Water Supply Practices: Steel Pipe -
A Guide for Design and Installation, AWWA
• AECOM/Boyle Engineering Corp. (2005),
Basis of Design Report, Peace River Facility Ex-
pansion, Peace River/Manasota Regional
Water Supply Authority.
• HAMMERTM User Guide, Bentley Systems
Inc. 2005.
• Huo, J.; Eckmann, D.H.; and Morris, K.E.
(2007), Surge Protections:Review, Analysis, and
Engineering Design, Proceedings of
AWWA/ACE07, Toronto, Ont., Canada.
• Jones, G.M.; Sanks, R.L.; Tchobanoglous, G.;
and Bosserman, B.E. (2006) Pumping Station
Design, Third Edition, Butterworth-Heine-
mann, Woburn, Mass. 

48 December 2014 • Florida Water Resources Journal

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