12.14 Tech 3 PDF
12.14 Tech 3 PDF
12.14 Tech 3 PDF
Surge Protections:
Modeling vs. Design vs. Construction
Jinsheng Huo
ydraulic transients, also known as pres- strategies will provide adequate surge protec-
sure surge or water hammer, are the time- tions to the pumping and pipe systems. Jinsheng Huo, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, is capital
varying phenomena that occur when the Common methods of surge control in- projects manager with City of Sunrise and is
equilibrium of steady flow in a system is disturbed clude: careful design of the plan and profile of president and chief engineer of JINSHENG
by a change of flow that occurs over a relatively the pumping station and pipeline system; selec- HUO in Fort Lauderdale.
short time period, such as rapidly closing a valve or tion of pipes and fittings to withstand the an-
loss of power on a pump. Hydraulic transients can ticipated pressures; identification of proper
introduce large pressures and rapid fluid accelera- start-up, operation, and shutdown procedures 300 m (1000 ft).
tions into a water distribution system, which can for the system; and selection and location of the Any system where column separations can
result in pump and device failures, system fatigue proper control devices to mitigate the adverse occur, such as systems with knees (points
or pipe ruptures, and dirty water backflow and in- effects of surge events. The advantages and dis- where gradient reduces) or high points, or
trusion. Thus, surge control is extremely impor- advantages of the control devices, such as hy- pressurized pipelines with a more than 100-
tant for the design of hydraulic systems and for dropneumatic tanks, air vacuum or release m (300-ft) steep gradient followed by a long,
water system operation and protection. valves, surge anticipation or relief valves, and shallow gradient.
To complete surge protection systems, en- pump control valves, are also discussed. Fur-
gineering projects typically have three phases thermore, analysis of a surge protection system There is no simple way to perform reliable
(modeling, design, and construction) that might for a large pumping system is presented. transient analyses due to many complicated fac-
lead to changes in a system. During the model- tors. Computer modeling is available to analyze
ing phase, the surge problems are identified by Methods surge events; however, it might not always be
the surge modeling programs and alternatives practical to conduct surge analysis due to the
are evaluated and recommended based on the Surge Review high cost of proprietary surge programs. There-
modeling results. Although modeling results The primary cause of hydraulic transients fore, the extent of the analysis should be related
provide a good reference on what to do to mit- is start-up or shutdown of pumps, or rapid to the size and cost of specific project require-
igate potential surge damage, it is sometimes opening or closing of valves. The analyses of ments. It is suggested that designers use more
impractical to apply all of these methods. As a pressures, velocities, and other abnormal be- than one program to compare results as a check
result, during the design phase, sound engi- haviors caused by hydraulic transients make it on the surge simulations. Experience shows that
neering judgments are needed to finalize the en- possible to effectively choose various control different programs might provide significantly
gineering design, as well as the consideration of strategies, such as: 1) selection of pipes and fit- different simulation results, although these pro-
other factors, such as tradeoff between risk and tings to withstand the anticipated upsurge and grams are based on the same or similar princi-
cost, client preferences, etc. The last phase is the downsurge pressures, 2) selection and location pal theories. Two principal equations are:
construction phase, where uncertainties could of the proper control devices to mitigate adverse
be anywhere and anytime. Therefore, it is not effects of pressure transients, and 3) control of
uncommon that some engineering design may start-up, operation, and shutdown procedures (1)
need to be re-evaluated and revised based on the to avoid rapid flow changes.
real field conditions and other factors, such as Pumping and piping systems are subject to
unavailability or unreliability of specified or al- potential surge problems. However, in practice,
ternative equipment, which may be changed sometimes it is impossible to analyze them all (2)
during the value engineering or bidding phase. due to time and budget constraints. Therefore,
The surge analysis might be needed to re- empirical guidelines can be used to determine
evaluate the new conditions and confirm that whether a complete transient analysis is re- Where, a is elastic wave speed in water con-
the revised surge protections can meet the des- quired (Jones, G.M.; Sanks, R.L.; tained in a pipe (m/s, or ft/s), K is the bulk mod-
ignated requirements. To elaborate why and Tchobanoglous, G.; and Bosserman, B.E., 2006). ulus of elasticity of water in (N/m2, or lb/ft2), E
how the surge protection systems changed dur- Generally speaking, a surge analysis is recom- is modulus of elasticity of pipe material (N/m2,
ing these three phases, the regional Peace River mended if a system has one of following cases: or lb/ft2), D is inside pipe diameter in meters (m,
Water Treatment Facility expansion project is Pumping system with a total dynamic head or ft), e is the pipe wall thickness (m, or ft), C is
presented. Its final surge protection systems in- (TDH) larger than 14 meters (m) or 50 ft, a correction factor for type of pipe restraint, r
clude hydropneumatic tanks, bypass valves, and a flow greater than 115 cu meters per is the density of water (kg/m3, or slugs/ft3), Dh is
surge valves, air valves, etc., as well as operations hour (m3/h) or 500 gal per minute (gpm). the change in pressure head (m, or ft), is the
and maintenance guidelines. The final simula- Any pressurized pipe with a diameter greater change in velocity of water caused by the event
tion results indicate that the surge control than 200 mm (8 in.) and a length longer than (m/s, or ft/s), and g is the acceleration due to
Surge Analysis
sultant will design and expand the Regional sq in. (psi)
Project Description Peace River Water Treatment Facility from 24 mil South Regional High-Service Pumping Sta-
The Peace River/Manasota Regional Water gal per day (mgd) to 51 mgd. This expansion tion – The South System: Design Flow = 45
Supply Authority (Authority) is an independent program included three major pumping stations: mgd, Head = 80 psi
regional water supply company providing drink- North Regional High-Service Pumping Sta- River Pumping Station – Design Flow = 90
ing water to Charlotte, DeSoto, Manatee, and tions (NRHSPS) – The North System: De- mgd, Head = 40 psi
Sarasota counties in southwest Florida. A con- sign Flow = 21 mgd, Head = 80 pounds per Continued on page 44
Hydraulic Modeling
It is necessary to run the hydraulic model-
ing first to determine the starting point before a
surge event happens. As shown, the hydraulic
Figure 2. Profile of the North Regional System Transmission Main modeling of the NRHSPS system is completed
• American Water Works Association (1989),
Manual of Water Supply Practices: Steel Pipe -
A Guide for Design and Installation, AWWA
• AECOM/Boyle Engineering Corp. (2005),
Basis of Design Report, Peace River Facility Ex-
pansion, Peace River/Manasota Regional
Water Supply Authority.
• HAMMERTM User Guide, Bentley Systems
Inc. 2005.
• Huo, J.; Eckmann, D.H.; and Morris, K.E.
(2007), Surge Protections:Review, Analysis, and
Engineering Design, Proceedings of
AWWA/ACE07, Toronto, Ont., Canada.
• Jones, G.M.; Sanks, R.L.; Tchobanoglous, G.;
and Bosserman, B.E. (2006) Pumping Station
Design, Third Edition, Butterworth-Heine-
mann, Woburn, Mass.