Commissioning Manual1

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1.1 Objective----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
1.2 System Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
1.3 Abbreviations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.2 Precautions & Equipment Required --------------------------------------------------- 18
2.3 Regulatory Authority & Third Party Requirements --------------------------------- 24
2.4 Specific Risk Analysis for System Commissioning --------------------------------- 25
3.1 Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification ----------------- 31
3.2 Temporary Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33
3.3 First Fill Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.4 Vendor and subcontractor requirements --------------------------------------------- 35
3.5 Preservation Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4.1.1 Fire & Gas System Detection System ----------------------------------------- 37
4.1.2 Fire Water System ------------------------------------------------------------------ 56
4.2.1 Electrical system (MV1, LV1, LV2, LV3, LV4) -------------------------------- 74
4.2.2 Heat tracing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129
4.2.3 Lighting and small power --------------------------------------------------------139
4.2.4 Earthling and lightning protection system------------------------------------149
4.3.1 Radios -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
4.3.2 Telephones ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
4.3.3 General Alarm / Public Address ----------------------------------------------- 165
4.4.1 DCS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174
4.4.2 ESD -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------174

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4.4.3 Field / Package / Skid mounted instrumentation -------------------------- 174
4.4.4 Condition monitoring system --------------------------------------------------- 298
4.4.5 Leak test of Tight Shutoff valves ---------------------------------------------- 301
4.5 PIPING/PIPELINE SYSTEM ----------------------------------------------------------- 304
4.6 MECHANICAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 310
4.7 HVAC SYSTEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------330
4.8.1 HP flare ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 346
4.8.2 LP flare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------364
4.8.3 Closed drains ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 379
4.8.4 Oily water system ----------------------------------------------------------------- 396
4.9.1 Utility air ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 404
4.9.2 Instrument air -----------------------------------------------------------------------416
4.9.3 Utility nitrogen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 427
4.9.4 Demineralised water -------------------------------------------------------------- 436
4.9.5 Potable water ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 448
4.9.6 Utility water -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 454
4.9.7 Fuel gas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 463
4.9.8 HP steam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------479
4.9.9 LP steam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 492
4.9.10 LP condensate ------------------------------------------------------------------- 544
4.9.11 High-pressure condensate ---------------------------------------------------- 554

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The purpose of this document is to provide instructions to enable the commissioning
of Oil Tranche.

Commissioning procedures are required for all commissioning activities and this
document describes the principles that must be applied to prepare and commission
the systems.

The manual covers typical commissioning procedures for fire & gas system, Rotating
equipments, Telecom system, HVAC, Electrical system, Instrumentation systems,
Piping, Flare/blow down, Utilities and Process.

Fire & gas section covers the fire and gas detection systems and the fire fighting

Mechanical section covers the commissioning procedures for rotating equipments

such as reciprocating pumps, centrifugal pumps, centrifugal compressor and fin fan

Telecom section covers the commissioning procedures for the Radios, Telephones
and General Alarm / Public Address.

Electrical section covers the commissioning procedures for the individual

components of power distribution supply network, heat tracing, lighting, Earthing and
lightning protection.

Instrumentation section covers the commissioning procedures for Field

instrumentation, Package/skid mounted instrumentation and condition monitoring
systems. The DCS and ESD systems are in the vendor scope, but the field-mounted
instrument interfaced with DCS is covered in the manual.

Piping section covers the piping cleaning methods such as water flushing, steam
flushing, air flushing, oil flushing and chemical cleaning.
Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 3
Flare/blow down, Utilities and Process section addresses Leak testing, inertisation,
dynamic tests and first fill requirements for a given Field Functional Unit.

For leak testing of a system, the system boundary valves or list of system valves and
their position is identified. System pressurization points and the pressure levels
are listed. Incase of different pressure levels for a given Field FunctionalUnit,
and then the system is divided into different loops or envelopes for leak testing.
For inertisation wherever applicable, the system or the sub systems are inertised
by using nitrogen. Till the actual charging of hydrocarbons or plant/unit start-up,
inertised system to be kept under positive nitrogen pressure.
For dynamic tests the cause and effect diagram in tandem with the individual
comissioning procedure to be used during the commissioning of a field functional

➔ Detailed operating information for individual equipment is mentioned in the
equipment suppliers’ instructions manuals & is also refered to in the commissiong
➔ The general commissioning and safety guidelines presented in this manual are
not intended to supersede any manufacturers’ instructions or the safety practices of
the operating company. Under no circumstances should any equipment be
started or operated until the manufacturers’ operating and maintenance instructions
have been studied and completely understood.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 4

The commissioning phase essentially includes the following categories of tasks:
- Loop and function testing in the final configuration of all F&G, ESD and DCS
- The mechanical preparation, startup and the actual running-in and on-line tests
of Utilities.
- Dynamic testing and operation, wherever applicable, in closed loop of the main
process equipment.
- A number of activities related to gas-in preparation (pre-start-up activities) such
as piping / heaters dry-out, leak testing and loading of various chemicals,
adsorbents, desiccants and catalysts.
- On the basis of specific procedures defined, leak test activity for each plant
sub-systems or group of systems (i.e. gross air leak test, nitrogen leak test,
service leak test)
To commence the process plant commissioning in order and in sequence, the
utilities are required to put into operation. Once commissioning operations are
complete, the plant reaches the “Ready for Start-up” status. As a part of the Pre-
commissioning phase, the plant systems are further classified into defined sub-
systems. The purpose of classification is:
- To split the installation into part systems and sub-systems
- To define exactly the limits and contents of each system and sub-system.

For developing commissioning manual, one commissioning procedure is developed
for each sub-system or Field Functional Unit (FFU). The objective is to provide
commissioning personnel with all the detailed information or reference in a single
package for each FFU. This will ensure that each one of the sub systems is
commissioned safely and thoroughly prior to hand-over to operations.


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Process subsystem are identified in the oil plant Tranche
Sr Material handled Remarks
1 Closed drain
2 Closed drain
3 Closed drain
4 Chemicals (General)
5 Chemicals (General)
6 Caustic Soda
7 Caustic Soda
8 Caustic Soda
9 Caustic Soda
10 Caustic Soda
11 Potable water
12 Potable water
13 Potable water
14 Potable water
15 Fuel gas Low pressure
16 Fuel gas Low pressure
17 Fuel gas High Pressure
18 HP Flare
19 LP Flare
20 LP Flare
21 Acid gas
22 HP Condensate
23 HP Steam
24 Instrument Air
25 Instrument Air
26 Instrument Air
27 Instrument Air
28 LP Condensate
29 LP Steam
30 LP Steam
31 LP Steam
32 LP Steam
33 LP Steam

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ACB Air Circuit Breaker
AGR Acid Gas Removal
B.L. Battery Limit
BCMY Billion Cubic Meter per Year
BDV Blowdown valve
Be Degrees Baume
BFW Boiler Feed Water
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BOPD Standard Barrels of Oil Per Day
BOPDe gas production associated with BOPD oil production
BS & W Basic Sediment & Water
BTD Bearing Temperature Detector
BWPD Barrels of Water Per Day
C/H Caustic to Hydrocarbon Ratio
CCW Closed-circuit Cooling Water
CMS Conditioning Monitoring System
CPC Central Processing Complex
CSW Contaminated Surface Water
CT Current Transformer
D.O.R Direction of Rotation
d/s Down-stream
DCS Distribution Control System
DE Drive End
DEA DiEthanol Amine

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DLN Dry Low NOx
EDI Electro De-Ionisation
EDV Emergency depressurisation valve
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
EOS equation of state
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESV Emergency shutdown valve
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
GDBN Gas Debottlencking
GHV Gross Heating Value
GOR Gas to Oil Ratio
GT Gas Turbine
HC Hydrocarbon
HHLL High-High Liquid Level
HHP High High Pressure
HIPPS High integrity Pressure protection system
HP High Pressure
HT High Tension
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
ID inside diameter
IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame
IGF Induced Gas Floatation
IP Ingress Protection
LLLL Low-Low Liquid Level
LP Low Pressure
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LT Low Tension
MAWP Maximum allowable working pressure
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCC Motor Control Centre
MCCB Molded Case Circuit Breaker
MCM Machine Conditioning Monitoring
MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol
MMO Mixed metal oxide
MOS Maintenance Override Switches
MP Medium Pressure
NA Not available
NDE Non Drive End

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O/L Overload
ODBN Oil Debottlenecking
OLTC On Load Tap Changer
OTI Oil Temperature Indicator
Ppb parts per billion
Ppm parts per million
PSA Pressure Swing Absorption
PSV Pressure safety valve
PT Power Transformer
ptb pounds per thousand barrels
PWT Produced Water Treatment
RCD Residual Current Device
RFI Radio Frequency Interface
RGG Reducing Gas Generator
RO Reverse Osmosis
RoK Republic of Kazakhstan
RTD Resistant Temperature Detector
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCFD Standard Cubic Feet per Day
SCMD Standard Cubic Metres per Day
SIS Satellite Instrument Shelter
SLD Single Line Diagram
SRCC Safety related control circuit
SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit
ST Steam Turbine
STP Sanitary Treatment Package
SWS Sour Water Stripper
TFE Total – Final – Elf
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TVD True Vertical Depth
u/s Up-stream
UCP Unit Control Panel
UOP Universal Oil Product
UPS Uninterrupted Power System
VDU Video Display Unit
WI Wobbe Index
WS Water Soluble
WTI Winding Temperature Indicator
WWTP Waste-Water Treatment Plant
-||- (Symbol) Same as above

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Personnel and equipment safety is a very important consideration in the operation
of the unit. Utmost care is taken during design of the plant to safely handle number
of emergency conditions and make the plant operationally safe. Approved
standard operating procedures and use of safety equipment are must for the safe
running of plant and maintain safe environment to work in. This section contains
some HSE guidelines, which should be strictly followed in the plant. However,
these procedures should be updated from time to time in the light of the experience
gained in operating the plant.


It is essential to recognize the various possible hazards in the operation of the
plant so that the remedial measures can be planned. Following are someof the
common safety hazards encountered in process plants. HAZARDS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS

All Petroleum products give out vapours in amount depending upon the type
of product. These vapours, in a confined space, will tend to make the
atmosphere leaner in oxygen content thus making it difficult to sustain normal
breathing (asphyxiation). The hydrocarbon vapours also produce some
adverse physiological effects. Fire and explosion hazards are associated with
these vapours under favourable conditions.

Physiological effects
The hydrocarbon vapours heavier than air gets accumulated at low points near
ground level. The vapours have anaesthetic effects. If air with hydrocarbon
concentration of 0.1% is inhaled for about 5 minutes, the person feels giddy. If
concentration increases to 0.5% and a person inhales such air for about four
minutes, he exhibits symptoms similar to alcoholism.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 10

A concentration of 1.0% will cause rapid onset of "drunkenness" which may
lead to unconsciousness and death if exposure continues. At 2.0%
concentration paralysis may occur rapidly followed by death.

Explosion - fire

When the proportion of hydrocarbons in the hydro carbon- air mixtures falls
within the explosive limits (these limits for some important hydrocarbons are
given below), an explosion or fire could occur in presence of a source of
ignition, such as spark or an open flame. A hydrocarbon air mixture can spread
on the ground over a considerable distance and catch fire when in contact with
a spark or an open flame.
An explosion occurs when the air hydrocarbon mixture is enclosed in a
vessel and a fire takes place when the above conditions exist in the open.
Explosion produces a considerable volume of gas, which creates high
pressures causing damage. One explosion could initiate another explosion or
fire at a distance of ten to hundred meters because of its physical nature.
Explosion is generally followed by a fire. Hydrocarbon dust cloud also can
ignite and explode.

Explosive limits of some of the hydrocarbons

Lower explosive Limit Higher explosive Limit

Sr Product
(LEL, % vol/vol air) (HEL, % vol/vol air)
1 Hydrogen 4.17 74.2
2 Methane 5.3 14.0
3 Ethane 3.2 12.5
4 Ethylene 2.75 28.6
5 Propane 2.37 9.5
6 Propylene 2.0 11.1
7 Butane 1.6 8.5
8 Pentane 1.45 7.5
9 Hexane 1.2 6.9
10 Gasoline 1.3 6.0
11 Naphtha 1.10 6.0
12 Kerosene 1.16 6.0

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Sources of ignition

Common sources of ignition are:

- Auto ignition
- Electrical Apparatus
- Stray Electric Currents
- Static Electricity
- Lightning
- Non-Electrical sources (Mechanical Sparks)

For combustion, three conditions are necessary i.e. combustible material,
sufficient quantity of oxygen and a source of heat in free air. There is no risk
of ignition if the hydrocarbon vapour temperature is less than the ignition
temperature. However, if the temperature of hydrocarbon vapours is equal to
its ignition temperature, the vapour can catch fire mixing with oxygen from
the atmosphere, even without the help of a flame or a spark. This is known
as auto-ignition. The risk of auto-ignition is generally more as the molecular
weight of the hydrocarbons increases.
The auto-ignition temperature of some important hydrocarbons in degree
centigrade are given below:
Hydrogen 589
Ethane 516
Ethylene 450
Propane 466
Butane 430
Pentane 309
Hexane 247
Gasoline 256
Kerosene 254
Lubricating oil 417

Electrical apparatus
These include all machines, equipment, and fittings, in which conductors are
used or of which they form a part e.g. electric switches, push buttons, sockets,
plugs, circuit breakers, starters, instruments, motors etc. These may

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act as a source of ignition by electrical arcs and sparks or raising the surface
temperature of the apparatus above the spontaneous ignition temperature.

Stray electric currents

It may occur because of high voltage electrified railway net works. Stray
currents may originate from electric welding machines.

Static electricity
Examples of electrostatic generation are:
- Passage of liquid through pipes and filters e.g. during loading of tankers
and filling of vehicles.
- Settling of solid particles in liquids as when rust and sludge particles
settle in a tank.
- Settling of droplets of one liquid through another, e.g. water droplets
separating out in a tank containing petroleum liquid.
- Breaking of liquid columns in free fall, which may occur in overhead
filling of tanks.
- Bubbling of gas through liquid e.g. air trapped in a liquid rising to the
- Splashing by the break up of jets, or bubbles e.g. during splash filling of
tanks and high-speed ejection of liquid from nozzles.
- Impingement of solids on solids e.g. during sand blasting by
impingement of solid particles on tank plates.


Lightning can fall on metallic objects such as chimneys, towers, tanks and tall
buildings. These can damage the structures or lead to ignition of hydrocarbon-
air mixtures, if present. The vent/safety relief valve discharges at high points
to the atmosphere are especially vulnerable to lightning.

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Non-electrical sources of ignition

- Smoking
- I.C. engines: spark ignition system, Dynamo, battery, hot carbonaceous
particles ejected from the exhaust, or flame from the exhaust system.
- Spontaneous ignition, e.g. thermal insulation of hot pipes, which have
become impregnated with oil.
- Pyrophoric Iron: Iron sulphide formed out of contact with air is very active
chemically, and when exposed to air, it rapidly oxidises & is so hot that it
glows visually and reaches a temperature, sufficient to ignite a
hydrocarbon air mixture.
- Frictional ignition due to impact or rubbing action.
- Falling of iron tools.
- Rubbing of iron tools on concrete or operation of grinding wheel.

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The following general safety rules are applicable. These must be known and
strictly observed by all personnel. General Safety Rules

- Always adhere to safety regulations and the local rules and regulations.
- Always follow applicable work permit procedure.
- Always use the correct tools for the job, and wear protective clothing.
- Always use the approved procedures for the activity or the task defined.
- Immediately report any hazard to the appropriate authority.
- Never operate valves, unless instructed to do so, or as part of duty.
- Smoking should be permitted only at approved smoking locations.
- If an employee's clothing becomes contaminated with chemicals, he
must remove clothes immediately and take a shower.
- Non-sparking tools should be used in hydrocarbon service.
- Defective tools should not be used. Use proper tools for the work
- Over-stressing tools or equipment causes serious injuries.
- Safety belts or life lines shall be used when working at a height of 3
meters or more above ground, where it is not practical to make other
provisions to prevent falling.
- Falls are the second largest cause of accidental deaths. Following points
are to be observed.
 Failure to look around while going round the plant.
 Running or jumping in work places.
 Standing on boxes, chairs and make-shifts instead of ladders or
 Neglecting to use handrails and running on stairs.
 Failing to face ladder when carrying objects on the same.

- Tools and materials should not be dropped from heights.

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- Standing or walking under materials suspended by ropes, chains or
cables should not be permitted. Safety related to Electrical Equipment

- Don't tamper with electrical apparatus. This is the work of qualified
- Use only approved electrical fittings. The covers of electrical fittings in
hazardous areas should be secured properly to avoid entry of explosive
- All electrical equipment must be properly grounded.
- An electrical extension wire must not be used if it is in bad condition,
laid through water or in such a manner as to allow motorised equipment
to travel over it.
- Employees should regard all electrical wires as live and dangerous.
- Never close a switch or breaker that has been opened unless
authorised to do so by supervisor concerned electrical engineer.
- All electrical breakers must be de-energised and locked before process
equipment can be worked upon.
- All live fuse, lighting and power cabinets must be kept closed.
- If an electrical power unit motivates moving machinery and it is
necessary to make repairs to the same then refer to and follow the
electrical lock out procedure laid down by the plant management. Safety related to Plant operations

The following safety instructions are for the operations carried out frequently
in the plant. These must, in addition to the General safety Rules, be
understood and observed strictly by all personnel. Sample and Purge Connections

- Before opening a purge or sample connection, ensure that the product
temperature is such that there is no risk of initiating a fire or causing

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- Hot and heavy products are most dangerous, as they are near their auto-
ignition temperatures.
- Sample connections for hot products are normally connected with a
sample cooler. Vents and drains of hot products, which are not used
regularly should be capped or blinded. If a hot product is to be vented,
connect the vent to a cooling coil first before proceeding with the venting.
Vents should always be opened slowly.
- Operator who opens to purge the sample connection should be present
till the same is closed. The plug/blind if provided should be put back when
the operation is complete.
- Sample and purge connections of liquefied products have two valves.
Always open the upstream valve fully and adjust the flow by the
downstream valve. This is done so that upstream valve is always
operable in case of frosting.
- Draining etc. of vessels should not be done unattended. Operator should
be present as long as draining/venting is going on. Isolation of Safety Valves

- Many safety valves are provided with isolation valves at upstream and
downstream of the safety valve body. This is to facilitate the repair of the
safety valve.
- It is important to ensure that these isolation valves are kept in open
position as per stipulations. When a safety valve is to be taken out of line,
bring the spare safety valve in line or shutdown the equipment ifthe
spare safety valve is not provided. High Point Vents and Relief Valve Discharges

- The hydrocarbon discharges from the high point vents and relief valves
discharging to atmosphere pose hazard due to lighting.
- Such discharges are normally provided with steam purge connections.
- It is essential to keep purge of steam in these lines, especially in
monsoons when there is likelihood of lighting.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 17 Flare System Operation
- It is essential that pilot burners at the flare stack should be always
- Always maintain a small flow of purge gas in the flare system to avoid
ingress of air into the flare stack.
- Maintain proper hydraulic seal in the water seal drum at all times when
flare system is operating. Preparation of equipment for maintenance

Before opening any equipment (Process Equipment: Towers, Vessels
etc,), it should be purged to render the internal atmosphere non-explosive
and safe for breathing.
Open a vent on the upper part of the vessel to allow gases to escape during
filling and to allow air inside the vessel during draining.
Ensure proper ventilation inside the vessel by opening all manholes.
For hydrocarbon or other gases, pressurise the vessel with N2 or gas and
fill in the liquid and drain under pressure. This is to avoid hydrocarbon
going to atmosphere. Operations to be carried out during preparation of
equipment are:
- Isolation with valves and blinds.
- Draining and depressurisation.
- Replacement of vapours or gas by steam, water or inert gas.
- Take care about instrument tapping.
- Washing of towers and vessels with water.
- Ventilation of equipment.
- Opening of top manhole.
- Testing of inside atmosphere with explosive meter.
- Complete opening if inside atmosphere is satisfactory.
- Analyse the atmosphere inside for O2 content and any poisonous

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2.2.2 SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Use of personal protective equipment is a must during commissioning. The
Operator must be familiarized with all mandatory and optional PPE. Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) is the last line of defence for the Operator to protect
him from injury. RoK standards for PPE requirements must be observed at all times
when working within the plant area. As mentioned in sub-section above, chemical
MSDS shall be referred to when determining the minimum PPE requirements for
safe chemical handling.
Standard PPE includes, but is not limited, to the following:
- Safety shoes
- Safety helmet (with or without face shield)
- Hearing protection (muffs, plugs)
- Hand protection (gloves)
- Clothing
- Eye protection (glasses)
- Eye wash / safety showers
- Respiratory protection (duct masks, chemical filters, self contained
breathing apparatus)
- Personal toxic gas monitors Flexible hoses & fittings

Flexible hoses & fittings are used for temporary connecting utilities to the
permanent piping. Such temporary hoses & fittings should be inspected (with
respect to its rating & integrity) before use to avoid leakage, rupture during the
After the use of the inert gas distribution, as a normal practice, the temporary hose
used should be disconnected. Failure to do so may result in backflow of
undesirable fluid through hose, entering the inert gas distribution system. Portable gas detectors

Portable gas detectors are used for measuring oxygen in the purge stream. Such
gas detectors should be properly calibrated before use.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 19 Permit to Work
The correct use of Permit to Work procedures which include isolation, hot work,
confined space, working at height, electrical isolation and other supplementary
permits will assist in safe operation
All personnel including contractors should undergo specialized training including
training in Permit to Work procedures for all stages of precommissioning and
commissioning activities. Overpressure protection

Commissioing personnel to confirm proper overpressure protection are available
for all systems being commissioned. Incase of non-availability of overpressure
protection care to be taken not to pressurize the system beyond the design
pressure. Fire-Fighting facilities

Commissioing personnel to confirm proper Fire-Fighting facilities are available
before hydrocarbon in. Fire and Gas detection system should be online prior to
any entry of hydrocarbon.

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Regulatory authority & third party requirements will be as per the guidelines of
Rok (Republic of Kazakhstan)
The dynamic testing of package units & equipments to be done in presence of
designated authorities or representative from the Supplier / Manufactures

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 21


2.4.1 High-pressure risk

To be mitigated by providing using system pressure safety valves or temporary
relief valves to safe location. System shall be depressurised prior to any work

2.4.2 Explosive mixture and hydrocarbon leakage risk

To be mitigated by doing the commissioning in a phased manner i.e. leak test
followed by inertisation and finally sweet hydrocarbon introduction to prevent
mixing of hydrocarbon and air.

2.4.3 Low environment temperature

To be mitigated by wearing appropriate winter clothing and personal protective
equipments. Equipment protection by using non-freezing fluid and heat tracing.

2.4.4 Equipment damage

For example, to avoid damage to the Pumps to be mitigated by providing sufficient
minimum flow through the pump, enough level in suction vessel, having the pump
under constant observation and stopping the pump if required.

2.4.5 Pressure trapped between Check valve

The portions of the loops between check valve & downstream isolation valves
should be identified & should be properly relieved during depressurisaion step

2.4.6 Leak testing with utility water

Once the system or loop under consideration is pressurised & then isolated from
all the boundaries, over a prolonged period, with changes in ambient conditions,
it is possible that the system pressure would increase & may cross designpressure.
To avoid this: If possible, pressure to be equalised with supply system by opening
battery limit supply valve or to be relieved by opening suitable drainor vent to
safe location

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2.4.7 Handling of Chemicals
Utmost care should be taken while handling utilities & chemicals. For developing
a safe handling methodology, the Material safety data sheet (MSDS) of individual
chemical should be followed. The useful information for some of the chemicals &
utilities is illustrated in next section. HANDLING OF CHEMICALS CAUSTIC SODA

Permissible exposure limits in air

The recommended limit on airborne work place sodium hydroxide concentration
is 2.0 mg sod. Hydroxide/m3. This is to protect against the irritation of the
respiratory tract.

Harmful effects and symptoms

This compound is extremely alkaline in nature and very corrosive to body tissues.
Dermatitis may result from repeated exposure to dilute solutions in the form of
liquids, dusts or mists. Local contact of sodium hydroxide with eyes, skin etc. can
result in extensive damage of tissues, with resultant blindness and burns.

First aid
If this chemical gets into eyes, irrigate immediately. Washing should start within 10
seconds and continue for at least 15 minutes to prevent permanent injury. If this
chemical contacts the skin, flush with water immediately to prevent slow healing
chemical burns. If a person breathes in large amount of this chemical, move the
exposed person to fresh air at once and perform artificial respiration. When this
chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention. Give large quantities of water
and do not induce vomiting.

Personal protective methods

Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact. Wear eye
protection to prevent any possibility of eye contact. Wash immediately when skin

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 23

is wet or contaminated. Work clothing should be changed daily if it is possible that
clothing is contaminated. Provide emergency showers and eyewash.

Disposal method suggested

Discharge into tank containing water, neutralise, and then flush to sewer with

This is a flammable gas.
- Permissible Exposure Limits in Air: 1000 ppm
- Short term exposure Limit: 1250 ppm
- Immediately Dangerous to life or Health: 19,000 ppm

Harmful effects and symptoms

Due to Inhalation, skin, and eye contact: Light headedness and drowsiness.

First aid
If this chemical gets into the eyes, irrigate immediately. If a person breathes in
large amounts of this chemical, move the exposed person to fresh air at once, and
perform artificial respiration.

Personal protective methods

Wear appropriate clothing to prevent skin freezing. Wear eye protection to
prevent any reasonable probability of eye contact. Remove clothing immediately
if wet or contaminated to avoid flammability hazard.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 24 HYDROGEN SULPHIDE
Chemical and hazardous properties
Hydrogen sulphide is one of the most dangerous chemicals in industry. It is
extremely toxicity, and explosive when mixed with air or sulphur dioxide.

The maximum safe concentration of hydrogen sulphide is about 13 ppm. Although

at first this concentration can be readily recognized by its odour, hydrogen sulphide
may partially paralyse the olfactory nerves to a point when thepresence of the gas
is no longer sensed.

Therefore though the odour of the gas is strongly unpleasant, it is not a reliable
safeguard or warning against its poisonous effects. Hydrogen sulphide in its toxic
action, attacks nerve centres. Early symptoms of poisoning are slight headache,
burning eyes, and clouded vision.

A concentration of 100 ppm of hydrogen sulphide in air causes coughing, irritation

and loss of smell after 2-15 minutes and drowsiness after 15-30 minutes.

A concentration of 1000 ppm of hydrogen sulphide in air can make one

unconscious at once with early cessation of respiration and death in a fewminutes.

Hydrogen sulphide is a combustible material and when mixed with air or sulphur
dioxide, may be explosive. It is essential, therefore, to avoid such mixtures in the
processing of hydrogen sulphide. The explosive range of hydrogen sulphide in air
is from 4.5 - 45%. The ignition temperature of such mixtures is around 250°C.
Some precautions against poisoning to be taken in working with hydrogen sulphide
- Closed in areas should be well ventilated, preferably with a forced draft.
- Equipment containing hydrogen sulphide should be tightly sealed. Any
leaks should be repaired immediately.

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- At seals or stuffing boxes where leaks might occur during normal
operation, means should be provided for venting the escape gas to a
safe location.
- Vessels should be purged of hydrogen sulphide before being opened.
- Personnel who are likely to be exposed to the gas should wear poper
- Personnel who may be exposed to low concentration of this gas should
frequently retire to areas of fresh air.
- As a good safety measure, personnel should learn to recognize the
early symptoms of hydrogen sulphide poisoning.

Detection of hydrogen sulphide

A simple test with lead acetate solution on white paper will detect the presence of
hydrogen sulphide. Depending on the concentration the paper will turn yellow or
Adequate Dragger tube can be used in the same way.

Personal protection
Gas mask of appropriate type or positive air masks should be used.

First aid
A person unconscious in an atmosphere, which may be contaminated with
hydrogen sulphide, should be assumed to have hydrogen sulphide poisoning. This
is a serious medical emergency and requires immediate attention. The affected
individual should be removed to clean atmosphere, care being taken that
rescuers too are not overcome by hydrogen sulphide. Artificial respiration should
be resorted to immediately, if necessary. The victim should be kept warm and at

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 26 NITROGEN
All new piping and equipment under hydrocarbon service shall be purged with
nitrogen before the introduction of process fluids/gases. As such, it is essential that
existing safety procedures be followed whenever nitrogen purging and/or venting
is to be performed.

Nitrogen is naturally found in the air we breath, but by itself does not support life.
As such, as the nitrogen concentration in an enclosed space increases, the oxygen
content decreases. When the amount of nitrogen reduces the amount of oxygen
below 2/3rd the normal concentration in air, anyone breathing the gas will be
subjected to the onset of ‘asphyxia’, with the severity of the symptoms increasing
with the reduction of oxygen. A nitrogen concentration above 75% is air can be
fatal within minutes.
Following proper purging and confined space entry procedures is essential for
Personnel safety during commissioning/maintenance activities requiring the use of
nitrogen as a purge medium. In particular, the following two items should be
- No one shall ever enter a vessel during purging, even after a
considerable time has passed.
- Entry into any confined space following nitrogen purging shall only be
permitted following a rating of the air quality. An oxygen level of 21%
must be obtained before entry is allowed.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 27



The plant, unit or system is considered mechanically complete when all the
construction work is completed in accordance with the drawings, specifications,
instructions, codes and regulations; all equipment and machines erected and
aligned; all instruments installed and pipelines hooked-up; all testing and
inspection activities completed.

When plant, unit or system is declared mechanically complete, it means that with
respect to that particular plant, unit or system:
- All the mechanical erection work is completed and a preliminary check
is made in accordance with all the engineering drawings (P&IDs / GADs
/ ISOS / Specifications) and Guidelines for Check listing
- All the piping and other equipment (both site fabricated and others, as
per specific requirement) are hydraulically/pneumatically (as the case
may be) tested and approved.
- All the machines are firmly grouted.
- All rotating equipments are aligned (dynamically).
- All permanent gaskets are installed unless specified otherwise.
- Initial charge of lubricants is filled in all the machines, as required.
- All electrical fittings and connections are installed, completed and
- All instruments are installed; calibrations and loop checking are
- No load run of all electrical prime movers is completed.
- Statutory calibration of all storage/day tanks is completed, as required
by statutory authorities.
- All painting and thermal insulation work is completed.
- All paving, grading, and approach roads are completed.
- Final clean up is done and all the temporary construction facilities are
- All the statutory approvals as required are obtained.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 28

- Ensure that the equipment internals are correctly installed. For example,
coalescer & trays in Extractor A1-210-VC-101.
- Ensure that all the defects found during inspection of internals are
repaired. For example, leaks, dripping, seeping or sweating through
welded joints of trays.
- Ensure that the equipment internals are clean of debris/ dirt before
proceeding with closing/ ‘box-up’ of the equipment.

Note: At this stage, the construction group will issue the Intimation regarding
system completion to the integrated commissioning acceptance team (ICAT). This
includes description of the verification of activities performed by others (those checks
performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of any system, it is understood that any open issues with regards to
these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed. Following this,
the concerned system is approved for commissioning as discussed in detail in this

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 29

During commissioning of the plant, various temporary arrangements needs to be
installed as per system requirements and various consumables are required to
complete the activity successfully. Such temporary requirements are as listedbelow
- Flexible hoses for connecting to utility points for leak testing and
- Temporary piping for dynamic checking of pumps, which do not have
minimum flow lines.
- Installation of temporary blinds for leak testing of specific leak test
- Installation of temporary packings, seals for commissioning leak test of
pumps, valves, and flanges.
- Circulation pump skid, chemicals, steam hoses for chemical
cleaning/pickling of compressor suction lines etc.
- Temporary electrical connections if required for small drives & lightings
- Portable detectors for leak testing & inertisation (e.g. Helium detector,
O2 detector)
- Masking tape, Soap solutions for leak testing (e.g. Tape& Test joint)

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 30

Before plant commissioning machineries and equipment needs to be checked with
respect to readiness for start-up. Lubricating oils and greases are to be charged for
proper functioning of the machines. Also gaskets, seals, packings are to replaced
to confirm the system integrity. First fill requirements for commissioning are as
mentioned below
- Lubrication oil for pumps, compressors as specified by the vendor
- Seal oils for compressors.
- Grease for bearing lubrication.
- Gland packings, seals, gaskets, for different piping components and
- Injection chemicals are available and filled i.e. methanol, amine, and
chemical etc injection systems.
- Filling of packings, molecular sieves as applicable, mentioned in
individual procedure.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 31

For commissioning, functional testing and performance testing of equipment, it is
necessary to have equipment vendor at site. The rotating equipment must be started
and commissioned as per manufacturers instruction and in presence of the vendor.
The scope of vendor or subcontractor is broadly specified as follows.
- Review of design including boundary isolations and plant integrity
during commissioning.
- Preparation of management processes, procedures and schedules.
- Preparation of commissioning plans and procedures.
- Review of commissioning spares listing
- Attending SAT’s
- Monitoring mechanical completion and pre-commissioning activities.
- Liaising with authorities to obtain licenses and permits.
- The day-to-day management of subcontractors for leak detection
testing and conducting of commissioning work.
- Establish equipment preservation status.
- Prepare interim and final handover documentation for submission to
- Ensure commissioning requirements are identified and followed up
during engineering, procurement and construction phases.
- Plan the commissioning work using clearly defined commissioning part-
systems and use the plan to priorities the mechanical completion and
pre-commissioning activities.
- Document the satisfactory completion of pre-commissioning (mechanical
completion endorsement / review) and commissioning work using
standardized commissioning procedures, methods,documentation, and
control systems.
- Prove and verify, by means of dynamic test runs wherever possible, that
operational performance is in accordance with design basis.
- Prove and demonstrate the acceptance of the equipment requirements
by means of a performance test.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 32

Commissioning involves system pressurisation, leak checking, intertisation and
sweet hydrocarbon in.
System handling hydrocarbons, sour hydrocarbons, and wet hydrogen sulfide are
to be kept under positive nitrogen pressure to prevent ingress of moisture, which is
a potential cause of corrosion.
After chemical cleaning and degreasing of lines it should be kept under nitrogen
Steam and condensate circuits can be preserved under positive nitrogen pressure.
Preservation requirement as applicable for particular system is mentioned in
individual procedure.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 33



Fire and Gas Detection systems continuously monitors for fire conditions and
combustible or toxic gases in the process areas to alert personnel to hazardous
conditions. The system also continuously monitors for Fire & Gas system faults,
protection system and firewater pumps initiation and faults.
Gas, fire, smoke and heat detectors, and manual alarm call points are installed in
various parts of the units and buildings to allow the automatic detection of
hydrocarbon and toxic gas leakages and fire, and manual initiation of fire alarms in
accordance with the Oil plant Fire and Gas Cause & Effect

The Fire & Gas systems initiates executive actions via the ESD or PA/GA systems,
or independent executive action such trip HVAC systems, close HVAC fire dampers,
start fire fighting pumps, open deluge valves, etc. in line with the Cause& Effects.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 34

Fire & Gas systems transmit data to the DCS to update the operator of the status
of the plant via Redundant ESD/F&G Safety network. The F&G detector locations
are displayed on the DCS graphics and status is dynamically updated
The Fire & Gas system comprises of:
- System Cabinets
- External system interface units
- Engineering and system configuration workstation.
- Marshalling Cabinets
- Power supplies for system components and field instruments


Detectors Location Description Fire zone Tag numbers procedure
(Note 1)

IR Flame

Hydrogen Gas

Manual Alarm

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 35 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURES

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Check List
- Ensure that Ultrasonic Gas Detector has been
tested/calibrated and test report is OK.
- Ensure that the installation of the Ultrasonic
Gas Detector and its accessories is complete
in all respects as per vendor document.
- Ensure that the power is switched OFF.

Electrical/Instrumentation Requirements
- Ensure that cable is properly connected.

Commissioning Procedure
- Switch the power ON.
- The detector will perform initialization of the
micro controller, internal tests and revert to
normal mode of operation within few seconds.
- The display will show real time ultrasonic
sound level.
- Check the indication/status alarm of Gas
- detector at Local panel/DCS/ESD is OK.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 36

Commissioning Procedure for Hydrogen gas detector
Sr Description Reference Check /
1 Check List
- Ensure that the hydrogen point detector is
- Ensure that the installation of the hydrogen
point detector with accessories is complete as
per the approved layout.
Electrical/Instrumentation Requirements
- Ensure that the cable is properly connected.
Commissioning Procedure
- Switch ON the power.
- If the test gas kit is available use it to test that
the hydrogen point detector performance isOK.
- Confirm the indication at DCS/ESD/Local

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 37 DYNAMIC TEST RUN DATA

Sr Description Reference Check /

Dynamic test for F&G system

1 The procedure applied to test dynamically the F&G

systems will be exactly that used for ESD, but for the
following points
2 All detectors by loop will be tested to initiate a given range
of actions. For each category of loops giving the same
effects, one will be tested in real, whilst the others will be
3 Extinguishant will not be actually released, the test
consisting only in activating the last solenoid valve,
disconnected from the extinguishant bottle.
4 The deluge valves will be activated, the fire pumps started
up and the deluges actually released, but the two latter
effects only once per area. The facilities will therefore be
systematically deluged once, the continuing tests also
activating the deluge valves, but with their block valves
5 Attach the data records to the commissioning file

Normal Case
Cause Detection Point Effect
Detection of Fire Inside either Compressor Hall F&G System shuts down Fire and
Gas Dampers
F&G system trips HVAC System
Manual purging of hall is done
after fire is extinguished
Restart HVAC system after
purging is complete
Detection of Gas No Action. HVAC keeps running

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 38

1 Maintenance Case
Flash Gas Compressor Building has two halls, one hall for Compressor KC-030 and the
second hall for Compressor KC-040. Maintenance switch (A1-3600-DXS-3122-01)
provided on the Common Services Console (CSC) of Tranche-2 shall be made active
during prolonged maintenance of Compressor KC-030. Similarly Maintenance switch (A1-
3600-DXS-3132-01) provided on the CSC of Tranche-2 shall be made active during
prolonged maintenance of Compressor KC-040.
Cause Detection Point Effect
Detection of gas Inside Compressor Hall KC- F&G System shuts down the
030 (Fire Zone 3122) when following Fire and Gas Dampers
Maintenance switch (A1-3600- A1-690-GI-220H, A1-690-GI-
DXS-3132-01) for Compressor 220L, A1-690-GI-220Y, A1-690-
Hall KC-040 is active GI-220Z, A1-690-GI-221A, A1-
HVAC keeps running and
continues to supply fresh air to
Compressor Hall for KC-030
Executive actions due to gas
detection in the HVAC intake
(Fire Zone 3125) are bypassed

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 39

The fire-fighting facilities consist of active fire protection (Fire water systems) and
passive fire protection (Portable and Mobile Fire Fighting Equipments)


A firewater distribution network is installed around the Oil Plant area to supply
firewater to the following fixed manual and automatic fire fighting systems and
- Manual firewater monitors
- Fire hydrants
- Foam system (semi-fixed)
Firewater is distributed around the oil treatment units and Flash gas compression
unit plot via a buried ring main of HDPE material, which forms part of a larger ring
main system covering the entire onshore plant.
The firewater ring main is equipped with strategically located isolation valves to
ensure maximum availability of fire-fighting equipment/systems in the event of
damage or maintenance to sections of the main. All valves are directly buried and
fitted with extended spindles for operation from grade.

Manual firewater monitors

For general protection purposes, fixed manually operated water monitors with
adjustable nozzles are provided. The monitors are installed at strategic points
around the process units, accessible from the roads but at least 15 meters from the
hazardous protected equipment.
Heat shield water spray nozzles are provided with monitors in case monitors are
installed within 15m of protected hazardous equipment.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 40

Fire hydrants
In addition to fire monitors, 6” dry pillar hydrants have been provided to offer
supplementary hose stream protection. Hydrants are positioned along the roadside
and at select locations.
The locations of monitors and hydrants within the battery limits of the oil treatment
and flash gas compression units are shown on the Fire Protection Equipment
respective layouts. (For example, KE01-A1-730-PO-H-DL-0001-002–FireProtection
Equipment Layout – Unit 200 and 210 of Oil Tranche-2).
A hydrant equipment storage cabinet is strategically located throughout the facility.
Each cabinet contains fire hoses and nozzles, etc.

Foam system (Semi-fixed):

Semi-fixed (semi fixed means the foam water line is not connected to a permanent
water supply line and the solution will be supplied by foam tenders, in the event of
a fire) foam spray protection is provided for the hydrocarbon oil pumps in the oil
treatment units. The oil pumps are located within partially enclosed shelters. Foam
solution will be supplied to semi-fixed foam system from a fire-fighting vehicle with
its own on-board foam supply. The supply pressure of the foam solution from this
vehicle to the semi fixed systems is required to be of the order of 4.5-5.0 barg for
proper operation of systems. The pressure of the foam solutions must therefore be
regulated at the point of discharge as the fire-fighting vehicle. Suitable pressure
control facilities shall be provided on the foam tender to regulate the pressure of
the foam solution supplied to the semi-fixed foam system.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 41

Portable and Mobile Fire extinguishers are strategically located throughout the plant.
The type and capacity of extinguishers provided are in accordance with the
perceived hazards identified within each area.
Extinguishers are distributed throughout the oil plant so that personnel located within
the plot where there are flammable products, cannot be further away than 15m from
the nearest extinguisher. For fire fighting at higher elevations in multistory
structures, extinguishers are provided at each level.
Wheeled (mobile) units are located in areas with a high fire risk where a hand
extinguisher would not be expected to have sufficient capacity. The units are
distributed at ground level throughout the oil plant facility; the travel distance to a
wheeled unit should range between 30 and 50 meters.
Within buildings (Flash gas compressor house and electrical sub station)
extinguishers are bulkhead mounted along escape routes and adjacent to access
doors. Extinguishers located externally are mounted in suitable heated cabinets. Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the fire water system in Oil treatment
plant is commissioned in the safe and controlled mode.
- For the fixed fire water systems (Fire hydrants & Monitors),
commissioning essentially involves lining up the firewater to individual
hydrants & checking the water jet. For this, operational procedure is

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 42 System Description
The design parameters of fire water system are:
Parameters Fire Water
Design Pressure bar g 16
Operating Pressure bar a 9-13
Design Temperature C 20
Operating Temperature C 5-15 Technical Strategy

- Leak test: For fire water system, fire water (service test) is used for leak

Check that the firewater supply pumps are ready for service. While
starting the water supply pumps, slowly raise the system pressure to
normal. Since the system would be empty at the start of the test, be
careful not to overload the pumps. Normally it will be necessary to
open only partially the pump discharge valve until the system is filled
and under normal operating pressure
- Guidelines for leak test: Carry out visual checks of piping flanges (to
ensure all are bolted up tightly), valves packings, etc., to check for leaks
and rectify as required. If a leaking flange cannot be "pulled up",
possibly due to a damaged gasket or flange face, the water supply
pumps must be shut down, the system depressurised and drained, and
the leak rectified.
- Acceptance criteria: No visible leaks in the system.
- Hold time: 1 hour
- After the successful leak test, the commissioning of deluge skids
mainly involves:
(i) Setting the Deluge skid for operation
(ii) Testing the operation of Deluge skids
(iii) Resetting the deluge skid on completion of test

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 43 Commissioning Pre-requisites
- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such
as drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control
Instruments are boxed up properly. Refer attached marked-up P&I
- All the connections have been made to the fire protection system
distribution piping.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is
checked & verified for correctness
- The deluge Skid has been secured in position
- The instrument air supply is connected and the air supply is available
at the correct pressure.
- The solenoid valves of the respective deluge skids are de-energised.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 44 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required

- Trained & qualified personnel must operate the fire fighting system.
- Pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure should be properly
calibrated before use. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- No specific requirement Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- No specific requirement COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- No specific requirement Commissioning Consumables

- Fire water for leak testing First Fill Requirements

- No specific requirement Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- Calibrated pressure gauge for measuring pressure in the system. Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- No specific requirement

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 45 Preservation Requirements
- No specific requirement COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others (those
checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to commissioning
such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with regards to
these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed. Following this,
the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 46 DETAILED COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE


Sr Description Reference Check /
1 Details of steps to be taken during operational test of
Fire hydrants
➔ Firewater hydrant equipment cabinets are strategically
located throughout the oil plant facility. Each cabinet
contains fire hoses and nozzles.

1.1 Prerequisites:
- Hydrant piping & shoe hydrant is cleaned to remove
any foreign material
- The ditch around hydrant bottom is filled with suitable
- The hydrant piping is perpendicular to ground, without
any bend in the supply piping
- Fire water supply is available
1.2 Operational test:
→ Note: The hydrant nut requires minimum torque to
operate. To avoid the damage by applying the excessive
torque, before opening the nut, ensure that direction of
rotation is correct. Refer Vendor’s ‘Technical & Operating
manual for further details.
1.2.1 Fixed fire Hydrants:
- Connect the hoses to delivery hydrant connections
- Open the bib nose valve & check the water Jet
- To close the hydrant, slowly turn the operating nut untill
the valve closes off the flow. (To avoid damage, do not
apply un-necessary force while closing)
1.2.2 Fixed fire Hydrants with Monitor:
- Connect the hoses to delivery hydrant connections
- Open the bib nose valve
- To use & test the Monitor:
 Open the butterfly valve installed under the monitor
 Grip the handle bar & unlock the locking device (for
vertical & horizontal movement)
 Direct the water jet (type of jet can be full of fog) by
the nozzle grip handle.
- To close the hydrant, slowly turn the operating nut untill
the valve closes off the flow

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 47


Power supply to Oil plant is through respective plant substations. Each Tranche
of Oil plant is provided with separate Substation. Each Substation houses the
10kV, 690V and 400V Switchboards, RTU/ Workstation, AC/DC UPS and Lighting/
Heat Tracing/ Miscellaneous Power DBs of respective Tranche.
The commissioning procedure consists of the following system identified in the
single line diagram:

- S-A1-2-910/02-0200-HV2: This is the main busbar (35kV) supplying power

to Tranche 2 electrical system. It supplies power to Flash Gas compressors
and switchgear Objective
The purpose of the commissioning procedure is to provide commissioning
personnel with all the necessary information to enable them to commission all
electrical system and its components in a safe and controlled manner and hand
over the same for start up operation. When energized the system should
function properly. System Description

Electrical system consists of power transformers, current transformers, circuit
breakers, LT and HT motors, busbar, MCB/ MCCBs, distribution boards of heat
tracing, lighting and small power and power supply to 110V dv and 230V ac
UPS supply. Technical Strategy

- Testing of component of system.
- Confirming compliance of regulatory requirement.
- Taking necessary work permit.
- Commissioning of system in line with the master plan of commissioning.
- Hand over of the commissioned system with necessary documents.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 48 Commissioning Pre-requisites
- Verification of the installation of all equipments and components.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 49

- Interface connection between equipment, system and interconnecting
- Deenergised components testing.
- Verification of instruments and relay operation and calibration.
- Visual checking of all wiring.
- Continuity checks of control circuits.
- Energized functional testing of control circuit.
- Meggar testing of power circuit.
- Phase testing
- Service test
- Use of proper test equipments
- Functional performance test
- Insulation test
- Circuit Breaker test
- Transformer test
- Ground system testing
- Motors, cables testing
- Preparation of basic checklist applicable to all electrical equipment and
systems. HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required

- The commissioning team member should be legally authorized.
- The person involved must have full understanding of the system to be
- No commissioning activity will be done without authorized work permit.
- It should be ensured that all personal protection equipments are available
and are used.
- Instruments used for due to verification of pre commissioning checks
should be in safe conditions for use and of correct specifications.
- Entire commissioning team should have undergone basic safety training
and should be authorized to enter the commissioning area.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 50 Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements
- Applicable as per RoK guidelines Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- Commissioning team must be made fully aware of specific protections
provided in the system for any specific risks involved in commissioning of
the system on account of environment in which the equipment is operating,
complexity of operation, finding and recommendation of HAZOP and
specific recommendations from equipment manufacturer. COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- Verification team supports having necessary documents, tools and
- Temporary access for check up. Commissioning Consumables

- No specific requirements First Fill Requirements

- No specific requirements Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- No specific requirements Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- Commissioning team will require vendors and subcontractor to help them
in handling of material, testing equipment, preparation of temporary
access, temporary communication arrangement, providing material
handling facilities.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 51 Preservation Requirements
- No specific requirements COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification
This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. DETAILED COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE

Electrical system commissioning needs a planned approach. A procedure is
developed to include this planned approach of what should be done in order to
verify proper system installation and commissioning.
➔ Before commissioning of these subsystems:
- The main prerequisite is that power supply is available at battery limit of
these subsystems
- It is assumed that detailed and comprehensive individual testing of
equipments has been completed before the commissioning of the system.
- The requirements provided by the equipment manufacturer are to be
adhered to in addition to general testing.
- The preliminary electrical checklist for electrical system. (See Annexure-
A) to be followed

The Specific areas to be addressed during commissioning are:

(i) Verification at the installation of all equipments and components.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 52

(ii) Interface connections between equipments, systems and interconnecting
(iii) An understanding of the equipments involved and modes of operation for
a system
(iv) A survey of equipment system and listing of the equipment in order of
importance and start up is essential information for commissioning.

➔ The electrical sub-systems covered under this procedure mainly consist of

individual components listed in the Table-1 below (e.g. Circuit breakers,
Switchgear, Transformer etc.). For each component, the applicable detailed
procedure in the form required checklist is illustrated as an Annexure mentioned
against that component.

Table-1: Details of systems, the respective components & applicable procedures:

Sr. Subsystem no Description of Main components of Applicable
(S-A1-2-) subsystem the Sub-system procedure
1 910/02-0200-HV2 Main busbar Circuit breaker Annexure-B
-||- -||- Isolator Annexure E
-||- -||- Busbar Chamber Annexure F
-||- -||- Earthing System Annexure G
-||- -||- HT Motors Annexure D

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 53


Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Type of Equipment.
2 Location.
3 Unit No.
4 System Voltage / Size / Rating.
5 Registration No.
6 Compare nameplate information with equipment record.
Note any deviation.
7 Establish and Record the following: -
 Equipment Identification
 Area Classification
 Type of external protection
 Degree of enclosure protection
 Electric protection setting and rating
 Actual maximum load ammeter reading.
8 Check the following items and report any deviation
 Labeling correct
 No unauthorized modification
 Enclosures and glasses satisfactory
 Seals, gaskets OK.
 Bolting, glands etc are tight
 No undue accumulation of dust
 No leakage of oil or any compound
 No damage to above ground parts of connected
 Adequate protection of equipment and cable
against corrosion, weather, vibration.
9 Motor fan and coupling not rubbing on coupling guard.
10 Oil level in the sight glass is correct?
11 Pad lock facilities are correctly installed.
12 Pressurization system is ok a tested.
13 Silica gel in breather satisfactory.
14 Equipment suitable for use in area as classified.
15 Conductor continuity checked a recorded.
16 Fuses are put in phase.
17 Hazardous Equipment Installation has suitable protection,
No dust or foreign particles.
18 Hazardous Equipment Installation has lamps; fuses and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 54

other replaceable parts are of correct rating and type.
Thermal over load relay setting, its type, and surface
temperature is appropriate to area and type of protection.
19 Initial tests are properly carried out by the manufacturers.
20 All the supply source to the equipment are verified for
voltage etc.
21 Equipment is of proper rating, assembled, calibrated and
connected correctly and over all system of which the
equipment is a part will perform as designed.
22 Equipment readiness to get energized is verified.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 55

Circuit Breakers are used in electrical systems for switching and protecting equipment
such as transformers, lines, cables etc from short circuit currents. It is a device that
consists of disconnects switch and circuit breaking interrupters.

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Examine carefully that no damage has occurred during
shipment and installation. Make visual inspection of the
circuit breaker and associated hardware.
2 All blocking, supports and other temporary ties should be
removed from breakers, instruments, relays etc
3 Verify the nameplate data, parts, drawings, and condition
with the documents and records in hand. Note any
discrepancies and bring them to the notice of User and
4 Record and verify location, Switch board number,
function, manufacturer, Breaker type, panel number,
rating etc.
5 Check that the circuit breaker is installed and anchored
properly on its foundation, bolted and properly grounded.
Check that all shipping braces have been removed.
6 A visual inspection of the area where the breaker is
installed should be performed to confirm that there is
adequate aisle space at the front and rear of the
equipment for proper ventilation, service and
maintenance of the breaker.
7 Breaker should be checked in test position to ensure that
the blade tongue contact enters the jaw contact on center,
rotates fully or enters fully in to the jaws and comes to rest
within specified stop limits.
8 Visually inspect that the high voltage connections are
properly insulated.
9 Use Single line diagram for checking. Verify proper fuses
are correctly placed. Verify proper voltage and phase
connections. Verify installation of potential and current
transformers and control fuse size and check continuity.
Also check CT and PT polarity and transformer turns ratio.
10 Temporary wiring jumpers should be removed. Check
circuit labeling, operation of safety shutters, pad lock
facilities etc.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 56

11 Verify incoming primary and secondary connections
properly made and checked for short or undesired
grounds. Verify insulating bushings and barriers and cable
box termination.
12 Verify working of anti condensation heater.

13 Verify that all equipment that has been removed during

assembly has been replaced.
14 Verify relays are coordinated with other relays and
protective devices on the system. Refer to relay
instructions before making any adjustments.
15 Consult local utility power supplying authority before
making any connections to power supply.
16 Verify that storage battery is fully charged and provided
with charger.
17 Circuit Breaker action should be checked for proper
operation as described in the operation manual and
instruction book. An auxiliary source of control power may
be necessary.
18 Check ground fault protection system (if provided) in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual.
19 Check that all filters in vent areas are clean and free of
shipping and construction material.
20 Electrically disconnecting contacts, machined parts,
shutters etc should be checked for lubrication and
21 The circuit Breaker alignment should be checked. It should
be manually operated to check that the mechanism works
smoothly and correctly.
22 The contact surface should be checked for proper
23 The control wiring installation to be checked with the
24 Any electrical relays, meters, or instrumentation should be
checked to determine that connections are made properly
and the devices function properly. Check the settings of
the adjustable current and voltage trip mechanism to
confirm that they are at the proper values.
25 The hydraulic low-pressure indicator (as applicable)
should be checked and recorded (psig) along with the
ambient temperature and compare values with
manufacturer’s data.
26 Check to ensure that grounding connections are properly
made. Make sure that field wiring is clear of live bus and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 57

where necessary physically secured to withstand the effect
of fault current.
27 Simulate a fault by activating the protective relay circuit
and check electrical operation.
28 Check key interlocks both mechanically and electrically.
The testing should include timing, contact resistance,
contact part time, and charging motor operation. Timing
test should be performed at the normal operating voltage
for both trip command and close command.
29 Circuit breaker time travel analysis should be made.
Opening and closing speed of the breaker, internal time for
closing and tripping, and the contact bounce should be
noted and compared with manufacturer’s results. Problem
such as week accelerating springs, defective shock
absorber, dash pots, buffers and closing mechanism etc if
noticed, should be reported to the manufacturer / user.
30 Install cover, close doors and make certain that no wires
are pinched and that all enclosure parts are properly
aligned to be tight.
31 Make a checklist covering all the points mentioned above.
Include any specific points as per the manufacturer’s
instructions. Record that every thing is in order.
32 • Once the above things are done and completely
verified, perform insulation resistance test to make
sure that the circuit breaker is free from short
circuits and grounds.
• This should be done both phase to phase and
phase to ground and with the switches and circuit
breakers both opened and closed.
• Before performing insulation test precautions
should be taken to eliminate damage to electronic
controls / sensitive equipments attached to the bus.
• The insulation resistance test should be made on
the high voltage circuit to be sure that all
connections made in the field are properly
• A dielectric test should then be made on the high
voltage circuit for one minute at the maximum test
• Records of completion and passing of this test
should be made.
33 The switchgear can now be energized. After energizing
check voltage on all the three phases.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 58

Transformer is the most important unit in an electrical distribution network. All transformers
are subjected to thorough tests at the manufacturer’s work before dispatch to the
destination of erection. Due to limitations in transport, large capacity transformers are
disassembled in to various components before dispatch. At site the transformers are
reassembled with the various components like bushings, coolers, conservator etc, and
then the internal body is dried out to remove the surface moisture sticking to the paper
insulation during exposure at site. As erection of transformer involves assembly ofvarious
components, pre test inspections of transformers have greater importance than other
parts of electrical system.
As service life of a transformer is expected to cover many years, it is necessary to
record salient parameters of the transformer for future reference. The records can
cover: Location, Tag No. Nameplate details, registration No., rated capacity, rated voltage
ratio connection, make, maker’s serial No. year of manufacture, date of completion of
erection, insulation dry out details at site etc. These should be documented in a register
as a permanent record along with manufacturer’s catalogues, manuals, test reports, client
acceptance report etc of the main transformer, accessories and components. Record
things such as serial number, rating and make of various components like bushings, tap
changer, tap changer control cubical, cooling fan, oil pumps, buchholtz relay, temperature
indicators, heat exchangers, oil flow meter, pressure gauge, oil level gauges etc

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Visually inspect various parts, components, and
accessories of the transformer.
2 Conduct operational checks for various protective
devices with the help of concerned people. Refer old test
3 General arrangement of the electrical installation to
be checked for: - scheme approved by local authorities
with special emphasis on things like size of the cable,
size of the bus bars, size of the bus trunking, size of
earthling conductor, adequacy of various clearances,
spacing between supports, ventilation, oil drain facilities,
fire protection walls, fire fighting arrangements.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 59

4 Transformer terminal connections to be checked for:
- Flexibility and area of cross section of flexible
connections at bushings, clearance of live jumper
connections from transformer tank and accessories,
socket size, perfection of crimping, tinning of contact
surfaces to prevent bi-metallic action, clearances inside
cable end box, clearances of bus bar trunking, conformity
of cable end box with the relevant IP (Ingress Protection)
classification, correctness of cable glanding and adequacy
of cable gland earthing or pig tail, supporting of cable at
terminations and unsupported lengths.
5 Connections to the following shall be checked for
surface contact, seating and tightness: - Connections
to bushings, to tap changer, to earth leads, to control and
protective cables and to thermometers etc.
6 Earthing: - Check the size of earthing conductor, tinning
of contact surface, area of contacts and seating,
effectiveness of bolting, socketing, riveting, welding etc
for earthing of the following (duplicating earthing for neutral
and body): - Main tank and top cover, fan motors, pumps,
on load tap changer chamber, tap changer driving gear,
diverter switches, cable gland termination, marshalling box
7 Control Cable Connections: - Check the control cable
connections between transformer accessories and
marshalling box and substation panel, tap changer control
cubical and substation panel.
8 Radiator: - Check the radiator for release of air and
position of valves. The valve shall be in open position.
9 Main Conservator and OLTC conservator: - Check the
oil level in the main conservator and OLTC conservator.
The conservator shut of valve in the buchholtz relay
pipeline shall be in open position.
10 Bushings: - Check the oil level in the bushing if sealed
bushings are used. Release air from the bushings if air
release plugs are provided.
11 Breather: - Check the oil level in the oil seal of the
breather. Check the color of the silica gel in the breather.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 60

12 Cooler Units, fans and pumps: -
• Check the fans and pumps for proper mounting.
• The number of fans and their position on the
radiators shall be in conformity with the general
arrangement drawings.
• Check the direction of rotation of cooling fans and
pumps, check the direction of oil flow, and check
flow of water in heat exchangers.
• Measure the insulation resistance of fans and
pumps. Check the settings for operation of fan
motors and oil pumps.
• Check the cooler unit for correct indication of oil
flow and settings of the thermometer.
13 Winding Temperature Indicator (WTI) and Oil
Temperature Indicator (OTI): -
• Check whether the thermometer pocket is filled with
oil. Check whether the connections of the CT for
winding temperature indicator to the thermometer
pocket is properly made as per the instructions given
on the WTI terminal box.
• Check whether the contacts of WTI and OTI for
alarm and trip are set at the required temperature
depending upon the ambient temperature and the
loading conditions.
• For oil filled transformers the maximum permissible
temperature rise above the ambient temperature is
usually taken as 450 C for oil and 550C for winding.
• In case of cast resin transformers, the alarm contact
of winding temperature relay is usually designed to
operate at 1400 C and trip contact at 1600 C for
transformers up to 10kva.
• For higher ratings the temperatures are 1600 C
and 1800 C respectively.
• Calibration of WTI and OTI may be checked with hot
oil. Working of WTI RTD repeaters shall be checked
at the control room.

14 Buchholtz Relay: -
• Check the angle of mounting of the buchholtz relay
using spirit level. Check the float for free
movement. Release air in the buchholtz relay.
• In case of forced oil cooled transformer make sure
that the buchholtz relay does not operate when
the pumps are switched on.
15 Magnetic Oil Level Gauge: - Move the float level of the

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 61

indicator up and down between the end positions to ensure
that the mechanism does not get stuck at any point. The
low oil level alarm of the gauge shall be checked.

16 Arching Horn Gap: - Check arching horn gaps of

bushings for conformity with the standard values. Refer
manufacturer’s documents.
17 Tap Changer: - Check the sequence of operation of the
tap changer for manual operation, local electrical
operation, remote electrical operation, and parallel
18 General Inspection: -
• Heaters in cubicles, conservator etc shall be
checked. Any other alarm, trip contacts of flow
meters, differential pressure gauges etc shall be
• In the case of water-cooled transformers, the
pressure gauge readings on water and oil side shall
be checked to ensure if the water pressure is less
than the oil pressure.
• The quantity of oil and water shall not be less than
what is specified.
• The angle of protection of lightening shieldprovided
for out door transformers shall bechecked.
• The angle shall be less than 30 degrees.
• Check whether roller blocks are provided for the
rollers of the transformers.

19 Functional Tests: -
• After the visual inspection is complete, it is
necessary to test proper functioning of various
protective relays and instruments.
• The following functional checks may be carried out:
- Check the operation of buchholtz alarm and trip
by injecting air thru the test petcock.
• Test OTI and WTI for alarm and trip. Check the
working of WTI RTD at the control room.
• Test the OLTC oil surge relay for trip.
• Check alarm for low oil level. Check earth fault and
differential relay settings, Check back up o/c and
earth fault relays for current and time, check over
voltage relay for voltage and time.
• Check instantaneous over voltage relay for voltage.
• Check for frequency and time.
• Check the cooler unit for over current settings of

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 62

fans, oil pumps, and cooler supply failure alarm.
• Check fan pump trip alarm.
• Check any mal-operation of transformer buchholtz
relay when all the oil pumps are switched on
simultaneously in forced oil cooled transformers.
20 Insulation Resistance Test: -
• To be used to find out soundness of insulation
between windings or between windings and
• It is measured with the help of megger of proper
test voltage.
• IR values of transformer are influenced by
moisture, surface condition of the terminal
bushings, quality of oil, quality of winding
insulation, temperature of oil, duration of
application and value of test voltage.
• The resistance values should be as specified by the
• Follow manufacturer’s guidelines for interpretation
of IR values and for measurement of internal
condition of insulation.
21 Transformer Ratio Test: - To be done to ensure that the
turns ration tally with the nameplate details and also that
tap changer connections are done correctly. This is done
using a transformer turns ration tester.
22 Short Circuit Current Measurement: - This is to check
for any loose contacts in tap changer, lead connections
23 Measurement of Magnetic Current: - The magnetizing
current is measured to test any fault in the magneticcircuit
and winding. The measured values are compared with the
factory test values.
24 Test for Magnetic Balance: - This is done to find out
condition of stacking of core laminations, tightness of core
bolts and perfection of magnetic circuit.
25 Phasor Group Test: - Phasor relationship between HV
and LV voltage is checked by this test.
26 Test for Transformer Oil: - Oil in good condition as per
the relevant standards of moisture contents etc will serve
as a good coolant and dielectric and prevent deterioration
of transformer insulation. For evaluation of test results
follow manufacturer’s guidelines.
27 Relay Tests: - All protective relays, CTs, PTs, and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 63

control wiring should be tested. They shall be set to suit
operating conditions and to coordinate with other sections
of the systems. The relay test results shall be documented
for future reference.
28 Any Other Tests Specified by the Manufacturer orEnd
User: - Any other tests in addition to what is mentioned
above to be carried out as specified by the manufacturer
or the User or as required under local regulations.

29 Follow relevant regulatory safety standards of the

country for installation, testing, documentation, and

The Steps to be taken for the commissioning of the Transformers:

• After completing all the pre-test checks and commissioning pre-requisites as
needed, we can proceed further.
• Ensure that all the protective relays and circuit breakers are tested for proper
working. Relay settings are to be kept at low value so that the transformer will get
isolated if there is any internal fault.
• Allow a settling time of at least 24 hours for oil and then release air from all
points. Now the transformer may be test charged from the incoming side on no-
load and operated for about two hours.
• Observe the transformer hum for any abnormality.
• Any vibration or abnormal magnetizing current may also be observed.
• After continuous operation of about two hours, isolate the transformer and check
the gas operated Buchholtz relay for any gas collection, any dissolved air or air
bubble that may be collected in the Buchholtz relay may be released, and the
transformer charged again on no-load.
• All connected instruments may be checked for abnormal indication.
• Now gradually load the transformer to full capacity and keep it under constant
observation for at least 24 hours of operation. Check the oil and winding
temperature at full load and compare with factory test values. After 4 or 5 days of
service, test the oil for various characteristics, especially Break Down Voltage.
Any gas collection in the Buchholtz relay may be observed. If the test results and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 64

observations are found normal, the transformer may be cleared for regular
service. After the transformer is put in service for some weeks with normal
working temperature, all seal joints shall be re-tightened.
• The results of various tests shall be recorded and kept in the station as a
permanent record for future reference. Details such as place of erection, date of
commissioning, protection given to transformer may be furnished to the
manufacturer after commissioning for his records

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 65


Sr. Description Reference Check /

A Preliminary Checks

1 Check surrounding area is safe for motor operation

2 Check permanent and adequate lighting is provided
3 Check ventilation is satisfactory
4 Check labeling and identification is correct
5 Check the nameplate is clearly visible, permanently
fixed and that the details are correct.
6 Ensure communication between switchgear and
7 Check suitable fire protection is available nearby and
is satisfactory
8 Check that motor is undamaged fitted and
satisfactorily mounted with foundation bolt tight
9 Check that motor is uncoupled and free to rotate
10 Check all bolted joints and cover plates on the
stator frame and heat exchanger to ensure:
• The gaskets are continuous or if made up of
sections are satisfactorily joined so as to
prevent air leakage or water
• All fasteners are fitted and tight
• Gaskets have so far as can be ascertained,
been compressed satisfactorily and the
cover plates/flanges are not distorted.

11 Check that the direction of rotation clearly and

permanently marked on the motor.
12 Check that double earthing is provided with suitable
earthing strips to motor frame and terminal box and
are complete, secure, and tight.
13 Check terminal connections are adequately
shrouded and electrical connections are
14 Check terminal box is clean and dry
15 Check gasket is in good condition and correctly fitted
and the terminal box covers are secure with all
fasteners in position.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 66

16 Check terminal box breathers are secure charged
and dry
17 Check terminal box pressure relief diaphragm
correctly fitted
18 Check the star point links are tightly fitted and
19 Check the star point link box clean and dry
20 Check the star point link box gaskets are in good
condition and covers are fixed properly with all
fasteners in position.
21 Check motor terminal clearances between
phases and to earth.
Allowable Actual
Phase to Phase. …………. ………….
Phase to Earth …………. …………

22 Check motor heater terminal box clean and dry

23 Check motor heater connections are tight and
24 Check motor heater terminal box gasket is in
good condition and fasteners are in position.

25 Ensure that motor winding and bearing temperature

detectors are checked/tested and calibrated.

26 Check RTD & BTD terminal box tightness and

gasket sealing
27 Check and record motor air gap readings viewing
from DE/NDE if provision is given
Viewed from As per Manual Actual
DE …………… …………..
NDE …………… …………..

28 Record applicable arrangements of the bearing

• Oil grade / Oil level / Oil Qantity
• Oil analysis
29 Check for journal bearings
• Check all filler caps in position and secure
• Where removable caps are fitted, ensure that
these are in position and secure.
• Check oil rings are free to rotate
• Check oil wipers and vents are satisfactory
• Ensure oil flow sight glasses are securely
fitted and undamaged.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 67

30 Checks for ball/roller bearings
(a) Size and details
(b) Grease grade
(c) Check that the
Bearings are greased

31 Checks for tilting pad type thrust and journal

• Check all filler caps in position and secure
• Where removable caps are fitted,
ensure that these are in position and
• Check oil rings are free to rotate.
• Check oil wipers and vents are satisfactory
• Ensure oil flow sight glasses are
securely fitted and undamaged
32 Checks for oil cooler/bearing jacket:
• Check that pipe work, valves, flow
indicators etc. Are installed as per
manufacturers recommendations and
relevant drawings
• Ensure that all pipe work and fittings are
fitted satisfactorily and adequately
• Check that cooler/jacket is pressure tested
and obtain manufacturers site test
• Check that water supply system maximum
pressure attainable is not greater than the
normal working pressure of heat
exchanger/jacket as specified by the
• Ensure that the cooling system is
satisfactorily flushed and valves operate
33 Checks for air cooled motor
• Check that the air tubes are cleaned, clear
and not choked
• Check that the filters are clean (if provided)
• Check that fan covers and shields are
securely fitted and all joints are tightened.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 68

34 Checks for water cooling jackets:
• Check that pipe work, valves, flow
indicators etc. Are installed as per
manufacturers recommendations and
relevant drawings
• Ensure that all pipe work and fittings are
fitted satisfactorily and adequately
• Check that cooler/jacket is pressure
tested and obtain manufacturers
site test certificates
• Check that water supply system maximum
pressure attainable is not greater than the
normal working pressure of heat
exchanger/jacket as specified by the
• Ensure that the cooling system is
satisfactorily flushed and valves operate
• Check there are no water leaks when system
in operation
35 Check that the protection equipments are tested and
record the settings below.

Relay Setting Recomme Actual

Range nded

1 Insulation winding resistance test:
(A) Before applying megger short all winding
temperature detectors and connect them to
(B) Initially test with 500v megger to verify that it
is safe to apply higher test voltage.
(C) Check PI (Polarization Index) value with 1 kv
megger and record the readings below.
→ PI = (10 minutes reading)/(1 minute
D) Check that the value should be ≥2 if not
motor dry out is required

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 69

2 Check and record motor winding resistance.
R - phase
Y – phase
B - phase
Ambient temperature
3 Check and record motor heater IR value
Heater to Earth-

4 Check and record motor heater resistance.

……………… .. Ω
5 Checks bearing pedestal insulation
• Where bearing pedestal insulation is
indicated on the manufacturers drawing
check that it has been fitted, is clean and
apparently undamaged
• Where fitted check the shaft earthing brush
for freedom of movement and for good
connection to earth
• Where specified by manufacturer, check that
bearing earth strip is satisfactorily and secure
(confirm that the shaft and bearing assembly
is not earthed at more then one point).
• Check bearing pedestal insulation resistance
using 500v megger lifting the earth
brush/earth strip as necessary and replacing
after Test
• IR should be > 1MΩ with 500V megger
IR: ………………

6 Check motor CT’s for damages

7 Carry out CT testing and record them

8 VA Test:

Volts R-Phase Y-Phase B-Phase


9 Check and record motor stability.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 70

1 Check that safety rules clearance certificateissued
and are effective for switchgear, cables, and

2 Energize motor heater circuit measure and

record the
Motor heater current: ---------- A
3 Check all alarm and annunciations
4 Check IR (MΩ) value of the cable before termination
R-E: Y-E: B-E:.
R-Y: Y-B: B-R:
5 Check IR value of motor along with cable.
Phase to Earth ---------------------- Mohms
6 Check safety notices and barriers erected as
7 Check motor uncoupled, free to rotate and any loose
parts of the coupling removed or securely fitted so as
to be clear of all rotating parts.
8 Check cooling water services to the motor and its
auxiliaries are in operation and effective.
9 Check and record closing and tripping interlocks
with respect to motor

Closing interlocks:

Tripping interlocks:

10 Check the circuit breaker of the motor in remote and

test position.
11 Check all projections relay trippings.
12 Check all remote trippings.
13 Check tripping through normal and emergency stop.


1 Give a start command and check motor is normal in


2 Check and record motor direction with respect to


Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 71

3 If motor satisfactory record the following details:
• Date/time
• System voltage
• System frequency
• Starting current
• Running current:
• R: A, Y: -- A, B ------ A
• Motor speed
• Noise level
• Run down time
4 Check and record motor vibration readings:

Vertical Horizontal Axial


5 If all the readings are normal put the motor for 8

hours trail operation and record the parameters in
the log sheet enclosed with this checklist.

LOG SHEET 1: Motor Current (A)

Date/Time R- Y-Phase B-Phase Remarks


Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 72

LOG SHEET 2: Record the winding temperature (° C)

Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Remarks

LOG SHEET 3: Bearing Temperature Detectors

Date /Time Driving End Non Driving End Remarks

RTD Dial RTD Dial

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 73

Isolation of Incoming feeders, transformers, circuit breakers, and bus bars is critical and
should be done only after complete checking and verification. To ensure continued and
proper performance of isolator, the isolator and its installation should be inspected in
accordance with the procedures given in the manufacturer’s manual before

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Check type of isolator, location, unit no, system voltage,
size, rating, registration no, manufacturer etc from the
equipment record documents made available to you.
Compare it with nameplate information of the isolator
installed. Note and report deviation.
2 Check Tag No; verify it with the documents and circuit
3 Verify that the isolator is suitable as per the area
classification and supply source to the equipment is
verified for voltage etc.
4 Ensure that equipment is of proper rating, assembled,
calibrated, and connected correctly and overall system of
which the equipment is a part will perform as designed.
5 Verify that the initial tests are properly carried out by the
6 Check for evidence of water ingress, damage, excessive
corrosion, or wear.
7 Check ease of operation during slow manual cranking
using the manual-operating handle.
8 Check electrical and mechanical operation in coupled and
decoupled condition.
9 Check for loose wiring, proper functioning of space
heaters, operation counter and indicating lamps etc.
Check for lubrication of motor chain in case of motor
operated isolators
10 Check condition of seals and lubrication of gearbox as

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 74

11 Check for tightness of fasteners and current carrying
parts, observe operation during manual cranking. Check
for complete stroking of the various drive levers against
their stops and for attainment of positions as required.
Check for proper contact alignment.
12 Check current carrying jaw contacts. Ensure that the
blade tongue contact engages the full width of the contact
13 Observe operation of disconnect during manual
operation. Lubricate contact surfaces with an appropriate
lubricant as recommended by the manufacturer.
14 Check grounding switch for proper operation. Check
tightness of fasteners. Check interlock with grounding
system and also other interlocks if provided.
15 Check auxiliary contact box for water ingress, loose
wiring and cleanliness etc.
16 Check for evidence of damage, excessive corrosion or
wear of the arching horns. Follow manufacturer’s
guidelines. They are important for preventing pitting and
erosion of the current carrying contacts.
17 Check visually the mounting structure of isolator for
18 Check manual, motorized, remote / local operation,
interlocks etc along with all the points mentioned above.
Refer manufacturer’s instructions and verify isolator’s
readiness to get in to operation.
19 The isolator can now be used if the upstream and down
stream facilities are ready and due permit is given by the
owner. Follow lock out tag out procedure and take all
personal and system safety precautions.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 75


Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Before proceeding to commissioning of Bus Bar Chamber
it is necessary to ensure that up stream and down stream
facilities of the Bus Bar are ready.
2 The panel of which the Bus Bar is a part should also be
ready in all respect as per the design of construction
3 Verify that the panel board has proper arrangements of
horizontal and vertical bus bars, switchgear
compartments, cable space, and easy and adequate
space for routing and termination of cables and wires with
terminal lugs. Doors of all cubical on the panel should
have door interlocks and should be dust proof.
4 Check that necessary provisions are made for ventilation.
5 Ensure that relevant I.S. Standards are followed for
keeping minimum clearance between bus bar and earth
and phase-to-phase.
6 Check that the construction of the overall Panel is as per
the specification and all circuit breakers, isolators,
contacts, earthing, interlocks, fuses etc are in order and
safely positioned for commissioning of Bus Bar Chamber
7 Check and verifies Location, MCC Number, voltage, size,
rating, tag no etc with the documents and test reports.
8 Verify that all the supply sources to the bus bar are
verified for voltage, phase identification etc, and all the
protections for the bus bars are tried, tested, and ready to
put in line.
9 Ensure that initial tests are properly carried out by the
manufacturer and verified at site.
10 Check that the three phase and neutral bus bars are of
correct rating as specified.
11 Check that Bus Bars are housed in separate bus bar
chamber. Horizontal bus bars shall be extended
throughout the length of the panel. The bus bars shall be
suitably braced to with stand the fault level and shall be
supported on unbreakable non-hygroscopic phenolic
laminated sheets rigidly held to the framework of the bus
bar chamber. Check the design specifications in this

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 76

regard and confirm that they are followed.
12 Check that bus bar chamber has a separate screwed
cover and means are provided to identify various phases
of the bus bars.
13 Vertical bus bars shall be accessible from the front. Cable
runs shall not prevent or obstruct access to vertical bus
bars. The vertical bus bars should be arranged as close
to the unit as possible.
14 Ensure that the connections between horizontal bus bars
and vertical bus bars are short and neat.
15 See that bus bar is provided with suitable color
identification and are of sufficient cross section as per the
design requirements. Cross section of the neutral bus bar
should be same as that of phase.
16 Incoming and out going cables should be easily terminated
with adequate supports and should have ease of access.
17 Check interconnections and control wiring. All control
wiring should have identification ferrules at each end and
not more than two connections shall be made at one
terminal. The wires shall be arranged and supported in
such a manner that there shall be no strains on
18 Check that terminations are of adequate current rating and
size to suit individual feeder requirement. Cable lugs
should facilitate cable connections.
19 Check that tap off connections at the bus bars is made
with nuts, bolts, and washers. Bus bars should not be
threaded for terminating wire connections.
20 All cable entries to the panel and bus bar chamber should
be provided with suitable size of cable glands.
21 Indicating instruments should be properly arranged on the
panel and as per the specifications and should be in
working condition.
22 Suitable engraved labels should be provided on the panel
and on the bus bar chamber
23 The earth bus bar should be provided as per specifications
and should run throughout the length of the panel and
earth stud to be provided at both ends.
24 Before commissioning the bus bar chamber a general lay
out of panel, i/c capacitor panel, Single Line Diagram and
Control wiring diagram, electrical interlock diagram,
general arrangement lay out of sub station equipment
should checked.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 77

25 Verify that sub station installation drawing, test reports of
the installation, inspection of installation etc is carried out
by regulatory authority and permission to charge the bus
bars is in hand.
26 Ensure that all test records of meggar tests between
phases, neutral and earth of all systems, earth resistance
test for all earth stations, Ratio test of transformers,
dielectric strength test of transformer oil before
commissioning, functional tests of all switch gears and
circuit breakers, relay test and their setting, polarity test
etc is done before commissioning of the bus bar of main
power control center.
27 Verify overall readiness of the bus bars to get energized.
Bus bar connections to be checked for correct tightness,
no condensation, no dust or foreign particles in the bus bar
chamber and on the bus bar etc.
28 The bus bar chamber can now be commissioned.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 78

The objective of earthing is to provide a surface, which shall be at uniform potential as
nearly as zero or nearest uniform potential to ensure that in general all parts of apparatus
other than live parts, shall be at earth potential. Earthing associated with current carrying
conductors / part is normally essential to the security of the system and is generally known
as system earthing. Examples of system earthing can be earthing neutral of transformer
or earthing of surge arrestor. Earthing of non-current carrying mental work, conductor and
parts of electrical equipment is essential to the safety of human life, animals and property
and is generally known as equipment earthing. Examples of equipment earthing can be
body of transformer or body of motor. Code of practice for earthing as laid down by local
government of the country is to be followed.

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 For out door sub stations verify that earthing grid is
prepared in the substation area with earth strips and earth
electrodes. Ensure that number of electrodes and size of
the grid conductor has been worked out as per the
relevant standards, marked, and numbered properly. A
lay out drawing to this effect should be available. Check
that the grid is used for earthing of Current
Transformers, Potential Transformers, Circuit
Breakers, Isolators, Power Transformers and
Lightening Arrestors etc.
2 For earthing of individual plant equipment and structure,
verify that earthing grids are installed all over the plant,
area wise, with earthing electrode pits, marked properly
and earthing of equipments is distributed amongst these
electrodes. A master plan to this effect is available for
tracing the earthing of any equipment to a designated
electrode / earth pit duly marked on the earthing strip as
well as on the pit.
3 Verify that the drawing showing the main earth
connection and earth electrodes is prepared for each
4 Verify that medium voltage equipment is earthed by two
separate and distinct connections to earth. In case of high
and extra high voltages, the neutral point shall be earthed
by not less than two separate and distinct connections
with earth each having its own electrode at the

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 79

5 Ensure that, as far as possible, all earth connections are
visible for inspection and are of suitable size as per the
6 Check for joints and broken connections of earthing
conductors (strips, wires etc.). Keep the cross section of
main and subsidiary connections and branch connections
as per the code. Check the condition of electrodes and
electrode joints. If they are corroded, broken or not joined
properly take corrective action.
7 Check and verify records of earth resistance. Low earth
resistance path is a must to clear fault current
8 Please follow the relevant earthing practices.

9 Power Transformers: - Transformer body or tank is

directly connected to earth grid. In addition there should be
direct connection from the tank to the earth side of the
lightening arresters. The transformer track rail should be
earthed properly. The neutral bushing is earthed by a
separate connection to the earth grid. Clearer to the tank
shell and collars
10 Potential and Current Transformers: - The base of the
CTs and PTs are to be earthed. All bolted cover plates of
the bushing are also to be earthed.
11 Circuit Breakers: - The supporting structure, C.T.
chambers, P.T. tanks, cable glands etc are to be
connected to earth.
12 Lightening Arresters: - The bases of the Lightening
arrestors are to be earthed with conductors as short and
straight as possible (for reducing of impudence). Each of
the lightening arrestor should have individual earth rods,
which are in turn connected to earth grid.
13 Other Equipments: - All equipments, structures, and
metallic frames of switches and isolators are to be
earthed separately.
14 After checking and verification of points as mentioned
above and with respect to the relevant code of practice,
the equipments and systems can be said to be properly
earthed and can be energized after taking care of all other
relevant aspects.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 80



The function of a Current Transformer is to provide flow of current correctly proportional
to the amount of current flowing in the primary circuit. In addition to measuring the flow
of current, Current Transformers are also used for monitoring the operation of the power
used. The accuracy of the CT depends on factors such as physical CT configuration,
burden, rating factor etc. The coordination of these factors is essential for proper
functioning of the current transformer.

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Examine carefully that no damage has occurred to
Current Transformer during shipment and installation.
Make visual inspection of the CT and associated hard
2 All blocking supports and other temporary ties should be
removed from CT.
3 Verify the nameplate data, parts, drawings, specifications,
and condition of the CT actually installed with the
documents in hand. Note any discrepancies and bring
them to the notice of user and manufacturer.
4 Record and verify location, tag number, function,
manufacturer, CT type, rating etc.
5 Check that the CT is installed and connected properly.
Refer manufacturer’s instructions and manual.
6 Make visual inspection of the area where the CT is
installed to confirm that there is space for easy approach,
ventilation, service and maintenance of the CT.
7 The control wiring to be checked with the drawing to verify
that connections to the relays, meters, and instrumentation
are made properly.
8 Check for proper grounding.

9 Check / verify manufacturer’s records about electrical and

mechanical functional tests done by simulating the
10 Check and record the load of the CT. Load refers to the
primary current
11 Performance of the CT is based on the current in the
secondary circuit. Check and compare the required values

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 81

with the manufacturer’s test record for the function
intended. (Say typical current for transformer differential
protection etc). Also note the rated burden.
12 Check that Current Transformer’s accuracy class is
suitable for the intended function (metering CT, Protection
CT etc)
13 Check and verify values of factors such as composite
error, accuracy limit factor, short time rating, Instrument
Security Factor of the CT etc to ensure that the CT is
suitable for the intended application and for its own
protection and for the protection of instruments connected
to its secondary.
14 Verify that tests such as Accuracy test, dielectric insulation
tests and temperature rise tests are carried out and
certified as acceptable. Also verify terminal markings and
15 Make a checklist of all the points mentioned above.
Include any specific points as per manufacturer’s
instructions. Record that every thing is in order.
16 The Current Transformer can now be energized.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 82


Sr Description Reference Check /

1 Check that motor is secured to the pedestal firmly.
2 Check general tightness of the Bolts, Clamps and
terminals etc.
3 Check for double earthing of motor.
4 Check tightness of earth connection and continuity.
5 Check terminal box is properly sealed and cover
tightened properly after inspecting it for cleanliness.
6 Check for cable glanding and armour grounds properly.

7 Check bearings are greased properly.

8 Check motor cooling fan is not touching the casing.

9 Check space heater connections are proper and cover

sealing is OK.
10 Check permanent labeling and identification for
11 Check for proper lighting and access to the equipment &
12 Check for name plate details:

13 Check for motor being uncoupled from pump and free to

14 Check correct DOR is marked on motor permanently.

15 Check that alignment and coupling gap figures for

Measure Insulation Resistance (MΩ) By 500V Megger and
R-Y: ……………Y-B:……………B-R:…………...
Check for proper operation of Overload
 Ensure Motor space heater is made ON
 Ensure Alarms and Protections are available.
 Ensure relevant barricading is done.
 Ensure SRCC is issued
18 Motor Pump Test Report:

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 83

 D.O.R. tested and found OK.
 Overload Setting:
19 Motor No Load Trial Run Report. (4 Hours)
 Starting Time:
 Ending Time:
 Voltage(R/Y/B):
 Current(R/Y/B):
 Starting Current(R/Y/B):
 Bearing Vibrations (Displacement, Velocity)

Note: Displacement in Microns and Velocity in mm/sec.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 84


Sr Description Reference Check /

1 A danger warning notice is provided on the front panel of
every distribution board.
2 Markings or notice of ‘testing done’ provided at or near the
main distribution board.
3 Distribution is securely mounted on suitable supports.

4 A suitable switch is provided to control each distribution

5 Phase barriers for three phase distribution board provided.

6 The breaking capacity of MCB / MCCB is as per the

applicable code.
7 Suitable tools for withdrawal of fuses at a fuse board
provided where necessary.
8 Circuits connected to MCB / MCCB or fuse are in
accordance with the circuit diagram.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 85

Sr Description Reference Check /
1 Is correct type of heater installed at the correct location as
per the final drawing?
2 Is the heater panel supported properly?
3 Check if the tag no, labeling and identification correct as
per the drawing and records?
4 Are the system voltage, size and rating of heater correct
as per the requirement?
5 Is ground fault protection, fuses and other specified
protections for the equipment and the heating system
provided are in place and tested?
6 Does the information given on the nameplate tallies with
equipment record and test record?
7 Is the heater panel, and heating element installation
suitable with Area Classification?
8 Check for any unauthorized modification.
9 Are enclosures, glasses, seals, gaskets etc satisfactory?
10 Check bolting, glands etc for tightness.
11 No undue accumulation of dust, no leakage of oil, or any
other compound.
12 Ensure that there is no damage to the above ground parts
of connected cables.
13 Check and verify the Insulation Resistance test record,
continuity of incoming supply cable and other conductors
and heating element.
14 Check for adequate protection of the heating system, coils,
cables etc from corrosion, weather, and vibration.
15 Check that equipment, heaters, and heating panel etc if
installed in hazardous area has suitable IP protection, no
dust, or foreign particles and has lamps, fuses and other
replaceable parts of correct and type. Thermal overload or
high / low temperature alarms / cut-offs relay settings; its
type and surface temperature of the item to be heated is
appropriate to the area and type of protection.
16 Verify that initial tests are properly carried out by the
17 All supply sources to the equipment and system to be
verified for voltage etc.
18 Ensure that equipment is of proper rating, assembled,
calibrated, and connected correctly and overall the system
of which the equipment is a part will perform as designed.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 86

19 Verify that control and monitoring systems, thermostats,
contactors etc are tested and are ok for commissioning.
20 Verify that all safety precautions are taken and circuits are
electrically safe.
21 Verify over all equipment readiness to get energized.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 87


Sr Description Reference Check

/ Verify
1 Ensure power supply is provided and all electrical
connections are proper.
2 All terminations are as per cable schedule.
3 All field devices are connected properly.
4 Check the polarity of the signals.
5 Ensure trained person will be available to assist in
commissioning of UCP.
6 Ensure fan control dampers are open.
7 Check for any damage.
8 Check for earthing connections.
9 The automatic control representative should be available
to assist in commissioning of UCP.
10 The customer’s operator should be available to receive
instructions for proper operation after start up.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 88


Sr Description Reference Check /

A. Technical Data Verification: -

1 Check and verify technical data and confirm that the items KE01-A1-
delivered for installation were as per the final design and PPFE006-
drawing requirement. P06-0001-
2 Check and verify Type of equipment, Location, Unit No /
Tag No., System voltage, Registration no. Etc.
3 Compare nameplate details with equipment records.

B. Installation Checks: -
1 Panel is properly secured to the floor.

2 Correct size of equipment according to the final drawing

3 Distance between the equipment and the wall allows free
flow of air.
4 Labeling is correct

5 No unauthorized modifications done.

6 Enclosures, seals, gaskets, glasses, bolting, glands are

tight and ok.
7 Enclosure protection is adequate as per area
8 Electrical protection setting and rating etc is ok.

9 No undue accumulation of dust, no leakage of any oil or

10 No damage to the above ground parts of connected cables
and cables have adequate protection.
11 Initial tests are properly carried out by the manufacturer.

12 Protective covers and partitions are in place.

13 Mechanical interlock of switches in place.

14 Earth connections done.

15 Cable connections are done.

16 Marking and identification of cables done.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 89

17 Panel painting in order.

18 Correct number of MCBs in Distribution Panels according

to final drawing.
19 All supply sources to the equipment are verified for voltage
20 Equipment is of proper rating, assembled, calibrated, and
connected correctly and overall system of which the
equipment is a part will perform as designed.
21 Equipment readiness to get energized is verified.

C. Physical Condition: - (Pre-Energization Checks)

1 All electronic cards are in order as per assembly drawing
in station report (final drawing).
2 Wiring and plug connection.

3 Fuses in UPS cubical.

4 Fuses in isolation transformers cubical. (if any)

5 Fuses in main distribution cubical. (if any)

6 Instruments in UPS cubical.

7 Instruments in isolation transformers.

8 Instruments in main distribution panel.

9 Power Switches in UPS cubical.

10 Power switches in isolation transformers cubical. (if

11 Power switches in main distribution panel.

D. Insulation Resistance Measurements: -

1 Input AC cable to ground (500V AC).

2 Output AC cable to ground (500V AC).

3 Input AC cable to Out put AC cable (500V AC).

Initial Start-Up (UPS distribution): -

A. Rectifier Power Supply Check: -

1 Check the supply voltage is within + / - 5%

2 Input phase sequence is correct.

B. Inverter Voltage (adjustment) Check:-

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 90

1 Check that the out put voltage is within is + / - 1%

C. Inverter free run frequency check;-

1 Check that the out put frequency is 50 + / - 0.1 Hz

D. Battery Installation Check: -

1 Check the polarity to battery is OK

2 Check that the battery voltage on terminal B+ and B- is ----


E. By pass Power Supply Check; -

1 Input phase sequence is correct.

2 Is the LED for the by pass line continuously on.

F. Synchronization Check: -
1 Are the inverter and the by pass synchronized i.e. is the
voltage difference less than ------- V

G. Static Switch Communication Check: -

1 Inverter to by-pass test from PCB.

2. By-pass to inverter test from PCB.

H. Battery Charging (current limitation) Check: -

1 Is the battery charging current approximately 15% of the
battery Ah capacity
2 Is the equalization charge voltage ------- V

3 Is the manual boost charge on / off working

4 Is the manual boost charge voltage ------- V

Installation Checks (UPS BATTERY): -

A. Technical Data Verification: -

1. Check and verify technical data and confirm that the items
delivered for installation were as per the final design and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 91

drawing requirement.
2 Check and verify Type of equipment, Location, Unit No /
Tag No., System voltage, Registration no. Etc.
3 Compare nameplate details with equipment records.

B. Installation Performed: -

1. Correct size of battery according to the final drawing

2 Rack is properly secured on floor

3 Battery is installed in a dry and clean room

4 Protective covers in place

5 Cells are correctly interconnected with the correct polarity

6 Earth connections done

7 Cable connection is done

8 Marking and identification of cells

9 Panel’s painting in order

Initial Start-Up (UPS BATTERY): -

A. Battery Check: -
1 Check the electrolyte level

2 If electrolyte is supplied dry, prepare it

3 Fill the cells about 20mm above the lower level

B Initial Charge / discharge cycle: -

Charge 10 h at 0,2 C5 A and discharge at same current
to 1.65V / cell

C Commissioning Charge: -
1 Charge 10h at 0.2 C5 A.

2 Adjust the electrolyte to upper level after 4 hrs from


Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 92

Low Voltage (less than 1000V) Circuit Breaker such as MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker)
or MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker) is an automatically operated electrical switch
designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit.
All circuit breakers have common features in their operation, although details will vary
depending on voltage, current rating, and type. These MCBs are incorporated with
Thermal or Thermal-magnetic operation. Thermal- magnetic circuit breakers respond
instantaneously to large surges in current (short circuit) and bi-metallic strip responding to
longer-term over-current. Trip current may be adjustable in large ratings. Large low voltage
molded case breakers are often installed in draw out enclosures.

Sr No. Description Reference Check /

1 Type of Breaker / Location / Tag No.
2 Check system voltage, size, and rating.
3 Compare nameplate information with equipment record.
4 Establish and record Breaker identification.
5 Establish and record Area Classification.
6 Establish and record type of external protection and
degree of enclosure protection.
7 Establish and record electric protection setting and rating
and actual maximum load.
8 Check if the labeling is correct.
9 No damage, unauthorized modification.
10 Enclosure and glasses satisfactory. Seals / gaskets / bolts
/ screws / gland OK
11 No undue accumulation of dust.
12 No leakage of oil or any compound.
13 No damage to connecting cables / wires / reset switch and
other attachments.
14 Adequate protection against corrosion, weather, vibration.
15 Conductor continuity checked and recorded.
16 Fuses are put in place.
17 Earthing system effectively connected.
18 Hazardous equipment installation has suitable protection
and replaceable parts are of correct rating and type.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 93

19 Thermal Over Load relay setting, its type and surface
temperature is appropriate to area and type of protection.
20 All the supply sources to the breaker are verified for
voltage etc.
21 Equipment is of proper rating, assembled, calibrated and
connected and overall system of which the equipment is a
part will perform as designed.
22 Up to date notice / marking of testing seen at the point of
23 Up to date schematic / SLD displayed and the installed
position verified accordingly.
24 Operation of MCB / MCCB checked along with Thermal
O/L relay.
25 Equipment readiness to get energized is verified.
26 You can now commission the MCB / MCCB.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 94

A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching a power circuit, similar to
relay except with higher amperage rating. A contactor is controlled by a circuit, which has
a much lower power level than the switched circuit. The contactor consists of contacts (i.e.
current carrying parts), electromagnet, and enclosure. Contactors can be fitted with short
circuit protection (fuses or circuit breakers), disconnecting means, overload relays, and
an enclosure to make a combination starter. Contactors are often used to provide central
control of large lighting installations. Magnetic starter is a contactor designed to provide
power to electric motor with bi-metallic thermal O/L relay protection.

Sr No. Description Reference Check /

1 Type of Contactor / Location / Tag No.
2 Check system voltage, size, and rating.
3 Compare nameplate information with equipment record.
4 Establish and record Contactor identification.
5 Establish and record Area Classification.
6 Establish and record type of external protection and
degree of enclosure protection.
7 Establish and record electric protection settings and rating
and actual maximum load.
8 Check if the labeling is correct.
9 No damage, unauthorized modification.
10 Enclosure and glasses satisfactory. Seals / gaskets / bolts
/ screws / gland OK
11 No undue accumulation of dust.
12 No leakage of oil or any compound.
13 No damage to connecting cables / wires / reset switch and
other attachments.
14 Adequate protection against corrosion, weather, vibration.
15 Conductor continuity checked and recorded.
16 Fuses are put in place.
17 Earthing system effectively connected.
18 Hazardous equipment installation has suitable protection
and replaceable parts are of correct rating and type.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 95

19 Thermal Over Load relay setting, its type and surface
temperature is appropriate to area and type of protection.
20 All the supply sources to the contactor are verified for
voltage etc.
21 Contactor is of proper rating, assembled, calibrated and
connected and overall system of which the equipment is a
part will perform as designed.
22 Up to date notice / marking of testing seen at the point of
23 Up to date schematic / SLD displayed and the installed
position verified accordingly.
24 Operation of Contactor, protection provided, thermal O/L
setting etc checked along with associated circuit a found
25 Contactor’s readiness to get energized is verified.
26 You can now commission the Contactor.

For the oil plant Tranche-2 heat tracing system, following identified subsystems
are to be commissioned together:
1. SA-A1-2-920/04-4900-EH Objective
The purpose of the commissioning procedure is to provide commissioning personnel
with all the necessary information to enable them to commission heat tracing system
and its components in a safe and controlled manner and hand over the same for
start up operation. When energized the system should functionproperly. System Description

Heat tracing systems of the Oil Tranche-2 is supplied with power from the LV
feeder. The main components of these system are: Isolators, Power contactors,
Circuit breaker, electric heat tracing power cables, Trace heating junction box, Line
sensing Thermostat & Heat tracer (Heater). Technical Strategy

- Testing of component of system.
- Confirming compliance of regulatory requirement.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 96

- Taking necessary work permit.
- Commissioning of system in line with the master plan of commissioning.
- Hand over of the commissioned system with necessary documents. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Review the heating cable design and compare the list of materials to the
catalogue numbers of heating cables and electrical components received to
confirm that proper materials are on site. The heating cable type is printed on
its outer jacket.
- Ensure that the heating cable voltage rating is suitable for the service voltage
- Do not energize cable when it is coiled or on the reel.
- Inspect heating cable and components for in-transit damage.
- Ensure all pressure testing is complete and pipe work has final paint coating.
- Walk the system and plan the routing of the heating cable on the pipe.
- Check pipe work against specification drawing. If different consult design
- Inspect piping for burrs, rough surfaces, sharp edges etc. that could damage
the heating cable. Smooth off or cover with layers of glass cloth tape or
aluminium foil.
- Paint and pipe coatings must be dry to the touch before heating cable
- Protect all heating cable ends from moisture, contamination & mechanical
damage or other interference if left exposed before component installation.
- When pulling the heating cable, avoid:
o Sharp edges.
o Excessive pulling force.
o Kinking and crushing.
o Walking on it, or running over it with equipment.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 97 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required
- The commissioning team member should be legally authorized.
- The person involved must have full understanding of the system to be
- No commissioning activity will be done without authorized work permit.
- It should be ensured that all personal protection equipments are available
and are used.
- Instruments used for due to verification of pre commissioning checks should
be in safe conditions for use and of correct specifications.
- Entire commissioning team should have undergone basic safety training and
should be authorized to enter the commissioning area.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 98 Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning
- Commissioning team must be made fully aware of specific protections
provided in the system for any specific risks involved in commissioning of the
system on account of environment in which the equipment is operating,
complexicity of operation, finding and recommendation of HAZOP and
specific recommendations from equipment manufacturer. COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- Verification team supports having necessary documents, tools and
- Temporary access for check up. Commissioning Consumables

- No specific requirement First Fill Requirements

- No specific requirement Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- No specific requirement Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- Commissioning team will require vendors and subcontractor to help them in
handling of material, testing equipment, preparation of temporary access,
temporary communication arrangement, providing material handling facilities. Preservation Requirements

- No specific requirement

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 99 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification
This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. Detailed Commissioning procedure for Electrical Heat Tracing

- Any electric heat tracing system shall be designed, manufactured, tested,
documented and commissioned in accordance with the applicable
requirements of relevant Codes, Approvals and Standards.
- It is assumed that detailed and comprehensive individual testing of
equipments has been completed before the commissioning of the system.
- The requirements provided by the equipment manufacturer are to be adhered
to in addition to general testing.
The general steps to be taken for commissioning of heat tracing systems are illustrated
below in Table-1
Table-1: Commissioning procedure for Electrical Heat Tracing

Sr Description Reference Check

/ Verify
A Preliminary Checks
1 Is correct type of heater installed at the correct location as
per the final drawing?
2 Is the heater panel supported properly?
3 Check if the tag no, labeling and identification correct as
per the drawing and records?

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 100

4 Are the system voltage, size and rating of heater correct
as per the requirement?
5 Is ground fault protection, fuses and other specified
protections for the equipment and the heating system
provided are in place and tested?
6 Does the information given on the nameplate tallies with
equipment record and test record?
7 Is the heater panel, and heating element installation
suitable with Area Classification?
8 Check for any unauthorized modification.

9 Are enclosures, glasses, seals, gaskets etc satisfactory?

10 Check bolting, glands etc for tightness.

11 No undue accumulation of dust, no leakage of oil or any

other compound.
12 Ensure that there is no damage to the above ground parts
of connected cables.
13 Check and verify the Insulation Resistance test record,
continuity of incoming supply cable and other conductors
and heating element.
14 Check for adequate protection of the heating system,
coils, cables etc from corrosion, weather and vibration.
15 Check that equipment, heaters and heating panel etc if
installed in hazardous area has suitable IP protection, no
dust or foreign particles and has lamps, fuses and other
replaceable parts of correct and type. Thermal overload or
high / low temperature alarms / cut-offs relay settings; its
type and surface temperature of the item to be heated is
appropriate to the area and type of protection.
16 Verify that initial tests are properly carried out by the
17 All supply sources to the equipment and system to be
verified for voltage etc.
18 Ensure that equipment is of proper rating, assembled,
calibrated and connected correctly and overall the system
of which the equipment is a part will perform as designed.
19 Verify that control and monitoring systems, thermostats,
contactors etc are tested and are ok for commissioning.
20 Verify that all safety precautions are taken and circuits are
electrically safe.
21 Verify over all equipment readiness to get energized

22 Check that the heater coil is not in coiled condition before

energizing. Straight tracing is preferred. Avoid spiral

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 101

23 Check piping to be traced. Check the routing of the
heating cable on the pipe.
24 Inspect pipe condition of the pipe to be heat traced. Paint
and pipe coating should be dry before installation.
25 Cable should be properly attached to the pipe. For
attachment of cable around valves and pipefittings refer
manufacture’s instruction given in the manual.
26 Check and verify that heat tracing route on the pipelines
and location on equipments is marked properly. All
junction boxes and distribution boxes to be marked
properly as per the drawing.
B Verification of Heating Cable Installation and
1 Check the type of heating cable used (self regulating,
constant wattage “series” or “zones” etc) and its
associated power supply arrangement and installation of
heating element on the surface or surroundings to be
2 Check lying out of the cable and its attachment to the
surface to be heated.
3 Ensure that it is properly secured and wrapped and
insulation resistance is tested.
4 Check thermostat controls are properly connected and
5 Check thermal insulation. Verify that pre insulation
inspection is done, insulation is installed properly and
testing after insulation installation is done.
6 Check setting and response time of ground fault
protection device provided to protect each circuit.
7 All connection components used to terminate heating
cables, including power connectors; splices, tees, and
connectors shall be approved for respective area
classification and approved as a system with a particular
type of heating cable in use.
8 Check that the enclosures are suitable to keep
connections dry and corrosion resistant.
9 Check that components rating are suitable for the
temperature range.
10 Check that heating cable terminations have used cold
applied materials and heat gun, torch or hot work permit is
not required for installation.
11 Mineral Insulated heating cable system shall use factory
terminated mineral insulated cables.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 102

12 For electrical tank heating pads check and verify that the
tank walls are prepared according to the pane
manufacturer’s instructions.
13 Read and verify that cable manufacturer’s instructions
have been followed while installing, connecting, and
terminating the heating cables.
C Control and Monitoring System

1 Group Heat Tracing Circuit Control: - Check that

distribution panel consists of an enclosure including a
panel board with ground fault protection device,
monitoring, alarm and trip device as per the design and
main contactor and sub contactors for each group circuit.
Verify that it is as per the design and drawing
specification. Check that manufacturer’s instructions and
are being followed.
2 Individual Heat Tracing Circuit Control: - Check that
distribution panel consists of enclosure, panel board with
ground fault protection device. Check that it is made as
per the design and drawings provided and tested.
3 Check and verify that capabilities of all control and
monitoring systems and devices are tested and are found
in order for safe commissioning.
4 Verify the over all readiness of the heat tracing system to
get energized and commission the system after taking
necessary permits and along with end user’s
representative. Dynamic test run data

- No specific requirement ATTACHMENT / REFERENCE

Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

For the oil plant Tranche-2 lighting and small power protection system, following
identified subsystems are to be commissioned:
1 SA-A1-2-920/05-5900-EL

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 103 Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-system
is commissioned in the safe and controlled mode. System Description

Normal lighting and small power protection system is supplied power from the bus
bar chamber Technical Strategy

- Testing of component of system.
- Confirming compliance of regulatory requirement.
- Taking necessary work permit.
- Commissioning of system in line with the master plan of commissioning.
- Hand over of the commissioned system with necessary documents. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Verification of the installation of all equipments and components.
- Visual checking of all wiring.
- Ground system testing
- Preparation of basic checklist applicable to all electrical equipment and
systems. HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required

- The commissioning team member should be legally authorized.
- The person involved must have full understanding of the system to be
- No commissioning activity will be done without authorized work permit.
- It should be ensured that all personal protection equipments are available
and are used.
- Instruments used for due to verification of pre commissioning checks
should be in safe conditions for use and of correct specifications.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 104

- Entire commissioning team should have undergone basic safety training
and should be authorized to enter the commissioning area. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- As per RoK guidelines Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- Commissioning team must be made fully aware of specific protections
provided in the system for any specific risks involved in commissioning of
the system on account of environment in which the equipment is operating,
complexicity of operation, finding and recommendation of HAZOP and
specific recommendations from equipment manufacturer. COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- Verification team supports having necessary documents, tools and
- Temporary access for check up. Commissioning Consumables
- No specific requirements First Fill Requirements
- No specific requirements Special Tools / Special Test Equipment
- No specific requirements Vendor and subcontractor requirements
- Commissioning team will require vendors and subcontractor to help them in
handling of material, testing equipment, preparation of temporary access,
temporary communication arrangement, providing material handling
facilities. Preservation Requirements
- No specific requirements

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 105 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. Detailed Commissioning procedure

- It is assumed that detailed and comprehensive individual testing of
equipments has been completed before the commissioning of the system.
- The requirements provided by the equipment manufacturer are to be adhered
to in addition to general testing.
➔ The general steps to be taken for commissioning lighting and small power protection
system are illustrated below in Table-1
Table-1: Commissioning procedure for lighting and small power protection system:
Sr. Description Reference Check
/ Verify
A Checks for Working Space and Facilities
1 Adequate working space and safe access provided for
switch room and for electrical facilities.
2 Entrance / exit to switch room and / or electrical facilities
are free of obstructions.
3 Suitable locking facilities provided for switch room and / or
electrical facilities.
4 Suitable lighting provision provided for switch room /
electrical facilities.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 106

5 Suitable ventilation provision provided for switch room /
electrical facilities.
6 Suitable tools for withdrawal of fuses at fuse board
7 A warning notice “Danger-Sub Station. Unauthorized
Entry Prohibited” is provided at every entrance of switch
8 Fire barriers and other measures for protection against
thermal effects are properly installed.
9 Danger notices, warning notices, schematic diagrams,
instructions and similar information are correctly and
adequately provided.
10 Warning notice for switch room, sub-station, earthing and
main bonding provided.
11 All switchgear, distribution boards, and electrical
equipment properly labeled.
B Checks for Switchboard, Main Switch and Circuit
1 Up to date notice / marking of inspection and testing
provided at point of supply of the installation.
2 Circuits, fuses, switches, terminals, etc are provided with
a legible and durable identification label.
3 No visible damage to impair safety.

4 Work done / testing done etc is properly recorded in the

5 An up to date schematic diagram displayed.

6 All accessible live parts screened with insulating plate or

earthed metal.
7 All exposed conductive parts effectively earthed.

8 Earthing system effectively connected.

9 Warning notice displayed at main bonding connections.

10 All protective devices are functioning properly and

correctly set.
11 Suitable interlock scheme provided to prevent parallel
operation of two or more sources of supply and 4 pole
incoming and interconnecting circuit breakers provided for
supply to be taken from more than one source and is
12 Electrically and mechanically interlocked 4pole change
over device where stand by generator set is installed.
13 The breaking capacity of all circuit breakers /

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 107

interconnection devices are able to withstand the
prospective fault current.
14 Protectively relays have been correctly set and over
current protective devices suitably set for all circuits.
15 Protective type current transformers are used for
protective relays.
16 Means of isolation provided for every circuit.

17 Operation of circuit breakers and main switches checked.

18 Control, indications and alarm functions checked.

19 No undersized conductor used between main bus bar and

fuses / MCBs.
20 Fuses / MCBs matching the lowest rated conductor in the
21 Suitable cable terminations provided.

22 Cable conductors of correct phases connected

23 Single –pole devices for protection or switching connected

in phase conductors only.
B Checks for Distribution Boards

1 A danger warning notice is provided on the front panel of

every distribution board.
2 Markings or notice of ‘testing done’ provided at or near the
main distribution board.
3 Distribution is securely mounted on suitable supports.

4 A suitable switch is provided to control each distribution

5 Phase barriers for three phase distribution board
6 The breaking capacity of MCB / MCCB is as per the
applicable code.
7 Suitable tools for withdrawal of fuses at a fuse board
provided where necessary.
8 Circuits connected to MCB / MCCB or fuse are in
accordance with the circuit diagram.
C Checks for Conductors, Cables and Wiring
1 No visible damage to impair safety.

2 All live conductors are properly selected and erected.

3 All cables, flexible cords, switches, plugs and socket

outlets, accessories and equipments are found to be in
good working conditions.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 108

4 All conductors are securely and correctly connected and
5 Armored cables are properly terminated to metal casing or
trucking by proper glands.
6 Cables passing thru smoke lobby protected by enclosures
of adequate fire rating.
7 Non-sheathed cables protected by conduit, trucking or
8 Cables and ducting are adequately supported

9 Cables at distribution board or bus bar are terminated with

cable lugs.
10 Main cables connected up with correct polarity.

11 Cables are protected against mechanical damage and are

suitably supported.
12 All exposed metal parts including the armor effectively
D Checks for Bus Bar Trucking System including rising
1 Please refer to “Commissioning procedure for Bus Bar Annexure-F
Chamber” for inspection checklist. of procedure
→ Annexure-F of procedure 4.2.1 (ELECTRICAL 4.2.1
SYSTEM (MV1, LV1, LV2, LV3, LV4)
2 Verify the LV installation accordingly.

E Checks for Final Circuits

1 All fuses and single pole switches connected to the phase
conductors only with correct polarity.
2 Wiring for emergency lighting and fire services installation
segregated from other installations.
3 Low voltage circuits are segregated from extra low voltage
4 Cables are protected properly and bunched circuit wise in
the same conduit.
5 Wiring inside false ceiling protected by conduit / trucking
or metallic sheath.
6 Power and lighting socket outlets installed are shuttered
or protected with cover as per the requirement.
7 No 2-pin sockets installed. Al socket outlets connected
with protective conductors and live conductors terminated
at correct terminals.
8 Final circuit with industrial socket outlets is as per the
relevant codes.
9 Means of isolation provided for every fixed appliance.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 109

10 All chokes, starters, capacitors of discharge lamps are
enclosed in earthed metal boxes and suitably ventilated.
11 Luminaries, switches, sockets and plugs, cable couplers
installed out door are splash proof type.
12 General / site lighting protected by RCD (Residual Current
Device) with proper rating of residual operating current.
13 Associated earthing, bonding, and lightening protection is
provided and commissioned as per the procedure given in
the relevant chapter of this commissioning manual.
14 Associated motors and transformers are commissioned
and connected to the circuit as per the commissioning
procedures of Motors and Transformers given in the
relevant chapters of this commissioning manual.
15 Conductor continuity checked and results recorded as per
the code.
16 Insulation resistance test done and results recorded.

17 Polarity checks done and results recorded.

18 All fuses and single pole devices are connected in the

phase conductor only and all wiring has been correctly
connected to socket outlets and lamp holders.
19 Resistance to earth has been measured at the position of
every earth electrode and of the main earth terminal.
Results are satisfactory and are recorded.
20 Functional testing of all devices, including protective
devices is done and recorded.
21 Hand operation of protective devices such as MCB,
MCCB, ACB, fused switches, switch fuses and protective
relays etc are satisfactory.
22 Hand operation on all items of equipments such as
isolators, switches and indicative devices are satisfactory.
23 Additional checks for installations in hazardous area done.

24 Proper fitting of luminaries and Lighting fittings is done.

25 Lighting controls (on/off, dimming, timer switch, photocell

and infra red sensor etc) and its assignment to correct
group is checked / verified.
26 Luminance level of lighting installation for the area is
measured and found as per the designed conditions.
27 Power metering arrangement made as per the specified
requirements. Dynamic Test Run Data

- No specific requirements

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 110 ATTACHMENT / REFERENCE

Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

For oil plant Tranche-2 the earthing and lightning protection system, cathodic
protection consists of the following identified subsystems are to be commissioned:
1 S-A1-2-945-08-0300: → Refer electrical layout diagrams of KE01-A1-945-
PO-E-DL-2201-001 and KE01-A1-945-PO-E-DL-2202-

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 111 Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-system
are commissioned in the safe and controlled mode. System Description

The objective of earthing is to provide a surface that shall be at uniform potential as
nearly as zero or nearest uniform potential to ensure that in general all parts of
apparatus other than live parts shall be at earth potential. Cathodic protection is a
process of reducing or preventing corrosion of metal structures in contact with an
electrolyte by the flow of direct current from the electrolyte in to the structured
surface. Technical Strategy

- Testing of component of system.
- Confirming compliance of regulatory requirement.
- Taking necessary work permit.
- Commissioning of system in line with the master plan of commissioning.
- Hand over of the commissioned system with necessary documents.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 112 Commissioning Pre-requisites
- Verification of the installation of all equipments and components.
- Visual checking of all wiring.
- Ground system testing
- Preparation of basic checklist applicable to all electrical equipment and
systems. HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required
- The commissioning team member should be legally authorized.
- The person involved must have full understanding of the system to be
- No commissioning activity will be done without authorized work permit.
- It should be ensured that all personal protection equipments are available
and are used.
- Instruments used for due to verification of pre commissioning checks
should be in safe conditions for use and of correct specifications.
- Entire commissioning team should have undergone basic safety training
and should be authorized to enter the commissioning area. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- Not applicable Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- Commissioning team must be made fully aware of specific protections
provided in the system for any specific risks involved in commissioning of
the system on account of environment in which the equipment is
operating, complexicity of operation, finding and recommendation of
HAZOP and specific recommendations from equipment manufacturer. COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements
- Verification team supports having necessary documents, tools, and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 113

- Temporary access for check up. Commissioning Consumables

- Not applicable First Fill Requirements

- Not applicable Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- Not applicable Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- Commissioning team will require vendors and subcontractor to help them
in handling of material, testing equipment, preparation of temporary
access, temporary communication arrangement, providing material
handling facilities. Preservation Requirements
- Not applicable COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification
This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 114 Detailed Commissioning procedure
- Electrical system commissioning needs a planned approach. Aprocedure
is developed to include this planned approach of what should be done in
order to verify proper system installation and commissioning. Specific area
addressed: -
- Verification at the installation of all equipments and components.
- Interface connections between equipments, systems, and interconnecting
- It is assumed that detailed and comprehensive individual testing of
equipments has been completed before the commissioning of the system.
- The requirements provided by the equipment manufacturer are to be
adhered to in addition to general testing.
- The requirements of statutory codes to be followed
- System commissioning will include checklist and procedure for system
components such as earth electrode, lightning rod, and earth pit.
- The commissioning procedure is as follows: -
Section 1: Commissioning of Earthing & Lightening Protection System

Section 1.1: Visual Inspection and Verification Checklist for Earthing & Lightening
Protection System

Sr Description Reference Check /

A. Earthing and Bonding:
1 Earth rod electrodes having a minimum diameter of 12.5
mm copper or 16mm galvanized or stainless steel used.
2 Copper tape earth electrode having a cross section of not
less than 25mm by 3mm.
3 Copper plate earth electrode not less than 3mm in
thickness and having a maximum dimension of 1200mm
by 1200mm.
4 No gas water pipe used as earth electrodes
5 Test link is provided at main earthing terminal.

6 Minimum size of protective conductor is used as per the

7 Protective conductor up to and including 6 sq. mm with

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 115

green and yellow insulation sheath used through out its
8 Bonding conductors of not less than 150 sq. mm copper
equivalent used for connection to the earthing terminal of
the electricity supplier’s transformer or underground
9 Copper links provided at joints of metallic trunking, which
forms part of a protective conductor.
10 Separate protective conductors are provided for al flexible
11 A warning notice provided at all earthing and bonding
12 Main equi-potential bonding conductors effectively
connected to main water pipes, main gas pipes, other
services pipes / ducting and exposed metallic parts of
structural framework.
13 Supplementary equi potential bonding effectively provided
between exposed conductive parts and extraneous
conductive parts.
14 Exposed conductive parts of fixed equipment installed
outside equi potential zone effectively earthed.
15 Exposed conductive parts of fixed equipment installed
within equip potential zone are effectively earthed
16 Effectiveness of main equi-potential bonding connections
to the main earthing terminal and lightening protection
system checked.
17 Earthing conductors are of adequate size.
18 The resistance to earth has been measured at the
position of every earth electrode and of the main earth
terminal. Results recorded and are satisfactory.
19 All earthing related inspection items as required by the
manufacturer of related equipment are satisfactory.
20 Earth electrode resistance measurement for lightening
protection system done and is satisfactory.
B Lightening Protection:
1 The continuity of air termination net work / down
conductor / earth termination net work has been checked
and found satisfactory
2 All conductors and joints for lightening protection system

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 116

are electrically and mechanically sound and correctly
3 Connection link to the main earthing terminal provided.
Test joints provided.
4 Rod electrodes having a minimum diameter 12.5 mm
copper or 16 mm stainless steel used.
5 Copper tape electrode having a cross section of not less
than 25mm by 3mm.
6 Copper plate electrode not less than 3mm in thickness
and having maximum dimension of 1200mm by 1200mm.
7 No gas / water pipe used as earth electrode.
8 No evidence of corrosion likely to lead deterioration of the
lightening protection system.
9 Measured earth termination network resistance to earth
not more than 10 ohm when the connection to the main
earthing terminal is disconnected.

Section 1.2: Steps to be taken for Commissioning of Earthing of Systems &


The objective of earthing is to provide a surface, which shall be at uniform potential as

nearly as zero or nearest uniform potential to ensure that in general all parts of apparatus
other than live parts, shall be at earth potential. Earthing associated with current carrying
conductors / part is normally essential to the security of the system and is generally known
as system earthing. Examples of system earthing can be earthing neutral of transformer
or earthing of surge arrestor. Earthing of non-current carrying mental work, conductor and
parts of electrical equipment is essential to the safety of human life, animals and property
and is generally known as equipment earthing. Examples of equipment earthing can be
body of transformer or body of motor. Code of practice for earthing as laid down by local
government of the country is to be followed.

Sr Description Reference Check /

1 For out door sub stations verify that earthing grid is
prepared in the substation area with earth strips and earth
electrodes. Ensure that number of electrodes and size of
the grid conductor has been worked out as per the
relevant standards, marked, and numbered properly. A
lay out drawing to this effect should be available. Check

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 117

that the grid is used for earthing of Current
Transformers, Potential Transformers, Circuit
Breakers, Isolators, Power Transformers and
Lightening Arrestors etc.
2 For earthing of individual plant equipment and structure,
verify that earthing grids are installed all over the plant,
area wise, with earthing electrode pits, marked properly
and earthing of equipments is distributed amongst these
electrodes. A master plan to this effect is available for
tracing the earthing of any equipment to a designated
electrode / earth pit duly marked on the earthing strip as
well as on the pit.
3 Verify that the drawing showing the main earth
connection and earth electrodes is prepared for each
4 Verify that medium voltage equipment is earthed by two
separate and distinct connections to earth. In case of high
and extra high voltages, the neutral point shall be earthed
by not less than two separate and distinct connections
with earth each having its own electrode at the
5 Ensure that, as far as possible, all earth connections are
visible for inspection and are of suitable size as per the
6 Check for joints and broken connections of earthing
conductors (strips, wires etc.). Keep the cross section of
main and subsidiary connections and branch connections
as per the code. Check the condition of electrodes and
electrode joints. If they are corroded, broken or not joined
properly take corrective action.
7 Check and verify records of earth resistance. Low earth
resistance path is a must to clear fault current
8 Please follow the relevant earthing practices.

9 Power Transformers: - Transformer body or tank is

directly connected to earth grid. In addition there should be
direct connection from the tank to the earth side of the
lightening arresters. The transformer track rail should be
earthed properly. The neutral bushing is earthed by a
separate connection to the earth grid. Clearer to the tank
shell and collars
10 Potential and Current Transformers: - The base of the
CTs and PTs are to be earthed. All bolted cover plates of
the bushing are also to be earthed.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 118

11 Circuit Breakers: - The supporting structure, C.T.
chambers, P.T. tanks, cable glands etc are to be
connected to earth.
12 Lightening Arresters: - The bases of the Lightening
arrestors are to be earthed with conductors as short and
straight as possible (for reducing of impudence). Each of
the lightening arrestor should have individual earth rods,
which are in turn connected to earth grid.
13 Other Equipments: - All equipments, structures, and
metallic frames of switches and isolators are to be
earthed separately.
14 After checking and verification of points as mentioned
above and with respect to the relevant code of practice,
the equipments and systems can be said to be properly
earthed and can be energized after taking care of all other
relevant aspects.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 119

Section 2: Commissioning Procedure for Cathodic Protection System
Cathodic Protection is a process of reducing or preventing corrosion of metal structures
in contact with an electrolyte by the flow of direct current from the electrolyte in to the
structured surface.
Prior to commissioning, construction, installation, and pre-commissioning checks of the
system and components should be carried out as per design documents & procedures.

Section 2.1: Installation & Verification checks for Cathodic Protection System
Sr Description Reference Check /
A Transformer Rectifier Station
1 Check that the installation has been de-energized
(AC/DC side).
2 Make rectifier data sheet. It should include information
such as: - Project no, Location, Tag No, Manufacturer,
type and Serial No, Year of manufacture, Type of
Rectifier (air cooled/oil cooled/other), Primary Voltage,
Single phase or three phase, Primary frequency, rated
load, rated voltage, secondary rated voltage, secondary
rated voltage, permanent reference cells installed,
Factory Inspection Report no, Site Inspection Report no
3 Check and compare rectifier unit with drawings and
4 Check protection type of the enclosure (IP-20 door open,
IP-54 door open)
5 Check exterior for rust, painting, damage, scratches,
dents, broken parts etc
6 Check and compare against drawings (labels, tag plates,
external cable connections etc.)
7 Check fixing bolts for tightness.
8 Check wire connections for tightness.
9 Check cable terminals separated from other terminals.
10 Check that packing material is completely removed.
11 Check presence of terminal partition, warning plates,
cover plates etc.
12 Check permanent electrode connections in side the
13 Check rating of fuses and circuit breakers and compare

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 120

with drawings.
14 Check information / instruction plates against the
15 Check the cubical interior and ensure that it is clean and
dry and is free from dust and loose articles.
B Impressed Current Surface Ground Bed:
1 Check anode materials (Silicon Iron, Magnetite, Graphite,
MMO etc)
2 Check anode dimensions, weight etc.
Check for any damage.
4 Check anode back fill type (coke breeze / others), back fill
quality (fine/course/pre-packaged), and back fill volume
and weight.
5 Check anode cable dimensions (size/length) and check
for damage of sheathing and anode connection. Measure
cable resistance, check cable colour coding and cable
6 Check the feeder system and splicing materials. Check
components of feeder system such as anode, central
distribution, distribution box, ring feeder, size etc
7 Check ground bed location for its correctness
8 Verify Excavation of trench to required depth for
horizontal installation. Drilling of holes for vertical anode
installation. Check soil resistance at anode depth
9 Ensure that horizontal anodes are installed on layer of
backfill and covered as per the specifications. For vertical
anodes push back fill material in the hole and cover
anode with backfill material
10 Check and verify that connections to feeder cable and
connections to junction box is done properly
11 Measure anode ground bed resistance to remote earth.
12 Up date “as built” information on location, station name,
as built drawings
13 Finish trench with native soil. Put cable warning tape /
tiles, ground bed markers etc.
C Installation Verification Checks for Impressed Current
Deep Well Ground Bed:
1 Check anode material (silicon iron, magnetite, graphite,

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 121

Pt-Ti, Pt-Nb, MMO etc) and for dimensions, weight etc.
Check for damage. Use suitable centralizers and
suspension ropes.
2 Check anode backfill type, quality, volume, and weight.
The backfill type could be coke breeze or other
fine/course backfill slurry, dry backfill etc
3 For each anode check cable dimensions and check for
damage of sheathing and anode connection. Measure
cable resistance. Check cable size, rating, colour coding,
insulation and cable connections. Check feeder cable
4 Check bore hole details. Check bore hole location. Use
borehole checklist. Check total depth and water level in
the hole.
5 Set casing according to the design. Record casing
details. Cut casing above grade.
6 Check Installation head works with cable conduit, anode
suspension system, distribution box, vent pipe etc.
7 Remove anode protection, lower anodes in centre of the
hole and fix suspension rope. Install vent pipe with lower
anode. Record installation details on Anode Log Sheet.
Record backfill used.
8 Measure each anode to remote earth resistance.
Measure total ground bed to remote earth resistance.
9 Up date as built information, location, station name etc.
D Underground Sacrificial Anodes:
1 Check anode materials and dimensions. Check for
2 Check anode back fill.
3 Check anode cable dimensions and check for damage.
4 Check the feeder cable and splicing materials.
5 Check installation details. Take soil sample if required
6 Remove protection, install anode in centre of hole, water
down and compact back fill. Back fill with native soil.
Install cable.
7 Install distribution box.
8 Measure anode free potential and resistance. Make
connections to the structure, measure anode current,
adjust resistor, measure structure potential.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 122

9 Update as built information, location, station name /
E Sacrificial Anodes:
1. Check anode materials and dimensions. Check for
2 Check anode supports and support dimensions.
3 Checking coating if specified (bottom of anode).
4 Check and mark anode locations.
5 Install anodes in correct orientation, secure bolts. Tack
weld bolted supports.
6 Measure anode to structure resistance. Measure
structure to soil potential.
7 Up date as built information (number of anodes, size,
location etc). Update drawings.

Section 2.2: Steps to be taken for Commissioning for Cathodic protection system

A Transformer Rectifier Unit: -

1 Verification of AC power supply and earthing connections.

2 Verification of correct installation of oil, silica gel
3 Energize and test without load for one hour.

4 Testing at 50% capacity for two hours with dummy load

connected to DC side.
5 Testing at 100% capacity for two hours with dummy load
connected to DC side.
6 Calibration of unit’s meters.
7 De-energizing and connecting of DC cables to the
appropriate terminals.
B Solar Generator Stations:-
Tests to be done as per the manufacturer’s manual.
Test will be taken with dummy load connected to the DC
C Ground bed Resistance:-
1 All pre-commissioning tests for surface ground beds and
for deep well ground beds to be done as required by the
supplier of the system.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 123

2 For sacrificial Anodes, installed in soil, the open circuit
potential shall be measured with respect to copper
reference electrode. Dynamic Test Run Data

(i) Test Facilities
- Verify that all test facilities are installed in accordance with the design
- Test facilities shall be listed and where applicable cable marking / identification
shall be confirmed and recorded.
- All test results should be available for commissioning.

A. Impressed Current System: -

1 Instructions and procedures given in the design document
and by the supplier will be followed. All records to be
2 All temporary cathodic protection bonds with foreign
structures and earthing facilities shall be disconnected
3 Power source shall be energized and all out put adjusted
from zero using manual voltage control to obtain desired
structure – to - soil potential at drain point. Record voltage
and current out put.
4 If more than one structure is protected by the same power
source, the current to each structure shall be adjusted as
required by the design document.
5 After at least 24 hours of polarization, the structure to soil
potential at key monitoring stations such as pipeline mid
point and remote location shall be measured at regular
intervals and the necessary adjustment shall be made to
achieve protective potential throughout the structure.
6 Individual anode out put to be measured and recorded.
7 The insulating effectiveness of isolating joints and
isolating flanges shall be checked in accordance with the
B Sacrificial Anodes in Soil: -
1 Before connection of the sacrificial anodes, the natural
potential of the structure and the open circuit potential of
the sacrificial anode shall be measured and recorded at
all test stations including the unprotected side of isolating
joints / flanges

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 124

2 After connection of the anodes the structure potential and
the current at each anode shall be measured and
3 The structure should be allowed to polarize for at least 24
hours, after which the structure to soil potential shall be
measured and recorded at all test stations and compared
with design protection criteria.
4 The structure to soil potential at the unprotected side of
the isolating joint/flanges shall be measured and
recorded. If required isolating joint/flange shall be
checked depending on the measurement.
C Sacrificial Anodes in Water: -
1 Although welded or clamped anodes will operate
automatically when immersed in water, the functioning of
the system shall be checked upon completion or
immersion of the system. Commissioning test consists of
measurement of the structure to electrolyte potential at all
test stations installed. All results to be recorded for future


For the oil plant Tranche-2, Telecom systems mainly consists of (i) CCTV, (ii)
Telephone, (iii) General alarm and public address, (iv) Data and voice network, &
(v) Access control and muster point systems.
These components are identified as subsystem as below:
- SA-A1-2-990/06-0100-CTV
- SA-A1-2-990/02-0100-TES
- SA-A1-2-990/01-0100-PAS
- SA-A1-2-990/01-0110-PAS
- SA-A1-2-990/04-0100-DAS
- SA-A1-2-990/05-0100-ACS Objective
Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 125
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-systems
are commissioned in the safe and controlled mode. System Description

All equipment in telecommunication system shall be powered from 230 V Single
Phase supplied feed from the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units.
- The central PABX is located in the central control building. Connection to
satellite instrument shelter#1 is via copper multi-core cables. Intermediate
Distribution Frames (IDF) is located in satellite instrument shelter#1. The
IDFs are connected to the field marshalling boxes via multi pair copper cables
for further connection of plant area telephones.
- The PA/GA system nodes are provided in the satellite instrument shelter#1.
These nodes are interfaced with each building within the plant areas or field

areas to provide an overall duplicated system designated as ‘System A’ and

‘System B’. As the PA/GA system is designated as a safety system, ‘System
A’ and ‘System B’ cable routes and field equipment are segregated and
connected to separate marshalling boxes.
- The centralized CCTV system equipment is provided in the CCB. The
centralized equipment is interfaced with the CCTV field equipment i.e.
camera stations via CCTV fiber optic patch panels located in SIS#1 to
provide an overall system through fiber optic cable network. The CCTV
cameras are located based upon following criteria to provide the required
coverage within the plant areas. Technical Strategy

- Testing of component of system.
- Confirming compliance of regulatory requirement.
- Taking necessary work permit.
- Commissioning of system in line with the master plan of commissioning.
- Hand over of the commissioned system with necessary documents. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Verification of the installation of all equipments and components.
- Visual checking of all wiring.
- Ground system testing
Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 126
- Preparation of basic checklist applicable to all electrical equipment and

4.3.2 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required

- The commissioning team member should be legally authorized.
- The person involved must have full understanding of the system to be
- No commissioning activity will be done without authorized work permit.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 127

- It should be ensured that all personal protection equipments are available
and are used.
- Instruments used for due to verification of pre commissioning checks should
be in safe conditions for use and of correct specifications.
- Entire commissioning team should have undergone basic safety training and
should be authorized to enter the commissioning area.
- The systems and equipment shall be designed, selected, engineered and
configured so as to provide the highest possible standard of safety, protection
of assets and environment, and ergonomics Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- Not applicable Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- Commissioning team must be made fully aware of specific protections
provided in the system for any specific risks involved in commissioning of the
system on account of environment in which the equipment is operating,
complexicity of operation, finding and recommendation of HAZOP and
specific recommendations from equipment manufacturer.

4.3.3 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements
- Verification team supports having necessary documents, tools and
- Temporary access for check up. Commissioning Consumables

- Not applicable First Fill Requirements

- Not applicable Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- Not applicable

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 128 Vendor and subcontractor requirements
- Commissioning team will require vendors and subcontractor to help them in
handling of material, testing equipment, preparation of temporary access,
temporary communication arrangement, providing material handling facilities. Preservation Requirements

- Not applicable

4.3.4 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification
This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 129 Detailed Commissioning procedure

Sr. Description Reference Check

/ Verify
1 Safety: Ensure that system and equipment are designed,
selected, engineered and configured to provide highest
possible standard of Safety, Protection of assets and
environment and ergonomics. Refer and verify with
relevant standards and specifications for this purpose.
2 Environmental Conditions: Ensure that communication
equipment for external areas are capable of operation in
industrial, humid, and corrosive atmosphere in ambient
temperature between +45 to -36 degree C.
3 Externally installed instrument enclosures and junction

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 130

boxes will meet environmental protection level IP66 as per
IP code.
4 Equipment racks and panels installed in buildings and
shelters will be operating in climatic controlled
environment. However please ensure that in the event of
HVAC failure the equipment is suitable to operate without
malfunction for short duration.
5 Verify that the equipment is suitable to operate safely and
satisfactorily at all expected combinations of operational
and environmental conditions.
General Condition Checks
1 Area Classification: Ensure and verify that electrical and
electronic equipment for installation in hazardous area
zones shall be certified to Zone 1, Gas Group 2B,
temperature T3 in accordance with IEC standards.
2 Ensure that the Company telecom philosophies and
specifications referenced in the contract are used as a
basis of design for the supply of telecommunication
3 Ensure that sufficient space is allocated for
telecommunication systems within any internal area.
4 Check interconnecting copper cables are provided as per
the design and final drawing between the
telecommunication field devices, external marshaling
boxes, and local telecommunication equipment within the
5 Interface requirements: Verify that all interfaces between
telecommunications central system equipment for overall
site and field telecommunication equipment is provided,
system integrity is achieved, and complete integrity test is
6 Operating Requirements: Ensure and verify that the
system is designed, engineered and configured to provide
protection against system failure due to the failure of
critical equipment and / or transmission medium. Also
verify that failure of a single component shall have a
minimum impact on the operation of the system.
7 Check and verify that standardization of the
communication equipment is attempted and variation in
the selection of telecommunication field equipment is kept
to minimum. This is to reduce engineering, procurement,
commissioning, maintenance and training, spare holding
and operation costs.
8 Ensure that the supplier has provided the reliability and
life cycle data for as a part of complete documentation.
Also verify that all documents, records, test report, design

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 131

data, component details are submitted.
9 Verify EMC / RFI immunity: Ensure that all the electronic
equipment are immune to Radio Frequency Interference
(RFI) and shall comply with relevant standards of Electro-
Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). Verify compliance thru
demonstration by way of testing and / or certification.
10 Verify that power supply (230V, 50Hz, single phase) is
available and feed is thru Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) units. Check that suitable size of Circuit Breakers is
provided in the UPS electrical Distribution Board for each
rack or equipment. Check that a non UPS 230, 50Hz,
single phase is also provided to supply non-critical loads
and lighting as applicable to telecommunication
11 Functional Requirements: Ensure that all areas of the
plant within the scope are provided with telephone, data,
access control, PA / GA and CCTV services.
12 Verify that fiber optic cabling and fiber optic backbone net
work is provided to connect marshalling boxes and
termination panels to connect buildings within the plant
and to connect the telecommunication field devices such
as CCTV cameras to SIS (Satellite Instrument Shelter)
A) CCTV System
1 Check the locations of the CCTV cameras installed and
verify that they are as per the finally approved plan and
are providing the required coverage of the plant.
2 Verify that the contractor has supplied camera towers,
fiber optic distribution cables, field fiber optic cables,
marshalling boxes, patch panels, field power supply
cables from the interface points to the cameras and it is
as per the final drawings, specifications and approved
3 Verify that the complete CCTV camera stations including
lens, pan/tilt mount, enclosure/housing, lens wash unit,
telemetry unit, power supply unit, junction box, sun shield
etc are provided as per specifications and installed as per
the approved plan.
4 Verify that 220 Volt power connections are provided to all
camera locations from the power supply distribution boxes
as per the drawing directly or thru UPS depending on
5 Check the number of cameras provided and verifies that
they are as per the final approved plan.
B) Telephone System
1 Verify that the PABX is supplied and installed in

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 132

administration and control building and connection to the
respective Satellite Instrument Shelters is done via multi
core copper cables.
2 Check that interconnection between the Satellite
Instrument Shelter and field marshalling boxes is done.
Verify connections of telephones via cables to telephone
intermediate distribution frames.
3 Check the layout and installation of hazardous area
telephones with acoustic hoods through out the plant area
and verify it with the final layout, drawings and design.
4 Verify that telephones in plant location both external and
internal which are not connected to structured cabling
network are suitable for hazardous area operation.
5 Check that out door telephones are weatherproof, wall
mounted telephones in an acoustic hood and are supplied
as per the project data sheets. Number should be based
on operational and proximity requirement.
C) Public Address and General Alarm System
1 Ensure that PA loudspeakers and their placement based
on the noise study reports are done to ensure audible
coverage of all areas. In noisy areas flashing beacons
shall be provided. As the PA/GA system is designed as a
safety system, System A, System B cable routes, and field
equipment shall be segregated and be connected to
separate marshalling boxes. Please check and verify that
System A, and System B are independently capable of
providing 100% audible coverage in all areas.
2 Check loading on amplifiers of PA / GA systems and
ensure that flashing beacons are provided in the noisy
3 Ensure that loudspeakers and where appropriate flashing
beacons are provided in all rooms, corridors and open
external areas of the plant to provide announcements and
alarm broadcasts.
D) Security and Access Control system
1 Verify the security and access control system provided for
plant and facilities area with the final drawings and plans.
2 Verify that the security and access control system to
restrict and control entry of plant personnel to buildings
and / or rooms by means of card entry system is as per
the approved list and plan.
3 Verify that all the items have been installed as per the
final plan and are of correct specifications as shown on
the drawings / documents.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 133

4 Verify the test reports of trials taken on the different
functions at designated locations for operations such as
central security. Local door security, card readers, vehicle
entry/exit, gate card, pass reader, exit push buttons etc.
5 Check that all cables and wires supplied are as per the
order specifications. They are routed as per the drawing
and are tagged, clamped and connected properly as per
the standard practices.
6 Ensure that Material of construction, painting and coating
of equipment is carried out as per the project
specifications and data sheets.
7 Ensure that each piece of major equipment is provided
with a permanently fixed nameplate for identification. Dynamic Test Run Data

Testing and Inspection

1 Ensure and verify that all inspections and witnessed tests

are done and recorded as per the Quality Plan for the
entire telecommunication system of the plant.
2 Verify that all equipments and materials are tested in
accordance with the applicable specifications, data
sheets, code requirements etc.
3 Check that all Factory Acceptance Testing is carried out
as per the agreed procedures.
4 Ensure that during commissioning exercise, equipment
and qualified personnel required for integrated testing of
the system i.e. PA / GA, external telephone and CCTV
system are available and Factory Certificate of
Acceptance are provided.
5 Verify the condition of all equipment under commissioning
to see that preservation, storage, handling and shipping
has been carried out as per the relevant procedures.
6 Ensure that details for installing, site testing,
commissioning and start-up of the equipment are
available as specified in the Supplier Documentation
Requirements Schedule.
7 Ensure that technical support and supervision is available
from the suppliers to check that the equipment / system is
correctly installed tested and commissioned.
8 Ensure that Commissioning of telecommunication system
includes an audit and inspection of equipment received,
system power up and functional testing of equipment.
Communication shall be established between all

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 134

components of the system and tested.
9 Ensure that Site Acceptance Procedure is in place and is
used to document commissioning.


Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

1 CCTV network block diagram
External telephone network block
Public address and general alarm
block diagram
Access control and muster point
block diagram
Data and voice network block
Telecommunication design basis

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 135


4.4.1 Distributed Control System (DCS)

DCS commissioning is in vendor scope however field mounted Instrumentation
interfaced to DCS is in Petrofac scope. The commissioning procedures for field-
mounted instruments are described in Section 4.4.3 of this manual.

4.4.2 Emergency Shut Down system (ESD)

ESD commissioning is in vendor scope however field mounted instrumentation
interfaced to ESD is in Petrofac scope. The commissioning procedures for field-
mounted instruments are described in Section 4.4.3 of this Manual.

4.4.3 Field, Package & skid mounted Instrumentation INTRODUCTION
For the oil plant Tranche-2 there are various field instruments be commissioned
1. Local indicating instruments: These are local indicating instruments such
as Pressure gauges, temperature gauges, speed indicators, current
indicators, level gauges etc.
2. Local indicating and controlling instruments: These local indicating
instruments have associated controllers and final control elements in the
3. Local mounted instruments interfaced to DCS and ESD: These are
field-mounted instruments having indications on DCS or ESD system. Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above-defined instruments are
commissioned in the safe and controlled mode, prior to hand-over for start-up to

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 136 Commissioning Pre-requisites
- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such as
drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control Instruments are
boxed up properly. Refer P&I diagrams mentioned in attachment.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is checked
& verified for correctness HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT

Obtain permit to work before commissioning any instrumentation system and
Wear every Personal Protection equipment mentioned therein. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- Applicable as mentioned in Permit to Work. Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning



- In the next section, the commissioning procedure for Field, & Package skid
mounted instrument interfaced to DCS is illustrated. Assumptions:
- Instrument Calibration Test and Loop Checks are completed and all test
reports are certified OK.
- DCS/ESD/Local panels are commissioned and display indication for these
instruments are ready.
- Process & Winterisation heat tracing system is ON & working OK.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 137

Section-1: Details of Filed mounted instrument & related procedures
SR Instrument Index Applicable procedure
1 Ultrasonic Flow Meter Annexure 1
2 Venturi Flow Assembly & Flow Mater Annexure 2
3 Magnetic Flow Meter Annexure 3
4 Pitot Tube & Flow Meters Annexure 4
5 Flow Transmitter (Differential Pressure Type) Annexure 5
6 Orifice Plate Annexure 6
7 V.A.Flow meter (Rotameter) Annexure 7
8 Flow Switch Annexure 8
9 Vortex Flow Meter Annexure 9
10 Mass Flow Meter Annexure 10
11 Differential Pressure Gauges Annexure 11
12 Pressure Gauge Annexure 12
13 Pressure Switch Annexure 13
14 Differential Pressure Transmitter Annexure 14
15 Pressure Transmitter Annexure 15
16 Level Gauge Annexure 16
17 Level Transmitter (Differential Pressure Type) Annexure 17
18 Radar Level Transmitter Annexure 18
19 Thermo well Annexure 19
20 Temperature Element Annexure 20
21 Temperature Gauges Annexure 21
22 Temperature Switch Annexure 22
23 Temperature Transmitter Annexure 23
24 Displacer Transmitters Annexure 24
25 Differential Indicator with Switch Annexure 25
26 I/P Converters Annexure 26
27 IP Positioners Annexure 27
28 Local Electronic Indicators Annexure 28
29 Speed Element & Speed Transmitter Annexure 29
30 Current Transmitter Annexure 30
31 Vibration Switch Annexure 31
32 Position Transmitter Annexure 32
33 Axial Displacement position transmitter Annexure 33
34 Open Path Transmitter & Receiver Annexure 34
35 Corrosion Transmitter Annexure 35

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 138

36 Vibration Element & Proximitor Annexure 36
37 Louvre Actuator Annexure 37
38 Rupture Disc Annexure 38
39 Restriction Orifice Annexure 39
40 Self Regulating Valve Annexure 40
41 Pressure Relief Valve Annexure 41
42 Hand Valve Annexure 42
43 Deluge Valve & Solenoid Valve Annexure 43
44 Motor Operated Valve Annexure 44
45 Damper Solenoid Valve & Proximity Switches Annexure 45
46 Solenoid Valve & Proximity Switches Annexure 46
47 ESD\EDV\On-Off Valve with Solenoid & Proximity Switches Annexure 47
48 Control Valve Annexure 48
49 IR Detector (Flame Detector) Annexure 49
50 Ultrasonic Gas Detector Annexure 50
51 Linear Heat Detector Annexure 51
52 Hydrogen Point Detector Annexure 52
53 O2 Depletion Detector Annexure 53
54 Optical Smoke Detector Annexure 54
55 Humidity Probe Annexure 55
56 Analyzer House H2S/RHS Analyzer/RVP Analyzer Annexure 56
57 BS & W Analyzer Annexure 57
58 Oxygen Analyzer Annexure 58
59 Manual call points Annexure 59

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 139

Annexure 1 : Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Tag No:
Vendor Document:
1.1 Commissioning Procedure:
1.1.1 Carry out checks to ensure that ultrasonic flow meter is installed as per
vendor document and safe to apply power.
1.1.2 Check that terminations inside the enclosures are secured tight.
1.1.3 Switch ON the power for Ultrasonic flow meter.
1.1.4 Observe various systems lights are illuminated.
1.1.5 Observe that PLC display illuminates with welcome message and reverts to
normal operation mode after completion of boot procedure.
1.1.6 Confirm that flow indication on DCS is "OK" from paneloperator.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 140

Annexure 2: Venturi Flow Assembly & Flow Mater
Tag No/Nos.

Vendor Document:
2.1 Commissioning Procedure:
2.1.1 Carry out checks to ensure that Venturi Assembly and associated
transmitters are installed as per vendor document and are powered ON.
2.1.2 Check that flow arrow direction on Venturi matches with actual process flow
2.1.3 Check both HP and LP impulse lines are secured and the isolation valves
are closed.
2.1.4 Check that associated DP transmitters are installed properly and the
respective isolation valves are closed at manifold with equalizing valve in
Open condition.
2.1.5 Open the first isolation valves at HP&LP tappings of venturi and observe
there are no leakages.
2.1.6 Slowly open LP tapping Isolation valve and then HP tapping isolation valve
at the manifold. Once both valves are open close the equalizing valve.
2.1.7 At DCS/ESD panel check and confirm the status of associated alarms

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 141

Annexure 3: Magnetic Flow Meter


Vendor Document:

3.1 Commissioning Procedure:

3.1.1 Carry out checks to ensure that all Magnetic Flow Meters are installed as
per vendor document and are powered ON.
3.1.2 Observe that there are no leakages around Magnetic flow meter.
3.1.3 Check the associated indication at DCS /ESD is proper from panel

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 142

Annexure 4: Pitot Tube & Flow Meters


Vendor Document:

4.1 Commissioning Procedure:

4.1.1 Carry out checks to ensure that all Pitot Tubes and associated transmitters
are installed as per vendor document and are powered ON.
4.1.2 Ensure that isolation valves on both tappings are in closed position.
4.1.3 Ensure that isolation valves and equalizing valve at manifold of associated
DP transmitter is in closed position and open position respectively.
4.1.4 Observe that there are no leakages around Pitot tubes and associated
4.1.5 Slowly open isolation valves of both tappings and then open isolation
valves on manifold and close the equalizing valve.
4.1.6 Check the associated indication at DCS /ESD is proper from panel

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 143

Annexure 5: Flow Transmitter (Differential Pressure Type)



5.1 Check List

5.1.1 Ensure that differential transmitter has been calibrated and test report is ok.
5.1.2 Ensure that all pipes and fittings are in a perfectly clean condition. Before
connecting any pipes clean them thoroughly.
5.1.3 Ensure that installation of the differential pressure transmitter & its
accessories is complete.
5.1.4 Ensure that there are no leakages and sealed capillaries are secured.
5.1.5 Isolate the first isolation valves for both (hp&lp) tappings.
5.1.6 Isolate the isolation valves at the manifold (if manifold is provided)
5.1.7 Close the equalizing valve at manifold (if manifold is provided)

5.2 Electrical/Instrumentation Requirements

5.2.1 Ensure that cable is properly connected and power is ON.
5.2.2 Ensure that DCS (configuration) for this flow transmitter is ready.

5.3 Commissioning Procedure

5.3.1 Open the first isolation valves at both (HP&LP) tappings.
5.3.2 Slowly open the HP isolation valve & then open LP isolation valve on
5.3.3 Close the equalization valve on manifold.
5.3.4 Check the flow indication at the DCS.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 144

For the Flash Gas Compressor condition-monitoring system is provided and it is to
be commissioned. It comprises of
1. Machine mounted sensing instruments: These are sensors mounted at
casing, bearings, thrust pads of rotary machine.
2. Junction boxes housing signal transmitters for sensors: These
transmitters convert signals received from sensors and transmit them to
monitors of condition monitoring system.
3. Panel mounted racks for condition monitors and other interfacing
electronics cards: These are field mounted instrument racks housing
monitors, which are local indicators for condition monitoring signals. Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above-defined instruments are
commissioned in the safe and controlled mode, prior to hand-over for start-up to
Operation. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such as
drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control Instruments are
boxed up properly. Refer P&I diagrams mentioned in attachment.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is checked
& verified for correctness HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT

Obtain permit to work before commissioning any instrumentation system and
wear every Personal Protection equipment mentioned therein. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- Applicable as mentioned in Permit to Work. Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- Not applicable

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 145 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS

In the next section, the commissioning procedure for Condition monitoring system
is illustrated.

Condition Monitoring system

Condition monitoring system server cabinet for Flash Gas Compressor is installed
in SIS#1.The server has a CPU, 19" Monitor, keyboard and network associated
with it. The network hub connects this server DAQ to VMS (Vibration Monitoring
system) cabinets A1-3600-JK-182, 182,183 via Ethernet ports and cables. Server
DAQ is connected to plant historians and system display workstations via RTIMS
switch & fiber optic cables.
The server has software named System 1 for condition monitoring of connected
rotary machines having VMS cabinets, which monitor various signals from sensors
installed at rotary machine.

- Ensure that all the sensors on rotary machines are installed properly along
with their respective transmitters.
- Ensure that all the VMS (vibration monitoring systems) are properly
installed and connected to field sensors.
- Ensure that all VMS are also interfaced with Condition monitoring system in
- Ensure that CMS system server has System1 software installed on it and
all the Conditioning monitoring sensors are configured to receive signals
and show graphical displays.
- Ensure that power to CMS system is OFF.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 146

Electrical /Instrumentation Requirements
- Ensure the electrical, signal and Ethernet cables are properly connected to
Condition monitoring system.

Commissioning Procedure
- Switch ON the power for individual VMS and ensure that all monitors are
Showing Healthy status.
- Switch ON the power for Condition Monitoring system and all associated
components of the system.
- Switch on the server and see that it shows the graphical display of all VMS
and it updates the display as per the condition of machine.
- For various vibration sensors commissioning procedure please refer to
Section 4.4.3 of this commissioning manual.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 147


All valves defined as “Tight Shutoff” on the P&I diagrams or in their engineering
datasheet are treated as special cases for testing. “Tight Shutoff” valves are to be
proved during the individal leak test. This will require phased pressurization of the
system to prove the valve both upstream and downstream of the valve. The test is
to determine if the isolation valves are holding at the specified pressure without
passing. It should be noted that some valve types have have a pressure preferred
end i.e. tight shutoff in one flow direction only.

A generic procedure developed for the testing of the TSO’s is illustrated below

The actual line-up required during leak test & its required test pressure is mentioned
in individual system procedure.

The use of Ultrasonic flow-meters shall be considered for larger leaks, however it
will be necessary to sample a vent point to ensure a valve has not passed.Monitoring
pressure drop will not be sufficient. SAFETY

Testing with high-pressure gas is potentially hazardous and thus all applicable
local safety rules and adequate safety measures shall be followed. TEST EQUIPMENT

The test equipment shall be appropriately selected to

A) Apply and maintain test pressure

B) Measure and record time, pressure and leakage

C) Safely vent off excess pressure

D) The equipment shall be divided into pressurising and measuring section

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 148

QC- Quick coupling
PR- Pressure regulator
IV- Isolation Valve
1- Pressurising Gas
2- Vent
3- Pressure recorder
4- Probe
5- Gas flow meter
6- Mass spectrometer
7- Flow rotameter
8- Hose
9- Measuring cylinder
10- Safe location TEST DESCRIPTION

Sr Description
1 The system shall be reduced to bare minimum in order to avoid the loss of test
gas as well as reduce test time and interference due to other leaks
2 Blind the nearest upstream flanges or isolate the nearest upstream block
valves with respect to the tight shut-off valve in question such that there is at
least one vent or drain avaibable upstream of the tight shut off valve
3 Blind the nearest downstream flanges or isolate the nearest downstream block
valves with respect to the tight shut-off valve in question such that there is at
least one vent or drain available downstream of the tight shut off valve
4 If only isolation has been done then at least one vent or drain upstream and

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 149

downstream of all branches of the system should be open to avoid
pressurisation of the downstream lines and equipment due to leakage.
5 The integrity of the pressurising system should be checked beforehand
6 The pressuring system shall be provided with a relief valve with a setting of
110% of the test pressure
7 Ensure that the helium mass spectrometer is properly calibrated
8 Close the tight shut-off valve
9 Connect the downstream drain or vent to the measuring system and open the
10 Connect the upstream drain or vent to the pressurising system and open the
11 The control of the flow will be by the pressure regulator
12 The pressure will be increased as per the leak test sequence
13 Start injecting test gas until the operating pressure on the 1st step of pressure
is reached. Place a new recorder chart on the pressure recorder. Ensure the
chart is turning. The chart will be marked with the system number, date, and
time of test start
14 Close the pressure regulator and hold
15 Check the leakage rate of bubbles per minute
16 As it may take some time before the helium migrates towards the measuring
system, the system must be held at leak test pressure fo at least an hour.
17 Thereafter the leakage rate can be measured by helium detector.
18 If it is within the required limits, increase test gas pressure upto the next step
and repeat the procedure until maximum leak test pressure is reached
19 If the leakage rate is high, drop the valve and check for debris/foreign material
stuck in the valve/line. Clear if any. Check the closure of the valve. Relocate to
workshop, test in test rig and reinstall on the line again. Repeat the test from
the beginning
19 Following a successful test, depressurise the system, in stages to avoid
shocking the system and attach the pressure-recording chart(DCS printout) to
the commissioning file documentation.
20 Repeat the procedure to test the leakage rate from the downstream side by
reversing the location of the pressurising and measuring sections REFERENCES

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 150


This section includes commissioning requirement for plant piping. Plant piping can
be of utility distribution, process piping, piping requiring special treatment like
compressor suction piping and re-circulation cooling water circuit piping.


Based on the type of fluid handled, pipe MOC and internal wall conditions,
pipe-cleaning method shall be selected from following alternatives:
2. Cleaning by water / Hydro jetting
3. Air Flushing
4. Steam Flushing
5. Chemical cleaning
6. Oil flushing Cleaning By Water

As a rule, water flushing shall be done for pipes in liquid service. If cleaning by
water is not suitable then other methods should be used. Following procedure
shall be used for water flushing.
1. Keep low point drains and high point vents open.
2. Open low point flanges during initial flushing, wherever possible.
3. All instrument connections should be isolated, orifice plates removed,
control valves dropped or isolated and by passed. In case there is no
bypass facility provided, remove control valves, provide spool piece and
flush the line. Orifice plate and control valves can be installed only after the
total flushing of the loop is over.
4. If there is any heat exchanger in the line, flushing should be done up to
inlet of heat exchanger and around the exchanger using bypass line. It
should be ensured that dirty water from initial flushing does not get into the
exchanger. Wherever by-passes are not available, the flanged joint

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 151

at the inlet of heat exchanger should be first opened (the exchanger nozzle
should be covered thereby isolating the exchanger internals) and the line
flushed till clear water starts coming out. Then reconnect flange and flush
through the exchanger.
5. At each opening of the flanged joint, a thin metallic sheet should be
inserted to prevent dirty water from entering the equipment or piping.
6. The flow of water should preferably be from top to bottom for flushing of
heat exchangers/coolers. The bottom flange of the equipment should be
opened to permit proper flushing.
7. Flushing should be carried out with maximum possible flow of water till
clear water starts coming out.
8. Vertical lines which are long and rather big (say over 100 mm diameter)
should preferably be flushed from top to bottom. This will ensure better
flushing. Filling the lines and releasing from bottom is also helpful.
Temporary water connection at suitable points can be made to carry out
flushing operation. The run down lines should be flushed from the unit to
the respective tanks or tanks to unit.
9. It should be ensured in all flushing operations that design pressure of
lines and equipment are never exceeded. After flushing of lines and
equipment, water should be thoroughly drained from all low points. Lines
and equipment containing pockets of water should not be left idle for a long
time; it is preferable to dry these lines and equipment with air after water
flushing. During water flushing wherever applicable for the equipment
having demisters, the demisters are to be removed and shall be installed
only after flushing and subsequent drying with air is completed.
10. For flushing of stainless steel lines and equipment, DM water shall be used.
11. In case the piping, which is used in gas service is being cleaned by
water, temporary pipe supports may have to be installed. Confirmation
from engineering departments should be obtained regarding weight
carrying capability of these lines, prior to introducing water.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 152 Air Blowing / Flushing
Air flushing is done for pipes in gas service or low temperature service. If
sufficient air is not available then pipes can be cleaned by pressurisation and
depressurisation with bursting disc of cardboard or gasket material. Pressure
should not be increased beyond design pressure. Larger diameter pipe-lines,
which cannot be water flushed properly shall be air blown completely with
strong flow of air to clean and dry the lines. The instruments and control valves
shall be isolated/removed from the system before flushing.Equipment shall be
disconnected to prevent entry of flushed material.
Safety valves and rupture discs are to be isolated or removed during the
flushing. Strainer elements to be kept removed during the flushing operation.
Surrounding area where air blowing is taking place should be cordoned off to
stop entry of personnel and avoid any injury. Steam Flushing

Steam flushing shall be done mainly for steam lines. It is preferable that
insulation should be complete otherwise lot of condensate formation will take
place when steam is charged. Hot un-insulated pipes may cause injury to
personnel. During cleaning by steam is performed thermal expansion of pipe
should be taken into consideration.
Following procedure should be followed.
1. Remove orifice plates, control valves and temperature elements.
2. Spool piece to be put in place of control valves, flow meters etc. In case
the above instruments have been provided with a bypass, isolate the
instrument and open bypass.
3. Disconnect equipment to avoid entry of flushed material.
4. If necessary make temporary arrangement like silencer, for steam
blowing at open end of the pipe. Open end of the pipe should be routed
to safe location.
5. Open steam trap bypass valves, and isolate steam traps.
6. Slowly allow steam to heat the pipe and then flush thoroughly with a
strong flow of steam. Avoid steam hammering by draining condensate

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 153

properly. Repeat this operation after allowing the line to cool for effective
7. Check pipeline supports and loops for expansion.
8. If the steam header supplies steam to turbine, use of target plates should
be made to ascertain cleaning. Target blowing should be done
intermittently allowing the line to cool in between. Blowing is to be
continued till target plate does not have more than one dot per square
cm (This criteria should be ascertained from the turbine vendor).
9. After blowing is over, allow the pipe to cool, with vent open to prevent
vacuum pulling. Open drip leg flanges and remove accumulated muck.
Then box up the line. Install the control valves and orifice plates. Chemical Cleaning

Important pipes such as lube oil pipe for compressors and suction line of
compressor etc. are chemically cleaned by acid and soda solution etc.
Following description applies to cleaning of suction line of compressors.Other
lines are also cleaned in a similar way. The suction line of compressor, mainly
from K.O. drum to compressor flange and minimum flow line, should be
cleaned of grease, rust, scales etc., otherwise these materials when carried
into the compressor, will scour packing rings, piston rods,cylinder lining etc in
case of reciprocating compressor and may erode the impeller in case of
centrifugal compressor. It may also damage the loading valves. The lube oil
system also should be cleaned thoroughly in order to avoid the possible
damage to the compressor bearings by the rust, welding beads etc. The
following typical procedure may be adopted for cleaning the piping, which does
not involve any other material other than carbon steel, in the system. The
sequence of operations will be as follows:
(i) Flushing with water to remove dirt, dust, loose rust & any foreign
(ii) Degreasing
(iii) Inhibited acid circulation
(iv) Rinsing
(v) Passivation

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 154

(vi) Drying

The steps to be taken during chemical cleaning:

1. Isolate the suction piping from the rest of the system, by insertion of
2. Rig up a tank and circulation pump with auxiliary facilities such as heating
arrangement, hoses, and temperature gauges etc. This facility should be
prepared for suction piping cleaning, making closed loop.
3. Flush the loop with water so as to remove all extraneous matter, dirt
4. Prepare sodium hydroxide solution of concentration 50 gms/litre (on
100% purity basis) and circulate for about 2 hours, with a temperature
of 65 to 750C.
5. Drain the sodium hydroxide solution. Fill with system with fresh water and
drain. This operation of rinsing is to be continued till the inlet and outlet
water pH are the same.
6. Prepare HCL solution 5-12% by wt. Add inhibitor as recommended by
the manufacturer. Circulate for 4 hours, maintaining a temperature of
60 to 650c. However strength of acid and duration of circulation shall
be decided based on inspection.
7. Drain the inhibited acid and rinse the system with water. Rinsing
operation is to be continued till the inlet and outlet water pH are the same.
8. Prepare 1 to 1.5% by wt. sodium hexametaphosphate solution with PH
adjusted to 5.5 to 6.5 and circulate for about 2 to 4 hours, maintaining a
temperature of 70 to 75 degC. This operation should immediately
follow the flushing operation in order to prevent re-oxidation.
9. Drain the passivating solution (with no water flush).
10. Dry the circuit with clean dry air.
11. If the piping is not used immediately, then pickled lines should be
preserved in clean, dry condition.
12. The pickling operation will be controlled by frequent analysis of strength
of chemicals at various stages.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 155

13. After the pickling/passivation operation the lines are to be kept under
N2/Instrument air depending on availability.
➔ Note: Depending upon the site condition the facilities required for acid
pickling and the detailed procedure should be worked out. The above listed
procedure is subject to changes, considering the nature of the operation. It is
meant to serve as guidelines. The compressor vendors may also be consulted
for performing this step. Also in the case of larger diameter piping where acid
pickling is not practicable, sand blasting and hydro jetting may have to be
resorted to. Oil Flushing

Oil flushing is generally done, for lube oil circuit, after chemical cleaning.
Lube oil circuit is normally chemically cleaned and passivated by vendor in
his shop and arrive as a sealed unit. At site only oil flushing may be required
to be done as follows: -
1. Oil is taken in the sump and wire mesh of size 200 mesh is installed in
the circuit.
2. A good flushing oil is circulated. It is continued till no extraneous
substances are found on the wire mesh.
3. After the flushing is over, flushing oil is replaced by normal lube oil.
➔ Note: If Chemical cleaning and passivation of lube oil system is not done
in the shop, it may have to be done at site as given. Compressor vendor’s
instructions will override the above instructions.


- None

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 156


Mechanical equipment to be tested as per procedures outlined in this section and
as per vendor commissioning procedures for the respective equipment.
This section includes mechanical equipment such as
- Centrifugal Pumps.
- Reciprocating Pumps.
- Centrifugal Compressors.
- Air fin coolers Objective
The purpose of this section is to provide the important commissioning checks to be
carried out during commissioning of mechanical equipment. System Description

(i) Centrifugal Pumps

Following pumps from Oil plant Tranche-2 to be commissioned as per commissioning
procedure given in this section. Please also refer the manufacturer’s manual for
commissioning procedure of individual items.
Reference Document
Sr. Description Tag Number Number

(ii) Reciprocating Pumps-:

Following pumps from Oil plant Tranche-2 to be commissioned as per commissioning
procedure given in this section. Please also refer the manufacturer’s manual for
commissioning procedure of individual items.
Reference Document
Sr. Description Tag Number

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 157

(iii) Centrifugal Compressors-:
Following compressors from Oil plant Tranche-2 to be commissioned as per
commissioning procedure given in this section. Please also refer the manufacturer’s
manual for commissioning procedure of individual items.

Sr. Description Tag Number Reference Document Number

(iv) Air fin coolers-:

Following air fin coolers from Oil plant Tranche-2 to be commissioned as per
commissioning procedure given in this section. Please also refer the manufacturer’s
manual for commissioning procedure of individual items.

Sr. Description Tag Number Reference Document Number

4.6.2 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

The following points are generally applicable to mechanical Equipment. Points
specific to particular types of equipment are included in the subsequent sections.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 158

1. Check that all packing materials and protective devices used during transport
and handling have been removed from the equipment, such as shock- absorbent
materials from machined faces, blanking plates from orifices, blocking of shafts
or rolling bearings and restraining devices from instruments, safety devices and
protective equipment.
2. Check whether special (maintenance) tools and instruction manuals have been
3. Check that the nameplate is properly attached to the equipment in accordance
with the specification. Compare the nameplate rating with the Equipment Record
Card and note any variations.
4. Check the foundation bolts to make sure that they are straight and vertical and
securely tightened. Shims should be located on either side of each foundation
bolt and made in one piece. Layers of thin plates shall not be used.
5. Check whether the specified grouting is used and properly applied to base
plate and support.
6. Check that the insulation and fireproofing have been applied in accordance
with the specification and that precautions have been taken to prevent the
ingress of water.
7. Check and inspect any alterations made during plant construction and erection
for compliance with the design specification, and record any deviations.
8. Check that specified materials have been used, and that welding, heat treatment,
stress relieving and non-destructive testing have been carried out properly and
fully documented.
9. Check wall thicknesses of shells, heat exchanger and furnace tubes, andnozzles
and compare them with those stated on the Equipment Record Cards. Correct
and complete these cards as necessary.
10. Check that the nozzle facings, flanges, flange finish, gaskets and stud bolts are
in accordance with specified requirements and the alignment of flanges on
process connections is correct.
11. Check the equipment for internal cleanliness before final sealing.
12. Check that the applied surface protection system complies with specified

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 159

13. Check that earth bosses are connected and in electrical contact with the shell.
14. Check that ladders, stairways, platforms and walkways are correctly installed,
with handrails and flooring properly secured. Check operating platforms for
alternative escape routes, which shall be freely accessible and clearly indicated.
15. Especially with vacuum equipment, if out-of-roundness, bulges or dents are
suspected as a result of transport, handling, field welding or other cause, check
the equipment and report any such defects. Procedures for rectification of any
damage shall be agreed between the COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR.
16. Field welds shall be non-destructively tested where so specified, and the results
17. If a hydrostatic test is required in accordance with the design code and has not
been carried out at the Manufacturer's works, such a test shall be performed
locally along with the field-erected equipment. Particular attention shall be paid
to those parts of equipment, which have been modified during construction and
18. A general inspection is required to check personnel hazards (e.g. tripping and
headroom) associated with the accessibility of operating equipment. Hazards
shall be removed or permanently marked and additional access provided as
19. Ensure that MC & PC check sheets and dossiers are properly updated
20. Ensure that Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of
Kazakhstan) is available Detailed Commissioning Procedure

(i) Prior to starting the equipments (e.g. Pumps, Compressors), ensure that
conditions of service(s) are in accordance with the data & specific information
supplied by manufactures. If the conditions are other than intended,
manufactures approval is required. To avoid damages because of
inexperienced handling and to have a good instruction for the personnel,the
operating manual of the respective equipment should be followed.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 160

(ii) Carefully study the specific manufacturer instruction manual(s). This
procedure does not substitute in any way or relieve from the need and
obligation of consulting thoroughly manufacturer instruction manuals before
any plant activities as stand-by, initial start-up and following refer to:
instruction manual
(iii) For the additional as well as specific conditions required during initial run (e.g.
the initial line-up, temporary connections, applicable interlocks etc.), refer the
applicable information mentioned in dynamic functioning test section of the
individual sub-system commissioning procedure.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 161 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Actions before start up

1. The bearing housing must be filled with the specified oil. Ensure that oil is
properly filled to the marked level.
2. The pump hydraulic section must be completely dipped in pumping liquid to
avoid running dry and to guarantee a correct performance of the pump, for
minimum liquid level refer to General Arrangement Drawing.
3. Check the direction of rotation of the pump (Coupling spacer dismantled).
4. The pump rotor and the shaft seal must be in correct axial position.
5. All pipe work, including the internal and the auxiliary pipe work, must be
connected correctly and must be absolutely tight. Check the tightness of all
connections of the auxiliary pipe work. The suction valve must be open; the
discharge valve shall be closed.
6. Turn the pump by hand, if needed with help of a lengthening lever, several
times to check whether all parts can move freely. The pump must turn
uniformly and noiselessly. A certain amount of uniform resistance caused
by friction in bearings and sealing is normal. If the performance is not smooth
and silent, check the defect and correct it before start up.
7. Check the sealing system with all auxiliary pipe work and auxiliary systems,
if applicable Starting the Pump

1. Start the driver according to manufacturer instructions
2. Check immediately if the pump can reach in short time the specified head.
The pump must turn smoothly and without vibrations. The cause of any
failure must be checked immediately; otherwise the pump seal or the bearing
may be damaged. Vibration velocity: 4,5 mm/sec.
3. If the pump is working properly, open the discharge valve during a period of
30 sec. slowly until the rated discharge pressure/ discharge volume is
➔ Because of danger of overheating the pump must not operate longer than
30 sec. against closed discharge valve.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 162

➔ Stop the unit immediately if any abnormalities are observed. For
troubleshooting, refer the ‘Technical manual’ supplied by the manufacturer Starting a stand by pump respectively parallel operation

1. The pump must be filled completely and the discharge valve open, provided
that next to this valve a non-return valve is installed, which will disconnect
the pump from the back pressure of the system.
2. Follow Step 1 to 3 mentioned above in “ Starting the Pump"
3. Ensure that the non-return valve is fully open and pump is discharging to the
system. After reaching the respective discharge pressure, the first pumpcan
be stopped. Inspection during operation

1. The pump shall be operated between min. flow and 110 % of the rated
capacity during normal operation. Therefore take care that the pump is only
working against suitable discharge pressure. More than 110 % liquid flow is
never allowed, less than min. flow shall not take place longer than 60 sec.
2. The bearing temperature shall not exceed 80 deg C, reaching 90 deg C the
pump shall be shut down and checked. New bearings can cause higher
temperatures in the first service hours.
3. From time to time check the condition of pump seal
4. Observe the power consumption of the pump is normal to avoid excessive
wear. Stopping the pump

1. Before stopping the pump close the discharge valve slowly to avoid
pressure pulsation in the piping system and in the pump & then
2. Stop the pump immediately.
➔ Because of danger of overheating the pump must not operate longer
than 30 sec. against closed discharge valve.
➔ It is a good practice to observe the shaft or the coupling during the
moment of stopping to check the smooth and even running out of the pump.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 163 RECIPROCATING PUMPS Actions before start up

1. Review the manufacturer’s operating manual for the necessary pre-
commissioning checks;
2. Ensure all equipment has been lubricated and serviced in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions;
3. Ensure that the pump and motor are properly bolted to the base plate and
that any grouting is completed;
4. Ensure that both the pump and the motor will freely rotate by hand with no
evidence of rubbing;
5. Remove the coupling and check that the pump and motor both rotate in the
same direction, bump the motor as per the manufacturer’s recommendation
to ensure correct rotation;
6. Install the coupling and complete the alignment;
7. Ensure the electrical ground connection is in place;
8. Check the suction and discharge valve assembly and valve housings for
cleanliness and check whether the valves are correctly assembled;
9. The pumps should not be connected to piping until the water flush of the
lines is complete.
10. Ensure that discharge side of pump is protected by calibrated safety valve Starting the Pump

1. Check any specific Manufacturer instructions. If stroke adjusting devices
are installed the Manufacturer's handling instructions shall be followed. (In
principle the start-up should be at a minimum capacity / Zero stroke);
2. Supply the specified utilities, e.g. steam, cooling water;
3. Supply, if applicable, steam to heating jackets;
4. Start the lube oil unit and seal liquid supply;
5. Open the suction and discharge valves.
6. Start the drive according to manufactures instructions.
➔ The reciprocating pump should not be started against closed discharge
7. Check the mechanical performance of the pump and its lubrication

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 164

8. Check and record vibration of pump and piping
9. Check whether pump noise exceeds specified limits
➔ Stop the unit immediately if any abnormalities are observed. For
troubleshooting, refer the ‘Technical manual’ supplied by the manufacturer
10. Let pump deliver at minimum pressure in order to ensure good venting of
pipelines and pump for 30 minutes Inspection during operation

1. At start, the reciprocating pump to be operated at minimum load (Zero stroke)

and then in steps, the strokes can be increased to test its full capacity.
➔ The stroke length can be adjusted with the pump running or stopped, via
the hand wheel and read off on the scale disc.
➔ Ensure that the discharge pressure of the pump is always lesser than the
set pressure of its connected PSV.
2. The bearing temperature shall not exceed 80 deg C, reaching 90 deg C the
pump shall be shut down and checked. New bearings can cause higher
temperatures in the first service hours.
3. From time to time check the condition of pump seal & any leakages.
4. Observe the power consumption of the pump is normal to avoid excessive
5. Once the performance is satisfactory, the pump can be stopped & discharge
valve can be kept closed

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 165 CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR Actions before start up

1. Review the manufacturer’s operating manual for the necessary
commissioning checks.
➔ Sometimes a compressor is used to dry and clean the process installation
using the Test gas (e.g. Air or Fuel gas). The molecular weight and the K
value of the Test gas may differ from those of the process gas in the
compressor. It is advisable to contact the Manufacturer if such operation is
foreseen or required, as the compressor may have to beoperated at reduced
speed and pressure;
➔ Conditions for the test shall be mutually agreed between equipment
Manufacturer, CONTRACTOR and COMPANY;
2. Ensure all equipment has been lubricated and serviced in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Check that the unit is installed correctly in accordance with P&IDs and that
all “shipped loose” items have been installed correctly.
4. Execute all mechanical checks to ensure proper foundation bolting,
compressor alignment, Piping supports, and Casing expansion checks.
5. Ensure the healthy commissioning, running and operation of Lube oil and
seal gas circuits. Check that the auxiliary lube oil pump cuts in at correct
6. Verify and check all alarm and trip/safety device settings and their proper
functioning by simulation of the alarm-trip condition/signal from the sensing
7. After satisfactory completion of the alarm-safety checks, the compressor can
be coupled to the driver. Ensure the final checks as recommended by vendor
specific to Compressors;
8. Check proper installation of coupling guard. Starting the compressor

1. Prior to starting the unit on process gas, it shall be purged with nitrogen;

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 166

2. Start lube systems after purging with nitrogen, but prior to pressurizing
the unit;
3. When lube and seal gas flows, levels, pressure and temperature are
found to be satisfactory, start pressurizing the compressor with process
gas. Stop the unit immediately if abnormalities are observed;
4. Start the compressor according to manufactures instructions
5. Check the mechanical performance of the compressor & its lubrication
6. Check and record vibration of pump and piping’
7. Check whether noise exceeds specified limits’
8. Check and record the mechanical performance of the compressor at the
duty point, e.g. bearing temperature, vibration levels.
➔ Stop the unit immediately if any abnormalities are observed. For
troubleshooting, refer the ‘Technical manual’ supplied by manufacturer. Inspection during operation
1. Check and record vibration levels and leakages regularly, particularly
after a change in operating conditions, and confirm they are within specified
2. Check and record the oil/gas flows, pressures and temperaturesregularly,
particularly after a change in operating conditions;
3. Once the unit is up to rated conditions, check the surge protection system.
Verifying the settings of this protection system may result insurging of
the compressor, and therefore shall be carried out by qualified personnel
4. When satisfactory operation is obtained and all outstanding matters have
been dealt with, the unit is ready for the plant performance test Stopping the Compressor
1. After successful completion of the test the unit may be stopped for
adjustment of safety devices or inspection. Whenever the differential
pressure across the strainer reaches prescribed limit, the unit shall be
stopped and the strainer cleaned;
2. Take an oil sample and check it for presence of water and cleanliness;
3. Once it can be safely assumed that the system is clean, the fine mesh shall
be removed. The perforated cone, however, remains in place.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 167 AIR-FIN COOLERS & AIR-COOLED HEAT EXCHANGER
The guidelines given herein cover general and equipment dedicated
activities required for the reasonably comprehensive commissioning of these
units. Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

1. Check that all packing materials and protective devices used during
transport and handling have been removed from the equipment, such as
shock-absorbent materials from machined faces, blanking plates from
orifices, blocking of shafts or rolling bearings and restraining devices from
instruments, safety devices and protective equipment.
2. Remove finned tubes protection sheets (where tubes are covered) and
check exchanger surface for complete clearance. Check that special
(maintenance) tools and instruction manuals have been supplied.
Carefully study the specific Manufacturer Instruction manuals (motors,
fans, bearings, instruments, etc.) before the initial start-up. All the above-
mentioned documents are in Technical operating and maintenance
3. Check that the nameplate is properly attached to the equipment. Compare
the nameplate rating with the Equipment Record.
4. Check the foundation bolts to make sure that they are in a straight and
vertical position and securely tightened.
5. Check whether the specified grouting is used and properly applied to base-
plate and support.
6. Check that the insulation and fireproofing have been applied inaccordance
with the specification and that precautions have been takento prevent the
ingress of water.
7. Check and inspect any alterations made during plant construction and
erection for compliance with the design specification, and record any

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 168

8. Check that the nozzle facings, flanges, flange finish, gaskets and stud bolts
are in accordance with specified requirements and that the alignment of
flanges on process connections is correct.
9. Check the equipment for internal cleanliness before final sealing.
10. Check that inlet piping has been thoroughly flushed to prevent entrance of
dirt and debris into the tube bundles; drain any flushing fluid from the tube
11. Check that the applied surface protection system complies with specified
12. Check that earth bosses are connected and in electrical contact with the
13. Check that ladders, stairways, platforms and walkways are correctly
installed. With handrails and flooring properly secured.
14. Check operating platforms for alternative escape routes, which shall be
freely accessible and clearly indicated.
15. Check for damages, bulges or dents as a result of transport, handling,
field welding or other cause, check the equipment and report any such
defects. Procedures for rectification of any damage shall be agreed
between the Purchaser and the Supplier.
16. Instrumentation required for a proper function test of the mechanical
equipment shall be suitable and in good conditions.
17. A general inspection is required to check personnel hazards (e.g. tripping
and headroom) associated with the accessibility of operation equipment. Checks during commissioning

1. Check finned tubes protection sheets have been removed, check
exchanger surface for complete clearance
2. Make sure that air seals between adjacent bundle frames have been
properly installed.
3. Make sure that all temporary header-fixing bolts have been removed.
4. Check that inlet piping has been thoroughly flushed to prevent entrance of
dirt and debris into the tube bundles; drain any flushing fluid from the tube

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 169

5. The tube bundles have been hydrostatic tested to 130% the design
pressure at the Manufacturer's shop. To verify that no damages have
occurred during shipment and/or erection, it is a good practice to
hydrostatic retest the system (heat exchanger bundles, piping, etc.) prior to
start-up activities.
6. Check the clearance between blade tips and fan ring and check for equal
and proper pitch angle setting of all fan blades.
7. Check whether fins of the cooler tubes have been damaged during
transport or handling. Damaged fins may be straightened if practicable;
otherwise damaged tubes should be replaced.
8. Make sure that all temporary header-fixing bolts have been removed,
refer to Section Technical operating and maintenance manual.
9. Check the sliding supports of header box for free and unobstructed moving.
10. Check the proper operation of the louver adjustment mechanism, if fitted.
Set the louver control on manual mode and check for correct blade travel
response to the control signal.
11. Bearings of fans and drives shall be inspected for cleanliness and proper
12. The correct fan rotation and blade setting shall be checked.
13. Air Cooled Heat Exchangers have been tested at the Manufacturer'sworks
in accordance with the design test pressures specified in the relevant code.
After assembly the sections shall be tested together with the associated
piping in accordance with the relevant codes.
14. To verify that no damages have occurred during shipment and for erection,
it is a good practice to hydro-statically retest the system (heat exchanger
bundles, piping, etc.) prior to start-up activities, in accordance with local
regulations. It is good practice, however, to test the tightness of the bundle.
Pneumatic testing at I bar (g) is normally sufficient.
15. It is essential to remove the test water by air blowing and drying, after hydro

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 170 Checks during initial operation

a) Electric motors
➔ Check the temperature of the motor and fan shaft bearings for excessive heat.
The units should run for several hours, during that period check repeatedly for
abnormal or sudden heating. Consult the motor manufacturer's instructions for
maximum allowable start-up and operating working temperatures. Refer to Motor
Manufacturer Installation in: Technical operating and maintenance manual

b) Tube bundle
➔ If tube leaks: should a leak occur, take the adequate fire prevention measures
and all required and proper measures finalized to avoid other hazards, such as
contamination of personnel and environment.
When a leak occurs at the plug sheet side, fasten he plug more tightly. If this don
not solve problem, isolate the tube bundle concerned and replace the gasket. At
this time, check the gasket surface of the plug sheet, whether it is free from
damages and impurities. Clean thoroughly before mounting the new gasket.
In the case of a leak at the tube-sheet side, isolate the equipment (tube bundle)
concerned and take corrective actions for the tube(s) affected.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 171

➔ Commissioning Phase: GENERAL CHECK LISTS Checklist for Pumps

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
➔ Read carefully the operating manual for any special
2 Check installed pump and motor are suitable and meets the
operating requirements. Check the test certificate if in
3 Check the earthing of motor.
4 Check the tightness of foundation bolts.
5 Check the no load current of the motor. Ensure the
alignment of coupling is within tolerance. Check for a
alignment record.
6 Ensure lubrication of bearing prior to turning of shaft
7 Check the coupling bushes and lubrication for Greased/oil
bath couplings.
8 Check suction & discharge piping and ensure no piping
strain is transmitted to pump nozzles. This will be done by
either visually observation of unconnected pipes for small
pumps or by checking alignment with and without piping
connection for bigger pumps.
9 Insert suitable strainer in suction piping. Ensure that there
is no gap between strainer and pipe wall. Ensure that
strainer cleaning would not be a problem.
10 Check all the accessories viz. pressure gauge, oil cup,
safety valve, vent valve, non-return valve, drain valve, foot
valve etc. Ensure that drain and vents are properly plugged
as per drawing.
11 Ensure the pump surroundings are cleared up and easy
approach to the valves, start/stop push buttons etc.
12 Ensure the availability of spares and consumables.
13 Ensure availability of lifting arrangements.
14 Check coupling guards and mark the direction of Rotation
outside. (Coupling guard to be of non-sparking type
material whenever hydrocarbon is being used (or any other
inflammable material).

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 172

16 Check whether the piping layout is not fouling from pump
maintenance point of view.
17 Check completion of cooling system/lube system/seal
flushing system/seal quench system as per data sheet
18 Check drains of foundation are properly routed to
OWS/closed drain system.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 173 Checklist for Compressors

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
➔ Operating manual should be thoroughly reviewed and
must be followed.
2 Check with schematic diagram for all the accessories and
instruments, control etc.
3 Check for expansion bellows, direction of non-return
valves, piping supports etc.
4 Check foundation and levelling of the compressor. Gas
compressor piping should be pickled and free from any
rust and foreign particles.
5 Check for specification and enclosure of electrical motor
and check direction of rotation.
6 Check the lube oil and cooling water system and ensure
adequate pressure, flow of lubrication.
7 Lube oil tank, heat exchangers, filters, auxiliary pump
should be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with recommended
lubricating oil.
→ Refer all points covered in pump checklist.
8 Check for leakage of lubricant as well as cooling water
9 Check the safety and control panel, confirm correct
operation and settings, of pressure switches, flow switches,
temperature, level and alarm circuit, interlocks.
10 Ascertain correct functioning of the safety devices. Check
the functioning of capacity control devices like governor,
unloaders, clearance volume controller, suction throttling,
guide vane control discharge throttling by-pass, venting to
atmosphere etc. as case may be.
11 Keep the essential spares available.
12 Check for necessary arrangement for chemical cleaning
and passivation of suction lines.
13 Temporary/permanent suction strainer to be provided.
14 Ensure good internal condition by opening few components
like valves, cylinder, head, bearing cover etc., if required.
Compressor vendors should be consulted.
16 Check the record of necessary measurements of
alignment clearance, axial and radial play etc.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 174 Checklist for Heat Exchangers

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
2 Ensure gaskets on the main flange joints& floating head
joints are changed to the specified as per the Data Sheet.
3 Ensure from records whether hydraulic test has been
conducted on each heat exchanger. (Medium of test, air
4 Ensure the exchanger is properly supported, Sliding
surface/slot be cleaned.
5 In case of high temperature service, ensure that there is
provision of full expansion on shell side e.g. expansion
bellows or roller support etc.
6 Check the equipment is properly earthed.
7 Check there is a provision for draining and venting on the
shell side/tube side, and drain valves are blinded properly
(rating: stub/bolt specification, gasket etc.).
8 Check for proper installation of necessary instruments and
safety valves / TSV.
9 Check completion of fireproofing and insulation as per
drawing and spec.
10 Check whether the exchanger lay out is proper from
maintenance points of view.
11 Check equipment tag no. & compare with the data sheet.
12 Ensure that strainers are mounted in inlet streams of cold
box and provision is there for easy removal of strainers.
Check there is no gap between strainer and pipe wall.
13 Ensure that blinds on nozzles of cold box are removed
only after completion of flushing activities.
14 Ensure that PDI indications across inlet stream strainer of
cold box are mounted at approachable platform and impulse
tubes are free draining towards pipe.
15 Ensure that piping connected to cold box are free draining
away from cold box or suitable draining provision is provided
in the cold box.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 175


The scope of the project included verification of design and supply of equipment for
the HVAC system in Electrical Substations and Compressor. The design
requirements demanded cooling in the summer, heating during winter and also free
cooling during the transition phase.
Cooling is achieved using chilled water and heating by means of steam and electric
heater. The entire HVAC system is monitored and controlled using PLC based Unit
Control Panels in each building. In the Oil plant Tranche 2, the scope includes
following buildings as listed below.
1. SUBSTATION 21 (Oil treatment area-Tranche 2)
treatment area Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-system
is commissioned in the safe and controlled mode.
- The HVAC system is a typically Plug & Play type of package system. Therefore
the commissioning of this system shall primarily follow the technical strategy
of Supplier /Vendor (i.e. AHI Carrier) of the HVAC system
➔ Reference Document: KE01-A1-PPFC064-N01-0001-000 (Technical,
Operating & Maintenance manual of HVAC) System Description

HVAC system of sub-station comprises of AHU, Chiller, Dry Cooler, Plate Heat
Exchanger, Chilled water pump, MEG pump, Chemical filter, Humidifier. It includes
duct mounted electrical heater in battery room and electrical room. It also comprises
of return air / extract / air lock fans, control panel, dampers, ducting and its

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 176

A) HVAC System of Substation 21:
The HVAC system of substation 21, which is in Oil treatment area Tranche 2
comprises the following (Refer PID “KE01-A1-PPFC064-C03-0002-001 & KE01- A1-
690-PO-C-HP-9507-001 to 003)

Sr. Equipment Tag no

1 Supply AHU
2 Supply AHU
3 Chiller
4 Chiller
5 Dry cooler
6 Dry cooler
7 Free cooling plate heat exchanger
8 Chilled water pump (for free
9 Chemical filter
10 Humidifier
11 Return air fan
12 Return air fan
13 Duct-mounted electrical heater in
battery room
14 Duct-mounted electrical heater in
Electrical room
15 Battery room extract fan
16 Battery room extract fan
17 Air lock fan in lobby
18 Unit control panel
19 Dampers
20 Ducting and accessories

➔ Ventilation
Ventilation supply air shall be provided by means of 2x100% (one duty and one
stand-by) AHU’s. Air intake stack for each building shall be provided with passive
sand trap louver. All rooms in the substation buildings shall be maintained at

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 177

positive pressure relative to the atmosphere. Additionally, the battery room shall be
maintained at a negative pressure relative to surrounding rooms.
Recirculation in switchgear room, electrical workshop room and the HVAC plant
room shall be achieved by means of 2x100% return-air fans, which return the room
air to the supply AHU. Overpressure release dampers shall exhaust the fresh air
quantity from various rooms, except the battery room. 2x100% exhaust fans shall be
provided in the battery room to maintain a once-through system.
In the event of fire within the building except lobby, the HVAC system is tripped.
However, the air lock in the lobby needs to be maintained during this period.
Hence, a dedicated fan is provided in the lobby for this purpose. The fan GF-220
shall be started automatically by the UCP. All the fire & gas dampers except GI-
215F damper are closed from F&G system.
In the event of fire within the lobby or gas detection in the HVAC intake, HVAC
system is tripped and all the F&G dampers are closed from F&G system.

➔ Supply air filtration

The external atmospheric conditions are expected to be class GX, as determined by
ISA standard S71.04. The HVAC System includes one modular cartridge type
chemical filter downstream of the supply AHU’s to provide class G1 condition in
various areas/rooms in the electrical substations. A corrosion monitor switch CSH-
501 is installed within the switchgear room to measure room conditions and monitor
that a class G1 internal environment conditions is being maintained. In the event of
room contaminant level increase, the corrosion monitor gives a digitalinput to
UCP based on which a local alarm CSH-501 shall be generated in the UCP, which
shall also be relayed to DCS as part of common fault. The chemical filter is provided
with a by-pass facility as represented in the P&ID, which can be used while the
chemical filter is being shut down for replacing the cartridges. The by-pass line shall
be provided with suitable spectacle blind flange to providepositive isolation.

➔ Heating
Method of heating shall be as follows:
1. LP steam supplied to AHU steam coil for heating of fresh air.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 178

2. Electrical heater for heating of mixed (fresh + return) air in AHU.
3. Duct-mounted electrical heaters are provided in the battery room and
electrical workshop as terminal heating device
Electric heaters are provided with necessary protection features with thyristorcontrol.
The electrical heaters in substation AHU’s shall also be used on re-circulation mode
of operation (i.e., with the fresh air intake closed) to maintain a minimum of 5 deg C
in room.

Water-cooled chillers and dry-coolers are provided to meet the required cooling load.
The cooling system for Substation buildings meets the following requirements:
1. 2x100% chiller packages, one duty and one stand-by shall be provided. Each
package shall contain one train of equipment and accessories associated
with the cooling system. On failure of any of this equipment within the duty
chiller package, the cooling system shall automatically change over to the
standby chiller.
2. Condensers shall be external dry-cooler type. The dry coolers shall be
suitable for the intended service in outdoor location under the specified
ambient conditions.
3. Interchange of chillers, dry-coolers and the AHU’s of both duty and stand-by
is done through UCP by manual selection from HMI.
4. Cooling is envisaged in winter periods when equipment heat dissipation is
high. In such condition, when ambient temperature falls below –1deg C, UCP
shall automatically switch off the chillers and utilize the benefit of “free” winter
cooling from ambient air by using the dry coolers, common plate heat
exchanger and pumps in the chiller by-pass lines as shown in the P&ID.

➔ Humidification
The switchgear rooms of all substations require humidity control in the range of 40
to 60 % RH. Humidification shall be achieved by means of an electric purified
steam generator type humidifier. A relative humidity sensor shall be positioned in

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 179

return duct of switchgear room to monitor and UCP shall regulate the
humidification automatically.

Refer description of interfaces in subsequent paragraphs.

➔ Unit control panel

The unit control panel (UCP) controls the overall HVAC system. This is a PLC
based control panel with dynamic HMI graphics (facia mounted display screen),
dual redundant processor and automatic control features. The UCP is located
adjacent to the AHU’s in the HVAC Room.
Following control features are provided by the UCP:
1. Overall control and monitoring of the HVAC system
2. AHU start/stop sequences
3. Chiller and dry-cooler start/stop sequences
4. Summer cooling system control and monitoring
5. Winter cooling system control and monitoring
6. Provision for selection of duty/stand-by unit
7. Automatic changeover from duty unit to stand-by unit when duty fails
8. Provision of interchanging chillers, dry-coolers and AHU’s of both trains
9. Ambient temperature monitoring and regulation of steam supply to the steam
coils inside AHU’s
10. Room temperature monitoring and regulation of chilled water flow to cooling
coils in AHU’s
11. Room temperature monitoring and regulation of electrical heaters
12. Monitoring air supply status through the duct system using differential
pressure switch.
13. Monitoring AHU filter status using differential pressure switch.
14. Room contaminant level monitoring
15. Room relative humidity level monitoring and regulation of humidifier
16. Damper status indication
17. Interface with F&G system
18. Enabling & Disabling of AC / DC UPS boost charge in case of failure of both
the battery room exhaust fans.
19. System status relay to DCS

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 180

20. Graphical display unit (HMI)

➔ Power Supply to UCP

- Two numbers of 230 V AC Power supply to UCP shall be from UPS and 1 No
230 V AC from Essential Power supply (Non UPS). UPS1 & UPS2 feeders are
monitored by PLC for failure indication of the same which available on HMI. On
failure of the supply the same is relayed to DCS through common fault.
- Two numbers of 24 V DC Power supply healthy status monitored by PLC and
relayed to DCS in case of failure.

B) Compressor House Buildings

“HVAC” system of the flash gas compressor building Tranche 2 (Building no.)
mainly comprises the following (refer PID:):

Sr Equipment Tag No.

1 Supply “AHU” summer (50% duty)
Supply “AHU” (winter 100% duty / summer
50% duty)
Supply “AHU” (winter 100% stand-by / summer
50% stand-by)
Extract fan (winter 100% duty / summer 50%
5 Extract fan (summer 50% duty)
Extract fan (winter 100% stand-by / summer
50% stand-by)
Extract fan (winter 100% standby / summer
50% standby)
8 Extract fan (summer 50% duty)
Extract fan (winter 100% duty / summer 50%
10 Unit control panel

11 Dampers, Ducting and accessories

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 181

➔ Ventilation:
Supply ventilation for the compressor buildings shall be achieved by means of three-
supply “AHU” as described below:
 Summer Mode: Normally one GA-209A will operate, GA-210 will be operated
only if required when room temperature exceeds above designconditions.
Operator selects manually this option.
 Winter mode: One “AHU” GA-209A with steam coil will operate to provide
the required ventilation to the compressor hall and “HVAC” plant room. The
second. “AHU” GA-209B with steam coil will be on stand-by.

Extraction ventilation of compressor buildings shall be achieved as described below:

- Total extraction air quantity from the compressor hall shall be achieved with 2-
ducted systems as shown in the P&ID – One on either side of the hall.
- Total 6-ducted centrifugal fans shall be provided for extraction of the
compressor hall, with 3 fans for extraction of each side of the hall.
- Summer mode – On each extraction side, 4 fans GF-232A, GF-232B, GF-
232F & GF-232E shall be on duty and the third on GF-232C & GF-232D stand-
by (Total 4 on duty and 2 on stand-by for the full compressor hall).
- Winter mode – On each extraction side, 1 fan GF-232A & GF-232F shall be on
duty and the other four GF-232B, GF-232C, GF-232D & GF-232E on stand-by
(Total 2 fans on duty and 4 on stand-by for the full compressor hall).

➔ Unit control panel

The Unit control panel (“UCP”) controls the overall “HVAC” system. This is a
“PLC” based control panel with dynamic “HMI” graphics, dual redundant processor
and automatic control features. The “UCP” is located adjacent to the “AHU” in the
“HVAC” room. “PLC” is housed in a Purge Control Panel suitable for zone-1
hazardous area. “HMI” certified is certified for use in Zone-1 hazardous area.
Following control features are provided by the “UCP”:
1. Overall control and monitoring of the “HVAC” system
2. “AHU” start/stop sequences

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 182

3. Extract fans start/stop sequences
4. Automatic changeover from duty unit to stand-by unit when duty fails
5. Room temperature monitoring and regulation of steam supply to the steam
coils inside “AHU”s where applicable.
6. Monitoring air supply status through the duct system through differential
pressure switch for “AHU”.
7. Monitoring “AHU” filter status through differential pressure switch.
8. Damper open & close status indication
9. Interface with F&G system
10. System status relay to DCS
11. Graphical display unit (“HMI”)

➔ Power supply to UCP

- Two numbers of 230 V AC Power supply to “UCP” shall be from “UPS” and 1
No 230 V AC from Essential Power supply (Non “UPS”), which is monitored by
“PLC” and indication of the same are available on “HMI”. On failure of the
supply the same is relayed to DCS through common fault.
- Two numbers of 24 V DC Power supply healthy status monitored by “PLC” and
relayed to DCS in case of fault. Technical Strategy

- The HVAC system is a typically Plug & Play type of package system. Therefore
the commissioning of this system shall primarily follow the technical strategy
of Supplier /Vendor (i.e. AHI Carrier) of the HVAC system
➔ Reference Document: (Technical,Operating & Maintenance manual of
HVAC) Commissioning Pre-requisites

- As defined by the Package vendor

4.7.2 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Precautions & Equipment Required
- As defined by the Package vendor

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 183 Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements
- As per RoK guidelines Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- As defined by the Package vendor

4.7.3 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- As defined by the Package vendor Commissioning Consumables

- As defined by the Package vendor First Fill Requirements

- As defined by the Package vendor Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- As defined by the Package vendor Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- As defined by the Package vendor Preservation Requirements

- As defined by the Package vendor

4.7.4 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 184

- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with regards
to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed. Following
this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. Detailed commissioning procedure

Sr Description Reference Check

/ Verify
1 Prerequisites / Installation checks:
- Compare the complete installation with the refrigeration
system and power circuit diagrams.
- Check that all components comply with the design
- Check that all safety documents and equipments that
are required by current European standards are
- Verify that all safety and environmental protection
devices and arrangements are in place and comply with
the current European standard.
- Verify that all document for pressure containers,
certificates, nameplates, files, instruction manuals that
are required documents required by the current
European standards are present.
- Verify the free passage of access and safety routes.
- Check that ventilation in the plant room is adequate.
- Check that refrigerant detectors are present.
- Verify the instructions and directives to prevent the
deliberate removal of refrigerant gases that are harmful
to the environment.
- Verify the installation of connections.
- Verify the supports and fixing elements (materials,
routing and connection).
- Check the protection against mechanical damage.
- Check the protection against heat.
- Check the protection of moving parts.
- Verify the accessibility for maintenance or repair and to

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 185

check the piping.
- Verify the status of the valves.
- Verify the quality of the thermal insulation and of the
vapor barriers.
2 Systems preparation & Commissioning:
➔ HVAC system comprises AHU handling unit, Chiller, Dry
Cooler, Plate Heat Exchanger, Pumps (Chilled water &
MEG), Chemical filter & Humidifier. It also includes duct
mounted electrical heater in battery room and electrical
room. It also comprises of return air / extract / air lock fans,
control panel, dampers, ducting and its accessories.
- In the section below, for the commissioning of HVAC
system, important steps & checks required for an
individual component of HVAC system are described in

2.1 Air handling Units

- Ensure power supply is provided to the AHU. Earthing
points to be checked.
- Ensure all electrical connections to the fan motor,
electric heater and space heater are provided. Check for
continuity and polarity (as applicable).
- Ensure filters are not dirty.
- Ensure the steam supply pressure, temperature and
quality is as per the requirements stated in the data
- Ensure water supplied in the chilled water circuits are
treated (Chemical dosing) to the required quality.
- Check for air traps in the coils.
- Ensure duct connections are proper.
- Manual dampers wherever installed has to be adjusted
for proper air balancing.
- Check pneumatic air supply to the damper actuators for
correct pressure and quality. Ensure the connections
are leak proof.
- Ensure the correct flow of drain water from the AHUs.
- Ensure all AHUs are set to available mode.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 186

2.2 Air dampers
- Have the actuators been mounted correctly.
- Check the air supply for pneumatic operation.
- Has the correct stroke been adjusted
- Does the blade shut well
- Does the blade open completely (if desired)
- Does the spring return function in the case of current
- Inspect the consequence of current failure; some blades
should be open, other shut.
2.3 Air filters
- Have the right filters been installed.
- Inspect the position of the filters in the slides.
- Check the differential pressure switch.
- The spare filters should not be placed until after
switching on the fan has cleaned the unit.
- Shut inspection door well
2.4 Heaters
- Check the connections on the basis of the project
- Inspect the connections for leakage.
- Check is the frost protection thermostat has been
mounted and adjusted correctly.
2.5 Chilled water/Steam coil
- Check the connections on the basis of the project
- Inspect the connections for leakage.
- Check if the PVC siphon has been mounted for the
chilled water coil (note: arrow).
- Check if the eliminators behind the chilled water coil are
positioned correctly (may have moved during the
2.6 Fans
- Remove the transport brackets from the anti-vibration
- Check if the fan can move freely, without obstruction of
frame, flexible connections or cabling.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 187

- Pay extra attention to the connection of the
electromotor, especially in the case of pole-reversible
and speed controlled types.
- Inspect the correct operation of “inlet-vane control”
2.7 Chillers
- Chillers are installed on anti-vibration pads properly.
- Clearance around the machine is adequate.
- All chilled water pipe connections are done.
- The power cable connections are made at the terminals.
- Proper earthing is connected to the chiller.
- Water/MEG is filled in Chilled water & Condenser water
- Check for adequacy of refrigerant.
- Flushing of chilled water circuit carried out.
- Cleaning of strainers in Chilled water circuit carried out.
- Chilled water piping is thermally insulated.
- Check whether chiller does not have any damage or
- The electrical and mechanical representative will be
available to assist in commissioning the machine.
- Before the start-up of the refrigeration system, the
complete installation, including the refrigeration system
must be verified against the installation drawings,
dimensional drawings, system piping and
instrumentation diagrams and the wiring diagrams.
8 Dry coolers
- Ensure power supply is provided and all electrical
connections are proper.
- Ensure the solution of MEG is filled-in to the required
- Ensure Dry coolers are set to Auto/Remote status.
- Check that all components comply with the design
- Check that all safety documents and equipments that
are required by current European standards are
- Verify that all safety and environmental protection

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 188

devices and arrangements are in place and comply with
the current European standard.
- Verify the free passage of access and safety routes.
- Take care that the airflow is neither obstructed nor
- If not installed on a higher mounting base, there shall be
free space at least 1 m around each equipment.
- Verify the installation of connections.
- Check the fans run properly and their airflow direction is
- Verify the supports and fixing elements (materials,
routing and connection).
- Verify the quality of welds and other joints.
- Check the protection against mechanical damage.
- Check the protection of moving parts.
- Verify the accessibility for maintenance or repair and to
check the piping.
9 Steam Humidifier
- Ensure power supply is provided. Earthing points to be
- Ensure proper water supply is provided to the steam
- Ensure correct flow of the drain water.
- Ensure steam humidifiers are set to available mode.
- Check the filter valve has been installed in the water
supply line.
- Check whether the pipes are properly secured.
- Whether feed pipe is properly sealed.
- Check for the drainpipe down slope.
- Steam cylinders and electrodes to be cleaned and
check for damages.
- Check whether unit covers are in place and fastened.
- Open the shut off valve to the water feed.
- Switch on the service switch for network supplies
(heating and control voltage).
- Check for the proper electrical installations as per the

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 189

10 Pumps
- Check for pipe connections.
- Check the mounting is secured.
- Check the electrical connections.
- Ensure power supply is provided and all electrical
connections are proper.
- Ensure the pumps are set to available status.
11 Duct heaters
- Check for electrical connections.
- Check the mounting is secured.
12 Plate type heat exchanger
- Check for pipe connections.
- Check the mounting is secured.
13 Fans
- Ensure power supply is provided to all fans. Earthing
points to be checked.
- Ensure all fans are set to available mode.
14 Unit Control Panel
- Ensure power supply is provided and all electrical
connections are proper.
- All terminations are as per cable schedule.
- All field devices are connected properly.
- Check the polarity of the signals.
- Ensure trained personnel will be available to assist in
commissioning of the UCP.
- Ensure all F control dampers are open

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 190 Dynamic Test Run Data
Besides the testing of normal functioning of the HVAC unit in presence of the unit
supplier (Carrier), following checks are to be done as part of dynamic function test.
Sr Description Reference Check /
1 Winter mode operation
➔ When ambient temperature falls below –1 deg C, UCP
shall automatically switch off the chillers and utilize the
benefit of “free” winter cooling from ambient air by using
the dry coolers, common plate heat exchanger and
pumps in the chillier by-pass lines
2 Actuation from F&G system
➔ In the event of fire within the lobby or gas detection in
the HVAC intake, HVAC system is tripped and all the
F&G dampers are closed from F&G system.


Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 191


Following identified subsystems are to be commissioned together for HP Flare of
Oil plant Tranche 1,2,3.
1. S-A1-1-230/01-0100-FH
2. S-A1-2-230/01-0100-FH
The HP Flare system is divided into Train 1 header, Train 2 header, Train 3
header, Train 4 header and the common header between the Trains. Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-
system is commissioned in the safe and controlled mode. System Description

The Flare System consists of two separated flares, namely LP and HP Flare. The
loads to flare have been segregated based on the criteria stated in the Design
Basis for Onshore Utilities (Doc. No KE01-00-000-KD-R-YD-0002-000).
Overpressure protection provided on equipment containing hydrocarbons with a
MAWP above 10 barg and a relief temperature above –40 deg C shall discharge
to the HP flare. Pressure relief loads to the HP flare have been reduced by the
installation of a HIPPS system on the gas train which is initiated on high pressure
in the gas train downstream of the inlet pressure controller due to blocked outlet
in the gas train or failure of the inlet. The pumps (HP Flare KO Drum Pumps – by
others) will be on a back-up supply from the stand-by generator and must not be
tripped on an ESD level 1 to enable pumping during relief conditions. The pumps
will pump the contents from the HP Flare KO Drum to the Wet Hydrocarbon
Drains system.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 192

Blocked outlet of the Flash Gas Compressor gives a load of 99,331 kg/h per train
to the HP Flare corresponding to 3600-PSV-112/113 relief rate. The fire load in
Unit 360 to the HP Flare is 15246 kg/h per compressor train, which works out to
45,738 kg/h for 3 compressor trains.
The time delays are based on the premise that the second blow down zone is the
largest remaining depressurization load. This ensures that the instantaneous
load on the flaring system following the time delay will not exceed the HP flare
The design parameters of HP Flare system are:

Parameters HP Flare System

Design Pressure barg 7.0
Operating Pressure bara atms
Design Temperature C -45.0 to 145.0
Operating Temperature C 25.0 Technical Strategy

- The HP Flare system is divided into 5 loops i.e. Train 1 header, Train 2 header,
Train 3 header, Train 4 header and the common header between the Trains.
- Leak test are carried out on entire systems, after flushing and cleaning
operation and completion of the installation to prove the integrity of the
• Gaskets and other flange joints.
• Valve packings.
• Miscellaneous connections such as vents, drains, pressure safety
valves and instruments.
• Connections between the system being tested and inter-related
• Sealing of “tight shut-off” valves, such as ESV, PSV, BDV and EDV.
- Leak test: Nitrogen+Helium Or Air+Helium @ 110% of the equipment
maximum operating pressure (ASME B31.3 Leak testing) or if a pressure

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 193

safety valve is installed on the piping system, then 90% minimum up to 95% of
the pressure relief valve setting.
- Critical systems and other Hydrocarbon systems will have all flanged
connections taped using commercial grade masking tape in widths suitable
for various flange sizes and ratings.
- After application of the masking tape, a small hole will be punctured into the
space between the flanges. The hole should be about 2 to 3 mm and preferably
on top of the flanges for horizontal piping. When the system has been
pressurized, a soap solution is applied to the hole in the flange tape and if
leaking, a bubble is formed.
- Leak check by: Mass spectrometer.
- Acceptance criteria: 5 SCF/Year and no visible leaks in the system.
- Inertisation: For N2He tests the opportunity will be taken to re-use the nitrogen
for the following nitrogen leak test, and to inert the leak testedsystem. With
respect to inerting, the target is to reach an O2 content of less than 2 %. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Utilities such as air and N2 systems are already commissioned.
- Helium is available for leak test.
- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such as
drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control Instruments are
boxed up properly. Refer attached marked-up P&I diagrams.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is checked
& verified for correctness. HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT

- Use of personal protective equipment is a must during commissioning.
- It is paramount that all personnel involved with the Commissioning are able to
arrive at work each day in good physical health as well as free of stress.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 194

Furthermore, each person must expect to be able to return home each day in
good health, injury free.
- Attention to safety during all phases of Commissioning will be thepredominant
feature for all activities.
- Permit to Work procedures to be followed for all stages of commissioning
- The correct use of Permit to Work procedures, which include Isolation, Hot
Work, Confined Space, Working at Height, Electrical Isolation and other
supplementary permits will assist in eliminating injuries and incidents caused
by procedural failures.
- Ensure the commissioning activity complies with legal and RoK requirements.
- In the commissioning phase, prevent emissions, minimising the use of raw
materials, and minimising wastes produced whilst ensuring appropriate
disposal. Precautions & Equipment Required

- Pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure should be properly calibrated
before use. These gauges must be correct to within 1%.
- If no permanent recording means is available within the system, then the
system will be fitted with a portable chart/pen recorder with either circular or
ribbon type chart paper. Such instruments are powered by clockwork or low
voltage DC batteries. The pressure recorder impulse line will be connected to
any convenient point on the system, such as a vent or drain.
- If flexible hoses & fittings are used for temporary connecting utilities to the
permanent piping, such temporary hoses & fittings should be inspected (with
respect to its rating & integrity) before use to avoid leakage, rupture during the
application. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- As applicable to RoK. Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- No safety valve on the HP Flare system, therefore do not increase the system
pressure greater than 6.0 barg during the leak test.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 195 COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements

- A mass spectrometer for measuring leakage rate,
- Portable gas detectors for measuring oxygen in the purge stream.
Such gas detectors should be properly calibrated before use. Commissioning Consumables

- Air and Helium / N2He and soap solution for leak testing First Fill Requirements

- No specific requirement Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- Calibrated Pressure gauge for measuring pressure in the system. Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- No specific requirement Preservation Requirements

- Not applicable COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others (those
checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to commissioning such
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 196

These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with regards
to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed. Following this,
the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. DETAILED COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE

SECTION 1: Details of fittings, equipments of the system & related actions

1. The PSV’s mentioned in the table below are on process lines with discharge
to HP flare. During commissioning of HP flare header, it is to be ensured that
upstream systems of PSV’s should not exceed the PSV set pressure i.e.
PSV’s, remains in “Shut” (i.e. close) position & not release anything into HP
flare header.

P&I Diagram Tag Type/ Actions w.r.t.

number Line Number number Description Commissioning

SECTION 2: Detailed steps to be taken during system leak test and Inertisation:

Sr Description Check /

Leak test of HP Flare system

Note: Operating pressure of HP Flare system is 1.0 bara
and design pressure is 7.0 barg. Therefore depending on
availability, this system can be leak tested with Air and
Helium OR with Nitrogen and Helium at ~ 1 barg pressure.
Confirm the system line up as per the valve, blind positions
indicated in Section 1. Refer P&I diagrams mentioned in
attachment of this system.
1.2 Pressurizing the system:
HP Flare system is divided into 5 loops i.e. Header for
Train 1, 2,3,4, and the common header. HP Flare system is
a large volume system, so for pressurization for each loop
are identified. Depending upon the approachability and
accessibility of these points, hose connection to be done
for pressurization.
➔The pressurization points are indicated in the Section 1

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 197

For monitoring the pressure during pressurization different
points are identified for installation of pressure gauge and
pressure recorder.
Start pressurizing the system with Air + He or N2He
depending upon the availability
Slowly pressurize the system up to 1 barg and place a new
recorder chart on the pressure recorder. The chart will be
marked with the system number, date, and time of test start
Commence leak checking of flanges by tape & leak test,
valve gland packings, vent/ drain plugs, etc. by using soap
solution. If necessary, change gaskets or packings (after
depressurizing the system). The acceptance criteria for
leak test are 5 SCF/Year.
All faulty flanges, valve gland packings leakages are to be
identified and attended after system depressurization.

Following a successful leak test, depressurize the system

and attach the pressure-recording chart to the
commissioning file documentation.
➔ If leak test is done with Air, after depressurisation,
remove the temporary hoses connected.
➔ If N2 is used for leak test, same hoses can be further
used for inertisation

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 198

Inertisation of HP Flare system by Nitrogen.
Note: Inertisation can be achieved by - Continuous flow or
"sweeping" or - Pressurization / depressurization with N2.
The latter is preferred for reasons of economy.
Connect / (maintain if used for leak test as mentioned in
step 1) Nitrogen hose to the pressurisation points
depending upon the approachability and accessibility.
Close all unnecessary vents and drains and install plugs
and caps except on vents and drains that are to be used
for O2 sampling and venting
Pressurize the system with Nitrogen to 1.1 barg.
Let the system stand for approximately 30 minutes to allow
the gases to become homogenous. Following this 30-
minute period, depressurize the system as rapidly as
possible via the largest diameter vent or vents on the
Repeat this operation but stop depressurizing at about 0.1
to 0.2 barg in order to take an O2 analysis sample from
various high point vents & low point drains available in the
- The O2 at this point should theoretically, be in the region
of 4 to 5 %.
- Repeat pressurization / depressurization operation until
the O2 content is < 2%.
When O2 analyses meet the specification, proceed to
maintain the system under a positive N2 pressure of
Notes: - Till the other connecting systems are
commissioned, the end spectacle blinds to be kept in
closed position.
- Once all the connecting systems are commissioned, the
HP Flare system preserved under positive N2 pressure, to
be depressurized & then these blinds to be reversed to
open position.
Once the entire process loop is leak tested & ready, and
then the HP Flare system is considered as ”ready” to
receive hydrocarbon vapor. Dynamic Test Run Data

- No specific requirements

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 199 ATTACHMENT / REFERENCE

Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

Document Title: Commissioning Manual Page 200

AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000


Utility air used in Oil plant Tranche-2 is further classified as (i) Plant air used for hose
stations & (ii) Wet air used for Process
For the oil plant Tranche-2 Utility air system, following identified subsystems are to be
commissioned together:
1. S-A1-2-460/02-0100-UA: Utility air (Plant air) used in Oil Tranche-2 utility
stations (Unit 200, 210 & 360)
2. S-A1-2-460/02-0200-UA: Utility air (Wet air) Wet air used in Oil Tranche-2
3. S-A1-2-210/07-0100-UA: Utility air (Wet air) used in Mercaptan unit Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-system
is commissioned in the safe and controlled mode. System Description

For the Oil plant Tranche-2, utility air is supplied from the Utility Air Header. In
addition to utility hose stations, Utility air (Wet air) is used in Oil Mercaptan unit
(catalyst Addition Pot: A1-210-VN-103) & Merox unit (Vent Tank: A1-210-VA-102 &
Oxidiser: A1-210-VF-102)

The design parameters of Utility Air system are:

Parameters Wet Air Plant Air
Design Pressure bar g 10 10
Operating Pressure bar a 8-10 7-9
Design Temperature C -36/75 -36/75
C 50/5 50/Amb
Design Dew Point C Saturated - 50

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000
PETROFAC Rev. A01 Technical Strategy

- Service Test: Will be using Utility Air available at plant battery limit and all the
flanges, valve gland packings, vent plugs will be soap tested for visible soap
- Acceptance criteria: No visible leaks in the system.
- Hold time: 1 hour Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Precommissioning completed.
- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such as
drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control Instruments are
boxed up properly. Refer attached P&I diagrams.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is checked
& verified for correctness
- Utility Air already commissioned at battery limit & is ready for use.
- Note: For service test, it is assumed that the Utility air is available at the battery
limit of the Oil plant Tranche-2. The battery limit for the above systems is
illustrated on P&I Diagram KE-01-A1-000-PO-R –HP-0051-009:
 For PLANT AIR, Line no:

- Use of personal protective equipment is a must during commissioning
- Flexible hoses & fittings are used for temporary connecting utilities to the
permanent piping. Such temporary hoses & fittings should be inspected (with
respect to its rating & integrity) before use to avoid leakage, rupture during the
- The correct use of Permit to Work procedures which include isolation, hot work,
confined space, working at height, electrical isolation and other supplementary
permits will assist in safe operation

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- All personnel including contractors should undergo specialized training

including training in Permit to Work procedures for all stages of
Precommissioning and commissioning activities
- Ensure that the overpressure protection is available. Precautions & Equipment Required

- Pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure should be properly calibrated
before use.
- If flexible hoses & fittings are used for temporary connecting utilities to the
permanent piping, such temporary hoses & fittings should be inspected (with
respect to its rating & integrity) before use to avoid leakage, rupture during the
application. Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- As applicable to the ROK authorities Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- No specific requirement COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Temporary Requirements
- Calibrated pressure gauge for Sub-system: S-A1-2-460/02-0100-UA (PLANT
AIR). Can be connected at visible location on one of the Utility station (for
example, Utility station no: 2102-US-003 on P&I diagram, KE01-A1-000-PO-
R-HP-0051-010) Commissioning Consumables

- Utility air for service testing First Fill Requirements

- No specific requirement

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000
PETROFAC Rev. A01 Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- Pressure gauge for measuring pressure in the system. Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- No specific requirement Preservation Requirements

- No specific requirement COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification
This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others
(those checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to
commissioning such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with
regards to these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed.
Following this, the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next. Detailed commissioning procedure

Subsystem: (PLANT AIR)
1. For all the Utility stations, only the last isolation valve on the Utility Air line to be
kept closed. All other valves to be kept open for the leak test. For example, for
Utility Station 2102-US-024 shown on P&I Diagram “KE01-A1-000-PO-R-HP-
0051-009”, only the last isolation valve on Utility air line, i.e. RB-547 to be kept

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2. The isolation valves on Utility air stations provided in the Oil Tranche-2 are
illustrated in the table below. In similar way, during leak test, for the Utility Air
stations of Unit 360, Train 1, 2 & 3 (illustrated on P&I Diagram: KE01-A1-000-
PO-R-HP-0051-015), Unit 360 Train-4 (illustrated on P&I Diagram: KE01-A1- 000-
PZ-R-HP-0051-043), the last isolation valve of the respective utility stations
to be kept closed.
3. To isolate the utility air header of Oil Tranche-3, the isolation valve 2106-RB-
010 (illustrated on P&ID: KE01-A1-000-PZ-R-HP-0051-031) to be kept closed.

SECTION 1A: UTILITY AIR SYSTEM - Details of fittings& related actions

P&I Diagram Tag Type/

Line number Positions / Actions
number number Description

SECTION 1B: WET AIR SYSTEM- Details of fittings & related actions
Subsystem: (WET AIR)

P&I Diagram Type/

Line number Tag number Positions / Actions
number Description

SECTION 2: Details of steps to be taken during commissioning

Sr Description Reference Check /
1 Service test of Utility air system in Oil plant Tranche-2
Test pressure ~ 8 barg
1.1 Ensure that Utility air is available at battery limit of oil P&I Diagram:
plant Tranche-2. KE01-A1-
- For PLANT AIR: Line A1-4600-UA-038-2”-A21 000-PO-R-
upstream of isolation valve 2108-RB-176 HP-0051-
- For WET AIR: Line A1-4600-UA-027-4”-A22-WN 009 / 010
upstream of isolation valve RG-616

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

1.2 Line up the system as illustrated in Section 1A (for Plant

Air) & 1B (for Wet air). Refer attached P&I diagrams of
this system.
- Ensure that all parts of the system connected, isolations
& End flanges fitted, all instrument valves opened, local
drain (D) & vent valves (V) closed
1.3 To monitor the pressure:
- For Plant air system, temporary pressure gauge to be
connected as mentioned in
- For Wet air, use Pressure indication available in the
system to monitor the pressure. (Pressure gauge: 2001-
PG-236 on P & Diagram KE01-A1-210-PO-R-HP- 0203-
040 or Pressure transmitter 2102-PT-207 on P &
Diagram: KE01-A1-210-PO-R-HP-0203-033
- Place a new recorder chart on the pressure recorder.
Ensure the chart is turning. The chart will be marked with
the system number, date, and time of test start
1.4 Slowly pressurize the Plant air system with utility air till 8
barg by opening respective battery limit valves mentioned
in 1.1 above & then close the supply valves
➔ Unit 360, Train 1 to 4 Utility Air (Plant Air) header will
get pressurized once the Air is charged at Battery limit,
defined in 1.1 above
➔ Depending on the availability of resources (Manpower,
Utility air etc.) these two separate systems can be
pressurized in parallel or one by one.
➔ If Utility air at Battery limit mentioned above is not
available, these systems can be pressurized by
connecting temporary hose between suitable drain
bleeder & available other utility air supply.
During pressurization with temporary hose, the battery
limit valves to be kept closed
1.5 Commence checking intermediate & end flanges, valve
gland packings, vent plugs, etc., for leaks using soap
solution. If necessary, change gaskets or packings (after

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

depressurising the system)

1.6 Following a successful leak test:
- Attach the pressure-recording chart to the
commissioning file documentation
- Normalise the ESD & Control valves, which are forced
to open & depressurise the line segments between
- Disconnect the temporary fittings, if any.
1.7 Now the utility system is ready & can be commissioned by
fully opening the battery limit supply valves Dynamic Test Run Data

o Plant air system:
- No specific requirement
o Wet air system:
Sr. Description Reference Check /
1 Testing of Tight Shutoff valves (TSO)
In this system, following valves are to be tested for tight shutoff;
(i) 2102-ESV-202
➔ The procedure for tightness testing of TSO is mentioned
separately in “Instrument” chapter (Section 4.4.5) of this
commissioning manual, which is based on steps illustrated in
reference document on “ Shutdown / Blow down valves

2 Checking of interlocks
➔ Refer document number forESD Cause & Effect of Oil Plant
➔ The “Effect” to be confirmed by actuating the “Cause(s) as
listed (by simulating the signal)
1. ESD level 2 (affecting Tranches, Compressor Trains and
Individual Processes) is initiated by:
- Manual Activation of shutdown via pushbuttons in
Central Control Room & field.
- Confirmed Fire in Process Area.
- Automatic Initiated trip of critical process parameters

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

2.1 2102-ESV-202: The ESV on utility air line to offgas outlet from
disulphide separator A1-210-VS-201

Effect: 2102-ESV-202 closes on following cause(s)

Service Tag Function
Disulphide separator A1- HH
210-VS-201 Vent gas O2
Disulphide separator A1- HH
210-VS-201 pressure

Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

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5.3 UNIT 360

Train-2 & 3 of unit 360 related to Oil Tranche-2 consists of following sections of the
identified sub-systems. For the each section, a separate procedure is illustrated next.
This system consists of:
 1st stage flash gas compressor suction pot (360-VN-
021) where condensate is separated from the raw
gas at 4.6 barg & 56°C
 Flash gas compressor (360-KC-020) 1st stage where
the gas is compressed from 4.6 barg and 56°C to 22
barg and 155°C
 1st stage flash gas compressor recycle cooler (360-
HC-021) where the recycle gas back to 1st stage
flash gas suction pot is cooled to 56°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor inlet cooler (360-HC-
022) where the flash gas going to the 2nd stage
suction is cooled to 55°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor suction pot (360-VN-
022) where the condensate is separated from the raw
gas at 21 barg & 55°C
 Flash gas compressor (360-KC-020) 2nd stage
where the gas is compressed from 21 barg and 55°C
to 69 barg and 153°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor after cooler (360-
HC-023) where the compressed raw gas is cooled to
 2nd stage flash gas compressor discharge pot (360-
VN-023) where the condensate is separated from the
raw gas at 68 barg & 96°C
This system consists of:
 1st stage flash gas compressor suction pot (360-VN-
031) where the condensate is separated from the raw
gas at 4.6 barg & 56°C
 Flash gas compressor (A1-360-KC-030) 1st stage

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where the gas is compressed from 4.6 barg and 56°C

to 22 barg & 155°C
 1st stage flash gas compressor recycle cooler (A1-
360-HC-031) where the recycle gas back to 1st stage
flash gas suction pot is cooled to 56°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor inlet cooler (A1-360-
HC-032) where the flash gas going to the 2nd stage
suction is cooled to 55°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor suction pot (A1-360-
VN-032) where the condensate is separated from the
raw gas at 21 barg and 55°C
 Flash gas compressor (A1-360-KC-030) 2nd stage
where the gas is compressed from 21 barg and 55°C
to 69 barg and 153°C
 2nd stage flash gas compressor after cooler (A1-360-
HC-033) where the compressed raw gas is cooled to
 2nd stage flash gas compressor discharge pot (A1-
360-VN-033) where the condensate is separated
from the raw gas at 68 barg and 96°C
 Common discharge of all 4 trains
The purpose of this system is to recycle the
condensate from compressor suction pot to 190-ZE-
The purpose of this system is to recycle the
condensate from compressor suction pot to 190-ZE-
The purpose of this sub-system is to provide the seal
gas to the Flash gas compressors.
The methanol is added in the 360 unit in the liquid line
of 1st stage and 2nd stage discharge KO pot. The
objective of methanol injection is to reduce the hydrate
formation in the liquid line.

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000


The purpose of this system is to compress the flash gas stream from the inlet oil
separator and from the stabiliser and send the compressed sour gas to the gas plant. Objective
The purpose of this procedure is to provide commissioning personnel all the
necessary information and references so that the above defined plant sub-systems
are commissioned in the safe and controlled mode, prior to hand-over for start-up
to Operation. System Description

This system consists of:
a. 1st stage flash gas compressor suction pot (A1-360-VN-021) where the
condensate is separated from the raw gas at 4.6 barg and 56°C
b. Flash gas compressor (A1-360-KC-020) 1st stage where the gas is
compressed from 4.6 barg and 56°C to 22 barg and 155°C
c. 1st stage flash gas compressor recycle cooler (A1-360-HC-021) where the
recycle gas back to 1st stage flash gas suction pot is cooled to 56°C
d. 2nd stage flash gas compressor inlet cooler (A1-360-HC-022) where the flash
gas going to the 2nd stage suction is cooled to 55°C
e. 2nd stage flash gas compressor suction pot (A1-360-VN-022) where the
condensate is separated from the raw gas at 21 barg and 55°C
f. Flash gas compressor (A1-360-KC-020) 2nd stage where the gas is
compressed from 21 barg and 55°C to 69 barg and 153°C
g. 2nd stage flash gas compressor after cooler (A1-360-HC-023) where the
compressed raw gas is cooled to 106°C
h. 2nd stage flash gas compressor discharge pot (A1-360-VN-023) where the
condensate is separated from the raw gas at 68 barg and 96°C

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There are three flash gas similar trains serving three oil Tranches and one flash
gas train is in spare. The process description given below is for Train-1.

Flash Gas enters the unit from two primary sources, the Stabiliser, 210-VE-101,
overheads and the Inlet Oil Separator, 200-VS-101, off gas. In addition, a small
stream from the Rich Amine Flash Drum 330-VH-101 is added. These gases from
oil train 1, 2 and 3 from stabilizer and inlet oil separator and amine flash drum of both
the gas trains are mixed into a common flash gas compressor inlet header at about
6 bara and 49-55°C. Flow distribution to the individual flash gas compressor train is
controlled by a load sharing system, reset by upstream pressure in the common inlet
header. The flash gas compressor is a fixed speed, 2-stage machine in a single
casing. The master suction pressure controller 3600-PICHL-001A/B (provided with
a redundant controller) controls the flow of vapours to the individual Trains. The
compressor suction is provided with a suction-throttling valve 3600- PCV-103 / 203/
303/403 located in the first stage suction line for train 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The
suction pressure to the compressor inlet is reduced in the case ofreduced throughput
in order to maintain the discharge pressure constant. The compressor is provided
with an anti-surge valve 3600-UCV-185 in the first stage and 3600-UCV-190 in the
second stage that protects the machine from operating below the surge limit. The
Anti-surge controller’s 3600-UIC-185 and 3600-UIC-190 is a dedicated controller
supplied by the compressor vendor.

Control of Suction Pressure:

Master Load Sharing controller 3600-PICHL-001 receives signal from the inlet
suction pressure transmitter 3600-PT-001. On rising suction pressure the Master
Controller transmits the control response through each of the individual load sharing
controllers 3600-PIC-103, 203, 303 and 403 to open the suction throttle valves 3600-
PCV-103, 203, 303 and 403. On falling suction pressure the controller response
closes the suction throttle valves. 3600-PIC-103 also receives signals from 3600-
UIC-185/190 from the train 1 anti surge controller to send compressor operating
point of the individual controller. 3600-PIC-001 will also receives signals

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from all four flash gas compressor trains via 3600-UIC-185 /190 /285 /290 /385
/390 /485 /490. The Master control panel is provided with the master controller is
configured in a duplex architecture such that 1 duplex master is available in case the
other fails as a fall back strategy.

Mode of Compressor Operation:

A three-position mode selector switch 3600-HS-107 is provided in CSC. Based on
the position of this switch (as selected by operator), compressor can be operated in
the following modes
Position A: Normal Mode
Position B: Fuel gas Purge and Pressurization mode
Position C: Nitrogen Mode

Position B and Position C are start up scenario and will be discussed in detail in
the plant start up procedure. (Operating Manual: KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MO-0001-
000) In this section detailed description of plant normal mode of operation
(corresponding to position A of HS-107) and minimum process requirement and
process variable discussed.

At any given point during a particular sequence, DCS operator can abort the
sequence by pressing the ‘Abort Sequence Button’ HS-108 provided on DCS HMI.
On pressing this button: The current sequence is stopped and returned to starting
step where in it waits for the operator to select the correct mode.
Sequence fail alarm is generated.

Gases to an individual train enter the 1st Stage Compressor Suction Drum, 360- VN-
011 at about 6 bara and 48°C under suction pressure controller by 3600-PIC-
103. 3600-PCV-103 is provided with the stem position identification at DCS. Here
any entrainment is removed under level controller 3600-LICHL-100, which acts as
a gap controller and enabled individual motors control block of pump 360-PA-011
to operate. The selection of duty pump to be made in DCS by 3600-HS-106 and sent
via condensate recycle pump 360-PA-011 to first combine with all other flash

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gas train condensate flows and then to join the incoming oil upstream of mixer 190-
ZA-101 in Unit 190.

De-entrained gas now passes through the 1st Stage Flash Gas Compressor 360-
KC-010 and is compressed to an intermediate pressure of 23 bara. The compressor
is a centrifugal machine driven by a dedicated motor with a fixed speed driver. The
first and second stage compressors are housed in a single casing.

The compressor controls sense inlet and outlet pressure as well as suction flow
and inlet/outlet temperature. Recycling and anti-surge will be controlled by an anti-
surge controller, operating the recycle valve as needed to keep out of surge and
control pressure as appropriate. Antisurge Controller (3600-UIC-185 – 1st. stage)
receives signals from the compressor process parameters (inlet pressure 3600-PT-
185, inlet temperature 3600-TT-185, inlet flow 3600-FT-185, discharge pressure
3600-PT-186, discharge temperature 3600-TT-186) plus exchange of data with
master and load sharing controller for its own train. The output of the antisurge
controller acts on the antisurge valve 3600-UCV-185 opening it while movingtowards
surge and closing it while moving away from the surge line. This in effect controls
both the Inlet Oil separator and Stabiliser pressures and modifies the compressor
flow distribution to hold this pressure.

A separate recycle cooler (360-HC-011) is provided to allow recycle to be taken hot

from close to the compressor discharge point to limit surge volumes. The recycle is
air cooled in the 1st Stage Flash Gas Compressor Recycle Cooler 360-HC-011
with outlet temperature controller 3600-TICHL-108 on air cooler variable speed fan
controller in MCC. Recycle cooler outlet temperature is closed to the suction
condition of the compressor.

The normal discharge from the 1st Stage Flash Gas Compressor passes hot (at
around 147°C) to the 2nd Stage Flash Gas Inlet Cooler 360-HC-012 where it is air
cooled, by outlet temperature controller 3600-TICHL-117 on air cooler variable

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speed fan controller speed, prior to entering the 2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor
Suction Pot 360-VN-012 at 22 bara and 55°C.

Any condensed liquid is separated in 360-VN-012 and sent under level controller
3600-LICHL-104 which reset 3600-LCV-104 to combine with all other flash gas
train condensate flows and then to join the incoming oil upstream of mixer 190-ZA-
101 in Unit 190. Emergency methanol injection is provided to control hydrates if the
need arises.

Vapour from the KO pot passes onward to the 2nd Stage of the Flash Gas
Compressor 360-KC-010 where the pressure is boosted to 70 bara. Anti-surge
controller (3600-UIC-190-2nd stage) receives signals from the compressor process
parameters (inlet flow 3600-FT-190, inlet pressure 3600-PT-190, inlet temperature
3600-TT-190, discharge pressure 3600-PT-191, discharge temperature 3600-TT-
191) plus exchange of data with master and load sharing controller for every
individual train. The output of the anti-surge controller acts on the anti-surge valve
3600-UCV-190 opening it while moving towards surge and closing it while moving
away from the surge line.

When recycle is needed, hot gas is recycled from the discharge and passed back
to join the interstage feed upstream of the 2nd Stage Inlet Cooler 360-HC-012 before
passing to the 2nd Stage Suction Pot 360-VN-012.

Normal discharge (at around 145°C) is sent to the 2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor
After Cooler 360-HC-013, where it is air cooled to 80 to 100°C. Discharge
temperature 3600-TICHL-129 is maintained by regulating air coolervariable speed
fan controller.

Any liquids separated are removed under level controller 3600-LICHL-112 by reset
of 3600-LCV-112 in the 2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor Discharge Pot, 360-VN-
013, combined with all other flash gas train condensate flows and then routed to
the oil inlet area. Emergency methanol can be injected in the event that hydrates are
a problem.

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Vapours from 360-VN-013 are combined with those from the other trains and sent
to unit 300 to be combined with those from the slug catcher area. If there are two
or more gas trains the vapour from this unit is split under individual flow control to
allow equal split or any specific split set by operations (Detail of control of this section
is covered in 300 unit of the Gas Operating Manual (KE01-A1-000-PG-R- MO-0001-
000). Pressure is maintained by resetting these flows via pressure control. This also
effectively sets the backpressure on the final stage of the flash gas machine.

A Corrosion Inhibitor Injection provision is provided in vapour outlet line from 360-
VN-013 to control any potential corrosion. Also, a corrosion monitoring facility has
been provided in the vapour outlet line to monitor any change in pipe wall thickness.

The ultimate gas compression system is a common facility to all the three oil trains.
It is designed based on four identical gas compression trains receiving gas from
the three crude oil treating trains.

Tranche 1 requires installation of two compressor trains – one train operates and the
other is spare. In Tranche 2, a further 165,000 BOPD train will be added which
requires an additional compressor train. In Tranche 3, a further 165,000 BOPD
train will be added which requires an additional compressor train. So on completion
of tranche 3, there are four compressor trains; three is operational mode and one is

Load Share Control:

The individual load sharing controllers 3600-PIC-103, 203, 303, and 403 compare
running data between parallel compressors and make adjustments to primarily the
suction throttle valve as well as to the antisurge valve. The current signals 3600-II-
150, 250, 350, and 450 from the respective electric drives are fed to the individual
load sharing controller which in turn passes through a low select block resulting in
limiting the opening of the suction throttle valve in case of rising current.

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PETROFAC Rev. A01 Technical Strategy

- Filling of Catalysts/Molecular sieves
- Leak Tests: Will be carried out at 110% of maximum operating pressure or
90-95% of Pressure relief setting. The current system will be divided into
portions if operating pressures are different or for ease of testing and each
part will be tested separately so that there will be at least one test by level of
operating pressure.
- Inertisation: Oxygen and moisture wherever applicable will be removed by
nitrogen purging. The oxygen content should less than 0.5%.
- Sweet Hydrocarbon Introduction: System will be pressurized with fuel gas
and vessels may be partly filled with diesel for equipment testing
- Dynamic Tests of Equipment: Running of equipments to check for basic
functions and trip tests. Commissioning Pre-requisites

- Precommissioning completed.
- All the utilities (HVAC, Electrical, Steam/Condensate, Instrument/Plant Air,
Nitrogen, Fuel Gas, Water Systems, Effluent network etc.) are already
commissioned & are ready for use.
- The heat tracing necessary for instruments & process lines is available.
- For the system under consideration, the process pipeline fittings such as
drain & vent bleeders, isolation valves, measuring & control Instruments are
boxed up properly. Refer attached marked-up P&I diagrams.
- The functionality & loop testing of measuring & control instruments is checked
& verified for correctness
- Flare header commissioned prior to sweet gas introduction. HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENT Safety Precautions & Equipment Required

- Use of personal protective equipment is a must during commissioning

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- Flexible hoses & fittings are used for temporary connecting utilities to the
permanent piping. Such temporary hoses & fittings should be inspected (with
respect to its rating & integrity) before use to avoid leakage, rupture during
the application.
- After the use of the inert gas distribution, as a normal practice, the temporary
hose used should be disconnected & properly maintained. Failure to do so
may result in backflow of undesirable fluid through hose, entering the inert
gas distribution system.
- Portable gas detectors for measuring oxygen in the purge stream. Such gas
detectors should be properly calibrated before use.
- The correct use of Permit to Work procedures which include isolation, hot
work, confined space, working at height, electrical isolation and other
supplementary permits will assist in safe operation
- All personnel including contractors should undergo specialized training
including training in Permit to Work procedures for all stages of
precommissioning and commissioning activities
- Overpressure protection is available
- Fire-Fighting facilities are available
- Fire and Gas detection system is online prior to any entry of hydrocarbon Regulatory Authority & Third party requirements

- As applicable to the ROK authorities Specific Risk Analysis for system commissioning

- High-pressure risk- To be mitigated by providing using system pressure
safety valves or temporary relief valves to safe location. System shall be
depressurised prior to any work.
- Explosive mixture and hydrocarbon leakage risk- To be mitigated by doing
the commissioning in a phased manner i.e. leak test followed by inertisation
and finally sweet hydrocarbon introduction to prevent mixing of hydrocarbon
and air.

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- Low environment temperature- To be mitigated by wearing appropriate winter

clothing and personal protective equipments. Equipment protection by using
non freezing fluid and heat tracing.
- Pump damage- To be mitigated by providing sufficient minimum flow through
the pump, enough level in suction vessel, having the pump under constant
observation and stopping the pump if required.
- Compressor damage- To be mitigated by providing sufficient minimum flow to
avoid surge, having the compressor under constant observation and stopping
the compressor if required. COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENT Temporary Requirements

- Dry Air, Air+Helium and/or Nitrogen+Helium for leak testing Commissioning Consumables

- Flexible hoses for temporary connecting utilities to the permanent piping
- Dry Air, Air+Helium and/or Nitrogen+Helium for leak testing
- Nitrogen for purging & inertisation
- Fuel Gas
- Diesel/Gasoline mixture First Fill Requirements

- Lube oil for pump bearing
- Seal liquid for pump seal Special Tools / Special Test Equipment

- High pressure air or N2 system for pressurising
- Portable gas detectors for measuring oxygen in the purge stream
- Mass spectrometer for measuring helium in Air+He or N2+He test

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PETROFAC Rev. A01 Vendor and subcontractor requirements

- Vendor to be present for commissioning the pump
- Vendor to be present for commissioning the compressor Preservation Requirements

If it is envisaged that the system shall be under shutdown for a long time, then
preservation of the system shall be done in the following sequence
- All preservation related heating shall be verified to be on
- System shall be drained of hydrocarbon/water to closed drain
- System shall be depressurised to flare
- System shall be made hydrocarbon/water free by pressurising with nitrogen
and depressurising to flare
- System shall be under positive nitrogen pressure
- Equipment related preservation shall be followed as per vendor manuals after
isolation and depressurising of the equipment. COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Mechanical Completions and Pre-Commissioning Verification

This includes description of the verification of activities performed by others (those
checks performed and signed off by concerned discipline) prior to commissioning
such as:
- Status of punch items
- MC & PC check sheets and dossiers
- Certification documentation as required by RoK (Republic of Kazakhstan)
- Readiness reviews, Technical Commission reviews, etc.
These steps are part of pre-commissioning steps. Before commencing the
commissioning of this system, it is understood that any open issues with regards to
these steps (e.g. punch points) are properly addressed & closed. Following this,
the system is approved for commissioning as discussed next.

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PETROFAC Rev. A01 Detailed Commissioning Procedure



SECTION 1.1.1: System Division

This system will be divided into different Envelopes (Line-up illustrated in next
section) as per the pressure levels prevailing in the system.

1. The 1st leak test envelope contains the compressor and is demarcated by the
valves 3600-RB-040, 3600-ESV-212, RB-872 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-
HP-0022-001), 3600-ESV-210 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-006) in
addition to system boundaries (Leak Test Pressure: 15.0 Barg).

2. The 2nd leak test envelope contains the 2nd stage after cooler and the discharge
pot and is demarcated by 3600-ESV-210 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360- PO-R-HP-
0022-006) in addition to system boundaries (Leak Test Pressure: 72-76 Barg).
→ Also Envelope-5 of Sub-system S-A1-1-360/02-200-PL (Procedure number
5.3.3) to be tested with this Envelope by opening 3600-ESV-307.

3. The 3rd leak test envelope contains the line A1-3600-UN-005 and is
demarcated by RB-872 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-001) in addition
to system boundaries. This will be tested along with utility nitrogen system

4. The 4th leak test envelope contains the line A1-3600-FG-012 and is
demarcated by 3600-ESV-212 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-001) in
addition to system boundaries. This will be tested along with fuel gas system

→ The 3rd leak test envelope and the 4th leak test envelope are to be tested
along with utility nitrogen and fuel gas systems respectively

- All system valves other than those mentioned in system prerequisites are to
be opened.

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SECTION 1.1.2: System Prerequisites Lineup

→ All system valves other than those mentioned in system prerequisites to be kept open

P&I Diagram number Tag number Type/Description Status

System Boundary
RB-040 Ball Valve for Leak test
envelope 1
3600-ESV-212 TSO (Tight Shutoff)
RB-872 Ball Valve
RA-042 Globe Valve
Relief Device
Set at 16.7 barg
Relief Device
Set at 16.7 barg
RA-041 Globe Valve
3600-ESV-201 TSO (Tight Shutoff)
RA-043 Globe Valve
Relief Device
Set at 26 barg
Relief Device
Set at 26 barg
RA-046 Globe Valve
Relief Device
Set at 42 barg
Relief Device
Set at 42 barg
RA-045 Globe Valve
3600-ESV-203 TSO (Tight Shutoff)
RB-259 Ball Valve

RA-050 Globe Valve

Relief Device
Set at 80 barg
Relief Device
Set at 80 barg
3600-ESV-210 TSO (Tight Shutoff)
RB-260 Ball Valve
3600-XV-212 TSO (Tight Shutoff)

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RB-263 Ball Valve

RB-265 Ball Valve
1. All valves mentioned in the system prerequisites are to be closed and the rest of
the valves are to be opened
2. All vents and drains are to be closed

SECTION 1.1.3: Details of steps to be taken during commissioning

Sr Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Prerequisites Lineup completed
2 For Leak test envelope 1 pressure indication is 3600-PI-285
in P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-002.
For Leak test envelope 2 install a portable chart pen recorder
accurate within 1%
3 All leak test envelopes are protected with PSVs.
Leak test envelope 2 is already protected by safety valves
3600-PSV-245 and 3600-PSV-246 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-
R-HP-0022-008) with set pressure 80 barg.

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Leak test envelope 1 are already protected by safety valves

3600-PSV-200 and 3600-PSV-201 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-
R-HP-0022-001) with set pressure 16.7 barg, 3600-PSV-212
and 3600-PSV-213 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-
002) with set pressure 26 barg and 3600-PSV-215 and 3600-
PSV-216 (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-005 with set
pressure 42 barg
4 The flanges will first be scrupulously cleaned using, if
necessary, a solvent to remove surface dirt and grease and
then taped using commercial grade masking tape. A small
hole to be punctured into the space between the flanges. The
hole should be 2-3 mm and preferably on top of the flanges
for horizontal piping
5 Soap solution made ready in squeeze bottles. If not available
on the site, a solution should be prepared using detergent
washing-up liquid.
6 Mass spectrometer to be used to measure leakage rates for
N2+He or Air+He tests
7 For Leak test envelope 1; the pressurising point is drain point
on line A1-3600-RG-002-20"-A28 upstream of 3600-PCV-203
and the depressurising point is drain point on line A1-3600-
RG-096 upstream of 3600-UCV-290.
For Leak test envelope 2; the pressurising point is drain point
on line A1-3600-RG-092-12" downstream of 3600-ESV-210
and depressurizing point is drain point on line A1-3600-RG-
087-10" upstream of 3600-ESV-208.
8 Connect a reinforced utility hose/suitably rated screwed
piping to utility selected (Instrument air or Service air or
Nitrogen depending on availability) and to suitable drains or
vents in the leak test envelopes.
- Check the integrity of pressurizing hose before use
- Use pressure indication available in the system to monitor
the pressure.
9 Slowly pressurize the above-mentioned envelopes to utility
pressure (max 9 barg) or leak test pressure specified which
ever is lower and place a new recorder chart on the pressure
recorder. Ensure the chart is turning. The chart will be
marked with the system number, date, and time of test start
10 Stop the pressurising and hold.
11 Commence checking flanges, valve gland packings, vent
plugs, vents and drains etc. for leakages using soap solution.
A soap solution is applied to the hole in the flange tape and,
if leaking, a bubble is formed. Tighten flanges as required
and check again. Pressurising may have to be repeated if the

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pressure drops due to leaks. If necessary, change gaskets or

packings after depressurising the system and repeat the
above procedure
12 Following a successful test, depressurise the system and
attach the pressure-recording chart (DCS printout) to the
commissioning file documentation
13 For this system the acceptable test is with Air+He or N2+He
mixture depending on availability.
14 Connect a reinforced utility hose/suitably rated screwed
piping to pressurising gas system and to suitable drains or
vents in the three test envelopes.
- Check the integrity of pressurizing hose before use.
- Use pressure indication available in the system to monitor
the pressure.
15 The following sequence will be followed for pressurisation
Leak test envelope 1: 15.0-15.9 Barg
Leak test envelope 2: 19->38->57->72-76 Barg
16 The following leak test criteria will be used
All leak test envelopes: 5 SCF/year
17 Start injecting test gas until the operating pressure on the 1st
step of pressure is reached. Place a new recorder chart on
the pressure recorder. Ensure the chart is turning. The chart
will be marked with the system number & start time
18 Stop the pressurising and hold.
19 Commence checking flanges, valve gland packings, vent
plugs, vents and drains etc. for leakages. Search for leaks
with a helium detector (mass spectrometer). Tighten flanges
as required and check again. Pressurise again if the pressure
drops due to leaks. Once leaks have been cured, ensure the
pressure keeps steady or decreases by a rate less than the
appropriate leakage rate. If necessary, change gaskets or
packings after depressurising the system and repeat the
helium based leak test from the start
20 If satisfactory, increase test gas pressure upto the next step
and repeat the procedure until maximum leak test pressure is
21 Following a successful test, depressurise the system, in
stages to avoid shocking the system and attach the pressure-
recording chart (DCS printout) to the commissioning file
documentation. In the case of N2+He leak test, the system is
to be kept under positive pressure so that the advantage can
be taken of inert gas removal during leak test.

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SECTION 1.2.1: System Division
→ In order to minimize the requirement for N2/Air+He, leak test envelope for tight
shut off valves shall be as small as possible.

SECTION 1.2.2: List of applicable TSO’s & System number

P&I Diagram Number TSO/PSV

Tag number

3600-ESV-212 S-A1-1-360/01-0200-RO


SECTION 1.2.3: Details of steps to be taken during commissioning

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 PSV downstream flanges till isolation valve will be tested
along with this test
2 The procedure for tightness testing of TSO is mentioned
separately in Instrument chapter (Section 4.4.5) of this
commissioning manual.

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SECTION 2.1: System Division
→ In this case there would be no subdivision of the system

SECTION 2.2: System Prerequisites Lineup

→ Same as indicated for leak test except that the valves used to demarcate the
boundaries of the leak test envelopes within the current sub-systems under
consideration shall be opened to test the sub-systems as a single system

SECTION 2.3: Details of steps to be taken during commissioning

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Prerequisites Lineup completed
2 Assuming the system to be at atmospheric pressure, close all
unnecessary vents and drains and install plugs and caps
except on vents and drains that are to be used for O2
sampling and venting.
3 After ensuring that the inert gas supply is available, check the
integrity of pressurizing hose (if used) and system pressure
gauges. Gauges should be situated so as to be easily visible
from the injection point valves
4 Pressurize the system to between 1 and 2 barg
5 Let the system stand for approximately 30 minutes to allow
the gases to become homogenous. Following this 30-minute
period, depressurise the system as rapidly as possible via the
largest diameter vent or vents on the system
6 Repeat this operation but stop depressurising at about 0.1 to
0.2 barg in order to take an O2 analysis sample. The O2 at
this point should, theoretically, be in the region of 4 to 5 %
7 Samples must be taken from several points, depending upon
the magnitude of the system, and averaged
8 According to the O2 content, repeat the pressurization /
depressurisation operation until the specification is met
9 When O2 analyses meet the ongoing specification, proceed
to maintain the system under a positive inert gas pressure
10 In case of N2+He leak test, and if the system is under positive
pressure, take an O2 analysis sample. Samples must be
taken from several points, depending upon the magnitude of
the system, and averaged. According to the O2 content
requirement, repeat the pressurization / depressurisation
operation until the specification is met

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SECTION 3.1: System Division
→ In this case there would be no subdivision of the system
SECTION 3.2: System Prerequisites Lineup
→ Same as indicated for inertisation

Sr Description Executor Supervisor

Equipment General
1 Check that all packing materials and protective devices used
during transport and handling have been removed from the
equipment, such as shock-absorbent materials from
machined faces, blanking plates from orifices, blocking of
shafts or rolling bearings and restraining devices from
instruments, safety devices and protective equipment
2 Remove finned tubes protection sheets (where tubes are
covered) and check exchanger surface for complete
3 Check that special (maintenance) tools and instruction
manuals have been supplied. Carefully study the specific
Manufacturer Instruction manuals (motors, fans, bearings,
Instruments, etc.) Before the initial start-up. All the above-
mentioned documents are in TECHNICAL OPERATING AND
4 Check that the nameplate is properly attached to the
equipment. Compare the nameplate rating with the
Equipment Record.
5 Check the foundation bolts to make sure that they are in a
straight and vertical position and securely tightened.
6 Check whether the specified grouting is used and properly
applied to base-plate and support.
7 Check that the insulation and fireproofing have been applied
in accordance with the specification and that precautions
have been taken to prevent the ingress of water.
8 Check and inspect any alterations made during plant
construction and erection for compliance with the design
specification, and record any deviations.

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9 Check that the nozzle facings, flanges, flange finish, gaskets

and stud bolts are in accordance with specified requirements
and that the alignment of flanges on process connections is
10 Check the equipment for internal cleanliness before final
sealing. Check that inlet piping has been thoroughly flushed
to prevent entrance of dirt and debris into the tube bundles.
Drain any flushing fluid from the tube bundles.
11 Check that the applied surface protection system complies
with specified requirements.
12 Check that earth bosses are connected and in electrical
contact with the earth-system.
13 Check that ladders, stairways, platforms and walkways are
correctly installed. With handrails and flooring properly
secured. Check operating platforms for alternative escape
routes, which shall be freely accessible and clearly indicated.
14 Check for damages, bulges or dents as a result of transport,
handling, field welding or other cause, check the equipment
and report any such defects. Procedures for rectification of
any damage shall be agreed between the Purchaser and the
15 Instrumentation required for a proper function test of the
mechanical equipment shall be suitable and in good
16 A general inspection is required to check personnel hazards
(e.g. tripping and headroom) associated with the accessibility
of operation equipment.
Air-cooled heat exchanger
1 Check the clearance between blade tips and fan ring and
check for equal and proper pitch angle setting of all fan
2 Check whether fins of the cooler tubes have been damaged
during transport or handling. Damaged fins may be
straightened if practicable; otherwise damaged tubes should
be replaced.
3 Make sure that all temporary header fixing bolts have been
4 Check the sliding supports of header box for free and
unobstructed moving.
5 Check the proper operation of the louver adjustment
mechanism, if fitted. Set the louver control on manual mode
and check for correct blade travel response to the control

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6 Bearings of fans and drives shall be inspected for cleanliness
and proper lubrication.
7 The correct fan rotation and blade setting shall be checked.
8 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers have been tested at the
Manufacturer's works in accordance with the design test
pressures specified in the relevant code.
After assembly the sections shall be tested together with the
associated piping in accordance with the relevant codes.
To verify that no damages have occurred during shipment
and /or erection, it is a good practice to hydro-statically retest
the system (heat exchanger bundles, piping, etc.) prior to
start-up activities, in accordance with local regulations.
It is good practice, however, to test the tightness of the
bundle. Pneumatic testing at 1 bar(g) is normally sufficient.
9 It is essential to remove the test water by air blowing and
drying, after hydro-testing.
10 In case of automatic adjustable fan blade pitch, check:
- The motor power consumption over the full pitch range
- Correct position of the fan blades in case of air failure.
11 A general check of the construction should include:
- The sealing between cooler bundles, air seals between
adjacent bundle frames have been properly installed
- The correct sloping of the horizontal parts of the air plenum
chambers and tube bundles
- Rotate the fans by hand to check that shafts, speed
reducers and motors turn freely.
- Alignment of belt pulleys
- Rigidity of fan and belt drives
- Proper tension of belt drives
- Tube vibration check at maximum airflow
- Installations of personnel protection to hot surfaces
- Proper alignment of process piping to headers to ensure no
excessive nozzle load.
- Check that grease lines are fully primed between grease
nipple and bearing housing.
- Tightness checks of fan blades securing bolts. See Fan
- Vibration checks on fan and motor as a base line for further
checks of bearings conditions.
- Check T-belt tensioning and re-tighten, if necessary, in
accordance with the instructions given in Directions for

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Assembly; belts may continue to stretch during the first weeks

of operation. See Belt Transmission Section in TECHNICAL
- Re-energize the motor, measure the input current (amps)
on each of the 3 phases and compare the fan absorbed
power with the design specifications. Fan blade pitch angles
could require an adjustment to match the specified motor
- Check Louver assembly included Actuator, I/P converter.
See Louver assembly Section in : Erection Procedure
- Check the Vibration Switch. See Vibration Switch Section in
- Check the Steam coil Installation. See Steam coil & GA
- Check the Door Installation. See Door location & Installation
Section in: Erection Procedure
Installed and idle equipment
1 After units are installed and prior to start-up, especially after
extended period of storage, grease lines shall be
disconnected at bearing end, and old grease purged from
2 Grease lines shall then be refilled, reconnected to bearings.
Pump fresh grease until the stagnant contaminated one is
purged and new grease appears at the exhaust nipples.
3 Motor and fan shafts shall be rotated several revolutions
every two weeks, to prevent pitting of bearings or bearing
race; this might occur when lubricant drains away from
contacting parts entrained, for instance, by the rain; or
because of cyclic condensation/evaporation of the air
moisture content.
Perform these operations regularly, until the unit is ready to e
put into service. Belts shall not be left in place when a long
idle period is foreseen, but shall be removed and kept in a
dry, ventilated warehouse. Reinstall them only when the unit
is near to be put in to service.

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Checks prior to start-up

1 Check finned tubes protection sheets have been removed,
check exchanger surface for complete clearance
2 Make sure that air seals between adjacent bundle frames
have been properly installed.
3 Make sure that all temporary header fixing bolts have been
4 Check that inlet piping has been thoroughly flushed to prevent
entrance of dirt and debris into the tube bundles; drain any
flushing fluid from the tube bundles.
5 The tube bundles have been hydrostatic tested to 130% the
design pressure at the Manufacturer's shop. To verify that no
damages have occurred during shipment and/or erection, it is
a good practice to hydrostatic retest the system (heat
exchanger bundles, piping, etc.) prior to start-up activities.


Sr Description Executor Supervisor

1 Process piping of air, nitrogen, oil and process are perfectly
2 The piping connections are in accordance with the
instructions on the piping drawings: Stressing, support
adjustment, suspension adjustment etc.
3 While connecting the pipes, an alignment check has been
maintained between the compressor and motor with two dial
4 The final alignment is ok and has been inspected and
accepted by the proper authorities
5 Lube oil system is ready and flushed with oil
6 Calibration and adjustment of all instrument has been done
7 All relief valves have been calibrated
8 All alarms and safety devices pertaining to the protection of
the machines and auxiliaries have been systematically and
separately inspected and verified
9 The logic sequences and anti-surge regulation have been
verified by simulation and are operational.
10 The antisurge regulation is working perfectly and the opening
time of antisurge valves and the process sequencing valves
opening and closing time has been noted and input into the
sequencing logic to minimize nuisance alarms

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11 All loops have been recorded on the onsite test sheet

Oil System Commissioning
1 The operator should check that there are no personnel
working on the equipment or any item of equipment before
starting the relevant system or compression unit
2 Check that all desiccant bags have been removed
3 Ensure that all rotor blocking devices have been removed
4 Refer to (KE01-A1-PPGM02A-P01-0001-000) for
depreservation instructions.
5 Refer to KE01-A1-PPGM02A-C03-0001-001 & KE01-A1-
PPGM02A-C03-0003-001 for the oil system drawings
6 Check that all coupling guards are properly installed
7 Before starting the system, be sure that it is clean and ready
for operation
8 The oil reservoir is filled with oil up to the required level
9 All flushing equipment is removed
10 Correctly position all valves (open or close) for operating the
11 Inspect flanges for loose bolts and missing gaskets
12 The main switch of the electric power for motors, heater,
control and instrumentation is "ON" and power available
13 Energize the oil immersion heater A1-360-HN-020. Check the
oil temperature in the reservoir TG 281
14 Heating ON below 35° C, heating OFF above 40° C
15 Put oil air cooler in service
16 Vent off air of all instruments
17 Test of alarms and shutdowns
18 Check the correct position of the transfer valve of the oil filters
Al-360-ZL-020 A/B then open the corresponding vent valve
19 If needed open the filling valve, so that the stand-by oil filter is
filled up with oil, when starting the oil pump and will be ready
for immediate use in case of emergency
20 Oil heater operation is automatically sequenced to ensure
safe operation of the heater. Operating the oil tank heater if
lube oil low level alarm is inhibited creates a fire hazard
21 Initial start-up (refer to RNTIC-061498 / KE01-A1-PPGM02A-
22 Carry out a final check of the whole oil system, especially

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check for readiness of control valve PCV 281

23 Check that the manual valves at the pumps discharge are
fully open
24 Open the by pass valve of PCV 281
25 Check that the pump, cooler and filter vent valves are open
26 Put the nitrogen buffer gas in operation. Check the nitrogen
pressure (PT268 / PT270)
27 The pressure control valve (PCV 293 / 294) shall maintain
this pressure at 4.5/0.8 barg respectively
28 Start the main pump and slowly increase the pressure, by
gradually closing the by-pass valve of PCV 281 until the
nominal pressure is reached (5 bar)
29 When the by-pass valve is closed, check the oil pressure at
pressure gauge PI-265. The pressure control valve PCV 281
shall maintain this pressure at 5 bar. If necessary, adjust the
pressure by setting PCV-281
30 Wait until the oil piping system get filled up with oil. Check the
tightness of the oil circuit
31 Make sure that the oil side of the oil cooler and the oil filter
are properly vented. A constant oil flow must be visible in the
flow glass FG 274/281. Close the vent valves
32 Inspect for oil leaks
33 Inhibit the alarms
34 Check the tube oil flow to the shaft line bearings. The oil must
be visible in the drain flow glasses ( FG-273/275/276/277)
35 Inspect for oil leaks
36 Check the lube oil supply pressure at PG-298. The pressure
shall be at 2 Bar
37 Inhibit the alarms
38 Check that valve TCV 280 has operated
39 Monitor filter clogging by means of differential pressure gauge
40 Cold oil will temporarily produce a high differential pressure in
the filters
41 Check that the lube oil system in now in operation
42 Check that all alarms are off
43 Check that all pressure gauges are working
44 Check that PT-265 and PT-267 cause the stand-by pump to

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45 Note oil pressure at start-up of the stand-by pump PI-265 &

46 Check that PT-266 stops the compressor
47 Check the tube oil supply to the bearings of the compressor
gearbox and of the motor. The oil must be visible in the drain
flow glasses
Sealing system commissioning
1 Prior to the gas leak test, all supply piping to gas filter limit
flanges shall be air blown
2 Make sure that the pressure gauge panel is available
3 Nitrogen available. The line shall be air blown prior to its
4 Check all orifices diameters FO-259/260/265/266/269/262,
FO-261/264/263/270, FO-271/272
5 Check the correct position of the transfer valves of the seal
gas and buffer gas filters in normal position; open
corresponding vent valves and purge through both filter
halves and close vent valves
6 Gas filters in normal position
7 Check that all utilities are available
8 Vent off air of all instruments
9 Commissioning of sealing system will be performed during
the leak test of the process loop
10 Pressurize the compressor in steps of 25 % until reaching full
operating pressure
11 Check all pipe connections for leaks
12 Check that all alarms
13 Verify that seal gas flow is normal
14 Test alarms and shutdowns: each safety device can be tested
by simulation for compressor emergency stop (pressurized
and depressurized shutdowns)
15 Check that the seal gas system operates normally
Driver (Main electrical motor) no load test
1 Refer to Manufacturer Manuel (MOT 012498 - §11 and §12)
in chapter 3.1 of "Operating and maintenance manual", and
RNTIC 071498 - §5 (KE01-A1-PPGM02A-C05-0001-000) in
annex of this specification for checks to carry out prior to
start-up and during start-up
2 Check main motor purge air is available and purge air heater

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is energised, verify that the purge air panel is operating and

that purge sequences are correct and to correct timings
3 Check that oil level in the bearings is correct
4 Check every supply such as power is available
5 Put the anti-condensation heater in service (IF APPLICABLE)
6 From UCP with the motor coupling hub secured (uncoupled
from gear) start the main motor and check the direction of
rotation. This is for uncoupled running (motor only),
7 Check during one hour that the motor operates correctly (no
vibrations, no unacceptable temperatures)
8 Check that all parameters are correct
Final sequence check
1 Ensure system wiring conforms to the electrical schematic,
interconnecting and wiring diagrams
2 Inspection of alarms and shutdowns: This obligatory step
takes place before the commissioning of the motor-
compressor and after the completion of all connections. It
consists in systematically and separately verifying each alarm
and each shutdown pertaining to the protection of the
machines and the auxiliaries. Each safety device can be
tested on a real basis or by simulation by verifying its
outcome and result. Particular attention should be given to
the safety devices which provoke an emergency stop of the
compressor train
3 Refer to Chapter 6 of the "operating and maintenance
manual" for CCC controller description
4 Check all cabling and wiring against the available
documentation before starting PLC checkout. It is very easy
to cross-wire cables and connections in these systems
5 Verification of the logic sequences and anti-surge regulation:
All of this operation consists in verifying, by simulation, each
regulation loop and the sequential logics which ensue.
Particular attention should be given to the satisfactory
functioning of the compressor anti-surge regulation by
causing the flow rate/pressure/temperature parameters to
vary. The opening times of the anti-surge valve shall be
verified for the compressor emergency stop
Coupling installation
1 Refer to SPFM-0824 (chapter 3 and annex 1) for detailed
2 The placement and installation of the flexible coupling spacer
shall take place after the following: Inspection and final

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acceptance of the machines alignment by authorized

representative and final verification of the distance between
the coupling hubs
3 Refer to the coupling supplier's drawing to determine the
number of shims to be positioned to respect the "pre-stress"
linked to the expansion of the mobile elements
4 Coupling the shafts and tighten all coupling bolts to
Leak test of process loop
1 This test is carried out in the final phase after completion of
installation and assembly of the whole equipment, including
control and regulation equipment.
2 Never attempts to check gas leaks by feeling the suspected
area with the hands. THIS METHOD CAN BE VERY
DANGEROUS as gas pressures can exceed 10 bars
3 Carry out an ultimate check of the loop
4 Put the NITROGEN buffer gas system in operation
5 Start oil and seal systems
6 Check instruments for readiness condition
7 Pressurize the loop at about 3 bars. Check and repair the
leaks. Then step by step increase the pressure and repair any
further leaks
8 Maintain the maximum pressure for one hour and check for
any pressure drop. If there is any pressure drop, repair the
9 Then depressurize the loop and purge with nitrogen if
10 Drain the compressor casing by opening the drain valves.
After draining close the drain valves
11 Check for zero system pressure before disconnecting any
system lines
12 Detailed procedure for leak test is given in the leak test
section above


Sr Description Executor Supervisor

1 System Lineup completed as per PIDs
2 System leak checked, inertised and under positive nitrogen

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3 Utilities and flare systems are commissioned.
4 All instruments are loop checked, available and lined up
5 All ESD and F&G systems are online
6 All vents and drains closed
7 All drains to closed drain drum are closed
8 All bypasses to flare header are closed. All control valve
bypasses closed
9 All PSVs are lined up to flare header
10 All heat tracing are switched on
Suction Manifold of Flash Gas Compressor Line-up
1 The line from the each of the oil processing facility inlet oil
separator and stabilizer column overhead has been line up
2 Ensure that each train inlet isolation valve 3600-ESV-
100/200/300/400 are in close position
3 3600-PIC-001 has been line up
1st Stage Flash Gas Compressor Suction Pot (360-VN-
1 Ensure that inlet to the KO pot from the flash gas compressor
suction manifold has been line up.
2 Ensure that KO drum overhead line to the Flash gas
compressor has been line up.
3 Ensure that KO pot liquid line up to the inlet of the pump has
been line up
4 Ensure that vessel inlet and outlet line has been chemically
cleaned as per the requirement
5 Ensure that the drains of the vessels are closed
6 Line up the level standpipes in the vessel
7 Ensure that the vents and drains of the level instruments and
standpipes are kept closed.
8 Ensure that 3600-PSV-200/201 are lined with HP flare.
Flash Gas Compressor (1st Stage)
1 Ensure that flash gas compressor inlet line has been line up
and properly chemically clean
2 Ensure that compressor inlet strainer has been line up and
3 Ensure that anti-surge line and flash gas compressor outlet

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line has been line up.

4 During initial start up operation, multistage orifice pack 3600-
FO-210 has been used instead of anti surge valve (3600-
5 Ensure that it is place instead of the anti surge valve
6 Ensure that all the utility i.e. lube oil, nitrogen, seal gas,
instrument air, LP steam/Condensate are line up
7 All the instruments are line up as per the vendor P&ID.
8 Ensure that 3600-PSV-212/213 has line up to the HP flare
1st Stage Flash Gas Compressor Recycle Cooler
1 Ensure that inlet and outlet line of the recycle cooler has been
line up and properly commissioned with chemical completion
has been completed
2 Ensure that fan has been line up with louvers are working
properly to recirculation of air
2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor Inlet Cooler
1 Ensure that inlet and outlet line of the recycle cooler has been
line up and properly commissioned with chemical completion
has been completed
2 Ensure that fan has been line up with louvers are working
properly to recirculation of air
3 Ensure that recycle gas from the anti surge line of the second
stage has been line up
2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor Suction Pot (360-VN-
1 Ensure that inlet to the KO pot from the flash gas compressor
2nd stage inlet cooler has been line up
2 Ensure that KO drum overhead line to the 2nd stage Flash
gas compressor has been line up
3 Ensure that condensate line to the discharge of the pump has
been line up
4 Ensure that vessel inlet and outlet line has been chemically
cleaned as per the requirement
5 Ensure that the drains of the vessels are closed
6 Line up the level standpipes in the vessel.
7 Ensure that methanol line from the methanol pump to the
injection quill has been line up
8 Ensure that the vents and drains of the level instruments and

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standpipes are kept closed

9 Ensure that 3600-PSV-215/216 are lined with HP flare
Flash Gas Compressor (2nd Stage)
1 Ensure that flash gas compressor inlet line has been line up
and properly chemically clean
2 Ensure that compressor inlet strainer has been line up and
3 Ensure that anti-surge line and flash gas compressor outlet
line has been line up
4 During initial start up operation, multistage orifice pack 3600-
FO-211 has been used instead of anti surge valve (3600-
UCV-290). Ensure that it is place instead of the anti surge
5 Ensure that all the utility i.e. lube oil, nitrogen, seal gas,
instrument air, LP steam/Condensate are line up
6 All the instruments are line up as per the vendor P&ID.
7 Ensure that 3600-PSV-227/228 has been line up to the HP
flare header
8 Ensure that manual on/off valve to the flare 3600-XV-210 and
3600-EDV-204 has been line up
9 Ensure that vents from the compressor casing have been line
up to the safe location
10 Ensure that all the compressor casing drain has been line up
to the closed drains properly
2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor After Cooler
1 Ensure that inlet and outlet line of the recycle cooler has been
line up and properly commissioned with chemical completion
has been completed
2 Ensure that fan has been lines up with louvers are working
properly to recirculation of air.
2nd Stage Flash Gas Compressor Discharge Pot (360-VN-
1 Ensure that inlet to the KO pot from the flash gas compressor
2nd stage after cooler has been line up
2 Ensure that KO drum overhead line to the Flash gas
compressor Discharge Manifold has been line up
3 Ensure that condensate line to the discharge of the pump has
been line up
4 Ensure that the drains of the vessels are closed

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5 Line up the level standpipes in the vessel

6 Ensure that methanol line from the methanol pump to the
injection quill has been line up
7 Ensure that the vents and drains of the level instruments and
standpipes are kept closed
8 Ensure that 3600-PSV-245/246 is lined with HP flare
9 Ensure that 3600-EDV-211 has been line up
10 Ensure that corrosion monitoring system has been line up
and corrosion injection system has been line up
Flash Gas Compressor Discharge Manifold
1 Ensure that discharge from each of the compressor train has
been line up properly
2 Ensure that individual train isolation valve 3600-ESV-
108/208/308/408 has been in close position
3 Ensure that discharge line has been line up to the gas plant
(Unit 300)
4 Ensure that 3600-EDV-001 has been line up
5 Ensure that heat tracing has been working properly
maintaining line temperature around 110 deg C. The interlock
has provided for the discharge valve to be closed if the line
temperature has been less than 100 deg C.


SECTION A1-360-HC-021/022/023 TESTING

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

Test run for healthiness
1 Local STOP button at the motor to remain pressed for all
motors. Electrical lockout existing on all motors
2 Check bearings for proper lubrication (refer to the equipment
3 Recheck fan blades to ensure that the retaining U-bolts are
securely and properly tightened.
4 Rotate the fans by hand to check that shafts, speed reducers
and motors turn freely.
5 Recheck for adequate fan blade tip clearances.
6 Do a complete survey of the air coolers, including instruments
and louvers position to check correct operation of each

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7 Summer start-up- Confirm that the ambient temperature is
higher than the set valve. The steps given below are for A1-
8 Open inlet(3600-TY-230A/B) and exhaust louvers(3600-TY-
9 Close recirculation louvers(3600-TY-230C)
10 Check that LP steam inlet valve (RG-095) and condensate
valve (RG-096) are closed
11 Lift the electrical lockout on the motors
12 Put the REMOTE/LOCAL switch for A1-360-HC-021 motors
in the field to LOCAL position
13 Make sure that the fans would start at minimum rpm by
putting 3600-TIC-208 in manual mode to minimum output.
14 Release the local STOP button and press the start button in
the field to energize both fan motors.
15 Check for proper direction of rotation and absence of
16 Stop the motors by pressing and locking the local STOP
17 Check belt tensioning and re-tighten, if necessary, in
accordance with the instructions given in the relevant Section
in Directions for Assembly. Belts may continue to stretch
during the first weeks of operation.
18 Re-energize the motors, measure the input current (amps) on
each of the 3 phases and compare the fan absorbed power
with the design specifications. Fan blade pitch angles cold
need to be re-adjusted to match the specified motor load.
19 If tube leaks should a leak occur, take the adequate fire
prevention measures and all required and proper measures
finalized to avoid other hazards, such as contamination of
personnel and environment.
20 When a leak occurs at the plug sheet side, fasten he plug
more tightly. If this does not solve the problem, isolate the
tube bundle concerned and replace the gasket. At this time,
check the gasket surface of the plug sheet, whether it is free
from damages and impurities. Clean thoroughly before
mounting the new gasket.
21 In the case of a leak at the tube-sheet side, isolate the
equipment (tube bundle) concerned and take corrective
actions for the tube(s) affected.

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22 Check the temperature of the motor and fan shaft bearings for
excessive heat. The units should run for several hours, during
that period check repeatedly for abnormal or sudden heating.
Consult the motor manufacturer's instructions for maximum
allowable start-up and operating working temperatures. Refer
to Motor Manufacturer Installation in: TECHNICAL
Take following readings every 30 minutes.
- The inlet and outlet pressures
- Inlet and outlet temperatures
- Vibration signatures for all bearings
- Bearing temperatures
- Motor amps and stator winding temperatures
- Noise levels
23 Winter-Startup-Confirm that the ambient temperature is
lower than the set valve. The steps given below are for A1-
24 Close inlet (3600-TY-230A/B) and exhaust louvers(3600-TY-
25 Open recirculation louvers(3600-TY-230C)
26 Open condensate valve (RG-096) to permit drainage of steam
condensed. Open LP steam inlet valve (RG-095) to allow LP
steam into the coils
27 Lift the electrical lockout on the motors
28 Put the REMOTE/LOCAL switch for A1-360-HC-021 motors
in the field to LOCAL position
29 Make sure that the fans would start at minimum rpm by
putting 3600-TIC-208 in manual mode to minimum output.
30 Release the local STOP button and press the start button in
the field to energize both fan motors.
31 Check for proper direction of rotation and absence of
32 Stop the motors by pressing and locking the local STOP
33 Check belt tensioning and re-tighten, if necessary, in
accordance with the instructions given in the relevant Section
in Directions for Assembly. Belts may continue to stretch
during the first weeks of operation.
34 Re-energize the motors, measure the input current (amps) on
each of the 3 phases and compare the fan absorbed power
with the design specifications. Fan blade pitch angles cold
need to be re-adjusted to match the specified motor load.

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35 If tube leaks should a leak occur, take the adequate fire

prevention measures and all required and proper measures
finalized to avoid other hazards, such as contamination of
personnel and environment.
36 When a leak occurs at the plug sheet side, fasten he plug
more tightly. If this does not solve the problem, isolate the
tube bundle concerned and replace the gasket. At this time,
check the gasket surface of the plug sheet, whether it is free
from damages and impurities. Clean thoroughly before
mounting the new gasket.
37 In the case of a leak at the tube-sheet side, isolate the
equipment (tube bundle) concerned and take corrective
actions for the tube(s) affected.
38 Check the temperature of the motor and fan shaft bearings for
excessive heat. The units should run for several hours, during
that period check repeatedly for abnormal or sudden heating.
Consult the motor manufacturer's instructions for maximum
allowable start-up and operating working temperatures. Refer
to Motor Manufacturer Installation in: TECHNICAL
Take following readings every 30 minutes.
- The inlet and outlet pressures
- Inlet and outlet temperatures
- Vibration signatures for all bearings
- Bearing temperatures
- Motor amps and stator winding temperatures
- Noise levels
39 Repeat the above procedure for A1-360-HC-022/023
40 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
Test for start/stop from DCS
1 All precautions for the previous test runs are mandatory in
this test run as well. In case of winter startup(Air temperature
< set valve) the steam heating coils shall be in line.
2 Release local STOP buttons at the motors for cooler A1-360-
3 Check the DCS indications 3600-UB-201A/B(AVAILABLE TO
START), 3600-UL-201A/B(STOPPED), 3600-UA-201A/B(NO
FAULT) are as required.
4 Start the fans from DCS switch 3600-USH-201A/B. Fans
should not start
5 Put the REMOTE/LOCAL switch for fans of A1-360-HC-021 in

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the field to REMOTE position

6 Start the fans from DCS switch 3600-USH-201A/B. Fans
should start. It is recommended not to start the motors more
than 2 times an hour
7 Check the DCS indications 3600-UB-201A/B, 3600-UL-
201A/B, 3600-UA-201A/B are as required
8 On any abnormal sound, stop the fans.
9 Put the REMOTE/LOCAL switch for fans of A1-360-HC-021 in
the field to LOCAL position
10 Stop the fan from DCS switch 3600-USL-201A/B. The fans
should not stop
11 Check the DCS indications 3600-UB-201A/B, 3600-UL-
201A/B, 3600-UA-201A/B are as required
12 Put the REMOTE/LOCAL switch for fans of A1-360-HC-021 in
the field to REMOTE position
13 Stop the fan from DCS switch 3600-USL-201A/B. Fans
should stop
14 Check the DCS indications 3600-UB-201A/B, 3600-UL-
201A/B, 3600-UA-201A/B are as required
15 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
16 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
Test for Control System
1 All precautions for the previous test runs are mandatory in
this test run as well. In case of winter startup(Air temperature
< set valve) the steam heating coils shall be in line.
2 Start the fans for A1-360-HC-021 from DCS as given in the
earlier procedures
3 It is assumed that the tube bundles are warmed up when the
temperature of circulated air 3600-TIC-230 is higher than
4 The controller 3600-TIC-230 can be put in auto
5 Check the opening of the louvers. If the air temperature rises
above the desired set point, the inlet and exhaust louvers are
regulated to open while the bypass louvers are regulated to
6 Test the opening of the louvers by varying the set point
7 Tune the controller 3600-TIC-230 for stable operation

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8 Check the variation in the fans speed with respect to change

in the controller 3600-TIC-208 output
9 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
10 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
Test for failure of process temperature controller
1 Failure, high and low value of process temperature controller
3600-TIC-208 to be simulated with the fans running
2 Check if relevant alarm is generated (High/Low)
3 Check if inlet louvers are in open position (required open)
4 Check if exhaust louvers are in open position (required open)
5 Check if recirculation louvers are in closed position (required
6 Check if there is any change in fan speed on any change in
controller 3600-TIC-208 output (required no change)
7 If found abnormal, rectify
8 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
9 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
Test for failure of inlet air temperature controller
1 Simulate Controller failure 3600-TIC-230 with the fans
running and controller in auto
2 Check if controller mode switched to manual (required
3 Check if controller output is 0%(required 0%)
4 Check if inlet louvers are in fail to open position (required fail
to open)
5 Check if exhaust louvers are in fail to open position (required
fail to open)
6 Check if recirculation louvers are in fail to close position
(required fail to close)
7 If found abnormal, rectify
8 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
9 Attach the data records to the commissioning file

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Test for BAD value of temperature controllers

1 Simulate BAD value for both controllers 3600-TIC-208 and
3600-TIC-230 with the fans running and controller in auto
2 Check if controller mode switched to manual(required
3 Check if controller PV frozen(required frozen at last good
4 If found abnormal, rectify
5 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
6 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
Test for failure of inlet air temperature controller
1 Simulate controller failure for controllers 3600-TIC-208 with
the fans running and controller in auto
2 Check if controller mode switched to manual (required
3 Check if controller output is 4mA i.e. 0%(required 0%). Fans
will run at minimum speed.
4 If found abnormal, rectify
5 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
6 Attach the data records to the commissioning file
1 Take controller 3600-TIC-230/208 on manual.
2 Reduce output of 3600-TIC-230 to 0% so that fan is at
minimum speed
3 Open recirculation louvers
4 Close inlet/exhaust louvers to stop gas entering
5 Stop fans from DCS
6 Repeat the same test procedure the other air coolers A1-360-
7 In case of shutdown for a long time, drain process side to
closed drain, purge with nitrogen to remove hydrocarbon and
water and keep under positive nitrogen pressure.
Isolate LP steam and condensate valves. Drain condensate
and purge with nitrogen to remove water and keep under
positive nitrogen pressure.

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8 Attach the data records to the commissioning file



Sr. Description Executor Supervisor

1 Nitrogen buffer gas system in operation
2 Lube oil system in operation
3 All sequences have been checked
4 Check that all alarm related to lube oil and dry gas seal
systems are off
5 Put the anti-surge controller on normal position
6 Re-check all safety devices for readiness
7 All vents and drains are closed
8 All utilities are available: electric power, nitrogen, seal gas
9 All motor systems and auxiliaries are OK
10 Safety detection and protection systems at normal status
11 All process control systems fully commissioned and in
working order
12 All vent systems and relief systems are ready and available
13 All instrumentation available and isolation valves open
14 ESD system has been tested and ready
15 Hand valves are in their normal position
16 Spectacle blinds in the normal operating position
17 All piping is drained at low points. Liquid collected is disposed
of safely
18 Check for proper arrangement of gas circuit, closed loop
through antisurge circuit
19 Ensure that the pre-startup checks for flash gas Compressor
system are completed and the unit is ready for startup
20 Ensure that the system is pressurized with nitrogen
21 Ensure that fuel gas system is commissioned and HP fuel gas
is available for the flash gas Compressor system
22 Ensure that HP Flare and LP Flare systems are

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23 Ensure that closed drain system is commissioned

24 Ensure that Flash gas compressor lube oil system is
commissioned and it is under circulation as per vendor’s
instruction manual
25 Ensure that inlet oil Separator and Stabilizer gas is available
for flash gas Compressor system if required
26 Ensure that the spec blinds of the flash gas Compressor
system are as per P & IDs
27 Ensure that the below mentioned PSVs are lined up, with
LO/LC positions as indicated in P&IDs.:
-3600-PSV-200 of 360-VN-021
-3600-PSV-212/213 of 360-KC-020 1st stage discharge
-3600-PSV-215 of 360-VN-022
-3600-PSV-227/228 of 360-KC-020 2nd stage discharge
-3600-PSV-245 of 360-VN-023
-3600-PSV-224/226 of Condensate unit header
-3600-PSV-007/008 of Condensate manifold
28 Ensure that compressor coolers 360-HC-021/022/023 fans
are tested are ready for operation
29 Ensure that the Unit Control Panel (UCP) and Video Display
Unit (VDU) located in the Satellite Instrument Shelter (SIS) is
powered up and operational
30 Ensure that the Methanol injection Package is lined up and
ready for use
31 Line up the level standpipes in the Compressor pots 360-VN-
021, 360-VN-022 and 360-VN-023. Ensure that the vents and
drains of the level instruments and standpipes are kept
closed. Close all valves on drain lines from the compressor
Test run for Cleanup (Clean-Up Run)
1 Compressor should not be run on nitrogen with oxygen in
excess of 0.5%
2 There is potential of depletion of oxygen in the compressor
enclosure due to nitrogen leak. There is potential risk of
asphyxiation for operator within the enclosure. Ensure that
appropriate personnel protection measures as per company
standard has been placed before starting flash gas on this
mode of operation
3 In order to prevent any damages on anti-surge valves during
the first starting and THERMODYN recommendation, a spool
provided with an orifice plate is to be installed in place of anti-
surge valve. The antisurge valve shall stay close to its

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location with the air and instrument connected in order to

check the good operation of the valve during the clean-up
run. During subsequent start-up of compressor after
depressurization it is not necessary to replace the anti-surge
valve unless major and extensive works are carried out on
any equipment in the compressor loop. This is protection
against poor preservation of loop parts and potential ingress
of dirt.
4 The purpose of these Closed loop tests is:
-to check the good functioning of the complete start-up and
shut down sequences for each machine
-to check the control stability of lube oil, compressor gas seal
and process gas systems in operation during the test
-to check the mechanical reliability of the shaft line
-to check operation of the anti-surge control loop
-to carry out any modifications and for adjustments, as
-to check all system operating parameters (pressure,
temperature, vibration level and speed)
-to make sure that the process gas circuit between
compressor discharge and antisurge valve is clean
5 Make sure process valves are in the proper position
6 Nitrogen Mode of operation is manual semi automatic
operation and operator intervention is required during this
7 This type of arrangement is required during the first time start-
up of the flash gas compressor
8 Operator selects HS-207 – Position C - Nitrogen mode of
operation. And confirm the same from DCS panel.
9 This bypasses the suction low pressure trip, PT-205 and PT-
220. Low pressure trips for the PT-206 and PT-221 has been
selected instead.
10 Enables manual operation of XV-210 (manual
depressurization valve located parallel to the blow down valve
EDV-304 at the second stage outlet of the compressor).
11 Disables 3600-ESV-200 and 3600-ESV-210 from opening
12 Automatically opens 3600-PCV-203 to 100% (confirmed from
13 XV-212 (seal Gas valve) is forced close (In this mode N2
which is being charged in the compressor is used as seal gas
via the back up system from the final impeller)
14 To lineup nitrogen, the spectacle blind upstream of RB-872 is
turned to open position earlier and RB-509 is opened.

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Operator opens the manual valve RB-872. Compressor is

charged up to pressure of 4.6 barg (as confirmed by PT-243
& PT-222) using Nitrogen from the plant header. Operator
closes manual valve RB-872 & checks the compressor circuit
for leaks if any (P&ID: KE01-A1-360-PO-R-HP-0022-001)
15 In case any leakage is detected operator stops the sequence
by pressing the Normal Stop
16 Drain compressor casing during pressurization
17 Operator opens valve XV-210 so that the charged Nitrogen is
18 These steps shall be repeated three times to ensure that
compressor is thoroughly purged.
19 Operator once again opens the manual valve RB-872.
Compressor is charged up to pressure of 4.6 barg (as
confirmed by PT-243 & PT-222) & then operator closes
manual valve RB-872. At this point the stage 1 Low suction
pressure ESD Trip (PT-206) is enabled
20 Operator issues ‘Process Ready’ signal
21 On receipt of this signal, Operator activates the compressor
start button. Compressor logic checks that starting conditions
are healthy (XS-296B) & issues a ‘Ready to start’ signal to
DCS. In response to this DCS checks readiness of Process &
issues ‘Start Authorization’ signal
22 Before start of the compressor logic ensure that 3600-FO-210
has been replaced by the 3600-UCV-285 and 3600-FO-211
has been replaced by the 3600-UCV-290.
23 Compressor logic starts the main motor & once the
compressor reaches operating speed
- Selects A1-3600-FT-292 as the second stage Active Flow
transmitter (instead of A1-3600-FT-290).
- Enables anti-surge controller & the Compressor is run in
Recycle mode.
24 While the compressor is running & stage 2 suction pressure is
above the low trip set point, stage 2 Low suction pressure
ESD Trip (PT-221) is enabled. Operator now checks the
Compressor circuit for leaks if any.
25 Drain compressor casing
26 When the equipment is rotating, check for proper mechanical
behavior of the whole unit and stability of lube oil and gas
seal systems
27 Observe unit vibration amplitudes and bearing temperatures
28 Check dry seal gas pressure and flow

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29 Check flow and temperature of oil returning from journal and

thrust bearings
30 Rapidly detect any abnormal noise
31 Check absence of liquid at compressor drain pipes
32 Check that all operating parameters are stable throughout
duration of this phase
33 During operation, log all below parameters every 30 minutes
if they are not recorded by PLC: vibrations, axial
displacement, bearing temperatures, tube oil pressure and
temperature, differential pressure across tube oil filters, cooler
outlet oil temperature, gas temperature and pressure at
compressor suction and discharge, gas pressure before seal
gas filters, gas flow at compressor suction, Motor power,
amps and volts
34 Run the unit for 2 hours
35 Observe gas pressures and temperatures
36 On completion of the leakage checks, stop the motor-
compressor by normal stop command, in order to check the
opening times of the anti-surge valve
37 Compressor is then De-pressurized automatically by logic,
which opens XV-210. Pressure as confirmed by PT-243 &
PT-222 (less than 1 bar g) confirms de-pressurization is
38 Compressor logic removes the force on valve 3600-XV-212.
39 ESD Logic selects - PT-205 & PT-220 as low pressure trip
signal instead of PT-206 & PT-221 respectively).
40 3600-FT-290 as the second stage Active Flow transmitter has
been selected instead of 3600-FT-292.
41 This completes the N2 mode of operation & following
message is flashed on DCS screen ‘N2 Mode completed,
Compressor ready for Fuel Gas Purging’. The sequence
returns to the first step & waits for the operator to select the
correct mode.
42 After completion, close the manual valve RB-872 and RB-509
in nitrogen line
43 Although the message displayed is for selecting the Fuel Gas
Purging, the operator has the option of repeating the current
mode. In case the operator wants to once again repeat the
above mode he can re-confirm via the DCS confirmation face
plate & the sequence starts executing from Step 1.
44 Works to be carried out after completion of this test. Remove
temporary strainer for cleanliness inspection. Perform

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additional clean up runs if necessary, until temporary

strainers are clean
45 Remove the spool and re-install the antisurge valve only after
clean up runs are over
46 Pressurize the process loops and check the leakages
Commissioning on process loop in "NITROGEN" Mode
1 Make sure process valves are in the proper position and
2 Unit permissives OK
3 Ensure that 3600-FO-210 has been replaced by the 3600-
UCV-285 and 3600-FO-211 has been replaced by the 3600-
UCV-290 which were used during the "Clean-Up Run" mode
of operation.
4 Start the machine as described above in the clean-up run
procedure in "NITROGEN" mode
5 All parameters are indicated on UCP (VDU)
6 Check for proper mechanical behavior of the whole unit and
stability of lube oil and gas seal systems control
7 Observe unit vibration amplitudes (monitoring on U.C.P)
8 Check dry seal gas pressure and flow (indication on U.C.P)
9 Check flow and temperature of oil returning from journal and
thrust bearing
10 Rapidly detect any abnormal noise
11 Check absence of liquid at compressor drain pipes (casing
12 Check that all operating parameters are stable throughout
duration of this phase
13 During operation, log all below parameters every 30 minutes
if they are not recorded by PLC: vibrations, axial
displacement, bearing temperatures, tube oil pressure and
temperature, differential pressure across tube oil filters, cooler
outlet oil temperature, gas temperature and pressure at
compressor suction and discharge, gas pressure before seal
gas filters, gas flow at compressor suction, Motor power,
amps and volts
14 During initial operation of the compressor, check the correct
working of surge control system
15 Surge line checks
16 Surge controller auto mode checks

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17 Surge controller Manual mode checks

18 Surge control valve shutdown
19 Bump less transfer AUTO/MANUAL
20 Re-adjust the anti-surge controller parameters if necessary
21 The set is now in normal operation, and can be
commissioned at full range
22 Change discharge gas pressure and flow through the
compressor loop step by step
23 Manually operate station valve(s) to restrict flow and thus
ensure surge control system is functioning
24 When the guarantee is obtained that the antisurge control
system is operational in all operating cases and that the
whole shaft line including its associated equipment is
mechanically reliable go-ahead with the run for 72 hours
continuously at maximum power (IF APPLICABLE)
25 Trip the compressor in order to check the opening times for
the antisurge valve
26 The unit can be put into commercial operation after all tests
and adjustments for proper operation of the motor-
compressor and its associated equipment have been
completed, including those in relation with the process.
27 In order to prevent an unprepared shut-down by any one of
the safety devices, it is recommended that a regular
supervision of the train be maintained
28 A log-book should be kept in which all readings of instruments
as well as any observations regarding operation, starting and
shutting-down times, data of cooler and filter cleaning and
overhauling should be recorded. The variation of the noted
figures gives a picture of the performance of the machine and
allows a quick detection of any abnormality
29 Periodically check for:
-Oil or gas leakage, which, if any, should be suppressed
-Identify any abnormal noise emitted by the equipment since
it is a premonitory warning of malfunction
30 It is not permitted to run the compressor with any mandatory
trip by-passed. When a machine is shut down by one of its
protective trip functions, it is not to be restarted until the
reasons have fully been investigated
Fuel gas Purge and Pressurization mode
1 In this mode the Compressor is not actually run. The flash
gas compressor is unable to run with LP fuel gas mode of

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operation due to low molecular weight of fuel gas. Flash gas

compressor has been designed to handle high molecular
weight sour gas. It is just Purged & Pressurized using Fuel
Gas & is made ready to charge with Sour Gas. Operator
selects this mode of operation after the ‘Nitrogen mode’ is
completed or after a depressurized shutdown of the
compressor. Purpose of running the compressor in this mode
is to purge the compressor with sweet gas prior to introducing
Sour gas in the Compressor. Following sequence has been
executed during the compressor Purge and Pressurization
2 Operator shall select HS-207 for purge and pressurization
mode of operation (Position B)
3 3600-ESV-200 (upstream of 1st stage KO pot) and 3600-
ESV-210 (downstream of 2nd stage compressor) shall be
disabled for opening.
4 Automatically open 3600-PCV-203 to 100% (confirmed from
5 Automatically open 3600-ESV-212 mounted on the fuel gas
6 Once the pressure in the FGC reaches 4.6 barg (confirmed
by PT-243 and PT-222), 3600-ESV-212 shall automatically
close and 3600-XV-210 (downstream of flash gas compressor
going to flare) shall be automatically opened.
7 This operation shall be repeated three times to ensure
complete purging of the compressor.
8 ESV-212 shall open to charge the compressor
9 Force on ESV-210 is removed and the valve is enabled to
open. Operator opens ESV-210 so that compressor can be
charged right up to the main discharge ESV-208 located on
the discharge manifold
10 Operator once again opens ESV-212 to charge the
Compressor with fuel Gas. Once the pressure in the FGC
reaches 4.6 barg (confirmed by PT-243 and PT-222), 3600-
ESV-212 is closed automatically.
11 The compressor at this stage is purged and pressurized using
the Fuel Gas and is ready for accepting sour gas. A message
flashes on the DCS screen indicating ‘Purge and
Pressurization of Compressor is Complete and Compressor is
ready for Normal Operation.
12 Suction throttle valve 3600-PCV-203 has been closed.
13 Remove force on ESV-200
14 Checks the pressure as confirmed by PT-243 & PT-222 is

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greater than 5 barg , then a message is flashed on DCS

screen Requesting
-Operator to ‘De-pressurize the Compressor to Normal
Operating Pressure.
-Operator to ‘Manually Drain the compressor’.
15 Alternately if the pressure as confirmed by PT-243 & PT-222
is less than 5 barg then a message is flashed on the DCS
HMI requesting operator to Select Normal Operating mode.
16 ESD Logic: Bypass on PT-205 & PT-220-LL ESD Trips are
17 At any time during this operation if 3600-ESV-212 fail safe
close the operator has been alarmed for the discrepancy
alarm and sequence freezes
Normal mode Startup
1 In case of De-pressurized shutdown, DCS does not allow
Normal Mode selection & guides the operator to select, Fuel
Gas Purge & Pressurization prior to introducing Sour Gas into
the compressor. In this case once Fuel Gas Purge &
Pressurization is completed the Fuel Gas within the
compressor is required to be displaced with Sour Gas as per
the following sequence
2 Ensure that 3600-FO-210 has been replaced by the 3600-
UCV-285 and 3600-FO-211 has been replaced by the 3600-
UCV-290 which were used during the Nitrogen mode of
operation before compressor logic start.
The gas to be used for the normal startup must be as close to
the normal molecular weight of sour gas as possible. If such
gas is not available then nitrogen or fuel gas may be used.
If nitrogen is to be used, then the nitrogen will be taken
in the same manner as earlier clean-up test via dedicated
nitrogen line A1-3600-UN-005 except that RB-040 should
remain closed.
If fuel gas is to be used, then the fuel gas can be taken
from any of the dedicated fuel gas lines for inlet oil separator
or stabiliser. A typical lineup from oil inlet separator of tranche
2 would be:
Open RB-959, Spectacle blind upstream of RB-192, RB-192,
RB-151, RB-071, 2002-PCV-014A, RB-072, RB-143, 2002-
ESV-005, RB-245, RB-244 and RB-040.
3 The Operator selects HS-207 –– Position A, for Normal mode
of Operation and confirms the selection from the DCS
4 After confirmation ESD bypasses PT-220 LL signal.
5 After compressor start button signal the suction throttle valve

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PCV-203 opens to a pre-determined opening.

6 Checks PZT-203 & confirms valve PCV-203 is open as per
the pre-determined setting.
7 After that ‘Pressurization Authorization’ has been initiated.
8 On receipt of this signal Operator opens ESV-200 provided
the Differential Pressure across ESV-200 is less than 1 barg.
9 Logic automatically opens XV-210 for a period of 5 minutes
(adjustable time to be finalized during commissioning) to
displace sweet gas by sour gas in the flare.
10 After this time elapses XV-210 shall be closed automatically.
11 Now the compressor is ready for start up with Sour Gas.
Operator checks & ensures Process is ready & issues
‘Process Ready’ signals. This signal disables XV-210 from
12 Operator activates the compressor start button. Compressor
logic checks that starting conditions are healthy & issues a
‘Ready to start’ signal. In response to this issues ‘Start
Authorization’ signal has been initiated from the DCS
13 On receipt of this compressor starts main motor and issues a
command to indicate normal operating of the compressor.
14 Operator allows the compressor to run and establish steady
discharge pressure (as confirmed by PT-222). Discharge
ESV-208 is to be kept closed.
15 3600-ESV-003 has been open once the pressure across the
ESV is less than 1 bar. This is required to ensure that ESV
will not open against high differential pressure.
16 Once the above steps are completed, the Compressor now
operates in Normal mode & a message is flashed on the DCS
screen indicating ‘Compressor Running in Normal mode’.
17 In case of Pressurized shutdown operator can directly select
Normal Mode of operation provided selection is allowed.
Being a single casing compressor, after a pressurized
shutdown, in case the compressor is not restarted within a
short time there are chances that the stage 1 & stage 2
pressures slowly equalizes. In this scenario the pressure
within the compressor casing will be greater than 5 barg. As
the compressor cannot be started at this high pressure it
needs to be de-pressurized before it can be run in normal
mode. One of the pre-requisites for Normal Mode to be
allowed for selection is that the compressor suction pressure
as confirmed by PT-243 & PT-222 should not be greater than
5 barg. If the pressure as confirmed by PT-243 is greater than
5 barg, then a message is flashed on DCS screen Requesting

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-Operator to ‘De-pressurize the Compressor to Normal

Operating Pressure’.
-Operator to ‘Manually Drain the compressor’.
18 In response to message ‘a’ operator opens XV-210 to
depressurize the compressor. As soon as the pressure
reduces below 5 barg (as confirmed by PT-243), XV-210 is
automatically closed.
In response to message ‘b’, Operator manually Drains the
compressor & acknowledges the ‘Manual Drain Request’.
19 Now the compressor is ready to be started in Normal mode
1 Reduce the set points of the Level controllers on the Second
Stage Suction Pot 3600-LIC-204 to just above the LLL
2 To Shutdown the running compressor train, first close the
discharge line valve, 3600-ESV-208 at the discharge
manifold. The compressor anti-surge valves (3600-UCV-
285/290) will open and the compressor will go on total recycle
3 Isolate at the suction manifold by closing 3600-ESV-200
4 Now, stop the compressor by switching 3600-USL-250
5 Stop the Second stage compressor inlet cooler, A1-360-HC-
022 by stopping the air cooler fans motors by switching 3600-
USL-203A/B. Next stop the First stage compressor recycle
cooler, A1-360-HC-021 by switching 3600-USL-201A/B and
the second stage after cooler, A1-360-HC-023 by switching
6 Isolate Utility lines to the compressor casing i.e. LP stream,
LP condensate header, Nitrogen, Instrument Air) by closing
the manual isolation valves.
7 Shut down the compressor lube oil system and the seal gas
system as per the vendor recommendations (KE01-A1-
8 Lube oil system, electric motors and heaters remains on duty
in case of emergency shutdown
9 Normal stopping done by operator on compressor UCP or
remote location generates a pressurized shutdown. Then, the
antisurge valve is directly opened, the motor is stopped
10 Suction and discharge valves are closed by ESD. The
stopping is pressurized. The utilities stay in operation
11 If Depressurisation of the compressor is required, open 3600-
EDV-204, and manual vent valves on the suction pots and at
the compressor discharge of the first and second stages and

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purge with nitrogen. Re-purging with nitrogen will then be

required prior to the next start up of the compressor
12 Drain the balance condensate from the Suction pots into the
Closed Drain Header
13 Before carrying out any maintenance activities, purge with
nitrogen and ensure isolation from the Flare systems.
14 If all the compressor trains are shutdown, depressurise and
purge with nitrogen through 3600-ESV-200 and 3600-EDV-
15 During a prolonged shutdown the inventory in the system
could cool down to a very low temperature in winter
depending on the ambient conditions. Since depressurisation
to flare eventually from a low temperature will result in an
unacceptably low temperature in the flare header as well as
the Flash gas system. Hence this should be avoided. To
avoid low temperature during pressurized trip and subsequent
depressurisation, a low temperature alarm (3600-TT-219) at
100°C is provided. Operator should not initiate manual
depressurisation below this temperature.
16 Refer vendor’s operating manual for detailed shutdown
procedure of compressor package (KE01-A1-PPGM02A-N01-
Compressor shutdown upon a fault
1 When the compressor is stopped by any shutdown device,
the Plant Operator has no control over the shutdown. The
compressor will stop according to the data entered in the
shutdown program and the relevant sequences. It should be
checked that the shutdown sequence has been performed
normally for both the process and the compressor
Pressurized shutdown
1 The sequence is the same than normal stopping. For
compressor and process, these shutdowns are described in
the "logic system" RNTIC 061498
Depressurized shutdown
22 The antisurge valve is directly opened, the motor immediately
stopped and the compressor is isolated by inlet and outlet
valves closure
23 The blow down valve is opened during depressurization
phase. For compressor these shutdowns are described in the
"logic system" RNTIC 061498
24 The inlet, outlet and blow down valves are controlled by the
ESD system

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Compressor maintained in continuous operational

26 Motor purge air is available with power on air heater
27 The oil system is operational. Oil pressures and temperatures
are at their nominal values. Oil is kept flowing through the
shaft line bearings
28 The compressor is kept pressurized at the nominal value
29 Both the suction and discharge valves are closed
30 All alarms and shutdowns have been cleared
31 The buffer gas system is in operation
32 The anti-surge control loop is in readiness condition
33 The motor is ready to start
34 Long duration shutdown
35 Depressurize the compressor. Open the casing drain valves.
Isolate the compressor from the process system
36 Stop the oil system. Keep the oil heating in the reservoir in
operation to overcome along warm-up time and to prevent
water condensation in the oil reservoir
37 Isolate the buffer gas system
38 For a longer than one week shutdown period, operate an oil
pump for one hour approximately each week. The buffer gas
system must be operational whilst the lube oil pumps are
39 Refer to compressor manual( KE01-A1-PPGM02A-N01-0001-
000) for details


Sr. Description Executor Supervisor
→ As per the cause and effect diagram KE01-A1-980-PO-I-
HC-1002-000 for unit 360
1 It is assumed that preliminary loop testing has been
completed during precommissioning. The following methods
will be used for the simulation testing
2 Low levels will be simulated by isolating the LT and slowly
draining to closed drain such that the level drops to trip value
in a controlled manner if possible

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3 High levels will be simulated by isolating the low pressure

tapping of the LT and slowly venting at the top to closed drain
such that the level increases to trip value in a controlled
manner if possible
4 Low pressures will be simulated by isolating the PT and
slowly draining to closed drain such that the pressure drops to
trip value in a controlled manner if possible
5 High pressures will be simulated by boosting the signal of the
PT from field to trip value
6 Low/high temperatures will be simulated by boosting the
signal of the transmitter from field to trip value
7 Low and high flow will be simulated by draining the relevant
low/high pressure tapping of the transmitter from field
8 The trip signals between ESD levels or units where it is
complicated or cumbersome to actuate shall be simulated
using the relevant intermediate signals for ease of testing
9 All trips from DCS shall be simulated by changing the
low/high alarm settings as required
10 The shutdown levels will be tested, starting by the lowest
level (ESD 3), to end by the highest one (ESD 1)
11 For each category of inputs that give identical effects, one
input will be selected at random, and the shutdown will be
initiated. It will then be verified that all expected outputs of this
shutdown level thus triggered have been activated and that
the connected equipment has performed as expected
12 The other inputs of this category will also be tested
systematically but without resetting all equipment that was
operated by the previous test. It will only be made sure that at
least one output from each lower shutdown activated by the
tested shutdown level has actually been activated. Hence,
only all critical protections will be tested with actual equipment
shutdown. The other protections will be tested with the trip
action by-passed.
13 As the ESD tests will be performed before the plant start-up it
will be impossible to checks the action on non-running
equipment e.g. electrical motors. In this case one will make
sure that the trip element of the equipment concerned is
activated e.g.: trip relay for electrical motors
14 All categories of inputs will be tested in the same way, thus
ensuring the proper functioning of all inputs and outputs, and
of the shutdown logics in all its possible configurations
15 The reference document will be the ESD matrix Logic

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16 Attach the data records to the commissioning file

B Dynamic test for F&G system
→ As per the F&G cause and effects Diagram: KE01-A1-700-
1 The procedure applied to test dynamically the F&G systems
will be exactly that used for ESD, but for the following points
2 All detectors by loop will be tested to initiate a given range of
actions. For each category of loops giving the same effects,
one will be tested in real, whilst the others will be simulated.
3 Extinguishant will not be actually released, the test consisting
only in activating the last solenoid valve, disconnected from
the extinguishant bottle.
4 The deluge valves will be activated, the fire pumps started up
and the deluges actually released, but the two latter effects
only once per area. The facilities will therefore be
systematically deluged once, the continuing tests also
activating the deluge valves, but with their block valves
5 Attach the data records to the commissioning file

Sr. Document (P&I Diagrams) number Unit Remarks

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6.1 Commissioning Mark up Drawings

The color markups PIDs are used as reference to identify the individual sub-systems
and their boundaries. Revised PIDs are used to develop the commissioning procedures.
For each subsystem, the refered list of marked-up P&I diagrams is mentioned in the
table below

Commodity Description Sub system number Reference Marked up PIDs

CD Closed drain
CH Chemicals (General)
CS Caustic Soda
DW Potable water
FG Fuel gas
FH HP Flare
FL LP Flare
GA Acid gas
HC HP Condensate
HS HP Steam
IA Instrument Air
LC LP Condensate
LS LP Steam
ML Methanol
PL LPG (Sour)
PO Product Oil
PW Product Water
RO Raw Oil
TG Treated gas (Sweet)
TW Demin Water
UA Utility Air
UN Utility N2
UW Utility Water

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6.2 Alarm & Trip List

Sr. Description
A For Oil Tranche-2

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

6.3 Cause & Effect Diagrams

Sr. Description

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

6.4 Commissioning Check List/ Forms

6.4.1 General Checklists for Mechanical equipments: Checklist for Pumps
Sr. Description Executor Supervisor
1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
➔ Read carefully the operating manual for any special
2 Check installed pump and motor are suitable and meets the
operating requirements. Check the test certificate if in
3 Check the earthing of motor.
4 Check the tightness of foundation bolts.
5 Check the no load current of the motor. Ensure the
alignment of coupling is within tolerance. Check for a
alignment record.
6 Ensure lubrication of bearing prior to turning of shaft
7 Check the coupling bushes and lubrication for Greased/oil
bath couplings.
8 Check suction & discharge piping and ensure no piping
strain is transmitted to pump nozzles. This will be done by
either visually observation of unconnected pipes for small
pumps or by checking alignment with and without piping
connection for bigger pumps.
9 Insert suitable strainer in suction piping. Ensure that there
is no gap between strainer and pipe wall. Ensure that
strainer cleaning would not be a problem.
10 Check all the accessories viz. pressure gauge, oil cup,
safety valve, vent valve, non-return valve, drain valve, foot
valve etc. Ensure that drain and vents are properly plugged
as per drawing.
11 Ensure the pump surroundings are cleared up and easy
approach to the valves, start/stop push buttons etc.
12 Ensure the availability of spares and consumables.
13 Ensure availability of lifting arrangements.
14 Check coupling guards and mark the direction of Rotation
outside. (Coupling guard to be of non-sparking type
material whenever hydrocarbon is being used (or any other
inflammable material).
16 Check whether the piping layout is not fouling from pump
maintenance point of view.

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

17 Check completion of cooling system/lube system/seal

flushing system/seal quench system as per data sheet
18 Check drains of foundation are properly routed to
OWS/closed drain system. Checklist for Compressors

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor
1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
➔ Operating manual should be thoroughly reviewed and
must be followed.
2 Check with schematic diagram for all the accessories and
instruments, control etc.
3 Check for expansion bellows, direction of non-return
valves, piping supports etc.
4 Check foundation and levelling of the compressor. Gas
compressor piping should be pickled and free from any
rust and foreign particles.
5 Check for specification and enclosure of electrical motor
and check direction of rotation.
6 Check the lube oil and cooling water system and ensure
adequate pressure, flow of lubrication.
7 Lube oil tank, heat exchangers, filters, auxiliary pump
should be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with recommended
lubricating oil. → Refer all points of pump checklist.
8 Check for leakage of lubricant & cooling water system.
9 Check the safety and control panel, confirm correct
operation and settings, of pressure switches, flow switches,
temperature, level and alarm circuit, interlocks.
10 Ascertain correct functioning of the safety devices. Check
the functioning of capacity control devices like governor,
unloaders, clearance volume controller, suction throttling,
guide vane control discharge throttling by-pass, venting to
atmosphere etc. as case may be.
11 Keep the essential spares available.
12 Check for necessary arrangement for chemical cleaning
and passivation of suction lines.
13 Temporary/permanent suction strainer to be provided.
14 Ensure good internal condition by opening few components
like valves, cylinder, head, bearing cover etc., if required.
Compressor vendors should be consulted.

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AGIPKCO Document No. KE01-A1-000-PO-R-MA-0002-000

16 Check the record of necessary measurements of

alignment clearance, axial and radial play etc. Checklist for Heat Exchangers

Sr. Description Executor Supervisor
1 System Prerequisites Line-up completed
2 Ensure gaskets on the main flange joints& floating head
joints are changed to the specified as per the Data Sheet.
3 Ensure from records whether hydraulic test has been
conducted on each heat exchanger. (Medium of test, air
4 Ensure the exchanger is properly supported, Sliding
surface/slot be cleaned.
5 In case of high temperature service, ensure that there is
provision of full expansion on shell side e.g. expansion
bellows or roller support etc.
6 Check the equipment is properly earthed.
7 Check there is a provision for draining and venting on the
shell side/tube side, and drain valves are blinded properly
(rating: stub/bolt specification, gasket etc.).
8 Check for proper installation of necessary instruments and
safety valves / TSV.
9 Check completion of fireproofing and insulation as per
drawing and spec.
10 Check whether the exchanger lay out is proper from
maintenance points of view.
11 Check equipment tag no. & compare with the data sheet.
12 Ensure that strainers are mounted in inlet streams of cold
box and provision is there for easy removal of strainers.
Check there is no gap between strainer and pipe wall.
13 Ensure that blinds on nozzles of cold box are removed
only after completion of flushing activities.
14 Ensure that PDI indications across inlet stream strainer of
cold box are mounted at approachable platform and impulse
tubes are free draining towards pipe.
15 Ensure that piping connected to cold box are free draining
away from cold box or suitable draining provision is provided
in the cold box.

6.4.2 Electrical Test Forms

→ Covered in Electrical chapter (Chapter 4.2)

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6.5 List of Relief Valves

Tag No. P&ID Manufacturer Model no.

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