Guideline Mini Tea Factory Pdf4886

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14-B.T.M. Sarani,
Kolkata- 700 001

Guidelines for setting up of Mini Tea Factory under the provisions of Paragraph 3A of
the Tea Marketing Control Order, 2003

On 1st January 2003 Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, in exercise of the powers conferred
by sub section (3) & (5) under Section 30 of the Tea Act 1953 and in supersession of the TMCO
1984, notified Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003.

Clause 3(1) of TMCO 2003 stipulates that no manufacturer shall carry on the activities of
manufacturing tea except under a valid registration obtained under the said order in respect of
tea factory owned or controlled by him.

Further, on 3rd January, 2017, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, in exercise of the powers
conferred by sub section (3) & (5) of Section 30 of the Tea Act 1953, makes certain
amendments in The Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003.

According to Para 2(c) of the said order “Mini tea factory” means a tea factory owned by a
small grower, an association of small tea growers or a Producer Company and which sources all
the required tea leaf from its own plantation for the purpose of manufacture of tea and having
capacity to produce not more than five hundred kilograms of made tea per day.
Para 3(A)(1) of the TMCO, 2003 (amended in 2017) stipulates that no mini tea factory shall carry
on the activities of selling manufactured or hold stock of tea after thirty days of publication of
this order except under a valid certificate obtained under this order.

Para 3(A)(2) of the TMCO, 2003 (amended in 2017) stipulates that an application for certificate
shall be made to the Certifying authority in Form ‘K’ annexed to this order within thirty days
from the date of commercial manufacturing.

Para 3(A)(3) of the TMCO, 2003 (amended in 2017) stipulates that Mini Tea Factory already set
up, prior to the publication of this order, shall be deemed to be manufacturer under the
provision of this order, provided they obtain the certificate within ninety days from the date of
publication of this order.

1 Application Form (Form K) for issuance of Certificate for manufacturing tea under the
provisions of Paragraph 3A of the Tea Marketing Control Order, 2003

The applicants who have set up mini tea factory with specific capacity of manufacturing unit
may apply to the Certifying Authority of Tea Board for issuance of Certificate in Form K
(Annexed below).

For Office use:

Application in respect of M/s ....................... is not accepted for the reason recorded
as below:-
1. Incomplete application
2. Unsigned application
3. Non submission of point no.2 of Form ‘ K ’
4. Non submission of point no. 9 of Form ‘ K ’
5. Non submission of point no. 10 of Form ‘ K ’
6. Non submission of requisite fees.
7. Non submission of information(s) as sought in application form (Form K)

Signature of Authorised official

[See Paragraph 3A(2)]
(To be submitted in triplicate)
The Certifying Authority,
Tea Board,
I/We hereby apply for certificate as a manufacturer /or producer of tea under the Tea
(Marketing) Control Order, 2003. Necessary particulars are furnished below:

Sl. No. Particulars Remarks

1 Name of the applicant(s) (in block letters)
2 Biometric Card No./certificate of incorporation in case of
3 Full mailing address with PIN Code, Email ID, Phone Number
4 Name of the Tea Processing unit
5 Address of the Tea Processing unit with PIN Code, Email ID,
Phone Number
6 Total land area of tea under cultivation with break up, if the
applicant is a small grower or an association of small
growers or a producer company
7 Total green leaf produced per year with break up, if the
applicant is a small grower or an association of small
growers or a producer company
8 Annual Capacity of Production
9 Detailed list of machines and equipment installed
with date of installation
10 Copy of the final factory lay out drawing to be drawn by
civil engineer
11 Whether registration from FSSAI have been obtained Yes/No
12 Central Excise registration number and zone
13 Details of Bank draft for Rs.1,000/- to be drawn in favour of 1. Bank Draft No:
Tea Board
2. Date :
3. Amount :

Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the applicant)

Issuance of Certificate for manufacturing tea under the provisions of Paragraph 3A
of the Tea Marketing Control Order, 2003

14 B.T.M. Sarani
Web Site : Tel : 2235 5571 (D) Fax 2235-9677
No. Dated.

M/s. ...........................

Sub: Issuance of Certificate in respect of tea manufacturing unit of M/s..................................................

under the provisions of Paragraph 3A of The Tea Marketing Control Order, 2003.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your application on the above subject, I am to forward herewith the original copy of
Certificate bearing No C-_____________ in favour of M/s _______________________________, under
the Tea (Marketing) Control, Order 2003, with an annual installed capacity of___________Lakh kgs of
made tea (CTC/Orthodox)/ Green/ White/ Oolong/ Speciality tea such as Hand Rolled Tea) per annum.

You are now required to comply with the following provisions under the aforesaid order.

1. Under clause 3B(1) of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003, no registered or certified
manufacturer shall carry on the activities to enhance the production capacity of the
existing factory without prior intimation and obtaining no objection certificate, wherever
applicable, from Tea Board.
2. Under clause 7(2) of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, every Mini Tea Factory shall
furnish to the Certifying authority any return in the manner as may be specified and such
other information as the Certifying authority, may by special or general order, call for from
time to time”.
3. No certified manufacturer shall export, sale, offer for sale or hold in stock any tea waste
without obtaining valid tea waste license from Tea Board under Clause 3 of the Tea Waste
(Control) Order, 1959.
4. The certificate holder shall adhere to all directions issued by the Certifying authority from
time to time.
Your attention is also invited to clause 5 of the aforesaid Order wherein there is a provision of
Cancellation/Suspension of certificate so granted by the Certifying Authority if there is violation of
any of the provisions of Tea Act or Tea (Marketing) Control, Order, 2003 by the Certified
Yours faithfully,

Authorised Officer
Copy to:-

Form of Licence
[See Paragraph 3A(5)]
Certificate No...............................

hereby certified to be a mini manufacturer of tea under the Tea (Marketing) Control
Order, 2003 and based on this certificate he/it can produce, sell and hold in stock tea
subject to the terms and conditions of the certificate specified, below.

This certificate shall remain in force unless previously cancelled and is not transferable.

The maximum limit of tea to be manufactured is 500 kilograms per day.


Deputy Chairman, Tea Board

Certifying Authority

Terms and conditions

1. No certificate holder shall run his/its mini tea factory using the tea leaves
not produced by him/it and no leaves sourced from outside shall be
utilised/processed by the certificate holder.
2. The certificate holder shall keep proper records of the green leaves utilized
for manufacture of tea.
3. The certificate holder shall adhere to all directions issued by the Certifying
authority from time to time.
4. The certificate holder shall produce his certificate for inspection on
demand by Certifying Authority or by any officer of the Tea Board duly
authorised by that authority”.

Proforma report to be submitted for issuance of Certificate for manufacturing tea
under the provisions of Paragraph 3A of The Tea Marketing Control Order, 2003

Sl Particulars Remarks
1 Application number and Date
2 Name of the applicant with address
3 Whether application submitted as per prescribed Yes / No
format (Form -K)
4 Name and address of the proposed manufacturing
5 Biometric Card No in case of small tea grower/ Society
Registration No in case of an association of small
growers/Certificate of Incorporation in case of
Producer company
6 Total Land Area of Tea under cultivation with break up
7 Total Green leaf produced per year with break up
8 Annual Capacity of Production
9 Copy of Final Factory Layout drawn by Civil Engineer. Submitted / Not
10 Whether registration from FSSAI have been obtained Yes / No

11 Detailed list of machineries and equipment installed Submitted/ not

along with date of installation submitted
12 Central Excise Registration number and zone
13 Requisite fees submitted Yes (with details) / No

Recommended / Not Recommended:


Signature of Factory Advisory Officer with date

Recommended / Not Recommended:


Signature of ED/DDTD with date


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