K) An Applicant Is To Apply For and Obtain Registration

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Tea Board 14, B.T.M. Sarani Calcutta 700001 Tel: 2235 1411 Web Site :www.teaboardofindia.in Ref. No.

8(8)/LC/84 M/s. Sub : Registration of manufacturer of tea under the Tea (Marketing)Control Order,2005. Dear Sirs(s), The following are the guidelines to be followed while submitting application(s) for registration in respect of each factory owned or controlled by you :a) Application form (enclosed) in duplicate duly filled in and it should be signed by the proprietor of the business; or in the case of a firm, by one of the authorized partner; or in case of a business of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), by the Karta of the family; or in the case of a company, by a Director, Managing Agent or Principal Officer thereof; or in case of any other association of individuals, by the Principal officer managing the business.; b) A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association on duly certified by one of the Directors in case the applicant is a company. c) A clean photo copy of Certificate of Incorporation of your company. d) Court/ Notary certified Deed of Partnership, in case the applicant is a partnership firm. e) A clean photo copy of certificate of registration issued by the Registrar of Firms in case the applicant is a registered partnership one; f) Latest Income Tax Clearance certificate or the declaration about payment of Income Tax as per specified from (enclosed) together with permanent A/c. No. allotted to the applicant by the Income Tax Department; g) Names and addresses of the persons presently holding the offices of Directors in case the applicant is a company. h) In case of Sole-Proprietary Unit a declaration to the effect that the applicant is a SolePropreitor; i) A clean photo copy of valid Central Excise Licence under which the factory unit is manufacturing teas; j) A clean photocopy of valid factory licence if the unit comes within the purview of the Factory Act; k) An applicant is to apply for and obtain Registration. Separately for each factory owned or controlled by him, but he may submit only one set of documents regarding the ownership status of his establishment when he applies for registration of number of units owned by him. l) List of machineries Fax: 2221 5715 E-mail : paramanatham@vsnl.net Dated :

m) Sketch map of factory n) P.F.A. Standard certificate o) List of green leaf suppliers name 3. Please ensure to submit your application(s) so as to reach this office along with required documents/information as mentioned above, as early as possible so that further necessary action may be taken for issue of registration certificate in respect of your factory. 4. I am again to request you to please go through carefully the guidelines as stated above before forwarding your application. Yours faithfully,

Enclo : As stated ( S. K. Das ) Jt. Controller of Licensing



To The Registering Authority Tea Boar, Kolkata

Sir, I/We hereby apply for registration as a manufacturer of the for purpose of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003 Necessary particulars are furnished below : a) Name of the applicant ( in Block Letters), ( in the case of partnership concern names of all the partners should be given) (b) Full address to which correspondence is to be Sent (c) Names and address of the manufacturing units. (d) State and Plantation district (e) Whether the unit processes tea grown in its own gardens (f) Whether the unit is a bought leaf factory or a co-operative unit not having an estate of its own (g) Annual capacity for production (h) If registered as a factory with State Government Registration No. and Date (i) Central Excise Zone and Registration No.

(j) Specify the type of tea manufactured a) Packet Tea

b) Tea Bags c) Instant Tea d) Quick Brewing Black Tea e) Any Other Tea Yours faithfully,

Signature of the applicant Place : Date :

TEA BOARD 14, B.T. M. Sarani, Kolkata-700 001. Web Site : www.teaboardofindia.in E-mail : paramanatham@vsnl.net Tel. : 2235 141 Fax:22215715

Guidelines & Instructions Sub : Exporters Licence under (D & E) Control Order, 2005. Dear Sirs, All those who desire to export tea from India have to obtain an Exporters Licence from the Tea Board, Calcutta, under the Tea (Distribution & Exporter) Control Order, 2005. Application for such licence is to be made in the prescribed form in duplicate, a set of which is enclosed. If your firm is situated in the state of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka or Andhra Pradesh, you may submit your application to Tea Board, Indira Gandhi Road, Willingdon Island, Cochin-682003 for onward transmission to Tea Board, Kolkata. In all other cases, the application should be sent to the Controller of Licensing, Tea Board, 14, B.T.M. Sarani, Callcutta-700001. The fee for licence is Rs.1000/- (in case of Permanent business licence fee is Rs.2,500/-).which may be sent along with the application by crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Tea Board, Calcutta/Cochin depending upon to whom you forward the application. Cheque is not accepted. The amount of fees can also be paid in cash in Tea Boards Office in Calcutta, Cochin before 1 00 P.M. on any working day. 1 You have to submit the following documents / information depending on the status of your company and which are applicable to you to enable us to consider your case: a) Application Form A / Form B / Form- J should be duly filled in. The application should be signed on proper office seal by the Proprietor/Partner/Director as the case may be along with the date. b) A copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association duly certified by one of the Directors (in case the applicant is a company). c) i) An attested xerox copy of the latest Deed of Partnership (in case applicant is a partnership firm). ii) A declaration on non-judicial stamp paper for a value denomination of not less than Rs.10/- duly notarised by the Notary Public (in case the applicant is a proprietorship concern). d) An attested Xerox copy of the State Sales Tax Registration Certificate in respect of your Firm/Company. e) An attested Xerox copy of Central Sales Tax Registration Certificate with Tea. f) An attested Xerox copy of the I&E code No. from DGFT (please note which has been registered with the DGFT will only be acceptable for exporters licence. g) A certificate from your Bankers (to be submitted in original in sealed cover) about the present financial status of your Firm /Company. h) Names of present Partners of the Firm with their residential address in case applicant is Partnership concern./Names of Directors with their residential address in case applicant is a Company . i) Is the proprietor/any partner/any director of the applicant company /firm is/was proprietor/partner/director of firm /company which held /hold Exporters Licence (s) from Tea Board during the last 3 years ? If so please furnish details. j) Any other information/document which may be required by the Licensing Authority in course of time

consideration of the case. k) A declaration from the applicant (in original) stating that the applicant is not associated with any other tea company whose licence has been suspended/cancelled. 2. On receipt of the documents/information mentioned above, your case will be considered as per extent norms. 3. Please go through the above Guidelines/Instructions before forwarding your application. Also make sure that materials information in different documents required by you in respect of your Company/Firm do corroborate each other. Yours faithfully, Enclo: As stated

Sd/(M.Paramanantham) Controller of Licensing

(See Clause 8)

Form of application for renewal of licence under clause 8 of the Tea Waste (Control) Order, 1959 (To be sent to the Licensing Authority in duplicate)

To The Licensing Authority, Tea Board, 14,Biplabi Trailokya Maharaj Sarani Calcutta - 700 001.

Sir, I/We hereby apply for renewal of Licence Nodated Full name and address of the applicant ( in block letters) .. . . ( In case of a partnership concern, the names of all partners should be given)

Date. Place.

Signature of the applicant

Explanatory Note : This application should be signed by the proprietor of the business; or in the case of a firm; by one of the authorized partners; or in the case of a business of a Hindu undivided family, by the Karta of the family; or in the case of a company by a Director, Agent or principal officer thereof; or in the case of any other association of individuals, by the principal officer managing the business.

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