SGD Setting Up of New Factory
SGD Setting Up of New Factory
SGD Setting Up of New Factory
5 Plantation Details
5A Area under Tea in Ha.
5B Quantity of Green leaf produced Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
in last three years in KGs
5C Name of the planting materials
( Name of Seeds and Clone)
For civil work*
Grand Total
I/We hereby declare that the above mentioned particulars are true to the best of my/our
knowledge and also declare that I/We will strictly abide by the terms and conditions laid
down in the Scheme.
Signature -------------------------------- -
Name ----------------------------------------
Designation --------------------------------
Tea Board
Dear Sir,
1. To observe, fulfill, and perform all the terms and conditions laid down in
the TD&PS Component, Small Growers Development for setting up of
New Tea Factory-Micro/Mini/Big factories.
2. Not to sell and/or transfer the tea garden/factory and the machinery
purchased under the scheme without prior written consent of the Tea
3. I/We agree to sign such documents/papers all undertaking as may be
required by Tea Board from time to time.
4. I/We also hereby undertake to pay the green leaf price to the supplier of
green leaf to our factory in accordance with the price sharing formula
notified by the District level green leaf price Monitoring Committee.
5. I/We hereby undertake to submit the monthly return in regard to tea
manufactured and price realized during each month and also the yearly
statement of the scheme.
6. In the event of breach of any of the aforesaid undertaking or the terms and
conditions under the factory up-gradation scheme, Tea Board at its option
will be entitled to call for immediately all amount paid as subsidy with
interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum and we undertake to pay the
same within 10 days from the date of demand as per the payment made
by the Tea Board for the items of machinery procured and civil work
undertaken by us under TD&PS Component, Small Growers Development
- for setting up of New Tea Factory-Micro/Mini/Big factories.