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Ratna Sari Dewi


UIN Syarif Hidaytullah Jakarta


The objective of this study is to help students in developing their ideas

in writing due to their difficulties to arrange ideas. Although they do
have ideas, they cannot structure their ideas well in their papers.
Several factors could cause this problem such as lack of vocabulary
and knowledge or strategies in arranging ideas in papers. Another
factor is unclear explanation and insufficient guidance from the
teachers. Based on literature review, dictoglos can be a guide for
students to develop their ideas in writing. It is a teaching technique
which incorporates various activities such listening, taking notes,
discussing, and reconstructing which have some standard procedures
and variations.

Key Words: teaching writing, dictogloss

INTRODUCTION each country in the world. Many

English as an international people learn it to get involved in

language has been known all over the world globalization era, where

the world. People cannot deny it, English in written or oral form of

because many countries use and communication is used.

learn the language. The fact shows Therefore, it is a must for

that the language is used as a people to learn English. Whether

second or a foreign language in they are students, worker, or other

occupations that they belong to,
Ratna Sari Dewi

they must study English. It can be happen because there is no clear

learned through learning at school, enough information from the
in a course, or in their own ways. teacher. It is also possible that the
People must learn the language teacher do not teach well. In
skills in order to master English addition to teachers, it should be
well. The journey of the learning acknowledged that there are many
could be similar to a child learning other factors that cause the inability
to walk where he may fall down to of students to write in English.
the floor and get up to stand again Because some problems above,
and learn to walk continuously so the writer wants to give an
that he can walk well. It is also the alternative solution to overcome
same when we learn a language. the problem that is an approach to
We must start from listening, teach writing. It is hoped that the
speaking, reading and writing. students have ability to develop
The four language skills should be their ideas in writing. The
learned continuously and patiently. approach is called Dictogloss. In
Writing as one of the language this approach students is trained to
skill at any level of education that write their elaboration of one idea
has to be mastered is rather or improve simply an idea or a
difficult than other skills. Students topic chosen by a teacher or they
feel difficult to arrange their ideas choose it freely from their own.
in papers. Actually they have ideas
but it is hard for them to deliver it
There are many definitions of
into their paper or they have many
writing according to some experts.
ideas but they cannot choose what
Hyland (2003) defines writing as a
ideas should be chosen to develop.
product constructed from the
It happens because they have lack
writer „s command of grammatical
of vocabulary, cannot arrange the
and lexical knowledge, and writing
ideas correctly, do not know how
development is considered to be
to develop their ideas. This could

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Teaching Writing throught Dictogloss

the result of imitating and defines that writing needs a

manipulating model provided by process of remembering and also
the teachers. It means that writing thinking.
is a product of grammatical Besides, Barnet and Stubbs
knowledge. It should be delivered (1983) define writing as a physical
by teachers by manipulating and act; it requires material and energy.
giving example to their students. And like most physical acts, to be
Moreover, Raymond (1980) performed fully, to bring pleasure,
describes that writing is a way of to both performer and audience. It
remembering and a way of means that in writing students
thinking as well. Writing makes need to prepare themselves
words permanent, and thus physically in form of material and
expands the collective memory of energy. In addition, Axelrod and
human beings from the relatively Cooper (1985) said, writing is a
small store that we can remember complex process and such contains
and pas on orally to the infinite element of mystery and surprise.
capacity of a modern library. Writing does still more, it
Furthermore, Nunan (1991) contributes to personal
illustrates that writing can be development. As students write,
viewed as involving a number of they become more potential
thinking processes which are thinkers and active learners.
drawn upon in varied and complex From the explanation above, it
ways as an individual composes, can be concluded that writing
transcribes, evaluates, and revises. appears as the result of cultural
He also states that writing has changes and needs memory to
evolved in societies as a result of remember and think. In addition, it
cultural changes creating is also a long process which
communicative needs which requires both time and energy.
cannot be readily met by the Writing is also a unique and
spoken language. Raymond (1980) surprised process.

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Before students learn how to words, linguistic comprehension,

write well, they have to build and memory for words, recognition and
hone their competency into two understanding of grammatical
broad areas. The first is writing patterns, memory for syntactically
mechanics, and second is writing correct patterns, and understandi-
process. Each of the areas contains ng application of semantic
a number of sub skills. The areas conventions.
will be discussed more in the While writing process needs
following. generating and organizing
Writing mechanics involve information, of which planning and
spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and editing are part. In acquiring
punctuation. It includes everything knowledge of the process of
from physically producing text to writing students should know the
spelling correctly and producing retrieve knowledge, how to plan
accurate grammar. In short, the text, construct the text, edit the text,
explanation is as follow. First, and regulate the entire process of
students have to know Graphemic writing.
realization of writing; the symbolic To understand and practice the
understanding (symbols have knowledge of how to write well
meaning), alphabetic principle they have to be trained and to be
(letters represent speech segments, given the situation by teachers in
and memory for letters. In the part applying a kind of approach called
of spelling students have to realize dictogloss . It will be described in
the visual discrimination, fine- the following discussion.
motor skills (handwriting and
Dictogloss is a teaching
Second, the students should
technique which incorporates
understand sound-symbol connect-
various activities such as listening,
ions and patterns, memory for
taking notes, discussing, and
regularly and irregularly spelled

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Teaching Writing throught Dictogloss

reconstructing. It is the same with group or other activities during the

the idea from Jacobs (2003), he process of learning and teaching.
explains that text reconstruction In addition, Murray (2001)
task provides students with the adds that dictogloss is helping
opportunities to display both their students to use their grammar
knowledge of the content of the resources to reconstruct a text and
text as well as of the organizational become aware of their
structure and language features of shortcomings and needs. It can be
the text. It means that dictogloss described that dictogloss makes
gives opportunities to the students students to be more aware of their
to comprehend what they have grammatical choice that they used
heard in form of notes, discuss to reconstruct their ideas about the
with their friends and teacher, and text. Furthermore, dictogloss is a
then rewrite what they have language teaching technique that is
learned. used to teach grammatical
It can be said that dictogloss is structures, in which students form
an activity in the classroom where small groups and summarize a
students need to reconstruct a text target-language text.
given by teacher through listening, From the statements above it
writing a note of key words which can be concluded that dictogloss
are then will be used as a base for give students more opportunities
new construction. to learn about grammatical rules of
Moreover, Wajnryb (1990) text and reconstruct the rules in a
states that dictigloss is designed to text and rebuild new vocabularies.
draw the learners‟ attention to Dictogloss has multi functions such
language form, it promotes as to develop students listening,
negotiation of meaning as well as writing and speaking skills. It also
negotiation of form. In this case builds new vocabulary for the
students can discuss the material students, enhance grammar and
with their friend whether in pair,

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discourse systems to complete the interpretation and reconstruction

task. depend heavily on cooperation
According to Kidd (1992) there among members in the group
are four stage procedures in work. The last is analysis and
applying dictogloss. They are: correction. In this condition,
(1) preparation, (2) dictation, (3) different group text results are
reconstruction, and (4) analysis and examined and compared to the
correction. In preparation stage, target structure. It can be done in
teacher introduces the topic of a many ways, such as writing it on
passage interestingly and chalkboard. This will be led to
imaginatively which activates understand the source of the errors.
students‟ knowledge and their Similarly, Ellis (1992) states
comprehension. After that students some procedures in dictogloss as
are organized into group of 4 or 5. following. First, the teacher reads
The second stage is dictation. In the text to the students at normal
this session students are read twice speed while they take notes,
or three times at normal speed second, students work in small
about the text. At this occasion groups to prepare a summary of
students have three stages their work using the correct
opportunity. The first they are not grammatical structures, and finally
allowed to write anything except each group presents their work to
listen to the text from the teacher. the rest of the class.
In the next step, student jot The following is a real example
important words and phrases in of doing the procedures. Students
order that they can reconstruct the discuss a text about going to the
text. Zoo. The teacher then explains the
In the third stage, reconstructi- task, and reads a short text about
on, students try to reconstruct a Going to the Zoo to the class. And
version of the text from their then the teacher repeats reading the
shared resources. Both text text again, and then students take

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Teaching Writing throught Dictogloss

notes. Then in group students the pair‟s reconstruction. And

reconstruct the text. The last finally students compare their
activity is each group presents their reconstruction with the original
works to other groups. procedure in step 4 of the standard
To get more comprehension procedures.
about dictogloss, here it will be Student-Controlled Dictation.
explained some variations of Firstly, in this variation students
dictogloss. The variations are based are free to ask the teacher to read
on Wajnryb‟s classfication. and stop the text depend on their
Teachers can use one or two understanding of the text when the
variations in their teaching. They teacher read it for them. But it still
are negotiation, student-controlled needs consideration for the highest
dictation, student-student level students towards the lower
dictation, summaries, scrambled level proficiency students. The
sentence, opinion, picture, and class might want to have a rule that
elaboration. each student can only say “please
Negotiation. In this variation stop” one time. It is to avoid over
students discuss after each section control from different level
of text has been read. The sections students. Secondly, there is a
can be varied depend on the partner conference. Next, teacher
difficulty level of text to students‟ asks them to bring in texts to use
proficiency level. The steps in for dictation or nominate topics.
doing this are: first, students sit Student-Students Dictation.
with a partner, face to face, This variation can be done by
students just listen to the text being students after they become familiar
read for the first time, students do with the standard procedure of
not allow to write. During the dictogloss. A text is probably
second reading the teacher stops longer than the usual one. The text
after each sentence or two. Second, is divided into four or five sections.
each members of the group writes Some students have the same

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sections and some student have demonstrate or promote a unique

different. Each student read the reconstruction.
section they have been given and Scrambled Sentence. This
try to understand it. After that the employs to raise the difficulty level
students with the same section can of dictogloss and to focus students‟
initially meet in groups of three or attention on how texts fit together.
four to read and discuss the In this variation teacher jumbles
meaning. Then in their original the sentences of a text before
groups students take turns reading reading it to the students. Students
their section of the text as the reconstruct the text by creating
teacher would for standard what they have heard and then put
dictation while their group mates it into logical order. When students
take notes. After that students analyze the reconstruction they
work with their partner to will know that there is more than
reconstruct the text. Every group one possible correct order.
members plays the role as a Elaboration. This variation of
teacher. dictogloss is that students not only
Summary. In this variation recreate a text but also to improve
students only focus on the key idea the text. In doing so, students have
of the original text. Step 1,2, and 3 to elaborate or add adjectives and
are the same as in standard adverbs, examples, facts, personal
dictogloss. Students work with experiences, and causes and effects.
their partner to summarize the key In this step students can work
points of the text. It can provide together whether in pair or group
visual aids (sketch, flow, chart, works consisted of more than two
photo, mind map) that represent persons. In this activity students
some elements of the text. directly or indirectly can add their
Moreover students can create their vocabulary. They can also change
own visual aids to accompany their their works and share experiences.
reconstruction as another means to

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Teaching Writing throught Dictogloss

Students reconstruct the text. description text read by teacher

These can be factual, based on what and then make a drawing.
students know about the topic of Based on the explanation above
the text or research they do, or it can be known that the are many
students can invent elaborations. In variations in dictogloss in helping
doing this step, students can students to write in English. Some
develop and enhance their ideas. of the variations are dictogloss
Opinion. In this variation negotiation, student-student
students give their opinion after dictation, student-controlled
they reconstruct the text. This dictation, dictogloss summaries,
opinion can be written down at scrambled sentence dictogloss,
various points in the text or at the elaboration dictogloss, and picture
end of the text. It seems to promote dictation.
a kind of dialogue with the original
authors of the text.
Writing is one the skill that
Picture. In this section students
should be studied hardly by the
can complete a graphic organizer.
students who learn English as a
The steps are: the teacher finds or
foreign or second language. In
writes a description of a drawing.
order that students can write well,
The description is in detail, should
teacher should know and apply
include relevant vocabulary and
approach, technique, method or
concepts. Students listen to the
strategy in their class. One of the
description and do a drawing
techniques to be applied is
based on what they hear, then
dictogloss with some of its
compare drawings with their
procedures and variations.
partners and make one composite
There are four procedures in
drawing per pair, compare with the
applying dictogloss. They are:
original one, and alternatively
(1) preparation, (2) dictation, (3)
students can reconstruct the
reconstruction, and (4) analysis and

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correction. Text reconstruction task Finally this technique can train

provides students with the students‟ English skills.
opportunities to display both their
knowledge of the content of the
Axelrod, Rise B. and Chooper,
text as well as of the organizational
Charles R. (1985). The St.
structure and language features of Martin’s guide to writing. New
the text. By applying this approach York: St Martin‟s Press, Inc.
in the writing, it is hoped that Barnet and Stubbs‟s. (1983).
students can develop their ideas in Practical guide to writing (4th
ed). Canada: Brown
writing a text.
Finally dictogloss has eight
Ellis, Rod. (1992). Second language
valuable variations in helping and acquisition and language
experiencing students to learn pedagogy. Clevedon: Multiling
English, especially writing. The ual Matters.

variations are dictogloss Hyland, Ken. (2003). Second

language writing. Cambridge:
negotiation, student-student
Cambridge University Press.
dictation, student-controlled
Jacobs (1), George. (2003).
dictation, dictogloss summaries, Combining dictogloss and
scrambled sentence dictogloss, cooperative learning to promote
language learning. The reading
elaboration dictogloss, dictogloss
Matrix 3:4.
opinion and picture dictation.
Kidd, R. (1992). Teaching ESL
It provides students to learn grammar through dictation.
together with their friends and they TESL Canada Journal (10/1).
can help each other in learning by McCutchen, D. (1988). Functional
doing reconstruction of a text after automaticity in children’s
writing. Written communicati-
the teacher read it for the students.
It also gives opportunities to the
students to build up their new
vocabularies. They know much
about the grammatical structures.

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Teaching Writing throught Dictogloss

Murray, S. Dictogloss. (2001). Wajnryb, R. (1986). Grammar

Expanded. MET Journal, workout: The Dictogloss
Volume 10 No 3, July. Approach, Listening Text
Reconstruction Analysis.
Nunan, David. (1991). Language
Sydney: Melting Pot Press.
teaching methodology. New
York: Prentice Hall.
Raymond, James. C. (1980). Writing
is an unnatural act. New
York: Harper and publisher.

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