Vol1 June22b Qonly

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Table of Contents 1

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1
Contributors 7
Table of Contents 9
1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 10
1.1 Balls In Bins (1) 10
1.2 Generating Functions (6) 10
1.3 Modular Arithmetic (3) 11
1.4 Permutation And Combination (34) 11
1.5 Pigeonhole Principle (4) 17
1.6 Recurrence (6) 18
1.7 Summation (3) 19
Answers: Summation 20
2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 21
2.1 Counting (6) 21
2.2 Degree Of Graph (14) 22
2.3 Discrete Mathematics (3) 24
2.4 Graph Coloring (11) 25
2.5 Graph Connectivity (25) 28
2.6 Graph Matching (1) 33
2.7 Graph Planarity (4) 34
2.8 Graph Search (1) 35
2.9 Line Graph (2) 35
2.10 Minimum Spanning Trees (1) 36
2.11 Spanning Tree (3) 36
2.12 Trees (2) 37
2.13 Vertex Cover (1) 37
Answers: Vertex Cover 37
3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 38
3.1 First Order Logic (37) 38
3.2 Logical Reasoning (9) 47
3.3 Propositional Logic (38) 50
Answers: Propositional Logic 57
4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 58
4.1 Binary Operation (8) 58
4.2 Cosets (1) 60
4.3 Countable Set (1) 60
4.4 Equivalence Classes (1) 60
4.5 Fermats Little Theorem (1) 61
4.6 Functions (34) 61
4.7 Groups (27) 67
4.8 Lattice (10) 72
4.9 Mathematical Induction (2) 76
4.10 Maxima Minima (1) 76
4.11 Number Theory (7) 76
4.12 Partial Order (13) 77
4.13 Polynomials (7) 81
4.14 Recurrence (1) 82
4.15 Relations (33) 82
4.16 Sets (37) 89
Answers: Sets 96
5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 97
5.1 Continuity (4) 97
5.2 Differentiability (9) 98
5.3 Functions (2) 100
5.4 Integration (12) 100
5.5 Limits (15) 102

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2 Table of Contents

5.6 Maxima Minima (13) 105

Answers: Maxima Minima 107
6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 108
6.1 Cartesian Coordinates (1) 108
6.2 Determinant (6) 108
6.3 Eigen Value (25) 110
6.4 Gaussian Elimination (1) 115
6.5 Inequality (1) 115
6.6 Matrices (30) 115
6.7 System Of Equations (11) 122
6.8 Vector Space (6) 124
Answers: Vector Space 126
7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 127
7.1 Binomial Distribution (7) 127
7.2 Conditional Probability (9) 128
7.3 Continuous Distribution (1) 130
7.4 Expectation (10) 130
7.5 Exponential Distribution (1) 132
7.6 Normal Distribution (2) 132
7.7 Poisson Distribution (4) 133
7.8 Probability (57) 133
7.9 Random Variable (7) 145
7.10 Statistics (1) 146
7.11 Uniform Distribution (5) 147
Answers: Uniform Distribution 147
8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 148
8.1 Absolute Value (6) 148
8.2 Age Relation (3) 149
8.3 Algebra (1) 149
8.4 Arithmetic Series (3) 150
8.5 Bar Graph (3) 150
8.6 Binomial Distribution (1) 152
8.7 Cartesian Coordinates (5) 152
8.8 Circle (2) 153
8.9 Clock Time (8) 154
8.10 Complex Number (1) 155
8.11 Compound Interest (2) 155
8.12 Conditional Probability (4) 156
8.13 Contour Plots (3) 157
8.14 Coordinate Geometry (2) 158
8.15 Cost Market Price (5) 158
8.16 Counting (3) 159
8.17 Currency Money (1) 160
8.18 Data Interpretation (13) 160
8.19 Direction Sense (7) 165
8.20 Factors (7) 167
8.21 Family Relationships (3) 168
8.22 Fractions (4) 169
8.23 Functions (6) 169
8.24 General Aptitude (20) 171
8.25 Geometric Series (1) 175
8.26 Geometry (32) 176
8.27 Graphical Data (8) 183
8.28 Limits (1) 187
8.29 Linear Equation (1) 187
8.30 Logarithms (8) 188
8.31 Logical Reasoning (36) 189
8.32 Maxima Minima (4) 198
8.33 Modular Arithmetic (1) 199

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Table of Contents 3

8.34 Number Representation (2) 199

8.35 Number Series (16) 199
8.36 Number System (1) 202
8.37 Number Theory (4) 202
8.38 Numerical Computation (23) 203
8.39 Odd One (2) 207
8.40 Percentage (18) 208
8.41 Permutation And Combination (8) 212
8.42 Pie Chart (7) 213
8.43 Polynomials (3) 216
8.44 Probability (13) 217
8.45 Profit Loss (3) 219
8.46 Quadratic Equations (8) 220
8.47 Ratio Proportion (15) 221
8.48 Reasoning (2) 224
8.49 Round Table Arrangement (1) 225
8.50 Sequence Series (11) 225
8.51 Sets (2) 227
8.52 Simple Compound Interests (1) 227
8.53 Speed Time Distance (17) 228
8.54 Statement Argument (1) 231
8.55 Statement Sufficiency (1) 231
8.56 Statistics (6) 231
8.57 System Of Equations (1) 233
8.58 Tabular Data (7) 233
8.59 Triangles (2) 236
8.60 Trigonometry (1) 236
8.61 Venn Diagrams (8) 236
8.62 Work Time (15) 238
Answers: Work Time 241
9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 242
9.1 Closest Word (3) 242
9.2 English Grammar (41) 242
9.3 Grammatically Incorrect Sentence (2) 249
9.4 Logical Reasoning (8) 250
9.5 Meaning (24) 251
9.6 Most Appropriate Alternative (4) 256
9.7 Most Appropriate Word (66) 257
9.8 Noun Verb Adjective (2) 268
9.9 Odd One (3) 268
9.10 Opposite (5) 269
9.11 Passage Reading (43) 270
9.12 Phrasal Verbs (2) 281
9.13 Prepositions (3) 282
9.14 Sentence Ordering (1) 282
9.15 Statements Follow (5) 283
9.16 Synonyms (8) 284
9.17 Tenses (12) 285
9.18 Vebal Ability (1) 287
9.19 Verbal Inference (4) 288
9.20 Verbal Reasoning (30) 289
9.21 Word Meaning (3) 296
9.22 Word Pairs (9) 296
Answers: Word Pairs 298

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4 Table of Contents

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Table of Contents 5

This book was created programmatically by GATE Overflow on Jun 22, 2019. If you feel any
doubt regarding the answer, click on the question link and give a comment on the site.
Studying all these questions might get you 60 marks in GATE but that might not be enough
for an IIT. So, read standard books, solve exercise questions and use these questions for
cementing the concepts and aim 85+. At least if you are not getting the solution to a given
problem first refer standard book. If any error is found on any question it shall be updated at

PDFs for the remaining subjects will be made available at

http://classroom.gateoverflow.in and you can enroll in this course to get notification for
the same. Enrollment is free and account details are of GATE Overflow with a new password
which have been sent to all registered emails on GATE Overflow. New users will receive this
email within a few minutes of confirming their email address.

You can now join our Facebook group for GATE CSE discussions.

You can visit http://playlists.gatecse.in for high quality videos for GATE CSE and how to
use GO site/ebook.

This book consists of only previous year GATE and TIFR questions (CS from 1987 and all 5
years of IT) all of which are relevant for GATE. Out of syllabus subjects as of GATE 2019 are
removed from this book except in rare cases.

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6 Table of Contents

Since GATE Overflow started in August 2014, a lot of people have dedicated their time and
effort in bringing this book now. Initiated by Omesh Pandita and Arjun Suresh as a Q/A
platform for CSE students, Kathleen Bankson was instrumental in getting all previous year
GATE questions here. Then experts like Praven Saini, Happy Mittal, Sankaranarayanan
P.N., Suraj Kumar etc. have contributed a lot to the answers here. Pragy Agarwal even
after topping GATE has continuously contributed here with his knowledge as well as in
making the contents beautiful with fine latex skills. We also have to thank the work by
Jothee, Misbah, Ishrat and Nataliyah who are continuously adding and keeping the
contents here neat and clean. There are also many toppers of GATE 2015, 2016, 2017 and
probably 2018 who are contributing a lot here. The list of all the contributors can be found
here but even that does not include the contributions of some like Arif Ali Anapparakkal in
helping design this book, Arvind Devaraj and others who have provided guidance and help
etc. Last but not the least, we thank all the users of GATE Overflow.

We thank the contributions of Silpa V.S., Rahul Kumar Yadav and others for getting the
GATECSE Lastrank page maintained. Bikram Ballav is behind most of the exams on GO
(http://mockgate.com) and Arindam Sarkar made the interface for it. Pragy Agarwal is
also behind the rank and score predictor tool, (http://mymarks.gatecse.in) used by GO
which has 99-100% accuracy over the last 2 years.

Special thanks to Sachin Mittal for making the How to Use GO vidoes, Silpa V.S. for
classifying the questions topicwise for the book, Pooja Palod for making the GATE 2018
schedule and Debashish Deka for GO classroom contributions.

Also thanks to all toppers who took time to write a review for GO.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

Contributors 7


User , Answers User Added

Arjun Suresh 2945,228 makhdoom ghaya 276
Akash Kanase 824,37 Arjun Suresh 220
Happy 777,22 Kathleen Bankson 213
Mittal Jotheeswari 166
Amar Vashishth 758,21 Akash Kanase 158
Digvijay 671,27 gatecse 116
Rajarshi Sarkar 592,30 Lakshman Patel 73
Praveen Saini 585,20 Ishrat Jahan 58
Anurag Pandey 447,19 admin 19
Manish Joshi 444,13 Sandeep Singh 19
Pragy 441,24 Rucha 15
Agarwal Shelke
Ankit 377,16 Milicevic3306 10
Rokde khush tak 6
Anu 366,11 Rohit 4
Sachin 326,6 Gupta
Mittal Madhav kumar 3
Srinath Jayachandran
Bhagirathi Nayak
User Done
srestha 287,24 Arjun Suresh 522
suraj 266,11 Naveen Kumar 144
gatecse 261,5 Pavan Singh 128
Mithlesh Upadhyay 261,5 Milicevic3306 114
Vikrant Singh 255,7 kenzou 90
Pooja 250,16 Krithiga2101 33
Palod Lakshman Patel 24
Kathleen Bankson 233,21 Akash Dinkar 20
Himanshu 216,10 Sukanya Das 18
Agarwal Ajay kumar 18
Abhilash Panicker 206,20 soni
Madhur 178,5 Bikram 14
Rawat Pooja 14
Shyam Singh 173,5 Palod
Prashant Singh 168,9 Manu Thakur 13
Sona Praneeth 162,6 Rajarshi Sarkar 10
Akula Puja Mishra 10
Debashish Deka 161,8 Manoja Rajalakshmi 9
Subha 157,1 Aravindakshan
Kumar Shikhar Deep 156,2 Subarna Das 9
Soumya Jain 144,6 Pooja Khatri 8
Leen Sharma 143,9 srestha 6
Manali 141,5 Sudeshna Chaudhuri 6
Manu Thakur 141,8 Praveen Saini 6
Umang Raman 141,12
Rishabh 133,4
Tamojit Chatterjee 129,3
Palash Nandi 121,4
Keith 115,6
Anoop 114,7
shreya ghosh 113,7

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8 Contributors

Mari Ganesh Kumar 103,3

Ahwan Mishra 103,3
jayendra 97,7
Lakshman Patel 91,50
sriv_shubham 89,4
rajan 89,8
Sukanya Das 87,14
Saumya Bhattacharya 86,3
ryan sequeira 84,3
Sandeep_Uniyal 82,2
neha pawar 78,3
Gate Keeda 77,3
Jagdish Singh 77,3
Vicky 72,3
Gaurav Sharma 72,3
Dhruv Patel 72,4
anshu 67,4
Sankaranarayanan P.N 66,2
kunal chalotra 65,4
Vinay Rachapalli 64,2
Afaque Ahmad 63,1
Srijay Deshpande 62,2
Ashish Deshmukh 61,2

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Table of Contents 9

Table of Contents

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10 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)top

Syllabus: Combinatorics: Counting, Recurrence relations, Generating functions.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.7 1
2 Marks Count 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 0.8 2
Total Marks 2 3 0 2 5 2 0 2.3 5

1.1 Balls In Bins (1) top

1.1.1 Balls In Bins: GATE2003-34 top https://gateoverflow.in/924

m identical balls are to be placed in n distinct bags. You are given that m ≥ kn , where k is a natural number
≥ 1. In how many ways can the balls be placed in the bags if each bag must contain at least k balls?
m−k m − kn + n − 1
A. ( ) B. ( )
n−1 n−1
m−1 m − kn + n + k − 2
C. ( ) D. ( )
n−k n−k
gate2003 permutation-and-combination balls-in-bins normal

1.2 Generating Functions (6) top

1.2.1 Generating Functions: GATE1987-10b top https://gateoverflow.in/82451

What is the generating function G(z) for the sequence of Fibonacci numbers?
gate1987 permutation-and-combination generating-functions descriptive

1.2.2 Generating Functions: GATE2005-50 top https://gateoverflow.in/1175

Let G(x) = = ∑ g(i)xi , where |x| < 1 . What is g(i)?
(1−x)2 i=0

A. i B. i+1 C. 2i D. 2i
gate2005 normal generating-functions

1.2.3 Generating Functions: GATE2016-1-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/39693

The coefficient of x12 in (x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + …) is ___________.

gate2016-1 permutation-and-combination generating-functions normal numerical-answers

1.2.4 Generating Functions: GATE2017-2-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/118392

If the ordinary generating function of a sequence {an }∞ is , then a3 − a0 is equal to ___________ .

gate2017-2 permutation-and-combination generating-functions numerical-answers normal

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1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 11

1.2.5 Generating Functions: GATE2018-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/204075

Which one of the following is a closed form expression for the generating function of the sequence {an }, where
an = 2n + 3 for all n = 0, 1, 2, … ?

3 3x 2−x 3−x
A. B. C. D.
(1−x)2 (1−x)2 (1−x)2 (1−x)2
gate2018 generating-functions normal permutation-and-combination

1.2.6 Generating Functions: TIFR2010-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/18391

The coefficient of x3 in the expansion of (1 + x)3 (2 + x2 )10 is.

A. 214 B. 31
C. ( 33 ) + ( 10
) D. ( 33 ) + 2 ( 10
E. ( 3 ) ( 1 ) 29
3 10

tifr2010 generating-functions

1.3 Modular Arithmetic (3) top

1.3.1 Modular Arithmetic: GATE2016-2-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/39588

The value of the expression 1399 (mod 17) in the range 0 to 16, is ________.
gate2016-2 modular-arithmetic normal numerical-answers

1.3.2 Modular Arithmetic: GATE2019-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/302827

The value of 351 mod 5 is _____

gate2019 numerical-answers permutation-and-combination modular-arithmetic

1.3.3 Modular Arithmetic: TIFR2018-B-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/179285

What is the remainder when 44444444 is divided by 9?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 7 E. 8
tifr2018 modular-arithmetic permutation-and-combination

1.4 Permutation And Combination (34) top

1.4.1 Permutation And Combination: GATE1989-4-i top https://gateoverflow.in/87874

Provide short answers to the following questions:

How many substrings (of all lengths inclusive) can be formed from a character string of length n? Assume all
characters to be distinct, prove your answer.

gate1989 descriptive permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.2 Permutation And Combination: GATE1990-3-iii top https://gateoverflow.in/84060

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12 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

Choose the correct alternatives (More than one may be correct).

The number of rooted binary trees with n nodes is,

A. Equal to the number of ways of multiplying (n + 1) matrices.
B. Equal to the number of ways of arranging n out of 2n distinct elements.
C. Equal to 1
(2n) .
(n+1) n
D. Equal to n!.

gate1990 normal permutation-and-combination

1.4.3 Permutation And Combination: GATE1990-3-ix top https://gateoverflow.in/84841

Choose the correct alternatives (More than one may be correct).

The number of ways in which 5 A's, 5 B's and 5 C's can be arranged in a row is:

A. 15!/(5!)3 B. 15! C. ( 15
) D. 15!(5!3!).
gate1990 normal permutation-and-combination

1.4.4 Permutation And Combination: GATE1991-02-iv top https://gateoverflow.in/514

Match the pairs in the following questions by writing the corresponding letters only.

A. The number of distinct binary tree with n nodes. P. n!

B. The number of binary strings of the length of 2n Q. (3n
) with an equal number of 0’s and 1’s
C. The number of even permutation of n objects. R. (2n
1 2n
D. The number of binary strings of length 6n which are S. ( )
1+n n
palindromes with 2n 0’s.

gate1991 permutation-and-combination normal match-the-following

1.4.5 Permutation And Combination: GATE1991-16,a top https://gateoverflow.in/543

Find the number of binary strings w of length 2n with an equal number of 1′ s and 0′ s and the property that
every prefix of w has at least as many 0′ s as 1′ s.

gate1991 permutation-and-combination normal descriptive

1.4.6 Permutation And Combination: GATE1994-1.15 top https://gateoverflow.in/2458

The number of substrings (of all lengths inclusive) that can be formed from a character string of length n is
n(n−1) n(n+1)
A. n B. n2 C.
gate1994 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.7 Permutation And Combination: GATE1998-1.23 top https://gateoverflow.in/1660

How many sub strings of different lengths (non-zero) can be formed from a character string of length n?
A. n B. n2 C. 2n D.
gate1998 permutation-and-combination normal

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1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 13

1.4.8 Permutation And Combination: GATE1999-1.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1457

The number of binary strings of n zeros and k ones in which no two ones are adjacent is

A. n−1 Ck B. n Ck C. n Ck+1 D. None of the above

gate1999 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.9 Permutation And Combination: GATE1999-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1480

Two girls have picked 10 roses, 15 sunflowers and 15 daffodils. What is the number of ways they can divide the
flowers among themselves?

A. 1638 B. 2100 C. 2640 D. None of the above

gate1999 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.10 Permutation And Combination: GATE2000-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/676

A multiset is an unordered collection of elements where elements may repeat any number of times. The size of
a multiset is the number of elements in it, counting repetitions.

a. What is the number of multisets of size 4 that can be constructed from n distinct elements so that at least
one element occurs exactly twice?
b. How many multisets can be constructed from n distinct elements?

gate2000 permutation-and-combination normal descriptive

1.4.11 Permutation And Combination: GATE2001-2.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/719

How many 4-digit even numbers have all 4 digits distinct

A. 2240 B. 2296 C. 2620 D. 4536

gate2001 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.12 Permutation And Combination: GATE2002-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/866

a. In how many ways can a given positive integer n ≥ 2 be expressed as the sum of 2 positive integers
(which are not necessarily distinct). For example, for n = 3 the number of ways is 2, i.e., 1 + 2, 2 + 1 .
Give only the answer without any explanation.
b. In how many ways can a given positive integer n ≥ 3 be expressed as the sum of 3 positive integers
(which are not necessarily distinct). For example, for n = 4 , the number of ways is 3, i.e.,
1 + 2 + 1, 2 + 1 + 1 . Give only the answer without explanation.
c. In how many ways can a given positive integer n ≥ k be expressed as the sum of k positive integers
(which are not necessarily distinct). Give only the answer without explanation.

gate2002 permutation-and-combination normal descriptive

1.4.13 Permutation And Combination: GATE2003-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/895

Let A be a sequence of 8 distinct integers sorted in ascending order. How many distinct pairs of sequences, B
and C are there such that

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14 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

i. each is sorted in ascending order,

ii. B has 5 and C has 3 elements, and
iii. the result of merging B and C gives A

A. 2 B. 30 C. 56 D. 256
gate2003 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.14 Permutation And Combination: GATE2003-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/896

n couples are invited to a party with the condition that every husband should be accompanied by his wife.
However, a wife need not be accompanied by her husband. The number of different gatherings possible at the
party is

A. 2nCn B. 3
× 2n
(2n)! D. 2nCn
gate2003 permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.15 Permutation And Combination: GATE2004-75 top https://gateoverflow.in/1069

Mala has the colouring book in which each English letter is drawn two times. She wants to paint each of these
52 prints with one of k colours, such that the colour pairs used to colour any two letters are different. Both
prints of a letter can also be coloured with the same colour. What is the minimum value of k that satisfies this

A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6
gate2004 permutation-and-combination

1.4.16 Permutation And Combination: GATE2004-IT-35 top https://gateoverflow.in/3678

In how many ways can we distribute 5 distinct balls, B1 , B2 , … , B5 in 5 distinct cells, C1 , C2 , … , C5 such
that Ball Bi is not in cell Ci , ∀i = 1, 2, … 5 and each cell contains exactly one ball?

A. 44 B. 96 C. 120 D. 3125
gate2004-it permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.17 Permutation And Combination: GATE2005-IT-46 top https://gateoverflow.in/3807

A line L in a circuit is said to have a stuck − at − 0 fault if the line permanently has a logic value 0. Similarly
a line L in a circuit is said to have a stuck − at − 1 fault if the line permanently has a logic value 1. A circuit is
said to have a multiple stuck − at fault if one or more lines have stuck at faults. The total number of distinct
multiple stuck − at faults possible in a circuit with N lines is

A. 3N B. 3N − 1 C. 2N − 1 D. 2
gate2005-it permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.18 Permutation And Combination: GATE2007-84 top https://gateoverflow.in/1275

Suppose that a robot is placed on the Cartesian plane. At each step it is allowed to move either one unit up or
one unit right, i.e., if it is at (i, j) then it can move to either (i + 1, j) or (i, j + 1) .

How many distinct paths are there for the robot to reach the point (10, 10) starting from the initial position
(0, 0) ?

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1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 15

A. 20 C10 B. 220 C. 210 D. None of the above

gate2007 permutation-and-combination

1.4.19 Permutation And Combination: GATE2007-85 top https://gateoverflow.in/43509

Suppose that a robot is placed on the Cartesian plane. At each step it is allowed to move either one unit up or
one unit right, i.e., if it is at (i, j) then it can move to either (i + 1, j) or (i, j + 1) .

Suppose that the robot is not allowed to traverse the line segment from (4, 4) to (5, 4) . With this constraint,
how many distinct paths are there for the robot to reach (10, 10) starting from (0, 0) ?
9 19
A. 2 B. 2
C. 8 C4 ×11 C5 D. 20 C10 −8 C4 ×11 C5
gate2007 permutation-and-combination normal discrete-mathematics

1.4.20 Permutation And Combination: GATE2008-IT-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/3286

In how many ways can b blue balls and r red balls be distributed in n distinct boxes?
(n+b−1)! (n+r−1)! (n+(b+r)−1)!
A. B.
(n−1)! b! (n−1)! r! (n−1)! (n−1)! (b+r)!
n! (n+(b+r)−1)!
C. D.
b! r! n! (b+r−1)
gate2008-it permutation-and-combination normal

1.4.21 Permutation And Combination: GATE2014-1-49 top https://gateoverflow.in/1929

A pennant is a sequence of numbers, each number being 1 or 2. An n−pennant is a sequence of numbers with
sum equal to n. For example, (1, 1, 2) is a 4−pennant. The set of all possible 1−pennants is (1), the set of all
possible 2−pennants is (2), (1, 1) and the set of all 3−pennants is (2, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 2) . Note that the
pennant (1, 2) is not the same as the pennant (2, 1) . The number of 10−pennants is________

gate2014-1 permutation-and-combination numerical-answers normal

1.4.22 Permutation And Combination: GATE2015-3-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8399

The number of 4 digit numbers having their digits in non-decreasing order (from left to right) constructed by
using the digits belonging to the set {1, 2, 3} is ________.

gate2015-3 permutation-and-combination normal numerical-answers

1.4.23 Permutation And Combination: GATE2018-46 top https://gateoverflow.in/204121

The number of possible min-heaps containing each value from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} exactly once is _______

gate2018 permutation-and-combination numerical-answers

1.4.24 Permutation And Combination: GATE2019-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/302843

Let U = {1, 2, … , n} Let A = {(x, X) ∣ x ∈ X, X ⊆ U} . Consider the following two statements on ∣A∣.
I. ∣A ∣= n2n−1
∣A ∣= Σnk=1k ( )
Which of the above statements is/are TRUE?

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16 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

A. Only I B. Only II C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II

gate2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics permutation-and-combination

1.4.25 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2011-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/19829

In how many ways can the letters of the word ABACUS be rearranged such that the vowels always appear

(6 + 3)! 6!
A. B.
2! 2!
3!3! 4!3!
C. D.
2! 2!
E. None of the above.
tifr2011 permutation-and-combination

1.4.26 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2012-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/25014

In how many different ways can r elements be picked from a set of n elements if
i. Repetition is not allowed and the order of picking matters?
ii. Repetition is allowed and the order of picking does not matter?
(n+r−1)! n! n!
and , respectively. B. and , respectively.
(n−r)! r!(n−1)! (n−r)! r!(n−1)!
(n−r+1)! n! n!
C. n!
and , respectively. D. and , respectively.
r!(n−r)! r!(n−1)! r!(n−r)! (n−r)!
n! r!
E. and , respectively.
r! n!
tifr2012 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.27 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2012-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/21004

It is required to divide the 2n members of a club into n disjoint teams of 2 members each. The teams are not
labelled. The number of ways in which this can be done is:

(2n)! (2n)! (2n)! n!

A. B. C. D. E. None of the above.
2n n! 2n .n! 2
tifr2012 permutation-and-combination

1.4.28 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2013-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/25431

There are n kingdoms and 2n champions. Each kingdom gets 2 champions. The number of ways in which this
can be done is:

(2n)! (2n)! (2n)! n!

A. B. C. D. 2
E. None of the above.
2n n! 2n .n!
tifr2013 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.29 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2015-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/29568

A 1 × 1 chessboard has one square, a 2 × 2 chessboard has five squares. Continuing along this fashion, what is
the number of squares on the regular 8 × 8 chessboard?

A. 64 B. 65 C. 204 D. 144 E. 256

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1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 17

tifr2015 permutation-and-combination

1.4.30 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2015-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/29571

There is a set of 2n people: n male and n female. A good party is one with equal number of males and females
(including the one where none are invited). The total number of good parties is.

A. 2n B. n2 C. (⌊nn/2⌋) D. (2n
) E. None of the above.

tifr2015 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.31 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2016-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/97624

In a tournament with 7 teams, each team plays one match with every other team. For each match, the team
earns two points if it wins, one point if it ties, and no points if it loses. At the end of all matches, the teams are
ordered in the descending order of their total points (the order among the teams with the same total are
determined by a whimsical tournament referee). The first three teams in this ordering are then chosen to play
in the next round. What is the minimum total number of points a team must earn in order to be guaranteed a
place in the next round?

A. 13 B. 12 C. 11 D. 10 E. 9
tifr2016 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.32 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2017-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/94953

How many distinct ways are there to split 50 identical coins among three people so that each person gets at
least 5 coins?

A. 335 B. 350 − 250

35 50
C. ( ) D. ( ) ⋅ 335
2 15
E. ( )
tifr2017 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal

1.4.33 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2017-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/95033

How many distinct words can be formed by permuting the letters of the word ABRACADABRA?

11! 11!
5! 2! 2!
5! 4!
C. 11! 5! 2! 2! D. 11! 5! 4! E. 11!
tifr2017 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics easy

1.4.34 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2019-B-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/280482

A row of 10 houses has to be painted using the colours red, blue, and green so that each house is a single
colour, and any house that is immediately to the right of a red or a blue house must be green. How many ways
are there to paint the houses?

A. 199 B. 683 C. 1365 D. 310 − 210 E. 310

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics permutation-and-combination

1.5 Pigeonhole Principle (4) top

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18 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

1.5.1 Pigeonhole Principle: GATE2000-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/624

The minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards to guarantee that three
cards are from same suit is

A. 3 B. 8 C. 9 D. 12
gate2000 easy pigeonhole-principle permutation-and-combination

1.5.2 Pigeonhole Principle: GATE2005-44 top https://gateoverflow.in/1170

What is the minimum number of ordered pairs of non-negative numbers that should be chosen to ensure that
there are two pairs (a, b) and (c, d) in the chosen set such that, a ≡ c mod 3 and b ≡ d mod 5

A. 4 B. 6 C. 16 D. 24
gate2005 set-theory&algebra normal pigeonhole-principle

1.5.3 Pigeonhole Principle: TIFR2014-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/25990

The rules for the University of Bombay five-a-side cricket competition specify that the members of each team
must have birthdays in the same month. What is the minimum number of mathematics students needed to be
enrolled in the department to guarantee that they can raise a team of students?

A. 23 B. 91 C. 60 D. 49 E. None of the above.

tifr2014 permutation-and-combination discrete-mathematics normal pigeonhole-principle

1.5.4 Pigeonhole Principle: TIFR2018-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/179275

What is the minimum number of students needed in a class to guarantee that there are at least 6 students
whose birthdays fall in the same month ?

a. 6 b. 23 c. 61 d. 72 e. 91
tifr2018 pigeonhole-principle permutation-and-combination

1.6 Recurrence (6) top

1.6.1 Recurrence: GATE2004-IT-34 top https://gateoverflow.in/3677

Let H1 , H2 , H3 , ... be harmonic numbers. Then, for n ∈ Z + , ∑nj=1 Hj can be expressed as

A. nHn+1 − (n + 1) B. (n + 1)Hn − n
C. nHn − n D. (n + 1)Hn+1 − (n + 1)
gate2004-it recurrence permutation-and-combination normal

1.6.2 Recurrence: GATE2007-IT-76 top https://gateoverflow.in/3528

Consider the sequence ⟨xn ⟩, n ≥ 0 defined by the recurrence relation xn+1 = c. x2n − 2 , where c > 0.

(a, b) a< 0 <b

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1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57) 19

Suppose there exists a non-empty, open interval (a, b) such that for all x0 satisfying a < x0 < b , the
sequence converges to a limit. The sequence converges to the value?

1+√1+8c 1−√1+8c 2
C. 2 D.
gate2007-it permutation-and-combination normal recurrence

1.6.3 Recurrence: GATE2016-1-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/39636

Let an be the number of n-bit strings that do NOT contain two consecutive 1′ s. Which one of the following is
the recurrence relation for an ?

A. an = an−1 + 2an−2 B. an = an−1 + an−2

C. an = 2an−1 + an−2 D. an = 2an−1 + 2an−2
gate2016-1 permutation-and-combination recurrence easy

1.6.4 Recurrence: GATE2016-1-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/39714

Consider the recurrence relation a1 = 8, an = 6n2 + 2n + an−1 . Let a99 = K × 104 . The value of K is

gate2016-1 permutation-and-combination recurrence normal numerical-answers

1.6.5 Recurrence: TIFR2014-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/25988

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and for all integers n ≥ 2, Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 .
Then which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Fn+2 = 1 + ∑ni=0 Fi for any integer n ≥ 0

b. Fn+2 ≥ ∅n for any integer n ≥ 0 , where ∅ = (√5 + 1) /2 is the positive root of x2 − x − 1 = 0 .
c. F3n is even, for every integer n ≥ 0 .
d. F4n is a multiple of 3, for every integer n ≥ 0 .
e. F5n is a multiple of 4, for every integer n ≥ 0 .

tifr2014 recurrence easy

1.6.6 Recurrence: TIFR2017-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/95037

Consider the sequence S0 , S1 , S2 , … defined as follows: S0 = 0, S1 = 1 and Sn = 2Sn−1 + Sn−2 for n ≥ 2.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. for every n ≥ 1 , S2n is even B. for every n ≥ 1 , S2n+1 is odd

C. for every n ≥ 1 , S3n is multiple of 3 D. for every n ≥ 1 , S4n is multiple of 6
E. none of the above
tifr2017 recurrence

1.7 Summation (3) top

1.7.1 Summation: GATE1994-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/2511

Use the patterns given to prove that

a. ∑ (2i + 1) = n2
(You are not permitted to employ induction)

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20 1 Discrete Mathematics: Combinatory (57)

n n(n+1)
b. Use the result obtained in (a) to prove that ∑i= 2

gate1994 permutation-and-combination proof summation descriptive

1.7.2 Summation: GATE2008-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/422

Let P = ∑ 1≤i≤2k i and Q = ∑ 1≤i≤2k i , where k is a positive integer. Then

i odd i even

A. P =Q−k B. P =Q+k C. P =Q D. P = Q + 2k
gate2008 permutation-and-combination easy summation

1.7.3 Summation: GATE2015-1-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/8248

∑ x(x+1)
= __________________.

gate2015-1 permutation-and-combination normal numerical-answers summation

Answers: Summation

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 21

2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)top

Syllabus: Connectivity, Matching, Coloring.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0.7 1
2 Marks Count 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 1
Total Marks 3 3 0 1 0 1 0 1.3 3

2.1 Counting (6) top

2.1.1 Counting: GATE1994-1.6, ISRO2008-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/2443

The number of distinct simple graphs with up to three nodes is

A. 15 B. 10 C. 7 D. 9
gate1994 graph-theory permutation-and-combination normal isro2008 counting

2.1.2 Counting: GATE2001-2.15 top https://gateoverflow.in/733

How many undirected graphs (not necessarily connected) can be constructed out of a given set
V = {v1 , v2 , … vn } of n vertices?
B. 2n C. n! D. 2 2

gate2001 graph-theory normal counting

2.1.3 Counting: GATE2004-79 top https://gateoverflow.in/1073

(n2 −3n)
How many graphs on n labeled vertices exist which have at least 2
edges ?

(n )
(n )
2 −n 2 −n
n2 −3n
( ) ∑ .( n 2−n )
A. 2 C C. 2 Cn
( )
n2 −3n 2
D. k=0 Ck
∑ .(n2 −n)
B. k=0 Ck
gate2004 graph-theory permutation-and-combination normal counting

2.1.4 Counting: GATE2005-35 top https://gateoverflow.in/1371

How many distinct binary search trees can be created out of 4 distinct keys?

A. 5 B. 14 C. 24 D. 42
gate2005 graph-theory counting normal

2.1.5 Counting: GATE2012-38 top https://gateoverflow.in/473

Let G be a complete undirected graph on 6 vertices. If vertices of G are labeled, then the number of distinct
cycles of length 4 in G is equal to

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22 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

A. 15 B. 30 C. 90 D. 360
gate2012 graph-theory normal marks-to-all counting

2.1.6 Counting: TIFR2017-B-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/95819

An undirected graph is complete if there is an edge between every pair of vertices. Given a complete undirected
graph on n vertices, in how many ways can you choose a direction for the edges so that there are no directed

A. n B.
C. n! D. 2n
E. 2m , where m = 2
tifr2017 graph-theory counting

2.2 Degree Of Graph (14) top

2.2.1 Degree Of Graph: GATE1987-9c top https://gateoverflow.in/82438

Show that the number of odd-degree vertices in a finite graph is even.

gate1987 graph-theory degree-of-graph descriptive

2.2.2 Degree Of Graph: GATE1991-16-b top https://gateoverflow.in/26647

Show that all vertices in an undirected finite graph cannot have distinct degrees, if the graph has at least two

gate1991 graph-theory degree-of-graph descriptive

2.2.3 Degree Of Graph: GATE1995-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/2663

Prove that in finite graph, the number of vertices of odd degree is always even.

gate1995 graph-theory degree-of-graph descriptive

2.2.4 Degree Of Graph: GATE2003-40 top https://gateoverflow.in/931

A graph G = (V , E) satisfies ∣E ∣≤ 3 ∣ V ∣ −6 . The min-degree of G is defined as minv∈V {degree (v)}.

Therefore, min-degree of G cannot be

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
gate2003 graph-theory normal degree-of-graph

2.2.5 Degree Of Graph: GATE2006-71 top https://gateoverflow.in/1850

The 2 vertices of a graph G corresponds to all subsets of a set of size n, for n ≥ 6.

Two vertices of G are
adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements.
The number of vertices of degree zero in G is:

A. 1 B. n C. n+1 D. 2n
gate2006 graph-theory normal degree-of-graph

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 23

2.2.6 Degree Of Graph: GATE2006-72 top https://gateoverflow.in/43566

The 2 n ≥ 6.
vertices of a graph G corresponds to all subsets of a set of size n, for Two vertices of G are
adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements.

The maximum degree of a vertex in G is:

n n
A. ( 22 ).2 2 B. 2n−2 C. 2n−3 × 3 D. 2n−1
gate2006 graph-theory normal degree-of-graph

2.2.7 Degree Of Graph: GATE2009-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/804

Which one of the following is TRUE for any simple connected undirected graph with more than 2 vertices?
A. No two vertices have the same degree.
B. At least two vertices have the same degree.
C. At least three vertices have the same degree.
D. All vertices have the same degree.

gate2009 graph-theory normal degree-of-graph

2.2.8 Degree Of Graph: GATE2010-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/1154

The degree sequence of a simple graph is the sequence of the degrees of the nodes in the graph in decreasing
order. Which of the following sequences can not be the degree sequence of any graph?

I. 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1
II. 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2
III. 7, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2
IV. 8, 7, 7, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1

A. I and II B. III and IV C. IV only D. II and IV

gate2010 graph-theory degree-of-graph

2.2.9 Degree Of Graph: GATE2013-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/1536

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for undirected graphs?

P: Number of odd degree vertices is even.

Q: Sum of degrees of all vertices is even.

A. P only B. Q only
C. Both P and Q D. Neither P nor Q
gate2013 graph-theory easy degree-of-graph

2.2.10 Degree Of Graph: GATE2014-1-52 top https://gateoverflow.in/1932

An ordered n−tuple (d1 , d2 , … , dn ) with d1 ≥ d2 ≥ … ≥ dn is called graphic if there exists a simple

undirected graph with n vertices having degrees d1 , d2 , … , dn respectively. Which one of the following 6-
tuples is NOT graphic?

A. (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) B. (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
C. (3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0) D. (3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0)
gate2014-1 graph-theory normal degree-of-graph

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24 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

2.2.11 Degree Of Graph: GATE2017-2-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/118594

G is an undirected graph with n vertices and 25 edges such that each vertex of G has degree at least 3. Then
the maximum possible value of n is _________ .

gate2017-2 graph-theory numerical-answers degree-of-graph

2.2.12 Degree Of Graph: TIFR2010-B-36 top https://gateoverflow.in/19248

In a directed graph, every vertex has exactly seven edges coming in. What can one always say about the
number of edges going out of its vertices?

A. Exactly seven edges leave every vertex.

B. Exactly seven edges leave some vertex.
C. Some vertex has at least seven edges leaving it.
D. The number of edges coming out of vertex is odd.
E. None of the above.

tifr2010 graph-theory degree-of-graph

2.2.13 Degree Of Graph: TIFR2012-B-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/25047

In a graph, the degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident (connected) on it. Which of the following is
true for every graph G?

a. There are even number of vertices of even degree.

b. There are odd number of vertices of even degree.
c. There are even number of vertices of odd degree.
d. There are odd number of vertices of odd degree.
e. All the vertices are of even degree.

tifr2012 graph-theory degree-of-graph

2.2.14 Degree Of Graph: TIFR2018-B-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/179292

In an undirected graph G with n vertices, vertex 1 has degree 1, while each vertex 2, … , n − 1 has degree 10
and the degree of vertex n is unknown, Which of the following statement must be TRUE on the graph G?

a. There is a path from vertex 1 to vertex n.

b. There is a path from vertex 1 to each vertex 2, … , n − 1 .
c. Vertex n has degree 1.
d. The diameter of the graph is at most
e. All of the above choices must be TRUE

tifr2018 graph-theory degree-of-graph

2.3 Discrete Mathematics (3) top

2.3.1 Discrete Mathematics: TIFR2019-B-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/280483

Let G = (V , E) be a directed graph with n(≥ 2) vertices, including a special vertex r. Each edge e ∈ E has a
strictly positive edge weight w(e). An arborescence in G rooted at r is a subgraph H of G in which every
vertex u ∈ V ∖{r} has a directed path to the special vertex r. The weight of an arborescence H is the sum of
the weights of the edges in H .

H∗ ∗ H∗ NOT
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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 25

Let H ∗ be a minimum arborescence rooted at r, and w∗ the weight of H∗ . Which of the following is NOT
always true?

A. w∗ ≥ ∑u∈V∖{r} min(u,v)∈E w((u, v))

B. w∗ ≥ ∑u∈V∖{r} min(v,u)∈E w((v, u))
C. H ∗ has exactly n − 1 edges
D. H ∗ is acyclic
E. w∗ is less than the weight of the minimum weight directed Hamiltonian cycle in G, when G has a directed
Hamiltonian cycle

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics graph-theory difficult

2.3.2 Discrete Mathematics: TIFR2019-B-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/280480

Consider directed graphs on n labelled vertices {1, 2, … , n} , where each vertex has exactly one edge coming
in and exactly coming in and exactly one edge going out. We allow self-loops. How many graphs have exactly
two cycles ?

k=1 k!(n − k)! [∑n−1
k=1 k(n−k) ]
A. n! 1
B. 2

k=1 k ]
C. n![∑n−1 1 D.

E. None of the above

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics graph-theory

2.3.3 Discrete Mathematics: TIFR2019-B-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/280492

A graph is d – regular if every vertex has degree d. For a d – regular graph on n vertices, which of the
following must be TRUE?

A. d divides n B. Both d and n are even

C. Both d and n are odd D. At least one of d and n is odd
E. At least one of d and n is even
tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics graph-theory

2.4 Graph Coloring (11) top

2.4.1 Graph Coloring: GATE2002-1.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/808

The minimum number of colours required to colour the vertices of a cycle with n nodes in such a way that no
two adjacent nodes have the same colour is

A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. n − 2 ⌊ n2 ⌋ + 2
gate2002 graph-theory graph-coloring normal

2.4.2 Graph Coloring: GATE2004-77 top https://gateoverflow.in/1071

The minimum number of colours required to colour the following graph, such that no two adjacent vertices are
assigned the same color, is

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26 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
gate2004 graph-theory graph-coloring easy

2.4.3 Graph Coloring: GATE2006-IT-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/3564

Consider the undirected graph G defined as follows. The vertices of G are bit strings of length n. We have an
edge between vertex u and vertex v if and only if u and v differ in exactly one bit position (in other words, v
can be obtained from u by flipping a single bit). The ratio of the chromatic number of G to the diameter of G is,

A. B. ( n1 ) C. ( n2 ) D. ( n3 )
(2n−1 )
gate2006-it graph-theory graph-coloring normal

2.4.4 Graph Coloring: GATE2008-IT-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/3263

What is the chromatic number of the following graph?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
gate2008-it graph-theory graph-coloring normal

2.4.5 Graph Coloring: GATE2009-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/796

What is the chromatic number of an n vertex simple connected graph which does not contain any odd length
cycle? Assume n > 2 .

A. 2 B. 3 C. n−1 D. n
gate2009 graph-theory graph-coloring normal

2.4.6 Graph Coloring: GATE2016-2-03 top https://gateoverflow.in/39553

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 27

The minimum number of colours that is sufficient to vertex-colour any planar graph is ________.

gate2016-2 graph-theory graph-coloring normal numerical-answers

2.4.7 Graph Coloring: GATE2018-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/204092

The chromatic number of the following graph is _____

graph-theory graph-coloring numerical-answers gate2018

2.4.8 Graph Coloring: TIFR2013-B-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/25508

Let G = (V , E) be a simple undirected graph on n vertices. A colouring of G is an assignment of colours to

each vertex such that endpoints of every edge are given different colours. Let χ(G) denote the chromatic
number of G, i.e. the minimum numbers of colours needed for a valid colouring of G. A set B ⊆ V is an
independent set if no pair of vertices in B is connected by an edge. Let a(G) be the number of vertices in a
largest possible independent set in G. In the absence of any further information about G we can conclude.

A. χ (G) ≥ a (G) B. χ (G) ≤ a (G)

C. a (G) ≥ χ(G)
D. a (G) ≤ χ(G)

E. None of the above.

tifr2013 graph-theory graph-coloring

2.4.9 Graph Coloring: TIFR2017-B-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/95669

A vertex colouring with three colours of a graph G = (V , E) is a mapping c : V → {R, G, B} so that adjacent
vertices receive distinct colours. Consider the following undirected graph.

How many vertex colouring with three colours does this graph have?

A. 39 B. 63 C. 3 × 28 D. 27 E. 24
tifr2017 graph-theory graph-coloring

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28 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

2.4.10 Graph Coloring: TIFR2017-B-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/95817

A vertex colouring of a graph G = (V , E) with k coulours is a mapping c : V → {1, … , k} such that

c(u) ≠ c(v) for every (u, v) ∈ E . Consider the following statements:
i. If every vertex in G has degree at most d then G admits a vertex coulouring using d + 1 colours.
ii. Every cycle admits a vertex colouring using 2 colours
iii. Every tree admits a vertex colouring using 2 colours

Which of the above statements is/are TRUE? Choose from the following options:

A. only i B. only i and ii C. only i and iii D. only ii and iii E. i, ii, and iii

tifr2017 graph-theory graph-coloring

2.4.11 Graph Coloring: TIFR2018-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/179388

How many ways are there to assign colours from range {1, 2, … , r} to vertices of the following graph so that
adjacent vertices receive distinct colours?

A. r4 B. r4 − 4r3
C. r4 − 5r3 + 8r2 − 4r D. r4 − 4r3 + 9r2 − 3r
E. r4 − 5r3 + 10r2 − 15r
tifr2018 graph-theory graph-coloring

2.5 Graph Connectivity (25) top

2.5.1 Graph Connectivity: GATE1987-9d top https://gateoverflow.in/82442

Specify an adjacency-lists representation of the undirected graph given above.

gate1987 graph-theory easy graph-connectivity descriptive

2.5.2 Graph Connectivity: GATE1988-2xvi top https://gateoverflow.in/94340

Write the adjacency matrix representation of the graph given in below figure.

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 29

gate1988 descriptive graph-theory graph-connectivity

2.5.3 Graph Connectivity: GATE1990-1-viii top https://gateoverflow.in/83854

Fill in the blanks:

A graph which has the same number of edges as its complement must have number of vertices congruent to
________ or ________ modulo 4.

gate1990 graph-theory graph-connectivity

2.5.4 Graph Connectivity: GATE1991-01,xv top https://gateoverflow.in/510

The maximum number of possible edges in an undirected graph with n vertices and k components is ______.
gate1991 graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.5 Graph Connectivity: GATE1993-8.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2299

Consider a simple connected graph G with n vertices and n edges (n > 2) . Then, which of the following
statements are true?

A. G has no cycles
B. The graph obtained by removing any edge from G is not connected
C. G has at least one cycle
D. The graph obtained by removing any two edges from G is not connected
E. None of the above

gate1993 graph-theory graph-connectivity easy

2.5.6 Graph Connectivity: GATE1994-2.5 top https://gateoverflow.in/2472

The number of edges in a regular graph of degree d and n vertices is ____________

gate1994 graph-theory easy graph-connectivity descriptive

2.5.7 Graph Connectivity: GATE1995-1.25 top https://gateoverflow.in/2612

The minimum number of edges in a connected cyclic graph on n vertices is:

A. n−1 B. n C. n+1 D. None of the above

gate1995 graph-theory graph-connectivity easy

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30 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

2.5.8 Graph Connectivity: GATE1999-1.15 top https://gateoverflow.in/1468

The number of articulation points of the following graph is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
gate1999 graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.9 Graph Connectivity: GATE1999-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1504

Let G be a connected, undirected graph. A cut in G is a set of edges whose removal results in G being broken
into two or more components, which are not connected with each other. The size of a cut is called its
cardinality. A min-cut of G is a cut in G of minimum cardinality. Consider the following graph:

a. Which of the following sets of edges is a cut?

i. {(A, B), (E, F ), (B, D), (A, E), (A, D)}

ii. {(B, D), (C, F ), (A, B)}
b. What is cardinality of min-cut in this graph?
c. Prove that if a connected undirected graph G with n vertices has a min-cut of cardinality k, then G has at
least ( n×k ) edges.

gate1999 graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.10 Graph Connectivity: GATE2002-1.25, ISRO2008-30, ISRO2016-

6 top https://gateoverflow.in/830

The maximum number of edges in a n-node undirected graph without self loops is

n(n−1) (n+1)(n)
A. n2 B.
C. n−1 D.
gate2002 graph-theory easy isro2008 isro2016 graph-connectivity

2.5.11 Graph Connectivity: GATE2003-8, ISRO2009-53 top https://gateoverflow.in/899

G k G
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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 31

Let G be an arbitrary graph with n nodes and k components. If a vertex is removed from G, the number of
components in the resultant graph must necessarily lie down between

A. k and n B. k − 1 and k + 1 C. k − 1 and n − 1 D. k + 1 and n − k

gate2003 graph-theory graph-connectivity normal isro2009

2.5.12 Graph Connectivity: GATE2004-IT-37 top https://gateoverflow.in/3680

What is the number of vertices in an undirected connected graph with 27 edges, 6 vertices of degree 2, 3
vertices of degree 4 and remaining of degree 3?

A. 10 B. 11 C. 18 D. 19
gate2004-it graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.13 Graph Connectivity: GATE2004-IT-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/3646

What is the maximum number of edges in an acyclic undirected graph with n vertices?

A. n−1 B. n C. n+1 D. 2n − 1
gate2004-it graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.14 Graph Connectivity: GATE2005-IT-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/3817

Let G be a directed graph whose vertex set is the set of numbers from 1 to 100. There is an edge from a vertex
i to a vertex j iff either j = i + 1 or j = 3i . The minimum number of edges in a path in G from vertex 1 to
vertex 100 is

A. 4 B. 7 C. 23 D. 99
gate2005-it graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.15 Graph Connectivity: GATE2006-73 top https://gateoverflow.in/43567

The 2n vertices of a graph G corresponds to all subsets of a set of size n, for n ≥ 6. Two vertices of G are
adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements.

The number of connected components in G is:

D. 2
n n
A. n B. n+2 C. 22 n
gate2006 graph-theory normal graph-connectivity

2.5.16 Graph Connectivity: GATE2006-IT-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/3550

If all the edge weights of an undirected graph are positive, then any subset of edges that connects all the
vertices and has minimum total weight is a

A. Hamiltonian cycle B. grid C. hypercube D. tree

gate2006-it graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.17 Graph Connectivity: GATE2007-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/1221

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32 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

Which of the following graphs has an Eulerian circuit?

A. A n y k-regular graph where k is an even B. A complete graph on 90 vertices.

C. The complement of a cycle on 25 vertices. D. None of the above
gate2007 graph-theory normal graph-connectivity

2.5.18 Graph Connectivity: GATE2008-IT-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/3317

G is a simple undirected graph. Some vertices of G are of odd degree. Add a node v to G and make it adjacent
to each odd degree vertex of G. The resultant graph is sure to be

A. regular B. complete C. Hamiltonian D. Euler

gate2008-it graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.19 Graph Connectivity: GATE2014-1-51 top https://gateoverflow.in/1931

Consider an undirected
graph G where self-loops are not allowed. The vertex set of G is
{(i, j) ∣ 1 ≤ i ≤ 12, 1 ≤ j ≤ 12}. There is an edge between (a, b) and (c, d) if |a − c| ≤ 1 and |b − d| ≤ 1 .
The number of edges in this graph is______.

gate2014-1 graph-theory numerical-answers normal graph-connectivity

2.5.20 Graph Connectivity: GATE2014-2-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1955

The maximum number of edges in a bipartite graph on 12 vertices is____

gate2014-2 graph-theory graph-connectivity numerical-answers normal

2.5.21 Graph Connectivity: GATE2014-3-51 top https://gateoverflow.in/2085

If G is the forest with n vertices and k connected components, how many edges does G have?
A. ⌊ nk ⌋ B. ⌈ nk ⌉
C. n−k D. n−k+1
gate2014-3 graph-theory graph-connectivity normal

2.5.22 Graph Connectivity: GATE2015-2-50 top https://gateoverflow.in/8252

In a connected graph, a bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects the graph. Which one of the following
statements is true?

A. A tree has no bridges

B. A bridge cannot be part of a simple cycle
C. Every edge of a clique with size ≥ 3 is a bridge (A clique is any complete subgraph of a graph)
D. A graph with bridges cannot have cycle

gate2015-2 graph-theory graph-connectivity easy

2.5.23 Graph Connectivity: GATE2019-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/302836

Let G be an undirected complete graph on n vertices, where n > 2 . Then, the number of different Hamiltonian
cycles in G is equal to

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 33

A. n! B. (n − 1)! C. 1 D.
gate2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics graph-theory graph-connectivity

2.5.24 Graph Connectivity: GATE2019-38 top https://gateoverflow.in/302810

Let G be any connected, weighted, undirected graph.

I. G has a unique minimum spanning tree, if no two edges of G have the same weight.
II. G has a unique minimum spanning tree, if, for every cut of G, there is a unique minimum-weight edge
crossing the cut.

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II

gate2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics graph-theory graph-connectivity

2.5.25 Graph Connectivity: TIFR2015-B-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/29858

⎛0 1 0 0 0 1⎞
⎜1 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
0 1 0 0

⎜0 1 0 1 0 1⎟

⎜0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
0 1 0 1
⎜0 0 0 1 0 1⎟
⎝1 0 1 0 1 0⎠

is the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph with six vertices: that is, the rows and columns are indexed by
vertices of the graph, and an entry is 1 if the corresponding vertices are connected by an edge and is 0
otherwise; the same order of vertices is used for the rows and columns. Which of the graphs below has the
above adjacency matrix?


iii. iv.
A. Only (i) B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii) D. Only (iv)
E. (i) and (ii)
tifr2015 graph-connectivity graph-theory

2.6 Graph Matching (1) top

2.6.1 Graph Matching: GATE2003-36 top https://gateoverflow.in/926

How many perfect matching are there in a complete graph of 6 vertices?

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34 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

A. 15 B. 24 C. 30 D. 60
gate2003 graph-theory graph-matching normal

2.7 Graph Planarity (4) top

2.7.1 Graph Planarity: GATE1990-3-vi top https://gateoverflow.in/87129

Which of the following graphs is/are planner?

gate1989 normal graph-theory graph-planarity descriptive

2.7.2 Graph Planarity: GATE1990-3-xi top https://gateoverflow.in/85384

Choose the correct alternatives (More than one may be correct).

A graph is planar if and only if,

A. It does not contain subgraphs homeomorphic to k5 and k3,3 .

B. It does not contain subgraphs isomorphic to k5 or k3,3 .
C. It does not contain a subgraph isomorphic to k5 or k3,3
D. It does not contain a subgraph homeomorphic to k5 or k3,3 .

gate1990 normal graph-theory graph-planarity

2.7.3 Graph Planarity: GATE2005-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/1159

Let G be a simple connected planar graph with 13 vertices and 19 edges. Then, the number of faces in the
planar embedding of the graph is:

A. 6 B. 8 C. 9 D. 13
gate2005 graph-theory graph-planarity

2.7.4 Graph Planarity: GATE2008-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/421

Which of the following statements is true for every planar graph on n vertices?

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 35

A. The graph is connected B. The graph is Eulerian

C. The graph has a vertex-cover of size at most D. The graph has an independent set of size at
3n least n
4 3
gate2008 graph-theory normal graph-planarity

2.8 Graph Search (1) top

2.8.1 Graph Search: GATE2018-30 top https://gateoverflow.in/204104

Let G be a simple undirected graph. Let TD be a depth first search tree of G. Let TB be a breadth first search
tree of G. Consider the following statements.

I. No edge of G is a cross edge with respect to TD . (A cross edge in G is between two nodes neither of
which is an ancestor of the other in TD ).
II. For every edge (u, v) of G, if u is at depth i and v is at depth j in TB , then ∣i − j ∣= 1 .

Which of the statements above must necessarily be true?

A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II

gate2018 graph-theory graph-search normal

2.9 Line Graph (2) top

2.9.1 Line Graph: GATE2013-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/1537

The line graph L(G) of a simple graph G is defined as follows:

There is exactly one vertex v(e) in L(G) for each edge e in G.

For any two edges e and e′ in G, L(G) has an edge between v(e) and v(e′ ) , if and only if e and e′ are incident
with the same vertex in G.

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

(P) The line graph of a cycle is a cycle.

(Q) The line graph of a clique is a clique.
(R) The line graph of a planar graph is planar.
(S) The line graph of a tree is a tree.

A. P only B. P and R only C. R only D. P, Q and S only

gate2013 graph-theory normal line-graph

2.9.2 Line Graph: TIFR2017-B-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/95821

For an undirected graph G = (V , E) , the line graph G′ = (V ′ , E ′ ) is obtained by replacing each edge in E by
a vertex, and adding an edge between two vertices in V ′ if the corresponding edges in G are incident on the
same vertex. Which of the following is TRUE of line graphs?

A. the line graph for a complete graph is complete

B. the line graph for a connected graph is connected
C. the line graph for a bipartite graph is bipartite
D. the maximum degree of any vertex in the line graph is at most the maximum degree in the original graph
E. each vertex in the line graph has degree one or two

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36 2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74)

tifr2017 graph-theory line-graph

2.10 Minimum Spanning Trees (1) top

2.10.1 Minimum Spanning Trees: TIFR2018-B-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/179287

How many distinct minimum weight spanning trees does the following undirected, weighted graph have ?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8
tifr2018 graph-theory minimum-spanning-trees

2.11 Spanning Tree (3) top

2.11.1 Spanning Tree: GATE1989-4-vii top https://gateoverflow.in/88152

Provide short answers to the following questions:

In the graph shown above, the depth-first spanning tree edges are marked with a 'T'. Identify the forward,
backward and cross edges.

gate1989 descriptive graph-theory spanning-tree dfs

2.11.2 Spanning Tree: GATE2007-IT-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/3458

What is the largest integer m such that every simple connected graph with n vertices and n edges contains at

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2 Discrete Mathematics: Graph Theory (74) 37

least m different spanning trees ?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. n
gate2007-it graph-theory spanning-tree normal

2.11.3 Spanning Tree: TIFR2015-B-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/30043

Let Kn be the complete graph on n vertices labeled {1, 2, … , n} with m= 2
edges. What is the number
of spanning trees of Kn ?

B. mn−1 C. nn−2 D. nn−1 E. None of the above.

tifr2015 graph-theory spanning-tree

2.12 Trees (2) top

2.12.1 Trees: GATE2010-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1147

Let G = (V , E) be a graph. Define ξ(G) = ∑ id ∗ d , where id is the number of vertices of degree d in G. If S

and T are two different trees with ξ(S) = ξ(T) , then
A. |S| = 2|T | B. |S| = |T | − 1
C. |S| = |T | D. |S| = |T | + 1
gate2010 graph-theory normal trees

2.12.2 Trees: TIFR2011-B-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/20624

Which of the following is NOT a sufficient and necessary condition for an undirected graph G to be a tree?
A. G is connected and has n − 1 edges. B. G is acyclic and connected.
C. G is acyclic and has n − 1 edges. D. G is acyclic, connected and has n − 1 edges.
E. G has n − 1 edges.
tifr2011 graph-theory trees

2.13 Vertex Cover (1) top

2.13.1 Vertex Cover: GATE2005-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/1161

Let G be a simple graph with 20 vertices and 100 edges. The size of the minimum vertex cover of G is 8. Then,
the size of the maximum independent set of G is:

A. 12 B. 8 C. less than 8 D. more than 12

gate2005 graph-theory normal vertex-cover

Answers: Vertex Cover

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38 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)top

Syllabus: Propositional and first order logic.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0.8 2
2 Marks Count 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.7 1
Total Marks 2 2 4 1 1 3 1 2.2 4

3.1 First Order Logic (37) top

3.1.1 First Order Logic: GATE1989-14a top https://gateoverflow.in/93179

Symbolize the expression "Every mother loves her children" in predicate logic.

gate1989 descriptive first-order-logic mathematical-logic

3.1.2 First Order Logic: GATE1991-15,b top https://gateoverflow.in/26748

Consider the following first order formula:

⎛ ∀x∃y : R(x, y) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟

∧ ⎟

⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∀x∀y : (R(x, y) ⟹ ¬R(y, x)) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∧ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∀x∀y∀z : (R(x, y) ∧ R(y, z) ⟹ R(x, z)) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ∧ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ∀x : ¬R(x, x) ⎠

Does it have finite models?

Is it satisfiable? If so, give a countable model for it.

gate1991 first-order-logic descriptive

3.1.3 First Order Logic: GATE1992-92,xv top https://gateoverflow.in/256

Which of the following predicate calculus statements is/are valid?

A. (∀(x))P(x) ∨ (∀(x))Q(x) ⟹ (∀(x))(P(x) ∨ Q(x))

B. (∃(x))P(x) ∧ (∃(x))Q(x) ⟹ (∃(x))(P(x) ∧ Q(x))
C. (∀(x))(P(x) ∨ Q(x)) ⟹ (∀(x))P(x) ∨ (∀(x))Q(x)
D. (∃(x))(P(x) ∨ Q(x)) ⟹ ∼ (∀(x))P(x) ∨ (∃(x))Q(x)

gate1992 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.4 First Order Logic: GATE2003-32 top https://gateoverflow.in/922

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 39

Which of the following is a valid first order formula? (Here α and β are first order formulae with x as their only
free variable)

A. ((∀x)[α] ⇒ (∀x)[β]) ⇒ (∀x)[α ⇒ β]

B. (∀x)[α] ⇒ (∃x)[α ∧ β]
C. ((∀x)[α ∨ β] ⇒ (∃x)[α]) ⇒ (∀x)[α]
D. (∀x)[α ⇒ β] ⇒ (((∀x)[α]) ⇒ (∀x)[β])

gate2003 mathematical-logic first-order-logic normal

3.1.5 First Order Logic: GATE2003-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/923

Consider the following formula and its two interpretations I1 and I2 .

α : (∀x) [Px ⇔ (∀y) [Qxy ⇔ ¬Qyy ]] ⇒ (∀x) [¬Px ]

I1 : Domain: the set of natural numbers

Px = ' x is a prime number'

Qxy = 'y divides x'

I2 : same as I1 except that Px = 'x is a composite number'.

Which of the following statements is true?

A. I1 satisfies α, I2 does not

B. I2 satisfies α, I1 does not
C. Neither I1 nor I2 satisfies α
D. Both I1 and I2 satisfies α

gate2003 mathematical-logic difficult first-order-logic

3.1.6 First Order Logic: GATE2004-23, ISRO2007-32 top https://gateoverflow.in/1020

Identify the correct translation into logical notation of the following assertion.

Some boys in the class are taller than all the girls

Note: taller(x, y) is true if x is taller than y.

A. (∃x)(boy(x) → (∀y)(girl(y) ∧ taller(x, y)))
B. (∃x)(boy(x) ∧ (∀y)(girl(y) ∧ taller(x, y)))
C. (∃x)(boy(x) → (∀y)(girl(y) → taller(x, y)))
D. (∃x)(boy(x) ∧ (∀y)(girl(y) → taller(x, y)))

gate2004 mathematical-logic easy isro2007 first-order-logic

3.1.7 First Order Logic: GATE2004-IT-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/3644

Let a(x, y), b(x, y, ) and c(x, y) be three statements with variables x and y chosen from some universe.
Consider the following statement:

(∃x)(∀y)[(a(x, y) ∧ b(x, y)) ∧ ¬c(x, y)]

Which one of the following is its equivalent?

(∀x)(∃y)[(a(x, y) ∨ b(x, y)) → c(x, y)]

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40 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

A. (∀x)(∃y)[(a(x, y) ∨ b(x, y)) → c(x, y)]

B. (∃x)(∀y)[(a(x, y) ∨ b(x, y)) ∧ ¬c(x, y)]
C. ¬(∀x)(∃y)[(a(x, y) ∧ b(x, y)) → c(x, y)]
D. ¬(∀x)(∃y)[(a(x, y) ∨ b(x, y)) → c(x, y)]

gate2004-it mathematical-logic normal discrete-mathematics first-order-logic

3.1.8 First Order Logic: GATE2005-41 top https://gateoverflow.in/1166

What is the first order predicate calculus statement equivalent to the following?

"Every teacher is liked by some student"

A. ∀(x) [teacher (x) → ∃(y) [student (y) → likes (y, x)]]

B. ∀(x) [teacher (x) → ∃(y) [student (y) ∧ likes (y, x)]]
C. ∃(y)∀(x) [teacher (x) → [student (y) ∧ likes (y, x)]]
D. ∀(x) [teacher (x) ∧ ∃(y) [student (y) → likes (y, x)]]

gate2005 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.9 First Order Logic: GATE2005-IT-36 top https://gateoverflow.in/3783

Let P(x) and Q(x) be arbitrary predicates. Which of the following statements is always TRUE?

A. ((∀x (P (x) ∨ Q (x)))) ⟹ ((∀xP (x)) ∨ (∀xQ (x)))

B. (∀x (P (x) ⟹ Q (x))) ⟹ ((∀xP (x)) ⟹ (∀xQ (x)))
C. (∀x (P (x)) ⟹ ∀x (Q (x))) ⟹ (∀x (P (x) ⟹ Q (x)))
D. (∀x (P (x)) ⇔ (∀x (Q (x)))) ⟹ (∀x (P (x) ⇔ Q (x)))

gate2005-it mathematical-logic first-order-logic normal

3.1.10 First Order Logic: GATE2006-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/989

Which one of the first order predicate calculus statements given below correctly expresses the following English

Tigers and lions attack if they are hungry or threatened.

A. ∀x[(tiger(x) ∧ lion(x)) → (hungry(x) ∨ threatened(x)) → attacks(x)]

B. ∀x[(tiger(x) ∨ lion(x)) → (hungry(x) ∨ threatened(x)) ∧ attacks(x)]
C. ∀x[(tiger(x) ∨ lion(x)) → attacks(x) → (hungry(x) ∨ threatened(x))]
D. ∀x[(tiger(x) ∨ lion(x)) → (hungry(x) ∨ threatened(x)) → attacks(x)]

gate2006 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.11 First Order Logic: GATE2006-IT-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/3560

Consider the following first order logic formula in which R is a binary relation symbol.
∀x∀y(R(x, y) ⟹ R(y, x))

The formula is

A. satisfiable and valid B. satisfiable and so is its negation

C. unsatisfiable but its negation is valid D. satisfiable but its negation is unsatisfiable

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 41

gate2006-it mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.12 First Order Logic: GATE2007-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/1220

Let Graph(x) be a predicate which denotes that x is a graph. Let Connected(x) be a predicate which
denotes that x is connected. Which of the following first order logic sentences DOES NOT represent the

"Not every graph is connected"

A. ¬∀x ( Graph(x) ⟹ Connected(x))

B. ∃x ( Graph(x) ∧ ¬ Connected(x))
C. ¬∀x (¬ Graph(x) ∨ Connected(x))
D. ∀x ( Graph(x) ⟹ ¬ Connected(x))

gate2007 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.13 First Order Logic: GATE2007-IT-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/3454

Which one of these first-order logic formulae is valid?

A. ∀x (P (x) ⟹ Q (x)) ⟹ (∀xP (x) ⟹ ∀xQ (x))

B. ∃x (P (x) ∨ Q (x)) ⟹ (∃xP (x) ⟹ ∃xQ (x))
C. ∃x (P (x) ∧ Q (x)) ⟺ (∃xP (x) ∧ ∃xQ (x))
D. ∀x∃yP (x, y) ⟹ ∃y∀xP (x, y)

gate2007-it mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.14 First Order Logic: GATE2008-30 top https://gateoverflow.in/441

Let fsa and pda be two predicates such that fsa(x) means x is a finite state automaton and pda(y) means
that y is a pushdown automaton. Let equivalent be another predicate such that equivalent(a, b) means a and
b are equivalent. Which of the following first order logic statements represent the following?
Each finite state automaton has an equivalent pushdown automaton

A. (∀x fsa (x)) ⟹ (∃y pda (y) ∧ equivalent (x, y))

B. ¬∀y (∃x fsa (x) ⟹ pda (y) ∧ equivalent (x, y))
C. ∀x∃y (fsa (x) ∧ pda (y) ∧ equivalent (x, y))
D. ∀x∃y (fsa (y) ∧ pda (x) ∧ equivalent (x, y))

gate2008 easy mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.15 First Order Logic: GATE2008-IT-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/3282

Which of the following first order formulae is logically valid? Here α(x) is a first order formula with x as a free
variable, and β is a first order formula with no free variable.

A. [β → (∃x, α(x))] → [∀x, β → α(x)]

B. [∃x, β → α(x)] → [β → (∀x, α(x))]
C. [(∃x, α(x)) → β] → [∀x, α(x) → β]
[(∀x, α(x)) → β] → [∀x, α(x) → β]
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42 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

D. [(∀x, α(x)) → β] → [∀x, α(x) → β]

gate2008-it first-order-logic normal

3.1.16 First Order Logic: GATE2008-IT-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/3283

Which of the following is the negation of [∀x, α → (∃y, β → (∀u, ∃v, y))]
A. [∃x, α → (∀y, β → (∃u, ∀v, y))]
B. [∃x, α → (∀y, β → (∃u, ∀v, ¬y))]
C. [∀x, ¬α → (∃y, ¬β → (∀u, ∃v, ¬y))]
D. [∃x, α ∧ (∀y, β ∧ (∃u, ∀v, ¬y))]

gate2008-it mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.17 First Order Logic: GATE2009-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/800

Which one of the following is the most appropriate logical formula to represent the statement?

"Gold and silver ornaments are precious".

The following notations are used:

G(x) : x is a gold ornament

S(x) : x is a silver ornament
P(x) : x is precious
A. ∀x(P(x) ⟹ (G(x) ∧ S(x)))
B. ∀x((G(x) ∧ S(x)) ⟹ P(x))
C. ∃x((G(x) ∧ S(x)) ⟹ P(x))
D. ∀x((G(x) ∨ S(x)) ⟹ P(x))

gate2009 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.18 First Order Logic: GATE2009-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/803

Consider the following well-formed formulae:

I. ¬∀x(P(x))
II. ¬∃x(P(x))
III. ¬∃x(¬P(x))
IV. ∃x(¬P(x))

Which of the above are equivalent?

A. I and III B. I and IV C. II and III D. II and IV

gate2009 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.19 First Order Logic: GATE2010-30 top https://gateoverflow.in/1156

Suppose the predicate F (x, y, t) is used to represent the statement that person x can fool person y at time t.
Which one of the statements below expresses best the meaning of the formula,

∀x∃y∃t(¬F (x, y, t))

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 43

A. Everyone can fool some person at some time

B. No one can fool everyone all the time
C. Everyone cannot fool some person all the time
D. No one can fool some person at some time

gate2010 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.20 First Order Logic: GATE2011-30 top https://gateoverflow.in/2132

Which one of the following options is CORRECT given three positive integers x, y and z, and a predicate
P (x) = ¬ (x = 1) ∧ ∀y (∃z (x = y ∗ z) ⇒ (y = x) ∨ (y = 1))
A. P(x) being true means that x is a prime number
B. P(x) being true means that x is a number other than 1
C. P(x) is always true irrespective of the value of x
D. P(x) being true means that x has exactly two factors other than 1 and x

gate2011 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.21 First Order Logic: GATE2012-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/45

What is the correct translation of the following statement into mathematical logic?

“Some real numbers are rational”

A. ∃x(real(x) ∨ rational(x)) B. ∀x(real(x) → rational(x))

C. ∃x(real(x) ∧ rational(x)) D. ∃x(rational(x) → real(x))
gate2012 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.22 First Order Logic: GATE2013-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/1538

What is the logical translation of the following statement?

"None of my friends are perfect."

A. ∃x(F (x) ∧ ¬P(x)) B. ∃x(¬F (x) ∧ P(x))

C. ∃x(¬F (x) ∧ ¬P(x)) D. ¬∃x(F (x) ∧ P(x))
gate2013 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.23 First Order Logic: GATE2013-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/80

Which one of the following is NOT logically equivalent to ¬∃x(∀y(α) ∧ ∀z(β)) ?

A. ∀x(∃z(¬β) → ∀y(α)) B. ∀x(∀z(β) → ∃y(¬α))

C. ∀x(∀y(α) → ∃z(¬β)) D. ∀x(∃y(¬α) → ∃z(¬β))
mathematical-logic normal marks-to-all gate2013 first-order-logic

3.1.24 First Order Logic: GATE2014-1-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/769

Consider the statement

"Not all that glitters is gold”

Predicate glitters(x) is true if x glitters and predicate gold (x) is true if x is gold. Which one of the following

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44 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

logical formulae represents the above statement?

A. ∀x : glitters(x) ⇒ ¬gold(x)
B. ∀x : gold(x) ⇒ glitters(x)
C. ∃x : gold(x) ∧ ¬glitters(x)
D. ∃x : glitters(x) ∧ ¬gold(x)

gate2014-1 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.25 First Order Logic: GATE2014-3-53 top https://gateoverflow.in/2087

The CORRECT formula for the sentence, "not all Rainy days are Cold" is

A. ∀d(Rainy(d) ∧ ~Cold(d)) B. ∀d(~Rainy(d) → Cold(d))

C. ∃d(~Rainy(d) → Cold(d)) D. ∃d(Rainy(d) ∧ ~Cold(d))
gate2014-3 mathematical-logic easy first-order-logic

3.1.26 First Order Logic: GATE2015-2-55 top https://gateoverflow.in/8259

Which one of the following well-formed formulae is a tautology?

A. ∀x ∃y R(x, y) ↔ ∃y ∀x R(x, y)
B. (∀x [∃y R(x, y) → S(x, y)]) → ∀x ∃y S(x, y)
C. [∀x ∃y (P(x, y) → R(x, y))] ↔ [∀x ∃y (¬P(x, y) ∨ R(x, y))]
D. ∀x ∀y P(x, y) → ∀x ∀y P(y, x)

gate2015-2 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.27 First Order Logic: GATE2016-2-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/39618

Which one of the following well-formed formulae in predicate calculus is NOT valid ?

A. (∀x p(x) ⟹ ∀x q(x)) ⟹ (∃x ¬p(x) ∨ ∀x q(x))

B. (∃xp(x) ∨ ∃xq(x)) ⟹ ∃x(p(x) ∨ q(x))
C. ∃x(p(x) ∧ q(x)) ⟹ (∃xp(x) ∧ ∃xq(x))
D. ∀x(p(x) ∨ q(x)) ⟹ (∀xp(x) ∨ ∀xq(x))

gate2016-2 mathematical-logic first-order-logic normal

3.1.28 First Order Logic: GATE2017-1-02 top https://gateoverflow.in/118701

Consider the first-order logic sentence F : ∀x(∃yR(x, y)) . Assuming non-empty logical domains, which of the
sentences below are implied by F ?

I. ∃y(∃xR(x, y))
II. ∃y(∀xR(x, y))
III. ∀y(∃xR(x, y))
IV. ¬∃x(∀y¬R(x, y))
A. IV only B. I and IV only
C. II only D. II and III only
gate2017-1 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.29 First Order Logic: GATE2018-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/204102

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 45

Consider the first-order logic sentence

φ ≡ ∃ s ∃ t ∃ u ∀ v ∀ w∀ x ∀ y ψ(s, t, u, v, w, x, y)
where ψ(s, t, u, v, w, x, y, ) is a quantifier-free first-order logic formula using only predicate symbols, and
possibly equality, but no function symbols. Suppose φ has a model with a universe containing 7 elements.

Which one of the following statements is necessarily true?

A. There exists at least one model of φ with universe of size less than or equal to 3
B. There exists no model of φ with universe of size less than or equal to 3
C. There exists no model of φ with universe size of greater than 7
D. Every model of φ has a universe of size equal to 7

gate2018 mathematical-logic normal first-order-logic

3.1.30 First Order Logic: GATE2019-35 top https://gateoverflow.in/302813

Consider the first order predicate formula φ:

∀x[(∀z z ∣ x ⇒ ((z = x) ∨ (z = 1))) → ∃w(w > x) ∧ (∀z z ∣ w ⇒ ((w = z) ∨ (z = 1)))]
Here a ∣ b denotes that ′ a divides b′ , where a and b are integers. Consider the following sets:
S1 : {1, 2, 3, … , 100}
S2 : Set of all positive integers

S3 : Set of all integers

Which of the above sets satisfy φ?

A. S1 and S2 B. S1 and S3 C. S2 and S3 D. S1, S2 and S3

gate2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.31 First Order Logic: TIFR2010-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/18239

Which of the following is NOT necessarily true? { Notation: The symbol '' ¬''notes negation; P(x, y) means that
for given x and y, the property P(x, y) is true }.

a. (∀x∀yP(x, y)) ⇒ (∀y∀xP(x, y))

b. (∀x∃y¬P(x, y)) ⇒ ¬(∃x∀yP(x, y))
c. (∃x∃yP(x, y)) ⇒ (∃y∃xP(x, y))
d. (∃x∀yP(x, y)) ⇒ (∀y∃xP(x, y))
e. (∀x∃yP(x, y)) ⇒ (∃y∀xP(x, y))

tifr2010 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.32 First Order Logic: TIFR2012-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/20939

If Mr. M is guilty, then no witness is lying unless he is afraid. There is a witness who is afraid. Which of the
following statements is true?

(Hint: Formulate the problem using the following predicates

G − Mr. M is guilty
W (x) − x is a witness
L(x) − x is lying
A(x) − x
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46 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

A(x) − x is afraid )

A. Mr. M is guilty. B. Mr. M is not guilty.

C. From these facts one cannot conclude that D. There is a witness who is lying.
Mr. M is guilty.
E. No witness is lying.
tifr2012 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.33 First Order Logic: TIFR2012-B-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/25048

For a person p, let w(p), A(p, y), L(p) and J(p) denote that p is a woman, p admires y, p is a lawyer and p is
a judge respectively. Which of the following is the correct translation in first order logic of the sentence: "All
woman who are lawyers admire some judge"?

a. ∀x : [(w (x) ΛL (x)) ⇒ (∃y : (J (y) Λw (y) ΛA (x, y)))]

b. ∀x : [(w (x) ⇒ L (x)) ⇒ (∃y : (J (y) ΛA (x, y)))]
c. ∀x∀y : [(w (x) ΛL (x)) ⇒ (J (y) ΛA (x, y))]
d. ∃y∀x : [(w (x) ΛL (x)) ⇒ (J (y) ΛA (x, y))]
e. ∀x : [(w (x) ΛL (x)) ⇒ (∃y : (J (y) ΛA (x, y)))]

tifr2012 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.34 First Order Logic: TIFR2016-B-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/97634

In the following, A stands for a set of apples, and S(x, y) stands for " x is sweeter than y. Let
Ψ ≡ ∃x : x ∈ A
Φ ≡ ∀x ∈ A : ∃y ∈ A : S(x, y).
Which of the following statements implies that there are infinitely many apples (i.e.,, A is an inifinite set)?
A. Ψ ∧ Φ ∧ [∀x ∈ A : ¬S(x, x)]
B. Ψ ∧ Φ ∧ [∀x ∈ A : S(x, x)]
C. Ψ ∧ Φ ∧ [∀x, y ∈ A : S(x, x) ∧ S(x, y) → S(y, y)]
D. Ψ ∧ Φ ∧ [∀x ∈ A : ¬S(x, x)] ∧ [∀x, y, z ∈ A : S(x, y) ∧ S(y, z) → s(y, x)]
E. Ψ ∧ Φ ∧ [∀x ∈ A : ¬S(x, x)] ∧ [∀x, y, z ∈ A : S(x, y) ∧ S(y, z) → s(x, z)]

tifr2016 mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.1.35 First Order Logic: TIFR2017-B-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/95818

Given that

B(x) means "x is a bat",

F (x) means "x is a fly", and
E(x, y) means "x eats y",
what is the best English translation of

∀x(F (x) → ∀y(E(y, x) → B(y)))?

A. all flies eat bats B. every fly is eaten by some bat
C. bats eat only flies D. every bat eats flies
E. only bats eat flies
tifr2017 first-order-logic

3.1.36 First Order Logic: TIFR2017-B-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/95689

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 47

Consider the First Order Logic (FOL) with equality and suitable function and relation symbols. Which of the
following is FALSE?

A. Partial orders cannot be axiomatized in FOL

B. FOL has a complete proof system
C. Natural numbers cannot be axiomatized in FOL
D. Real numbers cannot be axiomatized in FOL
E. Relational numbers cannot be axiomatized in FOL

tifr2017 first-order-logic normal

3.1.37 First Order Logic: TIFR2019-B-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/280491

Let φ be a propositional formula on a set of variables A and φ be a propositional formula on a set of

variables B , such that φ ⇒ ψ . A Craig interpolant of φ and ψ is a propositional formula μ on variables
A ∩ B such that φ ⇒ μ and μ ⇒ ψ. Given propositional formula φ = q ∨ (r ∧ s) on the set of variables
A = {q, r, s} and propositional formula ψ = ¬q → (s ∨ t) on the set of variables B = {q, s, t} , which of the
following is a Craig interpolant for φ and ψ ?

A. q B. φ itself C. q∨s D. q∨r E. ¬q ∧ s

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics mathematical-logic first-order-logic

3.2 Logical Reasoning (9) top

3.2.1 Logical Reasoning: GATE2012-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/33

Consider the following logical inferences.

I1 : If it rains then the cricket match will not be played.

The cricket match was played.
Inference: There was no rain.

I2 : If it rains then the cricket match will not be played.

It did not rain.
Inference: The cricket match was played.

Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Both I1 and I2 are correct inferences

B. I1 is correct but I2 is not a correct inference
C. I1 is not correct but I2 is a correct inference
D. Both I1 and I2 are not correct inferences

gate2012 mathematical-logic easy logical-reasoning

3.2.2 Logical Reasoning: GATE2015-2-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/8049

Consider the following two statements.

S1 : If a candidate is known to be corrupt, then he will not be elected

S2 : If a candidate is kind, he will be elected

Which one of the following statements follows from S1 and S2 as per sound inference rules of logic?

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48 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

A. If a person is known to be corrupt, he is kind

B. If a person is not known to be corrupt, he is not kind
C. If a person is kind, he is not known to be corrupt
D. If a person is not kind, he is not known to be corrupt

gate2015-2 mathematical-logic normal logical-reasoning

3.2.3 Logical Reasoning: GATE2015-3-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/8427

In a room there are only two types of people, namely Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 people always tell the truth
and Type 2 people always lie. You give a fair coin to a person in that room, without knowing which type he is
from and tell him to toss it and hide the result from you till you ask for it. Upon asking the person replies the

"The result of the toss is head if and only if I am telling the truth"

Which of the following options is correct?

A. The result is head B. The result is tail

C. If the person is of Type 2, then the result is D. If the person is of Type 1, then the result is
tail tail
gate2015-3 mathematical-logic difficult logical-reasoning

3.2.4 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2010-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/18212

If the bank receipt is forged, then Mr. M is liable.

If Mr. M is liable, he will go bankrupt.
If the bank will loan him money, he will not go bankrupt.
The bank will loan him money.

Which of the following can be concluded from the above statements?

a. Mr. M is liable b. The receipt is not forged

c. Mr. M will go bankrupt d. The bank will go bankrupt
e. None of the above
tifr2010 logical-reasoning mathematical-logic

3.2.5 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2011-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/237

If either wages or prices are raised, there will be inflation.

If there is inflation, then either the government must regulate it or the people will suffer.
If the people suffer, the government will be unpopular.
Government will not be unpopular.

Which of the following can be validly concluded from the above statements.

A. People will not suffer

B. If the inflation is not regulated, then wages are not raised
C. Prices are not raised
D. If the inflation is not regulated, then the prices are not raised
E. Wages are not raised

tifr2011 mathematical-logic normal logical-reasoning

3.2.6 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2011-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/20221

The action for this problem takes place in an island of Knights and Knaves, where Knights always make true
statements and Knaves always make false statements and everybody is either a Knight or a Knave. Two friends

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 49

A and B lives in a house. The census taker (an outsider) knocks on the door and it is opened by A. The census
taker says ''I need information about you and your friend. Which if either is a Knight and which if either is a
Knave?". "We are both Knaves" says A angrily and slams the door. What, if any thing can the census taker

A. A is a Knight and B is a Knave. B. A is a Knave and B is a Knight.

C. Both are Knaves. D. Both are Knights.
E. No conclusion can be drawn.
tifr2011 mathematical-logic logical-reasoning

3.2.7 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2012-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/20981

Long ago,in a planet far far away, there lived three races of intelligent inhabitants: the blues (who always tell
the truth), the whites (who always lie), and the pinks (who, when asked a series of questions, start with a lie
and then tell the truth and lie alternately). To three creatures, chosen from the planet and seated facing each
other at A, B, and C (see figure), the following three questions are put:

i. What race is your left-hand neighbour?

ii. What race is your right-hand neighbour?
iii. What race are you?

Here are their answers:

A. (i) White (ii) Pink (iii) Blue B. (i) Pink (ii) Pink (iii) Blue
C. (i) White (ii) Blue (iii) Blue What is the actual race of each of the three

A. A is Pink, B is White, C is Blue. B. A is Blue, B is Pink, C is White.

C. A is Pink, B is Blue, C is Pink. D. A is White, B is Pink, C is Blue.
E. Cannot be determined from the above data.
tifr2012 mathematical-logic logical-reasoning

3.2.8 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2013-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/25384

Three candidates, Amar, Birendra and Chanchal stand for the local election. Opinion polls are conducted and
show that fraction a of the voters prefer Amar to Birendra, fraction b prefer Birendra to Chanchal and fraction c
prefer Chanchal to Amar. Which of the following is impossible?

a. (a, b, c) = (0.51, 0.51, 0.51); b. (a, b, c) = (0.61, 0.71, 0.67);

c. (a, b, c) = (0.68, 0.68, 0.68); d. (a, b, c) = (0.49, 0.49, 0.49);
e. None of the above.
tifr2013 set-theory&algebra logical-reasoning

3.2.9 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2014-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/25994

All that glitters is gold. No gold is silver.


1. No silver glitters.
2. Some gold glitters.

Then, which of the following is TRUE?

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50 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

a. Only claim 1 follows. b. Only claim 2 follows.

c. Either claim 1 or claim 2 follows but not both. d. Neither claim 1 nor claim 2 follows.
e. Both claim 1 and claim 2 follow.
tifr2014 mathematical-logic logical-reasoning

3.3 Propositional Logic (38) top

3.3.1 Propositional Logic: GATE1987-10e top https://gateoverflow.in/82457

Show that the conclusion (r → q) follows from the premises:

p, (p → q) ∨ (p ∧ (r → q))
gate1987 mathematical-logic propositional-logic proof descriptive

3.3.2 Propositional Logic: GATE1988-2vii top https://gateoverflow.in/93947

Define the validity of a well-formed formula(wff)

gate1988 descriptive mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.3 Propositional Logic: GATE1989-3-v top https://gateoverflow.in/87126

Answer the following:

Which of the following well-formed formulas are equivalent?

A. P→Q B. ¬Q → ¬P
C. ¬P ∨ Q D. ¬Q → P
gate1989 normal mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.4 Propositional Logic: GATE1990-3-x top https://gateoverflow.in/84861

Choose the correct alternatives (More than one may be correct).

Indicate which of the following well-formed formulae are valid:

A. (P ⇒ Q) ∧ (Q ⇒ R) ⇒ (P ⇒ R)
B. (P ⇒ Q) ⇒ (¬P ⇒ ¬Q)
C. (P ∧ (¬P ∨ ¬Q)) ⇒ Q
D. (P ⇒ R) ∨ (Q ⇒ R) ⇒ ((P ∨ Q) ⇒ R)

gate1990 normal mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.5 Propositional Logic: GATE1991-03,xii top https://gateoverflow.in/526

Choose the correct alternatives (more than one may be correct) and write the corresponding letters only:

I f F1 , F2 and F3 are propositional formulae such that F1 ∧ F2 → F3 and F1 ∧ F2 →∼ F3 are both

tautologies, then which of the following is true:

A. Both F1 and F2 are tautologies B. The conjunction F1 ∧ F2 is not satisfiable

C. Neither is tautologous D. Neither is satisfiable
E. None of the above.
gate1991 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 51

3.3.6 Propositional Logic: GATE1992-02,xvi top https://gateoverflow.in/574

Choose the correct alternatives (more than one may be correct) and write the corresponding letters only:

Which of the following is/are a tautology?

A. a∨b→ b∧c B. a∧b→ b∨c

C. a ∨ b → (b → c) D. a → b → (b → c)
gate1992 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.7 Propositional Logic: GATE1992-15.a top https://gateoverflow.in/594

Use Modus ponens (A, A → B| = B) or resolution to show that the following set is inconsistent:

1. Q(x) → P(x)∨ ∼ R(a)

2. R(a)∧ ∼ Q(a)
3. Q(a)
4. ∼ P(y)
where x and y are universally quantified variables, a is a constant and P, Q, R are monadic predicates.

gate1992 normal mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.8 Propositional Logic: GATE1993-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/2315

Show that proposition C is a logical consequence of the formula

A ∧ (A → (B ∨ C)) ∧ (B → ¬A)
using truth tables.

gate1993 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic proof descriptive

3.3.9 Propositional Logic: GATE1993-8.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2300

The proposition p ∧ (∼ p ∨ q) is:

A. a tautology B. logically equivalent to p∧q

C. logically equivalent to p∨q D. a contradiction

E. none of the above

gate1993 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.10 Propositional Logic: GATE1994-3.13 top https://gateoverflow.in/2499

Let p and q be propositions. Using only the Truth Table, decide whether

p⟺q does not imply p → ¬q

is True or False.

gate1994 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic descriptive

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52 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

3.3.11 Propositional Logic: GATE1995-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/2649

Obtain the principal (canonical) conjunctive normal form of the propositional formula

(p ∧ q) ∨ (¬q ∧ r)
where ∧ is logical and, ∨ is inclusive or and ¬ is negation.
gate1995 mathematical-logic propositional-logic normal descriptive

3.3.12 Propositional Logic: GATE1995-2.19 top https://gateoverflow.in/2631

If the proposition ¬p → q is true, then the truth value of the proposition ¬p ∨ (p → q) , where ¬ is negation,
∨ is inclusive OR and → is implication, is

A. True B. Multiple Values C. False D. Cannot be determined

gate1995 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.13 Propositional Logic: GATE1996-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2732

Which of the following is false? Read ∧ as AND, ∨ as OR, ¬ as NOT, → as one way implication and ↔ as two
way implication

A. ((x → y) ∧ x) → y
B. ((¬x → y) ∧ (¬x → ¬y)) → x
C. (x → (x ∨ y))
D. ((x ∨ y) ↔ (¬x → ¬y))

gate1996 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.14 Propositional Logic: GATE1997-3.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2233

Which of the following propositions is a tautology?

A. (p ∨ q) → p B. p ∨ (q → p)
C. p ∨ (p → q) D. p → (p → q)
gate1997 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.15 Propositional Logic: GATE1998-1.5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1642

What is the converse of the following assertion?

I stay only if you go

A. I stay if you go B. If I stay then you go

C. If you do not go then I do not stay D. If I do not stay then you go
gate1998 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.16 Propositional Logic: GATE1999-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/1513

Show that the formula [(∼ p ∨ q) ⇒ (q ⇒ p)] is not a tautology.

Let A be a tautology and B any other formula. Prove that (A ∨ B) is a tautology.

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 53

gate1999 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic proof descriptive

3.3.17 Propositional Logic: GATE2000-2.7 top https://gateoverflow.in/654

Let a, b, c, d be propositions. Assume that the equivalence a ⇔ (b ∨ ¬b) and b⇔c hold. Then the truth-value
of the formula (a ∧ b) → (a ∧ c) ∨ d is always

A. True B. False
C. Same as the truth-value of b D. Same as the truth-value of d
gate2000 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.18 Propositional Logic: GATE2001-1.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/696

Consider two well-formed formulas in propositional logic

F1 : P ⇒ ¬P F2 : (P ⇒ ¬P) ∨ (¬P ⇒ P)

Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. F1 is satisfiable, F2 is valid B. F1 unsatisfiable, F2 is satisfiable

C. F1 is unsatisfiable, F2 is valid D. F1 and F2 are both satisfiable
gate2001 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.19 Propositional Logic: GATE2002-1.8 top https://gateoverflow.in/812

"If X then Y unless Z " is represented by which of the following formulas in prepositional logic? (" ¬" is
negation, " ∧" is conjunction, and " →" is implication)

A. (X ∧ ¬Z) → Y B. (X ∧ Y ) → ¬Z
C. X → (Y ∧ ¬Z) D. (X → Y ) ∧ ¬Z
gate2002 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.20 Propositional Logic: GATE2002-5b top https://gateoverflow.in/3915

Determine whether each of the following is a tautology, a contradiction, or neither (" ∨" is disjunction, " ∧" is
conjunction, " →" is implication, " ¬" is negation, and " ↔" is biconditional (if and only if).

1. A ↔ (A ∨ A)
2. (A ∨ B) → B
3. A ∧ (¬(A ∨ B))

gate2002 mathematical-logic easy descriptive propositional-logic

3.3.21 Propositional Logic: GATE2003-72 top https://gateoverflow.in/959

The following resolution rule is used in logic programming.

Derive clause (P ∨ Q) from clauses (P ∨ R), (Q ∨ ¬R)
Which of the following statements related to this rule is FALSE?

A. ((P ∨ R) ∧ (Q ∨ ¬R)) ⇒ (P ∨ Q) is logically valid

B. (P ∨ Q) ⇒ ((P ∨ R)) ∧ (Q ∨ ¬R)) is logically valid
C. (P ∨ Q) is satisfiable if and only if (P ∨ R) ∧ (Q ∨ ¬R) is satisfiable
D. (P ∨ Q) ⇒ FALSE if and only if both P and Q are unsatisfiable

gate2003 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

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54 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

3.3.22 Propositional Logic: GATE2004-70 top https://gateoverflow.in/1064

The following propositional statement is (P ⟹ (Q ∨ R)) ⟹ ((P ∧ Q) ⟹ R)

A. satisfiable but not valid B. valid
C. a contradiction D. None of the above
gate2004 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.23 Propositional Logic: GATE2004-IT-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/3674

Let p, q, r and s be four primitive statements. Consider the following arguments:

P : [(¬p ∨ q) ∧ (r → s) ∧ (p ∨ r)] → (¬s → q)

Q : [(¬p ∧ q) ∧ [q → (p → r)]] → ¬r
R : [[(q ∧ r) → p] ∧ (¬q ∨ p)] → r
S : [p ∧ (p → r) ∧ (q ∨ ¬r)] → q

Which of the above arguments are valid?

A. P and Q only B. P and R only C. P and S only D. P, Q, R and S

gate2004-it mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.24 Propositional Logic: GATE2005-40 top https://gateoverflow.in/1165

LetP, Q and R be three atomic propositional assertions. Let X denote (P ∨ Q) → R and Y denote
(P → R) ∨ (Q → R). Which one of the following is a tautology?

A. X≡Y B. X→Y C. Y →X D. ¬Y → X
gate2005 mathematical-logic propositional-logic normal

3.3.25 Propositional Logic: GATE2006-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/990

Consider the following propositional statements:

P1 : ((A ∧ B) → C)) ≡ ((A → C) ∧ (B → C))

P2 : ((A ∨ B) → C)) ≡ ((A → C) ∨ (B → C))

Which one of the following is true?

A. P1 is a tautology, but not P2 B. P2 is a tautology, but not P1

C. P1 and P2 are both tautologies D. Both P1 and P2 are not tautologies
gate2006 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.26 Propositional Logic: GATE2008-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/442

P and Q are two propositions. Which of the following logical expressions are equivalent?
I. P ∨ ¬Q
II. ¬(¬P ∧ Q)
III. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ¬Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ ¬Q)
IV. (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ ¬Q) ∨ (¬P ∧ Q)
A. Only I and II B. Only I, II and III
C. Only I, II and IV D. All of I, II, III and IV

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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 55

gate2008 normal mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.27 Propositional Logic: GATE2009-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/801

The binary operation □ is defined as follows

Which one of the following is equivalent to P ∨ Q?
A. ¬Q□¬P B. P□¬Q
C. ¬P□Q D. ¬P□¬Q
gate2009 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.28 Propositional Logic: GATE2014-1-53 top https://gateoverflow.in/1933

Which one of the following propositional logic formulas is TRUE when exactly two of p, q and r are TRUE?
A. ((p ↔ q) ∧ r) ∨ (p ∧ q∧ ∼ r)
B. (∼ (p ↔ q) ∧ r) ∨ (p ∧ q∧ ∼ r)
C. ((p → q) ∧ r) ∨ (p ∧ q∧ ∼ r)
D. (∼ (p ↔ q) ∧ r) ∧ (p ∧ q∧ ∼ r)

gate2014-1 mathematical-logic normal propositional-logic

3.3.29 Propositional Logic: GATE2014-2-53 top https://gateoverflow.in/2020

Which one of the following Boolean expressions is NOT a tautology?

A. (( a → b ) ∧ ( b → c)) → ( a → c)
B. ( a → c ) → ( ∼ b → (a ∧ c))
C. ( a ∧ b ∧ c) → ( c ∨ a)
D. a → (b → a)

gate2014-2 mathematical-logic propositional-logic normal

3.3.30 Propositional Logic: GATE2014-3-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2035

Consider the following statements:

P: Good mobile phones are not cheap

Q: Cheap mobile phones are not good

L: P implies Q
M: Q implies P
N: P is equivalent to Q

Which one of the following about L, M, and N is CORRECT?

A. Only L is TRUE. B. Only M is TRUE.

C. Only N is TRUE. D. L, M and N are TRUE.

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56 3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84)

gate2014-3 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.31 Propositional Logic: GATE2015-1-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/8209

Which one of the following is NOT equivalent to p ↔ q?

A. (¬p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ ¬q)
B. (¬p ∨ q) ∧ (q → p)
C. (¬p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ ¬q)
D. (¬p ∧ ¬q) ∨ (p ∧ q)

gate2015-1 mathematical-logic easy propositional-logic

3.3.32 Propositional Logic: GATE2016-1-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/39663

Let p, q, r, s represents the following propositions.

p : x ∈ {8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
q : x is a composite number.
r : x is a perfect square.
s : x is a prime number.

The integer x≥2 which satisfies ¬ ((p ⇒ q) ∧ (¬r ∨ ¬s)) is ____________.

gate2016-1 mathematical-logic normal numerical-answers propositional-logic

3.3.33 Propositional Logic: GATE2016-2-01 top https://gateoverflow.in/39568

Consider the following expressions:

i. false
ii. Q
iii. true
iv. P ∨Q
v. ¬Q ∨ P
The number of expressions given above that are logically implied by P ∧ (P ⇒ Q) is ___________.

gate2016-2 mathematical-logic normal numerical-answers propositional-logic

3.3.34 Propositional Logic: GATE2017-1-01 top https://gateoverflow.in/118698

The statement (¬p) ⇒ (¬q) is logically equivalent to which of the statements below?

I. p⇒q
II. q⇒p
III. (¬q) ∨ p
IV. (¬p) ∨ q
A. I only B. I and IV only
C. II only D. II and III only
gate2017-1 mathematical-logic propositional-logic easy

3.3.35 Propositional Logic: GATE2017-1-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/118310

(p → q) → r
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3 Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Logic (84) 57

Let p, q and r be propositions and the expression (p → q) → r be a contradiction. Then, the expression
(r → p) → q is
A. a tautology B. a contradiction
C. always TRUE when p is FALSE D. always TRUE when q is TRUE
gate2017-1 mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.36 Propositional Logic: GATE2017-2-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/118151

L e t p, q, r denote the statements ”It is raining”, “ It is cold”, and “ It is pleasant”, respectively. Then the
statement “It is not raining and it is pleasant, and it is not pleasant only if it is raining and it is cold ” is
represented by

A. (¬p ∧ r) ∧ (¬r → (p ∧ q))

B. (¬p ∧ r) ∧ ((p ∧ q) → ¬r)
C. (¬p ∧ r) ∨ ((p ∧ q) → ¬r)
D. (¬p ∧ r) ∨ (r → (p ∧ q))

gate2017-2 mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.37 Propositional Logic: TIFR2015-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/29454

What is logically equivalent to "If Kareena and Parineeti go to the shopping mall then it is raining":

a. If Kareena and Parineeti do not go to the shopping mall then it is not raining.
b. If Kareena and Parineeti do not go to the shopping mall then it is raining.
c. If it is raining then Kareena and Parineeti go to the shopping mall.
d. If it is not raining then Kareena and Parineeti do not go to the shopping mall.
e. None of the above.

tifr2015 mathematical-logic propositional-logic

3.3.38 Propositional Logic: TIFR2018-B-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/179288

The notation " ⇒" denotes "implies" and "∧" denotes "and" in the following formulae.

Let X denote the formula: (b ⇒ a) ⇒ (a ⇒ b)

Let Y denote the formula: (a ⇒ b) ∧ b

Which of the following is TRUE ?

A. X is satisfiable and Y is not satisfiable. B. X is satisfiable and Y is tautology.

C. X is not tautology and Y is not satisfiable. D. X is not tautology and Y is satisfiable.
E. X is a tautology and Y is satisfiable,
tifr2018 mathematical-logic propositional-logic

Answers: Propositional Logic

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58 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)top

Syllabus: Sets, Relations, Functions, Partial orders, Lattices, Groups.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0.7 2
2 Marks Count 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0.8 2
Total Marks 1 3 2 2 2 4 1 2.3 4

4.1 Binary Operation (8) top

4.1.1 Binary Operation: GATE1989-1-v top https://gateoverflow.in/87051

The number of possible commutative binary operations that can be defined on a set of n elements (for a given
n) is ___________.

gate1989 descriptive set-theory&algebra binary-operation

4.1.2 Binary Operation: GATE1994-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2469

On the set N of non-negative integers, the binary operation ______ is associative and non-commutative.

gate1994 set-theory&algebra normal binary-operation descriptive

4.1.3 Binary Operation: GATE2003-38 top https://gateoverflow.in/929

Consider the set {a, b, c} with binary operators + and ∗ defined as follows:

+ a b c * a b c
a b a c a a b c
b a b c b b c a
c a c b c c c b

For example, a + c = c, c + a = a, c ∗ b = c and b ∗c = a.

Given the following set of equations:

(a ∗ x) + (a ∗ y) = c
(b ∗ x) + (c ∗ y) = c
The number of solution(s) (i.e., pair(s) (x, y) that satisfy the equations) is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
gate2003 set-theory&algebra normal binary-operation

4.1.4 Binary Operation: GATE2006-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/991

A logical binary relation ⊙, is defined as follows:

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 59

True True True
True False True
False True False
False False True
Let ∼ be the unary negation (NOT) operator, with higher precedence then ⊙.
Which one of the following is equivalent to A∧B ?
A. (∼ A ⊙ B) B. ∼ (A⊙ ∼ B)
C. ∼ (∼ A⊙ ∼ B) D. ∼ (∼ A ⊙ B)
gate2006 set-theory&algebra binary-operation

4.1.5 Binary Operation: GATE2006-IT-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/3539

For the set N of natural numbers and a binary operation f : N × N → N, an element z ∈ N is called an
identity for f, if f(a, z) = a = f(z, a), for all a ∈ N. Which of the following binary operations have an

I. f(x, y) = x + y − 3
II. f(x, y) = max(x, y)
III. f(x, y) = xy

A. I and II only B. II and III only C. I and III only D. None of these

gate2006-it set-theory&algebra easy binary-operation

4.1.6 Binary Operation: GATE2013-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/59

A binary operation ⊕ on a set of integers is defined as x ⊕ y = x2 + y 2 . Which one of the following statements
is TRUE about ⊕?

A. Commutative but not associative B. Both commutative and associative

C. Associative but not commutative D. Neither commutative nor associative
gate2013 set-theory&algebra easy binary-operation

4.1.7 Binary Operation: GATE2015-1-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/8226

The binary operator ≠ is defined by the following truth table.

p q p≠q
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Which one of the following is true about the binary operator ≠?

A. Both commutative and associative B. Commutative but not associative
C. Not commutative but associative D. Neither commutative nor associative
gate2015-1 set-theory&algebra easy binary-operation

4.1.8 Binary Operation: GATE2015-3-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/8393

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60 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

Let # be the binary operator defined as

X#Y = X ′ + Y ′ where X and Y are Boolean variables.

Consider the following two statements.

(S1 ) (P#Q)#R = P#(Q#R)

(S2 ) Q#R = (R#Q)
Which are the following is/are true for the Boolean variables P, Q and R?
A. Only S1 is true B. Only S2 is true
C. Both S1 and S2 are true D. Neither S1 nor S2 are true
gate2015-3 set-theory&algebra binary-operation normal

4.2 Cosets (1) top

4.2.1 Cosets: GATE1999-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1503

Let G be a finite group and H be a subgroup of G. For a ∈ G , define aH = {ah ∣ h ∈ H} .

a. Show that |aH | = |bH |.
b. Show that for every pair of elements a, b ∈ G , either aH = bH or aH and bH are disjoint.
c. Use the above to argue that the order of H must divide the order of G.

gate1999 set-theory&algebra groups normal cosets

4.3 Countable Set (1) top

4.3.1 Countable Set: GATE2018-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/204101

Let N be the set of natural numbers. Consider the following sets,

P : Set of Rational numbers (positive and negative)

Q : Set of functions from {0, 1} to N
R : Set of functions from N to {0, 1}
S : Set of finite subsets of N
Which of the above sets are countable?

A. Q and S only B. P and S only C. P and R only D. P, Q and S only

gate2018 set-theory&algebra countable-set normal

4.4 Equivalence Classes (1) top

4.4.1 Equivalence Classes: GATE1992-15.b top https://gateoverflow.in/43579

Let S be the set of all integers and let n > 1 be a fixed integer. Define for a, b ∈ S, aRb iff a−b is a multiple
of n. Show that R is an equivalence relation and find its equivalence classes for n = 5 .

gate1992 set-theory&algebra normal relations equivalence-classes

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 61

4.5 Fermats Little Theorem (1) top

4.5.1 Fermats Little Theorem: TIFR2014-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/26392

Let m and n be any two positive integers. Then, which of the following is FALSE?
a. m+1 divides m2n − 1 .
b. For any prime p, mp ≡ m( mod p) .
c. If one of m, n is prime, then there are integers x, y such that mx + ny = 1 .
d. If m < n , then m! divides n(n − 1)(n − 2) … (n − m + 1) .
e. If 2n − 1 is prime, then n is prime.

tifr2014 fermats-little-theorem

4.6 Functions (34) top

4.6.1 Functions: GATE1987-9b top https://gateoverflow.in/82437

How many one-to-one functions are there from a set A with n elements onto itself?
gate1987 set-theory&algebra functions descriptive

4.6.2 Functions: GATE1988-13ii top https://gateoverflow.in/94634

If the set S has a finite number of elements, prove that if f maps S onto S, then f is one-to-one.

gate1988 descriptive set-theory&algebra functions

4.6.3 Functions: GATE1989-13c top https://gateoverflow.in/93178

Find the number of single valued functions from set A to another set B, given that the cardinalities of the sets A
and B are m and n respectively.

gate1989 descriptive functions

4.6.4 Functions: GATE1993-8.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2304

Let A and B be sets with cardinalities m and n respectively. The number of one-one mappings from A to B,
when m < n , is

A. mn B. n Pm C. m Cn D. n Cm E. m Pn

gate1993 set-theory&algebra functions easy

4.6.5 Functions: GATE1996-1.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2707

Suppose X and Y are sets and |X| and |Y | are their respective cardinality. It is given that there are exactly
97 functions from X to Y . From this one can conclude that
A. |X| = 1, |Y | = 97 B. |X| = 97, |Y | = 1
C. |X| = 97, |Y | = 97 D. None of the above
gate1996 set-theory&algebra functions normal

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62 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.6.6 Functions: GATE1996-2.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2730

Let R denote the set of real numbers. Let f : R×R → R×R be a bijective function defined by
f(x, y) = (x + y, x − y) . The inverse function of f is given by

A. f −1 (x, y) = ( x+y
1 1
, x−y ) B. f −1 (x, y) = (x − y, x + y)

f −1 (x, y) = ( , 2 ) D. f −1 (x, y) = [2 (x − y) , 2 (x + y)]

x+y x−y
C. 2

gate1996 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.7 Functions: GATE1997-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/2273

LetF be the set of one-to-one functions from the set {1, 2, … , n} to the set {1, 2, … , m} where
m ≥ n ≥ 1.
a. How many functions are members of F?
b. How many functions f in F satisfy the property f(i) = 1 for some i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n ?
c. How many functions f in F satisfy the property f(i) < f(j) for all i, j 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n ?

gate1997 set-theory&algebra functions normal descriptive

4.6.8 Functions: GATE1998-1.8 top https://gateoverflow.in/1645

The number of functions from an m element set to an n element set is

A. m+n B. mn C. nm D. m∗n
gate1998 set-theory&algebra permutation-and-combination functions easy

4.6.9 Functions: GATE2001-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/721

Let f:A→B a function, and let E and F be subsets of A. Consider the following statements about images.
S1 : f(E ∪ F ) = f(E) ∪ f(F )
S2 : f(E ∩ F ) = f(E) ∩ f(F )
Which of the following is true about S1 and S2?

A. Only S1 is correct B. Only S2 is correct

C. Both S1 and S2 are correct D. None of S1 and S2 is correct
gate2001 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.10 Functions: GATE2001-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/745

Consider the function h : N ×N → N so that h(a, b) = (2a + 1)2b − 1 , where N = {0, 1, 2, 3, …} is the
set of natural numbers.

a. Prove that the function h is an injection (one-one).

b. Prove that it is also a Surjection (onto)

gate2001 functions set-theory&algebra normal descriptive

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 63

4.6.11 Functions: GATE2003-37 top https://gateoverflow.in/927

Letf : A → B be an injective (one-to-one) function. Define g : 2A → 2B as:

g(C) = {f(x) ∣ x ∈ C} , for all subsets C of A.
Define h : 2B → 2A as: h(D) = {x ∣ x ∈ A, f(x) ∈ D} , for all subsets D of B. Which of the following
statements is always true?

A. g(h(D)) ⊆ D B. g(h(D)) ⊇ D
C. g(h(D)) ∩ D = ϕ D. g(h(D)) ∩ (B − D) ≠ ϕ
gate2003 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.12 Functions: GATE2003-39 top https://gateoverflow.in/930

Let Σ = {a, b, c, d, e} be an alphabet. We define an encoding scheme as follows:

g(a) = 3, g(b) = 5, g(c) = 7, g(d) = 9, g(e) = 11 .

Let pi denote the i-th prime number (p1 = 2) .

For a non-empty string s = a1 … an , where each ai ∈ Σ , define f(s) = Πni=1 Pig(ai ) .

For a non-empty sequence ⟨sj , … , sn ⟩ of stings from Σ+ , define h (⟨si … sn ⟩) = Πni=1 Pif(si )
Which of the following numbers is the encoding, h, of a non-empty sequence of strings?

A. 27 37 57 B. 28 38 58 C. 29 39 59 D. 210 310 510

gate2003 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.13 Functions: GATE2005-43 top https://gateoverflow.in/1168

Let f : B → C and g : A→B be two functions and let h = fog . Given that h is an onto function which one of
the following is TRUE?

A. f and g should both be onto functions B. f should be onto but g need not to be onto
C. g should be onto but f need not be onto D. both f and g need not be onto
gate2005 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.14 Functions: GATE2005-IT-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/3777

Letf be a function from a set A to a set B, g a function from B to C , and h a function from A to C , such that
h(a) = g(f(a)) for all a ∈ A. Which of the following statements is always true for all such functions f and g?
A. g is onto ⟹ h is onto B. h is onto ⟹ f is onto
C. h is onto ⟹ g is onto D. h is onto ⟹ f and g are onto
gate2005-it set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.15 Functions: GATE2006-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/881

Let X, Y , Z be sets of sizes x, y and z respectively. Let W =X×Y and E be the set of all subsets of W.
The number of functions from Z to E is

z2 z2
xy x+y
A. B. z × 2xy C. D. 2xyz
gate2006 set-theory&algebra normal functions

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64 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.6.16 Functions: GATE2006-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/988

Let S = {1, 2, 3, … , m}, m > 3. Let X1 , … , Xn be subsets of S each of size 3. Define a function f from S
to the set of natural numbers as, f(i) is the number of sets Xj that contain the element i. That is
f(i) = |{j ∣ i ∈ Xj }| then ∑mi=1 f(i) is:

A. 3m B. 3n C. 2m + 1 D. 2n + 1
gate2006 set-theory&algebra normal functions

4.6.17 Functions: GATE2006-IT-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/3545

Given a boolean function f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ), which of the following equations is NOT true?

A. f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) = x′1 f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) + x1 f(x1 , x2 , … , xn )

B. f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) = x2 f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) + x′2 f(x1 , x2 , … , xn )
C. f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) = x′n f(x1 , x2 , … , 0) + xn f(x1 , x2 , … , 1)
D. f(x1 , x2 , … , xn ) = f(0, x2 , … , xn ) + f(1, x2 , … , xn )

gate2006-it set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.18 Functions: GATE2007-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1202

What is the maximum number of different Boolean functions involving n Boolean variables?
n2 22
A. B. 2n C. D. 2n
gate2007 permutation-and-combination functions normal

4.6.19 Functions: GATE2012-37 top https://gateoverflow.in/1759

How many onto (or surjective) functions are there from an n-element (n ≥ 2) set to a 2-element set?

A. 2n B. 2n – 1 C. 2n – 2 D. 2(2n – 2)
gate2012 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.20 Functions: GATE2014-1-50 top https://gateoverflow.in/1930

Let ܵ S denote the set of all functions f : {0, 1}4 → {0, 1} . Denote by N the number of functions from S to the
set {0, 1} . The value of log2 log2 N is _______.

gate2014-1 set-theory&algebra functions permutation-and-combination numerical-answers

4.6.21 Functions: GATE2014-3-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2036

Let X and Y be finite sets and f:X→Y be a function. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A. For any subsets A and B of X, |fA ∪ B| = |f(A)| + |f(B)|

B. For any subsets A and B of X, f(A ∩ B) = f(A) ∩ f(B)
C. For any subsets A and B of X, |f(A ∩ B)| = min{|f(A)|, |f(B)|}
D. For any subsets S and T of Y , f −1 (S ∩ T) = f −1 (S) ∩ f −1 (T)

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 65

gate2014-3 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.22 Functions: GATE2014-3-49 top https://gateoverflow.in/2083

Consider the set of all functions f : {0, 1, … , 2014} → {0, 1, … , 2014} such that f (f (i)) = i , for all
0 ≤ i ≤ 2014 . Consider the following statements:
P . For each such function it must be the case that for every i, f(i) = i .
Q. For each such function it must be the case that for some i, f(i) = i .
R. Each function must be onto.
Which one of the following is CORRECT?

A. P, Q and R are true B. Only Q and R are true

C. Only P and Q are true D. Only R is true
gate2014-3 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.23 Functions: GATE2015-1-39 top https://gateoverflow.in/8294

Consider the operations

f (X, Y, Z) = X'YZ + XY' + Y'Z' and g (X, Y, Z) = X'YZ + X'YZ' + XY

Which one of the following is correct?

A. Both {f} and {g} are functionally complete

B. Only {f} is functionally complete
C. Only {g} is functionally complete
D. Neither {f} nor {g} is functionally complete

gate2015-1 set-theory&algebra functions difficult

4.6.24 Functions: GATE2015-1-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8025

If g(x) = 1 − x and h(x) = x
, then

h(x) −1 g(x) x
A. B. C. D.
g(x) x h(x) (1−x)2
gate2015-1 set-theory&algebra functions normal

4.6.25 Functions: GATE2015-2-40 top https://gateoverflow.in/8212

The number of onto functions (surjective functions) from set X = {1, 2, 3, 4} to set Y = {a, b, c} is ______.

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra functions normal numerical-answers

4.6.26 Functions: GATE2015-2-54 top https://gateoverflow.in/8257

Let X and Y denote the sets containing 2 and 20 distinct objects respectively and F denote the set of all
possible functions defined from X to Y . Let f be randomly chosen from F . The probability of f being one-to-
one is ______.

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra functions normal numerical-answers

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66 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.6.27 Functions: GATE2015-2-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/8040

If p, q, r, s are distinct integers such that:

f(p, q, r, s) = max (p, q, r, s)

g(p, q, r, s) = min (p, q, r, s)

h(p, q, r, s) = remainder of (r×s)
if (p × q) > (r × s)
or remainder of (p×q)
if (r × s) > (p × q)

Also a function fgh(p, q, r, s) = f(p, q, r, s) × g(p, q, r, s) × h(p, q, r, s)

Also the same operations are valid with two variable functions of the form f(p, q)
What is the value of fg (h (2, 5, 7, 3) , 4, 6, 8) ?

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra functions normal numerical-answers

4.6.28 Functions: GATE2016-1-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/39717

A function f : N+ → N+ , defined on the set of positive integers N+ ,satisfies the following properties:

f(n) = f(n/2) if n is even

f(n) = f(n + 5) if n is odd

Let R = {i ∣ ∃j : f(j) = i} be the set of distinct values that f takes. The maximum possible size of R is

gate2016-1 set-theory&algebra functions normal numerical-answers

4.6.29 Functions: TIFR2012-B-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/25046

n n
For x, y ∈ {0, 1} , let x ⊕ y be the element of {0, 1} obtained by the component-wise exclusive-or of x and
y. A Boolean function F : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} is said to be linear if F (x ⊕ y) = F (x) ⊕ F (y) , for all x and y.
The number of linear functions from {0, 1} to {0, 1} is.

a. 22n b. 2n+1 c. 2n−1 + 1 d. n! e. 2n

tifr2012 set-theory&algebra functions

4.6.30 Functions: TIFR2013-B-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/25859

Consider a function Tk,n : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} which returns 1 if at least k of its n inputs are 1. Formally,
Tk,n (x) = 1 if ∑1 xi ≥ k . Let y ∈ {0, 1}n be such that y has exactly k ones. Then, the function

Tk,n−1 (y1 , y2 , . . . . yi−1, yi+1, . . . , yn ) (where yi is omitted) is equivalent to

a. Tk−1, n(y) b. Tk,n (y) c. yi d. ¬yi e. None of the above.

tifr2013 set-theory&algebra functions

4.6.31 Functions: TIFR2014-B-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/27351

Let k be an integer at least 4 and let [k] = {1, 2, . . . , k} . Let f : [k]4 → {0, 1} be defined as follows:
f(y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 ) = 1 if an only if the yi′ s are all distinct. For each choice z = (z1 , z2 , z3 ) ∈ [k]3 , let
gz : [k] → {0, 1} be defined by gz (Y ) = f(Y , z1 , z2 , z3 ) . Let N be the number of distinct functions gz that
N =∣ { :z∈ }∣
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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 67

are obtained as z varies in {1, 2, . . . , k} 3 , that is, N =∣ {gz : z ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} 3 }∣ . What is N ?

( k3 )
a. k3 + 1 b. 2 c. ( k3 ) d. ( k3 ) + 1 e. 4 ( k3 )
tifr2014 set-theory&algebra functions

4.6.32 Functions: TIFR2017-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/95289

Let f ∘ g denote function composition such that (f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x)) . Let f : A → B such that for all
g : B → A and h : B → A we have f ∘ g = f ∘ h ⇒ g = h . Which of the following must be true?
A. f is onto (surjective) B. f is one-to-one (injective)
C. f is both one-to-one and onto (bijective) D. the range of f is finite
E. the domain of f is finite
tifr2017 set-theory&algebra functions

4.6.33 Functions: TIFR2018-B-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/179294

For two n bit strings x, y ∈ {0, 1}n , define z =x⊕y to be the bitwise XOR of the two strings (that is, if
xi , yi , zi denote the ith bits
of x, y, z respectively, then zi = xi + yi mod 2 ). A function
h : {0, 1}n → {0, 1}n is called linear if h(x ⊕ y) = h(x) ⊕ h(y), for every x, y ∈ {0, 1}n . The number of
such linear functions for n ≥ 2 is:

2 2
A. 2n B. 2n C. D. 24n E. 2n +n
tifr2018 functions

4.6.34 Functions: TIFR2019-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/280498

Letf be a function with both input and output in the set {0, 1, 2, … , 9} , and let the function g be defined as
g(x) = f(9 − x) . The function f is non-decreasing, so that f(x) ≥ f(y) for x ≥ y . Consider the following

i. There exists x ∈ {0, … , 9} so that x = f(x)

ii. There exists x ∈ {0, … , 9} so that x = g(x)
iii. There exists x ∈ {0, … , 9} so that x = (f(x) + g(x))mod 10
Which of the above statements must be TRUE for ALL such functions f and g?

A. Only (i) B. Only (i) and (ii) C. Only (iii) D. None of them E. All of them

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics set-theory&algebra functions

4.7 Groups (27) top

4.7.1 Groups: GATE1988-2xviii top https://gateoverflow.in/94353

Show that if G is a group such that (a, b)2 = a2. b2 for all a, b belonging to G, then G is an abelian.
gate1988 descriptive groups

4.7.2 Groups: GATE1990-2-x top https://gateoverflow.in/84039

Match the pairs in the following questions:

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68 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

(a) Groups (p) Associativity

(b) Semigroups (q) Identity
(c) Monoids (r) Commutativity
(d) Abelian groups (s) Left inverse

gate1990 match-the-following set-theory&algebra groups

4.7.3 Groups: GATE1992-14a top https://gateoverflow.in/593

IfG is a group of even order, then show that there exists an element a ≠ e , e, the identity in G, such that
a2 = e .
gate1992 set-theory&algebra groups normal descriptive proof

4.7.4 Groups: GATE1992-14b top https://gateoverflow.in/43580

Consider the set of integers {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24} together with the two binary operations LCM (lowest
common multiple) and GCD (greatest common divisor). Which of the following algebraic structures does this

A. group B. ring C. field D. lattice

gate1992 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.5 Groups: GATE1993-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/2324

Let ({p, q}, ∗) be a semigroup where p ∗ p = q . Show that:

a. p∗q = q∗p and
b. q∗q = q

gate1993 set-theory&algebra groups normal descriptive

4.7.6 Groups: GATE1994-1.10 top https://gateoverflow.in/2451

Some group (G, o) is known to be abelian. Then, which one of the following is true for G?

A. g = g −1 for every g ∈ G B. g = g 2 for every g ∈ G

C. (goh)2 = g 2oh2 for every g, h ∈ G D. G is of finite order

gate1994 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.7 Groups: GATE1995-2.17 top https://gateoverflow.in/2629

Let A be the set of all non-singular matrices over real number and let ∗ be the matrix multiplication operation.

A. A is closed under ∗ but ⟨A, ∗⟩ is not a semigroup.

B. ⟨A, ∗⟩ is a semigroup but not a monoid.
C. ⟨A, ∗⟩ is a monoid but not a group.
D. ⟨A, ∗⟩ is a a group but not an abelian group.

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 69

gate1995 set-theory&algebra groups

4.7.8 Groups: GATE1995-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/2659

Let G1 and G2 be subgroups of a group G.

a. Show that G1 ∩ G2 is also a subgroup of G.
b. Is G1 ∪ G2 always a subgroup of G?.

gate1995 set-theory&algebra groups normal descriptive proof

4.7.9 Groups: GATE1996-1.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2708

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. The set of rational numbers is an abelian group under addition

B. The set of integers in an abelian group under addition
C. The set of rational numbers form an abelian group under multiplication
D. The set of real numbers excluding zero is an abelian group under multiplication

gate1996 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.10 Groups: GATE1996-2.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2733

Which one of the following is false?

A. The set of all bijective functions on a finite set forms a group under function composition.
B. The set {1, 2, … p − 1} forms a group under multiplication mod p, where p is a prime number.
C. The set of all strings over a finite alphabet forms a group under concatenation.
D. A subset S ≠ ∅ of G is a subgroup of the group ⟨G, ∗⟩ if and only if for any pair of elements
a, b ∈ S, a ∗ b−1 ∈ S .

gate1996 set-theory&algebra normal sets groups

4.7.11 Groups: GATE1997-3.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2232

Let (Z, ∗) be an algebraic structure where Z is the set of integers and the operation ∗ is defined by
n ∗ m = max(n, m) . Which of the following statements is true for (Z, ∗) ?
A. (Z, ∗) is a monoid B. (Z, ∗) is an Abelian group
C. (Z, ∗) is a group D. None of the above
gate1997 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.12 Groups: GATE1998-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/1726

Let (A, ∗) be a semigroup, Furthermore, for every a and b in A, if a ≠ b , then a ∗ b ≠ b ∗ a .

a. Show that for every a in A, a ∗ a = a
b. Show that for every a, b in A, a ∗ b ∗ a = a
c. Show that for every a, b, c in A, a ∗ b ∗ c = a ∗ c

gate1998 set-theory&algebra groups descriptive

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70 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.7.13 Groups: GATE2000-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/675

Let S = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and ⊗ denote multiplication modulo 8, that is, x ⊗ y = (xy) mod 8
a. Prove that ({0, 1}, ⊗) is not a group.
b. Write three distinct groups (G, ⊗) where G⊂S and G has 2 elements.

gate2000 set-theory&algebra descriptive groups

4.7.14 Groups: GATE2002-1.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/810

Which of the following is true?

A. The set of all rational negative numbers forms a group under multiplication.
B. The set of all non-singular matrices forms a group under multiplication.
C. The set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication.
D. Both B and C are true.

gate2002 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.15 Groups: GATE2003-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/898

Consider the set Σ∗ of all strings over the alphabet Σ = {0, 1} . Σ∗ with the concatenation operator for strings

A. does not form a group

B. forms a non-commutative group
C. does not have a right identity element
D. forms a group if the empty string is removed from Σ∗

gate2003 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.16 Groups: GATE2004-72 top https://gateoverflow.in/1066

The following is the incomplete operation table of a 4−element group.

* e a b c
e e a b c
a a b c e
The last row of the table is

A. caeb B. cbae
C. cbea D. ceab
gate2004 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.17 Groups: GATE2005-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/1163

The set {1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14} is a group under multiplication modulo 15. The inverses of 4 and 7 are

A. 3 and 13 B. 2 and 11 C. 4 and 13 D. 8 and 14

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 71

gate2005 set-theory&algebra normal groups

4.7.18 Groups: GATE2005-46 top https://gateoverflow.in/1171

Consider the set H of all 3∗3 matrices of the type

⎛a f e⎞
⎜0 b d⎟
⎝0 0 c⎠
where a, b, c, d, e and f are real numbers and abc ≠ 0. Under the matrix multiplication operation, the set H is:

A. a group B. a monoid but not a group

C. a semi group but not a monoid D. neither a group nor a semi group
gate2005 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.19 Groups: GATE2006-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/882

The set {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9} under multiplication modulo 10 is not a group. Given below are four possible
reasons. Which one of them is false?

A. It is not closed B. 2 does not have an inverse

C. 3 does not have an inverse D. 8 does not have an inverse
gate2006 set-theory&algebra groups normal

4.7.20 Groups: GATE2007-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/1219

How many different non-isomorphic Abelian groups of order 4 are there?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
gate2007 groups normal

4.7.21 Groups: GATE2009-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/795

Which one of the following is NOT necessarily a property of a Group?

A. Commutativity B. Associativity
C. Existence of inverse for every element D. Existence of identity
gate2009 set-theory&algebra easy groups

4.7.22 Groups: GATE2009-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/799

For the composition table of a cyclic group shown below:

* a b c d
a a b c d
b b a d c
c c d b a
d d c a b

Which one of the following choices is correct?

A. a, b are generators B. b, c are generators

c, d d, a
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72 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

C. c, d are generators D. d, a are generators

gate2009 set-theory&algebra normal groups

4.7.23 Groups: GATE2010-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1150

Consider the set S = {1, ω, ω2 } , where ω and ω2 are cube roots of unity. If ∗ denotes the multiplication
operation, the structure (S, ∗) forms

A. A Group B. A Ring C. An integral domainD. A field

gate2010 set-theory&algebra normal groups

4.7.24 Groups: GATE2014-3-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2037

Let G be a group with 15 elements. Let L be a subgroup of G. It is known that L ≠ G and that the size of L
is at least 4. The size of L is __________.

gate2014-3 set-theory&algebra groups numerical-answers normal

4.7.25 Groups: GATE2014-3-50 top https://gateoverflow.in/2084

There are two elements x, y in a group (G, ∗) such that every element in the group can be written as a
product of some number of x's and y's in some order. It is known that

x∗x = y∗y = x∗y∗x∗y = y∗x∗y∗x = e

where e is the identity element. The maximum number of elements in such a group is ____.
gate2014-3 set-theory&algebra groups numerical-answers normal

4.7.26 Groups: GATE2018-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/204093

Let G be a finite group on 84 elements. The size of a largest possible proper subgroup of G is _____
gate2018 groups numerical-answers set-theory&algebra

4.7.27 Groups: GATE2019-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/302838

Let G be an arbitrary group. Consider the following relations on G:

R1 : ∀a, b ∈ G, aR1 b if and only if ∃g ∈ G such that a = g −1bg
R2 : ∀a, b ∈ G, aR2 b if and only if a = b−1
Which of the above is/are equivalence relation/relations?

A. R1 and R2 B. R1 only C. R2 only D. Neither R1 nor R2

gate2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics set-theory&algebra groups

4.8 Lattice (10) top

4.8.1 Lattice: GATE1988-1vii top https://gateoverflow.in/91351

The complement(s) of the element 'a' in the lattice shown in below figure is (are) ____

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 73

gate1988 descriptive lattice set-theory&algebra

4.8.2 Lattice: GATE1990-17c top https://gateoverflow.in/86884

Show that the elements of the lattice (N, ≤) , where N is the set of positive intergers and a≤b if and only if a
divides b, satisfy the distributive property.

gate1990 descriptive set-theory&algebra lattice

4.8.3 Lattice: GATE1994-2.9 top https://gateoverflow.in/2476

The Hasse diagrams of all the lattices with up to four elements are _____ (write all the relevant Hasse

gate1994 set-theory&algebra lattice normal descriptive

4.8.4 Lattice: GATE1997-3.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2234

In the lattice defined by the Hasse diagram given in following figure, how many complements does the element
‘e’ have?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 0 D. 1
gate1997 set-theory&algebra lattice normal

4.8.5 Lattice: GATE2002-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/857

S = {(1, 2), (2, 1)} is binary relation on set A = {1, 2, 3} . Is it irreflexive? Add the minimum number of
ordered pairs to S to make it an equivalence relation. Give the modified S.

S = {a, b} □(S) S □(S)

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74 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

Let S = {a, b} and let □(S) be the powerset of S. Consider the binary relation ' ⊆ (set inclusion)' on □(S) .
Draw the Hasse diagram corresponding to the lattice (□(S), ⊆ )

gate2002 set-theory&algebra normal lattice descriptive

4.8.6 Lattice: GATE2005-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/1158

The following is the Hasse diagram of the poset [{a, b, c, d, e}, ≺]

The poset is :

A. not a lattice B. a lattice but not a distributive lattice

C. a distributive lattice but not a Boolean algebra D. a Boolean algebra
gate2005 set-theory&algebra lattice normal

4.8.7 Lattice: GATE2008-IT-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/3318

Consider the following Hasse diagrams.


iii. iv.

Which all of the above represent a lattice?

A. (i) and (iv) only B. (ii) and (iii) only

C. (iii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iv) only
gate2008-it set-theory&algebra lattice normal

4.8.8 Lattice: GATE2015-1-34 top https://gateoverflow.in/8281

Suppose L = {p, q, r, s, t} is a lattice represented by the following Hasse diagram:

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 75

For any x, y ∈ L , not necessarily distinct , x ∨ y and x ∧ y are join and meet of x, y, respectively. Let
L3 = {(x, y, z) : x, y, z ∈ L} be the set of all ordered triplets of the elements of L. Let pr be the probability
that an element (x, y, z) ∈ L3 chosen equiprobably satisfies x ∨ (y ∧ z) = (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ z) . Then

A. pr = 0 B. pr = 1
C. 0 < pr ≤ 5
D. 15 < pr <1
gate2015-1 set-theory&algebra normal lattice

4.8.9 Lattice: GATE2017-2-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/118278

Consider the set X = {a, b, c, d, e} under partial ordering

R = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (a, e), (b, b), (b, c), (b, e), (c, c), (c, e), (d, d), (d, e), (e, e)}
The Hasse diagram of the partial order (X, R) is shown below.

The minimum number of ordered pairs that need to be added to R to make (X, R) a lattice is ______

gate2017-2 set-theory&algebra lattice numerical-answers normal

4.8.10 Lattice: TIFR2012-B-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/25090

Let ∧, ∨ denote the meet and join operations of lattice. A lattice is called distributive if for all x, y, z,
x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z)
It is called complete if meet and join exist for every subset. It is called modular if for all x, y, z
z ≤ x ⇒ x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ z
The positive integers under divisibility ordering i.e. p≤q if p divides q forms a.

a. Complete lattice.
b. Modular, but not distributive lattice.
c. Distributive lattice.

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76 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

d. Lattice but not a complete lattice.

e. Under the give ordering positive integers do not form a lattice.

tifr2012 set-theory&algebra lattice

4.9 Mathematical Induction (2) top

4.9.1 Mathematical Induction: GATE1995-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/2661

Prove using mathematical induction for n ≥ 5, 2n > n2

gate1995 set-theory&algebra proof mathematical-induction descriptive

4.9.2 Mathematical Induction: GATE2000-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/674

Consider the following sequence:

s1 = s2 = 1 and si = 1 + min (si−1 , si−2 ) for i > 2 .

Prove by induction on n that sn = ⌈ n2 ⌉ .

gate2000 set-theory&algebra mathematical-induction descriptive

4.10 Maxima Minima (1) top

4.10.1 Maxima Minima: GATE2015-2-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/8030

Consider a function f(x) = 1 − |x| on − 1 ≤ x ≤1 . The value of x at which the function attains a maximum,
and the maximum value of the function are:

A. 0, −1 B. −1, 0 C. 0, 1 D. −1, 2
gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra functions normal maxima-minima

4.11 Number Theory (7) top

4.11.1 Number Theory: GATE1991-15,a top https://gateoverflow.in/542

Show that the product of the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of two positive integers a
and b is a × b .

gate1991 set-theory&algebra normal number-theory proof descriptive

4.11.2 Number Theory: GATE1995-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/2642

a. Determine the number of divisors of 600.

sin x
b. Compute without using power series expansion limx→0 x

gate1995 normal number-theory combined-question

4.11.3 Number Theory: GATE2005-IT-34 top https://gateoverflow.in/3780

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 77

Letn = p2 q , where p and q are distinct prime numbers. How many numbers m satisfy 1≤m≤n and gcd
(m, n) = 1? Note that gcd (m, n) is the greatest common divisor of m and n.

A. p(q − 1) B. pq C. (p2 − 1) (q − 1) D. p(p − 1)(q − 1)

gate2005-it set-theory&algebra normal number-theory

4.11.4 Number Theory: GATE2007-IT-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/3449

The minimum positive integer p such that 3p (mod 17) = 1 is

A. 5 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16
gate2007-it set-theory&algebra normal number-theory

4.11.5 Number Theory: GATE2008-IT-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/3285

The exponent of 11 in the prime factorization of 300! is

A. 27 B. 28 C. 29 D. 30
gate2008-it set-theory&algebra normal number-theory

4.11.6 Number Theory: GATE2014-2-49 top https://gateoverflow.in/2015

The number of distinct positive integral factors of 2014 is _____________

gate2014-2 set-theory&algebra easy numerical-answers number-theory

4.11.7 Number Theory: GATE2015-2-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/8058

The number of divisors of 2100 is ____.

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra number-theory easy numerical-answers

4.12 Partial Order (13) top

4.12.1 Partial Order: GATE1991-01,xiv top https://gateoverflow.in/509

If the longest chain in a partial order is of length n, then the partial order can be written as a _____ of n

gate1991 set-theory&algebra partial-order normal descriptive

4.12.2 Partial Order: GATE1993-8.5 top https://gateoverflow.in/2303

The less-than relation, <, on reals is

A. a partial ordering since it is asymmetric and reflexive
B. a partial ordering since it is antisymmetric and reflexive
C. not a partial ordering because it is not asymmetric and not reflexive
D. not a partial ordering because it is not antisymmetric and reflexive
E. none of the above

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78 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

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4.12.3 Partial Order: GATE1996-1.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2706

Let X = {2, 3, 6, 12, 24} , Let ≤ be the partial order defined by X ≤ Y if x divides y. Number of edges in the
Hasse diagram of (X, ≤) is

A. 3 B. 4 C. 9 D. None of the above

gate1996 set-theory&algebra partial-order normal

4.12.4 Partial Order: GATE1997-6.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2257

A partial order ≤ is defined on the set S = {x, a1 , a2 , … , an , y} as x ≤i ai for all i and ai ≤ y for all i,
where n ≥ 1 . The number of total orders on the set S which contain the partial order ≤ is

A. n! B. n+2 C. n D. 1
gate1997 set-theory&algebra partial-order normal

4.12.5 Partial Order: GATE1998-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/1725

Suppose A = {a, b, c, d} and Π1 is the following partition of A

Π1 = {{a, b, c} {d}}
a. List the ordered pairs of the equivalence relations induced by Π1 .
b. Draw the graph of the above equivalence relation.

c. Let Π2 = {{a} , {b} , {c} , {d}}

Π3 = {{a, b, c, d}}
and Π4 = {{a, b} , {c, d}}
Draw a Poset diagram of the poset, ⟨{Π1 , Π2 , Π3 , Π4 } , refines ⟩ .

gate1998 set-theory&algebra normal partial-order descriptive

4.12.6 Partial Order: GATE2003-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/921

Let (S, ≤) be a partial order with two minimal elements a and b, and a maximum element c. Let P: S →
{True, False} be a predicate defined on S. Suppose that P(a) = True, P(b) = False and P(x) ⟹ P(y) for all
x, y ∈ S satisfying x ≤ y , where ⟹ stands for logical implication. Which of the following statements
CANNOT be true?

A. P(x) = True for all x ∈ S such that x ≠ b

B. P(x) = False for all x ∈ S such that x ≠ a and x ≠ c
C. P(x) = False for all x ∈ S such that b ≤ x and x ≠ c
D. P(x) = False for all x ∈ S such that a ≤ x and b ≤ x

gate2003 set-theory&algebra partial-order normal propositional-logic

4.12.7 Partial Order: GATE2004-73 top https://gateoverflow.in/1067

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 79

The inclusion of which of the following sets into

S = {{1, 2} , {1, 2, 3} , {1, 3, 5} , {1, 2, 4} , {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}

is necessary and sufficient to make S a complete lattice under the partial order defined by set containment?
A. {1} B. {1}, {2, 3}
C. {1}, {1, 3} D. {1}, {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}
gate2004 set-theory&algebra partial-order normal

4.12.8 Partial Order: GATE2007-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/1224

Consider the set S = {a, b, c, d}. Consider the following 4 partitions π1 , π2 , π3 , π4 on

S : π1 = {abcd}, π2 = {¯ab
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
, cd}, π3 = {¯abc , d¯ }, π4 = {ā, b̄ , c̄ , d¯} .
¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯

Let ≺ be the partial order on the set of partitions S ′ = {π1 , π2 , π3 , π4 } defined as follows: πi ≺ πj if and only
if πi refines πj . The poset diagram for (S ′ , ≺) is:




gate2007 set-theory&algebra normal partial-order descriptive

4.12.9 Partial Order: GATE2007-IT-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/3456

A partial order P is defined on the set of natural numbers as follows. Here xy denotes integer division.

i. (0, 0) ∈ P.
ii. (a, b) ∈ P if and only if (a%10) ≤ (b%10 ) and ( 10 , 10 ) ∈ P.
a b

Consider the following ordered pairs:

i. (101, 22)
ii. (22, 101)
iii. (145, 265)
iv. (0, 153)
Which of these ordered pairs of natural numbers are contained in P?

A. (i) and (iii) B. (ii) and (iv) C. (i) and (iv) D. (iii) and (iv)

gate2007-it set-theory&algebra partial-order normal

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80 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.12.10 Partial Order: TIFR2012-B-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/25092

Let R be a binary relation over a set S. The binary relation R is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive
transitive and symmetric. The relation is called partial order if it is reflexive, transitive and anti symmetric.
(Notation: Let aRb denote that order pair (a, b) ∈ R. ) The relation R is called a well-order if R is a partial
order and there does not exist an infinite descending chain (with respect to R) within S. An infinite sequence
x1 , x2 . . . of elements of S is called an infinite descending chain if for all i we have xi+1 Rxi and xi ≠ xi+1 .
Take S = ℵ × ℵ and let the binary relation ⊑ over S be such that (i1 , j1 ) ⊑ (i2 , j2 ) if and only if either
(i1 < i2 ) or ((i1 = i2 ) ∧ (j1 ≤ j2 )) . Which statement is true of ⊑?
a. ⊑ is an equivalence relation but not a well order.
b. ⊑ is a partial order but not a well order.
c. ⊑ is a partial order and a well order.
d. ⊑ is an equivalence relation and a well order.
e. ⊑ is neither a partial order nor an equivalence relation.

tifr2012 set-theory&algebra partial-order

4.12.11 Partial Order: TIFR2013-B-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/25664

A set S together with partial order ≪ is called a well order if it has no infinite descending chains, i.e. there is no
infinite sequence x1 , x2 , … of elements from S such that xi+1 ≪ xi and xi+1 ≠ xi for all i.

Consider the set of all words (finite sequence of letters a − z ), denoted by W , in dictionary order.
a. Between ‘‘aa " and ‘‘az " there are only 24 b. Between ‘‘aa " and ‘‘az " there are only 224
words. words.
c. W is not a partial order. d. W is a partial order but not a well order.
e. W is a well order.
tifr2013 set-theory&algebra partial-order

4.12.12 Partial Order: TIFR2014-B-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/27322

Consider the set N ∗ of finite sequences of natural numbers with x ≤p y denoting that sequence x is a prefix of
sequence y. Then, which of the following is true?

a. N ∗ is uncountable.
b. ≤p is a total order.
c. Every non-empty subset of N ∗ has a least upper bound.
d. Every non-empty subset of N ∗ has a greatest lower bound.
e. Every non-empty finite subset of N ∗ has a least upper bound.

tifr2014 set-theory&algebra partial-order

4.12.13 Partial Order: TIFR2014-B-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/27341

Consider the ordering relation x ∣ y ⊆ N × N over natural numbers N such that x ∣ y if there exists
z ∈ N such that x ∙ z = y . A set is called lattice if every finite subset has a least upper bound and
greatest lower bound. It is called a complete lattice if every subset has a least upper bound and greatest lower
bound. Then,

a. ∣ is an equivalence relation. b. Every subset of N has an upper bound under

c. ∣ is a total order. d. (N, ∣) is a complete lattice.
e. (N, ∣) is a lattice but not a complete lattice.
tifr2014 set-theory&algebra partial-order

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 81

4.13 Polynomials (7) top

4.13.1 Polynomials: GATE1987-1-xxii top https://gateoverflow.in/80379

The equation

7x7 + 14x6 + 12x5 + 3x4 + 12x3 + 10x2 + 5x + 7 = 0 has

A. All complex roots B. At least one real root

C. Four pairs of imaginary roots D. None of the above
gate1987 polynomials

4.13.2 Polynomials: GATE1995-2.8 top https://gateoverflow.in/2620

If the cube roots of unity are 1, ω and ω2 , then the roots of the following equation are
(x − 1)3 + 8 = 0
A. −1, 1 + 2ω, 1 + 2ω2 B. 1, 1 − 2ω, 1 − 2ω2
C. −1, 1 − 2ω, 1 − 2ω2 D. −1, 1 + 2ω, −1 + 2ω2
gate1995 set-theory&algebra normal polynomials

4.13.3 Polynomials: GATE1997-4.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2245

A polynomial p(x) is such that p(0) = 5, p(1) = 4, p(2) = 9 and p(3) = 20 . The minimum degree it should
have is

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
gate1997 set-theory&algebra normal polynomials

4.13.4 Polynomials: GATE2000-2.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/651

A polynomial p(x) satisfies the following:

p(1) = p(3) = p(5) = 1
p(2) = p(4) = −1
The minimum degree of such a polynomial is

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
gate2000 set-theory&algebra normal polynomials

4.13.5 Polynomials: GATE2014-2-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1957

A non-zero polynomial f(x) of degree 3 has roots at x = 1, x = 2 and x = 3 . Which one of the following must
be TRUE?

A. f(0)f(4) < 0 B. f(0)f(4) > 0

C. f(0) + f(4) > 0 D. f(0) + f(4) < 0
gate2014-2 set-theory&algebra polynomials normal

4.13.6 Polynomials: GATE2017-2-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/118185

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82 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

Consider the quadratic equation x2 − 13x + 36 = 0 with coefficients in a base b. The solutions of this equation
in the same base b are x = 5 and x = 6 . Then b = _____
gate2017-2 polynomials numerical-answers set-theory&algebra

4.13.7 Polynomials: TIFR2012-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/25035

For the polynomial p(x) = 8x10 − 7x3 + x − 1 consider the following statements (which may be true or false)

i. It has a root between [0, 1].

ii. It has a root between [0, −1].
iii. It has no roots outside (−1, 1).

Which of the above statements are true?

A. Only (i). B. Only (i) and (ii).

C. Only (i) and (iii). D. Only (ii) and (iii).
E. All of (i), (ii) and (iii).
tifr2012 set-theory&algebra polynomials

4.14 Recurrence (1) top

4.14.1 Recurrence: GATE1996-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/2761

The Fibonacci sequence {f1 , f2 , f3 … fn } is defined by the following recurrence:

fn+2 = fn+1 + fn , n ≥ 1; f2 = 1 : f1 = 1
Prove by induction that every third element of the sequence is even.

gate1996 set-theory&algebra recurrence proof

4.15 Relations (33) top

4.15.1 Relations: GATE1987-2d top https://gateoverflow.in/80583

State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

The union of two equivalence relations is also an equivalence relation.

gate1987 discrete-mathematics relations descriptive

4.15.2 Relations: GATE1987-9a top https://gateoverflow.in/82436

How many binary relations are there on a set A with n elements?

gate1987 set-theory&algebra relations descriptive

4.15.3 Relations: GATE1987-9e top https://gateoverflow.in/82446

How many true inclusion relations are there of the from A ⊆ B, where A and B are subsets of a set S with n

gate1987 set-theory&algebra relations

4.15.4 Relations: GATE1989-1-iv top https://gateoverflow.in/87048

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 83

The transitive closure of the relation {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 4)} on the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is ___________.

gate1989 set-theory&algebra relations descriptive

4.15.5 Relations: GATE1994-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2470

Amongst the properties {reflexivity, symmetry, anti-symmetry, transitivity} the relation

R = {(x, y) ∈ N 2|x ≠ y} satisfies _________

gate1994 set-theory&algebra normal relations descriptive

4.15.6 Relations: GATE1995-1.19 top https://gateoverflow.in/2606

Let R be a symmetric and transitive relation on a set A. Then

A. Ris reflexive and hence an equivalence B. R is reflexive and hence a partial order
C. R is reflexive and hence not an equivalence D. None of the above
gate1995 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.7 Relations: GATE1996-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2731

Let R be a non-empty relation on a collection of sets defined by A RB if and only if A ∩ B = ϕ . Then, (pick the
true statement)

A. A is reflexive and transitive B. R is symmetric and not transitive

C. R is an equivalence relation D. R is not reflexive and not symmetric

gate1996 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.8 Relations: GATE1996-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/2760

Let F be the collection of all functions f : {1, 2, 3} → {1, 2, 3} . If f and g ∈ F , define an equivalence relation
∼ by f ∼ g if and only if f(3) = g(3) .
a. Find the number of equivalence classes defined by ∼.
b. Find the number of elements in each equivalence class.

gate1996 set-theory&algebra relations functions normal descriptive

4.15.9 Relations: GATE1997-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/2274

Let R be a reflexive and transitive relation on a set A. Define a new relation E on A as

E = {(a, b) ∣ (a, b) ∈ R and (b, a) ∈ R}

Prove that E is an equivalence relation on A.

Define a relation ≤ on the equivalence classes of E as E1 ≤ E2 if ∃a, b such that
a ∈ E1 , b ∈ E2 and (a, b) ∈ R . Prove that ≤ is a partial order.
gate1997 set-theory&algebra relations normal proof descriptive

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84 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.15.10 Relations: GATE1997-6.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2259

The number of equivalence relations of the set {1, 2, 3, 4} is

A. 15 B. 16 C. 24 D. 4
gate1997 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.11 Relations: GATE1998-1.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/1643

Suppose A is a finite set with n elements. The number of elements in the largest equivalence relation of A is

A. n B. n2 C. 1 D. n+1
gate1998 set-theory&algebra relations easy

4.15.12 Relations: GATE1998-1.7 top https://gateoverflow.in/1644

Let R1 and R2 be two equivalence relations on a set. Consider the following assertions:

i. R1 ∪ R2 is an equivalence relation
ii. R1 ∩ R2 is an equivalence relation

Which of the following is correct?

A. Both assertions are true

B. Assertions (i) is true but assertions (ii) is not true
C. Assertions (ii) is true but assertions (i) is not true
D. Neither (i) nor (ii) is true

gate1998 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.13 Relations: GATE1998-10a top https://gateoverflow.in/1724

Prove by induction that the expression for the number of diagonals in a polygon of n sides is 2

gate1998 set-theory&algebra descriptive relations

4.15.14 Relations: GATE1998-10b top https://gateoverflow.in/232729

Let R be a binary relation on A = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} represented by the following two component digraph.
Find the smallest integers m and n such that m < n and Rm = Rn .

gate1998 descriptive set-theory&algebra relations

4.15.15 Relations: GATE1998-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1675

R = {(1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4)}
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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 85

The binary relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4)} on the set
A = {1, 2, 3, 4} is

A. reflexive, symmetric and transitive B. neither reflexive, nor irreflexive but transitive

C. irreflexive, symmetric and transitive D. irreflexive and antisymmetric

gate1998 set-theory&algebra easy relations

4.15.16 Relations: GATE1999-1.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1456

The number of binary relations on a set with n elements is:

A. n2 B. 2n C. 2n D. None of the above

gate1999 set-theory&algebra relations permutation-and-combination easy

4.15.17 Relations: GATE1999-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1481

Let L be a set with a relation R which is transitive, anti-symmetric and reflexive and for any two elements
a, b ∈ L , let the least upper bound lub(a, b) and the greatest lower bound glb(a, b) exist. Which of the
following is/are true?

A. L is a poset B. L is a Boolean algebra

C. L is a lattice D. None of the above

gate1999 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.18 Relations: GATE1999-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1522

a. Mr. X claims the following:

If a relation R is both symmetric and transitive, then R is reflexive. For this, Mr. X offers the following

“From xRy, using symmetry we get yRx. Now because R is transitive xRy and yRx together imply xRx.
Therefore, R is reflexive”.

b. Give an example of a relation R which is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive.

gate1999 set-theory&algebra relations normal descriptive

4.15.19 Relations: GATE2000-2.5 top https://gateoverflow.in/652

A relation R is defined on the set of integers as xRy iff (x + y) is even. Which of the following statements is

A. R is not an equivalence relation

B. R is an equivalence relation having 1 equivalence class
C. R is an equivalence relation having 2 equivalence classes
D. R is an equivalence relation having 3 equivalence classes

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4.15.20 Relations: GATE2001-1.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/695

Consider the following relations:

R1 (a, b) iff (a + b) is even over the set of integers

R2 (a, b) iff (a + b) is odd over the set of integers
R3 (a, b) iff a. b > 0 over the set of non-zero rational numbers
R4 (a, b) iff |a − b| ≤ 2 over the set of natural numbers
Which of the following statements is correct?

A. R1 and R2 are equivalence relations, R3 and R4 are not

B. R1 and R3 are equivalence relations, R2 and R4 are not
C. R1 and R4 are equivalence relations, R2 and R3 are not
D. R1, R2, R3 and R4 all are equivalence relations

gate2001 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.21 Relations: GATE2002-2.17 top https://gateoverflow.in/847

The binary relation S = ϕ(empty set) on a set A = {1, 2, 3} is

A. Neither reflexive nor symmetric B. Symmetric and reflexive

C. Transitive and reflexive D. Transitive and symmetric
gate2002 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.22 Relations: GATE2002-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/856

Let A be a set of n(> 0) elements. Let Nr be the number of binary relations on A and let Nf be the number
of functions from A to A
A. Give the expression for Nr , in terms of n.
B. Give the expression for Nf , terms of n.
C. Which is larger for all possible n, Nr or Nf

gate2002 set-theory&algebra normal descriptive relations

4.15.23 Relations: GATE2004-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/1021

Consider the binary relation:

S = {(x, y) ∣ y = x + 1 and x, y ∈ {0, 1, 2}}

The reflexive transitive closure is S is
A. {(x, y) ∣ y > x and x, y ∈ {0, 1, 2}}
B. {(x, y) ∣ y ≥ x and x, y ∈ {0, 1, 2}}
C. {(x, y) ∣ y < x and x, y ∈ {0, 1, 2}}
D. {(x, y) ∣ y ≤ x and x, y ∈ {0, 1, 2}}

gate2004 set-theory&algebra easy relations

4.15.24 Relations: GATE2004-IT-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/3645

R A {1, 3, 5, 7} B {2, 4, 6, 8} R
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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 87

Let R1 be a relation from A ={1, 3, 5, 7} to B = {2, 4, 6, 8} and R2 be another relation from B to C = {1, 2,
3, 4} as defined below:

i. An element x in A is related to an element y in B (under R1 ) if x + y is divisible by 3.

ii. An element x in B is related to an element y in C (under R2 ) if x + y is even but not divisible by 3.
Which is the composite relation R1 R2 from A to C ?
A. R1 R2 = (1, 2), (1, 4), (3, 3), (5, 4), (7, 3)
B. R1 R2 = (1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 2), (5, 2), (7, 3)
C. R1 R2 = (1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 4), (5, 4), (7, 2)
D. R1 R2 = (3, 2), (3, 4), (5, 1), (5, 3), (7, 1)

gate2004-it set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.25 Relations: GATE2005-42 top https://gateoverflow.in/1167

Let R and S be any two equivalence relations on a non-empty set A. Which one of the following statements is

A. R ∪ S, R ∩ S are both equivalence relations

B. R ∪ S is an equivalence relation
C. R ∩ S is an equivalence relation
D. Neither R ∪ S nor R ∩ S are equivalence relations

gate2005 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.26 Relations: GATE2005-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/1349

The time complexity of computing the transitive closure of a binary relation on a set of n elements is known to

O (n 2 )
A. O(n) B. O(n log n) C. D. O (n3 )

gate2005 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.27 Relations: GATE2006-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/883

A relation R is defined on ordered pairs of integers as follows:

(x, y)R(u, v) if x < u and y > v
Then R is:

A. Neither a Partial Order nor an Equivalence Relation

B. A Partial Order but not a Total Order
C. A total Order
D. An Equivalence Relation

gate2006 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.28 Relations: GATE2007-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1201

Let S be a set of n elements. The number of ordered pairs in the largest and the smallest equivalence relations
on S are:

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88 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

A. n and n B. n2 and n C. n2 and 0 D. n and 1

gate2007 set-theory&algebra normal relations

4.15.29 Relations: GATE2009-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/797

Consider the binary relation R = {(x, y), (x, z), (z, x), (z, y)} on the set {x, y, z}. Which one of the following
is TRUE?

A. R is symmetric but NOT antisymmetric B. R is NOT symmetric but antisymmetric

C. R is both symmetric and antisymmetric D. R is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric
gate2009 set-theory&algebra easy relations

4.15.30 Relations: GATE2010-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1149

What is the possible number of reflexive relations on a set of 5 elements?

A. 210 B. 215 C. 220 D. 225

gate2010 set-theory&algebra easy relations

4.15.31 Relations: GATE2015-2-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/8089

Let R be the relation on the set of positive integers such that aRb and only if a and b are distinct and let have
a common divisor other than 1. Which one of the following statements about R is true?

R is symmetric and reflexive but not transitive

R is reflexive but not symmetric not transitive

R is transitive but not reflexive and not symmetric

R is symmetric but not reflexive and not transitive

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.32 Relations: GATE2015-3-41 top https://gateoverflow.in/8500

LetR be a relation on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers such that ((p, q), (r, s)) ∈ R if and only if
p − s = q − r . Which one of the following is true about R?
A. Both reflexive and symmetric B. Reflexive but not symmetric
C. Not reflexive but symmetric D. Neither reflexive nor symmetric
gate2015-3 set-theory&algebra relations normal

4.15.33 Relations: GATE2016-2-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/39603

A binary relation R on N×N is defined as follows: (a, b)R(c, d) if a≤c or b ≤ d. Consider the following

P : R is reflexive.
Q : R is transitive.
Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Both P and Q are true. B. P is true and Q is false.

C. P is false and Q is true. D. Both P and Q are false.
gate2016-2 set-theory&algebra relations normal

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 89

4.16 Sets (37) top

4.16.1 Sets: GATE1993-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/2314

Out of a group of 21 persons, 9 eat vegetables, 10 eat fish and 7 eat eggs. 5 persons eat all three. How many
persons eat at least two out of the three dishes?

gate1993 set-theory&algebra easy sets descriptive

4.16.2 Sets: GATE1993-8.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2301

Let S be an infinite set and S1 … , Sn be sets such that S1 ∪ S2 ∪ ⋯ ∪ Sn = S . Then

A. at least one of the set Si is a finite set
B. not more than one of the set Si can be finite
C. at least one of the sets Si is an infinite
D. not more than one of the sets Si can be infinite
E. None of the above

gate1993 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.3 Sets: GATE1993-8.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2302

Let A be a finite set of size n. The number of elements in the power set of A × A is:
22 (2n )2 (22 )n
A. B. 2n C. D. E. None of the above

gate1993 set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.4 Sets: GATE1994-2.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2471

The number of subsets {1, 2, … , n} with odd cardinality is ___________

gate1994 set-theory&algebra easy sets descriptive

4.16.5 Sets: GATE1994-3.8 top https://gateoverflow.in/2494

Give a relational algebra expression using only the minimum number of operators from (∪, −) which is
equivalent to R ∩ S.

gate1994 set-theory&algebra normal sets descriptive

4.16.6 Sets: GATE1994-3.9 top https://gateoverflow.in/2495

Every subset of a countable set is countable.

State whether the above statement is true or false with reason.

gate1994 set-theory&algebra normal sets descriptive

4.16.7 Sets: GATE1995-1.20 top https://gateoverflow.in/2607

The number of elements in the power set P(S) of the set S = {{∅}, 1, {2, 3}} is:

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90 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. None of the above

gate1995 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.8 Sets: GATE1995-25b top https://gateoverflow.in/314348

Determine the number of positive integers (≤ 720) which are not divisible by any of 2, 3 or 5.
gate1995 set-theory&algebra numerical-answers sets

4.16.9 Sets: GATE1996-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2705

Let A and B be sets and let Ac and Bc denote the complements of the sets A and B. The set
(A − B) ∪ (B − A) ∪ (A ∩ B) is equal to

A. A∪B B. Ac ∪ Bc C. A∩B D. Ac ∩ Bc

gate1996 set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.10 Sets: GATE1998-2.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1676

In a room containing 28 people, there are 18 people who speak English, 15, people who speak Hindi and 22
people who speak Kannada. 9 persons speak both English and Hindi, 11 persons speak both Hindi and Kannada
whereas 13 persons speak both Kannada and English. How many speak all three languages?

A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6
gate1998 set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.11 Sets: GATE2000-2.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/653

Let P(S) denotes the power set of set S. Which of the following is always true?
A. P(P(S)) = P(S) B. P(S) ∩ P(P(S)) = {Ø}
C. P(S) ∩ S = P(S) D. S ∉ P(S)
gate2000 set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.12 Sets: GATE2000-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/677

Let S be a set of n elements {1, 2, . . . . . , n} and G a graph with 2 n vertices, each vertex corresponding to a
distinct subset of S. Two vertices are adjacent iff the symmetric difference of the corresponding sets has
exactly 2 elements. Note: The symmetric difference of two sets R1 and R2 is defined as (R1 ∖ R2 ) ∪
(R2 ∖ R1 )

Every vertex in G has the same degree. What is the degree of a vertex in G?

How many connected components does G have?

gate2000 set-theory&algebra normal descriptive sets

4.16.13 Sets: GATE2001-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/720

Consider the following statements:

S1 : A B C A ∩ (B ∪ C)
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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 91

S1 : There exists infinite sets A, B, C such that A ∩ (B ∪ C) is finite.

S2 : There exists two irrational numbers x and y such that (x + y) is rational.

Which of the following is true about S1 and S2?

A. Only S1 is correct B. Only S2 is correct
C. Both S1 and S2 are correct D. None of S1 and S2 is correct
gate2001 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.14 Sets: GATE2001-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/744

a. Prove that powerset (A ∩ B) = powerset(A) ∩ powerset(B)

b. Let sum(n) = 0 + 1 + 2+. . . . . +n for all natural numbers n. Give an induction proof to show that the
following equation is true for all natural numbers m and n:

sum(m + n) = sum(m) + sum(n) + mn

gate2001 set-theory&algebra normal sets descriptive

4.16.15 Sets: GATE2004-IT-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/3643

In a class of 200 students, 125 students have taken Programming Language course, 85 students have taken
Data Structures course, 65 students have taken Computer Organization course; 50 students have taken both
Programming Language and Data Structures, 35 students have taken both Programming Language and
Computer Organization; 30 students have taken both Data Structures and Computer Organization, 15 students
have taken all the three courses.

How many students have not taken any of the three courses?

A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30
gate2004-it set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.16 Sets: GATE2005-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/1157

Let A, B and C be non-empty sets and let X = (A − B) − C and Y = (A − C) − (B − C). Which one of
the following is TRUE?

A. X=Y B. X⊂Y C. Y ⊂X D. None of these

gate2005 set-theory&algebra easy sets

4.16.17 Sets: GATE2005-IT-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/3779

Let A be a set with n elements. Let C be a collection of distinct subsets of A such that for any two subsets S1
and S2 in C , either S1 ⊂ S2 or S2 ⊂ S1 . What is the maximum cardinality of C?

A. n B. n+1 C. 2n−1 + 1 D. n!
gate2005-it set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.18 Sets: GATE2006-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/983

Let E, F and G be finite sets. Let

X = (E ∩ F ) − (F ∩ G) and

Y = (E − (E ∩ G)) − (E − F )
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92 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

Y = (E − (E ∩ G)) − (E − F ) .

Which one of the following is true?

A. X⊂Y B. X⊃Y
C. X=Y D. X−Y ≠ϕ and Y −X≠ϕ
gate2006 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.19 Sets: GATE2006-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/987

Given a set of elements N = {1, 2, ..., n} and two arbitrary subsets A⊆N and B⊆N, how many of the n!
permutations π from N to N satisfy min( π(A)) = min( π(B)), where min(S) is the smallest integer in the set of
integers S, and π(S) is the set of integers obtained by applying permutation π to each element of S?

A. (n − |A ∪ B|)|A||B| B. (|A|2 + |B|2 )n2

C. n! |A ∩ B|2
|A∪B| D.
gate2006 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.20 Sets: GATE2006-IT-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/3562

L e t
P, Q and R be sets let Δ denote the symmetric difference operator defined as
P ΔQ = (P ∪ Q) − (P ∩ Q). Using Venn diagrams, determine which of the following is/are TRUE?

I. P Δ(Q ∩ R) = (P ΔQ) ∩ (P ΔR)

II. P ∩ (Q ∩ R) = (P ∩ Q)Δ(P ΔR)

A. I only B. II only C. Neither I nor II D. Both I and II

gate2006-it set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.21 Sets: GATE2006-IT-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/3563

What is the cardinality of the set of integers X defined below?

X = {n ∣ 1 ≤ n ≤ 123, n is not divisible by either 2, 3 or 5}

A. 28 B. 33 C. 37 D. 44
gate2006-it set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.22 Sets: GATE2008-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/400

If P, Q, R are subsets of the universal set U, then

(P ∩ Q ∩ R) ∪ (P c ∩ Q ∩ R) ∪ Qc ∪ Rc

A. Qc ∪ Rc B. P ∪ Qc ∪ Rc
C. P c ∪ Qc ∪ Rc D. U
gate2008 normal set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.23 Sets: GATE2014-2-50 top https://gateoverflow.in/2016

Consider the following relation on subsets of the set S of integers between 1 and 2014. For two distinct subsets
U V S U < V U
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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 93

U and V of S we say U < V if the minimum element in the symmetric difference of the two sets is in U.
Consider the following two statements:

S1: There is a subset of S that is larger than every other subset.

S2: There is a subset of S that is smaller than every other subset.
Which one of the following is CORRECT?

A. Both S1 and S2 are true B. S1 is true and S2 is false

C. S2 is true and S1 is false D. Neither S1 nor S2 is true
gate2014-2 set-theory&algebra normal sets

4.16.24 Sets: GATE2014-3-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/2050

Let Σ be a finite non-empty alphabet and let 2Σ be the power set of Σ∗ . Which one of the following is TRUE?

A. Both 2Σ and Σ∗ are countable

B. 2Σ is countable and Σ∗ is uncountable

C. 2Σ is uncountable and Σ∗ is countable
D. Both 2 and Σ∗ are uncountable

gate2014-3 set-theory&algebra sets normal

4.16.25 Sets: GATE2015-1-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/8238

For a set A, the power set of A is denoted by 2A . If A = {5, {6} , {7}} , which of the following options are

I. ϕ ∈ 2A
II. ϕ ⊆ 2A
III. {5, {6}} ∈ 2A
IV. {5, {6}} ⊆ 2A

A. I and III only B. II and III only C. I, II and III only D. I, II and IV only

gate2015-1 set-theory&algebra sets normal

4.16.26 Sets: GATE2015-2-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/8092

The cardinality of the power set of {0, 1, 2, … , 10} is _______

gate2015-2 set-theory&algebra sets easy numerical-answers

4.16.27 Sets: GATE2015-3-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/8426

Suppose U is the power set of the set S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} . For any T ∈ U , let |T | denote the number of
elements in T and T ′ denote the complement of T . For any T, R ∈ U let T∖R be the set of all elements in T
which are not in R. Which one of the following is true?

A. ∀X ∈ U, (|X| = |X ′ |)
B. ∃X ∈ U, ∃Y ∈ U, (|X| = 5, |Y | = 5 and X ∩ Y = ϕ)
C. ∀X ∈ U, ∀Y ∈ U, (|X| = 2, |Y | = 3 and X∖Y = ϕ)
D. ∀X ∈ U, ∀Y ∈ U, (X∖Y = Y ′ ∖X ′ )

gate2015-3 set-theory&algebra sets normal

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94 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

4.16.28 Sets: GATE2016-2-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/39595

Consider a set U of 23 different compounds in a chemistry lab. There is a subset S of U of 9 compounds, each
of which reacts with exactly 3 compounds of U . Consider the following statements:

I. Each compound in U \ S reacts with an odd number of compounds.

II. At least one compound in U \ S reacts with an odd number of compounds.
III. Each compound in U \ S reacts with an even number of compounds.

Which one of the above statements is ALWAYS TRUE?

A. Only I B. Only II C. Only III D. None.

gate2016-2 set-theory&algebra difficult sets

4.16.29 Sets: GATE2017-1-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/118330

The number of integers between 1 and 500 (both inclusive) that are divisible by 3 or 5 or 7 is ____________ .
gate2017-1 set-theory&algebra normal numerical-answers sets

4.16.30 Sets: TIFR2010-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/18394

Let A, B be sets. Let Ā denote the compliment of set A (with respect to some fixed universe), and (A − B)
denote the set of elements in A which are not in B. Set (A − (A − B)) is equal to:

a. B b. A ∩ B̄ c. A−B d. A∩B e. B̄
tifr2010 set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.31 Sets: TIFR2010-A-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/18496

Let X be a set of size n. How many pairs of sets (A, B) are there that satisfy the condition A ⊆ B ⊆ X ?

a. 2n+1 b. 22n c. 3n d. 2n + 1 e. 3n+1

tifr2010 sets

4.16.32 Sets: TIFR2011-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/20039

Letm, n denote two integers from the set {1, 2, … , 10} . The number of ordered pairs (m, n) such that
2m + 2n is divisible by 5 is.

a. 10 b. 14 c. 24 d. 8 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.33 Sets: TIFR2011-B-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/20400

Suppose (S1 , S2 , … , Sm ) is a finite collection of non-empty subsets of a universe U. Note that the sets in this
collection need not be distinct. Consider the following basic step to be performed on this sequence. While there
exist sets Si and Sj in the sequence, neither of which is a subset of the other, delete them from the sequence,

i. If Si ∩ Sj ≠ ∅ , then add the sets Si ∪ Sj and Si ∩ Sj to the sequence;

ii. If Si ∩ Sj = ∅ , then add only the set Si ∪ Sj to the sequence.

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4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184) 95
j j
In each step we delete two sets from the sequence and add at most two sets to the sequence. Also, note that
empty sets are never added to the sequence. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. The size of the smallest set in the sequence decreases in every step.
b. The size of the largest set in the sequence increases in every step.
c. The process always terminates.
d. The process terminates if U is finite but might not if U is infinite.
e. There is a finite collection of subsets of a finite universe U and a choice of Si and Sj in each step such that
the process does not terminate.

tifr2011 set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.34 Sets: TIFR2012-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/21007

How many pairs of sets (A, B) are there that satisfy the condition A, B ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , 5} , A ∩ B = {}?

a. 125 b. 127 c. 243 d. 257

tifr2012 set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.35 Sets: TIFR2016-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/97234

Let A and B be finite sets such that A ⊆ B . Then, what is the value of the expression:
ΣC:A⊆C⊆B (−1)∣C∖A∣,
Where C ∖ A = {x ∈ C : x ∉ A} ?

A. Always 0 B. Always 1
C. 0 if A = B and 1 otherwise D. 1 if A = B and 0 otherwise
E. Depends on the soze of the universe
tifr2016 set-theory&algebra sets

4.16.36 Sets: TIFR2017-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/95272

For a set A define P(A) to be the set of all subsets of A. For example, if A = {1, 2} then
P(A) = {∅, {1, 2}, {1}, {2}} . Let A → P(A) be a function and A is not empty. Which of the following must
be TRUE?

1. f cannot be one-to-one (injective)

2. f cannot be onto (surjective)
3. f is both one-to-one and onto (bijective)
4. there is no such f possible
5. if such a function f exists, then A is infinite

tifr2017 set-theory&algebra sets functions easy

4.16.37 Sets: TIFR2019-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/280509

Let X be a set with n elements. How many subsets of X have odd cardinality?

A. n B. 2n
C. 2n/2 D. 2n−1
E. Can not be determined without knowing
whether n is odd or even
tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics set-theory&algebra sets

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96 4 Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra (184)

Answers: Sets

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 97

5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)top

Syllabus: Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability, Maxima and minima, Mean value theorem, Integration.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0.8 1
2 Marks Count 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.2 1
Total Marks 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1.2 2

5.1 Continuity (4) top

5.1.1 Continuity: GATE2010-ME top https://gateoverflow.in/41570

The function y = |2 − 3x| ​

A. is continuous ∀x ∈R and differentiable ∀x ∈ R
B. is continuous ∀x ∈R and differentiable ∀x ∈ R x= except at 2
C. is continuous ∀x ∈ R and differentiable ∀x ∈ R
except at x = 3
D. is continuous ∀x ∈ R except x = 3 and differentiable ∀x ∈ R

calculus gate2010me engineering-mathematics continuity

5.1.2 Continuity: GATE2013-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/1533

Which one of the following functions is continuous at x = 3?

⎧ 2,
⎪ if x = 3
f(x) = ⎨ x − 1 if x > 3

⎪ x+3

if x<3
f(x) = {
4, if x = 3
8 − x if x ≠ 3
f(x) = {
x + 3, if x ≤ 3
x − 4 if x > 3
D. f(x) = { x3 −27
if x ≠ 3

gate2013 calculus continuity normal

5.1.3 Continuity: GATE2014-1-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/1925

A function f(x) is continuous in the interval [0, 2] . It is known that f(0) = f(2) = −1 and f(1) = 1 . Which
one of the following statements must be true?

A. There exists a y in the interval (0, 1) such that f(y) = f(y + 1)

B. For every y in the interval (0, 1) ,f(y) = f(2 − y)
C. The maximum value of the function in the interval (0, 2) is 1
D. There exists a y in the interval (0, 1) such that f(y) = −f(2 − y)

gate2014-1 calculus continuity normal

5.1.4 Continuity: GATE2015-2-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/8124

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98 5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)

−( 1 )
Let f(x) = x 3 and A denote the area of region bounded by f(x) and the X-axis, when x varies from −1
to 1. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

I. f is continuous in [−1, 1]
II. f is not bounded in [−1, 1]
III. A is nonzero and finite

A. II only B. III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III

gate2015-2 continuity functions normal

5.2 Differentiability (9) top

5.2.1 Differentiability: GATE1996-1.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2710

The formula used to compute an approximation for the second derivative of a function f at a point X0 is

f(x0 + h) + f(x0 – h) f(x0 + h) − f(x0 – h)

A. B.
2 2h

f(x0 + h) + 2f(x0 ) + f(x0 – h) f(x0 + h) − 2f(x0 ) + f(x0 – h)

C. D.
h2 h2
gate1996 calculus differentiability normal

5.2.2 Differentiability: GATE1996-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2755

Let f be a function defined by

⎧ x2 for x ≤ 1
f(x) = ⎨ ax2 + bx + c

for 1 < x ≤ 2
x+d for x > 2

Find the values for the constants a, b, c and d so that f is continuous and differentiable everywhere on the real

gate1996 calculus continuity differentiability normal descriptive

5.2.3 Differentiability: GATE1998-1.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1641

Consider the function y = |x| in the interval [−1, 1] . In this interval, the function is
A. continuous and differentiable B. continuous but not differentiable
C. differentiable but not continuous D. neither continuous nor differentiable
gate1998 calculus continuity differentiability easy

5.2.4 Differentiability: GATE2007-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1200

Consider the following two statements about the function f(x) = |x| :
P. f(x) is continuous for all real values of x.
Q. f(x) is differentiable for all real values of x .

Which of the following is TRUE?

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 99

A. P is true and Q is false. B. P is false and Q is true.

C. Both P and Q are true. D. Both P and Q are false.
gate2007 calculus continuity differentiability easy

5.2.5 Differentiability: GATE2014-1-46 top https://gateoverflow.in/1924

The function f(x) = x sin x satisfies the following equation:

f ′′ (x) + f(x) + t cos x = 0

. The value of t is______.
gate2014-1 calculus easy numerical-answers differentiability

5.2.6 Differentiability: GATE2014-1-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/1763

Let the function

∣ sin θ cos θ tan θ ∣

∣ ∣
f(θ) = ∣ sin( π6 ) cos( π6 ) tan( π6 ) ∣
∣ ∣
∣ sin( 3 ) cos( π3 ) tan( π3 )


θ ∈ [ π6 , π3 ] and f ′ (θ) denote the derivative of f with respect to θ. Which of the following statements
is/are TRUE?

I. There exists θ ∈ ( π6 , π3 ) such that f ′ (θ) = 0

II. There exists θ ∈ ( 6 , 3 )
π π
such that f ′ (θ) ≠ 0

A. I only B. II only C. Both I and II D. Neither I Nor II

gate2014-1 calculus differentiability normal

5.2.7 Differentiability: GATE2016-2-02 top https://gateoverflow.in/39571

Let f(x) be a polynomial and g(x) = f ′ (x) be its derivative. If the degree of (f(x) + f(−x)) is 10, then the
degree of (g(x) − g(−x)) is __________.

gate2016-2 calculus normal numerical-answers differentiability

5.2.8 Differentiability: GATE2017-2-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/118262

– 1
If f(x) = R sin( πx
) + S, f ′ ( 12 ) = √2 and ∫0 f(x)dx = 2R
, then the constants R and S are

A. π2 and 16
B. π2 and 0 C. π4 and 0 D. π4 and 16
gate2017-2 engineering-mathematics calculus differentiability

5.2.9 Differentiability: TIFR2018-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/179274

Which of the following id the derivative of f(x) = xx when x>0 ?

A. xx B. xx ln x
C. x + x ln x
x x D. (xx )(xx ln x)
E. None of the above;function is not differentiable for x > 0
tifr2018 calculus differentiability

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100 5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)

5.3 Functions (2) top

5.3.1 Functions: GATE1987-1-xxvi top https://gateoverflow.in/80571

If f(xi ). f(xi+1 ) < 0 then

A. There must be a root of f(x) between xi and xi+1

B. There need not be a root of f(x) between xi and xi+1 .
C. There fourth derivative of f(x) with respect to x vanishes at xi .
D. The fourth derivative of f(x) with respect to x vanishes at xi+1 .

gate1987 calculus functions

5.3.2 Functions: GATE1995-1.21 top https://gateoverflow.in/2608

In the interval [0, π] the equation x = cos x has

A. No solution B. Exactly one solution

C. Exactly two solutions D. An infinite number of solutions

gate1995 calculus normal functions

5.4 Integration (12) top

5.4.1 Integration: GATE1993-02.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/610

1 x
The value of the double integral ∫0 ∫0 x dxdy is_________.
1+y 2

gate1993 calculus integration normal

5.4.2 Integration: GATE2000-2.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/650

Let S = ∑100
i=3 i log2 i , and T = ∫2 x log2 xdx .
Which of the following statements is true?

A. S>T B. S=T
C. S<T and 2S > T D. 2S ≤ T
gate2000 calculus integration normal

5.4.3 Integration: GATE2005-IT-35 top https://gateoverflow.in/3782

What is the value of ∫0 (x − π)2 (sin x)dx

A. −1 B. 0 C. 1 D. π
gate2005-it calculus integration normal

5.4.4 Integration: GATE2009-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/802

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 101

π /4
∫0 (1 − tan x)/(1 + tan x) dx

A. 0 B. 1 C. ln2 D. 1/2ln2
gate2009 calculus integration normal

5.4.5 Integration: GATE2011-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/2133

π /2
− cos x + i sin x
Given i = √−1 , what will be the evaluation of the definite integral ∫ dx ?
0 cos x − i sin x

A. 0 B. 2 C. −i D. i
gate2011 calculus integration normal

5.4.6 Integration: GATE2014-3-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/2081

The value of the integral given below is


∫ x2 cos x dx

A. −2π B. π C. −π D. 2π
gate2014-3 calculus limits integration normal

5.4.7 Integration: GATE2014-3-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2040

If ∫ |x sin x|dx = kπ , then the value of k is equal to ______.

gate2014-3 calculus integration limits numerical-answers easy

5.4.8 Integration: GATE2015-1-44 top https://gateoverflow.in/8314

Compute the value of:



gate2015-1 calculus integration normal numerical-answers

5.4.9 Integration: GATE2015-3-45 top https://gateoverflow.in/8554

If for non-zero x, af(x) + bf( x1 ) = 1
− 25 where a a ≠ b then ∫1 f(x)dx is

1 1
A. [ a(ln 2 − 25) + 47b
] B. [ a(2 ln 2 − 25) − 47b
a2 −b2 a2 −b2
C. 2 2 [ a(2 ln 2 − 25) + 47b ] D. 2 1 2 [ a(ln 2 − 25) − 47b ]
a −b 2 a −b 2
gate2015-3 calculus integration normal

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102 5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)

5.4.10 Integration: GATE2018-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/204090

π /4
The value of ∫0 x cos(x2 )dx correct to three decimal places (assuming that π = 3.14 ) is ____

gate2018 calculus integration normal numerical-answers

5.4.11 Integration: TIFR2011-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/20219

∫ ln x dx =

a. 1 b. −1 c. ∞ d. −∞ e. None of the above.

tifr2011 calculus integration

5.4.12 Integration: TIFR2019-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/280497

Consider the integral

∫ dx
0 1 + x2 + x3
What is the value of this integral correct up to two decimal places?

A. 0.00 B. 0.02 C. 0.10 D. 0.33 E. 1.00

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics calculus integration

5.5 Limits (15) top

5.5.1 Limits: GATE1993-02.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/605

x(ex −1)+2(cos x−1)

In questions 2.1 to 2.10 below, each blank (___) is to be suitably filled in. limx→0 x(1−cos x)

gate1993 limits calculus normal numerical-answers

5.5.2 Limits: GATE2008-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/399

x−sin x
limx→∞ x+cos x

A. 1 B. −1 C. ∞ D. −∞
gate2008 calculus limits easy

5.5.3 Limits: GATE2010-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1151

What is the value of limn→∞ (1 − n1 ) ?

A. 0 B. e−2 C. e−1/2 D. 1

gate2010 calculus limits normal

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 103

5.5.4 Limits: GATE2015-1-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/8021

limx→∞ x x is

A. ∞ B. 0 C. 1 D. Not defined

gate2015-1 calculus limits normal

5.5.5 Limits: GATE2015-3-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/8403

The value of limx→∞ (1 + x2 )e is

A. 0 B. 12 C. 1 D. ∞
gate2015-3 calculus limits normal

5.5.6 Limits: GATE2016-1-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/39630

sin(x − 4)
x→4 x−4

gate2016-1 calculus limits easy numerical-answers

5.5.7 Limits: GATE2017-1-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/118309

x7 −2 x5 +1
The value of limx→1 x3 −3 x2 +2

A. is 0 B. is −1 C. is 1 D. does not exist

gate2017-1 calculus limits normal

5.5.8 Limits: GATE2019-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/302835

x4 −81
Compute limx→3 2 x2 −5x−3

A. 1 B. 53/12 C. 108/7 D. Limit does not exist

gate2019 engineering-mathematics calculus limits

5.5.9 Limits: TIFR2010-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/18234

The limit of as n→∞ is.

A. 0 B. 1 C. e D. 10 E. ∞
tifr2010 calculus limits

5.5.10 Limits: TIFR2011-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/20224

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104 5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)

What is the value of the following limit?

d sin2 x
x→0 dx x

a. 0 b. 2 c. 1 d. 12 e. None of the above

tifr2011 calculus limits

5.5.11 Limits: TIFR2011-A-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/20254

What is the value of the following limit?

2x − 1
x→0 x

a. 0 b. log2 (e) c. loge (2) d. 1 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 limits

5.5.12 Limits: TIFR2012-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/25037

The limit limn→∞ (√n2 + n − n) equals.

A. ∞ B. 1 C. 1/2 D. 0 E. None of the above.

tifr2012 calculus limits

5.5.13 Limits: TIFR2014-A-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/27107

Let x0 = 1 and
xn+1 = 3+xn
,n ≥0.

x∞ = limn→∞ xn is
– –
A. (√5 − 1) /2 B. (√5 + 1) /2
−− −−
C. (√13 − 1) /2 D. (−√13 − 1) /2
E. None of the above.
tifr2014 limits

5.5.14 Limits: TIFR2014-A-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/27128

We are given a collection of real numbers where a real number ai ≠ 0 occurs ni times. Let the collection be
enumerated as {x1 , x2 , . . . xn } so that x1 = x2 =. . . = xn1 = a1 and so on, and n = ∑i ni is finite. What is

−1 /k
limk→∞ (∑ni=1 1
) ?
|xi |k

A. maxi (ni |ai |) B. mini |ai |

C. mini (ni |ai |) D. maxi |ai |
E. None of the above.
tifr2014 limits

5.5.15 Limits: TIFR2019-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/280495

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 105

Consider the matrix

⎡2 0⎤
1 1

A=⎢ 1 ⎥

⎢0 4 ⎥

⎣0 3 ⎦
4 4

What is limn→∞ An ?

⎡ 0 0 0⎤ ⎡4 2 ⎤
1 1 1

⎢0 0 0⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥

⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣0 0 0⎦
1 1
⎣1 1 ⎦
4 2
4 2 2
⎡ ⎤ ⎡0 2 ⎤
1 1 1 1 1

⎢ ⎥
2 4 4
⎢ 1 ⎥

⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 2 ⎥
1 1 1 1
C. D.
⎣ ⎦ ⎣0 1 ⎦
2 4 4 2
1 1 1 1
2 4 4 2 2
E. The limit exists, but it is none of the above
tifr2019 engineering-mathematics calculus limits

5.6 Maxima Minima (13) top

5.6.1 Maxima Minima: GATE1995-25a top https://gateoverflow.in/2664

Find the minimum value of 3 − 4x + 2x2 .

gate1995 calculus maxima-minima easy

5.6.2 Maxima Minima: GATE1997-4.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2242

What is the maximum value of the function f(x) = 2x2 − 2x + 6 in the interval [0, 2] ?

A. 6 B. 10 C. 12 D. 5.5

gate1997 calculus maxima-minima normal

5.6.3 Maxima Minima: GATE1998-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/1722

a. Find the points of local maxima and minima, if any, of the following function defined in 0≤ x ≤ 6.
x3 − 6x2 + 9x + 15
b. Integrate
∫ x cos xdx

gate1998 calculus maxima-minima integration normal descriptive

5.6.4 Maxima Minima: GATE2008-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/423

A point on a curve is said to be an extremum if it is a local minimum or a local maximum. The number of
distinct extrema for the curve 3x4 − 16x3 + 24x2 + 37 is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

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106 5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55)

gate2008 calculus maxima-minima easy

5.6.5 Maxima Minima: GATE2008-IT-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/3341

If f(x) is defined as follows, what is the minimum value of f(x) for x ∈ (0, 2] ?

f(x) = {
when x ≤ 32
x + x1 otherwise

A. 2 B. 2 ( 12 ) C. 2 ( 16 ) D. 2 ( 12 )
gate2008-it calculus maxima-minima normal

5.6.6 Maxima Minima: GATE2012-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41

Consider the function f(x) = sin(x) in the interval x = [ π4 , 4
] . The number and location(s) of the local
minima of this function are

π 3π
A. One, at B. One, at
2 2
π 3π π 3π
C. Two, at and D. Two, at and
2 2 4 2
gate2012 calculus maxima-minima normal nielit

5.6.7 Maxima Minima: TIFR2010-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/18209

The function f(x) = 2.5 loge (2 + exp(x2 − 4x + 5)) attains a minimum at x =?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 4
tifr2010 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.8 Maxima Minima: TIFR2011-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/20002

Consider the problem of maximizing x2 − 2x + 5 such that 0< x < 2. The value of x at which the maximum
is achieved is:

a. 0.5 b. 1 c. 1.5 d. 1.75 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.9 Maxima Minima: TIFR2012-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/25036

The maximum value of the function.

f (x, y, z) = (x − 1/3) 2 + (y − 1/3) 2 + (z − 1/3) 2

Subject to the constraints

x + y + z = 1, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0

a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. 1 d. 4/3 e. 4/9

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5 Engineering Mathematics: Calculus (55) 107

tifr2012 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.10 Maxima Minima: TIFR2012-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/25040

Consider the differential equation dx/dt = (1 − x) (2 − x) (3 − x) . Which of its equilibria is unstable?

a. x=0 b. x=1 c. x=2 d. x=3 e. None of the above.

tifr2012 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.11 Maxima Minima: TIFR2013-A-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/25496

The minimum of the function f(x) = x loge (x) over the interval [ 12 , ∞) is

− loge (2) −1
a. 0 b. −e c. 2
d. e
e. None of the above

tifr2013 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.12 Maxima Minima: TIFR2014-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/25996

Solve min x2 + y 2 subject to

x+y ≥ 10,
2x + 3y ≥ 20,
x ≥ 4,
y ≥ 4.

a. 32 b. 50 c. 52 d. 100 e. None of the above

tifr2014 calculus maxima-minima

5.6.13 Maxima Minima: TIFR2015-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/29581

Suppose that f(x) is a continuous function such that 0.4 ≤ f(x) ≤ 0.6 for 0≤ x ≤ 1. Which of the following
is always true?

A. f(0.5) = 0.5 .
B. There exists x between 0 and 1 such that f(x) = 0.8x .
C. There exists x between 0 and 0.5 such that f(x) = x .
D. f(0.5) > 0.5 .
E. None of the above statements are always true.

tifr2015 maxima-minima calculus

Answers: Maxima Minima

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108 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)top

Syllabus: Matrices, determinants, System of linear equations, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU decomposition.

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1.2 2
2 Marks Count 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0.8 2
Total Marks 3 3 5 3 1 2 1 2.5 5

6.1 Cartesian Coordinates (1) top

6.1.1 Cartesian Coordinates: GATE2007-IT-80 top https://gateoverflow.in/3532

Let P1 , P2 , … , Pn be n points in the xy−plane such that no three of them are collinear. For every pair of
points Pi and Pj , let Lij be the line passing through them. Let Lab be the line with the steepest gradient
amongst all 2

Which one of the following properties should necessarily be satisfied ?

A. Pa and Pb are adjacent to each other with respect to their x-coordinate

B. Either Pa or Pb has the largest or the smallest y-coordinate among all the points
C. The difference between x-coordinates Pa and Pb is minimum
D. None of the above

gate2007-it cartesian-coordinates

6.2 Determinant (6) top

6.2.1 Determinant: GATE1997-1.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2219

⎡ 6 −8 1 1 ⎤
⎢0 2 4 6 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢0 0 4 8 ⎥
The determinant of the matrix

⎣ 0 0 0 −1 ⎦

A. 11 B. −48 C. 0 D. −24
gate1997 linear-algebra normal determinant

6.2.2 Determinant: GATE2000-1.3 top https://gateoverflow.in/626

The determinant of the matrix

⎡2 0 0 0⎤
⎢8 2⎥
⎢ ⎥
1 7
⎢2 0 2 0⎥
⎣9 0 6 1⎦

A. 4 B. 0 C. 15 D. 20
gate2000 linear-algebra easy determinant

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 109

6.2.3 Determinant: GATE2005-IT-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/3747

The determinant of the matrix given below is

⎡ 0 1 0 2⎤
⎢ 3⎥
⎢ ⎥
−1 1 1
⎢ 0 0 0 1⎥
⎣ 1 −2 0 1⎦

A. −1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2
gate2005-it linear-algebra normal determinant

6.2.4 Determinant: GATE2013-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1412

Which one of the following does NOT equal

∣ 1 x x2 ∣
∣ ∣
∣ 1 y y2 ∣ ?
∣ ∣
∣ 1 z z2 ∣
∣ 1 x(x + 1) x + 1 ∣ ∣1 x + 1 x2 + 1 ∣
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
A. ∣ 1 y(y + 1) y + 1 ∣ B. ∣1 y + 1 y2 + 1 ∣
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
∣ 1 z(z + 1) z + 1 ∣ ∣1 z + 1 z2 + 1 ∣
∣ 0 x − y x2 − y 2 ∣ ∣2 x + y x2 + y 2 ∣
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
C. ∣ 0 y − z y 2 − z2 ∣ D. ∣2 y + z y 2 + z2 ∣
∣ ∣ ∣ ∣
∣1 z z2 ∣ ∣1 z z2 ∣
gate2013 linear-algebra normal determinant

6.2.5 Determinant: GATE2014-2-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1956

If the matrix A is such that

⎡ 2 ⎤
A = ⎢ −4 ⎥ [ 1 9 5 ]
⎣ 7 ⎦

then the determinant of A is equal to ______.

gate2014-2 linear-algebra numerical-answers easy determinant

6.2.6 Determinant: GATE2019-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/302839

Let X be a square matrix. Consider the following two statements on X.

I. X is invertible
II. Determinant of X is non-zero

Which one of the following is TRUE?

A. I implies II; II does not imply I B. II implies I; I does not imply II

C. I does not imply II; II does not imply I D. I and II are equivalent statements
gate2019 engineering-mathematics linear-algebra determinant

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

110 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

6.3 Eigen Value (25) top

6.3.1 Eigen Value: GATE1993-01.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/596

For the below question, one or more of the alternatives are correct. Write the code letter (s) a, b, c, d
corresponding to the correct alternative(s) in the answer book. Marks will be given only if all the correct
alternatives have been selected and no incorrect alternative is picked up.

The eigen vector (s) of the matrix

⎡0 0 α⎤
⎢0 0 0 ⎥, α ≠ 0
⎣0 0 0 ⎦

is (are)

A. (0, 0, α) B. (α, 0, 0) C. (0, 0, 1) D. (0, α, 0)

gate1993 eigen-value linear-algebra easy

6.3.2 Eigen Value: GATE2002-5a top https://gateoverflow.in/858

Obtain the eigen values of the matrix

⎡1 2 34 49 ⎤

2 43 94 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢0 0 −2 104 ⎥
⎣0 0 0 −1 ⎦

gate2002 linear-algebra eigen-value normal descriptive

6.3.3 Eigen Value: GATE2005-49 top https://gateoverflow.in/1174

What are the eigenvalues of the following 2×2 matrix?

2 −1
( )
−4 5

A. −1 and 1 B. 1 and 6 C. 2 and 5 D. 4 and −1

gate2005 linear-algebra eigen-value easy

6.3.4 Eigen Value: GATE2006-IT-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/3565

What are the eigenvalues of the matrix P given below

⎛a 1 0⎞
P = ⎜1 a 1⎟
⎝0 1 a⎠

A. a, a − √2, a + √2B. a, a, a C. 0, a, 2a D. −a, 2a, 2a

gate2006-it linear-algebra eigen-value normal

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 111

6.3.5 Eigen Value: GATE2007-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/254

Let A be a4 × 4 matrix with eigen values -5,-2,1,4. Which of the following is an eigen value of the matrix

[ ] , where I is the 4 × 4 identity matrix?


A. −5 B. −7 C. 2 D. 1
gate2007 eigen-value linear-algebra difficult

6.3.6 Eigen Value: GATE2007-IT-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/3433

3 1
Let A be the matrix [ ]. What is the maximum value of xT Ax where the maximum is taken over all x
1 2
that are the unit eigenvectors of A?
(5+√5) (5−√5)
A. 3 B. 2
C. 3 D. 2
gate2007-it linear-algebra eigen-value normal

6.3.7 Eigen Value: GATE2008-28 top https://gateoverflow.in/426

How many of the following matrices have an eigenvalue 1?

1 0 0 1 1 −1 −1 0
[ ][ ][ ] and [ ]
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 −1

A. one B. two C. three D. four

gate2008 eigen-value linear-algebra

6.3.8 Eigen Value: GATE2010-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/1155

Consider the following matrix

2 3
A=[ ]
x y
If the eigenvalues of A are 4 and 8, then

A. x = 4 , y = 10 B. x = 5, y = 8 C. x = 3, y = 9 D. x = −4 , y = 10
gate2010 linear-algebra eigen-value easy

6.3.9 Eigen Value: GATE2011-40 top https://gateoverflow.in/2142

Consider the matrix as given below.

⎡1 2 3⎤
⎢0 4 7⎥
⎣0 0 3⎦

Which one of the following options provides the CORRECT values of the eigenvalues of the matrix?

A. 1, 4, 3 B. 3, 7, 3 C. 7, 3, 2 D. 1, 2, 3

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

112 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

gate2011 linear-algebra eigen-value easy

6.3.10 Eigen Value: GATE2012-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/43

Let A be the 2 × 2 matrix with elements a11 = a12 = a21 = +1 and a22 = −1 . Then the eigenvalues of the
matrix A19 are

1024 and −1024 – –

A. B. 1024√2 and −1024√2
– – – –
C. 4√2 and −4√2 D. 512√2 and −512√2
gate2012 linear-algebra eigen-value

6.3.11 Eigen Value: GATE2014-1-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1760

The value of the dot product of the eigenvectors corresponding to any pair of different eigenvalues of a
4 − by − 4 symmetric positive definite matrix is ___________
gate2014-1 linear-algebra eigen-value numerical-answers normal

6.3.12 Eigen Value: GATE2014-2-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/2013

The product of the non-zero eigenvalues of the matrix is ____

⎛1 0 0 0 1⎞

0 1 1 1 0⎟

⎜0 0⎟

1 1 1 ⎟

⎜0 1 1 1 0⎟
⎝1 0 0 0 1⎠
gate2014-2 linear-algebra eigen-value normal numerical-answers

6.3.13 Eigen Value: GATE2014-3-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2038

Which one of the following statements is TRUE about every n × n matrix with only real eigenvalues?
A. If the trace of the matrix is positive and the determinant of the matrix is negative, at least one of its
eigenvalues is negative.
B. If the trace of the matrix is positive, all its eigenvalues are positive.
C. If the determinant of the matrix is positive, all its eigenvalues are positive.
D. If the product of the trace and determinant of the matrix is positive, all its eigenvalues are positive.

gate2014-3 linear-algebra eigen-value normal

6.3.14 Eigen Value: GATE2015-1-36 top https://gateoverflow.in/8285

Consider the following 2 × 2 matrix A where two elements are unknown and are marked by a and b. The
eigenvalues of this matrix are -1 and 7. What are the values of a and b?

A = (( 1b 4a ))

A. a = 6, b = 4 B. a = 4, b = 6 C. a = 3, b = 5 D. a = 5, b = 3
gate2015-1 linear-algebra eigen-value normal

6.3.15 Eigen Value: GATE2015-2-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8051

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 113

4 5
The larger of the two eigenvalues of the matrix [ ] is _______.
2 1
gate2015-2 linear-algebra eigen-value easy numerical-answers

6.3.16 Eigen Value: GATE2015-3-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/8411

⎡ 1 −1 2 ⎤
In the given matrix ⎢0 1 0⎥ , one of the eigenvalues is 1. The eigenvectors corresponding to the
⎣1 2 1⎦
eigenvalue 1 are

A. {a (4, 2, 1) ∣ a ≠ 0, a ∈ R}
B. {a (−4, 2, 1) ∣ a ≠ 0, a ∈ R}

C. {a (√2, 0, 1) ∣ a ≠ 0, a ∈ R}

D. {a (−√2, 0, 1) ∣ a ≠ 0, a ∈ R}

gate2015-3 linear-algebra eigen-value normal

6.3.17 Eigen Value: GATE2016-1-05 top https://gateoverflow.in/39634


Two eigenvalues of a 3×3 real matrix P are (2 + √−1) and 3. The determinant of P is _______

gate2016-1 linear-algebra eigen-value numerical-answers normal

6.3.18 Eigen Value: GATE2016-2-06 top https://gateoverflow.in/39549

Suppose that the eigenvalues of matrix A are 1, 2, 4 . The determinant of (A−1) is _________.

gate2016-2 linear-algebra eigen-value normal numerical-answers

6.3.19 Eigen Value: GATE2017-1-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/118312

Let A be n×n real valued square symmetric matrix of rank 2 with ∑ni=1 ∑nj=1 A2ij = 50. Consider the
following statements.

I. One eigenvalue must be in [−5, 5]

II. The eigenvalue with the largest magnitude must be strictly greater than 5

Which of the above statements about eigenvalues of A is/are necessarily CORRECT?

A. Both I and II B. I only C. II only D. Neither I nor II

gate2017-1 linear-algebra eigen-value normal

6.3.20 Eigen Value: GATE2017-2-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/118363

⎡ 1 1 −1 ⎤ ⎡ −1 −2 −1 ⎤
Let P = ⎢ 2 −3 4 ⎥ and Q = ⎢ 6 12 6 ⎥ be two matrices.
⎣ 3 −2 3 ⎦ ⎣ 5 10 5 ⎦
Then the rank of P + Q is ___________ .
gate2017-2 linear-algebra eigen-value numerical-answers

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

114 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

6.3.21 Eigen Value: GATE2017-2-52 top https://gateoverflow.in/118618

If the characteristic polynomial of a 3 × 3 matrix M over R (the set of real numbers) is

λ3 – 4λ2 + aλ + 30, a ∈ R , and one eigenvalue of M is 2, then the largest among the absolute values of
the eigenvalues of M is _______

gate2017-2 engineering-mathematics linear-algebra numerical-answers eigen-value

6.3.22 Eigen Value: GATE2018-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/204091

1 1
Consider a matrix A = uvT where u = ( ),v = ( ) . Note that vT denotes the transpose of v. The
2 1
largest eigenvalue of A is ____
gate2018 linear-algebra eigen-value normal numerical-answers

6.3.23 Eigen Value: GATE2018-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/204100

Consider a matrix P whose only eigenvectors are the multiples of [ ].
Consider the following statements.

I. P does not have an inverse

II. P has a repeated eigenvalue
III. P cannot be diagonalized

Which one of the following options is correct?

A. Only I and III are necessarily true B. Only II is necessarily true

C. Only I and II are necessarily true D. Only II and III are necessarily true
gate2018 linear-algebra matrices eigen-value normal

6.3.24 Eigen Value: GATE2019-44 top https://gateoverflow.in/302804

Consider the following matrix:

⎡1 2 4 8 ⎤

27 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
1 3 9
⎢1 4 16 64 ⎥
⎣1 5 25 125 ⎦

The absolute value of the product of Eigen values of R is _______

gate2019 numerical-answers engineering-mathematics linear-algebra eigen-value

6.3.25 Eigen Value: TIFR2019-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/280507

A is n × n square matrix for which the entries in every row sum to 1. Consider the following statements:
i. The column vector [1, 1, … , 1]T is an eigen vector of A.
ii. det(A − I) = 0.
iii. det(A) = 0.

Which of the above statements must be TRUE?

A. Only (i) B. Only (ii) C. Only (i) and (ii) D. Only (i) and (iii) E. (i), (ii) and (iii)

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 115

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics linear-algebra eigen-value

6.4 Gaussian Elimination (1) top

6.4.1 Gaussian Elimination: GATE1998-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/1723

Derive the expressions for the number of operations required to solve a system of linear equations in n
unknowns using the Gaussian Elimination Method. Assume that one operation refers to a multiplication followed
by an addition.

gate1998 linear-algebra system-of-equations gaussian-elimination descriptive

6.5 Inequality (1) top

6.5.1 Inequality: GATE1987-1-xxi top https://gateoverflow.in/80377

If a, b, and c are constants, which of the following is a linear inequality?

A. ax + bcy = 0 B. ax2 + cy 2 = 21 C. abx + a2y ≥ 15 D. xy + ax ≥ 20

gate1987 linear-algebra inequality

6.6 Matrices (30) top

6.6.1 Matrices: GATE1987-1-xxiii top https://gateoverflow.in/80380

A square matrix is singular whenever

A. The rows are linearly independent B. The columns are linearly independent
C. The row are linearly dependent D. None of the above
gate1987 linear-algebra matrices

6.6.2 Matrices: GATE1988-16i top https://gateoverflow.in/94644

Assume that the matrix A given below, has factorization of the form LU = PA , where L is lower-triangular
with all diagonal elements equal to 1, U is upper-triangular, and P is a permutation matrix. For

⎡2 5 9⎤
A = ⎢4 6 5⎥
⎣8 2 3⎦

Compute L, U, and P using Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.

gate1988 normal descriptive linear-algebra matrices

6.6.3 Matrices: GATE1993-02.7 top https://gateoverflow.in/611

⎛1 0 0 1 ⎞
⎜ 0 −1 0 −1 ⎟
If A = ⎜ ⎟
⎜0 0 i i ⎟
the matrix A4 , calculated by the use of Cayley-Hamilton theorem or otherwise, is
⎝ 0 0 0 −i ⎠

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116 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

gate1993 linear-algebra normal matrices numerical-answers

6.6.4 Matrices: GATE1994-1.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2438

Let A and B be real symmetric matrices of size n × n. Then which one of the following is true?

A. AA′ = I B. A = A−1 C. AB = BA D. (AB)′ = BA

gate1994 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.5 Matrices: GATE1994-1.9 top https://gateoverflow.in/2446

⎡ 0 0 −3 ⎤
The rank of matrix ⎢9 3 5 ⎥ is:
⎣3 1 1 ⎦

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
gate1994 linear-algebra matrices easy

6.6.6 Matrices: GATE1994-3.12 top https://gateoverflow.in/2498

⎡ 1 0 1⎤
Find the inverse of the matrix ⎢ −1 1 1 ⎥
⎣ 0 1 0⎦

gate1994 linear-algebra matrices easy descriptive

6.6.7 Matrices: GATE1995-1.24 top https://gateoverflow.in/2611

The rank of the following (n + 1) × (n + 1) matrix, where a is a real number is

⎡1 a a … an ⎤

⎢ 1 a a2 … an ⎥
⎢ ⎥

⎢ ⎥
⎢⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥

⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥
⎣ 1 a a2 … an ⎦
A. 1 B. 2
C. n D. Depends on the value of a
gate1995 linear-algebra matrices normal

6.6.8 Matrices: GATE1996-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/2762

1 0
A=[ ] and B = [ 11 ] be two matrices such C = A[ ]
a11 a12 b b12
Let that AB = I . Let
a21 a22 b21 b22 1 1
and CD = I . Express the elements of D in terms of the elements of B.

gate1996 linear-algebra matrices normal descriptive

6.6.9 Matrices: GATE1996-2.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2735

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 117

cos θ − sin θ 0
[ ] [ ]
The matrices and commute under multiplication
sin θ cos θ 0 b
A. if a = b or θ = nπ, n an integer B. always
C. never D. if a cos θ = b sin θ
gate1996 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.10 Matrices: GATE1997-4.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2243

Let A = (aij ) be an n-rowed square matrix and I12 be the matrix obtained by interchanging the first and
second rows of the n-rowed Identify matrix. Then AI12 is such that its first

A. Row is the same as its second row B. Row is the same as the second row of A
C. Column is the same as the second column of D. Row is all zero
gate1997 linear-algebra easy matrices

6.6.11 Matrices: GATE1998-2.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1673

The rank of the matrix given below is:

⎡1 4 8 7 ⎤
⎢0 0 3 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢4 2 3 1 ⎥
⎣ 3 12 24 21 ⎦

A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4
gate1998 linear-algebra matrices normal

6.6.12 Matrices: GATE1998-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1674

∣ 1 a bc ∣
Consider the following determinant Δ = ∣ 1 b ca ∣
∣ ∣
∣ 1 c ab ∣
Which of the following is a factor of Δ?

A. a+b B. a−b C. a+b+c D. abc

gate1998 linear-algebra matrices normal

6.6.13 Matrices: GATE2001-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/694

Consider the following statements:

S1: The sum of two singular n × n matrices may be non-singular

S2: The sum of two n × n non-singular matrices may be singular

Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. S1 and S2 both are true B. S1 is true, S2 is false

C. S1 is false, S2 is true D. S1 and S2 both are false
gate2001 linear-algebra normal matrices

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118 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

6.6.14 Matrices: GATE2002-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/805

1 1
The rank of the matrix [ ] is
0 0

A. 4 B. 2 C. 1 D. 0
gate2002 linear-algebra easy matrices

6.6.15 Matrices: GATE2004-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/1023

The number of different n × n symmetric matrices with each element being either 0 or 1 is: (Note:
power (2, X) is same as 2X )
A. power (2, n) B. power (2, n2 )
power (2, ) power (2, )
(n2 +n) (n2 −n)
C. 2
D. 2
gate2004 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.16 Matrices: GATE2004-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/1024

Let A, B, C, D be n × n matrices, each with non-zero determinant. If ABCD = I , then B−1 is

A. D−1C −1A−1 B. CDA

C. ADC D. Does not necessarily exist
gate2004 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.17 Matrices: GATE2004-76 top https://gateoverflow.in/1070

In an M × N matrix all non-zero entries are covered in a rows and b columns. Then the maximum number of
non-zero entries, such that no two are on the same row or column, is

A. ≤a+b B. ≤ max(a, b)
C. ≤ min(M − a, N − b) D. ≤ min(a, b)
gate2004 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.18 Matrices: GATE2004-IT-32 top https://gateoverflow.in/3675

Let A be an n × n matrix of the following form.

⎡ 3 1 0 0 0 … 0 0⎤
⎢ 1 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
3 1 0 0 … 0 0
⎢ 0 0⎥

1 3 1 0 … 0 0⎥

⎢ 0 0⎥
A=⎢ ⎥
0 1 3 1 … 0 0

⎢… ⎥

⎢ ⎥
⎢… ⎥
⎢ ⎥

⎢ 0 ⎥
0 0 0 0 … 1 3 1⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 0 0 … 0 1 3 ⎦ n×n

What is the value of the determinant of A?

5+√3 n−1 5 √3+7 5−√3 n−1 5 √3−7
A. ( 2
) ( ) +( 2
) ( )
2 √3 2 √3

n−1 n−1
( )+ ( )
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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 119

7+√5 n−1 7−√5 n−1

( ) ( ) +( ) ( )
7 √5+3 7 √5−3
B. 2 2
2 √5 2 √5
n−1 n−1
C. ( 2 ) ( ) + ( 3−2√7 ) ( )
3+√7 3 √7+5 3 √7−5
2 √7 2 √7
3+√5 n−1 3−√5 n−1
( ) ( ) +( ) ( )
3 √5+7 3 √5−7
D. 2 2
2 √5 2 √5

gate2004-it linear-algebra matrices normal

6.6.19 Matrices: GATE2004-IT-36 top https://gateoverflow.in/3679

X=[ ]
If matrix and X2 − X + I = O (I is the identity matrix and O is the zero
−a2 + a − 1 1 − a
matrix), then the inverse of X is

1 − a −1 1−a −1
A. [ ] B. [ ]
a2 a a2
−a+1 a
−a 1 a2 − a + 1
[ 2 ] [ ]
C. D.
−a + a − 1 1 − a 1 1−a
gate2004-it linear-algebra matrices normal

6.6.20 Matrices: GATE2006-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/984

F is an n × n real matrix. b is an n × 1 real vector. Suppose there are two n × 1 vectors, u and v such that,
u ≠ v and F u = b, F v = b . Which one of the following statements is false?
A. Determinant of F is zero.
B. There are an infinite number of solutions to Fx = b
C. There is an x ≠ 0 such that F x = 0
D. F must have two identical rows

gate2006 linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.21 Matrices: GATE2008-IT-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/3319

If M is a square matrix with a zero determinant, which of the following assertion (s) is (are) correct?

S1: Each row of M can be represented as a linear combination of the other rows
S2: Each column of M can be represented as a linear combination of the other columns
S3: MX = 0 has a nontrivial solution
S4: M has an inverse

A. S3 and S2 B. S1 and S4 C. S1 and S3 D. S1, S2 and S3

gate2008-it linear-algebra normal matrices

6.6.22 Matrices: GATE2015-1-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/8241

2 2
In the LU decomposition of the matrix [ ], if the diagonal elements of U are both 1, then the lower
4 9
diagonal entry l22 of L is_________________.
gate2015-1 linear-algebra matrices numerical-answers

6.6.23 Matrices: GATE2015-2-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/8131

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120 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

⎡ 3 4 45 ⎤
Perform the following operations on the matrix ⎢ 7 9 105 ⎥
⎣ 13 2 195 ⎦

i. Add the third row to the second row

ii. Subtract the third column from the first column.

The determinant of the resultant matrix is _____.

gate2015-2 linear-algebra matrices easy numerical-answers

6.6.24 Matrices: TIFR2010-A-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/18492

Let the characteristic equation of matrix M be λ2 − λ − 1 = 0 . Then.

a. M −1 does not exist.
b. M −1 exists but cannot be determined from the data.
c. M −1 = M + I
d. M −1 = M − I
e. M −1 exists and can be determined from the data but the choices (c) and (d) are incorrect.

tifr2010 linear-algebra matrices

6.6.25 Matrices: TIFR2010-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/18216

A is symmetric positive definite matrix ( i.e., xT Ax > 0 for all non zero x). Which of the following statements
is false?

a. At least one element is positive. b. All eigen values are positive real.
c. Sum of the diagonal elements is positive. d. det (A) is positive.
e. None of the above.
tifr2010 linear-algebra matrices

6.6.26 Matrices: TIFR2012-B-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/25141

Let A be a matrix such that Ak = 0 . What is the inverse of I − A ?

a. 0 b. I
c. A d. 1 + A + A2 +. . . +Ak−1
e. Inverse is not guaranteed to exist.
tifr2012 linear-algebra matrices

6.6.27 Matrices: TIFR2013-B-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/25659

How many 4×4 matrices with entries from 0, 1 have odd determinant?
Hint: Use modulo 2 arithmetic.

a. 20160 b. 32767 c. 49152 d. 57343 e. 65520

tifr2013 linear-algebra matrices

6.6.28 Matrices: TIFR2015-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/29588

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 121

Consider the following 3×3 matrices.

⎛0 1 1⎞
M1 = ⎜ 1 0 1 ⎟
⎝1 1 0⎠

⎛1 0 1⎞
M2 = ⎜ 0 0 0 ⎟
⎝1 0 1⎠

How may 0−1 column vectors of the form

⎛ x1 ⎞
X = ⎜ x2 ⎟
⎝x ⎠

are there such that M1 X = M2 X (modulo 2)? (modulo 2 means all operations are done modulo 2, i.e, 3=1
(modulo 2), 4 = 0 (modulo 2)).

a. None b. Two c. Three d. Four e. Eight

tifr2015 matrices

6.6.29 Matrices: TIFR2018-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/179281

An n × n matrix M with real entries is said to be positive definite if for every non-zero n-dimensional vector x
with real entries, we have xT Mx > 0. Let A and B be symmetric, positive definite matrices of size n × n
with real entries.

Consider the following matrices, where I denotes the n × n identity matrix:

1. A+B
2. ABA
3. A2 + I
Which of the above matrices must be positive definite?

1. Only (2)
2. Only (3)
3. Only (1) and (3)
4. None of the above matrices are positive definite
5. All of the above matrices are positive definite

tifr2018 matrices linear-algebra

6.6.30 Matrices: TIFR2018-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/179377

Let A be an n×n invertible matrix with real entries whose row sums are all equal to c. Consider the following

1. Every row in the matrix 2A sums to 2c.

2. Every row in the matrix A2 sums to c2 .
3. Every row in the matrix A−1 sums to c−1.
Which of the following is TRUE?

A. none of the statements (1), (2), (3) is correct

B. statement (1) is correct but not necessarily statements (2) or (3)
C. statement (2) is correct but not necessarily statements (1) or (3)
(1) (2) (3)
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122 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

D. statement (1) and (2) are correct but not necessarily statement (3)
E. all the three statements (1), (2), and (3) are correct

tifr2018 matrices linear-algebra

6.7 System Of Equations (11) top

6.7.1 System Of Equations: GATE1996-1.7 top https://gateoverflow.in/2711

Let Ax = b be a system of linear equations where A is an m × n matrix and b is a m × 1 column vector and
X is an n × 1 column vector of unknowns. Which of the following is false?
A. The system has a solution if and only if, both A and the augmented matrix [Ab] have the same rank.
B. If m<n and b is the zero vector, then the system has infinitely many solutions.
C. If m=n and b is a non-zero vector, then the system has a unique solution.
D. The system will have only a trivial solution when m = n , b is the zero vector and rank(A) = n .

gate1996 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.2 System Of Equations: GATE1998-1.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1639

Consider the following set of equations

x + 2y = 54x + 8y = 123x + 6y + 3z = 15
This set

A. has unique solution B. has no solution

C. has finite number of solutions D. has infinite number of solutions
gate1998 linear-algebra system-of-equations easy

6.7.3 System Of Equations: GATE2003-41 top https://gateoverflow.in/932

Consider the following system of linear equations

⎛ 2 1 −4 ⎞ ⎛ x ⎞ ⎛ α ⎞
⎜ 4 3 −12 ⎟ ⎜ y ⎟ = ⎜ 5 ⎟
⎝ 1 2 −8 ⎠ ⎝ z ⎠ ⎝ 7 ⎠

Notice that the second and the third columns of the coefficient matrix are linearly dependent. For how many
values of α, does this system of equations have infinitely many solutions?

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
gate2003 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.4 System Of Equations: GATE2004-71 top https://gateoverflow.in/1065

How many solutions does the following system of linear equations have?

−x + 5y = −1
x + 3y = 3

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6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 123

A. infinitely many B. two distinct solutions

C. unique D. none
gate2004 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.5 System Of Equations: GATE2004-IT-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/3647

What values of x, y and z satisfy the following system of linear equations?

⎡1 2 3⎤⎡x⎤ ⎡ 6 ⎤
⎢1 3 4⎥⎢y ⎥ = ⎢ 8 ⎥
⎣ 2 2 3 ⎦ ⎣ z ⎦ ⎣ 12 ⎦

A. x = 6, y = 3, z = 2 B. x = 12 , y = 3 , z = −4
C. x = 6 , y = 6 , z = −4 D. x = 12 , y = −3 , z = 0
gate2004-it linear-algebra system-of-equations easy

6.7.6 System Of Equations: GATE2005-48 top https://gateoverflow.in/1173

Consider the following system of linear equations :

2x1 − x2 + 3x3 = 1
3x1 + 2x2 + 5x3 = 2
−x1 + 4x2 + x3 = 3
The system of equations has

A. no solution B. a unique solution

C. more than one but a finite number of D. an infinite number of solutions
gate2005 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.7 System Of Equations: GATE2008-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/401

The following system of equations

x1 + x2 + 2x3 = 1
x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 2
x1 + 4x2 + αx3 = 4
has a unique solution. The only possible value(s) for α is/are

A. 0 B. either 0 or 1 C. one of 0, 1, or −1D. any real number

gate2008 easy linear-algebra system-of-equations

6.7.8 System Of Equations: GATE2014-1-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1757

Consider the following system of equations:

3x + 2y = 1
4x + 7z = 1
x+y+z =3
x − 2y + 7z = 0
The number of solutions for this system is ______________

gate2014-1 linear-algebra system-of-equations numerical-answers normal

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124 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

6.7.9 System Of Equations: GATE2015-3-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/8490

If the following system has non-trivial solution,

px + qy + rz = 0
qx + ry + pz = 0
rx + py + qz = 0 ,
then which one of the following options is TRUE?

A. p − q + r = 0 or p = q = −r B. p + q − r = 0 or p = −q = r
C. p + q + r = 0 or p = q = r D. p − q + r = 0 or p = −q = −r
gate2015-3 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.10 System Of Equations: GATE2016-2-04 top https://gateoverflow.in/39545

Consider the system, each consisting of m linear equations in n variables.

I. If m < n , then all such systems have a solution.
II. If m > n , then none of these systems has a solution.
III. If m = n , then there exists a system which has a solution.
Which one of the following is CORRECT?

a. I, II and III are true. b. Only II and III are true.

c. Only III is true. d. None of them is true.
gate2016-2 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.7.11 System Of Equations: GATE2017-1-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/118282

Let c1 . . . . . cn be scalars, not all zero, such that ∑ni=1 ci ai = 0 where ai are column vectors in Rn .

Consider the set of linear equations

Ax = b
where A = [a1. . . . . an ] and b = ∑ni=1 ai . The set of equations has
A. a unique solution at x = Jn where Jn denotes a n-dimensional vector of all 1.
B. no solution
C. infinitely many solutions
D. finitely many solutions

gate2017-1 linear-algebra system-of-equations normal

6.8 Vector Space (6) top

6.8.1 Vector Space: GATE1995-2.13 top https://gateoverflow.in/2625

A unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors a = 2i − 2j + k and b = 1 + j − 2k is:

A. (i + j + k) B. 13 (i + j − k) C. 13 (i − j − k) D. 1
(i + j − k)
√3 √3
gate1995 linear-algebra normal vector-space

6.8.2 Vector Space: GATE2007-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/1225

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81) 125

Consider the set of (column) vectors defined by

X = {x ∈ R3 ∣ x1 + x2 + x3 = 0, where xT = [x1 , x2 , x3 ] T }

.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. {[1, −1, 0] T , [1, 0, −1] T } is a basis for the subspace X.

B. {[1, −1, 0] T , [1, 0, −1] T } is a linearly independent set, but it does not span X and therefore is not a
basis of X .
C. X is not a subspace of R3 .
D. None of the above

gate2007 linear-algebra normal vector-space

6.8.3 Vector Space: GATE2014-3-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/2039

I f V1 and V2 are 4-dimensional subspaces of a 6-dimensional vector space V, then the smallest possible
dimension of V1 ∩ V2 is _____.

gate2014-3 linear-algebra vector-space normal numerical-answers

6.8.4 Vector Space: GATE2017-1-30 top https://gateoverflow.in/118311

Letu and v be two vectors in R2 whose Euclidean norms satisfy ∥u∥ = 2 ∥v∥ . What is the value of α such that
w = u + αv bisects the angle between u and v?

A. 2 B. 12 C. 1 D. 2
gate2017-1 linear-algebra normal vector-space

6.8.5 Vector Space: TIFR2010-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/18503

The length of a vector x = (x1 , … , xn ) is defined as

∥x∥ = √∑ni=1 x2i .

Given two vectors x = (x1 , … , xn ) and y = (y1 , … , yn ) , which of the following measures of discrepancy
between x and y is insensitive to the length of the vectors?

A. ∥x − y∥ B. ∥x − y∥ / ∥x∥ ∥y∥
C. ∥x∥ − ∥y∥ D. ∥ X − Y ∥
∥ ∥X∥ ∥Y∥ ∥
E. None of the above.
tifr2010 linear-algebra vector-space

6.8.6 Vector Space: TIFR2017-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/94938

For vectors x, y in Rn , define the inner product ⟨x, y⟩ = Σn
i=1 xi yi , and the length of x to be ∥x∥ = √⟨x, x⟩ .
Let a, b be two vectors in Rn so that ∥b∥ = 1 . Consider the following statements:

i. ⟨a, b⟩ ≤ ∥b∥
ii. ⟨a, b⟩ ≤ ∥a∥
iii. ⟨a, b⟩ = ∥a∥∥b∥
iv. ⟨a, b⟩ ≥ ∥b∥
v. ⟨a, b⟩ ≥ ∥a∥

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126 6 Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra (81)

Which of the above statements must be TRUE of a, b ? Choose from the following options.

A. ii only B. i and ii C. iii only D. iv only E. iv and v

tifr2017 linear-algebra vector-space

Answers: Vector Space

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 127

7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)top

Syllabus: Random variables, Uniform, Normal, Exponential, Poisson and Binomial distributions. Mean, median,
mode and standard deviation. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2
2 Marks Count 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 3
Total Marks 4 3 1 6 3 1 1 3 6

7.1 Binomial Distribution (7) top

7.1.1 Binomial Distribution: GATE2005-52 top https://gateoverflow.in/1177

A random bit string of length n is constructed by tossing a fair coin n times and setting a bit to 0 or 1 depending
on outcomes head and tail, respectively. The probability that two such randomly generated strings are not
identical is:

1 1 1 1
B. 1− n
D. 1− 2n
gate2005 probability binomial-distribution easy

7.1.2 Binomial Distribution: GATE2005-IT-32 top https://gateoverflow.in/3778

An unbiased coin is tossed repeatedly until the outcome of two successive tosses is the same. Assuming that
the trials are independent, the expected number of tosses is

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
gate2005-it probability binomial-distribution expectation normal

7.1.3 Binomial Distribution: GATE2006-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/982

For each element in a set of size 2n , an unbiased coin is tossed. The 2n coin tosses are independent. An
element is chosen if the corresponding coin toss was a head. The probability that exactly n elements are chosen

2n 2n
Cn Cn 1
A. B. C. D. 1
4n 2n 2n C
n 2
gate2006 probability binomial-distribution normal

7.1.4 Binomial Distribution: GATE2006-IT-22 top https://gateoverflow.in/3561

When a coin is tossed, the probability of getting a Head is p, 0 < p < 1 . Let N be the random variable denoting
the number of tosses till the first Head appears, including the toss where the Head appears. Assuming that
successive tosses are independent, the expected value of N is

1 1 1 1
A. B. C. D.
p (1 − p) p2 (1 − p2 )
gate2006-it probability binomial-distribution expectation normal

7.1.5 Binomial Distribution: TIFR2010-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/18222

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128 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

Given 10 tosses of a coin with probability of head = . 4 = (1 - the probability of tail), the probability of at least
one head is?

a. (.4)10 b. 1 − (.4)10 c. 1 − (.6)10 d. (.6)10 e. 10(.4)(.6)9

tifr2010 probability binomial-distribution

7.1.6 Binomial Distribution: TIFR2010-B-38 top https://gateoverflow.in/19050

Suppose three coins are lying on a table, two of them with heads facing up and one with tails facing up. One
coin is chosen at random and flipped. What is the probability that after the flip the majority of the coins(i.e., at
least two of them) will have heads facing up?

a. ( 13 ) b. ( 18 ) c. ( 14 ) d. ( 14 + 18 ) e. ( 23 )
tifr2010 probability binomial-distribution

7.1.7 Binomial Distribution: TIFR2011-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/20000

The probability of three consecutive heads in four tosses of a fair coin is.

1 1 1 3
a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d. ( ) e. None of the above.
4 8 16 16
tifr2011 probability binomial-distribution

7.2 Conditional Probability (9) top

7.2.1 Conditional Probability: GATE1994-1.4, ISRO2017-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2441

Let A and B be any two arbitrary events, then, which one of the following is TRUE?
A. P(A ∩ B) = P(A)P(B) B. P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B)
C. P(A ∣ B) = P(A ∩ B)P(B) D. P(A ∪ B) ≤ P(A) + P(B)
gate1994 probability conditional-probability normal isro2017

7.2.2 Conditional Probability: GATE2003-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/894

Let P(E) denote the probability of the event E. Given P(A) = 1 , P(B) = , the values of P(A ∣ B) and
P(B ∣ A) respectively are

1 1 1 1 1 1
A. ( ),( ) B. ( ),( ) C. ( ),1 D. 1, ( )
4 2 2 4 2 2
gate2003 probability easy conditional-probability

7.2.3 Conditional Probability: GATE2005-51 top https://gateoverflow.in/1176

Box P has 2 red balls and 3 blue balls and box Q has 3 red balls and 1 blue ball. A ball is selected as follows:
(i) select a box (ii) choose a ball from the selected box such that each ball in the box is equally likely to be
1 2
chosen. The probabilities of selecting boxes P and Q are and respectively. Given that a ball selected in
3 3
the above process is a red ball, the probability that it came from the box P is:

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 129

4 5 2 19
A. B. C. D.
19 19 9 30
gate2005 probability conditional-probability normal

7.2.4 Conditional Probability: GATE2012-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/1751

Suppose a fair six-sided die is rolled once. If the value on the die is 1, 2, or 3, the die is rolled a second time.
What is the probability that the sum total of values that turn up is at least 6 ?

10 5 2 1
A. B. C. D.
21 12 3 6
gate2012 probability conditional-probability normal

7.2.5 Conditional Probability: GATE2016-2-05 top https://gateoverflow.in/39541

Suppose that a shop has an equal number of LED bulbs of two different types. The probability of an LED bulb
lasting more than 100 hours given that it is of Type 1 is 0.7, and given that it is of Type 2 is 0.4. The probability
that an LED bulb chosen uniformly at random lasts more than 100 hours is _________.

gate2016-2 probability conditional-probability normal numerical-answers

7.2.6 Conditional Probability: GATE2017-2-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/118368

P andQ are considering to apply for a job. The probability that P applies for the job is , the probability that
P applies for the job given that Q applies for the job is , and the probability that Q applies for the job given
that P applies for the job is . Then the probability that P does not apply for the job given that Q does not
apply for this job is

4 5 7 11
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
5 6 8 12
gate2017-2 probability conditional-probability

7.2.7 Conditional Probability: GATE2018-44 top https://gateoverflow.in/204119

Consider Guwahati, (G) and Delhi (D) whose temperatures can be classified as high (H) , medium (M) and low
(L). Let P(HG ) denote the probability that Guwahati has high temperature. Similarly, P(MG ) and P(LG )
denotes the probability of Guwahati having medium and low temperatures respectively. Similarly, we use
P(HD ), P(MD ) and P(LD ) for Delhi.

The following table gives the conditional probabilities for Delhi’s temperature given Guwahati’s temperature.

HG 0.40 0.48 0.12
MG 0.10 0.65 0.25
LG 0.01 0.50 0.49

Consider the first row in the table above. The first entry denotes that if Guwahati has high temperature (HG )
then the probability of Delhi also having a high temperature (HD ) is 0.40; i.e., P(HD ∣ HG ) = 0.40 . Similarly,
the next two entries are P(MD ∣ HG ) = 0.48 and P(LD ∣ HG ) = 0.12 . Similarly for the other rows.

If it is known that P(HG ) = 0.2, P(MG ) = 0.5 , and P(LG ) = 0.3 , then the probability (correct to two
decimal places) that Guwahati has high temperature given that Delhi has high temperature is _____

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130 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

gate2018 probability conditional-probability numerical-answers

7.2.8 Conditional Probability: TIFR2010-A-19, TIFR2014-A-6 top


1 2
Karan tells truth with probability and lies with probability . Independently, Arjun tells truth with probability
3 3
3 1
and lies with probability . Both watch a cricket match. Arjun tells you that India won, Karan tells you that
4 4
India lost. What probability will you assign to India's win?

1 2 3 5 6
a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d. ( ) e. ( )
2 3 4 6 7
tifr2010 probability conditional-probability tifr2014

7.2.9 Conditional Probability: TIFR2012-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/20938

3 1
Amar and Akbar both tell the truth with probability and lie with probability . Amar watches a test match
4 4
and talks to Akbar about the outcome. Akbar, in turn, tells Anthony, "Amar told me that India won". What
probability should Anthony assign to India's win?

9 6 7 10
a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d. ( ) e. None of the above
16 16 16 16
tifr2012 probability conditional-probability

7.3 Continuous Distribution (1) top

7.3.1 Continuous Distribution: GATE2016-1-04 top https://gateoverflow.in/39661

A probability density function on the interval [a, 1] is given by 1/x2 and outside this interval the value of the
function is zero. The value of a is _________.

gate2016-1 probability normal numerical-ability numerical-answers continuous-distribution

7.4 Expectation (10) top

7.4.1 Expectation: GATE1999-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1455

Suppose that the expectation of a random variable X is 5. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There is a sample point at which X has the value 5.
B. There is a sample point at which X has value greater than 5.
C. There is a sample point at which X has a value greater than equal to 5.
D. None of the above

gate1999 probability expectation easy

7.4.2 Expectation: GATE2004-74 top https://gateoverflow.in/1068

An examination paper has 150 multiple choice questions of one mark each, with each question having four
choices. Each incorrect answer fetches −0.25 marks. Suppose 1000 students choose all their answers randomly
with uniform probability. The sum total of the expected marks obtained by all these students is

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 131

A. 0 B. 2550 C. 7525 D. 9375

gate2004 probability expectation normal

7.4.3 Expectation: GATE2006-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/979

We are given a set X = {X1 , … , Xn } where Xi = 2i . A sample S⊆X is drawn by selecting each
Xi independently with probability Pi = 12 . The expected value of the smallest number in sample S is:

( n1 ) 2 −
A. B. C. √n D. n
gate2006 probability expectation normal

7.4.4 Expectation: GATE2011-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/2120

If the difference between the expectation of the square of a random variable (E [X 2 ]) and the square of the
expectation of the random variable (E [X]) is denoted by R, then

A. R=0 B. R<0 C. R≥0 D. R>0

gate2011 probability random-variable expectation normal

7.4.5 Expectation: GATE2013-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/1535

Consider an undirected random graph of eight vertices. The probability that there is an edge between a pair of
vertices is . What is the expected number of unordered cycles of length three?
A. B. 1 C. 7 D. 8
gate2013 probability expectation normal

7.4.6 Expectation: GATE2014-2-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1954

Each of the nine words in the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is written on a
separate piece of paper. These nine pieces of paper are kept in a box. One of the pieces is drawn at random
from the box. The expected length of the word drawn is _____________. (The answer should be rounded to
one decimal place.)

gate2014-2 probability expectation numerical-answers easy

7.4.7 Expectation: TIFR2011-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/20011

Assume that you are flipping a fair coin, i.e. probability of heads or tails is equal. Then the expected number of
coin flips required to obtain two consecutive heads for the first time is.

a. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 10 e. 5
tifr2011 probability expectation

7.4.8 Expectation: TIFR2012-B-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/25107

A bag contains 16 balls of the following colors: 8 red, 4 blue, 2 green, 1 black, and 1 white. Anisha picks a ball
randomly from the bag, and messages Babu its color using a string of zeros and ones. She replaces the ball in

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132 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

the bag, and repeats this experiment, many times. What is the minimum expected length of the message she
has to convey to Babu per experiment?

3 15 31
a. b. log 5 c. d. e. 2
2 8 16
tifr2012 probability expectation

7.4.9 Expectation: TIFR2014-A-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/27111

A fair dice (with faces numbered 1, . . . , 6 ) is independently rolled repeatedly. Let X denote the number of rolls
till an even number is seen and let Y denote the number of rolls till 3 is seen. Evaluate E(Y |X = 2) .

A. 6 56 B. 6 C. 5 12 D. 6 13 E. 5 23
tifr2014 expectation

7.4.10 Expectation: TIFR2015-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/29567

Ram has a fair coin, i.e., a toss of the coin results in either head or tail and each event happens with probability
exactly half (1/2). He repeatedly tosses the coin until he gets heads in two consecutive tosses. The expected
number of coin tosses that Ram does is.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. None of the above.

tifr2015 expectation

7.5 Exponential Distribution (1) top

7.5.1 Exponential Distribution: GATE2004-IT-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/3676

L e t X and Y be two exponentially distributed and independent random variables with mean α and β,
respectively. If Z = min (X, Y ) , then the mean of Z is given by

1 min(α, β)
( )
( )
αβ D.
gate2004-it probability exponential-distribution random-variable normal

7.6 Normal Distribution (2) top

7.6.1 Normal Distribution: GATE2008-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/427

Let X be a random variable following normal distribution with mean +1 and variance 4. Let Y be another
normal variable with mean −1 and variance unknown. If P(X ≤ −1) = P(Y ≥ 2) , the standard deviation of
Y is

A. 3 B. 2 C. √–2 D. 1
gate2008 random-variable normal-distribution probability normal

7.6.2 Normal Distribution: GATE2017-1-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/118299

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 133

Let X be a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance σ2 . Let Y = max (X, 0) where max (a, b) is
the maximum of a and b. The median of Y is ______________ .

gate2017-1 probability numerical-answers normal-distribution

7.7 Poisson Distribution (4) top

7.7.1 Poisson Distribution: GATE1989-4-viii top https://gateoverflow.in/88156

Provide short answers to the following questions:

Pn (t) is the probability of n events occurring during a time interval t. How will you express P0 (t + h) in terms
of P0 (h), if P0 (t) has stationary independent increments? (Note: Pt (t)is the probability density function).

gate1989 descriptive probability poisson-distribution

7.7.2 Poisson Distribution: GATE2007-IT-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/3499

In a multi-user operating system on an average, 20 requests are made to use a particular resource per hour.
The arrival of requests follows a Poisson distribution. The probability that either one, three or five requests are
made in 45 minutes is given by :

A. 6.9 × 106 × e−20 B. 1.02 × 106 × e−20

C. 6.9 × 103 × e−20 D. 1.02 × 103 × e−20
gate2007-it probability poisson-distribution normal

7.7.3 Poisson Distribution: GATE2013-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/62

Suppose p is the number of cars per minute passing through a certain road junction between 5 PM and 6 PM,
and p has a Poisson distribution with mean 3. What is the probability of observing fewer than 3 cars during any
given minute in this interval?

8 9 17 26
A. B. C. D.
(2e3 ) (2e3 ) (2e3 ) (2e3 )
gate2013 probability poisson-distribution normal

7.7.4 Poisson Distribution: GATE2017-2-48 top https://gateoverflow.in/118513

If a random variable X has a Poisson distribution with mean 5, then the expectation E [(x + 2) 2 ] equals ___.

gate2017-2 expectation poisson-distribution numerical-answers probability

7.8 Probability (57) top

7.8.1 Probability: GATE-2014-2-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1953

The security system at an IT office is composed of 10 computers of which exactly four are working. To check
whether the system is functional, the officials inspect four of the computers picked at random (without
replacement). The system is deemed functional if at least three of the four computers inspected are working.
Let the probability that the system is deemed functional be denoted by p. Then 100p = _____________.

gate2014-2 probability numerical-answers normal

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134 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

7.8.2 Probability: GATE1994-2.6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2473

The probability of an event B is P1 . The probability that events A and B occur together is P2 while the
probability that A and B̄ occur together is P3 . The probability of the event A in terms of P1 , P2 and P3 is

gate1994 probability normal descriptive

7.8.3 Probability: GATE1994-2.8 top https://gateoverflow.in/2475

L e t A, B and C be independent events which occur with probabilities 0.8, 0.5 and 0.3 respectively. The
probability of occurrence of at least one of the event is _____

gate1994 probability normal numerical-answers

7.8.4 Probability: GATE1995-1.18 top https://gateoverflow.in/780

The probability that a number selected at random between 100 and 999 (both inclusive) will not contain the
digit 7 is:

16 9 3 27 18
25 B. ( ) C.

gate1995 probability normal

7.8.5 Probability: GATE1995-2.14 top https://gateoverflow.in/2626

A bag contains 10 white balls and 15 black balls. Two balls are drawn in succession. The probability that one of
them is black and the other is white is:

A. 23 B. 45 C. 12 D. 13

gate1995 probability normal

7.8.6 Probability: GATE1996-1.5 top https://gateoverflow.in/2709

Two dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that at least one of them will have 6 facing up is

1 1 25 11
A. 36 B. 3 C. 36 D. 36

gate1996 probability easy

7.8.7 Probability: GATE1996-2.7 top https://gateoverflow.in/2736

The probability that top and bottom cards of a randomly shuffled deck are both aces is

4 4 4 3
A. 52 × 52
B. 52 × 52

4 3 4 4
× ×
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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 135

4 3 4 4
C. 52 × 51
D. 52 × 51

gate1996 probability easy

7.8.8 Probability: GATE1997-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2217

The probability that it will rain today is 0.5. The probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.6. The probability that
it will rain either today or tomorrow is 0.7. What is the probability that it will rain today and tomorrow?

A. 0.3 B. 0.25 C. 0.35 D. 0.4

gate1997 probability easy

7.8.9 Probability: GATE1998-1.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1638

A die is rolled three times. The probability that exactly one odd number turns up among the three outcomes is

1 3 1 1
A. B. C. D.
6 8 8 2
gate1998 probability easy

7.8.10 Probability: GATE1998-3a top https://gateoverflow.in/1694

Two friends agree to meet at a park with the following conditions. Each will reach the park between 4:00 pm
and 5:00 pm and will see if the other has already arrived. If not, they will wait for 10 minutes or the end of the
hour whichever is earlier and leave. What is the probability that the two will not meet?

gate1998 probability normal numerical-answers

7.8.11 Probability: GATE1999-2.1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1479

Consider two events E1 and E2 such that probability of E1 , Pr [E1 ] = 12 , probability of E2 , Pr [E2 ] = 1
, and
probability of E1 , and E2 , Pr [E1 and E2 ] = 15 . Which of the following statements is/are true?

A. Pr [E1 or E2 ] is 3
B. Events E1 and E2 are independent

C. Events E1 and E2 are not independent D. Pr [E1 ∣ E2 ] = 5

gate1999 probability normal

7.8.12 Probability: GATE2000-2.2 top https://gateoverflow.in/649

E1 and E2 are events in a probability space satisfying the following constraints:

Pr(E1 ) = Pr(E2 )
Pr(E1 ∪ E2 ) = 1
E1 and E2 are independent
The value of Pr(E1 ), the probability of the event E1 , is

1 1
A. 0 B. C. D. 1
4 2
gate2000 probability easy

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136 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

7.8.13 Probability: GATE2001-2.4 top https://gateoverflow.in/722

Seven (distinct) car accidents occurred in a week. What is the probability that they all occurred on the same

1 1 1 7
A. B. C. D.
7 6 7
7 7 2 27
gate2001 probability normal

7.8.14 Probability: GATE2002-2.16 top https://gateoverflow.in/846

Four fair coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability that at least one head and one tail turn up is

A. 16 B. 18 C. 78 D. 15
gate2002 probability easy

7.8.15 Probability: GATE2003-60, ISRO2007-45 top https://gateoverflow.in/948

A program consists of two modules executed sequentially. Let f1 (t) and f2 (t) respectively denote the
probability density functions of time taken to execute the two modules. The probability density function of the
overall time taken to execute the program is given by

A. f1 (t) + f2 (t) B.
∫0 f1 (x)f2 (x)dx

∫0 f1 (x)f2 (t − x)dx D. max{f1 (t), f2 (t)}

gate2003 probability normal isro2007

7.8.16 Probability: GATE2004-25 top https://gateoverflow.in/1022

If a fair coin is tossed four times. What is the probability that two heads and two tails will result?

A. 38 B. 12 C. 58 D. 34

gate2004 probability easy

7.8.17 Probability: GATE2004-78 top https://gateoverflow.in/1072

Two n bit binary strings, S1 and S2 are chosen randomly with uniform probability. The probability that the
Hamming distance between these strings (the number of bit positions where the two strings differ) is equal to d

d d 1
A. B. C. D.
d 2n 2d
gate2004 probability normal

7.8.18 Probability: GATE2004-IT-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/3642

In a population of N families, 50% of the families have three children, 30% of the families have two children

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 137

and the remaining families have one child. What is the probability that a randomly picked child belongs to a
family with two children?

3 6 3 3
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
23 23 10 5
gate2004-it probability normal

7.8.19 Probability: GATE2005-IT-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/3745

A bag contains 10 blue marbles, 20 green marbles and 30 red marbles. A marble is drawn from the bag, its
colour recorded and it is put back in the bag. This process is repeated 3 times. The probability that no two of
the marbles drawn have the same colour is

1 1 1 1
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
36 6 4 3
gate2005-it probability normal

7.8.20 Probability: GATE2006-IT-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/3538

In a certain town, the probability that it will rain in the afternoon is known to be 0.6. Moreover, meteorological
data indicates that if the temperature at noon is less than or equal to 25°C, the probability that it will rain in
the afternoon is 0.4. The temperature at noon is equally likely to be above 25°C, or at/below 25°C. What is
the probability that it will rain in the afternoon on a day when the temperature at noon is above 25°C?

A. 0.4 B. 0.6 C. 0.8 D. 0.9

gate2006-it probability normal

7.8.21 Probability: GATE2007-24 top https://gateoverflow.in/1222

Suppose we uniformly and randomly select a permutation from the 20! permutations of 1, 2, 3 … , 20. What is
the probability that 2 appears at an earlier position than any other even number in the selected permutation?

1 1 9!
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. None of these
2 10 20!
gate2007 probability easy

7.8.22 Probability: GATE2007-IT-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/3432

Suppose there are two coins. The first coin gives heads with probability when tossed, while the second coin
gives heads with probability . One of the two coins is picked up at random with equal probability and tossed.
What is the probability of obtaining heads ?

7 1 7 5
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
8 2 16 32
gate2007-it probability normal

7.8.23 Probability: GATE2008-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/425

Aishwarya studies either computer science or mathematics everyday. If she studies computer science on a day,
then the probability that she studies mathematics the next day is 0.6. If she studies mathematics on a day,
then the probability that she studies computer science the next day is 0.4. Given that Aishwarya studies
computer science on Monday, what is the probability that she studies computer science on Wednesday?

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138 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

A. 0.24 B. 0.36 C. 0.4 D. 0.6

gate2008 probability normal

7.8.24 Probability: GATE2008-IT-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/3224

A sample space has two events A and B such that probabilities

1 1 1
P(A ∩ B) = , P(A′ ) = , P(B′ ) = . What is P(A ∪ B) ?
2 3 3
11 10 9 8
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
12 12 12 12
gate2008-it probability easy

7.8.25 Probability: GATE2008-IT-23 top https://gateoverflow.in/3284

What is the probability that in a randomly chosen group of r people at least three people have the same

365 − 364 … (365 − r + 1)

A. 1−
365 ⋅ 364 … (365 − r + 1) r 364.363 … (364 − (r − 2) + 1)
B. + C1 ⋅ 365 ⋅
365 ⋅ 364 … (365 − r + 1) r 364 ⋅ 363 … (364 − (r − 2) + 1)
C. 1− − C2 ⋅ 365 ⋅
365 r
365 ⋅ 364 … (365 − r + 1)

gate2008-it probability normal

7.8.26 Probability: GATE2009-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/798

An unbalanced dice (with 6 faces, numbered from 1 to 6) is thrown. The probability that the face value is odd is
90% of the probability that the face value is even. The probability of getting any even numbered face is the
same. If the probability that the face is even given that it is greater than 3 is 0.75, which one of the following
options is closest to the probability that the face value exceeds 3?

A. 0.453 B. 0.468 C. 0.485 D. 0.492

gate2009 probability normal

7.8.27 Probability: GATE2010-26 top https://gateoverflow.in/1152

Consider a company that assembles computers. The probability of a faulty assembly of any computer is p. The
company therefore subjects each computer to a testing process. This testing process gives the correct result for
any computer with a probability of q . What is the probability of a computer being declared faulty?

A. pq + (1 − p)(1 − B.
q) (1 − q)p C. (1 − p)q D. pq
gate2010 probability easy

7.8.28 Probability: GATE2010-27 top https://gateoverflow.in/1153

What is the probability that divisor of 1099 is a multiple of 1096 ?

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 139

1 4 12 16
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
625 625 625 625
gate2010 probability normal

7.8.29 Probability: GATE2011-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2105

If two fair coins are flipped and at least one of the outcomes is known to be a head, what is the probability that
both outcomes are heads?

1 1 1 2
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
3 4 2 3
gate2011 probability easy

7.8.30 Probability: GATE2011-34 top https://gateoverflow.in/2136

A deck of 5 cards (each carrying a distinct number from 1 to 5) is shuffled thoroughly. Two cards are then
removed one at a time from the deck. What is the probability that the two cards are selected with the number
on the first card being one higher than the number on the second card?

1 4 1 2
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
5 25 4 5
gate2011 probability normal

7.8.31 Probability: GATE2014-1-48 top https://gateoverflow.in/1927

Four fair six-sided dice are rolled. The probability that the sum of the results being 22 is . The value of X
is _______

gate2014-1 probability numerical-answers normal

7.8.32 Probability: GATE2014-2-48 top https://gateoverflow.in/2014

The probability that a given positive integer lying between 1 and 100 (both inclusive) is NOT divisible by 2, 3 or
5 is ______ .
gate2014-2 probability numerical-answers normal

7.8.33 Probability: GATE2014-3-48 top https://gateoverflow.in/2082

Let S be a sample space and two mutually exclusive events A and B be such that A ∪ B = S . If P(. ) denotes
the probability of the event, the maximum value of P(A)P(B) is_____.

gate2014-3 probability numerical-answers normal

7.8.34 Probability: GATE2016-1-29 top https://gateoverflow.in/39709

Consider the following experiment.

Step 1. Flip a fair coin twice.

Step 2. If the outcomes are (TAILS, HEADS) then output Y and stop.

Step 3. If the outcomes are either (HEADS, HEADS) or (HEADS, TAILS), then output N and stop.

Step 4. If the outcomes are (TAILS, TAILS), then go to Step 1.

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140 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

The probability that the output of the experiment is Y is (up to two decimal places)

gate2016-1 probability normal numerical-answers

7.8.35 Probability: GATE2018-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/204089

Two people, P and Q, decide to independently roll two identical dice, each with 6 faces, numbered 1 to 6. The
person with the lower number wins. In case of a tie, they roll the dice repeatedly until there is no tie. Define a
trial as a throw of the dice by P and Q. Assume that all 6 numbers on each dice are equi-probable and that all
trials are independent. The probability (rounded to 3 decimal places) that one of them wins on the third trial is

gate2018 probability normal numerical-answers

7.8.36 Probability: TIFR2010-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/26481

A drawer contains 2 Blue, 4 Red and 2 Yellow balls. No two balls have the same radius. If two balls are
randomly selected from the drawer, what is the probability that they will be of the same colour?

2 2
A. ( ) B. ( )
7 5
3 1
C. ( ) D. ( )
7 2
E. ( )
tifr2010 probability

7.8.37 Probability: TIFR2010-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/18392

A cube whose faces are colored is split into 1000 small cubes of equal size. The cubes thus obtained are mixed
thoroughly. The probability that a cube drawn at random will have exactly two colored faces is:

a. 0.096 b. 0.12 c. 0.104 d. 0.24 e. None of the above

tifr2010 probability

7.8.38 Probability: TIFR2011-A-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/26479

Three dice are rolled independently. What is the probability that the highest and the lowest value differ by 4?
1 1 1 5 2
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( ) E. ( )
3 6 9 18 9
tifr2011 probability

7.8.39 Probability: TIFR2011-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/20020

You have to play three games with opponents A and B in a specified sequence. You win the series if you win
two consecutive games. A is a stronger player than B. Which sequence maximizes your chance of winning the

a. AAB b. ABA c. BAB d. BAA e. All are the same.

tifr2011 probability

7.8.40 Probability: TIFR2012-A-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/25042

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 141

A spider is at the bottom of a cliff, and is n inches from the top. Every step it takes brings it one inch closer to
the top with probability 1/3 , and one inch away from the top with probability 2/3 , unless it is at the bottom in
which case, it always gets one inch closer. What is the expected number of steps for the spider to reach the top
as a function of n?

a. It will never reach the top. b. Linear in n.

c. Polynomial in n. d. Exponential in n.
e. Double exponential in n.
tifr2012 probability

7.8.41 Probability: TIFR2012-A-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/25044

An electric circuit between two terminals A and B is shown in the figure below, where the numbers indicate the
probabilities of failure for the various links, which are all independent.

What is the probability that A and B are connected?

6 379 1 1199 59
a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d. ( ) e. ( )
25 400 1200 1200 60
tifr2012 probability

7.8.42 Probability: TIFR2012-A-20 top https://gateoverflow.in/25045

There are 1000 balls in a bag, of which 900 are black and 100 are white. I randomly draw 100 balls from the
bag. What is the probability that the 101st ball will be black?

a. 9/10 b. More than 9/10 but less than 1.

c. Less than 9/10 but more than 0. d. 0
e. 1
tifr2012 probability

7.8.43 Probability: TIFR2012-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/21008

The probability of throwing six perfect dices and getting six different faces is

6! 6!
a. 1− 6
c. 6−6 d. 1 − 6−6 e. None of the above.
6 6
tifr2012 probability

7.8.44 Probability: TIFR2013-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/25435

Doctors A and B perform surgery on patients in stages III and IV of a disease. Doctor A has performed a
100 surgeries (on 80 stage III and 20 stage IV patients) and 80 out of her 100 patients have survived (
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142 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

78 stage III and 2 stage IV survivors). Doctor B has also performed 100 surgeries (on 50 stage III and
50 stage IV patients). Her success rate is (49 stage III survivors and 11 stage IV survivors). A
patient has been advised that she is equally likely to be suffering from stage III or stage IV of this disease.
Which doctor would you recommend to this patient and why?

a. Doctor A since she has a higher success rate

b. Doctor A since she specializes in stage III patients and the success of surgery in stage IV patients
is anyway too low
c. Doctor B since she has performed more stage IV surgeries
d. Doctor B since she appears to be more successful
e. There is not enough data since the choice depends on the stage of the disease the patient is
suffering from.

tifr2013 probability

7.8.45 Probability: TIFR2013-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/25437

An unbiased die is thrown n times. The probability that the product of numbers would be even is
1 1
a. b. c. 1 − 6−n d. 6−n e. None of the above.
(2n) [(6n)!]
tifr2013 probability

7.8.46 Probability: TIFR2013-A-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/25497

A stick of unit length is broken into two at a point chosen at random. Then, the larger part of the stick is further
divided into two parts in the ratio 4 : 3 . What is the probability that the three sticks that are left CANNOT form
a triangle?

a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 5/6 d. 1/2 e. loge (2)/2

tifr2013 probability

7.8.47 Probability: TIFR2013-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/25386

A biased coin is tossed repeatedly. Assume that the outcomes of different tosses are independent and
probability of heads is in each toss. What is the probability of obtaining an even number of heads in 5 tosses,
zero being treated as an even number?

121 122 124 125 128

a. ( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d. ( ) e. ( )
243 243 243 243 243
tifr2013 probability

7.8.48 Probability: TIFR2013-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/25390

You are lost in the National park of Kabrastan. The park population consists of tourists and Kabrastanis. Tourists
comprise two-thirds of the population the park and give a correct answer to requests for directions with
probability . The air of Kabrastan has an amnesaic quality, however, and so the answers to repeated
questions to tourists are independent, even if the question and the person are the same. If you ask a
Kabrastani for directions, the answer is always wrong.

Suppose you ask a randomly chosen passer-by whether the exit from the park is East or West. The answer is
East. You then ask the same person again, and the reply is again East. What is the probability of East being

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 143

1 1 1 2 3
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( ) E. ( )
4 3 2 3 4
tifr2013 probability

7.8.49 Probability: TIFR2013-B-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/25771

Let m, n be positive integers with m a power of 2. Let s = 100n2 log m . Suppose S1 , S2 , … , Sm are subsets
of 1, 2, … , s such that ∣Si ∣= 10n log m and ∣Si ∩ Sj ∣≤ log m for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ m . Such a collection of
sets S1 , … , Sm is an example of a so-called Nisan-Wigderson design. We now consider the set membership
problem, where we have to store an arbitrary subset T ⊆ {1, 2, . . . . , m} , ∣ T ∣= n as an array A of s bits so
that given any integer x, 1 ≤ x ≤ m , we can discover whether x ∈ T by reading only one bit of A. Consider
the following strategy to solve this problem. Array A is initialized to all zeroes. Given the set T to be stored, we
put a one in all the locations of A indexed by the union ∪t∈T St . Now, given the integer x, we read a random
location in A from Sx and declare that x ∈ T if the bit in that location is one. This strategy gives the correct
answer with probability

a. 1 if x ∈ T and at most 0.1 if x ∉ T .

b. At least 0.9 if x ∈ T and at most 0.1 if x ∉ T .
c. At least 0.9 if x ∈ T and at least 0.9 if x ∉ T .
d. 1 if x ∈ T and at least 0.9 if x ∉ T .
e. At least 0.9 if x ∈ T and 1 if x ∉ T .

tifr2013 probability

7.8.50 Probability: TIFR2015-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/29156

Consider a 6-sided die with all sides not necessarily equally likely such that probability of an even number is
1 1
P({2, 4, 6}) = , probability of a multiple of 3 is P({3, 6}) = 1/3 and probability of 1 is P({1}) = .
2 6
Given the above conditions, choose the strongest (most stringent) condition of the following that must always
hold about P({5}) , the probability of 5.

1 1
A. P({5}) = B. P({5}) ≥
6 6
1 1
C. P({5}) ≤ D. P({5}) ≤
6 3
E. None of the above.
tifr2015 probability

7.8.51 Probability: TIFR2016-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/73498

There are two rocks A and B, located close to each other, in a lily pond. There is a frog that jumps randomly
between the two rocks at time t = 0, 1, 2, … . The location of the frog is determined as follows. Initially, at
time t = 0 , the frog is at A. From then on, the frog's location is determined as follows. If the frog is at A at
time t , then at time t + 1 , with probability 2/3 it jumps to B and with probability 1/3 , it jumps on the spot
and stays at A. If the frog is at B at time t , then at time t + 1 , with probability 1/2 it jumps to A and with
probability 1/2 it jumps on the spot and stays at B. What is the probability that the frog is at B at time 3 (just
after its third jump)?

A. 12 B. 31
C. 14
D. 108 E. 23

tifr2016 probability

7.8.52 Probability: TIFR2017-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/95042

Consider the majority function on three bits, maj : {0, 1}3 → {0, 1} where maj(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = 1 if and only

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144 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

if x1 + x2 + x3 ≥ 2 . Let p(α) be the probability that the output is 1 when each input is set to 1 independently
with probability α. What is p′ (α) = dα
p(α) ?

A. 3α B. α2
C. 6α(1 − α) D. 3α2 (1 − α)
E. 6α(1 − α) + α2
tifr2017 probability

7.8.53 Probability: TIFR2018-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/179279

Let C be a biased coin such that the probability of a head turning up is p. Let pn denote the probability that an
odd number of heads occurs after n tosses for n ∈ {0, 1, 2, …}, Then which of the following is TRUE ?

A. pn = for all n ∈ {0, 1, 2, …}.
B. pn = (1 − p)(1 − pn−1) + p. pn−1 for n ≥ 1 and p0 = 0.
C. pn = ∑ni=1 p(1 − 2p)i−1 for n ≥ 1.
1 1
D. If p = , then pn = for all n ∈ {0, 1, 2, …} .
2 2
E. pn = 1 if n is odd and 0 otherwise.

tifr2018 probability

7.8.54 Probability: TIFR2018-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/179371

A hacker knows that the password to the TIFR server is 10-letter string consisting of lower-case letters from the
English alphabet. He guesses a set of 5 distinct 10-letter strings (with lower-case letters) uniformly at random.
What is the probability that one of the guesses of the hacker is correct password?
B. 1 − (1 − 1

1 − {( )( )( )( )( )}
(26) −1 (26)10 −2 (26)10 −3 (26)10 −4 (26)10 −5
C. 10 10 10 10
(26) (26) (26) (26) (26)10
E. None of the above

tifr2018 probability

7.8.55 Probability: TIFR2018-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/179366

Suppose a box contains 20 balls: each ball has a distinct number in {1, … , 20} written on it. We pick 10 balls
(without replacement) uniformly at random and throw them out of the box. Then we check if the ball with
number ‘‘1 " on it is present in the box. If it is present, then we throw it out of the box; else we pick a ball from
the box uniformly at random and throw it out of the box.

What is the probability that the ball with number ‘‘2 " on it is present in the box?

A. 9/20 B. 9/19 C. 1/2 D. 10/19 E. None of the above

tifr2018 probability

7.8.56 Probability: TIFR2019-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/280496

A drawer contains 9 pens, of which 3 are red, 3 are blue, and 3 are green. The nine pens are drawn from the

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 145

drawer one at at time (without replacement) such that each pen is drawn with equal probability from the
remaining pens in the drawer. What is the probability that two red pens are drawn in succession ?

A. 7/12 B. 1/6 C. 1/12 D. 1/81 E. None of the above

tifr2019 engineering-mathematics probability

7.8.57 Probability: TIFR2019-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/280506

What is the probability that a point P = (α, β) picked uniformly at random from the disk x2 + y 2 ≤ 1 satisfies
α+β ≤ 1?
A. π1 B. 34 + 14 ⋅ 1
C. 34 + 14 ⋅ 2 D. 1
E. π2
tifr2019 engineering-mathematics discrete-mathematics probability

7.9 Random Variable (7) top

7.9.1 Random Variable: GATE2005-12, ISRO2009-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/1162

Let f(x) be the continuous probability density function of a random variable x, the probability that a < x ≤ b ,
is :

A. f(b − a) B. f(b) − f(a)

b b
C. ∫ f(x)dx D. ∫ xf(x)dx
a a
gate2005 probability random-variable easy isro2009

7.9.2 Random Variable: GATE2011-33 top https://gateoverflow.in/2135

Consider a finite sequence of random values X = [x1 , x2 , … xn ] . Let μx be the mean and σx be the standard
deviation of X . Let another finite sequence Y of equal length be derived from this as yi = a ∗ xi + b , where a
and b are positive constants. Let μy be the mean and σy be the standard deviation of this sequence.

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Index position of mode of X in X is the same as the index position of mode of Y in Y

B. Index position of median of X in X is the same as the index position of median of Y in Y
C. μy = aμx + b
D. σy = aσx + b

gate2011 probability random-variable normal

7.9.3 Random Variable: GATE2012-21 top https://gateoverflow.in/1577

Consider a random variable X that takes values +1 and −1 with probability 0.5 each. The values of the
cumulative distribution function F (x) at x = −1 and +1 are

A. 0 and 0.5 B. 0 and 1 C. 0.5 and 1 D. 0.25 and 0.75

gate2012 probability random-variable easy

7.9.4 Random Variable: GATE2015-3-37 top https://gateoverflow.in/8496

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146 7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104)

Suppose i = 1, 2, 3 are independent and identically distributed random variables whose probability mass
Xi for
functions Pr[Xi = 0] = Pr[Xi = 1] = 12 for i = 1, 2, 3 . Define another random variable
Y = X1 X2 ⊕ X3 , where ⊕ denotes XOR. Then Pr[Y = 0 ∣ X3 = 0] = ______.
gate2015-3 probability random-variable normal numerical-answers

7.9.5 Random Variable: GATE2017-2-31 top https://gateoverflow.in/118373

For any discrete random variable X , with probability mass function

P(X = j) = pj , pj ≥ 0, j ∈ {0, … , N} , and ΣN
j=0 pj = 1 , define the polynomial function
gx (z) = Σj=0 pj z . For a certain discrete random variable Y , there exists
N j a scalar β ∈ [0, 1] such that
gy (z) = (1 − β + βz)N . The expectation of Y is
A. Nβ(1 − β) B. Nβ
C. N(1 − β) D. Not expressible in terms of N and β alone
gate2017-2 probability random-variable

7.9.6 Random Variable: TIFR2011-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/20012

Let X and Y be two independent and identically distributed random variables. Then P (X > Y ) is.

a. 12 b. 1
c. 0 d. 13
e. Information is insufficient.
tifr2011 probability random-variable

7.9.7 Random Variable: TIFR2014-A-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/27130

Consider the following random function of x

F (x) = 1 + Ux + V x2 mod 5 ,
w here U and V are independent random variables uniformly distributed over {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} . Which of
the following is FALSE?

a. F (1) is uniformly distributed over {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} .

b. F (1), F (2) are independent random variables and both are uniformly distributed over {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} .
c. F (1), F (2), F (3) are independent and identically distributed random variables.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

tifr2014 probability random-variable

7.10 Statistics (1) top

7.10.1 Statistics: TIFR2015-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/29611

Let A and B be non-empty disjoint sets of real numbers. Suppose that the average of the numbers in the first
set is μA and the average of the numbers in the second set is μB ; let the corresponding variances be vA and
vB respectively. If the average of the elements in A ∪ B is μ = p. μA + (1 − p). μB , what is the variance of
the elements in A ∪ B?

a. p. vA + (1 − p). vB
b. (1 − p). vA + p. vB

p. [ +( − μ)2 ] + (1 − p). [ +( − μ)2 ]

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7 Engineering Mathematics: Probability (104) 147

c. p. [vA + (μA − μ)2 ] + (1 − p). [vB + (μB − μ)2 ]

d. (1 − p). [vA + (μA − μ)2 ] + p. [vB + (μB − μ)2 ]
e. p. vA + (1 − p). vB + (μA − μB )2

tifr2015 statistics probability

7.11 Uniform Distribution (5) top

7.11.1 Uniform Distribution: GATE2004-80 top https://gateoverflow.in/1074

A point is randomly selected with uniform probability in the X − Y plane within the rectangle with corners at
(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 2) and (0, 2). If p is the length of the position vector of the point, the expected value of p2 is
2 4 5
A. ( ) B. 1 C. ( ) D. ( )
3 3 3
gate2004 probability uniform-distribution expectation normal

7.11.2 Uniform Distribution: GATE2014-1-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1717

Suppose you break a stick of unit length at a point chosen uniformly at random. Then the expected length of
the shorter stick is ________ .

gate2014-1 probability uniform-distribution expectation numerical-answers normal

7.11.3 Uniform Distribution: GATE2019-47 top https://gateoverflow.in/302801

Suppose Y is distributed uniformly in the open interval (1, 6) . The probability that the polynomial
3x2 + 6xY + 3Y + 6 has only real roots is (rounded off to 1 decimal place) _______
gate2019 numerical-answers engineering-mathematics probability uniform-distribution

7.11.4 Uniform Distribution: TIFR2013-A-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/25498

Consider three independent uniformly distributed (taking values between 0 and 1) random variables. What is
the probability that the middle of the three values (between the lowest and the highest value) lies between a
and b where 0 ≤ a < b ≤ 1 ?

a. 3(1 − b)a(b − a) b. 3((b − a) − (b2 − a2)/2)

c. 6(1 − b)a(b − a) d. (1 − b)a(b − a)
e. 6((b2 − a2)/2 − (b3 − a3)/3) .
tifr2013 probability random-variable uniform-distribution

7.11.5 Uniform Distribution: TIFR2015-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/29583

Consider two independent and identically distributed random variables X and Y uniformly distributed in [0, 1] .
For α ∈ [0, 1] , the probability that α max (X, Y ) < XY is

a. 1/(2α) b. exp (1 − α) c. 1−α d. (1 − α)2 e. 1 − α2

tifr2015 probability random-variable uniform-distribution

Answers: Uniform Distribution

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148 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)top

Syllabus: Numerical computation, Numerical estimation, Numerical reasoning and data interpretation

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2.2 3
2 Marks Count 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3.5 4
Total Marks 8 11 10 11 7 8 7 9.2 11

8.1 Absolute Value (6) top

8.1.1 Absolute Value: GATE2011 AG: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/312126

Given that f(y) = y
, and q is non-zero real number, the value of ∣f(q) − f(−q)∣ is

A. 0 B. −1
C. 1 D. 2
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2011-ag absolute-value

8.1.2 Absolute Value: GATE2013 AE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40249

If ∣−2X + 9 ∣= 3 then the possible value of ∣−X ∣ −X 2 would be:

A. 30 B. −30 C. −42 D. 42
gate2013-ae numerical-ability absolute-value

8.1.3 Absolute Value: GATE2013 CE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40275

If ∣4X − 7 ∣= 5 then the values of 2 ∣ X ∣ − ∣ −X∣ is:

1 1 3 2
A. 2, ( ) B. ( ),3 C. ( ),9 D. ( ),9
3 2 2 3
gate2013-ce numerical-ability absolute-value

8.1.4 Absolute Value: GATE2014-2-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/1950

If x is real and ∣x2 − 2x + 3 ∣= 11 , then possible values of ∣−x3 + x2 − x∣ include

A. 2, 4 B. 2, 14 C. 4, 52 D. 14, 52
gate2014-2 numerical-ability normal absolute-value

8.1.5 Absolute Value: GATE2017-1-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/118411

The expression is equal to :
A. The maximum of x and y B. The minimum of x and y
C. 1 D. None of the above
gate2017-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability maxima-minima absolute-value

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 149

8.1.6 Absolute Value: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313654

Which of the following functions describe the graph shown in the below figure?

A. y =∣∣ x ∣ +1 ∣ −2
B. y =∣∣ x ∣ −1 ∣ −1
C. y =∣∣ x ∣ +1 ∣ −1
D. y =∣∣ x − 1 ∣ −1∣

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability functions absolute-value

8.2 Age Relation (3) top

8.2.1 Age Relation: GATE2013 CE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40280

Abhishek is elder to Savar. Savar is younger to Anshul. Which of the given conclusions is logically valid and is
inferred from the above statements?

A. Abhishek is elder to Anshul B. Anshul is elder to Abhishek

C. Abhishek and Anshul are of the same age D. No conclusion follows
gate2013-ce logical-reasoning age-relation

8.2.2 Age Relation: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313272

Hema's age is 5 years more than twice Hari's age. Suresh's age is 13 years less than 10 times Hari's age. If
Suresh is 3 times as old as Hema, how old is Hema?

A. 14 B. 17 C. 18 D. 19
gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability age-relation

8.2.3 Age Relation: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313601

M and N had four children P , Q, R and S. Of them, only P and R were married. They had children X and Y
respectively. If Y is a legitimate child of W , which of the following statements is necessarily FALSE?

A. M is the grandmother of Y B. R is the father of Y

C. W is the wife of R D. W is the wife of P
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability age-relation

8.3 Algebra (1) top

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150 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.3.1 Algebra: GATE2011 MN: GA-61 top https://gateoverflow.in/31536

(2y + 1)
If < 1, then which of the following alternatives gives the CORRECT range of y?
(y + 2)
A. −2 < y < 2 B. −2 < y < 1
C. −3 < y < 1 D. −4 < y < 1
numerical-ability gate2011-mn algebra

8.4 Arithmetic Series (3) top

8.4.1 Arithmetic Series: GATE2011 AG: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/312125

The sum of n terms of the series 4 + 44 + 444 + … … is

4 4
A. 81 [10 − 9n − 1] B. 81 [10 − 9n − 1]
n+1 n−1
4 4
C. 81 [10n+1 − 9n − 10] D. 81 [10n − 9n − 10]
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2011-ag arithmetic-series

8.4.2 Arithmetic Series: GATE2015-2-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/8035

If the list of letters P , R, S, T , U is an arithmetic sequence, which of the following are also in arithmetic

I. 2P, 2R, 2S, 2T, 2U

II. P − 3, R − 3, S − 3, T − 3, U − 3
III. P 2 , R2 , S 2 , T 2 , U 2

A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I and III

gate2015-2 numerical-ability normal arithmetic-series

8.4.3 Arithmetic Series: GATE2019 EE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313562

How many integers are there between 100 and 1000 all of whose digits are even?

A. 60 B. 80 C. 100 D. 90
gate2019-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability arithmetic-series

8.5 Bar Graph (3) top

8.5.1 Bar Graph: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41498

The exports and imports (in crores of Rs.) of a country from 2000 to 2007 are given in the following bar chart.
If the trade deficit is defined as excess of imports over exports, in which year is the trade deficit 1/5 th of the

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 151

A. 2005 B. 2004 C. 2007 D. 2006

gate2014-ec-1 numerical-ability data-interpretation bar-graph normal

8.5.2 Bar Graph: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313480

The bar graph below shows the output of five carpenters over one month. each of whom made different items
of furniture: chairs, tables, and beds.

Consider the following statements.

i. The number of beds made by carpenter C2 is exactly the same as the number of tables made by
carpenter C3
ii. The total number of chairs made by all carpenters is less than the total number of tables.

Which one of the following is true?

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Both i and ii D. Neither i nor ii

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation bar-graph

8.5.3 Bar Graph: GATE2019 EC: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313528

The bar graph in panel (a) shows the proportion of male and female illiterates in 2001 and 2011. The
proportions of males and females in 2001 and 2011 are given in Panel (b) and (c), respectively. The total
population did not change during this period. The percentage increase in the total number of literates from
2001 to 2011 is ______.

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152 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. 30.43 B. 33.43 C. 34.43 D. 35.43

gate2019-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation bar-graph

8.6 Binomial Distribution (1) top

8.6.1 Binomial Distribution: GATE2018-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/204071

A six sided unbiased die with four green faces and two red faces is rolled seven times. Which of the following
combinations is the most likely outcome of the experiment?

A. Three green faces and four red faces. B. Four green faces and three red faces.
C. Five green faces and two red faces. D. Six green faces and one red face
gate2018 numerical-ability probability binomial-distribution normal

8.7 Cartesian Coordinates (5) top

8.7.1 Cartesian Coordinates: GATE2012 AE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40220

Two points (4, p) and (0, q) lie on a straight line having a slope of 3/4. The value of (p– q) is

A. −3 B. 0 C. 3 D. 4
gate2012-ae numerical-ability cartesian-coordinates geometry

8.7.2 Cartesian Coordinates: GATE2014 AE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40303

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 153

If y = 5x2 + 3 , then the tangent at x = 0 , y = 3

A. passes through x = 0, y = 0 B. has a slope of +1
C. is parallel to the x-axis D. has a slope of −1
gate2014-ae numerical-ability geometry cartesian-coordinates

8.7.3 Cartesian Coordinates: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/110855

A straight line is fit to a data set (ln x, y). This line intercepts the abscissa at ln x = 0.1 and has a slope of
−0.02. What is the value of y at x = 5 from the fit?

A. −0.030 B. −0.014 C. 0.014 D. 0.030

gate2016-ec-3 numerical-ability cartesian-coordinates

8.7.4 Cartesian Coordinates: TIFR2014-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/26390

Let L be a line on the two dimensional plane. L′ s intercepts with the X and Y axes are respectively a and b.
After rotating the co-ordinate system (and leaving L untouched), the new intercepts are a′ and b′ respectively.
Which of the following is TRUE?

a. 1a + 1
= 1
+ 1
. b. 1
+ 12 = a1′2 + 1′2 .
b a b a2 b b
′ ′ ′
c. b
+ a
= b
+ a′2 . d. ba + a = ba′ + a′ .
b2 a′2 b b b
e. None of the above.
tifr2014 geometry cartesian-coordinates

8.7.5 Cartesian Coordinates: TIFR2015-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/29586

Imagine the first quadrant of the real plane as consisting of unit squares. A typical square has 4 corners:
(i, j), (i + 1, j), (i + 1, j + 1), and (i, j + 1) , where (i, j) is a pair of non-negative integers. Suppose a line
segment l connecting (0, 0) to (90, 1100) is drawn. We say that l passes through a unit square if it passes
through a point in the interior of the square. How many unit squares does l pass through?

a. 98, 990 b. 9, 900 c. 1, 190 d. 1, 180 e. 1, 010

tifr2015 numerical-ability cartesian-coordinates

8.8 Circle (2) top

8.8.1 Circle: GATE2018-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/204064

The area of a square is d. What is the area of the circle which has the diagonal of the square as its diameter?
1 2 1
A. πd B. πd 2 C. πd D. πd
4 2
gate2018 numerical-ability geometry circle normal

8.8.2 Circle: TIFR2011-A-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/20255

The equation of the tangent to the unit circle at point ( cos α, sin α ) is

a. x cos α − y sin α = 1 b. x sin α − y cos α = 1

c. x cos α + y sin α = 1 d. x sin α − y cos α = 1

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154 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

e. None of the above.

tifr2011 numerical-ability geometry circle

8.9 Clock Time (8) top

8.9.1 Clock Time: GATE2014-2-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/1952

At what time between 6 a. m. and 7 a. m. will the minute hand and hour hand of a clock make an angle closest
to 60°?

A. 6 : 22 a.m. B. 6 : 27 a.m. C. 6 : 38 a.m. D. 6 : 45 a.m.

gate2014-2 numerical-ability normal clock-time

8.9.2 Clock Time: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/108724

Two and quarter hours back, when seen in a mirror, the reflection of a wall clock without number markings
seemed to show 1 : 30 . What is the actual current time shown by the clock?

A. 8 : 15 B. 11 : 15 C. 12 : 15 D. 12 : 45
gate2016-ec-2 clock-time

8.9.3 Clock Time: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313387

A faulty wall clock is known to gain 15 minutes every 24 hours. It is synchronized to the correct time at 9 AM
on 11th July. What will be the correct time to the nearest minute when the clock shows 2 PM on 15th July of
the same year?

A. 12 : 45 PM B. 12 : 58 PM C. 1 : 00 PM D. 2 : 00 PM

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability clock-time normal

8.9.4 Clock Time: GATE2019 EC: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313527

Two design consultants, P and Q, started working from 8 AM for a client. The client budgeted a total of USD
3000 for the consultants. P stopped working when the hour hand moved by 210 degrees on the clock. Q
stopped working when the hour hand moved by 240 degrees. P took two tea breaks of 15 minutes each during
her shift, but took no lunch break. Q took only one lunch break for 20 minutes, but no tea breaks. The market
rate for consultants is USD 200 per hour and breaks are not paid. After paying the consultants, the client shall
have USD _______ remaining in the budget.

A. 000.00 B. 166.67 C. 300.00 D. 433.33

gate2019-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability clock-time

8.9.5 Clock Time: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313597

A worker noticed that the hour hand on the factory clock had moved by 225 degrees during her stay at the
factory. For how long did she stay in the factory?

A. 3.75 hours B. 4 hours and 15 mins

C. 8.5 hours D. 7.5 hours
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability clock-time

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 155

8.9.6 Clock Time: TIFR2010-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/18206

The hour hand and the minute hands of a clock meet at noon and again at mid-night. In between they meet N
times, where N is.:

a. 6 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13 e. None of the above.

tifr2010 numerical-ability clock-time

8.9.7 Clock Time: TIFR2013-A-20 top https://gateoverflow.in/25502

Consider a well functioning clock where the hour, minute and the seconds needles are exactly at zero. How
much time later will the minutes needle be exactly one minute ahead (1/60 th of the circumference) of the
hours needle and the seconds needle again exactly at zero?

Hint: When the desired event happens both the hour needle and the minute needle have moved an integer
multiple of 1/60 th of the circumference.

a. 144 minutes b. 66 minutes c. 96 minutes d. 72 minutes e. 132 minutes

tifr2013 numerical-ability clock-time

8.9.8 Clock Time: TIFR2014-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/25998

A person went out between 4pm and 5pm to chat with her friend and returned between 5pm and 6pm. On her
return, she found that the hour-hand and the minute-hand of her (well-functioning) clock had just exchanged
their positions with respect to their earlier positions at the time of her leaving. The person must have gone out
to chat at

a. Twenty five minutes past 4pm. 122

b. Twenty six and minutes past 4pm.
1 d. Twenty eight minutes past 4pm.
c. Twenty seven and minutes past 4pm.
e. None of the above.
tifr2014 numerical-ability clock-time

8.10 Complex Number (1) top

8.10.1 Complex Number: TIFR2011-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/20223

√3 − i
If z= and (z95 + i67 )97 = zn , then the smallest value of n is?

a. 1 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 numerical-ability complex-number

8.11 Compound Interest (2) top

8.11.1 Compound Interest: GATE2014 AG: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/41669

The population of a new city is 5 million and is growing at 20% annually. How many years would it take to
double at this growth rate?

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156 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. 3−4 years B. 4−5 years C. 5−6 years D. 6−7 years

gate2014-ag numerical-ability growth-rate compound-interest normal

8.11.2 Compound Interest: GATE2018 EC: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/205210

Leila aspires to buy a car worth Rs. 10, 00, 000 after 5 years. What is the minimum amount in Rupees that she
should deposit now in a bank which offers 10% annual rate of interest, if the interest was compounded

A. 5, 00, 000 B. 6, 21, 000 C. 6, 66, 667 D. 7, 50, 000

gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability compound-interest normal

8.12 Conditional Probability (4) top

8.12.1 Conditional Probability: GATE2012-63 top https://gateoverflow.in/2211

An automobile plant contracted to buy shock absorbers from two suppliers X and Y . X supplies 60% and Y
supplies 40% of the shock absorbers. All shock absorbers are subjected to a quality test. The ones that pass
the quality test are considered reliable. Of X ′ s shock absorbers, 96% are reliable. Of Y ′ s shock absorbers,
72% are reliable.

The probability that a randomly chosen shock absorber, which is found to be reliable, is made by Y is

A. 0.288 B. 0.334 C. 0.667 D. 0.720

gate2012 numerical-ability probability normal conditional-probability

8.12.2 Conditional Probability: GATE2013 AE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40251

In a factory, two machines M1 and M2 manufacture 60% and 40% of the autocomponents respectively. Out
of the total production, 2% of M1 and 3% of M2 are found to be defective. If a randomly drawn
autocomponent from the combined lot is found defective, what is the probability that it was manufactured by

A. 0.35 B. 0.45 C. 0.5 D. 0.4

gate2013-ae numerical-ability conditional-probability

8.12.3 Conditional Probability: GATE2014 AG: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/41674

10% of the population in a town is HIV+ . A new diagnostic kit for HIV detection is available; this kit correctly
identifies HIV individuals 95% of the time, and HIV
− individuals 89% of the time. A particular patient is
tested using this kit and is found to be positive. The probability that the individual is actually positive is ______.

gate2014-ag numerical-ability probability conditional-probability normal numerical-answers

8.12.4 Conditional Probability: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40174

A coin is tossed thrice. Let X be the event that head occurs in each of the first two tosses. Let Y be the event
that a tail occurs on the third toss. Let Z be the event that two tails occur in three tosses.
Based on the above information, which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A. X and Y are not independent B. Y and Z are dependent

C. Y and Z are independent D. X and Z are independent

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 157

gate2015-me-3 conditional-probability probability numerical-ability

8.13 Contour Plots (3) top

8.13.1 Contour Plots: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313596

A contour line joins locations having the same height above the mean sea level. The following is a contour plot
of a geographical region. Contour lines are shown at 25 m intervals in this plot.

The path from P to Q is best described by

A. Up-Down-Up-Down
B. Down-Up-Down-Up
C. Down-Up-Down D. Up-Down-Up

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation contour-plots

8.13.2 Contour Plots: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313513

A contour line joins locations having the same height above the mean sea level. The following is a contour plot
of a geographical region. Contour lines are shown at 25 m intervals in this plot.

Which of the following is the steepest path leaving from P?

A. P to Q B. P to R C. P to S D. P to T
gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation contour-plots

8.13.3 Contour Plots: GATE2017-2-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/118424

An air pressure contour line joins locations in a region having the same atmospheric pressure. The following is
an air pressure contour plot of a geographical region. Contour lines are shown at 0.05 bar intervals in this plot.

If the possibility of a thunderstorm is given by how fast air pressure rises or drops over a region, which of the
following regions is most likely to have a thunderstorm?

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158 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
gate2017-2 numerical-ability data-interpretation normal contour-plots

8.14 Coordinate Geometry (2) top

8.14.1 Coordinate Geometry: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/110853

Find the area bounded by the lines 3x + 2y = 14, 2x − 3y = 5 in the first quadrant.

A. 14.95 B. 15.25 C. 15.70 D. 20.35

gate2016-ec-3 coordinate-geometry geometry normal

8.14.2 Coordinate Geometry: TIFR2013-B-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/25675

Suppose n straight lines are drawn on a plane. When these lines are removed, the plane falls apart into several
connected components called regions. A region R is said to be convex if it has the following property:
whenever two points are in R, then the entire line segment joining them is in R. Suppose no two of the n lines
are parallel. Which of the following is true?

a. O(n) regions are produced, and each region is convex.

b. O(n2 ) regions are produced but they need not all be convex.
c. O(n2 ) regions are produced, and each region is convex.
d. O(n log n) regions are produced, but they need not all be convex.
e. All regions are convex but there may be exponentially many of them.

tifr2013 numerical-ability geometry coordinate-geometry

8.15 Cost Market Price (5) top

8.15.1 Cost Market Price: GATE2011-63 top https://gateoverflow.in/2173

The variable cost (V ) of manufacturing a product varies according to the equation V = 4q , where q is the
quantity produced. The fixed cost (F ) of production of same product reduces with q according to the equation
F= . How many units should be produced to minimize the total cost (V + F ) ?

A. 5 B. 4 C. 7 D. 6
gate2011 numerical-ability cost-market-price normal

8.15.2 Cost Market Price: GATE2012-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/2193

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 159

The cost function for a product in a firm is given by 5q 2 , where q is the amount of production. The firm can sell
the product at a market price of ₹50 per unit. The number of units to be produced by the firm such that the
profit is maximized is

A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 25
gate2012 numerical-ability cost-market-price normal

8.15.3 Cost Market Price: GATE2014 AE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40304

A foundry has a fixed daily cost of Rs 50, 000 whenever it operates and a variable cost of RS 800Q ,where Q is
the daily production in tonnes. What is the cost of production in Rs per tonne for a daily production of 100

gate2014-ae numerical-ability cost-market-price numerical-answers

8.15.4 Cost Market Price: GATE2019-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/302869

Ten friends planned to share equally the cost of buying a gift for their teacher. When two of them decided not
to contribute, each of the other friends had to pay Rs. 150 more. The cost of the gift was Rs. ____

A. 666 B. 3000 C. 6000 D. 12000

gate2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability cost-market-price

8.15.5 Cost Market Price: TIFR2012-A-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/21002

A certain pair of used shoes can be repaired for Rs.1250 and will last for 1 year. A pair of the same kind of
shoes can be purchased new for Rs.2800 and will last for 2 years. The average cost per year of the new shoes
is what percent greater than the cost of repairing the used shoes?

a. 5 b. 12 c. 15 d. 3 e. 24
tifr2012 cost-market-price

8.16 Counting (3) top

8.16.1 Counting: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313518

There are 3 Indians and 3 Chinese in a group of 6 people. How many subgroups of this group can we choose so
that every subgroup has at least one Indian?

A. 56 B. 52 C. 48 D. 44
gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability counting

8.16.2 Counting: GATE2018 CH: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/205090

To pass a test, a candidate needs to answer at least 2 out of 3 questions correctly. A total of 6, 30, 000
candidates appeared for the test. Question A was correctly answered by 3, 30, 000 candidates. Question B was
answered correctly by 2, 50, 000 candidates. Question C was answered correctly by 2, 60, 000 candidates. Both
questions A and B were answered correctly by 1, 00, 000 candidates. Both questions B and C were answered
correctly by 90, 000 candidates. Both questions A and C were answered correctly by 80, 000 candidates. If the
number of students answering all questions correctly is the same as the number answering none, how many

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160 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

candidates failed to clear the test?

A. 30, 000 B. 2, 70, 000 C. 3, 90, 000 D. 4, 20, 000

gate2018-ch general-aptitude numerical-ability counting

8.16.3 Counting: GATE2018 EE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/205186

An e-mail password must contain three characters. The password has to contain one numeral from 0 to 9 , one
upper case and one lower case character from the English alphabet. How many distinct passwords are possible?

A. 6, 760 B. 13, 520 C. 40, 560 D. 1, 05, 456

gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability normal permutation-and-combination counting

8.17 Currency Money (1) top

8.17.1 Currency Money: GATE2012 CY: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40241

Raju has 14 currency notes in his pocket consisting of only Rs. 20 notes and Rs. 10 notes. The total money
value of the notes is Rs. 230. The number of Rs. 10 notes that Raju has is

A. 5 B. 6 C. 9 D. 10
gate2012-cy numerical-ability numerical-computation currency-money

8.18 Data Interpretation (13) top

8.18.1 Data Interpretation: GATE2011 GG: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40210

The quality of services delivered by a company consists of six factors as shown below in the radar diagram. The
dots in the figure indicate the score for each factor on a scale of 0 to 10. The standardized coefficient for each
factor is given in the parentheses. The contribution of each factor to the overall service quality is directly
proportional to the factor score and its standardized coefficient.

The lowest contribution among all the above factors to the overall quality of services delivered by the company

A. 10% B. 20% C. 24% D. 40%

gate2011-gg difficult numerical-ability data-interpretation

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 161

8.18.2 Data Interpretation: GATE2011-62 top https://gateoverflow.in/2172

P, Q, R and S are four types of dangerous microbes recently found in a human habitat. The area of each circle
with its diameter printed in brackets represents the growth of a single microbe surviving human immunity
system within 24 hours of entering the body. The danger to human beings varies proportionately with the
toxicity, potency and growth attributed to a microbe shown in the figure below:

A pharmaceutical company is contemplating the development of a vaccine against the most dangerous microbe.
Which microbe should the company target in its first attempt?

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
gate2011 numerical-ability data-interpretation normal

8.18.3 Data Interpretation: GATE2014-2-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/1951

The ratio of male to female students in a college for five years is plotted in the following line graph. If the
number of female students doubled in 2009, by what percent did the number of male students increase in

gate2014-2 numerical-ability data-interpretation numerical-answers normal

8.18.4 Data Interpretation: GATE2015-3-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/8389

The exports and imports (in crores of Rs.) of a country from the year 2000 to 2007 are given in the following
bar chart. In which year is the combined percentage increase in imports and exports the highest?

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162 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

gate2015-3 numerical-ability data-interpretation normal numerical-answers

8.18.5 Data Interpretation: GATE2016-1-GA06 top https://gateoverflow.in/39616

A shaving set company sells 4 different types of razors- Elegance, Smooth, Soft and Executive.
Elegance sells at Rs. 48, Smooth at Rs. 63, Soft at Rs. 78 and Executive at Rs. 173 per piece. The table below
shows the numbers of each razor sold in each quarter of a year.

Quarter/Product Elegance Smooth Soft Executive

Q1 27300 20009 17602 9999
Q2 25222 19392 18445 8942
Q3 28976 22429 19544 10234
Q4 21012 18229 16595 10109

Which product contributes the greatest fraction to the revenue of the company in that year?

A. Elegance B. Executive C. Smooth D. Soft

gate2016-1 numerical-ability data-interpretation easy

8.18.6 Data Interpretation: GATE2016-2-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/39535

A. f(x) = 1 − |x − 1| B. f(x) = 1 + |x − 1|
f(x) = 2 − |x − 1| f(x) = 2 + |x − 1|
© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.
8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 163

C. f(x) = 2 − |x − 1| D. f(x) = 2 + |x − 1|
gate2016-2 numerical-ability data-interpretation normal

8.18.7 Data Interpretation: GATE2017-1-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/118413

A contour line joins locations having the same height above the mean sea level. The following is a contour plot
of a geographical region. Contour lines are shown at 25 m intervals in this plot. If in a flood, the water level
rises to 525 m, which of the villages P, Q, R, S, T get submerged?

A. P, Q B. P, Q, T C. R, S, T D. Q, R, S
gate2017-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation normal

8.18.8 Data Interpretation: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313271

The temperature T in a room varies as a function of the outside temperature T0 and the number of persons in
the room p, according to the relation T = K(θp + T0 ) , where θ and K are constants. What would be the
value of θ given the following data?

T0 p T
25 2 32.4
30 5 42.0

A. 0.8 B. 1.0 C. 2.0 D. 10.0

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation

8.18.9 Data Interpretation: GATE2018 CH: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/205091

In a detailed study of annual crow births in India, it was found that there was relatively no growth during the
period 2002 to 2004 and a sudden spike from 2004 to 2005. In another unrelated study, it was found that the
revenue from cracker sales in India which remained fairly flat from 2002 to 2004, saw a sudden spike in 2005
before declining again in 2006. The solid line in the graph below refers to annual sale of crackers and the
dashed line refers to the annual crow births in India. Choose the most appropriate inference from the above

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164 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. There is a strong correlation between crow birth and cracker sales.

B. Cracker usage increases crow birth rate.
C. If cracker sale declines, crow birth will decline.
D. Increased birth rate of crows will cause an increase in the sale of crackers.

gate2018-ch general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation

8.18.10 Data Interpretation: GATE2018 EC: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/205213

A cab was involved in a hit and run accident at night. You are given the following data
about the cabs in the city and the accident.

i. 85% of cabs in the city are green and the remaining cabs are blue.
ii. A witness identified the cab involved in the accident as blue.
iii. It is known that a witness can correctly identify the cab colour only 80% of the time.

Which of the following options is closest to the probability that the accident was caused by
a blue cab?

A. 12% B. 15% C. 41% D. 80%

gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability normal data-interpretation

8.18.11 Data Interpretation: GATE2019 EC: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313539

Five people P, Q, R, S and T work in a bank. P and Q don't like each other but have to share an office till T
gets a promotion and moves to the big office next to the garden. R, who is currently sharing an office with T
wants to move to the adjacent office with S, the handsome new intern. Given the floor plan, what is the
current location of Q, R and T?
(O=Office, WR=Washroom)


C. D.
gate2019-ec general-aptitude data-interpretation

8.18.12 Data Interpretation: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313600

A firm hires employees at five different skill levels P, Q, R, S, T. The shares of employment at these skills levels
of total employment in 2010 is given in the pie chart as shown. There were a total of 600 employees in 2010
and the total employment increased by 15% from 2010 to 2016. The total employment at skill levels P, Q and
© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.
8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 165

R remained unchanged during this period. If the employment at skill level S increased by 40% from 2010 to
2016, how many employees were there at skill level T in 2016?

A. 30 B. 35 C. 60 D. 72
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation

8.18.13 Data Interpretation: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313581

Mola is a digital platform for taxis in a city. It offers three types of rides – Pool, Mini and Prime. The table below
presents the number of rides for the past four months. The platform earns one US dollar per ride. What is the
percentage share of the revenue contributed by Prime to the total revenues of Mola, for the entire duration?

Type Month
January February March April
Pool 170 320 215 190
Mini 110 220 180 170
Prime 75 180 120 90

A. 16.24 B. 23.97 C. 25.86 D. 38.74

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation

8.19 Direction Sense (7) top

8.19.1 Direction Sense: GATE2014 AG: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41673

X is 1 km northeast of Y . Y is 1 km southeast of Z . W is 1 km west of Z . P is 1 km south of W . Q is 1 km

east of P . What is the distance between X and Q in km?

A. 1 B. √–2 C.

√3 D. 2
gate2014-ag numerical-ability direction-sense normal

8.19.2 Direction Sense: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40179

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166 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Mr. Vivek walks 6 meters North-east, then turns and walks 6 meters South-east, both at 60 degrees to east. He
further moves 2 meters South and 4 meters West. What is the straight distance in meters between the point he
started from and the point he finally reached?

– √–2 –
A. 2√2 B. 2 C. D. 1/√2
gate2015-ce-2 numerical-ability general-aptitude direction-sense

8.19.3 Direction Sense: GATE2015-2-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/8036

Four branches of a company are located at M , N , O and P . M is north of N at a distance of 4km; P is south
of O at a distance of 2 km; N is southeast of O by 1km. What is the distance between M and P in km?

A. 5.34 B. 6.74 C. 28.5 D. 45.49

gate2015-2 numerical-ability normal direction-sense

8.19.4 Direction Sense: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/108726

M and N start from the same location. M travels 10 km East and then 10 km North-East. N travels 5 km
South and then 4 km South-East. What is the shortest distance (in km) between M and N at the end of their

A. 18.60 B. 22.50 C. 20.61 D. 25.00

gate2016-ec-2 direction-sense numerical-ability

8.19.5 Direction Sense: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313508

Fatima starts from point P , goes North for 3 km, and then East for 4 km to reach point Q. She then turns to
face point P and goes 15 km in that direction. She then goes North for 6 km. How far is she from point P , and
in which direction should she go to reach point P ?

A. 8 km, East B. 12 km, North C. 6k m, East D. 10 km, North

gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability direction-sense

8.19.6 Direction Sense: GATE2017-2-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/118417

There are five buildings called V , W , X , Y and Z in a row (not necessarily in that order). V is to the West of
W . Z is to the East of X and the West of V . W is to the West of Y . Which is the building in the middle?

A. V B. W C. X D. Y
gate2017-2 numerical-ability direction-sense normal

8.19.7 Direction Sense: GATE2019-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/302863

Three of the five students are allocated to a hostel put in special requests to the warden, Given the floor plan of
the vacant rooms, select the allocation plan that will accommodate all their requests.

Request by X: Due to pollen allergy, I want to avoid a wing next to the garden.

Request by Y: I want to live as far from the washrooms as possible, since I am very mich sensitive to smell.

Request by Z: I believe in Vaastu and so I want to stay in South-West wing.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 167

The shaded rooms are already occupied. WR is washroom

A. B.

C. D.
gate2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability direction-sense

8.20 Factors (7) top

8.20.1 Factors: GATE2010 MN: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/312017

Consider the set of integers {1, 2, 3, … , 500}. The number of integers that is divisible by neither 3 nor 4 is :

A. 1668 B. 2084 C. 2500 D. 2916

general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-mn factors

8.20.2 Factors: GATE2013-62 top https://gateoverflow.in/1566

Out of all the 2-digit integers between 1 and 100, a 2-digit number has to be selected at random. What is the
probability that the selected number is not divisible by 7 ?

13 12 78 77
A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( )
90 90 90 90
gate2013 numerical-ability easy probability factors

8.20.3 Factors: GATE2014-2-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/1941

What is the average of all multiples of 10 from 2 to 198?

A. 90 B. 100 C. 110 D. 120

gate2014-2 numerical-ability easy numerical-computation factors

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168 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.20.4 Factors: GATE2018-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/204065

What would be the smallest natural number which when divided either by 20 or by 42
or by 76 leaves a remainder of 7 in each case?

A. 3047 B. 6047 C. 7987 D. 63847

gate2018 numerical-ability factors

8.20.5 Factors: TIFR2010-A-20 top https://gateoverflow.in/18500

How many integers from 1 to 1000 are divisible by 30 but not by 16?

A. 29 B. 31 C. 32 D. 33 E. 25
tifr2010 numerical-ability factors

8.20.6 Factors: TIFR2011-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/20226

The exponent of 3 in the product 100! is

a. 27 b. 33 c. 44 d. 48 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 numerical-ability factors tricky

8.20.7 Factors: TIFR2013-A-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/25434

Among numbers 1 to 1000 how many are divisible by 3 or 7?

a. 333 b. 142 c. 475 d. 428 e. None of the above.

tifr2013 numerical-ability factors normal

8.21 Family Relationships (3) top

8.21.1 Family Relationships: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/110827

M has a son Q and a daughter R. He has no other children. E is the mother of P and daughter-inlaw of M. How
is P related to M?

A. P is the son-in-law of M. B. P is the grandchild of M.

C. P is the daughter-in law of M. D. P is the grandfather of M.
gate2016-ec-3 family-relationships logical-reasoning

8.21.2 Family Relationships: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313510

Each of P, Q, R, S, W , X, Y and Z has been married at most once. X and Y are married and have two
children P and Q. Z is the grandfather of the daughter S of P . Further, Z and W are married and are parents
of R. Which one of the following must necessarily be FALSE?

A. X is the mother-in-law of R B. P and R are not married to each other

C. P is a son of X and Y D. Q cannot be married to R
gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude logical-reasoning family-relationships

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 169

8.21.3 Family Relationships: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313448

P, Q, R, S and T are related and belong to the same family. P is the brother of S, Q is the wife of P . R and
T are the children of the siblings P and S respectively. Which one of the following statement is necessarily

A. S is the aunt of R B. S is the aunt of T

C. S is the sister-in-law of Q D. S is the brother of P
gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude logical-reasoning family-relationships

8.22 Fractions (4) top

8.22.1 Fractions: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/108093

1 1 1
If q −a = and r−b = and s−c = , the value of abc is ________.
r s q

A. (rqs)−1 B. 0 C. 1 D. r+q+s
gate2016-ec-1 numerical-ability fractions

8.22.2 Fractions: GATE2018-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/204067

In appreciation of the social improvements completed in a town, a wealthy philanthropist

decided to gift Rs 750 to each male senior citizen in the town and Rs 1000 to each
female senior citizen. Altogether, there were 300 senior citizens eligible for this gift. However,
8 th 2 rd
only of the eligible men and of the eligible women claimed the gift.How much
9 3
money (in Rupees) did the philanthropist give away in total?

A. 1, 50, 000 B. 2, 00, 000 C. 1, 75, 000 D. 1, 51, 000

gate2018 numerical-ability fractions normal

8.22.3 Fractions: TIFR2014-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/26329

A large community practices birth control in the following peculiar fashion. Each set of parents continues having
children until a son is born; then they stop. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the community if, in the absence
of birth control, 51% of the babies are born male?

a. 51 : 49 b. 1:1 c. 49 : 51 d. 51 : 98 e. 98 : 51
tifr2014 numerical-ability fractions tricky

8.22.4 Fractions: TIFR2017-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/94931

A suitcase weighs one kilogram plus half of its weight. How much does the suitcase weigh?

A. 1.3333... kilograms B. 1.5 kilograms

C. 1.666... kilograms D. 2 kilograms
E. cannot be determined from the given data
tifr2017 numerical-ability fractions normal

8.23 Functions (6) top

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170 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.23.1 Functions: GATE2010 MN: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/312019

Given the following four functions f1 (n) = n100 , f2 (n) = (1.2)n , f3 (n) = 2n/2 , f4 (n) = 3n/3 which function
will have the largest value for sufficiently large values of n (i. e. n → ∞)?

A. f4 B. f3 C. f2 D. f1
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-mn functions

8.23.2 Functions: GATE2012 AR: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40228

Let f(x) = x– [x], where x≥0 and [x] is the greatest integer not larger than x. Then f(x) is a

A. monotonically increasing function

B. monotonically decreasing function
C. linearly increasing function between two integers
D. linearly decreasing function between two integers

gate2012-ar numerical-ability functions normal

8.23.3 Functions: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/39518

If x > y > 1, which of the following must be true ?

i. ln x > ln y
ii. ex > ey
iii. y x > xy
iv. cos x > cos y

A. (i) and (ii) B. (i) and (iii) C. (iii) and (iv) D. (ii) and (iv)

gate2015-ec-3 general-aptitude numerical-ability functions

8.23.4 Functions: GATE2015-3-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8303

A function f(x) is linear and has a value of 29 at x = −2 and 39 at x = 3 . Find its value at x = 5 .

A. 59 B. 45 C. 43 D. 35
gate2015-3 numerical-ability normal functions

8.23.5 Functions: GATE2015-3-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/8385

Choose the most appropriate equation for the function drawn as thick line, in the plot below.

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 171

A. x = y − |y| B. x = −(y − |y|) C. x = y + |y| D. x = −(y + |y|)

gate2015-3 numerical-ability normal functions

8.23.6 Functions: GATE2018 EE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/205182

Functions F (a, b) and G(a, b) are defined as follows:

F (a, b) = (a − b)2
and G(a, b) =∣ a − b∣ , where ∣x∣ represents the absolute value of x.

What would be the value of G(F (1, 3), G(1, 3)) ?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 36
gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability easy functions

8.24 General Aptitude (20) top

8.24.1 General Aptitude: GATE2010 MN: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/312015

The ban on smoking in designated public places can save a large number of people from the well-known effects
of environmental tobacco smoke. Passive smoking seriously impairs respiratory health. The ban rightly seeks to
protect non-smokers from its ill effects.

Which of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage :

A. Effects of environmental tobacco are well known.

B. The ban on smoking in public places protects the non-smokers.
C. Passive smoking is bad for health.
D. The ban on smoking in public places excludes passive smoking.

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-mn

8.24.2 General Aptitude: GATE2011 MN: GA-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/313211

Four archers P, Q, R, and S try to hit a bull’s eye during a tournament consisting of seven rounds. As illustrated
in the figure below, a player receives 10 points for hitting the bull's eye, 5 points for hitting within the inner
circle and 1 point for hitting within the outer circle.

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172 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

The final scores received by the players during the tournament are listed in the table below.

Round P Q R S
1 1 5 1 10
2 5 10 10 1
3 1 1 1 5
4 10 10 1 1
5 1 5 5 10
6 10 5 1 1
7 5 10 1 1

The most accurate and the most consistent players during the tournament are respectively

A. P and S B. Q and R C. Q and Q D. R and Q

gate2011-mn general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.3 General Aptitude: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40184

There are 16 teachers who can teach Thermodynamics (TD), 11 who can teach Electrical Sciences (ES), and
5 who can teach both TD and Engineering Mechanics (EM). There are a total of 40 teachers. 6 cannot teach
any of the three subjects, i.e. EM, ES or TD. 6 can teach only ES. 4 can teach all three subjects, i.e.
EM, ES and TD. 4 can teach ES and TD. How many can teach both ES and EM but not TD?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

gate2015-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability set-theory&algebra

8.24.4 General Aptitude: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40180

Four cards are randomly selected from a pack of 52 cards. If the first two cards are kings, what is the
probability that the third card is a king?

A. 4/52 B. 2/50
C. (1/52) × (1/52) D. (1/52) × (1/51) × (1/50)
gate2015-ce-2 numerical-ability general-aptitude probability easy

8.24.5 General Aptitude: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40183

How many four digit numbers can be formed with the 10 digits 0, 1, 2, … , 9 if no number can start with 0 and
if repetitions are not allowed?

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 173

gate2015-ce-2 numerical-ability general-aptitude permutation-and-combination

8.24.6 General Aptitude: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/39492

Operators □, ◊ and → are defined by: a □ b = a−b

; a◊ b = a+b
; a → b = ab.

Find the value of (66 □ 6) → (66 ◊ 6).

A. −2 B. −1 C. 1 D. 2
gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.7 General Aptitude: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313512

The number of 3-digit numbers such that the digit 1 is never to the immediate right of 2 is

A. 781 B. 791 C. 881 D. 891

gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.24.8 General Aptitude: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313671

A couple has 2 children. The probability that both children are boys if the older one is a boy is

A. 1/4 B. 1/3 C. 1/2 D. 1

gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability probability

8.24.9 General Aptitude: GATE2017-1-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/118408

The probability that a k-digit number does NOT contain the digits 0, 5, or 9 is

A. 0.3k B. 0.6k C. 0.7k D. 0.9k

gate2017-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability probability easy

8.24.10 General Aptitude: GATE2017-1-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/118410

Six people are seated around a circular table. There are at least two men and two women. There are at least
three right-handed persons. Every woman has a left-handed person to her immediate right. None of the women
are right-handed. The number of women at the table is

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. Cannot be determined

gate2017-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.24.11 General Aptitude: GATE2017-1-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/118412

Arun, Gulab, Neel and Shweta must choose one shirt each from a pile of four shirts coloured red, pink, blue and
white respectively. Arun dislikes the colour red and Shweta dislikes the colour white. Gulab and Neel like all the
colours. In how many different ways can they choose the shirts so that no one has a shirt with a colour he or
she dislikes?

A. 21 B. 18 C. 16 D. 14

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

174 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

gate2017-1 general-aptitude permutation-and-combination numerical-ability

8.24.12 General Aptitude: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313391

 
a + a + a + ⋯ + a = a2b and b + b + b + ⋯ + b = ab2 , where a, b, n, m are natural numbers. What is the
n times m times

((m + m + m + ⋯ + m ))((n + n + n + ⋯ + n ))?

 
value of
n times m times

A. 2a2b2 B. a4b4 C. ab(a + b) D. a2 + b2

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.13 General Aptitude: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313393

A three-member committee has to be formed from a group of 9 people. How many such distinct committees
can be formed?

A. 27 B. 72 C. 81 D. 84
gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.24.14 General Aptitude: GATE2018 EE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/205188

A class of twelve children has two more boys than girls. A group of three children are randomly picked from this
class to accompany the teacher on a field trip. What is the probability that the group accompanying the teacher
contains more girls than boys?

325 525 5
A. 0 B. C. D.
864 864 12
gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability probability

8.24.15 General Aptitude: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313632

An unbiased coin is tossed six times in a row and four different such trials are conducted. One trial implies six
tosses of the coin. If H stands for head ans T stands for tail, the following are the observations from the four

4. HHHT_ _

Which statement describing the last two coin tosses of the fourth trial has the highest probability of being

A. Two T will occur. B. One H and one T will occur.

C. Two H will occur. D. One H wll be followed by one T.
gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability probability

8.24.16 General Aptitude: GATE2019 EC: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313530

Five different books (P, Q, R, S, T) are to be arranged on a shelf. The books R and S are to be arranged first
and second, respectively from the right side of the shelf. The number of different orders in which P, Q and T
may be arranged is ______.

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 175

A. 2 B. 6 C. 12 D. 120
gate2019-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.24.17 General Aptitude: TIFR2019-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/280508

How many proper divisors (that is, divisors other than 1 or 7200) does 7200 have ?

A. 18 B. 20 C. 52 D. 54 E. 60
tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.18 General Aptitude: TIFR2019-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/280503

What are the last two digits of 1! + 2! + ⋯ + 100! ?

A. 00 B. 13 C. 30 D. 33 E. 73
tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.19 General Aptitude: TIFR2019-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/280501

Let A and B be two containers. Container A contains 50 litres of liquid X and container B contains 100
litres of liquid Y . Liquids X and Y are soluble in each other.

We now take 30 ml of liquid X from container A and put it into container B. The mixture in container B is
then thoroughly mixed and 20 ml of the resulting mixture is put back into container A.At the end of this
process let VAY be the volume of liquid Y and VBX be the volume of liquid X in container B. Which of the
following must be TRUE ?


C. VAY = VBX D. VAY + VBX = 30
E. VAY + VBX = 20
tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.24.20 General Aptitude: TIFR2019-B-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/280481

Let m and n be two positive integers. Which of the following is NOT always true?
A. If m and n are co-prime, there exist integers a and b such that am + bn = 1
B. mn−1 ≡ 1( mod n)
n−1 n−(m−2) n−(m−1)
C. The rational number m
⋅ n−2
m−1 m−2
⋅ … ⋅
m−(m−2) m−(m−1)
is an integer

D. m + 1 is a factor of mn(n+1) − 1
E. If 2n − 1 is prime, then n is prime

tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability

8.25 Geometric Series (1) top

8.25.1 Geometric Series: GATE2018 EC: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/205208

1 1 1 1
What is the value of 1+ + + + +. . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
4 16 64 256
7 4
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176 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

7 3 4
A. 2 B. C. D.
4 2 3
gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability number-series geometric-series

8.26 Geometry (32) top

8.26.1 Geometry: GATE2014-1-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/778

When a point inside of a tetrahedron (a solid with four triangular surfaces) is connected by straight lines to its
corners, how many (new) internal planes are created with these lines?

gate2014-1 numerical-ability geometry permutation-and-combination normal numerical-answers

8.26.2 Geometry: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/39521

From a circular sheet of paper of radius 30 cm, a sector of 10% area is removed. If the remaining part is used
to make a conical surface, then the ratio of the radius and height of the cone is _____

gate2015-ec-3 geometry numerical-ability normal

8.26.3 Geometry: GATE2015-2-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/8039

In a triangle PQR, PS is the angle bisector of ∠QPR and ∠QPS = 60∘ . What is the length of PS ?

(q + r) −−−−−−− (q + r)2
( ) ( )
A. B. C. √(q 2 + r2 ) D. ( )
qr q+r qr
gate2015-2 numerical-ability geometry difficult

8.26.4 Geometry: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/110921

A square pyramid has a base perimeter x, and the slant height is half of the perimeter. What is the lateral
surface area of the pyramid

A. x2 B. 0.75x2 C. 0.50x2 D. 0.25x2

gate2016-ce-2 geometry numerical-ability

8.26.5 Geometry: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/108729

A wire of length 340 mm is to be cut into two parts. One of the parts is to be made into a square and the other
into a rectangle where sides are in the ratio of 1 : 2 . What is the length of the side of the square (in mm) such
that the combined area of the square and the rectangle is a MINIMUM?

A. 30 B. 40 C. 120 D. 180

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 177

gate2016-ec-2 geometry numerical-ability

8.26.6 Geometry: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/108289

A window is made up of a square portion and an equilateral triangle portion above it. The base of the triangular
portion coincides with the upper side of the square. If the perimeter of the window is 6 m, the area of the
window in m2 is ___________.

A. 1.43 B. 2.06 C. 2.68 D. 2.88

gate2016-me-2 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.7 Geometry: GATE2016-1-GA05 top https://gateoverflow.in/39610

A cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of side one unit. After it is built, one cubic block is removed from every
corner of the cube. The resulting surface area of the body (in square units) after the removal is ________.

a. 56 b. 64 c. 72 d. 96
gate2016-1 numerical-ability geometry normal

8.26.8 Geometry: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313658

A right-angled cone (with base radius 5 cm and height 12 cm), as shown in the figure below, is rolled on the
ground keeping the point P fixed until the point Q (at the base of the cone, as shown) touches the ground

By what angle (in radians) about P does the cone travel?

A. 5π B. 5π C. 24π D. 10π
12 24 5 13
gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.9 Geometry: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313661

Let S1 be the plane figure consisting of the points (x, y) given by the inequalities ∣x − 1 ∣≤ 2 and ∣y + 2 ∣≤ 3 .
Let S2 be the plane figure given by the inequalities x − y ≥ −2, y ≥ 1 , and x ≤ 3 . Let S be the union of S1
and S2 . The area of S is.

A. 26 B. 28 C. 32 D. 34
gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.10 Geometry: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313259

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

178 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Tower A is 90 m tall and tower B is 140 m tall. They are 100 m apart. A horizontal skywalk connects the
floors at 70 m in both the towers. If a taut rope connects the top of tower A to the bottom tower B, at what
distance (in meters) from tower A will the rope intersect the skywalk ?

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry numerical-answers

8.26.11 Geometry: GATE2018 CH: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/205085

The area of an equilateral triangle is √3. What is the perimeter of the triangle ?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
gate2018-ch general-aptitude numerical-ability easy geometry

8.26.12 Geometry: GATE2018 CH: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/205084

Arrange the following three-dimensional objects in the descending order of their volumes:

i. A cuboid with dimensions 10 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm

ii. A cube of side 8 cm
iii. A cylinder with base radius 7 cm and height 7 cm
iv. A sphere of radius 7 cm

A. i), ii), iii), iv) B. ii), i), iv), iii)

C. iii), ii), i), iv) D. iv), iii), ii), i)
gate2018-ch numerical-ability normal geometry

8.26.13 Geometry: GATE2018 CH: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/205092

A set of 4 parallel lines intersect with another set of 5 parallel lines. How many parallelograms are formed?

A. 20 B. 48 C. 60 D. 72
gate2018-ch general-aptitude numerical-ability easy geometry

8.26.14 Geometry: GATE2018 EC: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/205207

If the number 715 ∎ 423 is divisible by 3 (∎ denotes the missing digit in the thousandths place), then the
smallest whole number in the place of ∎ is _________.

A. 0 B. 2 C. 5 D. 6
gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability easy geometry

8.26.15 Geometry: GATE2018 EC: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/205209

A 1.5m tall person is standing at a distance of 3m from a lamp post. The light from the
lamp at the top of the post casts her shadow. The length of the shadow is twice her height.
What is the height of the lamp post in meters?

A. 1.5 B. 3 C. 4.5 D. 6
gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability normal geometry

8.26.16 Geometry: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313645

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 179

A rectangle becomes a square when its length and breadth are reduced by 10 m and 5 m, respectively. During
this process, the rectangle loses 650 m 2 of area. What is the area of the original rectangle in square meters?

A. 1125 B. 2250 C. 2924 D. 4500

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.17 Geometry: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313636

The perimeters of a circle, a square and an equilateral triangle are equal. Which one of the following statements
is true?

A. The circle has the largest area

B. The square has the largest area
C. The equilateral triangle has the largest area
D. All the three shapes have the same area

gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry easy

8.26.18 Geometry: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313613

A wire would enclose an area of 1936 m2 , if it is bent to a square. The wire is cut into two pieces. The longer
piece is thrice as long as the shorter piece. The long and the short pieces are bent into a square and a circle,
respectively. Which of the following choices is closest to the sum of the areas enclosed by the two pieces in
square meters?

A. 1096 B. 1111 C. 1243 D. 2486

gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.19 Geometry: GATE2018-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/204070

In the figure below, ∠DEC + ∠BF C is equal to _____

A. ∠BCD − ∠BAD B. ∠BAD + ∠BCF

C. ∠BAD + ∠BCD D. ∠CBA + ∠ADC
gate2018 numerical-ability geometry normal

8.26.20 Geometry: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313438

On a horizontal ground, the base of a straight ladder is 6 m away from the base of a vertical pole. The ladder
makes an angle of 45∘ to the horizontal. If the ladder is resting at a point located at one-fifth of the height of
the pole from the bottom, the height of the pole is ______ meters.

A. 15 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35

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180 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.21 Geometry: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313441

A square has side 5 cm smaller than the sides of a second square. The area of the larger square is four times
the area of the smaller square. The side of the larger square is _______ cm.

A. 18.50 B. 15.10 C. 10.00 D. 8.50

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.22 Geometry: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313370

Suresh wanted to lay a new carpet in his new mansion with an area of 70 × 55 sq.mts. However an area of 550
sq. mts. had to be left out for flower pots. If the cost carpet is Rs.50 sq. mts. how much money (in Rs.) will be
spent by Suresh for the carpet now?

A. Rs.1, 65, 000 B. Rs.1, 92, 500 C. Rs.2, 75, 000 D. Rs.1, 27, 500
gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.23 Geometry: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313371

A retaining wall with measurements 30 m ×12 m ×6 m was constructed with bricks of dimensions 8 cm ×6
c m ×6 cm. If 60% of the wall consists of bricks, the number of bricks used for the construction is _______

A. 30 B. 40 C. 45 D. 75
gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry

8.26.24 Geometry: TIFR2010-A-17 top https://gateoverflow.in/18493

Suppose there is a sphere with diameter at least 6 inches. Through this sphere we drill a hole along a
diameter. The part of the sphere lost in the process of drilling the hole looks like two caps joined to a cylinder,
where the cylindrical part has length 6 inches. It turns out that the volume of the remaining portion of the
sphere does not depend on the diameter of the sphere. Using this fact, determine the volume of the remaining

a. 24π cu. inches b. 36π cu. inches

c. 27π cu. inches d. 32π cu. inches
e. 35π cu. inches
tifr2010 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.25 Geometry: TIFR2012-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/20984

Let ABC be a triangle with n distinct points inside. A triangulation of ABC with respect to the n points is
obtained by connecting as many points as possible, such that no more line segments can be added without
intersecting other line segments. In other words ABC has been partitioned into triangles with end points at the
n points or at the vertices A,B,C. For example, the following figure gives one possible triangulation of ABC
with two points inside it.

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 181

Although there are many different ways to triangulate ABC with the n points inside, the number of triangles
depends only on n. In the above figure it is five. How many triangles are there in a triangulation of ABC with n
points inside it?

A. 3n − 1 B. n2 + 1 C. n+3 D. 2n + 1 E. 4n − 3
tifr2012 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.26 Geometry: TIFR2012-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/21001

What is the maximum number of points of intersection between the diagonals of a convex octagon (8-vertex
planar polygon)? Note that a polygon is said to be convex if the line segment joining any two points in its
interior lies wholly in the interior of the polygon. Only points of intersection between diagonals that lie in the
interior of the octagon are to be considered for this problem.

a. 55 b. 60 c. 65 d. 70 e. 75

tifr2012 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.27 Geometry: TIFR2013-A-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/25387

The late painter Maqbool Fida Husain once coloured the surface of a huge hollow steel sphere, of radius 1
metre, using just two colours, Red and Blue. As was his style however, both the red and blue areas were a
bunch of highly irregular disconnected regions. The late sculptor Ramkinkar Baij then tried to fit in a cube inside
the sphere, the eight vertices of the cube touching only red coloured parts of the surface of the sphere. Assume
π = 3.14 for solving this problem. Which of the following is true?
a. Baij is bound to succeed if the area of the red part is 10sq. metres;
b. Baij is bound to fail if the area of the red part is 10sq. metres;
c. Baij is bound to fail if the area of the red part is 11sq. metres;
d. Baij is bound to succeed if the area of the red part is 11sq. metres;
e. None of the above.

tifr2013 geometry numerical-ability

8.26.28 Geometry: TIFR2015-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/29158

Consider a circle with a circumference of one unit length. Let d< . Suppose that we independently throw two
arcs, each of length d, randomly on this circumference so that each arc is uniformly distributed along the circle
circumference. The arc attaches itself exactly to the circumference so that arc of length d exactly covers length
d of the circumference. What can be said about the probability that the two arcs do not intersect each other?
(1 − d) (1 − 3d)
© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.
182 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. It equals (1 − d) B. It equals (1 − 3d)

C. It equals (1 − 2d) D. It equals 1
E. It equals (1 − d) (1 − d)
tifr2015 geometry

8.26.29 Geometry: TIFR2015-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/29575

Consider a square of side length 2. We throw five points into the square. Consider the following statements:
i. There will always be three points that lie on a straight line.
ii. There will always be a line connecting a pair of points such that two points lie on one side of the line and
one point on the other.

iii. There will always be a pair of points which are at distance at most √2 from each other.

Which of the above is true:

A. (i) only. B. (ii) only. C. (iii) only. D. (ii) and (iii) . E. None of the above.

tifr2015 geometry numerical-ability easy

8.26.30 Geometry: TIFR2017-A-13 top https://gateoverflow.in/95307

A set of points S ⊆ R2 is convex if for any points x, y ∈ S , every point on the straight line joining x and y is
also in S. For two sets of points S, T ⊂ R2 , define the sum S + T as the set of points obtained by adding a
point in S to a point T . That is,
S + T := {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 : x1 = y1 + z1 , x2 = y2 + z2 , (y1 , y2 ) ∈ S, (z1 , z2 ) ∈ T} . Similarly,
S − T := {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 : x1 = y1 − z1 , x2 = y2 − z2 , (y1 , y2 ) ∈ S, (z1 , z2 ) ∈ T} is the set of points
obtained by subtracting a point in T from a point in S. Which of the following statements is TRUE for all convex
sets S, T ?

A. S + T is convex but not S − T

B. S − T is convex but not S + T
C. exactle one of S + T and S − T is convex, but it depends on S and T which one
D. neither S + T nor S − T is convex
E. both S + T and S − T are convex

tifr2017 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.31 Geometry: TIFR2017-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/95039

In a tutorial on geometrical constructions, the teacher asks a student to construct a right-angled triangle ABC
where the hypotenuse BC is 8 inches and the length of the perpendicular dropped from A onto the hypotenuse
is h inches, and offers various choices for teh value of h. For which value of h can such a triangle NOT exist?

A. 3.90 inches B. 2√2 inches

C. 2√3 inches D. 4.1 inches
E. none of the above
tifr2017 numerical-ability geometry

8.26.32 Geometry: TIFR2018-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/179270

Consider a point A inside a circle C that is at distance 9 from the centre of a circle. Suppose you told that there
is a chord of length 24 passing through A with A as its midpoint. How many distinct chords of C have integer
length and pass through A?

A. 2 B. 6 C. 7 D. 12 E. 14

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 183

tifr2018 numerical-ability geometry

8.27 Graphical Data (8) top

8.27.1 Graphical Data: GATE2011 AG: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/312131

The fuel consumed by a motorcycle during a journey while traveling at various speeds is indicated in the graph

The distances covered during four laps of the journey are listed in the table below

Lap Distance Average Speed

(kilometres) (kilometres per hour)
P 15 15
Q 75 45
R 40 75
S 10 10

From the given data, we can conclude that the fuel consumed per kilometre was least during the lap

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2011-ag data-interpretation graphical-data

8.27.2 Graphical Data: GATE2014 AE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40310

The monthly rainfall chart based on 50 years of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following figure.

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184 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Which of the following are true? (k percentile is the value such that k percent of the data fall below that value)

i. On average, it rains more in July than in December

ii. Every year, the amount of rainfall in August is more than that in January
iii. July rainfall can be estimated with better confidence than February rainfall
iv. In August, there is at least 500 mm of rainfall

A. (i) and (ii) B. (i) and (iii) C. (ii) and (iii) D. (iii) and (iv)

gate2014-ae numerical-ability data-interpretation graphical-data

8.27.3 Graphical Data: GATE2014-3-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/2033

The ratio of male to female students in a college for five years is plotted in the following line graph. If the
number of female students in 2011 and 2012 is equal, what is the ratio of male students in 2012 to male
students in 2011?

A. 1:1 B. 2:1 C. 1.5 : 1 D. 2.5 : 1

gate2014-3 numerical-ability data-interpretation normal graphical-data

8.27.4 Graphical Data: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/110905

Two finance companies, P and Q, declared fixed annual rates of interest on the amounts invested with them.
The rates of interest offered by these companies may differ from year to year. Year-wise annual rates of
interest offered by these companies are shown by the line graph provided below.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 185

If the amounts invested in the companies, P and Q, in 2006 are in the ratio 8 : 9 , then the amounts received
after one year as interests from companies P and Q would be in the ratio:

A. 2:3 B. 3:4 C. 6:7 D. 4:3

gate2016-ce-2 data-interpretation numerical-ability graphical-data

8.27.5 Graphical Data: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313419

The points in the graph below represent the halts of a lift for a durations of 1 minute, over a period of 1 hour.

Which of the following statements are correct?

i. The elevator moves directly from any non-ground floor to another non-ground floor over the one hour
ii. The elevator stays on the fourth floor for the longest duration over the one hour period.

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Both i and ii D. Neither i nor ii

gate2017-ce-2 data-interpretation graphical-data

8.27.6 Graphical Data: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313662

The growth of bacteria (lactobacillus) in milk leads to curd formation. A minimum bacterial population density of
0.8 (in suitable units) is needed to form curd. In the graph below, the population density of lactobacillus in 1
∘ ∘
litre of milk is plotted as a function of time, at two different temperatures, 25 C and 37 C.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

186 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Consider the following statements based on the data shown above:

∘ ∘
i. The growth in bacterial population stops earlier at 37 C as compared to 25 C
ii. The time taken for curd formation at 25∘ C is twice the time taken at 37∘ C

Which one of the following options is correct?

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Both i and ii D. Neither i nor ii

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation graphical-data

8.27.7 Graphical Data: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313674

In the graph below, the concentration of a particular pollutant in a lake is plotted over (alternate) days of a
month in winter (average temperature 10∘ C ) and a month in summer (average temperature 30∘ C ).

Consider the following statements based on the data shown above:

i. Over the given months, the difference between the maximum and the minimum pollutant concentrations is
the same in both winter and summer
ii. There are at least four days in the summer month such that the pollutant concentrations on those days are
within 1 ppm of the pollutant concentrations on the corresponding days in the winter month.

Which one of the following options is correct?

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Both i and ii D. Neither i nor ii

gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation graphical-data

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 187

8.27.8 Graphical Data: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313386

The annual average rainfall in a tropical city is 1000 mm. On a particular rainy day ( 24-hour period), the
cumulative rainfall experienced by the city is shown in the graph. Over the 24-hour period, 50% of the rainfall
falling on a rooftop, which had an obstruction-free area of 50 m2 , was harvested into a tank. What is the total
volume of water collected in the tank liters?

A. 25, 000 B. 18, 750 C. 7, 500 D. 3.125

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation graphical-data

8.28 Limits (1) top

8.28.1 Limits: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/108309

Which of the following curves represents the function y = In (∣e[∣sin(∣x∣)∣] ) for ∣x ∣< 2π ? Here, x represents the
abscissa and y represents the ordinate.

B. C.
A. D.

gate2016-me-2 limits calculus numerical-ability

8.29 Linear Equation (1) top

8.29.1 Linear Equation: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313251

Which of the following function(s) is an accurate description of the graph for the range(s) indicated?

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188 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

i. y = 2x + 4 for − 3 ≤ x ≤ −1
ii. y =∣ x − 1 ∣ for − 1 ≤ x ≤ 2
iii. y =∣∣ x ∣ −1 ∣ for − 1 ≤ x ≤ 2
iv. y = 1 for 2 ≤ x ≤ 3

A. i, ii and iii only B. i, ii and iv only C. i and iv only D. ii and iv only

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability linear-equation

8.30 Logarithms (8) top

8.30.1 Logarithms: GATE2012 AR: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40227

A value of x that satisfies the equation log x + log(x– 7) = log(x + 11) + log 2 is

A. 1 B. 2 C. 7 D. 11
gate2012-ar numerical-ability numerical-computation logarithms

8.30.2 Logarithms: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/39493

If logx ( 57 ) = 3
, then the value of x is

A. 343/125 B. 25/343 C. −25/49 D. −49/25

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-methods logarithms

8.30.3 Logarithms: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/39522

log tan 1o + log tan 2o + ⋯ + log tan 89o is …

A. 1 B. 1/√2 C. 0 D. −1
gate2015-ec-3 summation numerical-ability logarithms

8.30.4 Logarithms: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313388

For non-negative integers, a, b, c, what would be the value of a + b + c if log a + log b + log c = 0 ?

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 189

A. 3 B. 1 C. 0 D. -1

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability logarithms

8.30.5 Logarithms: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313383

log P log Q log R

Given that y−z = z−x
= x−y
= 10 for x ≠ y ≠ z , what is the value of the product PQR?

A. 0 B. 1 C. xyz D. 10xyz
gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability logarithms

8.30.6 Logarithms: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313648

For integers, a, b and c, what would be the minimum and maximum values respectively of a+b+c if
log ∣ a ∣ + log ∣ b ∣ + log ∣ c ∣= 0 ?

A. -3 and 3 B. -1 and 1 C. -1 and 3 D. 1 and 3

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability logarithms

8.30.7 Logarithms: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313607

1 1 1
The value of the expression + + is _______
1 + logu vw 1 + logv wu 1 + logw uv

A. −1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 3
gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability logarithms

8.30.8 Logarithms: TIFR2010-A-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/18385

A table contains 287 entries. When any one of the entries is requested, it is encoded into a binary string and
transmitted. The number of bits required is.

a. 8 b. 9
c. 10 d. Cannot be determined from the given
e. None of the above.
tifr2010 numerical-ability theory-of-computation logarithms

8.31 Logical Reasoning (36) top

8.31.1 Logical Reasoning: GATE2010-61 top https://gateoverflow.in/2369

If 137 + 276 = 435 how much is 731 + 672?

A. 534 B. 1403 C. 1623 D. 1513

gate2010 numerical-ability normal logical-reasoning

8.31.2 Logical Reasoning: GATE2010-62 top https://gateoverflow.in/2370

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

190 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Hari(H), Gita(G), Irfan(I) and Saira(S) are siblings (i.e., brothers and sisters). All were born on 1 st January. The
age difference between any two successive siblings (that is born one after another) is less than three years.
Given the following facts:

i. Hari's age + Gita's age > Irfan's age + Saira's age

ii. The age difference between Gita and Saira is one year. However Gita is not the oldest and Saira is not the
iii. There are no twins.

In what order they were born (oldest first)?


gate2010 numerical-ability logical-reasoning normal

8.31.3 Logical Reasoning: GATE2011 GG: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40209

Three sisters (R, S, and T) received a total of 24 toys during Christmas. The toys were initially divided among
them in a certain proportion. Subsequently, R gave some toys to S which doubled the share of S. Then S in
turn gave some of her toys to T , which doubled T ′ s share. Next, some of T ′ s toys were given to R, which
doubled the number of toys that R currently had. As a result of all such exchanges, the three sisters were left
with equal number of toys. How many toys did R have originally?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 11 D. 12
gate2011-gg logical-reasoning numerical-ability

8.31.4 Logical Reasoning: GATE2011 MN: GA-63 top https://gateoverflow.in/31543

L, M and N are waiting in a queue meant for children to enter the zoo. There are 5 children between L and
M , and 8 children between M and N . If there are 3 children ahead of N and 21 children behind L, then what
is the minimum number of children in the queue?

A. 28 B. 27 C. 41 D. 40
numerical-ability gate2011-mn logical-reasoning

8.31.5 Logical Reasoning: GATE2012 AR: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40229

Ravi is taller than Arun but shorter than Iqbal. Sam is shorter than Ravi. Mohan is shorter than Arun. Balu is
taller than Mohan and Sam. The tallest person can be

A. Mohan B. Ravi C. Balu D. Arun

gate2012-ar logical-reasoning

8.31.6 Logical Reasoning: GATE2012 CY: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40240

There are eight bags of rice looking alike, seven of which have equal weight and one is slightly heavier. The
weighing balance is of unlimited capacity. Using this balance, the minimum number of weighings required to
identify the heavier bag is

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 8
gate2012-cy numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.7 Logical Reasoning: GATE2014 AE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40307

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 191

Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and Faisal live on different floors in a six-storeyed building (the ground floor
is numbered 1, the floor above it 2, and so on) Anuj lives on an even-numbered floor, Bhola does not live on an
odd numbered floor. Chandan does not live on any of the floors below Faisal's floor. Dilip does not live on floor
number 2. Eswar does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below Bhola. Faisal lives three
floors above Dilip. Which of the following floor-person combinations is correct?

Anuj Bhola Chandan Dilip Eswar Faisal

(A) 6 2 5 1 3 4
(B) 2 6 5 1 3 4
(C) 4 2 6 3 1 5
(D) 2 4 6 1 3 5

gate2014-ae logical-reasoning numerical-ability descriptive

8.31.8 Logical Reasoning: GATE2014 AG: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/41670

In a group of four children, Som is younger to Riaz. Shiv is elder to Ansu. Ansu is youngest in the group. Which
of the following statements is/are required to find the eldest child in the group?


1. Shiv is younger to Riaz.

2. Shiv is elder to Som.

A. Statement 1 by itself determines the eldest child.

B. Statement 2 by itself determines the eldest child.
C. Statements 1 and 2 are both required to determine the eldest child.
D. Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to determine the eldest child.

gate2014-ag numerical-ability logical-reasoning normal

8.31.9 Logical Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/41515

Lights of four colors (red, blue, green, yellow) are hung on a ladder. On every step of the ladder there are two
lights. If one of the lights is red, the other light on that step will always be blue. If one of the lights on a step is
green, the other light on that step will always be yellow. Which of the following statements is not necessarily

A. The number of red lights is equal to the number of blue lights

B. The number of green lights is equal to the number of yellow lights
C. The sum of the red and green lights is equal to the sum of the yellow and blue lights
D. The sum of the red and blue lights is equal to the sum of the green and yellow lights

gate2014-ec-2 numerical-ability logical-reasoning normal

8.31.10 Logical Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/41144

In which of the following options will the expression P <M be definitely true?

A. M<R>P >S B. M>S<P <F

C. Q<M<F =P D. P =A<R<M
gate2014-ec-3 logical-reasoning numerical-ability

8.31.11 Logical Reasoning: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 7 top https://gateoverflow.in/39508

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

192 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Given below are two statements followed by two conclusions. Assuming these statements to be true, decide
which one logically follows.


I. All film stars are playback singers.

II. All film directors are film stars.


I. All film directors are playback singers.

II. Some film stars are film directors.

A. Only conclusion I follows. B. Only conclusion II follows.

C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. D. Both conclusions I and II follow.
gate2015 gate2015-ec-2 logical-reasoning

8.31.12 Logical Reasoning: GATE2015-3-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/8298

If ROAD is written as URDG, then SW AN should be written as:


gate2015-3 numerical-ability easy logical-reasoning

8.31.13 Logical Reasoning: GATE2015-3-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/8308

The head of newly formed government desires to appoint five of the six selected members P, Q, R, S, T and
U to portfolios of Home, Power, Defense, Telecom, and Finance. U does not want any portfolio if S gets one of
the five. R wants either Home or Finance or no portfolio. Q says that if S gets Power or Telecom, then she
must get the other one. T insists on a portfolio if P gets one.

Which is the valid distribution of portfolios?

A. P -Home, Q-Power, R-Defense, S-Telecom, T -Finance

B. R-Home, S-Power, P -Defense, Q-Telecom, T -Finance
C. P -Home, Q-Power, T -Defense, S-Telecom, U -Finance
D. Q-Home, U -Power, T -Defense, R-Telecom, P -Finance

gate2015-3 numerical-ability normal logical-reasoning

8.31.14 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/110918

Fact 1: Humans are mammals.

Fact 2: Some humans are engineers.

Fact 3: Engineers build houses.

If the above statements are facts, which of the following can be logically inferred?

I. All mammals build houses.

II. Engineers are mammals.

III. Some humans are not engineers.

A. II only. B. III only. C. I, II and III. D. I only.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 193

gate2016-ce-2 logical-reasoning

8.31.15 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/108077

Michael lives 10 km away from where I live. Ahmed lives 5 km away and Susan lives 7 km away from where I
live. Arun is farther away than Ahmed but closer than Susan from where I live. From the information provided
here, what is one possible distance (in km) at which I live from Arun’s place?

A. 3.00 B. 4.99 C. 6.02 D. 7.01

gate2016-ec-1 logical-reasoning numerical-ability

8.31.16 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/110849

A flat is shared by four first year undergraduate students. They agreed to allow the oldest of them to enjoy
some extra space in the flat. Manu is two months older than Sravan, who is three months younger than
Trideep. Pavan is one month older than Sravan. Who should occupy the extra space in the flat?

A. Manu B. Sravan C. Trideep D. Pavan

gate2016-ec-3 logical-reasoning

8.31.17 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313414

Four cards lie on table. Each card has a number printed on one side and a colour on the other. The faces visible
on the cards are 2, 3, red, and blue.

Proposition: If a card has an even value on one side, then its opposite face is red.

The card which MUST be turned over to verify the above proposition are

A. 2, red B. 2, 3, red C. 2, blue D. 2, red, blue

gate2017-ce-2 logical-reasoning propositional-logic

8.31.18 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313507

A rule states that in order to drink beer, one must be over 18 years old. In a bar, there are 4 people. P is 16
years old. Q is 25 years old. R is drinking milkshake and S is drinking a beer. What must be checked to ensure
that the rule is being followed?

A. Only P’s drink B. Only P’s drink and S’s age

C. Only S’s age D. Only P’s drink, Q’s drink and S’s age
gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.19 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313666

P , Q and R talk about S ′ s car collection. P states that S has at least 3 cars. Q believes that S has less than
3 cars. R indicates that to his knowledge, S has at least one car. Only one of P, Q and R is right. The number
of cars owned by S is.

A. 0 B. 1 C. 3 D. Cannot be determined.

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude logical-reasoning

8.31.20 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017-2-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/118421

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

194 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

There are three boxes. One contains apples, another contains oranges and the last one contains both apples
and oranges. All three are known to be incorrectly labeled. If you are permitted to open just one box and then
pull out and inspect only one fruit, which box would you open to determine the contents of all three boxes?

A. The box labeled ‘Apples’ B. The box labeled ‘Apples and Oranges’
C. The box labeled ‘Oranges’ D. Cannot be determined
gate2017-2 numerical-ability normal tricky logical-reasoning

8.31.21 Logical Reasoning: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313273

Each of the letters arranged as below represents a unique integer from 1 to 9. The letters are positioned in the
figure such that (A × B × C), (B × G × E) and (D × E × F ) are equal. Which integer among the following
choices cannot be represented by the letters A, B, C, D, E, F or G?


A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 9
gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.22 Logical Reasoning: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313439

If E = 10, J = 20, O = 30, and T = 40, what will be P + E + S + T?

A. 51 B. 82 C. 120 D. 164
gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.23 Logical Reasoning: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313380

Mohan, the manager, wants his four workers to work in pairs. No pair should work for more than 5 hours. Ram
and John have worked together for 5 hours. Krishna and Amir have worked as a team for 2 hours. Krishna does
not want to work with Ram. Whom should Mohan allot to work with John, if he wants all the workers to
continue working?

A. Amir B. Krishna C. Ram D. None of three

gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude logical-reasoning

8.31.24 Logical Reasoning: GATE2019 EC: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313529

Four people are standing in a line facing you. They are Rahul, Mathew, Seema and Lohit. One is an engineer,
one is a doctor, one a teacher and another a dancer. You are told that:

1. Mathew is not standing next to Seema

2. There are two people standing between Lohit and the engineer
3. Rahul is not a doctor
4. The teacher and the dancer are standing next to each other
5. Seema is turning to her right to speak to the doctor standing next to her

Who among them is an engineer?

A. Seema B. Lohit C. Rahul D. Mathew

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 195

gate2019-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.25 Logical Reasoning: GATE2019 EE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313749

Consider five people- Mita, Ganga, Rekha, Lakshmi, and Sana. Ganga is taller than both Rekha and
Lakshmi. Lakshmi is taller than Sana. Mita is taller than Ganga.

Which of the following conclusions are true?

1. Lakshmi is taller than Rekha

2. Rekha is shorter than Mita
3. Rekha is taller than Sana
4. Sana is shorter than Ganga

A. 1 and 3 B. 3 only C. 2 and 4 D. 1 only

gate2019-ee general-aptitude logical-reasoning

8.31.26 Logical Reasoning: GATE2019 IN: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313547

Five numbers 10, 7, 5, 4 and 2 are to be arranged in a sequence from left to right following the directions given

1. No two odd or even numbers are next to each other.

2. The second number from the left is exactly half of the left-most number.
3. The middle number is exactly twice the right-most number.

Which is the second number from the right?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 7 D. 10
gate2019-in general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.27 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2010-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/18202

A box contains 731 black balls and 2000 white balls. The following process is to be repeated as long as
possible. Arbitrarily select two balls from the box. If they are of the same color, throw them out and put a black
ball into the box ( enough extra black balls are available to do this). If they are of different color, place the
white ball back into the box and throw the black ball away. Which of the following is correct?

A. The process can be applied indefinitely without any prior bound

B. The process will stop with a single white ball in the box
C. The process will stop with a single black ball in the box
D. The process will stop with the box empty
E. None of the above

tifr2010 numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.28 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2013-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/25432

Three men and three rakhsasas arrive together at a ferry crossing to find a boat with an oar, but no boatman.
The boat can carry one or at the most two persons, for example, one man and one rakhsasas, and each man or
rakhsasas can row. But if at any time, on any bank, (including those who maybe are in the boat as it touches
the bank) rakhsasas outnumber men, the former will eat up the latter. If all have to go to the other side
without any mishap, what is the minimum number of times that the boat must cross the river?

a. 7 b. 9 c. 11 d. 13 e. 15

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196 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

tifr2013 numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.29 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2013-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/25433

Let there be a pack of 100 cards numbered 1 to 100. The ith card states: "There are at most i−1 true cards
in this pack". Then how many cards of the pack contain TRUE statements?

a. 0 b. 1 c. 100 d. 50 e. None of the above.

tifr2013 logical-reasoning

8.31.30 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2013-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/25383

Consider the following two types of elections to determine which of two parties A and B forms the next
government in the 2014 Indian elections. Assume for simplicity an Indian population of size
545545(= 545 ∗ 1001) . There are only two parties A and B and every citizen votes.
TYPE C: The country is divided into 545 constituencies and each constituency has 1001 voters. Elections are
held for each constituency and a party is said to win a constituency if it receive a majority of the vote in that
constituency. The party that wins the most constituencies forms the next government.

TYPE P: There are no constituencies in this model. Elections are held throughout the country and the party that
wins the most votes (among 545545 voters forms the government.

Which of the following is true?

a. If the party forms the govt. by election TYPE C winning at least two-third of the constituencies, then it will
also forms the govt. by election TYPE P.
b. If a party forms govt. by election TYPE C, then it will also form the govt. by election TYPE P.
c. If a party forms govt. by election TYPE P, then it will also form the govt. by election TYPE C.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above.

tifr2013 logical-reasoning

8.31.31 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2016-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/96822

Suppose the following statements about three persons in a room are true.

Chandni, Sooraj and Tara are in a room. Nobody else is in the room. Chandni is looking at Sooraj. Sooraj is
looking at Tara. Chandni is married. Tara is not married. A married person in the room is looking at an
unmarried person.

Which of the following is necessarily true?

A. Sooraj is married
B. Sooraj is unmarried
C. The situation described is impossible
D. There is insufficient information to conclude if Sooraj is married or unmarried
E. None of the above

tifr2016 logical-reasoning

8.31.32 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2017-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/95657

Consider the following game with two players, Aditi and Bharat. There are n tokens in a bag. The two players
know n, and take turns removing tokens from the bag. In each turn, a player can either remove one token or
two tokens. The player that removes the last token from the bag loses. Assume that Aditi always goes first.

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 197

Further, we say that a player has a winning strategy if she or he can win the game, no matter what other player
does. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. For n = 3 , Bharath has a winning strategy. For n = 4 , Aditi has a winning strategy.
B. For n = 7 , Bharath has a winning strategy. For n = 8 , Aditi has a winning strategy.
C. For both n = 3 and n = 4 , Aditi has a winning strategy.
D. For both n = 7 and n = 8 , Aditi has a winning strategy.
E. Bharat never has a winning strategy.

tifr2017 numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.33 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2018-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/179280

We are given a (possibly empty) set of objects. Each object in the set is colored either black or white, is shaped
either circular or rectangular, and has a profile that is either fat or thin, Those properties obey the following

1. Each white object is also circular.

2. Not all thin objects are black.
3. Each rectangular object is also either thin or white or both thin and white.

Consider the following statements:

i. If there is a thin object in the set, then there is also a white object.
ii. If there is a rectangular object in the set, then there are at least two objects.
iii. Every fat object in the set is circular.

Which of the above statements must be TRUE for the set?

A. (i) only B. (i) and (ii) only

C. (i) and (iii) only D. None of the statements must be TRUE
E. All of the statements must be TRUE
tifr2018 numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.34 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2018-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/179277

A crime has been committed with four people at the scene of the crime. You are responsible for finding out who
did it. You have recorded the following statements from the four witnesses, and you know one of them has
committed the crime.

1. Anuj says that Binky did it.

2. Binky says that Anuj did it.
3. Chacko says that Binky is telling the truth.
4. Desmond says that Chacko is not lying.

You know that exactly three of the statements recorded are FALSE. Who committed the crime?

A. Anuj
B. Binky
C. Chacko
D. Desmond
E. Either Anuj or Binky; the information is insufficient to pinpoint the criminal

tifr2018 logical-reasoning

8.31.35 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2019-A-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/280500

Avni and Badal alternately choose numbers from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} without replacement (starting
with Avni). The first person to choose numbers of which any 3 sum to 15 wins the game (for example,
Avni wins if she chooses the numbers 8, 3, 5, 2 since 8 + 5 + 2 = 15 ). A player is said to have a winning

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198 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

strategy if the player can always win the game, no matter what the other player does. Which of the following
statements is TRUE?

As a hint, there are exactly 8 ways in which 3 numbers from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} can sum up to 15,
shown as the three rows, the three columns, and the two diagonals in the following square:

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
A. Avni has a winning strategy
B. Badal has a winning strategy
C. Both of them have a winning strategy
D. Neither of them has a winning strategy
E. The Player that picks 9 has a winning strategy

tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.31.36 Logical Reasoning: TIFR2019-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/280499

Suppose there are n guests at a party (and no hosts). As the night progresses, the guests meet each other and
shake hands. The same pair of guests might shake hands multiple times. for some parties stretch late into the
night , and it is hard to keep track.Still, they don’t shake hands with themselves. Let Odd be the set of guests
who have shaken an odd number of hands, and let even be the set of guests who have shaken an even number
of hands. Which of the following stays invariant throughout the night?

A. ∣Odd ∣ mod 2 B. ∣Even∣

C. ∣Even ∣– ∣ Odd∣ D. 2 ∣ Even ∣– ∣ Odd∣
E. 2 ∣ Odd ∣– ∣ Even∣
tifr2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability logical-reasoning

8.32 Maxima Minima (4) top

8.32.1 Maxima Minima: GATE2010 TF: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/312024

Consider the function f(x) = max(7 − x, x + 3). In which range does f take its minimum value ?

A. −6 ≤ x < −2 B. −2 ≤ x < 2
C. 2≤x<6 D. 6 ≤ x < 10
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-tf maxima-minima functions

8.32.2 Maxima Minima: GATE2012-62 top https://gateoverflow.in/2210

A political party orders an arch for the entrance to the ground in which the annual convention is being held. The
profile of the arch follows the equation y = 2x − 0.1x2 where y is the height of the arch in meters. The
maximum possible height of the arch is

A. 8 meters B. 10 meters C. 12 meters D. 14 meters

gate2012 numerical-ability normal maxima-minima

8.32.3 Maxima Minima: GATE2013 CE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40274

X and Y are two positive real numbers such that 2X + Y ≤ 6 and X + 2Y ≤ 8. For which of the following
values of
(X, Y ) f(X, Y ) = 3X + 6Y
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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 199

(X, Y ) the function f(X, Y ) = 3X + 6Y will give maximum value ?

4 10 8 20 8 10 4 20
A. ( , ) B. ( , ) C. ( , ) D. ( , )
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
gate2013-ce numerical-ability maxima-minima

8.32.4 Maxima Minima: GATE2017-2-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/118423

The number of roots of ex + 0.5x2 − 2 = 0 in the range [−5, 5] is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
gate2017-2 numerical-ability normal maxima-minima calculus

8.33 Modular Arithmetic (1) top

8.33.1 Modular Arithmetic: GATE2012 CY: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40232

If (1.001)1259 = 3.52 and (1.001)2062 = 7.85, then (1.001)3321 =

A. 2.23 B. 4.33 C. 11.37 D. 27.64

gate2012-cy numerical-ability modular-arithmetic

8.34 Number Representation (2) top

8.34.1 Number Representation: GATE2014-3-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/2034

Consider the equation: (7526)8 − (Y )8 = (4364)8 , where (X)N stands for X to the base N . Find Y .

A. 1634 B. 1737 C. 3142 D. 3162

gate2014-3 numerical-ability number-representation normal digital-logic

8.34.2 Number Representation: TIFR2012-A-11 top https://gateoverflow.in/25015

Let N be the sum of all numbers from 1 to 1023 except the five primes numbers: 2, 3, 11, 17, 31. Suppose all
numbers are represented using two bytes (sixteen bits). What is the value of the least significant byte (the
least significant eight bits) of N ?

a. 00000000 b. 10101110 c. 01000000 d. 10000000 e. 11000000

tifr2012 numerical-ability number-representation

8.35 Number Series (16) top

8.35.1 Number Series: GATE2010 TF: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/312026

Consider the series 2 + 13 − 14 + 18 + 19 − 1
+ 1
+ 1
− 1
+…. The sum of the infinite series above is :

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200 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

5 1
A. ∞ B.
D. 0
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-tf number-series

8.35.2 Number Series: GATE2013 EE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40297

Find the sum to ′ n′ terms of the series 10 + 84 + 734 + …

9(9n +1) 9(9n −1) 9(9n −1) 9(9n −1)
+1 B.
+1 C.
+n D.
+ n2
gate2013-ee numerical-ability number-series

8.35.3 Number Series: GATE2013-58 top https://gateoverflow.in/1562

What will be the maximum sum of 44, 42, 40, … ?

A. 502 B. 504 C. 506 D. 500

gate2013 numerical-ability easy number-series

8.35.4 Number Series: GATE2013-61 top https://gateoverflow.in/1565

Find the sum of the expression

1 1 1 1
+ + +. . . . . . . . . . . . +
√1+√2 √2+√3 √3+√4 √80+√81

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
gate2013 numerical-ability normal number-series

8.35.5 Number Series: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/41494

What is the next number in the series?

12 35 81 173 357 _______.

gate2014-ec-1 number-series numerical-ability numerical-answers

8.35.6 Number Series: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/41512

Fill in the missing number in the series.

2 3 6 15 ___ 157.5 630

gate2014-ec-2 number-series numerical-ability numerical-answers

8.35.7 Number Series: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/41143

The next term in the series 81, 54, 36, 24, … is_________.
gate2014-ec-3 number-series numerical-ability numerical-answers

8.35.8 Number Series: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/41145

Find the next term in the sequence: 7G, 11K, 13M , _________.

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 201
7G, 11K, 13M
A. 15Q B. 17Q C. 15P D. 17P
gate2014-ec-3 number-series logical-reasoning numerical-ability

8.35.9 Number Series: GATE2014-2-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/1942


The value of √12 + √12 + √− −−
12 + … is

A. 3.464 B. 3.932 C. 4.000 D. 4.444

gate2014-2 numerical-ability easy number-series

8.35.10 Number Series: GATE2014-3-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/2027

Which number does not belong in the series below?

2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64

A. 17 B. 37 C. 64 D. 26
gate2014-3 numerical-ability number-series easy

8.35.11 Number Series: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313256

1 1
Consider a sequence of numbers a1, a2, a3, … , an where an = n
− n+2
, for each integer n > 0 . Whart is the
sum of the first 50 terms?

A. ((1 + 12 )) − 50
B. ((1 + 12 )) + 50

C. ((1 + 12 )) − (( 51
+ 1
)) D. 1
1 − (( 51 1
+ 52 ))
gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability number-series

8.35.12 Number Series: TIFR2011-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/20014

The sum of the first n terms of the series 1, 11, 111, 1111, … , is.
1 1
a. 81 (10 − 9n − 10) b. 81 (10 − 9n)
n+1 n
1 1
c. 9 (10 − 1) d. 9 (10 − n10n )
n+1 n+1

e. None of the above.

tifr2011 numerical-ability number-series

8.35.13 Number Series: TIFR2013-A-15 top https://gateoverflow.in/25438

sgn(x) = {
+1 if x ≥ 0
−1 if x < 0
What is the value of the following summation?

∑ sgn((2i − 1)(2i − 3) … (2i − 99))

a. 0 b. −1 c. +1 d. 25 e. 50
tifr2013 numerical-ability number-series

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

202 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.35.14 Number Series: TIFR2013-A-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/25430

Find the sum of the infinite series

1 1 1 1
+ + + +. . . . . .
1×3×5 3×5×7 5×7×9 7 × 9 × 11
1 1 1 1
A. ∞ B. ( ) C. ( ) D. ( ) E. ( )
2 6 12 14
tifr2013 numerical-ability number-series

8.35.15 Number Series: TIFR2014-A-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/25992

Consider a sequence of non-negative numbers xn : n = 1, 2, . . . . Which of the following statements cannot be


a. ∑∞
n=1 xn = ∞ and ∑∞ 2
n=1 xn = ∞ .
b. ∑∞
n=1 xn

= ∞ and ∑n=1 x2n < ∞ .
c. ∑∞
n=1 xn < ∞ and ∑∞ 2
n=1 xn < ∞ .
d. ∑∞
n=1 xn
∞ 2
≤ 5 and ∑n=1 xn ≥ 25 .
e. ∑∞
n=1 xn < ∞ and ∑∞ 2
n=1 xn = ∞ .

tifr2014 numerical-ability number-series

8.35.16 Number Series: TIFR2015-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/29159

|z| < 1 . Define Mn (z) = ∑10 10 n (i−1)

Let i=1 z ? what is

i=0 Mi (z) = M0 (z) × M1 (z) × M2 (z)×. . . ?

B. 1/(1 − z)
A. Can't be determined. C. 1/(1 + z) D. 1 − z9 E. None of the above.

tifr2015 numerical-ability numerical-computation number-series

8.36 Number System (1) top

8.36.1 Number System: GATE2010 MN: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/312018

A positive integer m in base 10 when represented in base 2 has the representation p and in base 3 has the
representation q. We get p − q = 990 where the subtraction is done in base 10. Which of the following is
necessarily true:

A. m ≥ 14 B. 9 ≤ m ≤ 13 C. 6≤m≤8 D. m<6
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-mn number-system

8.37 Number Theory (4) top

8.37.1 Number Theory: GATE2012 AE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40219

If a prime number on division by 4 gives a remainder of 1, then that number can be expressed as

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 203

A. sum of squares of two natural numbers

B. sum of cubes of two natural numbers
C. sum of square roots of two natural numbers
D. sum of cube roots of two natural numbers

gate2012-ae number-theory numerical-ability

8.37.2 Number Theory: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/108304

The binary operation □ is defined as a□b = ab + (a + b), where a and b are any two real numbers. The value
of the identity element of this operation, defined as the number x such that a□x = a, for any a, is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 10
gate2016-me-2 numerical-ability number-theory easy

8.37.3 Number Theory: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313669

If a and b are integers and a − b is even, which of the following must always be even?

A. ab B. a2 + b2 + 1 C. a2 + b + 1 D. ab − b
gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability number-theory

8.37.4 Number Theory: TIFR2014-A-20 top https://gateoverflow.in/27132

Consider the equation x2 + y 2 − 3z2 − 3t2 = 0 . The total number of integral solutions of this equation in the
range of the first 10000 numbers, i.e., 1 ≤ x, y, z, t ≤ 10000 , is

A. 200 B. 55 C. 100 D. 1 E. None of the above

tifr2014 number-theory numerical-ability

8.38 Numerical Computation (23) top

8.38.1 Numerical Computation: GATE2010 TF: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/312029

A student is answering a multiple choice examination with 65 questions with a marking scheme as follows : i) 1
marks for each correct answer , ii) − 14 for a wrong answer , iii) − 18 for a question that has not been
attempted. If the student gets 37 marks in the test then the least possible number of questions the student has
NOT answered is:

A. 6 B. 5 C. 7 D. 4
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-tf numerical-computation

8.38.2 Numerical Computation: GATE2010 TF: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/312028

A tank has 100 liters of water . At the end of every hour, the following two operations are performed in
sequence: i) water equal to m% of the current contents of the tank is added to the tank , ii) water equal to
n% of the current contents of the tank is removed from the tank . At the end of 5 hours, the tank contains
exactly 100 liters of water . The relation between m and n is :

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204 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. m=n B. m>n C. m<n D. None of the previous

general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-tf numerical-computation

8.38.3 Numerical Computation: GATE2011-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/2166

If log(P) = (1/2) log(Q) = (1/3) log(R) , then which of the following options is TRUE?

A. P2 = Q3 R2 B. Q2 = PR C. Q2 = R3 P D. R = P2 Q2
gate2011 numerical-ability normal numerical-computation

8.38.4 Numerical Computation: GATE2011-65 top https://gateoverflow.in/2175

A container originally contains 10 litres of pure spirit. From this container, 1 litre of spirit replaced with 1 litre of
water. Subsequently, 1 litre of the mixture is again replaced with 1 litre of water and this process is repeated
one more time. How much spirit is now left in the container?

A. 7.58 litres B. 7.84 litres

C. 7 litres D. 7.29 litres
gate2011 numerical-ability normal numerical-computation

8.38.5 Numerical Computation: GATE2013 CE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40268

A number is as much greater than 75 as it is smaller than 117. The number is:

A. 91 B. 93 C. 89 D. 96
gate2013-ce numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.6 Numerical Computation: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/41516

The sum of eight consecutive odd numbers is 656. The average of four consecutive even numbers is 87. What is
the sum of the smallest odd number and second largest even number?

gate2014-ec-2 numerical-ability numerical-answers numerical-computation

8.38.7 Numerical Computation: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/41466

Let f(x, y) = xn y m = P . If x is doubled and y is halved, the new value of f is

A. 2n−m P B. 2m−n P C. 2(n − m)P D. 2(m − n)P

gate2014-ec-4 numerical-ability easy numerical-computation

8.38.8 Numerical Computation: GATE2014-1-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/773

1 1
If (z + ) = 98 , compute (z2 + 2 ) .
z z
gate2014-1 numerical-ability easy numerical-answers numerical-computation

8.38.9 Numerical Computation: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/110889

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 205

The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing the digits is greater
than the original number by 54, find the original number.

A. 39 B. 57 C. 66 D. 93
gate2016-ce-2 numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.10 Numerical Computation: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313482

The last digit of (2171)7 + (2172)9 + (2173)11 + (2174)13 is

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.11 Numerical Computation: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313660

What is the sum of the missing digits in the subtraction problem below?

5 _ _ _ _
− 4 8 _ 8 9
1 1 1 1

A. 8 B. 10 C. 11 D. Cannot be determined.

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.12 Numerical Computation: GATE2017-1-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/118407

Find the smallest number y such that y × 162 is a perfect cube.

A. 24 B. 27 C. 32 D. 36
gate2017-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.13 Numerical Computation: GATE2017-2-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/118418

A test has twenty questions worth 100 marks in total. There are two types of questions. Multiple choice
questions are worth 3 marks each and essay questions are worth 11 marks each. How many multiple choice
questions does the exam have?

A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 19
gate2017-2 numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.14 Numerical Computation: GATE2017-2-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/118422

X is a 30 digit number starting with the digit 4 followed by the digit 7. Then the number X 3 will have

A. 90 digits B. 91 digits C. 92 digits D. 93 digits

gate2017-2 numerical-ability numerical-computation number-representation

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

206 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.38.15 Numerical Computation: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313382

Each of the letters in the figure below represents a unique integer from 1 to 9. The letters are positioned in the
figure such that each of (A + B + C), (C + D + E), (E + F + G) and (G + H + K) is equal to 13. Which
integer does E represent?

A. 1 B. 4 C. 6 D. 7
gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.16 Numerical Computation: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313646

A number consists of two digits. The sum of the digits is 9. If 45 is subtracted from the number, its digits are
interchanged. What is the number?

A. 63 B. 72 C. 81 D. 90

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.17 Numerical Computation: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313630

A house has a number which need to be identified. The following three statements are given that can help in
identifying the house number?

i. If the house number is a multiple of 3, then it is a number from 50 to 59.

ii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 4, then it is a number from 60 to 69.
iii. If the house number is NOT a multiple of 6, then it is a number from 70 to 79.
What is the house number?

A. 54 B. 65 C. 66 D. 76
gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.18 Numerical Computation: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313598

The sum and product of two integers are 26 and 165 respectively. The difference between these two integers is

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.19 Numerical Computation: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313573

The product of three integers X , Y and Z is 192. Z is equal to 4 and P is equal to the average of X and Y.
What is the minimum possible value of P ?

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9.5

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 207

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.20 Numerical Computation: TIFR2010-A-14 top https://gateoverflow.in/18393

A marine biologist wanted to estimate the number of fish in a large lake. He threw a net and found 30 fish in
the net. He marked all these fish and released them into the lake. The next morning he again threw the net and
this time caught 40 fish, of which two were found to be marked. The (approximate) number of fish in the lake

a. 600 b. 1200 c. 68 d. 800 e. 120

tifr2010 numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.21 Numerical Computation: TIFR2014-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/25979

Consider the reactions

X + 2Y → 3Z2X + Z → Y .
Let nX , nY , nZ denote the numbers of molecules of chemicals X, Y , Z in the reaction chamber. Then which of
the following is conserved by both reactions?

a. nX + nY + nZ . b. nX + 7nY + 5nZ .
c. 2nX + 9nY − 3nZ . d. 3nX − 3nY + 13nZ .
e. None of the above.
tifr2014 numerical-ability numerical-computation

8.38.22 Numerical Computation: TIFR2014-A-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/25989

Consider numbers greater than one that satisfy the following properties:

i. They have no repeated prime factors;

ii. For all primes p ≥ 2 , p divides the number if and only if p − 1 divides the number.
The number of such numbers is

a. 0. b. 5. c. 100. d. Infinite. e. None of the above.

tifr2014 numerical-ability difficult numerical-computation

8.38.23 Numerical Computation: TIFR2015-B-12 top https://gateoverflow.in/30046

Let tn be the sum of the first n natural numbers, for n > 0 . A number is called triangular if it is equal to tn for
some n. Which of the following statements are true:

(i) There exists three successive triangular numbers whose product is a perfect square.

(ii) If the triangular number tn is a perfect square, then so is t4n(n+1).

(iii) The sum of the reciprocals of the first n triangular numbers is less than 2, i.e.
+ 13 + 16 +. . . . + t1 < 2

a. (i) only. b. (ii) only.

c. (iii) only. d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
tifr2015 numerical-ability normal numerical-computation

8.39 Odd One (2) top

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

208 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.39.1 Odd One: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/110830

The number that least fits this set: (324, 441, 97 and 64) is ________.

A. 324 B. 441 C. 97 D. 64
gate2016-ec-3 odd-one numerical-ability

8.39.2 Odd One: GATE2016-2-GA-04 top https://gateoverflow.in/39528

Pick the odd one from the following options.


gate2016-2 numerical-ability odd-one normal

8.40 Percentage (18) top

8.40.1 Percentage: GATE2011 AG: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/312121

There are two candidates P and Q in an election. During the campaign, 40% of the voters promised to vote for
P, and rest for Q. However, on the day of election 15% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for P
and instead voted for Q. 25% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for Q and instead voted for P.
Suppose , P lost by 2 votes, then what was the total number of voters?

A. 100 B. 110 C. 90 D. 95
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2011-ag percentage

8.40.2 Percentage: GATE2012 AE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40218

The total runs scored by four cricketers P, Q, R and S in years 2009 and 2010 are given in the following table;

Player 2009 2010

P 802 1008
Q 765 912
R 429 619
S 501 701
The player with the lowest percentage increase in total runs is

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
gate2012-ae numerical-ability percentage

8.40.3 Percentage: GATE2012 CY: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40239

The data given in the following table summarizes the monthly budget of an average household.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 209

Category Amount(Rs.)
Food 4000
Rent 2000
Savings 1500
Other expenses 1800
Clothing 1200

The approximate percentage of the monthly budget NOT spent on savings is

A. 10% B. 14% C. 81% D. 86%

gate2012-cy numerical-ability percentage

8.40.4 Percentage: GATE2013 EE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40289

In the summer of 2012, in New Delhi, the mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 41°C and of
Tuesday to Thursday was 43°C. If the temperature on Thursday was 15 higher than that of Monday, then the
temperature in °C on Thursday was

A. 40 B. 43 C. 46 D. 49
gate2013-ee numerical-ability percentage

8.40.5 Percentage: GATE2014 AE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40309

One percent of the people of country X are taller than 6 ft. Two percent of the people of country Y are taller
than 6 ft. There are thrice as many people in country X as in country Y . Taking both countries together, what
is the percentage of people taller than 6 ft?

A. 3.0 B. 2.5 C. 1.5 D. 1.25

gate2014-ae percentage numerical-ability

8.40.6 Percentage: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/41470

Industrial consumption of power doubled from 2000 − 2001 to 2010 − 2011 . Find the annual rate of increase
in percent assuming it to be uniform over the years.

A. 5.6 B. 7.2 C. 10.0 D. 12.2

gate2014-ec-4 percentage normal numerical-ability

8.40.7 Percentage: GATE2014-1-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/776

Round-trip tickets to a tourist destination are eligible for a discount of 10% on the total fare. In addition, groups
of 4 or more get a discount of 5% on the total fare. If the one way single person fare is Rs 100, a group of 5
tourists purchasing round-trip tickets will be charged Rs __________

gate2014-1 numerical-ability easy numerical-answers percentage

8.40.8 Percentage: GATE2014-3-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/2032

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Rupees grew at 7% during 2012 − 2013 . For international comparison,
the GDP is compared in US Dollars (USD) after conversion based on the market exchange rate. During the
period 2012 − 2013 the exchange rate for the USD increased from Rs. 50/USD to Rs.60/ USD . India's

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

210 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

GDP in USD during the period 2012 − 2013

A. increased by 5% B. decreased by 13%
C. decreased by 20% D. decreased by 11%
gate2014-3 numerical-ability normal percentage

8.40.9 Percentage: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40182

The given question is followed by two statements; select the most appropriate option that solves the
Capacity of a solution tank A is 70% of the capacity of tank B. How many gallons of solution are in
tank A and tank B?

I. Tank A is 80% full and tank B is 40% full.

II. Tank A if full contains 14, 000 gallons of solution.

A. Statement I alone is sufficient.

B. Statement II alone is sufficient.
C. Either statement I or II alone is sufficient.
D. Both the statements I and II together are sufficient.

gate2015-ce-2 numerical-ability general-aptitude percentage

8.40.10 Percentage: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/110885

(x% of y) + (y% of x) is equivalent to ______ .

A. 2% of xy B. 2% of (xy/100) C. xy% of 100 D. 100% of xy

gate2016-ce-2 numerical-ability percentage

8.40.11 Percentage: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/108074

In a huge pile of apples and oranges, both ripe and unripe mixed together, 15% are unripe fruits. Of the unripe
fruits, 45% are apples. Of the ripe ones, 66% are oranges. If the pile contains a total of 5692000 fruits, how
many of them are apples?

A. 2029198 B. 2467482 C. 2789080 D. 3577422

gate2016-ec-1 percentage numerical-ability

8.40.12 Percentage: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313484

If the radius of a right circular cone is increased by 50% its volume increases by

A. 75% B. 100% C. 125% D. 237.5%

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage geometry

8.40.13 Percentage: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313519

In the summer, water consumption is known to decrease overall by 25%. A Water Board official states that in
the summer household consumption decreases by 20%, while other consumption increases by 70%. Which of

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 211

the following statement is correct?

A. The ratio of household to other consumption is 8/17

B. The ratio of household to other consumption is 1/17
C. The ratio of household to other consumption is 17/8
D. There are errors in the official’s statement.

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage

8.40.14 Percentage: GATE2018 EE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/205189

A designer uses marbles of four different colours for his designs. The cost of each marble is the same,
irrespective of the colour. The table below shows the percentage of marbles of each colour used in the current
design. The cost of each marble increased by 25%. Therefore, the designer decided to reduce equal numbers of
marbles of each colour to keep the total cost unchanged. What is the percentage of blue marbles in the new

Blue Black Red Yellow

40% 25% 20% 15%

A. 35.75 B. 40.25 C. 43.75 D. 46.25

gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability normal percentage

8.40.15 Percentage: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313372

Population of state X increased by x % and the population of state Y increased by y % from 2001 to 2011.
Assume that x is greater than y. Let P be the ratio of the population of state X to state Y in a given year. The
percentage increase in P from 2001 to 2011 is ________

100(x−y) 100(x−y)
A. x
B. x−y C.
gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage

8.40.16 Percentage: GATE2019 IN: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313546

The radius as well as the height of a circular cone increases by 10%. The percentage increase in its volume is

A. 17.1 B. 21.0 C. 33.1 D. 72.8

gate2019-in general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry percentage

8.40.17 Percentage: GATE2019 IN: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313548

In a country of 1400 million population, 70% own mobile phones. Among the mobile phone owners, only 294
million access the Internet. Among these Internet users, only half buy goods from e-commerce portals. What is
the percentage of these buyers in the country?

A. 10.50 B. 14.70 C. 15.00 D. 50.00

gate2019-in general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage

8.40.18 Percentage: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313578

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

212 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Fiscal deficit was 4% of the GDP in 2015 and that increased to 5% in 2016. If the GDP increased by 10% from
2015 to 2016, the percentage increase in the actual fiscal deficit is ____

A. 37.50 B. 35.70 C. 25.00 D. 10.00

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage

8.41 Permutation And Combination (8) top

8.41.1 Permutation And Combination: GATE2010-65 top https://gateoverflow.in/2373

Given digits2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 how many distinct 4 digit numbers greater than 3000 can be formed?

A. 50 B. 51 C. 52 D. 54
gate2010 numerical-ability permutation-and-combination normal

8.41.2 Permutation And Combination: GATE2011 MN: GA-59 top


In how many ways 3 scholarships can be awarded to 4 applicants, when each applicant can receive any number
of scholarships?

A. 4 B. 12 C. 64 D. 81
numerical-ability gate2011-mn permutation-and-combination

8.41.3 Permutation And Combination: GATE2012 AR: GA-5 top


Ten teams participate in a tournament. Every team plays each of the other teams twice. The total number of
matches to be played is

A. 20 B. 45 C. 60 D. 90
gate2012-ar numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.41.4 Permutation And Combination: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-10 top


A five digit number is formed using the digits 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 without repeating any of them. What is the sum of
all such possible five digit numbers?

A. 6666660 B. 6666600 C. 6666666 D. 6666606

gate2014-ec-4 numerical-ability normal permutation-and-combination

8.41.5 Permutation And Combination: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-5 top


Five teams have to compete in a league, with every team playing every other team exactly once, before going
to the next round. How many matches will have to be held to complete the league round of matches?

A. 20 B. 10 C. 8 D. 5
gate2015-me-3 numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 213

8.41.6 Permutation And Combination: GATE2016-2-GA-09 top


In a 2 × 4 rectangle grid shown below, each cell is rectangle. How many rectangles can be observed in the

A. 21 B. 27 C. 30 D. 36
gate2016-2 numerical-ability normal permutation-and-combination

8.41.7 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2011-A-20 top https://gateoverflow.in/20260

Let n>1 be an odd integer. The number of zeros at the end of the number 99n + 1 is.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. None of the above.

tifr2011 numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.41.8 Permutation And Combination: TIFR2013-A-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/25382

An infinite two-dimensional pattern is indicated below.

The smallest closed figure made by the lines is called a unit triangle. Within every unit triangle, there is a

At every vertex there is a laddoo. What is the average number of laddoos per mouse?

1 1
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. ( ) E. ( )
2 3
tifr2013 numerical-ability permutation-and-combination

8.42 Pie Chart (7) top

8.42.1 Pie Chart: GATE2014 AG: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/41672

The total exports and revenues from the exports of a country are given in the two pie charts below. The pie
chart for exports shows the quantity of each item as a percentage of the total quantity of exports. The pie chart
for the revenues shows the percentage of the total revenue generated through export of each item. The total
quantity of exports of all the items is 5 lakh tonnes and the total revenues are 250 crore rupees. What is the
ratio of the revenue generated through export of Item 1 per kilogram to the revenue generated through export
of Item 4 per kilogram?

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

214 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. 1:2 B. 2:1 C. 1:4 D. 4:1

gate2014-ag numerical-ability data-interpretation pie-chart ratio-proportion normal

8.42.2 Pie Chart: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41517

The total exports and revenues from the exports of a country are given in the two charts shown below. The pie
chart for exports shows the quantity of each item exported as a percentage of the total quantity of exports. The
pie chart for the revenues shows the percentage of the total revenue generated through export of each item.
The total quantity of exports of all the items is 500 thousand tonnes and the total revenues are 250 crore
rupees. Which item among the following has generated the maximum revenue per kg?

A. Item 2 B. Item 3 C. Item 6 D. Item 5

gate2014-ec-2 numerical-ability data-interpretation pie-chart normal

8.42.3 Pie Chart: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/41459

The multi-level hierarchical pie chart shows the population of animals in a reserve forest. The correct
conclusions from this information are:

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 215

(i) Butterflies are birds

(ii) There are more tigers in this forest than red ants

(iii) All reptiles in this forest are either snakes or crocodiles

(iv) Elephants are the largest mammals in this forest

A. (i) and (ii) only B. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

C. (i), (iii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii) only
gate2014-ec-3 numerical-ability data-interpretation pie-chart normal

8.42.4 Pie Chart: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41461

A firm producing air purifiers sold 200 units in 2012. The following pie chart presents the share of raw material,
labour, energy, plant & machinery, and transportation costs in the total manufacturing cost of the firm in 2012.
The expenditure on labour in 2012 is Rs.4,50,000. In 2013, the raw material expenses increased by 30% and
all other expenses increased by 20%. If the company registered a profit of Rs. 10 lakhs in 2012, at what price
(in Rs) was each air purifier sold?

gate2014-ec-3 numerical-ability data-interpretation pie-chart numerical-answers

8.42.5 Pie Chart: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/41471

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

216 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A firm producing air purifiers sold 200 units in 2012. The following pie chart presents the share of raw material,
labour, energy, plant & machinery, and transportation costs in the total manufacturing cost of the firm in 2012.
The expenditure on labour in 2012 is Rs. 4,50,000. In 2013, the raw material expenses increased by 30% and
all other expenses increased by 20%. What is the percentage increase in total cost for the company in 2013?

gate2014-ec-4 numerical-ability data-interpretation pie-chart numerical-answers

8.42.6 Pie Chart: GATE2015-1-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/8013

The pie chart below has the breakup of the number of students from different departments in an engineering
college for the year 2012. The proportion of male to female students in each department is 5 : 4 . There are 40
males in Electrical Engineering. What is the difference between the numbers of female students in the civil
department and the female students in the Mechanical department?

gate2015-1 numerical-ability data-interpretation numerical-answers pie-chart

8.42.7 Pie Chart: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313520

40% of deaths on city roads may be attributed to drunken driving. The number of degrees needed to represent
this as a slice of a pie chart is

A. 120 B. 144 C. 160 D. 212

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability percentage pie-chart

8.43 Polynomials (3) top

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 217

8.43.1 Polynomials: GATE2016-1-GA09 top https://gateoverflow.in/39611

If f(x) = 2x7 + 3x − 5 , which of the following is a factor of f(x) ?

A. (x3 + 8) B. (x − 1) C. (2x − 5) D. (x + 1)
gate2016-1 numerical-ability polynomials normal

8.43.2 Polynomials: GATE2018 CH: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/205082

If x2 + x − 1 = 0 what is the value of x4 + ?

A. 1 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9
gate2018-ch numerical-ability easy polynomials

8.43.3 Polynomials: GATE2018 EE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/205099

The three roots of the equation f(x) = 0 are x = {−2, 0, 3} . What are the three values of x for which
f(x − 3) = 0?

A. −5, −3, 0 B. −2, 0, 3 C. 0, 6, 8 D. 1, 3, 6

gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability easy polynomials

8.44 Probability (13) top

8.44.1 Probability: GATE2012 AE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40217

Two policemen, A and B, fire once each at the same time at an escaping convict. The probability that A hits
the convict is three times the probability that B hits the convict. If the probability of the convict not getting
injured is 0.5, the probability that B hits the convict is

A. 0.14 B. 0.22 C. 0.33 D. 0.40

gate2012-ae numerical-ability probability

8.44.2 Probability: GATE2012 AR: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40230

A smuggler has 10 capsules in which five are filled with narcotic drugs and the rest contain the original
medicine. All the 10 capsules are mixed in a single box, from which the customs officials picked two capsules at
random and tested for the presence of narcotic drugs. The probability that the smuggler will be caught is

A. 0.50 B. 0.67 C. 0.78 D. 0.82

gate2012-ar numerical-ability probability

8.44.3 Probability: GATE2012 CY: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/4173

A and B are friends. They decide to meet between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm on a given day. There is a condition
that whoever arrives first will not wait for the other for more than 15 minutes. The probability that they will
meet on that day is

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

218 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. 1/4 B. 1/16 C. 7/16 D. 9/16

gate2012-cy numerical-ability probability

8.44.4 Probability: GATE2013 EE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40293

What is the chance that a leap year, selected at random, will contain 53 Saturdays?

A. 2/7 B. 3/7 C. 1/7 D. 5/7

gate2013-ee numerical-ability probability

8.44.5 Probability: GATE2014 AG: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/41668

In any given year, the probability of an earthquake greater than Magnitude 6 occurring in the Garhwal
Himalayas is 0.04. The average time between successive occurrences of such earthquakes is ____ years.

gate2014-ag numerical-ability probability numerical-answers normal

8.44.6 Probability: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/41511

A regular die has six sides with numbers 1 to 6 marked on its sides. If a very large number of throws show the
following frequencies of occurrence: 1 → 0.167; 2 → 0.167; 3 → 0.152; 4 → 0.166; 5 → 0.168; 6 → 0.180.
We call this die:

A. Irregular B. Biased C. Gaussian D. Insufficient

gate2014-ec-2 numerical-ability probability normal

8.44.7 Probability: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/41462

A batch of one hundred bulbs is inspected by testing four randomly chosen bulbs. The batch is rejected if even
one of the bulbs is defective. A batch typically has five defective bulbs. The probability that the current batch is
accepted is__________.

gate2014-ec-3 numerical-ability probability numerical-answers normal

8.44.8 Probability: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 5 top https://gateoverflow.in/39506

Ram and Ramesh appeared in an interview for two vacancies in the same department. The probability of Ram’s
selection is 1/6 and that of Ramesh is 1/8 . What is the probability that only one of them will be selected?

A. 47/48 B. 1/4 C. 13/48 D. 35/48

gate2015-ec-2 numerical-ability probability

8.44.9 Probability: GATE2015-1-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/8014

The probabilities that a student passes in mathematics, physics and chemistry are m, p and c respectively. Of
these subjects, the student has 75% chance of passing in at least one, a 50% chance of passing in at least two
and a 40% chance of passing in exactly two. Following relations are drawn in m, p, c:

I. p + m + c = 27/20
II. p + m + c = 13/20
III. (p) × (m) × (c) = 1/10

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 219

A. Only relation I is true. B. Only relation II is true.

C. Relations II and III are true. D. Relations I and III are true.
gate2015-1 numerical-ability probability

8.44.10 Probability: GATE2015-1-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/8004

Given Set A = 2, 3, 4, 5 and Set B = 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , two numbers are randomly selected, one from each
set. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers equals 16?

A. 0.20 B. 0.25 C. 0.30 D. 0.33

gate2015-1 numerical-ability probability normal

8.44.11 Probability: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/108086

A person moving through a tuberculosis prone zone has a 50% probability of becoming infected. However, only
30% of infected people develop the disease. What percentage of people moving through a tuberculosis prone
zone remains infected but does not show symptoms of disease?

A. 15 B. 33 C. 35 D. 37
gate2016-ec-1 numerical-ability probability

8.44.12 Probability: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313416

Two dice are thrown simultaneously. The probability that the product of the numbers appearing on the top
faces of the dice is a perfect square is

A. 1 B. 2 C. 1 D. 4
9 9 3 9
gate2017-ce-2 numerical-ability probability

8.44.13 Probability: GATE2017-2-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/118419

There are 3 red socks, 4 green socks and 3 blue socks.You choose 2 socks. The probability that they are of the
same colour is

1 7 1 4
A. B. C. D.
5 30 4 15

gate2017-2 numerical-ability probability

8.45 Profit Loss (3) top

8.45.1 Profit Loss: GATE2013 CE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40278

A firm is selling its product at Rs. 60 per unit. The total cost of production is Rs. 100 and firm is earning total
profit of Rs. 500. Later, the total cost increased by 30%. By what percentage the price should be increased to
maintained the same profit level.

A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30
numerical-ability gate2013-ce profit-loss

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220 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.45.2 Profit Loss: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313249

A fruit seller sold a basket of fruits at 12.5% loss. Had he sold it for Rs. 108 more, he would have made a 10%
gain. What is the loss in Rupees incurred by the fruit seller?

A. 48 B. 52 C. 60 D. 108
gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability profit-loss

8.45.3 Profit Loss: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313599

A person divided an amount of Rs. 100, 000 into two parts and invested in two different schemes. In one he got
10% profit and in the other he got 12%. If the profit percentages are interchanged with these investments he
would have got Rs. 120 less. Find the ratio between his investments in the two schemes.

A. 9 : 16 B. 11 : 14 C. 37 : 63 D. 47 : 53
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability ratio-proportion profit-loss

8.46 Quadratic Equations (8) top

8.46.1 Quadratic Equations: GATE2011 MN: GA-62 top https://gateoverflow.in/31540

A student attempted to solve a quadratic equation in x twice. However, in the first attempt, he incorrectly wrote
the constant term and ended up with the roots as (4, 3) . In the second attempt, he incorrectly wrote down the
coefficient of x and got the roots as (3, 2) . Based on the above information, the roots of the correct quadratic
equation are

A. (−3, 4) B. (3, −4) C. (6, 1) D. (4, 2)

gate2011-mn quadratic-equations numerical-ability

8.46.2 Quadratic Equations: GATE2013 EE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40295

The set of values of p for which the roots of the equation 3x2 + 2x + p(p– 1) = 0 are of opposite sign is

A. (– ∞, 0) B. (0, 1) C. (1, ∞) D. (0, ∞)

gate2013-ee numerical-ability quadratic-equations

8.46.3 Quadratic Equations: GATE2014-1-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/770

The roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0 are real and positive. a, b and c are real. Then ax2 + b ∣ x ∣ +c = 0 has

A. no roots B. 2 real roots C. 3 real roots D. 4 real roots

gate2014-1 numerical-ability quadratic-equations normal

8.46.4 Quadratic Equations: GATE2015 EC-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/39510

if a2 + b2 + c2 = 1 then ab + bc + ac lies in the interval

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 221

A. [1, 2/3] B. [−1/2, 1] C. [−1, 1/2] D. [2, −4]

gate2015-ec-2 numerical-answers numerical-ability quadratic-equations

8.46.5 Quadratic Equations: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/108482

1 1
Given (9 inches) 2 = (0.25 yards) 2 , which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A. 3 inches = 0.5 yards B. 9 inches = 1.5 yards

C. 9 inches = 0.25 yards D. 81 inches = 0.0625 yards
gate2016-ec-2 numerical-ability quadratic-equations

8.46.6 Quadratic Equations: GATE2016-2-GA-05 top https://gateoverflow.in/39532

In a quadratic function, the value of the product of the roots (α, β) is 4. Find the value of
αn + β n
α−n + β −n

A. n4 B. 4n C. 22n−1 D. 4n−1
gate2016-2 numerical-ability quadratic-equations normal

8.46.7 Quadratic Equations: GATE2018 EE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/205181

(k + 2)2
For what values of k given below is an integer?
(k − 3)

A. 4, 8, 18 B. 4, 10, 16 C. 4, 8, 28 D. 8, 26, 28
gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability easy quadratic-equations

8.46.8 Quadratic Equations: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313650

Given that a and b are integers and a + a2b3 is odd, which of the following statements is correct?

A. a and b are both odd B. a and b are both even

C. a is even and b is odd D. a is odd and b is even
gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability quadratic-equations system-of-equations

8.47 Ratio Proportion (15) top

8.47.1 Ratio Proportion: GATE2011 AG: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/312128

1 rd
Three friends, R, S and T shared toffee from a bowl. R took 3
of the toffees, but returned four to the bowl.
1 th
S took 4 of what was left but returned three toffees to the bowl. T took half of the remainder but returned
two back into the bowl. If the bowl had 17 toffees left, how may toffees were originally there in the bowl?

A. 38 B. 31 C. 48 D. 41
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2011-ag ratio-proportion

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

222 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.47.2 Ratio Proportion: GATE2011 GG: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40205

If m students require a total of m pages of stationery in m days, then 100 students will require 100 pages of
stationery in

A. 100 days B. m/100 days C. 100/m days D. m days

gate2011-gg numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.3 Ratio Proportion: GATE2013 AE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40242

If 3≤X≤5 and 8 ≤ Y ≤ 11 then which of the following options is TRUE?

3 8 3 5
( ≤ ≤ ) ( ≤ )
A. B. ≤
5 Y 5 11 Y 8
3 8 3 8
( ≤ ) ( ≤ )
C. ≤ D. ≤
11 Y 5 5 Y 11
gate2013-ae numerical-ability ratio-proportion normal

8.47.4 Ratio Proportion: GATE2014 AE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40308

The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to two thirds of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between
the angles of the quadrilateral is 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. The largest angle of the triangle is twice its smallest angle. What
is the sum, in degrees, of the second largest angle of the triangle and the largest angle of the quadrilateral?

gate2014-ae numerical-ability ratio-proportion numerical-answers

8.47.5 Ratio Proportion: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/39496

A cube of side 3 units is formed using a set of smaller cubes of side 1 unit. Find the proportion of the number of
faces of the smaller cubes visible to those which are NOT visible.

A. 1:4 B. 1:3 C. 1:2 D. 2:3

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability geometry ratio-proportion

8.47.6 Ratio Proportion: GATE2016-1-GA10 top https://gateoverflow.in/39612

In a process, the number of cycles to failure decreases exponentially with an increase in load. At a load of
80 units, it takes
100 cycles for failure. When the load is halved, it takes
10000 cycles for failure.The load for which the failure will happen in
5000 cycles is _____________.

A. 40.00 B. 46.02 C. 60.01 D. 92.02

gate2016-1 numerical-ability ratio-proportion normal

8.47.7 Ratio Proportion: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313415

x+2 2x+4
What is the value of x when 81 × ( 16
) ÷ ( 35 ) = 144?

A. 1 B. −1 C. −2 D. Can not be determined

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 223

gate2017-ce-2 ratio-proportion numerical-ability

8.47.8 Ratio Proportion: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313254

The price of a wire made of a super alloy material is proportional to the square of its length. The price of 10m
length of the wire is Rs. 1600. What would be the total price (in Rs.) of two wires of length 4m and 6m ?

A. 768 B. 832 C. 1440 D. 1600

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.9 Ratio Proportion: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313385

In manufacturing industries, loss is usually taken to be proportional to the square of the deviation from a
target. If the loss is Rs. 4900 for a deviation of 7 units, what would be the loss in Rupees for a deviation of 4
units from the target?

A. 400 B. 1200 C. 1600 D. 2800

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.10 Ratio Proportion: GATE2018 EC: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/205211

Two alloys A and B contain gold and copper in the ratios of 2 : 3 and 3 : 7 by mass,
respectively. Equal masses of alloys A and B are melted to make an alloy C . The ratio of
gold to copper in alloy C is ______.

A. 5 : 10 B. 7 : 13 C. 6 : 11 D. 9 : 13
gate2018-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability normal ratio-proportion

8.47.11 Ratio Proportion: GATE2018-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/204068

1 1 1
If pqr ≠ 0 p−x = , q −y = , r−z = ,
and what is the value
q r p
of the product xyz ?

A. −1 B. C. 1 D. pqr
gate2018 numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.12 Ratio Proportion: GATE2018-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/204069

In a party, 60% of the invited guests are male and 40% are female.If 80% of the invited guests attended the
party and if all the invited female guests attended, what would be the ratio of males to females among the
attendees in the party?

A. 2: 3 B. 1: 1 C. 3: 2 D. 2: 1
gate2018 numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.13 Ratio Proportion: GATE2019 EE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313564

The ratio of the number of boys and girls who participated in an examination is 4 : 3. The total percentage of

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

224 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

candidates who passed the examination is 80 and the percentage of girls who passed the exam is 90. The
percentage of boys who passed is _______.

A. 55.50 B. 72.50 C. 80.50 D. 90.00

gate2019-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability ratio-proportion percentage

8.47.14 Ratio Proportion: TIFR2012-A-18 top https://gateoverflow.in/25043

A large community practices birth control in the following peculiar fashion. Each set of parents continues having
children until a son is born; then they stop. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the community if, in the absence
of birth control, 51% of the babies are born male?

a. 51 : 49 b. 1:1 c. 49 : 51 d. 51 : 98 e. 98 : 51
tifr2012 numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.47.15 Ratio Proportion: TIFR2014-A-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/25987

A body at a temperature of 30 Celsius is immersed into a heat bath at 0 Celsius at time t = 0 . The body starts
cooling at a rate proportional to the temperature difference. Assuming that the heat bath does not change in
temperature throughout the process, calculate the ratio of the time taken for the body to reach 1 Celsius
divided by the time taken for the body to reach 5 Celsius.

A. log 5. log 29
B. .
log 25

C. e5 . D. 1 + log6 5 .

E. None of the above.

tifr2014 numerical-ability ratio-proportion

8.48 Reasoning (2) top

8.48.1 Reasoning: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313521

S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are seated around a circular table .T’s neighbors are Y and V. Z is seated third to the
left of T and second to the right of S. U’s neighbors are S and Y; and T and W are not seated opposite each
other .Who is third to the left of V?

A. X B. W C. U D. T

gate2017-ec-1 reasoning

8.48.2 Reasoning: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313509

500 students are taking one or more course out of Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Registration records
indicate course enrollment as follows: Chemistry (329), Physics (186), and Mathematics (295). Chemistry and
Physics (83), Chemistry and Mathematics (217), and Physics and Mathematics (63). How many students are
taking all 3 subjects?

A. 37 B. 43 C. 47 D. 53

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 225

gate2017-ec-2 reasoning general-aptitude numerical-ability venn-diagrams

8.49 Round Table Arrangement (1) top

8.49.1 Round Table Arrangement: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313417

P, Q, R, S, T , and U are seated around a circular table R is seated two places to the right of Q. P is seated
three places to the left of R. S is seated opposite U. If P and U now switch seats, which of the following must
necessarily be true?

A. P is immediately to the right of R

B. T is immediately to the left of P
C. T is immediately to the left of P or P is immediately to the right of Q
D. U is immediately to the right of R or P is immediately to the left of T

gate2017-ce-2 logical-reasoning round-table-arrangement

8.50 Sequence Series (11) top

8.50.1 Sequence Series: GATE2010 MN: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/312016

Given the sequence A, B, B, C, C, C, D, D, D, D, … etc. , that is one A, two B′ s, three C ′ s, four D′ s, five
E ′ s and so on, the 240th latter in the sequence will be :

A. V B. U C. T D. W
general-aptitude logical-reasoning gate2010-mn sequence-series

8.50.2 Sequence Series: GATE2012-65 top https://gateoverflow.in/2213

Given the sequence of terms, AD CG F K JP , the next term is

gate2012 numerical-ability sequence-series easy

8.50.3 Sequence Series: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/41467

In a sequence of 12 consecutive odd numbers, the sum of the first 5 numbers is 425. What is the sum of the
last 5 numbers in the sequence?

gate2014-ec-4 numerical-ability sequence-series normal numerical-answers

8.50.4 Sequence Series: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/41468

Find the next term in the sequence: 13M, 17Q, 19S,_______.

A. 21W B. 21V C. 23W D. 23V

gate2014-ec-4 numerical-ability sequence-series normal

8.50.5 Sequence Series: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313226

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

226 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Fill in the missing value

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability sequence-series

8.50.6 Sequence Series: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/39517

Find the missing sequence in the letter series below:

A, CD, GHI, ?, UV W XY


gate2015-ec-3 general-aptitude logical-reasoning sequence-series

8.50.7 Sequence Series: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/108300

Find the missing sequence in the letter series. B, F H, LNP , _______.

gate2016-me-2 sequence-series numerical-ability

8.50.8 Sequence Series: GATE2018-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/204066

What is the missing number in the following sequence?

2, 12, 60, 240, 720, 1440, −−−−, 0

A. 2880 B. 1440 C. 720 D. 0

gate2018 numerical-ability sequence-series easy

8.50.9 Sequence Series: GATE2019 EE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313558

The missing number in the given sequence 343, 1331,_____, 4913 is

A. 3375 B. 2744 C. 2197 D. 4096

gate2019-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability sequence-series

8.50.10 Sequence Series: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313588

If IMHO=JNIP; IDK=JEL; and SO=TP, then IDC=______

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 227


gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability sequence-series easy

8.50.11 Sequence Series: TIFR2013-A-19 top https://gateoverflow.in/25500

Consider a sequence of numbers (ϵn : n = 1, 2, . . . ) , such that ϵ1 = 10 and

ϵn+1 =
20 + ϵn
for n ≥ 1 . Which of the following statements is true?
Hint: Consider the sequence of reciprocals.

1. The sequence (ϵn : n = 1, 2, . . . ) converges to zero.

2. ϵn ≥ 1 for all n
3. The sequence (ϵn : n = 1, 2, . . . ) is decreasing and converges to 1.
4. The sequence (ϵn : n = 1, 2, . . . ) is decreasing and then increasing. Finally it converges to 1.
5. None of the above.

tifr2013 numerical-ability sequence-series

8.51 Sets (2) top

8.51.1 Sets: GATE2016-2-GA-06 top https://gateoverflow.in/39536

Among 150 faculty members in an institute, 55 are connected with each other through Facebook and 85 are
connected through Whatsapp. 30 faculty members do not have Facebook or Whatsapp accounts. The numbers
of faculty members connected only through Facebook accounts is _______.

A. 35 B. 45 C. 65 D. 90
gate2016-2 numerical-ability sets easy

8.51.2 Sets: GATE2019 EE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313566

Given two sets X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {2, 3, 4}, we construct a set Z of all possible fractions where the
numerators belong to set X and the denominators belong to set Y . The product of elements having minimum
and maximum values in the set Z is _____.

A. 1/12 B. 1/8 C. 1/6 D. 3/8

gate2019-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability sets

8.52 Simple Compound Interests (1) top

8.52.1 Simple Compound Interests: GATE2010 MN: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/312013

A person invest Rs.1000 at 10% annual compound interest for 2 years . At the end of two years, the whole
amount is invested at an annual simple interest of 12% for 5 years . The total value of the investment finally is :

A. 1776 B. 1760 C. 1920 D. 1936

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

228 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-mn simple-compound-interests

8.53 Speed Time Distance (17) top

8.53.1 Speed Time Distance: GATE2013 AE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40247

Velocity of an object fired directly in upward direction is given by ܸ V = 80 − 32t , where t (time) is in seconds.
When will the velocity be between 32 m/sec and 64 m/sec ?

3 1
A. (1, ) B. ( , 1)
2 2
1 3 (1, 3)
( , )
2 2
gate2013-ae numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.53.2 Speed Time Distance: GATE2013 EE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40296

A car travels 8 km in the first quarter of an hour, 6 km in the second quarter and 16 km in the third quarter.
The average speed of the car in km per hour over the entire journey is

A. 30 B. 36 C. 40 D. 24
gate2013-ee speed-time-distance numerical-ability

8.53.3 Speed Time Distance: GATE2013-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/1568

A tourist covers half of his journey by train at 60 km/h, half of the remainder by bus at 30 km/h and the rest
by cycle at 10 km/h. The average speed of the tourist in km/h during his entire journey is

A. 36 B. 30 C. 24 D. 18
gate2013 numerical-ability easy speed-time-distance

8.53.4 Speed Time Distance: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/41497

A train that is 280 metres long, travelling at a uniform speed, crosses a platform in 60 seconds and passes a
man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. What is the length of the platform in metres?

gate2014-ec-1 numerical-ability speed-time-distance normal numerical-answers

8.53.5 Speed Time Distance: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/41518

It takes 30 minutes to empty a half-full tank by draining it at a constant rate. It is decided to simultaneously
pump water into the half-full tank while draining it. What is the rate at which water has to be pumped in so that
it gets fully filled in 10 minutes?

A. 4 times the draining rate B. 3 times the draining rate

C. 2.5 times the draining rate D. 2 times the draining rate
gate2014-ec-2 numerical-ability speed-time-distance normal

8.53.6 Speed Time Distance: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/41460

A man can row at 8 km per hour in still water. If it takes him thrice as long to row upstream, as to row
downstream, then find the stream velocity in km per hour.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 229

gate2014-ec-3 numerical-ability speed-time-distance normal numerical-answers

8.53.7 Speed Time Distance: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 8 top https://gateoverflow.in/39509

A tiger is 50 leaps of its own behind a tree. The tiger takes 5 leaps per minute to the deer's 4. If the tiger and
the deer cover 8 meter and 5 meter per leap respectively, what distance in meters will the tiger have to run
before it catches the deer?

gate2015-ec-2 numerical-ability numerical-answers speed-time-distance

8.53.8 Speed Time Distance: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/110832

It takes 10 s and 15 s, respectively, for two trains travelling at different constant speeds to completely pass a
telegraph post. The length of the first train is 120 m and that of the second train is 150 m. The magnitude of
the difference in the speeds of the two trains (in m/s) is ____________.

A. 2.0 B. 10.0 C. 12.0 D. 22.0

gate2016-ec-3 speed-time-distance numerical-ability

8.53.9 Speed Time Distance: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/110834

The velocity V of a vehicle along a straight line is measured in m/s and plotted as shown with respect to time
in seconds. At the end of the 7 seconds, how much will the odometer reading increase by (in m)?

A. 0 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
gate2016-ec-3 numerical-ability speed-time-distance data-interpretation

8.53.10 Speed Time Distance: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313418

Budhan covers a distance of 19 km in 2 hours by cycling one fourth of the time and walking the rest. The next
day he cycles (at the same speed as before) for half the time and walks the rest (at the same speed as
before) and covers 26 km in 2 hours. The speed in km/h at which Budhan walk is

A. 1 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
gate2017-ce-2 speed-time-distance numerical-ability

8.53.11 Speed Time Distance: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313517

Trucks (10 m long) and cars ( 5 m long) go on a single lane bridge. There must be a gap of at least 20 m after
each truck and a gap of at least 15 m after each car. Trucks and cars travel at a speed of 36 km/h. If cars and
trucks go alternately, what is the maximum number of vehicles that can use the bridge in one hour?

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

230 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

A. 1440 B. 1200 C. 720 D. 600

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.53.12 Speed Time Distance: GATE2018 CH: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/205089

An automobile travels from city A to city B and returns to city A by the same route. The speed of the vehicle
during the onward and return journeys were constant at 60km/h and 90km/h, respectively. What is the
average speed in km/h for the entire journey?

A. 72 km/h B. 73 km/h
C. 74 km/h D. 75 km/h
gate2018-ch general-aptitude numerical-ability normal speed-time-distance

8.53.13 Speed Time Distance: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313652

From the time the front of a train enters a platform, it takes 25 seconds for the back of the train to leave the
platform, while traveling at a constant speed of 54 km/h. At the same speed, it takes 14 seconds to pass a man
running at 9 km/h in the same direction as the train. What is the length of the train and that of the platform in
meters, respectively?

A. 210 and 140 B. 162.5 and 187.5 C. 245 and 130 D. 175 and 200
gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.53.14 Speed Time Distance: GATE2019 IN: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313549

Two trains started at 7AM from the same point. The first train travelled north at a speed of 80km/h and the
second train travelled south at a speed of 100km/h. The time at which they were 540 km apart is ________

A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 11.30
gate2019-in general-aptitude numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.53.15 Speed Time Distance: GATE2019-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/302870

Two cars at the same time from the same location and go in the same direction. The speed of the first car is 50
km/h and the speed of the second car is 60 km/h. The number of hours it takes for the distance between the
two cars to be 20 km is _____.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6
gate2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.53.16 Speed Time Distance: TIFR2012-A-16 top https://gateoverflow.in/25041

Walking at 4/5 is normal speed a man is 10 minute too late. Find his usual time in minutes.
a. 81 b. 64
c. 52 d. 40
e. It is not possible to determine the usual time
from given data.
tifr2012 numerical-ability speed-time-distance

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 231

8.53.17 Speed Time Distance: TIFR2017-A-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/94941

On planet TIFR, the acceleration of an object due to gravity is half that on planet earth. An object on planet
earth dropped from a height h takes time t to reach the ground. On planet TIFR, how much time would an
object dropped from height h take to reach the ground?

( –) ( ) ( )
t h h
A. B. √2t C. 2t D. E.
√2 t 2t
tifr2017 numerical-ability speed-time-distance

8.54 Statement Argument (1) top

8.54.1 Statement Argument: GATE2015-2-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8033

Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question.

What will be the total weight of 10 poles each of same weight?


I. One fourth of the weight of the pole is 5 Kg.

II. The total weight of these poles is 160 Kg more than the total weight of two poles.

A. Statement I alone is not sufficient.

B. Statement II alone is not sufficient.
C. Either I or II alone is sufficient.
D. Both statements I and II together are not sufficient.

gate2015-2 numerical-ability normal logical-reasoning statement-argument

8.55 Statement Sufficiency (1) top

8.55.1 Statement Sufficiency: GATE2015-1-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/8006

Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question.

If two floors in a certain building are 9 feet apart, how many steps are there in a set of stairs that extends from
the first floor to the second floor of the building?


(I) Each step is 3/4 foot high.

(II) Each step is 1 foot wide.
A. Statements I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient.
B. Statements II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient.
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
D. Statements I and II together are not sufficient.

gate2015-1 numerical-ability easy statement-sufficiency

8.56 Statistics (6) top

8.56.1 Statistics: GATE2012 AE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40216

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232 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

The arithmetic mean of five different natural numbers is 12. The largest possible value among the numbers is

A. 12 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60
gate2012-ae statistics numerical-ability

8.56.2 Statistics: GATE2012-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/2212

Which of the following assertions are CORRECT?

P: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 to the mean of the list

Q: Adding 7 to each entry in a list adds 7 to the standard deviation of the list
R: Doubling each entry in a list doubles the mean of the list
S: Doubling each entry in a list leaves the standard deviation of the list unchanged

A. P, Q B. Q, R C. P, R D. R, S
gate2012 numerical-ability statistics normal

8.56.3 Statistics: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/41493

The statistics of runs scored in a series by four batsmen are provided in the following table. Who is the most
consistent batsman of these four?

Batsman Average Standard deviation

K 31.2 5.21
L 46.0 6.35
M 54.4 6.22
N 17.9 5.90

A. K B. L C. M D. N
gate2014-ec-1 statistics numerical-ability

8.56.4 Statistics: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/108297

Students taking an exam are divided into two groups, P and Q such that each group has the same number of
students. The performance of each of the students in a test was evaluated out of 200 marks. It was observed
that the mean of group P was 105, while that of group Q was 85. The standard deviation of group P was 25,
while that of group Q was 5. Assuming that the marks were distributed on a normal distribution, which of the
following statements will have the highest probability of being TRUE?

A. No student in group Q scored less marks than any student in group P.

B. No student in group P scored less marks than any student in group Q.
C. Most students of group Q scored marks in a narrower range than students in group P.
D. The median of the marks of group P is 100.

gate2016-me-2 probability statistics

8.56.5 Statistics: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313483

The following sequence of numbers is arranged in increasing order: 1, x, x, x, y, y, 9, 16, 18 . Given that the
mean and median are equal, and are also equal to twice the mode, the value of y is

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 233

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability statistics

8.56.6 Statistics: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313659

In a company with 100 employees, 45 earn Rs. 20, 000 per month, 25 earn Rs. 30000, 20 earn Rs. 40000, 8
earn Rs. 60000, and 2 earn Rs. 150, 000. The median of the salaries is

A. Rs. 20, 000 B. Rs. 30, 000 C. Rs. 32, 300 D. Rs. 40, 000
gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability statistics

8.57 System Of Equations (1) top

8.57.1 System Of Equations: GATE2011 GG: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40207

The number of solutions for the following system of inequalities is

X1 ≥ 0
X2 ≥ 0
X1 + X2 ≤ 10
2X1 + 2X2 ≥ 22

A. 0 B. infinite C. 1 D. 2
gate2011-gg numerical-ability system-of-equations

8.58 Tabular Data (7) top

8.58.1 Tabular Data: GATE2013 AE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40248

Following table gives data on tourist from different countries visiting India in the year 2011

Country Number of tourists

USA 2000
England 3500
Germany 1200
Italy 1100
Japan 2400
Australia 2300
France 1000

Which two countries contributed to the one third of the total number of tourists who visited India in 2011?

A. USA and Japan B. USA and AustraliaC. England and France

D. Japan and Australia

gate2013-ae numerical-ability data-interpretation normal tabular-data

8.58.2 Tabular Data: GATE2013 CE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40276

Following table provides figures(in rupees) on annual expenditure of a firm for two years - 2010 and 2011.

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234 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

Category 2010 2011

Raw material 5200 6240
Power & fuel 7000 9450
Salary & wages 9000 12600
Plant & machinery 20000 25000
Advertising 15000 19500
Research & Development 22000 26400

In 2011, which of the two categories have registered increase by same percentage?
A. Raw material and Salary & wages. B. Salary & wages and Advertising.
C. Power & fuel and Advertising. D. Raw material and research & Development.
numerical-ability gate2013-ce data-interpretation normal tabular-data

8.58.3 Tabular Data: GATE2014-1-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/777

In a survey, 300 respondents were asked whether they own a vehicle or not. If yes, they were further asked to
mention whether they own a car or scooter or both. Their responses are tabulated below. What percent of
respondents do not own a scooter?

Men Women
Own vehicle Car 40 34
Own vehicle Scooter 30 20
Own vehicle Both 60 46
Do not own vehicle 20 50

gate2014-1 numerical-ability normal numerical-answers data-interpretation tabular-data

8.58.4 Tabular Data: GATE2014-3-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/2028

The table below has question-wise data on the performance of students in an examination. The marks for each
question are also listed. There is no negative or partial marking in the examination.

Q No. Marks Answered Answered Not

Correctly Wrongly Attempted
1 2 21 17 6
2 3 15 27 2
3 2 23 18 3
What is the average of the marks obtained by the class in the examination?

A. 1.34 B. 1.74 C. 3.02 D. 3.91

gate2014-3 numerical-ability normal data-interpretation tabular-data

8.58.5 Tabular Data: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40185

Read the following table giving sales data of five types of batteries for years 2006 to 2012:

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 235

Year Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V

2006 75 144 114 102 108
2007 90 126 102 84 126
2008 96 114 75 105 135
2009 105 90 150 90 75
2010 90 75 135 75 90
2011 105 60 165 45 120
2012 115 85 160 100 145

Out of the following , which type of battery achieved highest growth between the years 2006 and 2012?

A. Type V B. Type III C. Type II D. Type I

gate2015-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability data-interpretation tabular-data

8.58.6 Tabular Data: GATE2015 EC-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/39505

An electric bus has onboard instruments that report the total electricity consumed since the start of the trip, as
well as the total distance, covered. During a single day of operation, the bus travels on stretches M, N, O, and
P, in that order. The cumulative distances travelled and the corresponding electricity consumption are shown in
the Table below:

Stretch Cumulative distance (km) Electricity used (kWh)

M 20 12
N 45 25
O 75 45
P 100 57
The stretch where the electricity consumption per km is minimum is

A. M B. N C. O D. P
gate2015-ec-2 numerical-ability data-interpretation tabular-data

8.58.7 Tabular Data: GATE2015-1-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/8010

The number of students in a class who have answered correctly, wrongly, or not attempted each question in an
exam, are listed in the table below. The marks for each question are also listed. There is no negative or partial

Q No. Marks Answered Answered Not

Correctly Wrongly Attempted
1 2 21 17 6
2 3 15 27 2
3 1 11 29 4
4 2 23 18 3
5 5 31 12 1

What is the average of the marks obtained by the class in the examination?

A. 2.290 B. 2.970 C. 6.795 D. 8.795

gate2015-1 numerical-ability easy data-interpretation tabular-data

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

236 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

8.59 Triangles (2) top

8.59.1 Triangles: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/40175

In the given figure angle Q is a right angle, PS : QS = 3 : 1, RT : QT = 5 : 2 and PU : UR = 1 : 1. If area

of triangle QTS is 20cm2 , then the area of triangle PQR in cm2 is ______

gate2015-me-3 numerical-ability numerical-answers triangles

8.59.2 Triangles: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40173

Right triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy - plane so that the right angle is at P and line PR is parallel to
the x-axis. The x and y coordinates of P, Q, and R are to be integers that satisfy the inequalities: −4 ≤ x ≤ 5
and 6 ≤ y ≤ 16. How many different triangles could be constructed with these properties?

A. 110 B. 1, 100 C. 9, 900 D. 10, 000

gate2015-me-3 numerical-ability triangles

8.60 Trigonometry (1) top

8.60.1 Trigonometry: GATE2018 CH: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/205083

For 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π , sin x and cos x are both decreasing functions in the interval _________ .

3π 3π
(π, ) (
π π
A. (0, ) B. ( , π) C. D. , 2π)
2 2 2 2
gate2018-ch numerical-ability functions trigonometry

8.61 Venn Diagrams (8) top

8.61.1 Venn Diagrams: GATE2010 TF: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/312027

A gathering of 50 linguists discovered that 4 knew Kannada, Telugu and Tamil , 7 knew only Telugu and Tamil ,
5 knew only Kannada and Tamil , 6 knew only Telugu and Kannada . If the number of linguists who knew Tamil
is 24 and those who knew Kannada is also 24, how many linguists knew only Telugu ?

A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 8
general-aptitude numerical-ability gate2010-tf venn-diagrams

8.61.2 Venn Diagrams: GATE2010-59 top https://gateoverflow.in/2367

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 237

25 persons are in a room. 15 of them play hockey, 17 of them play football and 10 of them play both hockey
and football. Then the number of persons playing neither hockey nor football is:

A. 2 B. 17 C. 13 D. 3
gate2010 numerical-ability easy set-theory&algebra venn-diagrams

8.61.3 Venn Diagrams: GATE2011 GG: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40208

In a class of 300 students in an M.Tech programme, each student is required to take at least one subject from
the following three:

M600: Advanced Engineering Mathematics

C600: Computational Methods for Engineers
E600: Experimental Techniques for Engineers

The registration data for the M.Tech class shows that 100 students have taken M600, 200 students have taken
C600, and 60 students have taken E600. What is the maximum possible number of students in the class who
have taken all the above three subjects?

A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50
gate2011-gg numerical-ability set-theory&algebra venn-diagrams

8.61.4 Venn Diagrams: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/108484

The Venn diagram shows the preference of the student population for leisure activities.

From the data given, the number of students who like to read books or play sports is _______.

A. 44 B. 51 C. 79 D. 108
gate2016-ec-2 venn-diagrams logical-reasoning

8.61.5 Venn Diagrams: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313609

Forty students watched films A, B and C over a week. Each student watched either only one film or all three.
Thirteen students watched film A, sixteen students watched film B and nineteen students watched film C. How
many students watched all three films?

A. 0 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8

gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability venn-diagrams

8.61.6 Venn Diagrams: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313440

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

238 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

In a sports academy of 300 peoples, 105 play only cricket, 70 play only hockey, 50 play only football, 25 play
both cricket and hockey, 15 play both hockey and football and 30 play both cricket and football. The rest of
them play all three sports. What is the percentage of people who play at least two sports?

A. 23.30 B. 25.00 C. 28.00 D. 50.00

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability venn-diagrams easy

8.61.7 Venn Diagrams: GATE2019-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/302866

In the given diagram, teachers are represented in the triangle, researchers in the circle and administrators in
the rectangle. Out of the total number of the people, the percentage of administrators shall be in the range of

A. 0 to 15 B. 16 to 30 C. 31 to 45 D. 46 to 60
gate2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability venn-diagrams

8.61.8 Venn Diagrams: GATE2019-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/302864

In a college, there are three student clubs, 60 students are only in the Drama club, 80 students are only in the
Dance club, 30 students are only in Maths club, 40 students are in both Drama and Dance clubs, 12 students
are in both Dance and Maths clubs, 7 students are in both Drama and Maths clubs, and 2 students are in all
clubs. If 75% of the students in the college are not in any of these clubs, then the total number of students in
the college is _____.

A. 1000 B. 975 C. 900 D. 225

gate2019 general-aptitude numerical-ability venn-diagrams

8.62 Work Time (15) top

8.62.1 Work Time: GATE2010-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/2372

5 skilled workers can build a wall in 20 days; 8 semi-skilled workers can build a wall in 25 days; 10 unskilled
workers can build a wall in 30 days. If a team has 2 skilled, 6 semi-skilled and 5 unskilled workers, how long it
will take to build the wall?

A. 20 days B. 18 days C. 16 days D. 15 days

gate2010 numerical-ability normal work-time

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 239

8.62.2 Work Time: GATE2011-64 top https://gateoverflow.in/2174

A transporter receives the same number of orders each day. Currently, he has some pending orders (backlog)
to be shipped. If he uses 7 trucks, then at the end of the 4th day he can clear all the orders. Alternatively, if he
uses only 3 trucks, then all the orders are cleared at the end of the 10 day. What is the minimum number of

trucks required so that there will be no pending order at the end of 5 day?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
gate2011 numerical-ability normal work-time

8.62.3 Work Time: GATE2013-65 top https://gateoverflow.in/1569

The current erection cost of a structure is Rs. 13,200. If the labour wages per day increase by 1/5 of the current
wages and the working hours decrease by 1/24 of the current period, then the new cost of erection in Rs. is

A. 16,500 B. 15,180 C. 11,000 D. 10,120

gate2013 numerical-ability normal work-time

8.62.4 Work Time: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/110924

Ananth takes 6 hours and Bharath takes 4 hours to read a book. Both started reading copies of the book at the
same time. After how many hours is the number of pages to be read by Ananth, twice that to be read by
Bharath? Assume Ananth and Bharath read all the pages with constant pace.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
gate2016-ce-2 work-time numerical-ability

8.62.5 Work Time: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/108094

P, Q, R and S are working on a project. Q can finish the task in 25 days, working alone for 12 hours a day. R
can finish the task in 50 days, working alone for 12 hours per day. Q worked 12 hours a day but took sick leave
in the beginning for two days. R worked 18 hours a day on all days. What is the ratio of work done by Q and R
after 7 days from the start of the project?

A. 10 : 11 B. 11 : 10 C. 20 : 21 D. 21 : 20
gate2016-ec-1 numerical-ability work-time

8.62.6 Work Time: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/108483

S, M, E and F are working in shifts in a team to finish a project. M works with twice the efficiency of others but
for half as many days as E worked. S and M have 6 hour shifts in a day, whereas E and F have 12 hours shifts.
What is the ratio of contribution of M to contribution of E in the project?

A. 1:1 B. 1:2 C. 1:4 D. 2:1

gate2016-ec-2 numerical-ability work-time

8.62.7 Work Time: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313481

Two machine M1 and M2 are able to execute any of four jobs P, Q, R and S. The machines can perform one

P, Q, R S
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240 8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404)

job on one object at a time. Jobs P, Q, R and S take 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 60 minutes and 15 minutes
each respectively. There are 10 objects each requiring exactly 1 job. Job P is to be performed on 2 objects. Job
Q on 3 objects, Job R on 1 object and Job S on 4 objects. What is the minimum time needed to complete all
the jobs?

A. 2 hours B. 2.5 hours C. 3 hours D. 3.5 hours

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.8 Work Time: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313511

1200 men and 500 women can build a bridge in 2 weeks. 900 men and 250 women will take 3 weeks to build
the same bridge. How many men will be needed to build the bridge in one week?

A. 3000 B. 3300 C. 3600 D. 3900

gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.9 Work Time: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313672

X bullocks and Y tractors take 8 days to plough a field. If we have half the number of bullocks and double the
number of tractors, it takes 5 days to plough the same field. How many days will it take X bullocks alone to
plough the field?

A. 30 B. 35 C. 40 D. 45
gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.10 Work Time: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313643

Seven machines take 7 minutes to make 7 identical toys. At the same rate, how many minutes would it take
for 100 machine to make 100 toys?

A. 1 B. 7 C. 100 D. 700
gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.11 Work Time: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313615

A contract is to be completed in 52 days and 125 identical robots were employed, each operational for 7 hours a
day. After 39 days, five-seventh of the work was completed. How many additional robots would be required to
complete the work on time, if each robot is now operational for 8 hours a day?

A. 50 B. 89 C. 146 D. 175

gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.12 Work Time: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313374

An oil tank can be filled by pipe X in 5 hours and pipe Y in 4 hours, each pump working on its own. When the
oil tank is full and the drainage hole is open, the oil is drained in 20 hours. If initially the tank was empty and
someone started the two pups together but left the drainage hole open, how many hours will it take for the
tank to be filled? (Assume that the rate of drainage is independent of the Head)

A. 1.50 B. 2.00 C. 2.50 D. 4.00

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8 General Aptitude: Numerical Ability (404) 241

gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.13 Work Time: GATE2019 EC: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313531

It would take one machine 4 hours to complete a production order and another machine 2 hours to complete
the same order. If both machines work simultaneously at their respective constant rates, the time taken to
complete the same order is ________ hours.

A. 2/3 B. 3/4 C. 4/3 D. 7/3

gate2019-ec general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.14 Work Time: GATE2019 EE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/313560

It takes two hours for a person X to mow the lawn. Y can mow the same lawn in four hours. How long (in
minutes) will it take X and Y , if they work together to mow the lawn ?

A. 60 B. 80 C. 90 D. 120
gate2019-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

8.62.15 Work Time: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313579

Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours respectively, while a third pipe R can empty the tank
in 12 hours. Initially, P and R are open for 4 hours, Then P is closed and Q is opened. After 6 more hours R
is closed. The total time taken to fill the tank (in hours) is ____

A. 13.50 B. 14.50 C. 15.50 D. 16.50

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude numerical-ability work-time

Answers: Work Time

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242 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)top

Syllabus: English grammar, Sentence completion. Verbal analogies, Word groups. Instructions, Critical reasoning
and Verbal deduction

Mark Distribution in Previous GATE

Year 2019 2018 2017-1 2017-2 2016-1 2016-2 Minimum Average Maximum
1 Mark Count 3 2 3 2 4 3 2 2.8 4
2 Marks Count 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 1.3 2
Total Marks 7 2 5 4 8 7 2 5.5 8

9.1 Closest Word (3) top

9.1.1 Closest Word: GATE2013 CE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40270

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below: Primeval

A. Modern B. Historic C. Primitive D. Antique

gate2013-ce closest-word most-appropriate-word

9.1.2 Closest Word: GATE2013 EE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40288

They were requested not to quarrel with others.

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word quarrel?

A. make out B. call out C. dig out D. fall out

gate2013-ee verbal-ability closest-word

9.1.3 Closest Word: GATE2014 AE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40300

A student is required to demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the subject, especially in the social
The word closest in meaning to comprehension is

A. understanding B. meaning C. concentration D. stability

gate2014-ae closest-word verbal-ability

9.2 English Grammar (41) top

9.2.1 English Grammar: GATE2012 AR: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40224

Choose the grammatically CORRECT sentence:

A. He laid in bed till 8 o’clock in the morning.

B. He layed in bed till 8 o’clock in the morning.
C. He lain in bed till 8 o’clock in the morning.
D. He lay in bed till 8 o’clock in the morning.

gate2012-ar verbal-ability english-grammar easy

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 243

9.2.2 English Grammar: GATE2012 AR: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40225

Which one of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the sentence contains an ERROR?

No sooner had the doctor seen the results of the blood test, than he suggested the patient to see the

A. no sooner had B. results of the blood test

C. suggested the patient D. see the specialist
gate2012-ar verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.3 English Grammar: GATE2012 CY Q 57 top https://gateoverflow.in/32298

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

If the tired soldier wanted to lie down, he ___ the mattress out on the balcony.

A. should take B. shall take

C. should have taken D. will have taken

gate-cy-2012 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.4 English Grammar: GATE2012 CY: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40233

One of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the sentence given below contains an ERROR. Which one of the
following is INCORRECT?
I requested that he should be given the driving test today instead of tomorrow.

A. requested that B. should be given

C. the driving test D. instead of tomorrow

gate2012-cy verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.5 English Grammar: GATE2013 AE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40243

The Headmaster ___________ to speak to you. Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the
above sentence?

A. is wanting B. wants
C. want D. was wanting
gate2013-ae verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.6 English Grammar: GATE2013 AE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40245

All engineering students should learn mechanics, mathematics and how to do computation.


Which of the above underlined parts of the sentence is not appropriate?

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

gate2013-ae english-grammar verbal-ability

9.2.7 English Grammar: GATE2013 CE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40269

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

244 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

The professor ordered to the students to go −

out of the class.
−−−−−−I−−−−− −−−−II−−−− −−−−−−−III
−−−−−−− −−−−−IV −−− −−−

Which of the above underlined parts of the sentence is grammatically incorrect?


gate2013-ce english-grammar verbal-ability

9.2.8 English Grammar: GATE2013 EE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40291

Choose the grammatically CORRECT sentence:

A. Two and two add four. B. Two and two become four.
C. Two and two are four. D. Two and two make four.
gate2013-ee english-grammar verbal-ability

9.2.9 English Grammar: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/41509

Which of the options given below best completes the following sentence?

She will feel much better if she ___________.

A. Will get some rest B. Gets some rest

C. Will be getting some rest D. Is getting some rest
gate2014-ec-2 verbal-ability english-grammar normal

9.2.10 English Grammar: GATE2014-3-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/2024

While trying to collect an envelope from under the table, Mr.

−−− down
−−− and
−−−−−−−−−− I
−−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−
was losing consciousness.
−−−−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−−−

Which one of the above underlined parts of the sentence is NOT appropriate?


gate2014-3 verbal-ability easy english-grammar

9.2.11 English Grammar: GATE2014-3-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/2025

If she _______________ how to calibrate the instrument, she _______________ done the experiment.

A. knows, will have B. knew, had

C. had known, could have D. should have known, would have
gate2014-3 verbal-ability easy english-grammar

9.2.12 English Grammar: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/39494

The following question presents a sentence, part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you find four
ways of phrasing the underlined part. Following the requirements of the standard written English, select the
answer that produces the most effective sentence.

Tuberculosis, together with its effects, ranks one of the leading causes of death in India.

A. ranks as one of the leading causes of death

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 245

B. rank as one of the leading causes of death

C. has the rank of one of the leading causes of death
D. are one of the leading causes of death

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.13 English Grammar: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 1 top https://gateoverflow.in/38935

Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentence:

Dhoni, as well as the other team members of Indian team, ____________present on the occasion.

A. were B. was C. has D. have

gate2015-ec-2 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.14 English Grammar: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/39519

Ram and Shyam shared a secret and promised to each other that it would remain between them. Ram
expressed himself in one of the following ways as given in the choices below. Identify the correct way as per
standard English.

A. It would remain between you and me. B. It would remain between I and you.
C. It would remain between you and I. D. It would remain with me.
gate2015-ec-3 english-grammar verbal-ability

9.2.15 English Grammar: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40171

Select the appropriate option in place of underlined part of the sentence.

Increased productivity necessary reflects greater efforts made by the employees.

A. Increase in productivity necessary B. Increase productivity is necessary

C. Increase in productivity necessarily D. No improvement required
gate2015-me-3 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.16 English Grammar: GATE2015-1-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/7995

Didn't you buy ____ when you went shopping?

A. any paper B. much paper C. no paper D. a few paper

gate2015-1 verbal-ability easy english-grammar

9.2.17 English Grammar: GATE2015-2-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/8028

We __________ our friends's birthday and we _________ how to make it up to him.

A. completely forgot --- don't just know B. forgot completely --- don't just know
C. completely forgot --- just don't know D. forgot completely --- just don't know
gate2015-2 verbal-ability easy english-grammar

9.2.18 English Grammar: GATE2015-2-GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/8041

Out of the following 4 sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage:

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246 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

A. Since the report lacked needed information, it was of no use to them.

B. The report was useless to them because there were no needed information in it.
C. Since the report did not contain the needed information, it was not real useful to them.
D. Since the report lacked needed information, it would not had been useful to them.

gate2015-2 verbal-ability normal english-grammar

9.2.19 English Grammar: GATE2015-3-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/8300

The Tamil version of __________ John Abraham-starrer Madras Cafe __________ cleared by the Censor Board
with no cuts last week, but the film's distributor _______ no takers among the exhibitors for a release in
Tamilnadu _______ this Friday.

A. Mr., was, found, on B. a, was, found, at

C. the, was, found, on D. a, being, find at
gate2015-3 verbal-ability normal english-grammar

9.2.20 English Grammar: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/110868

If I were you, I ________ that laptop. It’s much too expensive.

A. Won’t buy B. Shan’t buy C. Wouldn’t buy D. Would buy

gate2016-ce-2 verbal-ability english-grammar most-appropriate-word

9.2.21 English Grammar: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/108061

Which of the following is CORRECT with respect to grammar and usage?

Mount Everest is ________.

A. The highest peak in the world B. Highest peak in the world

C. One of highest peak in the world D. One of the highest peak in the world
gate2016-ec-1 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.22 English Grammar: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/108474

Based on the given statements, select the appropriate option with respect to grammar and usage.


(i) The height of Mr. X is 6 feet.

(ii) The height of Mr. Y is 5 feet.
A. Mr. X is longer than Mr. Y . B. Mr. X is more elongated than Mr. Y.
C. Mr. X is taller than Mr. Y . D. Mr. X is lengthier than Mr. Y .
gate2016-ec-2 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.23 English Grammar: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/110820

An apple costs Rs. 10. An onion costs Rs. 8.

Select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.

A. The price of an apple is greater than an onion.

B. The price of an apple is more than onion.
C. The price of an apple is greater than that of an onion.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 247

D. Apples are more costlier than onions.

gate2016-ec-3 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.24 English Grammar: GATE2016-1-GA01 top https://gateoverflow.in/39608

Out of the following four sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.

A. I will not leave the place until the minister does not meet me.
B. I will not leave the place until the minister doesn't meet me.
C. I will not leave the place until the minister meet me.
D. I will not leave the place until the minister meets me.

gate2016-1 verbal-ability english-grammar easy

9.2.25 English Grammar: GATE2016-1-GA03 top https://gateoverflow.in/39606

Archimedes said, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the world."

The sentence above is an example of a ____________ statement.

A. figurative B. collateral C. literal D. figurine

gate2016-1 verbal-ability normal english-grammar

9.2.26 English Grammar: GATE2016-2-GA-01 top https://gateoverflow.in/39529

The man who is now Municipal Commissioner worked as ________________.

A. the security guard at a university B. a security guard at the university

C. a security guard at university D. the security guard at the university
gate2016-2 verbal-ability english-grammar normal

9.2.27 English Grammar: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313515

It is ___________ to read this year’s textbook ________ the last year’s.

A. easier, than B. most easy, than

C. easier, from D. easiest, from
gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.28 English Grammar: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313663

He was one of my best _______ and I felt his loss ________.

A. friend, keenly B. friends, keen C. friend, keener D. friends, keenly

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.29 English Grammar: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313675

The ways in which this game can be played _________ potentially infinite.

A. is B. is being C. are D. are being

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248 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.30 English Grammar: GATE2017-1-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/118405

Research in the workplace reveals that people work for many reasons _______________ .

A. money beside B. beside money

C. money besides D. besides money
gate2017-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.31 English Grammar: GATE2017-2-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/118416

Saturn is ___________ to be seen on a clear night with the naked eye.

A. enough bright B. bright enough

C. as enough bright D. bright as enough
gate2017-2 verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.32 English Grammar: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313655

"Going by the _____ that many hands make light work, the school ____ involved all the students in the task."

The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. principle, principal B. principal, principle

C. principle, principle D. principal, principal
gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.33 English Grammar: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313442

The lecture was attended by quite _______ students, so the hall was not very _______.

A. a few, quite B. few, quiet

C. a few, quiet D. few, quite
gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.34 English Grammar: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313443

They have come a long way in ________ trust among the users.

A. creating B. created C. creation D. create

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar easy

9.2.35 English Grammar: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313444

The CEO’s decision to quit was as shocking to the Board as it was to ______.

A. I B. me C. my D. myself

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.36 English Grammar: GATE2019 EC: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313543

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 249

The strategies that the company ________ to sell its products _______ house-to-house marketing.

A. use, includes B. uses, include

C. used, includes D. uses, including
gate2019-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.37 English Grammar: GATE2019 EC: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313542

The boat arrived ______ dawn.

A. in B. at C. on D. under

gate2019-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.38 English Grammar: GATE2019 IN: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313550

The fisherman, ________ the flood victims owed their lives, were rewarded by the government.

A. whom B. to which C. to whom D. that

gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.39 English Grammar: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313583

Once the team of analysis identify the problem, we ____ in a better position to comment on the issue.

Which of the following choices CANNOT fill the given blank?

A. will be B. were to be C. are going to be D. might be

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.40 English Grammar: GATE2019-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/302872

The expenditure on the project _____ as follows: equipment Rs. 20 lakhs, salaries Rs. 12 lakhs, and contingency
Rs.3 lakhs.

A. break down B. break C. breaks down D. breaks

gate2019 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.2.41 English Grammar: GATE2019-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/302871

The search engine’s business model ____ around the fulcrum of trust.

A. revolves B. plays C. sinks D. bursts

gate2019 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar

9.3 Grammatically Incorrect Sentence (2) top

9.3.1 Grammatically Incorrect Sentence: GATE2012-59 top https://gateoverflow.in/2198

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250 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence:

A. They gave us the money back less the service charges of Three Hundred rupees.
B. This country’s expenditure is not less than that of Bangladesh.
C. The committee initially asked for a funding of Fifty Lakh rupees, but later settled for a lesser sum.
D. This country’s expenditure on educational reforms is very less.

gate2012 verbal-ability grammatically-incorrect-sentence normal

9.3.2 Grammatically Incorrect Sentence: GATE2013-60 top https://gateoverflow.in/1564

Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence:

A. He is of Asian origin. B. They belonged to Africa.

C. She is an European. D. They migrated from India to Australia.
gate2013 verbal-ability grammatically-incorrect-sentence normal

9.4 Logical Reasoning (8) top

9.4.1 Logical Reasoning: GATE2013 AE: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/40250

All professors are researchers Some scientists are professors Which of the given conclusions is logically valid
and is inferred from the above arguments:

A. All scientists are researchers B. All professors are scientists

C. Some researchers are scientists D. No conclusion follows
gate2013-ae verbal-ability logical-reasoning

9.4.2 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/108275

Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet.

Read the following statements:

(i) It rains

(ii) The field is not wet

(iii) The field is wet

(iv) It did not rain

Which one of the options given below is NOT logically possible, based on the given fact?

A. If (iii), then (iv). B. If (i), then (iii).

C. If (i), then (ii). D. If (ii), then (iv).
gate2016-me-2 logical-reasoning

9.4.3 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016-1-GA04 top https://gateoverflow.in/39609

If 'relftaga' means carefree, 'otaga' means careful and 'fertaga' means careless, which of the following could
mean 'aftercare'?

A. zentaga B. tagafer. C. tagazen. D. relffer.

gate2016-1 verbal-ability logical-reasoning normal

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 251

9.4.4 Logical Reasoning: GATE2016-2-GA-08 top https://gateoverflow.in/39534

All hill-stations have a lake. Ooty has two lakes.

Which of the statement(s) below is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentences?

(i) Ooty is not a hill-station.

(ii) No hill-station can have more than one lake.

A. (i) only. B. (ii) only.

C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)
gate2016-2 verbal-ability logical-reasoning easy

9.4.5 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313677

P looks at Q while Q looks at R. P is married, R is not. The number of pairs of people in which a married
person is looking at an unmarried person is

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. Cannot be determined.

gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability logical-reasoning

9.4.6 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313680

There are 4 women P, Q, R, S and 5 men V , W , X, Y , Z in a group. We are required to form pairs each
consisting of one woman and one man. P is not to be paired with Z , and Y must necessarily be paired with
someone. In how many ways can 4 such pairs be formed?

A. 74 B. 76 C. 78 D. 80
gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability logical-reasoning

9.4.7 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313681

All people in a certain island are either 'Knights' or 'Knaves' and each person knows every other person's
identity. Knights never lie, and Knaves ALWAYS lie.

P says "Both of us are Knights". Q says "None of us are Knaves".

Which one of the following can be logically inferred from the above?

A. Both P and Q are knights. B. P is a knight; Q is a Knave.

C. Both P and Q are Knaves. D. The identities of P, Q cannot be determined.
gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability logical-reasoning

9.4.8 Logical Reasoning: GATE2017-1-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/118406

Rahul, Murali, Srinivas and Arul are seated around a square table. Rahul is sitting to the left of Murali. Srinivas
is sitting to the right of Arul. Which of the following pairs are seated opposite each other?

A. Rahul and Murali B. Srinivas and Arul C. Srinvas and MuraliD. Srinivas and Rahul

gate2017-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability logical-reasoning

9.5 Meaning (24) top

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252 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.5.1 Meaning: GATE2010-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/2365

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below:


A. cyclic B. indirect C. confusing D. crooked

gate2010 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.2 Meaning: GATE2011-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/2165

Which of the following options is the closest in the meaning to the word below:


A. Incomprehensible B. Indelible
C. Inextricable D. Infallible
gate2011 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.3 Meaning: GATE2012-58 top https://gateoverflow.in/2197

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below?


A. Diminish B. Divulge C. Dedicate D. Denote

gate2012 verbal-ability meaning easy

9.5.4 Meaning: GATE2013-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/1559

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below?


A. Highest B. Lowest C. Medium D. Integration

gate2013 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.5 Meaning: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/41463

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word underlined in the sentence below?

In a democracy, everybody has the freedom to disagree with the government.

A. Dissent B. Descent C. Decent D. Decadent

gate2014-ec-4 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.6 Meaning: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/41464

After the discussion, Tom said to me, 'Please revert!'. He expects me to __________.

A. Retract B. Get back to him

C. Move in reverse D. Retreat
gate2014-ec-4 verbal-ability meaning easy

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 253

9.5.7 Meaning: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/41465

While receiving the award, the scientist said, "I feel vindicated". Which of the following is closest in meaning to
the word 'vindicated'?

A. Punished B. Substantiated
C. Appreciated D. Chastened
gate2014-ec-4 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.8 Meaning: GATE2014-1-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/56

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the phrase in bold in the
sentence below?

It is fascinating to see life forms **cope with** varied environmental conditions.

A. Adopt to B. Adapt to C. Adept in D. Accept with

verbal-ability gate2014-1 meaning easy

9.5.9 Meaning: GATE2014-1-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/772

In a press meet on the recent scam, the minister said, "The buck stops here". What did the minister convey by
the statement?

A. He wants all the money B. He will return the money

C. He will assume final responsibility D. He will resist all enquiries
gate2014-1 verbal-ability normal meaning

9.5.10 Meaning: GATE2014-2-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/1940

Match the columns.

Column 1 Column 2
1. eradicate P. misrepresent
2. distort Q. soak completely
3. saturate R. use
4. utilize S. destroy utterly

A. 1:S, 2:P, 3:Q, 4:R B. 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R, 4:S

C. 1:Q, 2:R, 3:S, 4:P D. 1:S, 2:P, 3:R, 4:Q
gate2014-2 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.11 Meaning: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40177

Choose the statement where underlined word is used correctly.

A. The minister insured the victims that everything would be all right.
B. He ensured that the company will not have to bear any loss.
C. The actor got himself ensured against any accident.
D. The teacher insured students of good results.

gate2015-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability meaning

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254 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.5.12 Meaning: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40178

Which word is not a synonym for the word vernacular?

A. regional B. indigenous C. indigent D. colloquial

gate2015-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability meaning

9.5.13 Meaning: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40181

The word similar in meaning to ‘ dreary’ is

A. cheerful B. dreamy C. hard D. dismal

gate2015-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability meaning

9.5.14 Meaning: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 2 top https://gateoverflow.in/39503

Choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word:


A. Inept B. Graceful C. Suitable D. Dreadful

gate2015 gate2015-ec-2 verbal-ability meaning

9.5.15 Meaning: GATE2015 EC-3: GA- 2 top https://gateoverflow.in/39515

Choose the most suitable one word substitute for the following expression:
Connotation of a road or way

A. Pertinacious B. Viaticum C. Clandestine D. Ravenous

gate2015-ec-3 gate2015 meaning

9.5.16 Meaning: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40168

Choose the statement where underlined word is used correctly.

A. When the teacher eludes to different authors, he is being elusive.

B. When the thief keeps eluding the police, he is being elusive.
C. Matters that are difficult to understand, identify or remember are allusive.
D. Mirages can be allusive, but a better way to express them is illusory.

gate2015-me-3 verbal-ability meaning

9.5.17 Meaning: GATE2015-1-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/8003

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning of the sentence below?

She enjoyed herself immensely at the party.

A. She had a terrible time at the party B. She had a horrible time at the party
C. She had a terrific time at the party D. She had a terrifying time at the party
gate2015-1 verbal-ability easy meaning

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 255

9.5.18 Meaning: GATE2015-1-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/8011

Select the alternative meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.

The chain snatchers took to their heels when the police party arrived.

A. Took shelter in a thick jungle B. Open indiscriminate fire

C. Took to flight D. Unconditionally surrendered
gate2015-1 verbal-ability meaning easy

9.5.19 Meaning: GATE2015-2-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/8029

Choose the statement where underlined word is used correctly.

A. The industrialist had a personnel jet.

B. I write my experience in my personnel diary.
C. All personnel are being given the day off.
D. Being religious is a personnel aspect.

gate2015-2 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.20 Meaning: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/108064

The policeman asked the victim of a theft, "What did you ___ ?"

A. Loose B. Lose C. Loss D. Louse

gate2016-ec-1 verbal-ability meaning

9.5.21 Meaning: GATE2016-1-GA02 top https://gateoverflow.in/39607

A rewording of something written or spoken is a __________.

A. paraphrase B. paradox C. paradigm D. paraffin

gate2016-1 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.22 Meaning: GATE2016-2-GA-02 top https://gateoverflow.in/39531

Nobody knows how the Indian cricket team is going to cope with the difficult and seamer-friendly wickets in

Choose the option which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase in the above sentence.

A. Put up with. B. Put in with.

C. Put down to. D. Put up against.
gate2016-2 verbal-ability meaning normal

9.5.23 Meaning: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313514

The ninth and the tenth of this month are Monday and Tuesday________.

A. figuratively B. retrospectively C. respectively D. rightfully

gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability meaning

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256 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.5.24 Meaning: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313447

"The increasing interest in tribal characters might be a mere coincidence, but the timing is of interest. None of
this, though, is to say that the tribal hero has arrived in Hindi cinema, or that the new crop of characters
represents the acceptance of the tribal character in the industry. The films and characters are too few to be
described as a pattern."

What does the word 'arrived' mean in the paragraph above?

A. reached a terminus B. came to a conclusion

C. attained a status D. went to a place
gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading meaning

9.6 Most Appropriate Alternative (4) top

9.6.1 Most Appropriate Alternative: GATE2012 AE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40213

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following
Food prices ___ again this month.

A. have raised B. have been raising

C. have been rising D. have arose

gate2012-ae verbal-ability most-appropriate-alternative

9.6.2 Most Appropriate Alternative: GATE2012 CY: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40236

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following
If the tired soldier wanted to lie down, he ___ the mattress out on the balcony.

A. should take B. shall take

C. should have taken D. will have taken
gate2012-cy most-appropriate-alternative english-grammar verbal-ability

9.6.3 Most Appropriate Alternative: GATE2012-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/2195

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

Despite several _________ the mission succeeded in its attempt to resolve the conflict.

A. attempts B. setbacks C. meetings D. delegations

gate2012 verbal-ability easy most-appropriate-alternative

9.6.4 Most Appropriate Alternative: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-3 top


Choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word:


A. Exert B. Educate C. Extract D. Extend

gate2015-ec-1 meaning most-appropriate-alternative

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 257

9.7 Most Appropriate Word (66) top

9.7.1 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010 MN: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/312011

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence :
The committee wrote a _______ report , extolling only the strengths of the proposal .

A. reasonable B. supportive C. biased D. fragmented

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-mn most-appropriate-word

9.7.2 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010 MN: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/312012

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence :
If the country has to achieve real prosperity, it is _______ that the fruits of progress reach all, and in equal
measure .

A. inevitable B. contingent C. oblivious D. imperative

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-mn most-appropriate-word

9.7.3 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010 TF: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/312022

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

The two child norm with _______ for the violators will have significant implications for oar demographic profile .

A. disincentives B. incitements C. restrictions D. restraints

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-tf most-appropriate-word

9.7.4 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010 TF: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/312023

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence :
There is no fixed relation between food and famine ; famines can occur with or without a substantial _______ in
food output.

A. aberration B. weakening C. decline D. deterioration

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-tf most-appropriate-word

9.7.5 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/2364

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

His rather casual remarks on politics ________ his lack of seriousness about the subject.

A. masked B. belied C. betrayed D. suppressed

gate2010 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

9.7.6 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2010-58 top https://gateoverflow.in/2366

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258 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

If we manage to __________ our natural resources, we would leave a better planet for our children.

A. uphold B. restrain C. cherish D. conserve

gate2010 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.7 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 AG: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/312112

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the India Medical Association, human genes are to be manipulated
only to correct diseases for which ________ treatments are unsatisfactory.

A. similar B. most C. uncommon D. available

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2011-ag most-appropriate-word

9.7.8 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 AG: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/312114

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

It was her view that the country’s problem had been _________ by foreign technocrats, so that to
invite them to come back would be counter-productive.

A. identified B. ascertained
C. exacerbated D. analysed
general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2011-ag most-appropriate-word

9.7.9 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 GG: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40202

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The environmentalists hope ________ the lake to its pristine condition.

A. in restoring B. in the restoration of

C. to restore D. restoring

gate2011-gg verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.10 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 GG: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40204

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

Despite the mixture’s ______ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in thelaboratory
we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize.

A. acerbic B. resilient C. volatile D. heterogeneous

gate2011-gg verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

9.7.11 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 GG: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40206

Choose the most appropriate words from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 259

Because she had a reputation for _________ we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us
so _______.

A. insolence …… irately B. insouciance …… curtly

C. graciousness …… amiably D. querulousness …… affably
gate2011-gg most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.12 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 MN: GA-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/31522

Choose the most appropriate word(s) from the options given below to complete the following sentence.
We lost confidence in him because he never __________ the grandiose promises he had made.

A. delivered B. delivered on C. forgot D. reneged on

gate2011-mn verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.13 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 MN: GA-58 top https://gateoverflow.in/31529

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence below.
______________ in the frozen wastes of Arctic takes special equipment.

A. To survive B. Surviving C. Survival D. That survival

verbal-ability gate2011-mn most-appropriate-word

9.7.14 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011 MN: GA-60 top https://gateoverflow.in/31533

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The _________ of evidence was on the side of the plaintiff since all but one witness testified that his story was

A. paucity B. propensity C. preponderance D. accuracy

verbal-ability gate2011-mn most-appropriate-word

9.7.15 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011-58 top https://gateoverflow.in/2167

Choose the most appropriate word(s) from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

I contemplated _________ Singapore for my vacation but decided against it.

A. to visit B. having to visit C. visiting D. for a visit

gate2011 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.16 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2011-59 top https://gateoverflow.in/2169

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

If you are trying to make a strong impression on your audience, you cannot do so by
being understated, tentative or ________.

A. hyperbolic B. restrained C. argumentative D. indifferent

gate2011 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

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260 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.7.17 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2012 AE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40214

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

The administrators went on to implement yet another unreasonable measure, arguing thatthe
measures were already ___ and one more would hardly make a difference.

A. reflective B. utopian C. luxuriant D. unpopular

gate2012-ae most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.18 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2012 AE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40215

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following
To those of us who had always thought him timid, his ___ came as a surprise.

A. intrepidity B. inevitability C. inability D. inertness

gate2012-ae verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.19 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2012 AR: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40223

Choose the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

The high level of ___ of the questions in the test was ___ by an increase in the period of time allotted for
answering them.

A. difficulty, compensated B. exactitude, magnified

C. aptitude, decreased D. attitude, mitigated

gate2012-ar most-appropriate-word verbal-ability normal

9.7.20 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2012-60 top https://gateoverflow.in/2200

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence:

Suresh’s dog is the one ________ was hurt in the stampede.

A. that B. which C. who D. whom

gate2012 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

9.7.21 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2013 CE: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40271

Friendship, no matter how _________ it is, has its limitations.

A. cordial B. intimate C. secret D. pleasant

gate2013-ce most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.22 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2013 EE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40290

Complete the sentence:

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 261

Dare _______________ mistakes.

A. commit B. to commit C. committed D. committing

gate2013-ee most-appropriate-word easy verbal-ability

9.7.23 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 AE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40301

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following
One of his biggest ______ was his ability to forgive.

A. vice B. virtues C. choices D. strength

gate2014-ae most-appropriate-word

9.7.24 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 AG: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/41660

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence. A person
suffering from Alzheimer’s disease ______ short-term memory loss.

A. Experienced B. Has experienced

C. Is experiencing D. Experiences
gate2014-ag verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

9.7.25 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 AG: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/41665

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence. _______ is
the key to their happiness; they are satisfied with what they have.

A. Contentment B. Ambition C. Perseverance D. Hunger

gate2014-ag verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.26 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/41492

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

Many ancient cultures attributed disease to supernatural causes. However, modern science has largely helped
________ such notions.

A. Impel B. Dispel C. Propel D. Repel

gate2014-ec-1 most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.27 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/41510

Choose the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

She could not ______ the thought of _______ the election to her bitter rival.

A. Bear, loosing B. Bare, loosing

C. Bear, losing D. Bare, losing
gate2014-ec-2 most-appropriate-word

9.7.28 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/41141

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

262 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

The value of one U.S. dollar is 65 Indian Rupees today, compared to 60 last year. The Indian Rupee has

A. Depressed B. Depreciated
C. Appreciated D. Stabilized
gate2014-ec-3 most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.29 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014-1-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/771

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

He could not understand the judges awarding her the first prize, because he thought that her performance was
quite _________.

A. superb B. medium C. mediocre D. exhilarating

gate2014-1 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.30 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2014-2-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/1938

Choose the most appropriate phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

India is a post-colonial country because

A. it was a former British colony

B. Indian Information Technology professionals have colonized the world
C. India does not follow any colonial practices
D. India has helped other countries gain freedom

gate2014-2 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.31 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 CE-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40176

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The official answered ____________ that the complaints of the citizen would be looked into.

A. respectably B. respectfully C. reputably D. respectively

gate2015-ce-2 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.32 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/39489

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The principal presented the chief guest with a _________________, as token of appreciation.

A. momento B. memento C. momentum D. moment

gate2015-ec-1 most-appropriate-word

9.7.33 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/39490

Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentence:

Frogs ____________________.

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 263

A. croak B. roar C. hiss D. patter

gate2015-ec-1 most-appropriate-word

9.7.34 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/39516

Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank below:

Let us ___________.

A. introvert B. alternate
C. atheist D. altruist
gate2015-ec-3 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.35 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40166

Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentence:
Apparent lifelessness ____________________ dormant life.

A. harbours B. leads to C. supports D. affects

gate2015-me-3 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.36 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40167

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom/phrase.

That boy from the town was a ____________ in the sleepy village.

A. dog out of herd B. sheep from the heap

C. fish out of water D. bird from the flock
gate2015-me-3 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.37 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015-2-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/8032

A generic term that includes various items of clothing such as a skirt, a pair of trousers and a shirt is

A. fabric B. textile C. fiber D. apparel

gate2015-2 verbal-ability easy most-appropriate-word

9.7.38 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2015-3-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/8301

Extreme focus on syllabus and studying for tests has become such a dominant concern of Indian student that
they close their minds to anything ___________ to the requirements of the exam.

A. related B. extraneous C. outside D. useful

gate2015-3 verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.39 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/110881

Choose the most appropriate set of words from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

_________, ___________ is a will, _________ is a way.

A. Wear, there, their B. Were, their, there

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264 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

C. Where, there, there D. Where, their, their

gate2016-ce-2 most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.40 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/108478

The students _________ the teacher on teachers’ day for twenty years of dedicated teaching.

A. Facilitated B. Felicitated C. Fantasized D. Facillitated

gate2016-ec-2 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.41 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/108240

The volume of a sphere of diameter 1 unit is ______ than the volume of a cube of side 1 unit.

A. Least B. Less C. Lesser D. Low

gate2016-me-2 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.42 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/108249

The unruly crowd demanded that the accused be _________ without trial.

A. Hanged B. Hanging C. Hankering D. Hung

gate2016-me-2 most-appropriate-word verbal-ability

9.7.43 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313488

_______________ with someone else’s email account is now a very serious offence.

A. Involving B. Assisting C. Tampering D. Incubating

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.44 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313276

"The driver applied the ____ as soon as she approached the hotel where she wanted to take a ____"

A. brake, break B. break, brake C. brake, brake D. break, break

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.45 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 CE-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313278

"It is no surprise that every society has had codes of behavior; however, the nature of these codes is often

The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. unpredictable B. simple C. expected D. strict

gate2018-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 265

9.7.46 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313396

"Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as _____."

A. innovative B. simple C. dull D. boring

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.47 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 CH: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/205087

"When she fell down the ________ , she received many _________ but little help."

The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. stairs, stares B. stairs, stairs

C. stares, stairs D. stares, stares
gate2018-ch general-aptitude verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.48 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 CH: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/205088

"In spite of being warned repeatedly, he failed to correct his _________ behaviour ."

The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. rational B. reasonable C. errant D. good

gate2018-ch general-aptitude verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.49 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 EC: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/205205

“By giving him the last ______ of the cake, you will ensure lasting _____ in our house today.”
The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. peas, piece B. piece, peace C. peace, piece D. peace, peas

gate2018-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.50 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 EC: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/205206

“Even though there is a vast scope for its ________, tourism has remained a/an _________ area.”
The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. improvement, neglected B. rejection, approved

C. fame, glum D. interest, disinterested
gate2018-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.51 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 EE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/205097

“Since you have gone off the ________, the _________ sand is likely to damage the car.”
The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. course, coarse B. course, course

C. coarse, course D. coarse, coarse
gate2018-ee verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.52 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 EE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/205098

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

266 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

“A common misconception among writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought; the more _________ the
structure, the more complicated the ideas.”
The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. detailed B. simple C. clear D. convoluted

gate2018-ee general-aptitude verbal-ability normal most-appropriate-word

9.7.53 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313656

"Her _____ should not be confused with miserliness; she is ever willing to assist those in need."

The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. cleanliness B. punctuality C. frugality D. greatness

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.54 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313634

"The dress ______ her so well that they all immediately _______ her on her appearance."

The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. complemented, complemented B. complimented, complemented

C. complimented, complimented D. complemented, complimented
gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.55 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313641

" The judge's standing in the legal community, though shaken by false allegations of wrongdoing, remained
______ ."

The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. undiminished B. damaged C. illegal D. uncertain

gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.56 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/204062

"From where are they bringing their books? _______ bringing _______ books from ________"

The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. Their, they're, there B. They're, their, there

C. There, their, they're D. They're, there,there
gate2018 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word easy

9.7.57 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2018-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/204063

A ________ investigation can sometimes yield new facts, but typically organized ones are more successful.

The word that best fills the blank in the above sentence is

A. meandering B. timely C. consistent D. systematic

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 267

gate2018 verbal-ability most-appropriate-word normal

9.7.58 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313377

Daytime temperature in Delhi can ______ 40∘ C.

A. get B. stand C. reach D. peak

gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.59 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 EC: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313541

When he did not come home, she _______ him lying dead on the roadside somewhere.

A. concluded B. looked C. notice D. pictured

gate2019-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.60 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 EE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313568

I am not sure if the bus that has been booked will be able to ______ all the students.

A. sit B. deteriorate
C. fill D. accommodate
gate2019-ee general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.61 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 EE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313744

Newspapers are a constant source of delight and recreation for me. The ________ trouble is that I read
_______ many of them.

A. even, quite B. even, too C. only, quite D. only, too

gate2019-ee general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.62 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313602

John Thomas, an _____ writer, passed away in 2018.

A. imminent B. prominent C. eminent D. dominant

gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.63 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313604

The minister avoided any mention of the issue of women’s reservation in the private sector. He was accused of
______ the issue.

A. collaring B. skirting C. tying D. belting

gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.64 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313586

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

268 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

A final examination is the ____ of a series of evaluations that a student has to go through

A. culmination B. consultation C. desperation D. insinuation

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.65 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313590

Are there enough seats here? There are ____ people here than I expected

A. many B. most C. least D. more

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.7.66 Most Appropriate Word: GATE2019-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/302868

A court is to a judge as _________ is to a teacher

A. a student B. a punishment C. a syllabus D. a school

gate2019 general-aptitude verbal-ability most-appropriate-word

9.8 Noun Verb Adjective (2) top

9.8.1 Noun Verb Adjective: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/41142

'Advice' is _________.

A. A verb B. A noun
C. An adjective D. Both a verb and a noun
gate2014-ec-3 verbal-ability noun-verb-adjective

9.8.2 Noun Verb Adjective: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 3 top https://gateoverflow.in/39504

What is the adverb for the given word below?


A. Misogynousness B. Misogynity
C. Misogynously D. Misogynous
gate2015-ec-2 verbal-ability noun-verb-adjective

9.9 Odd One (3) top

9.9.1 Odd One: GATE2014 AE: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40306

Find the odd one in the following group: ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF,OYEIK


gate2014-ae odd-one verbal-reasoning verbal-ability

9.9.2 Odd One: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/41513

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 269

Find the odd one in the following group


A. Q,W,Z,B B. B,H,K,M C. W,C,G,J D. M,S,V,X

gate2014-ec-2 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning odd-one normal

9.9.3 Odd One: GATE2016-2-GA-03 top https://gateoverflow.in/39530

Find the odd one in the following group of words.

mock, deride, praise, jeer

A. Mock B. Deride C. Praise D. Jeer

gate2016-2 verbal-ability odd-one easy

9.10 Opposite (5) top

9.10.1 Opposite: GATE2011 AG: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/312113

Choose the word from the questions given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word:


A. periodicity B. rarity C. gradualness D. persistency

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2011-ag opposite

9.10.2 Opposite: GATE2011 GG: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/40203

Choose the word from the options given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word:


A. imitative B. conciliatory C. truthful D. ideological

gate2011-gg verbal-ability opposite

9.10.3 Opposite: GATE2011 MN: GA-56 top https://gateoverflow.in/31519

Choose the word from the options given below that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word:

A. aversion B. resignation C. suspicion D. contempt

verbal-ability gate2011-mn opposite

9.10.4 Opposite: GATE2011-60 top https://gateoverflow.in/2170

Choose the word from the options given below that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the given word


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270 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

A. merge B. split C. collect D. separate

gate2011 verbal-ability opposite normal

9.10.5 Opposite: GATE2014-3-GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/2026

Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word “coherent”.

A. sticky B. well-connected C. rambling D. friendly

gate2014-3 verbal-ability opposite easy

9.11 Passage Reading (43) top

9.11.1 Passage Reading: GATE2010 TF: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/312025

It has taken fifty-six long and frustrating, years to turn bronze, into gold for India’s Olympics aspirations .
Beijing 2008 marks a defining moment in India’s Olympic history . From Delhi to Beijing is a long journey but
one that our Olympians have undertaken with courage .

Which of the following statement best sums up the meaning of the above passage :

A. India’s participation in Olympics has been frustrating.

B. Beijing Olympics was a landmark in India’s Olympic history.
C. Our Olympians have undertaken a long journey to Beijing.
D. India’s bronze medal turned into gold at Beijing.

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-tf passage-reading

9.11.2 Passage Reading: GATE2010-63 top https://gateoverflow.in/2371

Modern warfare has changed from large scale clashes of armies to suppression of civilian
populations. Chemical agents that do their work silently appear to be suited to such warfare; and
regretfully, there exist people in military establishments who think that chemical agents are useful
tools for their cause.

Which of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage:

A. Modern warfare has resulted in civil strife.

B. Chemical agents are useful in modern warfare.
C. Use of chemical agents in warfare would be undesirable.
D. People in military establishments like to use chemical agents in war.

gate2010 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.3 Passage Reading: GATE2011 AG: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/312132

The horse has played a little known but very important role in the field of medicine. Horses were
injected with toxins of diseases until their blood built up immunities. Then a serum was made from
their blood. Serums to fight with diphtheria and tetanus were developed this way.

It can be inferred from the passage, that horses were

A. given immunity to diseases B. generally quite immune to diseases

C. given medicines to fight toxins D. given diphtheria and tetanus serums
general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2011-ag passage-reading

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 271

9.11.4 Passage Reading: GATE2011 GG: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40211

In order to develop to full potential, a baby needs to be physically able to respond to the

It can be inferred from the passage that

A. Full physical potential is needed in order for a baby to be able to respond to the environment.
B. It is necessary for a baby to be able to physically respond to the environment for it to develop its full
C. Response to the environment of physically able babies needs to be developed to its full potential.
D. A physically able baby needs to develop its full potential in order to respond to its environment.

gate2011-gg logical-reasoning passage-reading

9.11.5 Passage Reading: GATE2011 MN: GA-65 top https://gateoverflow.in/31545

Nimbus clouds are dark and ragged, stratus clouds appear dull in colour and cover the entire
sky. Cirrus clouds are thin and delicate, whereas cumulus clouds look like cotton balls.

It can be inferred from the passage that

A. A cumulus cloud on the ground is called fog

B. It is easy to predict the weather by studying clouds
C. Clouds are generally of very different shapes, sizes and mass
D. There are four basic cloud types: stratus, nimbus, cumulus and cirrus

gate2011-mn verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.6 Passage Reading: GATE2011-61 top https://gateoverflow.in/2171

Few school curricula include a unit on how to deal with bereavement and grief, and
yet all students at some point in their lives suffer from losses through death and parting.

Based on the above passage which topic would not be included in a unit on bereavement?

A. how to write a letter of condolence

B. what emotional stages are passed through in the healing process
C. what the leading causes of death are
D. how to give support to a grieving friend

gate2011 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.7 Passage Reading: GATE2012 AE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40221

In the early nineteenth century, theories of social evolution were inspired less by Biology than by
the conviction of social scientists that there was a growing improvement in social institutions.
Progress was taken for granted and social scientists attempted to discover its laws and phases.

Which one of the following inferences may be drawn with the greatest accuracy from the above passage?
Social scientists

A. did not question that progress was a fact. B. did not approve of Biology.
C. framed the laws of progress. D. emphasized Biology over Social Sciences.

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272 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

gate2012-ae verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.8 Passage Reading: GATE2012 AR: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/40231

The documents expose the cynicism of the government officials – and yet as the media
website reflects, not a single newspaper has reported on their existence.

Which one of the following inferences may be drawn with the greatest accuracy from the above

A. Nobody other than the government officials knew about the existence of the documents.
B. Newspapers did report about the documents but nobody cared.
C. Media reports did not show the existence of the documents.
D. The documents reveal the attitude of the government officials.

gate2012-ar verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.9 Passage Reading: GATE2012 CY: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/40237

One of the legacies of the Roman legions was discipline. In the legions, military law prevailed and
discipline was brutal. Discipline on the battlefield kept units obedient, intact and fighting, even
when the odds and conditions were against them.

Which one of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage?

A. Thorough regimentation was the main reason for the efficiency of the Roman legions even in adverse
B. The legions were treated inhumanly as if the men were animals.
C. Discipline was the armies’ inheritance from their seniors.
D. The harsh discipline to which the legions were subjected to led to the odds and conditions being against

gate2012-cy verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.10 Passage Reading: GATE2013-63 top https://gateoverflow.in/1567

After several defeats in wars, Robert Bruce went in exile and wanted to commit suicide. Just before committing
suicide, he came across a spider attempting tirelessly to have its net. Time and again, the spider failed but that
did not deter it to refrain from making attempts. Such attempts by the spider made Bruce curious. Thus, Bruce
started observing the near-impossible goal of the spider to have the net. Ultimately, the spider succeeded in
having its net despite several failures. Such act of the spider encouraged Bruce not to commit suicide. And
then, Bruce went back again and won many a battle, and the rest is history.

Which one of the following assertions is best supported by the above information?

A. Failure is the pillar of success. B. Honesty is the best policy.

C. Life begins and ends with adventures. D. No adversity justifies giving up hope.
gate2013 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.11 Passage Reading: GATE2014 AE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40302

Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan
explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently.

Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentences?

A. Rajan has decided to work only in a group.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 273

B. Rajan and Sajan were formed into a group against their wishes.
C. Sajan had decided to give in to Rajan's request to work with him.
D. Rajan had believed that Sajan and he would be working together.

gate2014-ae passage-reading logical-reasoning

9.11.12 Passage Reading: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/41496

For submitting tax returns, all resident males with annual income below Rs 10 lakh should fill up Form P and all
resident females with income below Rs 8 lakh should fill up Form Q. All people with incomes above Rs 10
lakh should fill up Form R, except non residents with income above Rs 15 lakhs, who should fill up Form S. All
others should fill Form T . An example of a person who should fill Form T is

A. A resident male with annual income Rs 9 lakh

B. A resident female with annual income Rs 9 lakh
C. A non-resident male with annual income Rs 16 lakh
D. A non-resident female with annual income Rs 16 lakh

gate2014-ec-1 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.13 Passage Reading: GATE2014-1-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/774

The Palghat Gap (or Palakkad Gap) , a region about 30 km wide in the southern part of the Western Ghats in
India, is lower than the hilly terrain to its north and south. The exact reasons for the formation of this gap are
not clear. It results in the neighbouring regions of Tamil Nadu getting more rainfall from the South West
monsoon and the neighbouring regions of Kerala having higher summer temperatures.

What can be inferred from this passage?

Select one:

A. The Palghat gap is caused by high rainfall and high temperatures in southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala
B. The regions in Tamil Nadu and Kerala that are near the Palghat Gap are low-lying
C. The low terrain of the Palghat Gap has a significant impact on weather patterns in neighbouring parts of
Tamil Nadu and Kerala
D. Higher summer temperatures result in higher rainfall near the Palghat Gap area

gate2014-1 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.14 Passage Reading: GATE2014-2-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/1943

The old city of Koenigsberg, which had a German majority population before World War 2, is now called
Kaliningrad. After the events of the war, Kaliningrad is now a Russian territory and has a predominantly Russian
population. It is bordered by the Baltic Sea on the north and the countries of Poland to the south and west and
Lithuania to the east respectively. Which of the statements below can be inferred from this passage?

A. Kaliningrad was historically Russian in its ethnic make up

B. Kaliningrad is a part of Russia despite it not being contiguous with the rest of Russia
C. Koenigsberg was renamed Kaliningrad, as that was its original Russian name
D. Poland and Lithuania are on the route from Kaliningrad to the rest of Russia

gate2014-2 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.15 Passage Reading: GATE2014-2-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/1944

Number of people diagnosed with dengue fever (contracted from the bite of a mosquito) in North India is twice

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274 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

the number diagnosed last year. Municipal authorities have concluded that measures to control the mosquito
population have failed in this region.

Which one of the following statements, if true, does not contradict this conclusion?

A. A high proportion of the affected population has returned from neighbouring countries where dengue is
B. More cases of dengue are now reported because of an increase in the Municipal Office's administrative
C. Many more cases of dengue are being diagnosed this year since the introduction of a new and effective
diagnostic test
D. The number of people with malarial fever (also contracted from mosquito bites) has increased this year

gate2014-2 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.16 Passage Reading: GATE2014-3-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/2029

A dance programme is scheduled for 10.00 a.m. Some students are participating in the programme and they
need to come an hour earlier than the start of the event. These students should be accompanied by a parent.
Other students and parents should come in time for the programme. The instruction you think that is
appropriate for this is

A. Students should come at 9.00 a.m. and parents should come at 10.00 a.m.
B. Participating students should come at 9.00 a.m. accompanied by a parent, and other parents and students
should come by 10.00 a.m.
C. Students who are not participating should come by 10.00 a.m. and they should not bring their parents.
Participating students should come at 9.00 a.m.
D. Participating students should come before 9.00 a.m. Parents who accompany them should come at 9.00
a.m. All others should come at 10.00 a.m.

gate2014-3 verbal-ability passage-reading easy

9.11.17 Passage Reading: GATE2014-3-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/2031

By the beginning of the 20 century, several hypotheses were being proposed, suggesting a paradigm shift in
our understanding of the universe. However, the clinching evidence was provided by experimental
measurements of the position of a star which was directly behind our sun.

Which of the following inference(s) may be drawn from the above passage?

i. Our understanding of the universe changes based on the positions of stars

ii. Paradigm shifts usually occur at the beginning of centuries
iii. Stars are important objects in the universe
iv. Experimental evidence was important in confirming this paradigm shift

A. i, ii and iv B. iii only C. i and iv D. iv only

gate2014-3 verbal-ability passage-reading easy

9.11.18 Passage Reading: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/39495

Read the following paragraph and choose the correct statement.

Climate change has reduced human security and threatened human well being. An ignored reality of human
progress is that human security largely depends upon environmental security. But on the contrary, human
progress seems contradictory to environmental security. To keep up both at the required level is a challenge to
be addressed by one and all. One of the ways to curb the climate change may be suitable scientific innovations,
while the other may be the Gandhian perspective on small scale progress with focus on sustainability.

A. Human progress and security are positively associated with environmental security.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 275

B. Human progress is contradictory to environmental security.

C. Human security is contradictory to environmental security.
D. Human progress depends upon environmental security

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.19 Passage Reading: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/39523

Ms. X will be in Bagdogra from 01/05/2014 to 20/05/2014 and from 22/05/2014 to 31/05/2014. On the
morning of 21/05/2014, she will reach Kochi via Mumbai.

Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentences?

A. Ms. X will be in Kochi for one day, only in May.

B. Ms. X will be in Kochi for only one day in May.
C. Ms. X will be only in Kochi for one day in May.
D. Only Ms. X will be in Kochi for one day in May.

gate2015-ec-3 verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.20 Passage Reading: GATE2015-3-GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/8388

Most experts feel that in spite of possessing all the technical skills required to be a batsman of the highest
order, he is unlikely to be so due to lack of requisite temperament. He was guilty of throwing away his wicket
several time after working hard to lay a strong foundation. His critics pointed out that until he addressed his
problem, success at the highest level will continue to elude him.

Which of the statement(s) below is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above passage?

i. He was already a successful batsman at the highest level.

ii. He was to improve his temperament in order to become a great batsman.
iii. He failed to make many of his good starts count.
iv. Improving his technical skills will guarantee success.

A. iii and iv B. ii and iii C. i, ii and iii D. ii only

gate2015-3 verbal-ability normal passage-reading

9.11.21 Passage Reading: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/110913

Today, we consider Ashoka as a great ruler because of the copious evidence he left behind in the form of stone
carved edicts. Historians tend to correlate greatness of a king at his time with the availability of evidence today.
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above sentences?

A. Emperors who do not leave significant sculpted evidence are completely forgotten.
B. Ashoka produced stone carved edicts to ensure that later historians will respect him.
C. Statues of kings are a reminder of their greatness.
D. A king’s greatness, as we know him today, is interpreted by historians.

gate2016-ce-2 passage-reading verbal-ability

9.11.22 Passage Reading: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/108717

Social science disciplines were in existence in an amorphous form until the colonial period when they were
institutionalized. In varying degrees, they were intended to further the colonial interest. In the time of
globalization and the economic rise of postcolonial countries like India, conventional ways of Knowledge
production have become obsolete.

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276 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above statements?

(i) Social science disciplines have become obsolete.

(ii) Social science disciplines had a pre-colonial origin.

(iii) Social science disciplines always promote colonialism.

(iv) Social science must maintain disciplinary boundaries.

A. (ii) only B. (i) and (iii) only.

C. (ii) and (iv) only. D. (iii) and (iv) only.
gate2016-ec-2 logical-reasoning passage-reading

9.11.23 Passage Reading: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/110844

The overwhelming number of people infected with rabies in India has been flagged by the World Health
Organization as a source of concern. It is estimated that inoculating 70% of pets and stray dogs against rabies
can lead to a significant reduction in the number of people infected with rabies.

Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above sentences?

A. The number of people in India infected with rabies is high.

B. The number of people in other parts of the world who are infected with rabies is low.
C. Rabies can be eradicated in India by vaccinating 70% of stray dogs.
D. Stray dogs are the main source of rabies worldwide.

gate2016-ec-3 verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.24 Passage Reading: GATE2016-2-GA-07 top https://gateoverflow.in/39533

Computers were invented for performing only high-end useful computations. However, it is no understatement
that they have taken over our world today. The internet, for example, is ubiquitous. Many believe that the
internet itself is an unintended consequence of the original invention. With the advent of mobile computing on
our phones, a whole new dimension is now enabled. One is left wondering if all these developments are good or,
more importantly, required.

Which of the statement(s) below is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above paragraph?

(i) The author believes that computers are not good for us.

(ii) Mobile computers and the internet are both intended inventions.

A. (i) only B. (ii) only C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

gate2016-2 verbal-ability passage-reading normal

9.11.25 Passage Reading: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313486

The old concert hall was demolished because of fears that the foundation would be affected by the construction
of the new metro line in the area. Modern technology for underground metro construction tried to mitigate the
impact of pressurized air pockets created by the excavation of large amounts of soil. But even with these
safeguards, it was feared the soil below the concert hall would not be stable.

From this, one can infer that

A. the foundations of old buildings create pressurized air pockets underground, which are difficult to handle
during metro construction.
B. metro construction has to be done carefully considering its impact on the foundations of existing buildings.
C. old buildings in an area from an impossible hurdle to metro construction in that area.
D. pressurized air can be used to excavate large amount of soil from underground areas.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 277

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.26 Passage Reading: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313422

Bhaichung was observing the pattern of people entering and leaving a car service centre. There was a single
window where customers were being served. He saw that people inevitably came out of the centre in the order
that they went in. However, the time they spent inside seemed to vary a lot: some people came out in a matter
of minutes while for others it took much longer.

From this, what can conclude?

A. The centre operators on a first-come-first-served basis, but with variable service times, depending on
specific customer needs.
B. Customers were served in an arbitrary order, since they took varying amounts of time for service
completion in the centre.
C. Since some people came out within a few minutes of entering the centre, the system is likely to operate on
a last-come-first-served basis.
D. Entering the centre early ensured that one would have shorter service times and most people attempted to
do this.

gate2017-ce-2 verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.27 Passage Reading: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313423

A map shows the elevations of Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong, Pelling, and Siliguri. Kalimpong is at a lower
elevation than Gangtok, Pelling is at a lower elevation than Gantok. Pelling is at a higher elevation
than Siliguri. Darjeeling is at a higher elevation than Gangtok.

Which of the following statement can be inferred from the paragraph above?

i. Pelling is at a higher elevation than Kalimpong

ii. Kalimpong is at a lower elevation than Darjeeling
iii. Kalimpong is at a higher elevation than Siliguri
iv. Siliguri is at a lower elevation than Gangtok

A. Only ii B. Only ii and iii C. Only ii and iv D. Only iii and iv

gate2017-ce-2 verbal-ability passage-reading logical-reasoning

9.11.28 Passage Reading: GATE2017 EC-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313516

“If you are looking for a history of India, or for an account of the rise and fall of the British Raj, or for all reason
of the cleaving of the subcontinent into two mutually antagonistic parts and the effects this mutilation will have
in the respective sections, and ultimately on Asia, you will not find it in these pages; for though I have spent a
lifetime in the country, I lived too near the seat of events, and was too intimately associated with the actors, to
get the perspective needed for impartial recording of these matters”.

Which of the following statements best reflects the author’s opinion?

A. An intimate association does not allow for the necessary perspective.

B. Matters are recorded with an impartial perspective.
C. An intimate association offers an impartial perspective.
D. Actors are typically associated with the impartial recording of matters.

gate2017-ec-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.29 Passage Reading: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313667

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278 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

"Here, throughout the early 1820s, Stuart continued to fight his losing battle to allow his sepoys to wear their
caste-marks and their own choice of facial hair on parade, being again reprimanded by the commander-in-chief.
His retort that 'A stronger instance than this of European prejudice with relation to this country has never come
under my observations' had no effect on his superiors."

According to this paragraph, which of the statements below is most accurate?

A. Stuart's commander-in-chief was moved by this demonstration of his prejudice.

B. The Europeans were accommodating of the sepoy's desire to wear their caste-marks.
C. Stuart's 'losing-battle' refers to his inability to succeed in enabling sepoys to wear caste-marks.
D. The commander-in-chief was exempt from the Europeans prejudice that dictated how the sepoys were to

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading easy

9.11.30 Passage Reading: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313678

"If you are looking for a history of India, or for an account of the rise and fall of the British Raj, or for the
reason of the cleaving of the subcontinent into two mutually antagonistic parts and the effects this mutilation
will have in the respective sections, and ultimately on Asia, you will not find it in these pages; for though I have
spent lifetime in the country, I lived too near the seat of events, and was too intimately associated with the
actors, to get the perspective needed for the impartial recording of these matters."

Which of the following is closest in meaning to 'cleaving' ?

A. deteriorating B. arguing C. departing D. splitting

gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.31 Passage Reading: GATE2017-1-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/118409

"The hold of the nationalist imagination on our colonial past is such that anything inadequately or improperly
nationalist is just not history."

Which of the following statements best reflects the author's opinion?

A. Nationalists are highly imaginative.

B. History is viewed through the filter of nationalism.
C. Our colonial past never happened.
D. Nationalism has to be both adequately and properly imagined.

gate2017-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.32 Passage Reading: GATE2018 EC: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/205214

A coastal region with unparalleled beauty is home to many species of animals. It is dotted with coral reefs and
unspoilt white sandy beaches. It has remained inaccessible to tourists due to poor connectivity and lack of
accommodation. A company has spotted the opportunity and is planning to develop a luxury resort with
helicopter service to the nearest major city airport. Environmentalists are upset that this would lead to the
region becoming crowded and polluted like any other major beach resorts.

Which one of the following statements can be logically inferred from the information given in the above

A. The culture and tradition of the local people will be influenced by the tourists.
B. The region will become crowded and polluted due to tourism.
C. The coral reefs are on the decline and could soon vanish.
D. Helicopter connectivity would lead to an increase in tourists coming to the region.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 279

gate2018-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability normal passage-reading

9.11.33 Passage Reading: GATE2018 EC: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/205212

The Cricket Board has long recognized John’s potential as a leader of the team. However, his on-field temper
has always been a matter of concern for them since his junior days. While this aggression has filled stadia with
die-hard fans, it has taken a toll on his own batting. Until recently, it appeared that he found it difficult to
convert his aggression into big scores. Over the past three seasons though, that picture of John has been
replaced by a cerebral, calculative and successful batsman-captain. After many years, it appears that the team
has finally found a complete captain.

Which of the following statements can be logically inferred from the above paragraph?

i. Even as a junior cricketer, John was considered a good captain.

ii. Finding a complete captain is a challenge.
iii. Fans and the Cricket Board have differing views on what they want in a captain.
iv. Over the past three seasons, John has accumulated big scores.

A. (i), (ii) and (iii) only B. (iii) and (iv) only

C. (ii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
gate2018-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability normal passage-reading

9.11.34 Passage Reading: GATE2019 CE-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313445

The new cotton technology, Bollgard_II, with herbicide-tolerant traits has developed into a thriving business in
India. However, the commercial use of this technology is not legal in India. Notwithstanding that, reports
indicate that the herbicide tolerant Bt cotton had been purchased by farmers at an average of Rs 200 more than
the control price of ordinary cotton, and planted in 15% of the cotton growing area in the 2017 Kharif season.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage?

A. Farmers want to access the new technology if India benefits from it

B. Farmers want to access the new technology even if it is not legal
C. Farmers want to access the new technology for experimental purposes
D. Farmers want to access the new technology by paying high price

gate2019-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.35 Passage Reading: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313375

"Popular Hindi fiction, despite - or perhaps because of - its wide reach, often does not appear in our cinema. As
ideals that viewers are meant to look up to rather identify with, Hindi film protagonists usually read books of
aspirational value: textbook, English books, or high-value literature."

Which one of the following CANNOT be inferred from the paragraph above?

A. Though popular Hindi fiction has wide reach, it often does not appear in the movies
B. Protagonists in Hindi movies, being ideals for viewers, read only books of aspirational value
C. Textbooks, English books or high literature have aspirational value, but not popular Hindi fiction
D. People do not look up to writers of textbook, English books or high-value literature

gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.36 Passage Reading: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313381

The Newspaper reports that over 500 hectares of tribal land spread across 28 tribal settlements in
Mohinitampuram forest division have already been “alienated”. A top forest official said, “First the tribals are
duped out of their land holdings. Second, the families thus rendered landless are often forced to encroach

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280 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

further into the forests”.

On the basis of the information available in the paragraph,______ is /are responsible for duping the tribals.

A. forest officials B. landless families

C. The Newspaper D. it can not be inferred who
gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.37 Passage Reading: GATE2019 EC: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313540

"Indian history was written by British historians-extremely well documented and researched, but not always
impartial. History had to serve its purpose: Everything was made subservient to the glory of the Union Jack.
Latter-day Indian scholars presented a contrary picture."

From the text above, we can infer that:

India history written by British historians________

A. was well documented and not researched but was always biased
B. was not well documented and researched and was always biased
C. was well documented and researched but was sometimes biased
D. was not well documented and researched and was sometimes biased

gate2019-ec general-aptitude verbal-ability easy passage-reading

9.11.38 Passage Reading: GATE2019 EE: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313747

An award-winning study by a group of researchers suggests that men are as prone to buying on impulse as
women but women feel more guilty about shopping.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given text?

A. Some men and women indulge in buying on impulse

B. All men and women indulge in buying on impulse
C. Few men and women indulge in buying on impulse
D. Many men and women indulge in buying on impulse

gate2019-ee general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.39 Passage Reading: GATE2019 IN: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313555

“I read somewhere that in ancient times the prestige of a kingdom depended upon the number of taxes that it
was able to levy on its people. It was very much like the prestige of a head-hunter in his own community.”

Based on the paragraph above, the prestige of a head-hunter depended upon ______________

A. the prestige of the kingdom B. the prestige of the heads

C. the number of taxes he could levy D. the number of heads he could gather
gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.40 Passage Reading: GATE2019 IN: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313554

The nomenclature of Hindustani music has changed over the countries. Since the medieval period, dhrupad
styles were identified as baanis. Terms like gayaki and baaj were used to refer to vocal and instrumental styles,
respectively. With the institutionalization of music education, the term gharana became acceptable. Gharana
originally referred to hereditary musicians from a particular lineage, including disciples and grand disciples.

Which one of the following pairings is NOT correct?

A. dhrupad, baani B. gayaki, vocal

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 281

C. baaj, institution D. gharana, lineage

gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.41 Passage Reading: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313606

Congo was named by Europeans, Congo’s dictator Mobuto later changed the name of the county and the river
to Zaire with the objective of Africanising names of persons and spaces. However, the name Zaire was a
Portuguese alteration of Nzadi o Nzere, a local African term meaning ‘River that swallows Rivers’. Zaire was the
Portuguese name for the Congo river in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph above?

A. Mobuto was not entirely successful in Africanising the name of his country
B. The term Nzadi o Nzere was of Portuguese origin
C. Mobuto’s desire to Africanise names was prevented by the Portuguese
D. As a dictator Mobuto ordered the Portuguese to alter the name of the river to Zaire

gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.42 Passage Reading: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313594

X is an online media provider. By offering unlimited and exclusive online content at attractive prices for a
loyalty membership, X is almost forcing its customers towards its loyalty membership. If its royalty
membership continues to grow at its current rate, within the next eight years more households will be watching
X than cable television.
Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the above paragraph?

A. Most households that subscribe to X ′ s loyalty membership discontinue watching cable television
B. Non-members prefer to watch cable television
C. Cable television operators don’t subscribe to X ′ s loyalty members
D. The X is cancelling accounts of non-members

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.11.43 Passage Reading: GATE2019 ME-2: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/313592

While teaching a creative writing class in India, I was surprised at receiving stories from the students that were
all set in distant places: in the American West with cowboys and in Manhattan penthouses with clinking ice
cubes. This was, till an eminent Caribbean writer gave the writers in the once-colonised countries the confidence
to see the shabby lives around them as worthy being “told”.

The writer of this passage is surprised by the creative writing assignments of his students, because _____

A. Some of the students had written stories set in foreign places

B. None of the students had written stories set in India
C. None of the students had written about ice cubes and cowboys
D. Some of the students had written about ice cubes and cowboys

gate2019-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading

9.12 Phrasal Verbs (2) top

9.12.1 Phrasal Verbs: GATE2016 CE-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/110873

He turned
− my request.

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282 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

What does the underlined phrasal verb mean?

A. Ignored B. Appreciated C. Twisted D. Returned

gate2016-ce-2 general-aptitude english-grammar phrasal-verbs

9.12.2 Phrasal Verbs: GATE2016 EC-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/108481

After India’s cricket world cup victory in 1985, Shrotria who was playing both tennis and cricket till then,
decided to concentrate only on cricket. And the rest is history.

What does the underlined phrase mean in this context?

A. History will rest in peace B. Rest is recorded in history books

C. Rest is well known D. Rest is archaic
gate2016-ec-2 verbal-ability phrasal-verbs

9.13 Prepositions (3) top

9.13.1 Prepositions: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313378

The growth rate of ABC Motors in 2017 was the same ________ XYZ Motors in 2016.
A. as off B. as those of
C. as that off D. as that of
gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability prepositions most-appropriate-word

9.13.2 Prepositions: GATE2019 CE-2: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313379

Hema Das was_____ only Indian athlete to win _______ gold for India.

A. the , many B. the, a C. an, a D. an , the

gate2019-ce-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar prepositions

9.13.3 Prepositions: GATE2019 EE: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313571

The passengers were angry ______ the airline staff about the delay.

A. on B. about C. with D. towards

gate2019-ee general-aptitude verbal-ability prepositions

9.14 Sentence Ordering (1) top

9.14.1 Sentence Ordering: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/39520

In the following question, the first and the last sentence of the passage are in order and numbered 1 and 6. The
rest of the passage is split into 4 parts and numbered as 2, 3, 4, and 5. These 4 parts are not arranged in
proper order. Read the sentences and arrange them in a logical sequence to make a passage and choose the
correct sequence from the given options.

1. On Diwali, the family rises early in the morning.

2. The whole family, including the young and the old enjoy doing this.
3. Children let off fireworks later in the night with their friends.

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 283

4. At sunset, the lamps are lit and the family performs various rituals.
5. Father, mother, and children visit relatives and exchange gifts and sweets.
6. Houses look so pretty with lighted lamps all around.

A. 2, 5, 3, 4 B. 5, 2, 4, 3 C. 3, 5, 4, 2 D. 4, 5, 2, 3
gate2015-ec-3 verbal-ability sentence-ordering

9.15 Statements Follow (5) top

9.15.1 Statements Follow: GATE2015-1-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/8012

The given statement is followed by some courses of action. Assuming the statement to be true, decide the
correct option.


There has been a significant drop in the water level in the lakes supplying water to the city.

Course of action:

I. The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation.
II. The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.
III. The government should ban the water supply in lower areas.

A. Statements I and II follow. B. Statements I and III follow.

C. Statements II and III follow. D. All the statements follow.
gate2015-1 verbal-ability normal statements-follow

9.15.2 Statements Follow: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313487

Consider the following sentences:

All benches are beds. No bed is bulb. Some bulbs are lamps.

Which of the following can be inferred?

i. Some beds are lamps.

ii. Some lamps are beds.

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Both i and ii D. Neither i nor ii

gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning statements-follow

9.15.3 Statements Follow: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313523

Some tables are shelves. Some shelves are chairs. All chairs are benches. Which of the following conclusion can
be deduced from the preceding sentences?

i. At least one bench is a table

ii. At least one shelf is a bench
iii. At least one chair is a table
iv. All benches are chairs

A. Only i B. Only ii C. Only ii and iii D. Only iv

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability statements-follow

9.15.4 Statements Follow: GATE2018 ME-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/313657

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

284 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

Consider the following three statements:

i. Some roses are red.

ii. All red flowers fade quickly.
iii. Some roses fade quickly.

Which of the following statements can be logically inferred from the above statements?

A. If (i) is true and (ii) is false, then (iii) is false.

B. If (i) is true and (ii) is false, then (iii) is true.
C. If (i) and (ii) are true, then (iii) is true.
D. If (i) and (ii) are false, then (iii) is false.

gate2018-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability statements-follow verbal-reasoning

9.15.5 Statements Follow: GATE2019 IN: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313551

Some students were not involved in the strike.

If the above statement is true, which of the following conclusions is/are logically necessary?

1. Some who were involved in the strike were students.

2. No student was involved in the strike.
3. At least one student was involved in the strike.
4. Some who were not involved in the strike were students.

A. 1 and 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2 and 3
gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability statements-follow

9.16 Synonyms (8) top

9.16.1 Synonyms: GATE2010 MN: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/312009

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word below :

A. urge B. condemn C. restrain D. scold

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-mn synonyms

9.16.2 Synonyms: GATE2010 TF: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/312020

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word below :

A. effeminate B. ghostlike C. soft D. short-lived

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-tf synonyms

9.16.3 Synonyms: GATE2012 AR: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40222

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below?


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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 285

A. Excite B. Soothe C. Deplete D. Tire

gate2012-ar verbal-ability synonyms

9.16.4 Synonyms: GATE2012 CY: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40234

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below?


A. Eligibility B. Freedom C. Coercion D. Meticulousness

gate2012-cy verbal-ability synonyms

9.16.5 Synonyms: GATE2016 EC-3: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/110821

The Buddha said, "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one who gets burnt." Select the word below which is closest in meaning to the word underlined

A. Burning B. Igniting C. Clutching D. Flinging

gate2016-ec-3 synonyms

9.16.6 Synonyms: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313421

There was no doubt that their work was through.

Which of the words below is closest in meaning to the underlined word above?

A. pretty B. complete C. sloppy D. haphazard

gate2017-ce-2 synonyms verbal-ability

9.16.7 Synonyms: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313526

“If you are looking for a history of India, or for an account of the rise and fall of the British Raj, or for all reason
of the cleaving of the subcontinent into two mutually antagonistic parts and the effects this mutilation will have
in the respective sections, and ultimately on Asia, you will not find it in these pages; for though I have spent a
lifetime in the country, I lived too near the seat of events, and was too intimately associated with the actors, to
get the perspective needed for impartial recording of these matters”.

Here, the word ‘antagonistic’ is closest in meaning to,

A. Impartial B. Argumentative C. Separated D. Hostile

gate2017-ec-1 verbal-ability synonyms

9.16.8 Synonyms: GATE2017-2-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/118415

Choose the option with words that are not synonyms.

A. aversion, dislike B. luminous, radiant

C. plunder, loot D. yielding, resistant
gate2017-2 verbal-ability synonyms

9.17 Tenses (12) top

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286 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.17.1 Tenses: GATE2012 AE: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/40212

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following
I ___ to have bought a diamond ring.

A. have a liking B. should have liked C. would like D. may like

gate2012-ae tenses verbal-ability

9.17.2 Tenses: GATE2013-59 top https://gateoverflow.in/1563

Were you a bird, you ___________________ in the sky.

A. would fly B. shall fly C. should fly D. shall have flown

gate2013 verbal-ability tenses normal

9.17.3 Tenses: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/41490

Choose the most appropriate phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

The aircraft __________ take off as soon as its flight plan was filed.

A. Is allowed to B. Will be allowed to

C. Was allowed to D. Has been allowed to
gate2014-ec-1 verbal-ability tenses easy

9.17.4 Tenses: GATE2014-2-GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/1939

Who ___________ was coming to see us this evening?

A. you said B. did you say C. did you say that D. had you said

gate2014-2 verbal-ability tenses normal

9.17.5 Tenses: GATE2015 EC-2: GA- 6 top https://gateoverflow.in/39507

In the following sentence certain parts are underlined and marked P, Q, and R. One of the parts may contain
certain error or may not be acceptable in standard written communication. Select the part containing an error.
Choose D as your answer if there is no error.

 
−−−−−−−  −
−−−−− 
The student corrected all
−− −errors
− −−− that the instructor marked on the answer book.
− −−−−−−−−− −−−−−−−

A. P B. Q C. R D. No error

gate2015-ec-2 verbal-ability english-grammar tenses

9.17.6 Tenses: GATE2015 EC-3: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/39514

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 287

If the athlete had wanted to come first in the race, he _______________ several hours every day.

A. should practise B. should have practised

C. practised D. should be practising
gate2015-ec-3 general-aptitude verbal-ability tenses

9.17.7 Tenses: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313489

The bacteria in milk are destroyed when it __________ heated to 80 degree Celsius.

A. would be B. will be C. is D. was

gate2017-ce-1 verbal-ability tenses

9.17.8 Tenses: GATE2017 CE-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313420

The event would have been successful if you____________able to come.

A. are B. had been C. have been D. would have been

gate2017-ce-2 verbal-ability tenses

9.17.9 Tenses: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313525

I __________ made arrangements had I _________informed earlier.

A. could have, been B. would have, being

C. had, have D. had been, been
gate2017-ec-1 verbal-ability tenses

9.17.10 Tenses: GATE2017-1-GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/118403

After Rajendra Chola returned from his voyage to Indonesia, he ________ to visit the temple in Thanjavur.

A. was wishing B. is wishing C. wished D. had wished

gate2017-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability tenses english-grammar normal

9.17.11 Tenses: GATE2019 IN: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/313552

Until Iran came along, India had never been ___________ in Kabaddi.

A. defeated B. defeating C. defeat D. defeatist

gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability english-grammar tenses

9.17.12 Tenses: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313603

____I permitted him to leave, I wouldn’t have had any problem with him being absent, ____ I?

A. Had, wouldn’t B. Have, would

C. Had, would D. Have, wouldn’t
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability tenses

9.18 Vebal Ability (1) top

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288 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.18.1 Vebal Ability: GATE2018 CE-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313395

"His face ____ with joy when the solution of the puzzle was ___ to him."

The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence are

A. shone, shown B. shone, shone C. shown, shone D. shown, shown

gate2018-ce-2 general-aptitude vebal-ability english-grammar most-appropriate-word

9.19 Verbal Inference (4) top

9.19.1 Verbal Inference: GATE2012-61 top https://gateoverflow.in/2209

Wanted Temporary, Part-time persons for the post of Field Interviewer to conduct personal
interviews to collect and collate economic data. Requirements: High School-pass, must be available
for Day, Evening and Saturday work. Transportation paid, expenses reimbursed.

Which one of the following is the best inference from the above advertisement?

A. Gender-discriminatory B. Xenophobic
C. Not designed to make the post attractive D. Not gender-discriminatory
gate2012 verbal-ability verbal-inference normal

9.19.2 Verbal Inference: GATE2014-1-GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/775

Geneticists say that they are very close to confirming the genetic roots of psychiatric illnesses such as
depression and schizophrenia, and consequently, that doctors will be able to eradicate these diseases through
early identification and gene therapy.

On which of the following assumptions does the statement above rely?

Select one:

A. Strategies are now available for eliminating psychiatric illnesses

B. Certain psychiatric illnesses have a genetic basis
C. All human diseases can be traced back to genes and how they are expressed
D. In the future, genetics will become the only relevant field for identifying psychiatric illnesses

gate2014-1 verbal-ability verbal-inference normal

9.19.3 Verbal Inference: GATE2019 IN: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313553

Since the last one year after a 125 basis point reduction in repo rate by the Reserve Bank of India, banking
institutions have been making a demand to reduce interest rates on small saving schemes. Finally, the
government announced yesterday a reduction in interest rates on small saving schemes to bring them on par
with fixed deposit interest rates.

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage?

A. Whenever the Reserve Bank of India reduces the repo rate, the interest rates on small saving schemes are
also reduced
B. Interest rates on small saving schemes are always maintained on par with fixed deposit interest rates
C. The government sometimes takes into consideration the demands of banking institutions before reducing
the interest rates on small saving scheme
D. A reduction in interest rates on small savings scheme follow only after a reduction in repo rate by the
Reserve Bank Of India

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 289

gate2019-in general-aptitude verbal-ability passage-reading verbal-inference

9.19.4 Verbal Inference: GATE2019-GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/302865

“A recent High Court judgement has sought to dispel the idea of begging as a disease – which leads to its
stigmatization and criminalization – and to regard it as a symptom. The underlying disease is the failure of the
state to protect citizens who fall through the social security net.”

Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage?

A. Beggars are lazy people who beg because they are unwilling to work
B. Beggars are created because of the lack of social welfare schemes
C. Begging is an offence that has to be dealt with firmly
D. Begging has to be banned because it adversely affects the welfare of the state

gate2019 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-inference

9.20 Verbal Reasoning (30) top

9.20.1 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2013 AE: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/40244

Mahatama Gandhi was known for his humility as

A. he played an important role in humiliating exit of British from India.

B. he worked for humanitarian causes.
C. he displayed modesty in his interactions.
D. he was a fine human being

gate2013-ae verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.2 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2013 EE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40292

Statement: You can always give me a ring whenever you need.

Which one of the following is the best inference from the above statement?

A. Because I have a nice caller tune.

B. Because I have a better telephone facility.
C. Because a friend in need is a friend indeed.
D. Because you need not pay towards the telephone bills when you give me a ring.

gate2013-ee verbal-reasoning verbal-ability

9.20.3 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2013 EE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40294

Statement: There were different streams of freedom movements in colonial India carried out by
the moderates, liberals, radicals, socialists, and so on.

Which one of the following is the best inference from the above statement?

A. The emergence of nationalism in colonial India led to our Independence.

B. Nationalism in India emerged in the context of colonialism.
C. Nationalism in India is homogeneous.
D. Nationalism in India is heterogeneous

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290 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

gate2013-ee passage-reading verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.4 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 AG: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/41667

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the sentence below?

“As a woman, I have no country.”

A. Women have no country.
B. Women are not citizens of any country.
C. Women’s solidarity knows no national boundaries.
D. Women of all countries have equal legal rights.

gate2014-ag general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.5 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 AG: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/41671

Moving into a world of big data will require us to change our thinking about the merits of exactitude. To apply
the conventional mindset of measurement to the digital, connected world of the twenty-first century is to miss a
crucial point. As mentioned earlier, the obsession with exactness is an artefact of the information-deprived
analog era. When data was sparse, every data point was critical, and thus great care was taken to avoid letting
any point bias the analysis. From “BIG DATA” Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier. The main point of
the paragraph is:

A. The twenty-first century is a digital world

B. Big data is obsessed with exactness
C. Exactitude is not critical in dealing with big data
D. Sparse data leads to a bias in the analysis

gate2014-ag verbal-ability verbal-reasoning passage-reading normal

9.20.6 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/41491

Read the statements:

All women are entrepreneurs.

Some women are doctors.

Which of the following conclusions can be logically inferred from the above statements?

A. All women are doctors B. All doctors are entrepreneurs

C. All entrepreneurs are women D. Some entrepreneurs are doctors
gate2014-ec-1 verbal-ability mathematical-logic verbal-reasoning easy

9.20.7 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/41495

Find the odd one from the following group:


A. W,E,K,O B. I,Q,W,A C. F,N,T,X D. N,V,B,D

gate2014-ec-1 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.8 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-2: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/41507

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 291

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.

Communication and interpersonal skills are ________ important in their own ways.

A. Each B. Both C. All D. Either

gate2014-ec-2 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning most-appropriate-word easy

9.20.9 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-3: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/41140

"India is a country of rich heritage and cultural diversity." Which one of the following facts best supports the
claim made in the above sentence?

A. India is a union of 28 states and 7 union territories.

B. India has a population of over 1.1 billion.
C. India is home to 22 official languages and thousands of dialects.
D. The Indian cricket team draws players from over ten states.

gate2014-ec-3 verbal-reasoning verbal-ability

9.20.10 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2014 EC-4: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/41469

I f ′ KCLF TSB ' stands for ‘best of luck’ and ' SHSW DG ' stands for 'good wishes', which of the following
indicates 'ace the exam'?


gate2014-ec-4 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.11 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2015 EC-1: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/39497

Humpty Dumpty sits on a wall every day while having lunch. The wall sometimes breaks. A person sitting on the
wall falls if the wall breaks.

Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentences?

A. Humpty Dumpty always falls while having lunch

B. Humpty Dumpty does not fall sometimes while having lunch
C. Humpty Dumpty never falls during dinner
D. When Humpty Dumpty does not sit on the wall, the wall does not break

gate2015-ec-1 general-aptitude verbal-reasoning

9.20.12 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2015 EC-2: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/39511

Lamenting the gradual sidelining of the arts in school curricula, a group of prominent artists wrote to the Chief
Minister last year, asking him to allocate more funds to support arts education in schools. However, no such
increase has been announced in this year’s Budget. The artists expressed their deep anguish at their request
not being approved, but many of them remain optimistic about funding in the future.

Which of the statement(s) below is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above statements?

i. The artists expected funding for the arts to increase this year.
ii. The Chief Minister was receptive to the idea of increasing funding for the arts.
iii. The Chief Minister is a prominent artist.
iv. Schools are giving less importance to arts education nowadays.

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292 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

A. (iii) and (iv) B. (i) and (iv) C. (i), (ii) and (iv) D. (i) and (iii)

gate2015-ec-2 passage-reading verbal-reasoning verbal-ability

9.20.13 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/40169

1. Tanya is older than Eric.

2. Cliff is older than Tanya.
3. Eric is older than Cliff.

If the first two statements are true, then the third statement is:

A. True B. False
C. Uncertain D. Data insufficient
gate2015-me-3 logical-reasoning verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.14 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2015 ME-3: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/40172

Given below are two statements followed by two conclusions. Assuming these statements to be true, decide
which one logically follows.


I. No manager is a leader.
II. All leaders are executives.


I. No manager is an executive.
II. No executive is a manager.

A. Only conclusion I follows. B. Only conclusion II follows.

C. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. D. Both conclusions I and II follow.
gate2015-me-3 mathematical-logic logical-reasoning first-order-logic verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.15 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2015-3-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/8306

Alexander turned his attention towards India, since he had conquered Persia.

Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentence?

A. Alexander would not have turned his attention towards India had he not conquered Persia.
B. Alexander was not ready to rest on his laurels, and wanted to march to India.
C. Alexander was not completely in control of his army and could command it to move towards India.
D. Since Alexander's kingdom extended to Indian borders after the conquest of Persia, he was keen to move

gate2015-3 verbal-ability normal verbal-reasoning

9.20.16 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/108069

Despite the new medicine's _________ in treating diabetes, it is not _________widely.

A. effectiveness --- prescribed B. availability --- used

C. prescription --- available D. acceptance --- proscribed
gate2016-ec-1 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.17 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/108087

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 293

In a world filled with uncertainty, he was glad to have many good friends. He had always assisted them in times
of need and was confident that they would reciprocate. However, the events of the last week proved him

Which of the following inference(s) is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above passage?

i. His friends were always asking him to help them.

ii. He felt that when in need of help, his friends would let him down.
iii. He was sure that his friends would help him when in need.
iv. His friends did not help him last week.

A. (i) and (ii) B. (iii) and (iv) C. (iii) only D. (iv) only

gate2016-ec-1 passage-reading verbal-reasoning

9.20.18 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016 EC-1: GA-8 top https://gateoverflow.in/108089

Leela is older than her cousin Pavithra. Pavithra’s brother Shiva is older than Leela. When Pavithra and Shiva
are visiting Leela, all three like to play chess. Pavithra wins more often than Leela does.

Which one of the following statements must be TRUE based on the above?

A. When Shiva plays chess with Leela and Pavithra, he often loses.
B. Leela is the oldest of the three.
C. Shiva is a better chess player than Pavithra.
D. Pavithra is the youngest of the three.

gate2016-ec-1 verbal-ability passage-reading verbal-reasoning

9.20.19 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/108259

Choose the statement(s) where the underlined word is used correctly:

i. A prone is a dried plum.

ii. He was lying prone on the floor.
iii. People who eat a lot of fat are prone to heart disease.

A. (i) and (iii) only B. (iii) only C. (i) and (ii) only D. (ii) and (iii) only

gate2016-me-2 verbal-reasoning verbal-ability

9.20.20 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016 ME-2: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/108299

A smart city integrates all modes of transport, uses clean energy and promotes sustainable use of resources. It
also uses technology to ensure safety and security of the city, something which critics argue, will lead to a
surveillance state. Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above paragraph?

i. All smart cities encourage the formation of surveillance states.

ii. Surveillance is an integral part of a smart city.
iii. Sustainability and surveillance go hand in hand in a smart city.
iv. There is a perception that smart cities promote surveillance.

A. (i) and (iv) only B. (ii) and (iii) only C. (iv) only D. (i) only

gate2016-me-2 passage-reading verbal-reasoning

9.20.21 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016-1-GA07 top https://gateoverflow.in/39613

Indian currency notes show the denomination indicated in at least seventeen languages. If this is not an

© Copyright GATE Overflow. All rights reserved.

294 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

indication of the nation's diversity, nothing else is.

Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above sentences?

A. India is a country of exactly seventeen languages.

B. Linguistic pluralism is the only indicator of a nation's diversity.
C. Indian currency notes have sufficient space for all the Indian languages.
D. Linguistic pluralism is strong evidence of India's diversity.

gate2016-1 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.22 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2016-1-GA08 top https://gateoverflow.in/39617

Consider the following statements relating to the level of poker play of four players P, Q, R and S .
I. P always beats Q
II. R always beats S
III. S loses to P only sometimes.
IV. R always loses to Q
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above statements?

i. P is likely to beat all the three other players

ii. S is the absolute worst player in the set
A. (i). only B. (ii) only
C. (i) and (ii) only' D. neither (i) nor (ii)
gate2016-1 verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.23 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2017 CE-1: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/313485

Students applying for hostel rooms are allotted rooms in order of seniority. Students already staying in a room
will move if they get a room in their preferred list. Preferences of lower ranked applicants are ignored during

Given the data below, which room will Ajit stay in ?

Names Student seniority Current room Room preference list

Amar 1 P R, S, Q
Akbar 2 None R, S
Anthony 3 Q P
Ajit 4 S Q, P, R

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
gate2017-ce-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning normal

9.20.24 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-9 top https://gateoverflow.in/313668

Two very famous sportsmen Mark and Steve happened to be brothers and played for country K. Mark teased
James, an opponent from country E , "There is no way you are good enough to play for your country." James
replied, "Maybe not, but at least I am the best player in my own family."

Which one of the following can be inferred from this conversation?

A. Mark was known to play better than James. B. Steve was known to play better than Mark.
C. James and Steve were good friends. D. James played better than Steve.
gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 295

9.20.25 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2017-2-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/118420

“We lived in a culture that denied any merit to literary works, considering them important only when they were
handmaidens to something seemingly more urgent – namely ideology. This was a country where all gestures,
even the most private, were interpreted in political terms.”

The author’s belief that ideology is not as important as literature is revealed by the word:

A. ‘culture’ B. ‘seemingly’
C. ‘urgent’ D. ‘political’
gate2017-2 passage-reading verbal-reasoning

9.20.26 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2018 EE: GA-10 top https://gateoverflow.in/205190

P, Q, R, and S crossed a lake in a boat that can hold a maximum of two persons, with only one set of oars.
The following additional facts are available.

i. The boat held two persons on each of the three forward trips across the lake and one person on each of
the two return trips.
ii. P is unable to row when someone else is in the boat.
iii. Q is unable to row with anyone else except R.
iv. Each person rowed for at least one trip.
v. Only one person can row during a trip.

Who rowed twice?

A. P B. Q C. R D. S
numerical-ability normal gate2018-ee verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.27 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2018 EE: GA-7 top https://gateoverflow.in/205187

In a certain code, AMCF is written as EQGJ and NKUF is written as ROY J . How will DHLP be written
in that code?


gate2018-ee general-aptitude numerical-ability easy verbal-reasoning

9.20.28 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2018 ME-2: GA-3 top https://gateoverflow.in/313639

Find the missing group of letters in the following series:

BC, FCH, LMNO, ______


gate2018-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.20.29 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2019 ME-1: GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/313605

Under a certain legal system, prisoners are allowed to make one statement. If their statements turns out to be
true then they are hanged. If the statements turns to be false then they are shot. One prisoner made a
statement and the judge had no option but to set him free. Which one of the following could be that statement?

A. I did not commit the crime B. I committed the crime

C. I will be shot D. You committed the crime
gate2019-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

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296 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

9.20.30 Verbal Reasoning: GATE2019-GA-6 top https://gateoverflow.in/302867

The police arrested four criminals – P, Q, R and S. The criminals knew each other. They made the following

P says “Q committed the crime.”

Q says “S committed the crime.”
R says “ I did not do it.”
S says “What Q said about me is false”.
Assume only one of the arrested four committed the crime and only one of the statements made above is true.
Who committed the crime?

A. P B. R C. S D. Q
gate2019 verbal-ability verbal-reasoning

9.21 Word Meaning (3) top

9.21.1 Word Meaning: GATE2017 EC-1: GA-1 top https://gateoverflow.in/313524

She has a sharp tongue and it can occasionally turn__________________

A. Hurtful B. Left C. Methodical D. Vital

gate2017-ec-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability word-meaning

9.21.2 Word Meaning: GATE2017 ME-1: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313664

As the two speakers become increasingly agitated, the debate became _________.

A. lukewarm B. poetic C. forgiving D. heated

gate2017-me-1 general-aptitude verbal-ability word-meaning

9.21.3 Word Meaning: GATE2017 ME-2: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/313676

If you choose plan P , you will have to _________ plan Q, as these two are mutually ________.
A. forgo, exclusive B. forget, inclusive
C. accept, exhaustive D. adopt, intrusive
gate2017-me-2 general-aptitude verbal-ability word-meaning

9.22 Word Pairs (9) top

9.22.1 Word Pairs: GATE2010 MN: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/312010

The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of words . Select the pair that best
expresses the relation in the original pair.

: Constitution
A. amendment : law B. prologue : play
C. episode : serial D. plot : story

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 297

general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-mn word-pairs

9.22.2 Word Pairs: GATE2010 TF: GA-2 top https://gateoverflow.in/312021

The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair the best
expresses the relation in the original pair.

: Scholar
A. steadfast : mercurial B. competence : strict
C. skill : craftsman D. nurse : doctor
general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2010-tf word-pairs

9.22.3 Word Pairs: GATE2010-60 top https://gateoverflow.in/2368

The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best
expresses the relation in the original pair.

Unemployed : Worker

A. fallow : land B. unaware : sleeper

C. wit : jester D. renovated : house
gate2010 verbal-ability word-pairs normal

9.22.4 Word Pairs: GATE2011 AG: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/312124

The question below consists of a pair of related words followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best
expresses the relation in the original pair:

Gladiator : Arena
A. dancer : stage B. commuter : train
C. teacher : classroom D. lawyer : courtroom
general-aptitude verbal-ability gate2011-ag word-pairs

9.22.5 Word Pairs: GATE2013 AE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40246

Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:

water: pipe::

A. cart: road B. electricity: wire

C. sea: beach D. music: instrument

gate2013-ae verbal-ability word-pairs

9.22.6 Word Pairs: GATE2013 CE: GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/40272

Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:

Medicine: Health

A. Science: Experiment B. Wealth: Peace

C. Education: Knowledge D. Money: Happiness
gate2013-ce word-pairs verbal-ability

9.22.7 Word Pairs: GATE2013-57 top https://gateoverflow.in/1560

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298 9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279)

Complete the sentence:

Universalism is to particularism as diffuseness is to _______________.

A. specificity B. neutrality C. generality D. adaptation

gate2013 verbal-ability normal word-pairs

9.22.8 Word Pairs: GATE2015-1-GA-5 top https://gateoverflow.in/8008

Which one of the following combinations is incorrect?

A. Acquiescence - Submission B. Wheedle - Roundabout

C. Flippancy - Lightness D. Profligate - Extravagant
gate2015-1 verbal-ability difficult word-pairs

9.22.9 Word Pairs: GATE2015-3-GA-4 top https://gateoverflow.in/8302

Select the pair of best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:

Children : Pediatrician

A. Adult : Orthopaedist B. Females : Gynaecologist

C. Kidney : Nephrologist D. Skin : Dermatologist
gate2015-3 verbal-ability easy word-pairs

Answers: Word Pairs

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9 General Aptitude: Verbal Ability (279) 299

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