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12-08-2019 toPhonetics

-I see it's been raining again

-aɪ siː ɪts biːn ˈreɪnɪŋ əˈgɛn

- yes I'm sorry it's been raining because my holidays

- jɛs aɪm ˈsɒri ɪts biːn ˈreɪnɪŋ bɪˈkəz maɪ ˈhɒlədeɪz

-are you going away ?

-ɑː jʊ ˈgəʊɪŋ əˈweɪ?
Well, we were thinking of going but I'm not too sure if the weather is uncertain.
wɛl , wi wə ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əv ˈgəʊɪŋ bət aɪm nɒt tuː ʃʊər ɪf ðə ˈwɛðə z ʌnˈsɜːtn .

It was on holiday in August and it's rained all the time we weren't able to sit on the beach once the whole
ɪt wəz ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ ɪn ˈɔːgəst ənd ɪts reɪnd ɔːl ðə taɪm wi wɜːnt ˈeɪbl tə sɪt ɒn ðə biːʧ wʌns ðə həʊl

I hope will be luckier than you were.

aɪ həʊp wɪl bi ˈlʌkɪə ðən jʊ wɜː .

-Well, we didn't exactly say, but he had lost of complaints about the work they had to do
-wɛl , wi dɪdnt ɪgˈzæktli seɪ , bət hi həd lɒst əv kəmˈpleɪnts əˈbaʊt ðə wɜːk ðeɪ həd tə duː
-They give them too much homework I supposed?
-ðeɪ gɪv ðəm tuː mʌʧ ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk aɪ səˈpəʊzd ?

-He didn't give me that impression. He said he'd done it all before, but they didn't do things in the same way
-hi dɪdnt gɪv mi ðət ɪmˈprɛʃən . hi sɛd hiːd dʌn ɪt ɔːl bɪˈfɔː , bət ðeɪ dɪdnt dʊ θɪŋz ɪn ðə seɪm weɪ

as they did at his old school. 2/11
12-08-2019 toPhonetics

əz ðeɪ dɪd ət ɪz əʊld skuːl .

-How does your daughter like her school?
-haʊ dəz jə ˈdɔːtə laɪk hə skuːl ?

-She's quite happy. She tells us they are teaching them to cook and they let them eat all they make. She's
-ʃiːz kwaɪt ˈhæpi . ʃi tɛlz əs ðeɪ ə ˈtiːʧɪŋ ðəm tə kʊk ənd ðeɪ lɛt ðəm iːt ɔːl ðeɪ meɪk . ʃiːz

got a great appetite , and so she has no complaint at all. She's much happier than my son is . She seems
gɒt ə greɪt ˈæpɪtaɪt, ənd səʊ ʃi həz nəʊ kəmˈpleɪnt ət ɔːl. ʃiːz mʌʧ ˈhæpɪə ðən maɪ sʌn ɪz. ʃi siːmz
to have more to do than he has , and she's enjoying herself .
tə həv mɔː tə dʊ ðən hi hæz, ənd ʃiːz ɪnˈʤɔɪɪŋ hɜːˈsɛlf.

-It's a pity you can't put them in the same school, isn't it ?
-ɪts ə ˈpɪti jʊ kɑːnt pʊt ðəm ɪn ðə seɪm skuːl , ˈɪznt ɪt?

Sentence practice :
ˈsɛntəns ˈpræktɪs:

-Have you seen today's papers ?

-həv jʊ siːn təˈdeɪz ˈpeɪpəz?
-No , but my wife has . She told me they'd caught that murder.
-nəʊ, bət maɪ waɪf hæz. ʃi təʊld mi ðeɪd kɔːt ðət ˈmɜːdə .

-Yes, they've found him at last . He'd been hiding in London, but he was seen near his home by a detective
-jɛs , ðeɪv faʊnd ɪm ət lɑːst. hiːd biːn ˈhaɪdɪŋ ɪn ˈlʌndən , bət hi wəz siːn nɪə hɪz həʊm baɪ ə dɪˈtɛktɪv

-They all make the same mistake . If I'd done anything like that I'd make for the continent . But I'm glad to
-ðeɪ ɔːl meɪk ðə seɪm mɪsˈteɪk. ɪf aɪd dʌn ˈɛnɪθɪŋ laɪk ðət aɪd meɪk fə ðə ˈkɒntɪnənt. bət aɪm glæd tə

hear they're caught him .

hɪə ðeə kɔːt hɪm.

Sentence practice
ˈsɛntəns ˈpræktɪs
-How do you always manage to get here before i do ?
-haʊ dʊ jʊ ˈɔːlweɪz ˈmænɪʤ tə gɛt hɪə bɪˈfɔːr aɪ duː?

-Well, I get up very early. I'll let you into a secret . If I set my alarm clock for seven, I can always be
-wɛl , aɪ gɛt ʌp ˈvɛri ˈɜːli . aɪl lɛt jʊ ˈɪntə ə ˈsiːkrɪt. ɪf aɪ sɛt maɪ əˈlɑːm klɒk fə ˈsɛvn , aɪ kən ˈɔːlweɪz bi 3/11
12-08-2019 toPhonetics

awake at six -thirty because I can't stand the noise it makes.

əˈweɪk ət sɪks-ˈθɜːti bɪˈkəz aɪ kɑːnt stænd ðə nɔɪz ɪt meɪks .
-You must lay awake for hours.
-jʊ məst leɪ əˈweɪk fər ˈaʊəz.

-I used to, but now I can tell what time it is by the light in the sky . I don't really need a clock any more.
-aɪ juːzd tʊ, bət naʊ aɪ kən tɛl wɒt taɪm ɪt s baɪ ðə laɪt ɪn ðə skaɪ. aɪ dəʊnt ˈrɪəli niːd ə klɒk ˈɛni mɔː .

- It must be great advantage . But I think you are more energetic than I am .
- ɪt məst bi greɪt ədˈvɑːntɪʤ. bət aɪ θɪŋk jʊ ə mɔːr ˌɛnəˈʤɛtɪk ðən aɪ æm.

Sentence practice :
ˈsɛntəns ˈpræktɪs:
-What are your looking at ?
-wɒt ə jə ˈlʊkɪŋ æt?

-I'm looking for a present for Jim's birthday . Some sort of tie would do . That's what i'm looking at here.
-aɪm ˈlʊkɪŋ fər ə ˈprɛznt fə ʤɪmz ˈbɜːθdeɪ. sʌm sɔːt əv taɪ wəd duː. ðæts wɒt aɪm ˈlʊkɪŋ ət hɪə .

They've got dozens of them

ðeɪv gɒt ˈdʌznz əv ðɛm
-They've got all sorts, haven't they? From dark, blue and for the office to flowery ones for I don't know what
-ðeɪv gɒt ɔːl sɔːts , hævnt ðeɪ ? frəm dɑːk , bluː ənd fə ði ˈɒfɪs tə ˈflaʊəri wʌnz fər aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ wɒt


-I know what Jim wants one for. He want's one for the office. He never wears one for any other occasion.
-aɪ nəʊ wɒt ʤɪm wɒnts wʌn fɔː . hi wɒnts wʌn fə ði ˈɒfɪs . hi ˈnɛvə weəz wʌn fər ˈɛni ˈʌðər əˈkeɪʒən. 4/11

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