An Analysis of Indonesian-English Code Mixing On Economic and Education Column of The Gorontalo Post Newspaper

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An Analysis of Indonesian-English Code Mixing on Economic and

Education Column of the Gorontalo Post Newspaper

Nurmalia Gandura
English Education Department Faculty of Letters and Culture
State University of Gorontalo
Supervised By:

Dra. Hj. Sartin Miolo, M.Hum & Titien F Mohammad, S.Pd, M.App.Ling


Numalia Gandura (2013): “An analysis of Indonesian-English Code Mixing

on Economic and Education Column of The Gorontalo post Newspaper”.
English department, Faculty Letters and Culture, Gorontalo State
University. First advisor Dra. Hj. Sartin Miolo, M.Hum and second advisor
Titien F Mohammad S.Pd, M.App.Ling

This study aims to find out the kinds of code mixing in newspaper. The sources of
the data in this study are words and phrases contained of code mixing that found
in newspaper of Gorontalo Post. The method of this research is quantitative
descriptive method. The data of this research were collected from the news on
economic and education column of the Gorontalo Post. There were two phases
have been to collect the data. There collected the news of economic and education
column make clipping and support the data through editors of news.
The result of this research could be concluded that in newspaper of the Gorontalo
Post. There are 58 words and 22 phrases include to phenomenon of code mixing
and used in Gorontalo Post. Words and phrase consist in three types of code
mixing. There are insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization.

Keywords: Sociolinguistic, Code mixing, Gorontalo Post newspaper

Human communication by spoken and written from to express ideas and feelings or
giving people information. Communication is not only happen in conversation between
people, but also it can be occur in media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazine,
books, films, etc. It has big relationship with information and every day we need
information to update our knowledge, we can obtain a lot of information out of doors. We
can find the information in spoken or written form. In spoken form, we can find in
television and radio. In written form, the information we can find in discourses, novel,
article, short story, and newspaper. People can obtain information from newspaper
namely; advertisement, infotainment, announcements, education, criminal, society,
opinion, cartoons, sport, etc. Newspaper consists of some articles. Newspaper are
contains of two versions; online version and printed edition. As English becomes the
international language, many newspapers published in English. Not only in national
newspaper published in English, but also in local newspaper frequently used
English words in the content. Many words written in English and they mix up one
language with another language, this language phenomenon is referred to code mixing
in which two languages are mixed in a sentence. Nowadays, code mixing occurs in
spoken language like in classroom activity, radio advertisement, television and it might
appear. However, people cannot realize code mixing is also occurring in written text.
Moreover, many researchers discuss about code mixing in spoken language. In
findings, many examples of code mixing produced by written text such as in
newspaper especially in local newspaper.

Language is one of systems of communication, a system that is unique to human beings
and different from, for instance, the systems of communication that animals
employ. Language exists in three modes; of them speech, writing, and signs. Although all
languages exist in spoken form, also some have written forms. Because language is a
system of communication, it is useful to compare it with other systems of
communication. Sociolinguistics and critical linguistic (Cameron 1995, Tracy 2002)
among scholar and other disciplines, hold that language is oftentimes not only used as a
means of information communication, but also as major a tool in the process of social
construction. The assumption that linguistic behavior is social practice, (Eckert 2000,
Cumperz 1982, Myers-Scotton 1993) argues that language is an instrument of
identity construction. Moreover, (Eckert , 2000:41) observer that, “the individual’s
engagement in world is a constant process of identity construction”.


Code mixing and code switching are common phenomena in bilingual society, the
meaning of bilingual is capability people to use two language and they have wide
changes more than multilingual. Bilingualism is habitual of people to use two
languages interact to other people, and bilingually is ability of people to use two
languages. Traks (2004:32) argue, “Bilingualism can be the property of an individual,
but equally it can be the property of an entire speech community in which two or more
language are used”. Multilingual is able to speak three or more language when his
communicated with other.

Code is system of words, letters and number of symbols that represent a message or
record information secretly or in a shorter form (Oxford, 2000:79). In communication,
code is a rule for change of information for example; word or phrase and thus we have
been focusing on the level of word. In communication and information code is that
process by which an object performs this conversation of information into data. In
semiotic, the concept of code is a fundamental importance. A code is a method used to
transform a message. Romaine (1995:22) the term code is a relatively neutral
conceptualization of a linguistic variety or a dialect. However, to define precisely what a
dialect is, and in fact, the term has come to be use in various ways. The example of
dialect is the regional dialect.


Languages used for daily activity of human in their conversation, therefore

definition of language as communication between human. Language as one of many
different system of communication, a system that unique to human beings and different
from, for instance, the system of communication that animals employ. Language exists in
three modes: speech, writing, and sings, but in human language most frequently through
two primary modes: speech and writing. Language is basically oral and that the oral
symbols represents meaning as they are related to real life situation and experience (Oka
I. G. N, 1994:6). Therefore, language is highly related to code but they are has a different
form. Language is code and code is kind of languages. Human communication to
express their ideas, fillings it is languages and in communication, a code is rule for
converting of information into another form or representation.


Code Mixing is a style of language in society. The use of code mixing necessity as if
there is cannot to translate in the Indonesian language. Therefore, the use of mixed
Indonesian language to English refers to the principle of language concise, clear, and not
ambiguous. Code mixing is the embedding words, phrases, and clauses from a
cooperative activity where the participants, in order or infer what is intended, must
reconcile what they hear with what they understand. Maschier (1998) defined code
mixing or mixed code as “using two language such that a third, new code emerges, in
which elements from two language are incorporate into a structurally definable pattern”
(p.125). According (Muysken, 2000) as cited in Cardenas-Claros and Isharyanti (2009,
p.69) defines three types of code mixing: insertion, alternation and congruent

a) Insertion of material from one language into a structure of the other language.

Example of insertion (Indonesian/English): Tergantung team dan juga tergantung

event. (It depends on the team and on the event)

b) Alternation between structures from language. Example of alternation

(English/Indonesian): I mean, ganti ke kalimat lain dalam bahasa indonesia. (I
mean, change to indonesian sentence)

c) Congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a

shared grammatical structure. Example of congruent lexicalization
(Indonesian/English): software gua buat convert file wav jadi mp3 gua uda
expired. (My software for converting wav files to mp3 has expired)

Although, studies of code mixing have generally focused on oral language, cross lingual
mixing can also be seen in written language. According (Takasi, 1990:50) there are
five reasons why there is a code mixing phenomenon in society: first, mixed foreign
words fill lexical gap because there is no native equivalent. Second, they are technical
terms that are used in same situations but they are more technical and special than the
native equivalent. Code mixed can distinguish from the expert of code switching from
one language or another language. Code mixing is a matter of bilingualism that is
understood a matter of individual competence of two or mare language, which is found in
a single individual when used in society in concerns (1) the pattern of using the two
languages, (2) Frequency of language usage (3) in environment or domain (Nababan,
1984:7). Code mixing itself is rarely use in written from that is more grammatical.



Code mixing in the form of words

- Soal tanah dan bangunan sudah dibicarakan dengan pihak developer

Developer who has expertise buildings and the word “developer” in Indonesian
mean “pembangunan”, in the sentence above the writer uses this term. It also usually
applied in our society. The word is involved in category of insertion in code mixing.
Therefore, it becomes the phenomenon of code mixing because the writer uses two
languages Indonesian and English. The factor of using code mixing in Gorontalo Post
is because it is familiar in society and demands for creativity of the editors.

- Gubernur warning proses pengadaan benih

- Gubernur memberikan warning kepada para pekerja yang terkait pengadaan

There is code mixing between English that inserted into Indonesian sentence. The word,
which is inserted into Indonesian, is “warning”. It means a term or sign is telling about a
possible danger may happen in the future. In Indonesian, it means “peringatan” and
they usually use this term to be a sign about something danger.

- Problem pedet di lobi hotel

- Problem sekarang, perusahaan sawit mana yang layak melakukan investasi

There is code mixing between Indonesian and English “problem” and it is English
word that in Indonesian means “Masalah”. The word is involved in category of insertion
in code mixing. “Problem” means thing that is difficult to understand and relation
between human will and reality and need the resolution when will and reality do not
coincide. Gorontalo Post use this term because many people know that the problem
means “masalah” and it becomes a usual word among them.

- Kita kekurangan sapi dan akhirnya harus import daging sapi tiap tahun
- Kasus suap import daging sapi di kemetrian pertanian tahun 2013
- Gorontalo import gula dari Thailand

In the three examples of the sentences above, we can see the phenomenon of code
mixing. “Import” is code mixing from English into Indonesian and this term usually used
in economics. It services brought in from one country to another country for sale also
means the economic value of all goods and services that are imported. Nevertheless, this
term distrustful of auto correct in computer. It said in Indonesian spelling “import”
become “impor”. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian.
“Import” is consist of transaction in goods and services for sales, barter, gifts or grants. It
is also usually used in Gorontalo Post in economic news.
Code mixing in the form of Phrase

- Partisipasi perempuan merupakan langkah strategi guna meningkatkan kinerja

good government
There is “good government” they are mixed from English and Indonesian, it tells
about how the affairs and manage public resource. It explains about the concept, method
or system the responsibility of governments and governing the need of people in
society. In Indonesian, it means “pemerintahan yang baik” and this term often
emerges in economic or political.

- Pengresmian asrama boarding school SMA N 3 gorontalo oleh bupati

There is code mixing of English phrase that is “boarding school”. It explained a

school where some or all people study and stay during the school year with their
students and teachers or administrators. Boarding school refers to dormitory and
Indonesian means ‘asrama siswa”. Actually, it helps students to prepare for college
entrance, most commonly to assimilate students about academics before college.

- Talk show universitas paramadina-IAIN Sultan Amay

It from English “talk show” is familiar in the young people. “Talk show” is a
program or agenda of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to
whatever issue being discuss on the show. Usually, talk shows occur in television
program or radio program. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into
Indonesian and become an Indonesianized English.

- Indikasi maraknya illegal logging di kawasan hutan ternyata benar adanya

From the sentence above, there is “illegal logging”. They mixed from English and
Indonesian, it tells about against law, extraction of something without permission from a
protected area or the extraction of something in excess of agreed limits. Illegal logging
also occurs in the purchase or sale, transportation, harvest and the forests. This term hard
to say and explained in Indonesian but some people understand when they used this term
pin their conversation activity and write report, news or statement. It also become an
Indonesianized English or belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian

a) Insertion

Insertion is one of the types of code mixing, insertion of material from one
language into a structure of another language. In Gorontalo Post the researchers found
the words and phrases are involved in category of insertion in code mixing are:

Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing

No Insertion (words) Sentence

Soal tanah dan bangunan sudah dibicarakan dengan
1 developer pihak developer (March 2nd. 2013)
2 warning Gubernur memberikan warning kepada para pekerja
yang terkait pengadaan
Gubernur warning proses pengadaan benih
(March 2nd. 2013)
3 import Kita kekurangan sapi dan akhirnya harus import
daging sapi tiap tahun (March 4th. 2013)

Kasus suap import daging sapi di kemetrian

pertanian tahun 2013 (March 27th. 2013)

Gorontalo import gula dari Thailand (March 21st.


4 growth Sementara dari segi growth, sektor tersebut tumbuh

tahunan sebesar 23,32 persen meningkat (March
4th. 2013)
5 continue Harus secara continue melakukan evaluasi terhadap
seluruh SKPD (March 4th. 2013)
6 intense Diperlukan koordinasi dan komunikasi secara intense
diantara semua pihak (March 4th. 2013)
7 outstanding Kredit skala kecil memilii outstanding terbesar
diantara skala kredit lain (March 4th. 2013)
8 final Forum seperti itu diharapkan ada solusi final dan
credible credible tentang penyelesaian masalah (March 4th.
9 illegal Waspada terhadap barang-barang illegal (March 4th.
10 launching Kegiatan launching buku sejarah perjuangan
patriotik 23 januari (March 4th. 2013)

Kegiatan launching 50 tahun emas diawali dengan

senam pagi (March 9th. 2013)

Kegiatan launching ini, merupakan persembahan

fakultas tehnik (March 14th. 2013)

11 gender Keberpihakan pada orang miskin dan gender akan

menjamin kebijaka (March 5th. 2013)
12 fundamental beberapa karakter fundamental ekonomi daerah
mampu mendukung capaian ini (March 5th. 2013)

13 material Kontruksi yang banyak menggunakan material

pabrikan (March 5th. 2013)
14 point Gubernur menyepakati 5 point penting untuk
regional pembangunan regional selawesi Masih (March 5th.
15 cottage ada lagi anggaran untuk sejumlah cottage (March 6th.
16 meeting Bisnis meeting dan pameran international ekonomi
international dan pariwisata (March 7th. 2013)
17 auditor Perhitungan auditor dari inspektorat mendapat
kerugian (March 7th. 2013)
18 reviewer UNG undang tim reviewer dikti (March 8th. 2013)
kerjasama antar pemda dan UMG untuk me-review
pelaksanaan pembanguna (March 8th. 2013)
19 for 3,5 M for ormas keagamaan dan kepemudaan (March
8th. 2013)
Rektor akan sediakan lahan pemanen for papert
(March 13th. 2013)
20 entrepreneurship Pendidikan entrepreneurship tiga jenjang selam 18
minggu (March 13th. 2013)

Example of phrases are involved in category of insertion in code mixing

No Insertion (phrases) Sentence

1 good government Partisipasi perempuan merupakan langkah strategi

guna meningkatkan kinerja good government
(March 2 . 2013)
2 boarding school Pengresmian asrama boarding school SMA N 3
gorontalo oleh bupati (March 4th. 2013)
3 illegal logging Indikasi maraknya illegal logging di kawasan hutan
ternyata benar adanya (March 6th. 2013)
4 mark-up Ini meminimalisir adanya mark-up dalam
penggunaan anggaran (March 6th. 2013)
5 back-up Sektor-sekrot itu akan di back-up langsung (March
7th. 2013)
6 long time Pembangunan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dan
sistematis dengan visi long time (March 7th. 2013)
7 living cost Mahasiswa cukup memikirkan living cost dan
akomodasi lainnya (March 8th. 2013)
8 fun bike Kegiatan tersebut dilanjutkan dengan fun bike dari
seluruh pimpinan universitas (March 9th. 2013)
9 investor local Gorontalo nampaknya mulai membuka peluang para
investor local (March 11th. 2013)
10 be excellent Hadirkan mantan dekan mewujutkan MIPA be
excellent (March 11th. 2013)
b) Alternation

Alternation between structures from language and the characteristic of alternation

code mixing usually from English into Indonesian sentence. In Gorontalo Post the
researchers found the words and phrases are involved in category of insertion in code
mixing are:

Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing

No Alternation (words) Sentence
1 Problem Problem pedet di lobi hotel
Problem sekarang, perusahaan sawit mana yang
layak melakukan investasi
2 Moment Moment ini tentu juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk
mempelajri pasar ekonomi
3 Trend Trend pengembangan ekonomi yang dilakukan di
4 Workshop Workshop itu akan dilaksanakan selama 4 hari
5 Buyers’ Buyers’ jerman tertarik dengan kopi pinogu
6 Monitoring Monitoring pengembangan jagung di kabupaten

Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing

No Insertion (phrases) Sentence

1 Talk show Talk show universitas paramadina-IAIN Sultan
2 General checkup General checkup dan tes narkoba digelar sehari
3 Memorandum of Memorandum of understanding (MoU) yang
understanding (MoU) ditandatangani oleh dinas

c) Congruent lexicalization

Congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a shared

grammatical structure. In Gorontalo Post the researches not found the words or phrases
are involved in category of congruent lexicalization in code mixing.

Code mixing is a phenomenon of bilingual and multilingual society. In fact, mixing
phenomenon occur many codes in society. Moreover, people know more than one
language and it means they used more than one language while they are speaking or
writing. Code mixing is the changes of one language to another within the same
utterance or in the same oral or written text. Code mixing occurs if one language
inserted into another language, such as Indonesian and English, Indonesian and
Gorontalist. This research is analyzing the code mixing from newspaper of
Gorontalo Post.

Code mixing in newspaper of Gorontalo post is demanding a creativity of the

editors. As the background, they used common words or phrases to be easier to
understand and remember. Nevertheless, the words and phrase miss function and makes
the sentences ambiguity even there is error in typing of words or phrases. It should be
correct in such a way that the news, in order to achieve the function and goal. The news
on newspaper contain the aspect of transmitting information to the readers and making
the readers absorb the information are very important, especially when the readers found
English words ranges to every sentences of news.

News, which is usually use English word, is usually the news of ceremony. News
divided into two categories. They are ceremony news and non-ceremony news. The way
to write ceremony news is depend on the way of journalist write something, so that it
often uses English words. Non-ceremony news such as an issue or even but is rarely use
English word.

The factors that affected the editor use code mixing because the word is already
familiar in the society, the way of journalist rite something and it is usually because the
demanding to be a creative journalist. So that they often mix language to make, the news
becomes more interesting.

The styles of code mixing in newspaper consist mixing of words and phrases
inserted to sentences of news. The words used come from foreign language, which
mixed in the news of newspaper into a single sentence. The phenomenon of code mixing
in newspaper is depending on the news and announcement which gotten from outside and
on the vocabulary of other language that editor and journalists make have. More code
mixing types the created in newspaper. According Muysken (2002) (as cited in Cardenas-
Carlos and Isharyanti 2009, p.69) defined three types of code mixing. Those are
insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. (a) insertion of material from one
language into a structure of the other language. (b) alternation between structure of
language. (c) congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories
into a shared grammatical structure. Based the data that obtained from the interview, they
usually used code mixing in the news of newspaper, the general reason is they are using
in order to explain the meaning of the other words to another language become

Based on the three types of code mixing mostly occur in newspaper of the Gorontalo Post
is insertion and the second rank is alternation. The congruent lexicalization types
infrequently used in Gorontalo Post newspaper. Several words inserted the
phenomenon of code mixing in word rank dominantly the words is “launching and
import” mostly occur in newspaper of the Gorontalo Post. The frequently is about three
times or the frequency is 5.17 percent. Come to the second rank that it is mostly used is
has ten words with the frequently is about two times or the frequency is 3.44 percent. In
addition, the other words have a frequently is about once or the frequency is 1.72 percent.
Some phrases inserted Indonesian code mixing in phrase rank dominantly the English
phrases “MoU (memorandum of understanding) mostly occur in newspaper of the
Gorontalo Post. The frequently is about five times or the frequency is 22.72 percent. The
second rank that it is mostly used “back-up” is about 2 times or the frequency is 9.09
percent and the last have 15 words with the frequently is about one time or the
frequency is 4.54 percent.
The total of code mixing occur in newspaper of the Gorontalo Post consist 80
cases, those consist of 58 words and 22 phrases. The percentage of total code mixing is
72.5 percent of words and 27.5 percent of phrases.

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